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    Re-Equip Questions


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    Re-Equip Questions Empty Re-Equip Questions

    Post by Seenter 3rd March 2017, 12:36 pm

    I have questions on the nature of re-equip magic, for any that can lend some insight please.

    First I understand that all re-equip spells are either armor, weapon, or a spell that functions to be cast through specific re-equip spells. There's no way to cast a regular spell unless it's through a re-equip item?

    Second is about the active and passive spells:
    Active: I'm guessing these are similar to the summons who can use their active like a spell. So an active spell example on a shield re-equip: Create a barrier of stone and dirt that blocks a specific amount of damage for one post. This would be a separate effect to the amount the shield can normally block right?
    Passive: These are pretty much effects that boost stats in some way correct? So passives that reduce damage by a specific amount per post is not allowed?

    Third are re-equips that don't really block or deal damage. Like a pair of shoes that grant constant featherfall or a shadow hand that causes paralysis for a certain number of posts. How are those treated?


    Christopher Seenter | Chris's Bank
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    Re-Equip Questions Empty Re: Re-Equip Questions

    Post by redheadedstepchild 3rd March 2017, 2:53 pm

    Let me see if I can help you out here. My comments will be in My favorite color.

    Seenter wrote:I have questions on the nature of re-equip magic, for any that can lend some insight please.

    First I understand that all re-equip spells are either armor, weapon, or a spell that functions to be cast through specific re-equip spells. There's no way to cast a regular spell unless it's through a re-equip item?

    That is correct, however a lot of Wizards have lesser versions of requips in their normal magic that might suit your wants or needs better than an actual requip.

    Second is about the active and passive spells:
    Active: I'm guessing these are similar to the summons who can use their active like a spell. So an active spell example on a shield re-equip: Create a barrier of stone and dirt that blocks a specific amount of damage for one post. This would be a separate effect to the amount the shield can normally block right?

    Yup, actives have different effects and could in theory block damage higher than the amount a shield could.

    Passive: These are pretty much effects that boost stats in some way correct? So passives that reduce damage by a specific amount per post is not allowed?

    Passives are like UA's that don't have a cool down, so resistance to damage, a speed boost, or something like that. That being said an armor might not be allowed to give a resistance to damage since it already sort of does that but a weapon might.

    Third are re-equips that don't really block or deal damage. Like a pair of shoes that grant constant featherfall or a shadow hand that causes paralysis for a certain number of posts. How are those treated?

    This would be up to the Mod grading your magic to work out with you. I don't see why either of those things wouldn't be allowed, but work with your grader and something you can both agree on should come of it.

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    Re-Equip Questions Empty Re: Re-Equip Questions

    Post by Shard 4th March 2017, 10:58 am

    Requip falls into several key features

    Weapons - These are offensive items (guns/swords/spears/daggers etc) that a user can summon. These have an active ability such as coating the sword in flame to increase damage or launch off a blade of air. These also have a passive ability which could be something like it allows you to fly whilst requipped.

    Armors - These are defensive items (shields/armor/helmets) that a user can summon. These have an active ability such as creating a barrier around the user temporarily. These also have a passive ability like walking on water or resistance to a specific weapon.

    Special - These are extra active abilities for a specific requip. E.g. you might have a sword that allows you to coat it in flame as its normal active ability and then this 'special ability' could create a tornado of flame around you or create a second sword out of fire or something.

    Support- This is perhaps the bit you were asking about. Support requips function basically as armor. They just have a support function rather than an offensive/defensive ability.

    Hope that helps.

    If I was to give an example of each:

    Armor - Lightning Empress -
    Passive - Resistance to Lightning
    Active - Lightning Blade - Coats the user's arm in lightning to increase offensive damage
    Special - Lightning Shield - Creates a barrier of lightning in front of the user

    Weapon- Air Blade -
    Passive - User can telekinetically control the sword
    Active - Launches off a blade of air
    Special - A tornado of air twirls around the user blowing away opponents

    Support- Boots of the wind -
    Passive - User can run extra fast
    Active - User can temporarily run on air
    Special - User can walk on walls


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