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    Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta)

    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

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    Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta) Empty Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta)

    Post by Chloe Rivers 5th February 2017, 5:29 pm


    A smile finally crossed Chloe's lips as she peered at the board in front of her. Looking at all the job listings she was confused on what they should take on first, many things ranged from D to A-class jobs, and while her eyes gazed at all of the jobs without even a single thought or concept of what the rankings even were she instinctively knew which were dangerous. The first one that she had picked up was something about capturing bandits that were harassing a nearby town. The job classification was B-rank, and the reward was quite nice. It made her cringe that when she picked the paper up from the job board she had gotten a few stares from the surrounding mages until she placed it back.

    "How tough could that even be"

    Her words showed cruelty to the fact while she was inexperienced, she was still a predator by nature. Despite this, she still started to scan around until she found another paper titled lost puppies.

    "Oh, look a lost puppy one like you mentioned, lets do this one"
    she giggled, handing the paper to Lanta whom should be near her.



    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
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    Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta) Empty Re: Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta)

    Post by Switchblade 8th February 2017, 2:23 pm

    Lanta would have been hot on her heels the whole time, well. As hot on her heels as a normal man could be with a wildly impulsive and unpredictable 'fluffy' as she liked being called, he eventually arrives behind her, panting as he looked the board over, his eyes immediately drawn to looking over the high level jobs, sighing as he imagines the sheer power and ability of the mages who took those, as well as the self sacrifice that those same mages may endure for the end result. {Impressive to the highest degree of the word. Maybe one day...} he glances back to his partner {Maybe one day someone else will glance at the jobs we are doing in this way.}

    He snaps back to reality as he feels gazes on them, looking at the poster she had picked up with a sigh "Chloe, remember, that one says to capture them. We may need to do some training with your combat restrictions before we do something like that." he pats her back gently "One day though."

    He looks at the poster he is handed with a laugh and a nod "Perfect, what did I say? People are always losing their puppies around here it seems. This one will be a nice perfect start for us." He pats the poster happily "Shall we?"



    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

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    Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta) Empty Re: Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta)

    Post by Chloe Rivers 8th February 2017, 10:27 pm

    A chuckle escaped her mouth as she handed Lanta the paper. Her ears had twitched almost in junction with her tail as she thought of an idea. Two puppies were lost, and she had two edges. One, teleportation. Two, feline like senses. The idea was to challenge Lanta to a race, pure fun and full of childish reasons. It even became apparent the moment she tilted her head to the side with a smile the moment her head was patted.

    "Race you~"

    With no warning, her entire body faded from this universes existence. She had teleported ar away, and popped into the portal to her own realm before ending up back within the universe on top of a larger building. Puppies, where do they hide? A strange question to ask but Chloe was currently sitting up top a rather huge vantage point, not to take in the gorgeous view, but to scan all of the streets, keeping a fair eye on every allyway until she heard a 'yip' off in the distance. It sounded painful and that sprung her attention like a bee who had it's hive messed with. After all, the pain filled sound of a dog's yip make her attention curious as to who was harming a fluffy, even if she herself saw the puppies as food, she saw no reason to inflict merciless pain on them either.

    With that in mind, she teleported once more, landing on top of another building not too far from the yipping sound, though nothing was found upon the first immediate scan of the area.



    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Card magic
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    Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta) Empty Re: Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta)

    Post by Switchblade 10th February 2017, 1:38 am

    Lanta smiles softly as he takes the flyer from her to scan it over in its entirety, nodding as he reads it "Yeah this sounds good, nice spot Chloe." He goes to pin the poster back on the wall, still smiling almost ear to ear; he had a team now, someone he could rely on and could rely on him; this was a good feeling. One he could... And she was gone.

    A race, well this would be 'easy' at least for once he knew who the winner would be, just wished he had time to make bets on it, could have earned some serious- wait. This wasn't the time for consideration on possible bets, he had just been challenged to a race, this was an almost gamble. How well she knew him already. With that he takes to his heels, sprinting out of the guild hall as he just bolted in a straight line, yelling as he ran "Oh this is /so/ not fair!" glad for his running ability as he finally started to hear the sounds of little yips and yaps, sounds good, and hopefully a puppy and not Chloe trying to knock him off course. He keeps following the noises as they get louder, the sounds almost sounding pained now. He bites his lip, starting to become tired from all this running.



    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

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    Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta) Empty Re: Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta)

    Post by Chloe Rivers 11th February 2017, 4:06 pm

    If one were to ask you what Existence meant, how would you answer? To Chloe, that question was asked almost every time she watched her own body fade from reality, vanishing entirely only to re-appear a second or two later at another location. Her teleportation was truly a cheat on this 'race' but it was all fun and games anyways to her. At least that was how she wanted it to be. She had scanned the area that yipping was heard, only to realize it was not too far from here. A second teleportation back onto the ground was all she needed to do to witness what was really going on.

    Even though she noticed Lanta arriving to the scene it may be yet still too late. While Chloe indeed noticed the small box where whining and yipping was coming from. As Chloe shifted her gaze towards the box her typical happy expression changed to a rather dark one, almost as if she was holding a lack of emotion or care, almost as if she was turning pure unadulterated primal. Her ears began to fold back when she took notice of the poorly treated small puppies.

    To make matters worse, Chloe already raise up a hand, extending out her claws, and infusing magic to make a thin layer of razor sharp magic coat her entire left hand. It by any on looker would look like Chloe was ready to kill. Kill what though? To be exact, the reason why Chloe was so angered, was a small teenage boy was currently strangeling one of the puppies, trying to kill them, and behind the child, were other dead animals, a few being felines. It wasn't the puppies that had set Chloe off, but it was instead the dead felines behind the teenager.

    "Release it, or I rip your throat out" she snarled. Waiting for both Lanta's reaction, and also the teenager's reaction as well.



    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Card magic
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    Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta) Empty Re: Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta)

    Post by Switchblade 14th February 2017, 11:56 am

    Lanta rounds the corner into the area, the sight before him as well as his own exhaustion leading him to almost be sick, the sight of the obviously deranged child and their previous murders enough to drive him almost over the edge, however there was something else; animals to him, were companions, at least cats and dogs were, so the idea of some over or under privileged kid abusing them to get some kind of sadistic pleasure from it. This kind of display of cruelty was beyond unforgivable. But he did not have long to ponder what to do next as he spied Chloe getting ready to do something, and that something did not look like it would be pleasant in the slightest. He thought back through possible ideas, using his magic on this kid would be a bit overkill perhaps, at this point it was getting the innocent animal in his hands away from him.

    He looks to Chloe, gesturing for her to hold still "Hang on, Chloe. Think I can handle this!" he yells up to her as he goes to approach the boy carefully, trying to make eye contact with it as he approaches, keeping his hands up to show he has no weapons, if the boy made eye contact with him, his lineage would activate, trapping the boy inside a world of horrifying illusions, the corpses of the dead animals, the one in his hands, and the two mages approaching him morphing into terrifying and evil looking versions which would lurch towards him, aiming to cause him harm. He would feel like they are, but no harm would actually become of him, it would be more like he was having the worst bad trip in history. He wanted this boy to suffer for this crime and it showed in his expression, anger visible in his eyes, practically burning.



    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

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    Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta) Empty Re: Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta)

    Post by Chloe Rivers 14th February 2017, 4:51 pm

    Patience here was not something Chloe was willing to have. Her menacing stare was enough to even make the small animals no longer afraid of the teenage child, but rather afraid of her. If there was any clear sign that Chloe was about to decapitate the small child right now then it would be the razor sharp teeth she was currently baring, along with now both hands having her nails extended out, and coated with a magical layer. That said, the magical aura was more than around her nails, but quickly coating her entire body with an array of green hues before finally a thin coating of green began to settle on her, almost as if she was about to warp away. If she vanished now, the child would surely be dead, and she would never be seen again after the murder. Yet, this was different.

    Her ears still yet heard Lanta's words, and while she stood there, in an enraged state, she indeed ended up vanishing the moment the child's hands released the puppy. Though where Chloe was now, was not a mystery, she was already kneeling by the box. Two puppies, both unharmed thanks to how Lanta and herself had intervened. This much was at least a small win, though the corpses behind the child, they were a reminder to Chloe how not everyone appreciates animals in the world.

    "Lets go, before I kill him"

    Where did this cold blooded tone of voice come from? A lack of care of the human life, a lack of care for a childish mistake? Who knows, but yet Chloe possessed that dark cold tone, and had used it when speaking to Lanta, to not just hurry the situation, but to show to him how much this meant to her. The child though? They had ran off in tears, screaming from the horrific illusions.

    As far as Chloe was concerned, the job was done, and she had headed towards the client's home to return the puppies.

    "Job done, lets find another"

    900+/900 - My part is done.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Card magic
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    Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta) Empty Re: Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta)

    Post by Switchblade 15th February 2017, 2:50 am

    Lanta waits and watches, he knew full well what could happen here; she was beyond enraged and he understood exactly why she would be. These were closer to her species than humans were afterall. Therefore she would seek retribution and vengeance for them. And judging by their prior conversations too, he did not expect this child to survive. That belief was further encouraged when he looked over his shoulder towards Chloe, seeing that look in her eyes he could understand now why the eyes of the puppies had instead moved to her, that was the kind of look that promised it could take his illusions and somehow top them in the worst of ways.

    And yet, suddenly, the child was gone. Running away, completely intact, except perhaps mentally but he deserved some sort of punishment. As for Chloe, she had warped, which scared Lanta massively, to be overwhelmed by a wave of relief as she appeared by the box with the puppies. This relief was short lived when he heard the tone of voice she used to speak to him, something which, even to him as her friend, was quite frankly a scary experience.

    He nods in response to getting going, gesturing for her to lead "Sure, let's go." He follows her along all the way back to the clients home, once they had gotten there and returned the puppies he sighs in relief. "Let's not do another quite yet. I have somewhere I want to take you first."

    900+/900- Ditto


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

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    Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta) Empty Re: Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta)

    Post by Chloe Rivers 16th February 2017, 3:23 am

    ooc: Due to me 1. not noticing it was 15 with 150, instead of 10 with 150, I miscalculated to words needed. We require 1250 each, and not 900 each. I appologize to both my job partner, and the mod that had to review this.

    With my latest post, my word count would have been 1121 of 1250, and thus with this post now I will be finishing the requirement.

    Returning the puppies felt relieving to her, but at that same token, she felt terrified for them for the sole fact she knew what would have happened had she not found them. Each job, no matter how small held an impact to someone or something, and she saw this now. It wasn't hard to realize even small low class jobs that no one wanted could be quite meaningful to another being. Though it made her also realize something else too, though what that something else was, actually held a deeper impact than the writer feels like hinting on right now.

    Staring at the small tokens of currency, Chloe was actually confused as to what the currency was. She knew it was called jewels, but was it important? It was used to buy things, but what would she buy? Not many things required her attention, and the most common thing happened to be food, which... she stole anyways.

    "Where would you like to take me?" She asked eagerly, confused and curious as she handed Lanta the jewels they earned, not keeping any for herself. Why? simply because she didn't value them too much.


    1313/1250 - Now the requirement has been met.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Card magic
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    Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta) Empty Re: Little lost ones(Job;Private;w/Lanta)

    Post by Switchblade 16th February 2017, 3:38 am

    Lanta looks at the relieved faces of both the puppies, having seemed to calm down from their ordeal, and also of the owner, the happiness in his face wonderful as he got his beloved pets back, hopefully to never lose again, but in this world one could never be certain of that fact or not. Nonetheless, the face that made his light up most was that of his partner, seeing a sort of realisation on her face that was not there before, but at the same time there was something, almost deeper in it. He may have to chase her up on what she was thinking about on the situation later.

    As he looked at the first jewels they had made he smiled, they had done it. They were on the ladder and already setting off hard and fast it seemed. It was truly amazing that such a routine job normally could have turned into something with such a severe sense of urgency, but that was the way Fiore was. A world of unpredictability and wonder. And it seemed they got the former this time, but ending with the latter. A family reunited, thanks to their hard work.

    Lanta puts the jewels in a pouch and smiles, going to pick her up in a firm hug "Absolutely amazing, you are. Truly the best partner and fluffy I could have asked for." he would then try to pick her up in a bridal style carry "Hmm... Let's try Rose Garden, get some sushi to celebrate a job well done and the fluffy of the hour."



    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw

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