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    Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae)


    Heaven's Traitor

    Heaven's Traitor

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 519
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1,225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Heaven's Traitor & Hell's Exile (W.I.P.)
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Shadow Dragon Slayer (W.I.P,)
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    Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) Empty Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae)

    Post by Lilim 30th January 2017, 2:23 am

    Talonia; It was a small town for congregating Guildless mages who were looking for work. I sat on the outskirts of this little town, wistfully reminiscing on the steps of an old ruin, where I had a job with my mentor. The breeze itself was calm, and cool. The birds flew easily by, almost lazily enjoying the breeze with a animalistic merriment. The trees around me were old, so old in fact that some of them towered over the open top of the ruins that overlooked the town itself, which gave it an almost reverential vibe when you looked up at it from the town square. I sat there, making small flowers out of crystal, biological components, etc... until I had a little meadow that swayed in the breeze. I'd gotten quite adept at using this magic, so much so that I could make these tiny flowers with using my mana. They don't do anything, but they're nice to see. The energy of the area flowed in magnificent swirls, dancing back and forth like waves with the coast. One struggling for dominance over the other, leading to a never ending dance. I felt fulfilled in these moments which come and go, feeling the energy around me dance, but I knew better than to get lost in those moments. After a couple hours of waiting, I got up, and stretched a little, and walked around the ruins without heading inside. It had the feeling of something with lost grandeur, something that once stood tall and proud, now humbled and old, waiting to be recognized by the new, yet falling into obscurity. Pillars that stood tall, now stand chipped, or are felled in pieces on the cracked floors. The moon had risen far above the trees by the time I grew tired of waiting, and I pushed forward into the ruins themselves, and the door that blocked the entrance into the cavernous cave from which the mission was to take place.
    I put my hand against one of the great doors, and pushed, moving the door just enough to where I could pass. After moving through the massive door, it shut itself, making an ominous noise behind me. I pushed onward though, making my way down the barely lit path, walking down into the bowels of the earth that I entered. For a while I continued down the path, moving closer and closer to a large light that illuminated the ill-carved symbols that decorated the room's walls, which itself was a massive rotunda. Over most of the faded symbols, were the words: "Come ye who seekst a new path. Ye who fear the new way, fall down and be spared from our lord's blazing light. Shy away from his majesty, and be struck down. Embrace the old, and become new." WC:469


    Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) Z8lAzQC

    Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) Empty Re: Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae)

    Post by Guest 23rd February 2017, 12:24 pm


    It was a place in which Marceline had never once been to or had ever dreamed that she would step foot in there before now. A place where all of the guildless magi gathered in order to rest and enjoy their time when they were not on missions or out and about for the day. Such a beautiful city it was, but it was not her destiny to be able to enter the grounds of the town far off in the distance that glittered brightly. She was only able to admire the lights that shone in the starlight, as though the lights were stars in the sky, themselves. Still, even if she was not able to set foot in Talonia, it was still a magnificent place to admire from the distance that she was currently at. Perhaps, one day she would wander into Talonia for whatever reason and see exactly what resided inside of the massive city. But for now, she was destined to wander down the cliffside and into the canyon that loomed below her, where her mentee awaited her arrival.

    She had not once thought that it would have taken her such a long time to get where she was meant to be, but here she was now. All that mattered at this point in time was that she had been able to arrive at the place that Aera was waiting for her. Aera. . . the one woman who she had encountered long ago and offered to take under her wing for whatever reason there had been. Marceline had no true reason to mentor anyone, but often offered her services to those who wanted more experience in life. It allowed for them to go on missions that they may never have been able to go on before, under the circumstance she attended with them. So, they would be able to witness just how powerful creatures and magi could be in this world, and grow ever excited to experience more. That was something she enjoyed, being able to see all the young and youthful magi who looked to grow in power.

    With a sigh, the woman slid down the side of the cliff and landed into the canyon below that held the ruins they were meant to explore. Marcy could sense the soft emitting of magical power radiating through the ruins, but it was such a small amount to her. This allowed for her to know that Aera was already at the ruins, just as it had been planned for them to meet up. However, she felt like she was farther away in the ruins than Marceline had expected her to be, and it made her wonder. What in her right mind allowed for her to believe that it was okay to enter the ruins without the presence of her mentor? A frown appeared on Marceline's lips at the question, but she brushed it away and entered the ruins to find Aera, hopefully unharmed. And the ruins? They were just as beautiful to her as Talonia had been when she first laid eyes upon the massive city.

    Trees were dancing to the beat of the wind as the wind played and tickled their leaves and wandered through the broken buildings. The occasional clatter of stone could be heard as it rolled off a building that was slowly crumbling from age and time. Her footsteps could be marked in the air as the sound reverberating throughout the emptiness of the long forgotten place. It was almost eerie to be inside of the ruins, but there was also something peaceful and calming in being here. Even the moonlight that shone overhead of her gave the place such a peaceful aura that she believed she could be here. One of Marceline's hands found its way to a small pendant that rest on her neck and had been there since the day she helped a werewolf village out. Holding a soft glow, Marceline could feel the magical energy surging through the pendant and radiating into her own body.

    "Vhere could she possible be at in here?" Marcy inquired to herself, glancing around at the empty ruins for her mentee. The place only led her deeper and deeper into the ruins, trying to track down the strange and very subtle magical energy of Aera. Each step that she took deeper into the ruins only led her farther and farther into the caverns of Earthland's core. It gave her shivers being here, but it may have been due to the cold and the fact that it was a strange and new place to her. She wasn't sure what she was meant to expect, just that they were meant to explore this vast and endless place near Talonia. Holding the pendant in her hand tightly, Marceline followed the path that looked to be traveled by many, but also by few. Where they were heading to? They were meant to find the Geomancer's lair and appease the god's unrest to save Talonia.

    But of all people, why was she trying to save a town when she should have been the one letting it rot away at the god's will? Perhaps it was because, no matter how wicked her magic made her be, she was a living, breathing being at heart. She didn't want to wish ill will upon others, but rather it was her magic that caused the ill will to occur for them. If anything, she would have been much happier if the people of Talonia were able to live peacefully and go unharmed by the god. So, she had taken up this job with Aera in order to not only teach Aera what it meant to be a stronger magus, but also save the town. The guildless magi did not deserve the ill will of the god, but it also made her curious to know why none of them were trying to stop it? Was the god so powerful that not even all of the guildless magi in Talonia were able to stop the god from hurting them?

    WC: 1,014/7,200


    Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) Empty Re: Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae)

    Post by Guest 23rd February 2017, 12:24 pm

    Rolling a few dice to help us along.

    Posts : 23945
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    Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) Empty Re: Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae)

    Post by NPC 23rd February 2017, 12:24 pm

    The member 'Marceline Anicetus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) WeakMonster Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) NormalMonster Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) NormalMonster Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) StrongMonster Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) WeakMonster

    Heaven's Traitor

    Heaven's Traitor

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 519
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1,225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Heaven's Traitor & Hell's Exile (W.I.P.)
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Shadow Dragon Slayer (W.I.P,)
    Third Skill:

    Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) Empty Re: Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae)

    Post by Lilim 24th February 2017, 12:33 am

    After a spell of time of me being lost in the memories engraved into the halls of the ruins, a cadence erupted from deeper down the tunnels, a rumble carried its noise fro far below, like a hoard of creatures coming to strike down an invader... or me, in this case. The rumble grew louder and louder, until lights, of multiple colors, came pouring out of every door, from every path, both seen and unseen, including the tunnel I came down. creatures, from flaming lizards, to glowing birds came out from every orifice surrounding me, leaving me no place to run. I decided, within that moment, to fight. My odachi came into existence, dropping into my hand from the now glowing tattoos on my arm. As I clicked the sword from the saya, black fog spilled out, flowing out onto the floor of the cavern. "Post hoc ergo propter hoc."  I thought dryly, chuckling to myself as the creatures themselves circled me as though I was prey. "I took a risk, and they showed up. Therefore they must have shown up because I took a risk. I love logical fallacies like those" I silently readied myself, as a fire spirit launched itself at me, jaw open far wider than any normal creature could...

    After several minutes of continuous fighting, and no slain enemies, I found myself exhausted, bleeding from several strikes from cutting winds, and burning claws. I knew that I was out matched, and without any other options, I made a black hole in the back of the room, only about 4 feet across, to pull any enemies, and their attention, away from me. I had only a couple of minutes, but I pulled my body down into the earth while all of the creatures were distracted. about a couple of feet down, I pushed aside the earth enough to pass through it, and moved fast, dodging stone pillars from what I assumed to be earth elementals. I made my way about 30 ft or so, before dragging my body out from beneath the cold earth, when I heard the creatures start moving again, as I ran the other way, I came across one of the tunnels I traveled down prior, and bolted down the path as fast as I possibly could, before finally coming back unto the Rotunda room, where the traces of the black hole were nigh invisible, as though the room rejected my magic. I used my creation spell, and pulled together eight mice of light, and sent them down each of the visible corridors, hoping that they'd slip past the creatures, and find my mentor, who was really my only hope right now.

    "Aw, piss." Though I didn't usually curse, I felt it appropriate in the moment, since I was once again surrounded by the creatures, with my back against the wall, the cold, stony wall that accompanied the floor which might've soon become my grave, before seeing lights appear in the tunnels once more...  WC:501 TWC:970


    Elemental HiJinks (Job/Marceline Anicetus-Aera Tylidae) Z8lAzQC

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 3:05 am