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    A Lurking Sand Dweller [Lamia Scale]

    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    A Lurking Sand Dweller [Lamia Scale] Empty A Lurking Sand Dweller [Lamia Scale]

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 8th January 2017, 10:52 pm

    Job Title: A Lurking Sand Dweller
    Rank: C
    Player Requirements: Minimum of 2 D rank, 1 C rank or higher mage. Maximum of 4 mages total and other mages in guilds may be invited to join.
    Job Requirements: Defeat the Sand Shark. Minimum 3000 words.
    Job Location: Forgotten Deserts
    Job Description: Argh, my wagon just got marooned in the Desert! ! Now, I haven't seen anything fishy out here -- yet -- but I just know there's something waiting to get at my stuff! Find it and let 'em have it!

    Weak: While on this mission, the following effect applies throughout the duration unless they are a fire mage: A mage taking this mission would take 1% of their hp per post, 5% more damage from attacks, and all attacks that hit inflict a burn that deals 2% hp for 3 posts. The 1% ceases while under shade of only objects in the desert that could cover a portion from the sun. This does not require a dice roll.

    Normal: Hornet Swarm x3 - Bugs about the size of a normal pillow. They're stingers can inflict a poison if hit, dealing 2% hp per post for 5 posts. This requires a hit dice roll once per encounter. They have 20 health each.

    Strong: Sand Shark x2 - They are not the big goal of this mission, but they are decieving. They swim around in the sand as if they are swimming in water, but are able to sense anything on the surface while in the sand. They deal 10 damage with a bodily attack or bite can shoot a ball of sand that deals 20 damage. Sound mages can force them out of the sand and cause them to become disoriented and flop like fish out of the water for 2 posts. They have 40 hp per shark.

    Boss: The Great Sand Shark x1 - The Great Sand Shark is a larger creature. It is 1.5x larger than the other sand sharks, and hurts quite a bit more. Much like the weaker forms, disorientation from sound mages while in the sand cause it to be without its right mind for one 1 post. It can deal 20 damage from basic attacks and can shoot a beam of water that deals 50 damage on impact. It has 120 hp.
    Reward: C rank exp and 7k jewels.Also, obtain a recipe for cool extract.

    [b]Job Title:[/b] A Lurking Sand Dweller
    [b]Rank:[/b] C
    [b]Player Requirements:[/b] Minimum of 2 D rank, 1 C rank or higher mage. Maximum of 4 mages total and other mages in guilds may be invited to join.
    [b]Job Requirements:[/b] Defeat the Sand Shark. Minimum 3000 words.
    [b]Job Location:[/b] Forgotten Deserts
    [b]Job Description:[/b] Argh, my wagon just got marooned in the Desert! ! Now, I haven't seen anything fishy out here -- yet -- but I just know there's something waiting to get at my stuff! Find it and let 'em have it!

    [i]Weak:[/i] While on this mission, the following effect applies throughout the duration unless they are a fire mage: A mage taking this mission would take 1% of their hp per post, 5% more damage from attacks, and all attacks that hit inflict a burn that deals 2% hp for 3 posts. The 1% ceases while under shade of only objects in the desert that could cover a portion from the sun. This does not require a dice roll.

    [i]Normal:[/i] Hornet Swarm x3 - Bugs about the size of a normal pillow. They're stingers can inflict a poison if hit, dealing 2% hp per post for 5 posts. This requires a hit dice roll once per encounter. They have 20 health each.

    [i]Strong:[/i] Sand Shark x2 - They are not the big goal of this mission, but they are decieving. They swim around in the sand as if they are swimming in water, but are able to sense anything on the surface while in the sand. They deal 10 damage with a bodily attack or bite can shoot a ball of sand that deals 20 damage. Sound mages can force them out of the sand and cause them to become disoriented and flop like fish out of the water for 2 posts. They have 40 hp per shark.

    [i]Boss:[/i] [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/8/84/FrontierGen-HC_Cephadrome_Render_001.png/revision/latest?cb=20140817144054]The Great Sand Shark[/url] x1 - The Great Sand Shark is a larger creature. It is 1.5x larger than the other sand sharks, and hurts quite a bit more. Much like the weaker forms, disorientation from sound mages while in the sand cause it to be without its right mind for one 1 post. It can deal 20 damage from basic attacks and can shoot a beam of water that deals 50 damage on impact. It has 120 hp.
    [b]Reward:[/b] C rank exp and 7k jewels.Also, obtain a recipe for cool extract.



    A Lurking Sand Dweller [Lamia Scale] Empty Re: A Lurking Sand Dweller [Lamia Scale]

    Post by Guest 9th January 2017, 8:36 am

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:14 pm