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    Discovery of Oneself [Private/Social]


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    Discovery of Oneself [Private/Social] Empty Discovery of Oneself [Private/Social]

    Post by Triple_Hell 25th December 2016, 5:09 am

    Oak Town, the well proclaimed City of History, no other place has such ancient power to it unlike Oak Town. Rich in many many books, it is no wonder scholars and mages would flock here in search of study and knowledge. Oak Temple is that very place, said to contain answers. Some found their calling within the documents, others a new power. Of course, such a place would attract one peculiar lady.

    Haia Illie Starstruck struts in, eyes fixated on the endless amounts of documents and stories written down into paper. She flips open her book, the 'Study of Sakuramori', one she had obtained thanks to Taiga, her mentor of her amazing secondary magic. Many of the things written showed amazing finds and discoveries. But she wanted to see whether if the legendary City of History would have some things written down about the secluded place. She flips throuth her book a bit more, trying to find keywords she can use to locate such documents.

    "Memory," Haia said as her finger landed on the word. It was the topic about Sakuramori's flora and that one plant hidden along the branches, if exposed to their pollen, can wipe memory of the last 24 hours. Haia feels rather glad she did not encounter the plant. She strolls through the books on medicine, hoping to find one that links to memory and flora. Her finger trails across the spines of the books as she kept her vision fixed on the faded letters.


    Discovery of Oneself [Private/Social] 21

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    Post by Noheme 25th December 2016, 12:41 pm

    Oak Town. It was but another place on Leila's list right now. But the slight tingle inside of her mind suggested that the girl probably was at least once to this place in the past. Indeed, she completely a handful of assignments that rid this place of evil and inconvenience that would plague it's residence. But now, not a living soul in this place would recognize Leila as the person who did work for them anymore. Along with the rather drastic change in her appearance, her personality also took a little shift in another direction. But, well, past is simply past and not much more. So there was really no point to dwell on it all. Or was there? If she looked different and acted different to her prior being, no one would obviously recognize her. The very flaw of her current adventure, the search for someone that would perhaps remember her and tell her who she was.

    With a calm and collected steps, the girl finally entered past the borders and was now officially on the grounds of this village, looking around nervously. Not all places gave off a vibe like this, an echo from deep within her mind, a distant memory that was covered in the fog. With a sign, one of her hands moved across the soft skin of her face as she closed her eyes for but a moment. Was all of this really pointless? Perhaps it was. But she didn't want to give up just yet, she stayed determined. After all, she lost at least 19 years of life according to the spirits in Gardens of Eden. A long time that she wanted returned, at least a little bit. For now, she started heading towards one of the more popular places withing this already popular enough place, the Oak Temple. Perhaps she would find someone there who could help her.

    And so she did! Or rather, she just saw someone from a distance. If that girl could help her or not, that was still question unanswered until she would approach her. And as she approach this target, Leila noticed that the girl was reading through several rather interesting looking sources of information. Either she was attending a nearby school and was currently doing research for her work, or she was interested in something more. Of course there were many more possibilities, but these were the only two that immediately entered the white haired girl's head. So, with a light tap of her fingers on the girl's shoulder, Leila introduced her presence.

    "H..hello there! Do you by any chance know your way around this place?"



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    Post by Triple_Hell 25th December 2016, 6:34 pm

    Haia looked at her book once more, was this even a common plant, was it medicinal, could this be a sort of weapon? Haia thought to herself as her finger lands on a book on the shelf titled 'Flora and Fauna of Ancient Medicine'. Sakuramori was rather old, how old she has no idea. It might have been way before Rose Garden, way before Taiga.

    As Haia was about to pull the book out. She feels a tap on her shoulder. She thought that she was the only one in here. She decides maybe someone came in while she was browsing. The voice confirms it. Haia swishes around and puts on a smile, at least it was no pervert but rather a woman who looks about her age, or maybe a bit older.

    "Um well, to a certain extent yes, what section are you looking for um..." Haia gives herself a moment to think of an appropriate term. "Miss..." Haia hopes that she could prompt the woman into revealing her name.


    Discovery of Oneself [Private/Social] 21

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    Post by Noheme 26th December 2016, 2:56 am

    Good thing that Leila chose the approach that she did. A light tap on the shoulder was simple and not too startling, ensuring that the girl turned around without jumping several feet into the air and her heart nearly stopping from the shock of suddenly being touched or something like that. It was also a pleasant surprise that she had pretty much no reaction whatsoever on her appearance. Many people would be taken aback by her looks, especially the more animalistic parts. Sure, kemonimimis were pretty common in this world, humans with certain animal traits. But Leila over here was a little bit of an amalgamation, combining two different animals in such manner.

    But since there was really nothing to worry about, or at least it seemed so, Leila return the smile. Especially once she noticed just how lovely this girl was as well, she only saw her from the back up until now. But right now, she could easily see that young and fashionable appearance, something that she liked quite a bit. And for a change, her outfit wasn't all that revealing either, as it seemed to be trend to wear these days.

    "My apologies, I'm Leila Vergious. I was hoping to get directions, mayhap even some kind of tour through this place. I... need to see as much of Oak town as possible."

    And of course she could not disclose the reason why, people would probably thing she's completely crazy if she was going around, telling everyone that she had lost her memories and that she's looking for a way to recover them. Even in this world, that was just something that would not happen all that often. But it was true, so she was on the task. And hopefully she could find something in here that would be more familiar to her. This girl wasn't, but again, at least she was pretty. Something lovely to look at.

    "Would you mind me asking for your name, dear?"



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    Post by Triple_Hell 26th December 2016, 4:47 am

    Haia took a minute to give herself a quick view of the lady before her, other than the extra appendages, she looked quite human. Maybe she was a special kind of the neko, like those in Joya. Though she has yet to visit the place, would take her quite a few months. Anyway, as Haia noticed, she certainly was more, well endowed in terms of beauty, especially the chest. Haia thought of her own and felt it looked rather small compared to, Leila Vergious, as she heard the mysterious women spoke to her. Well at least she got a name from her. Now curiousity struck, why would someone who looks like her walk out in the open like that. Sure there was no one around but it still kind of bugs her. And even more, was some tingling feeling inside her. The first time she had that feeling was when she was with Cirven, the dog demon, but yet different from her. It felt neither good nor bad, but rather lik a balanced force. It felt familiar, like back when she younger. That force that had changed her life, it felt the same. To the outsider, it looked like she dazed for a bit.

    "O-oh sorry," Haia quickly snapped out of it and flipped her hair, the black locks gracefully brushing against her face like a smooth brush. Only a peculiar lock was left standing, like a wilting plant that lost its flower and leaves. Her grin, filled with cheekiness, shone brightly. "Name is Haia Illie Starstruck, just call me Haia, so you want a tour of the City of History..."

    Haia took a look around, flashing her back for a moment before facing Leila once again.

    "Well I guess we can start here, one of Oak Town's more prominent landmark. The Oak Temple is said to contain about every written book, document and paper in Fiore and Ishgar. Of course we may never be certain as, new books and documents are always being added as the days go past. Like this one I have, no one else has this book, for its a study of one of Earthland's more dangerous yet attractive places, the Sakuramori, home to many powerful beasts, along with mystical flora. If you happen to be in Necromancy, maybe those who died may lend you a hand," Haia then laughed a bit, not too loud. "Here I am getting carried away educating someone I just met! Ha! Excuse me for my behaviour, don't mind me continuing Miss Leila?"


    Discovery of Oneself [Private/Social] 21

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    Post by Noheme 26th December 2016, 5:13 am

    Now, this was quite interesting. It seemed as if the girl was mesmerized for a moment as she stared at Leila who had now introduced herself. With a warm smile, the dragon girl crossed her arms just below her chest, making her breast bounce a little as her gaze wandered all over the girl. Yes, she was a bit more petite, but something like that was fine too. People had often very different tastes after all, and there was no doubt that even a look like this was attractive. In fact, it made Leila blush for a moment, forcing her to look away even. But not for too long, as she got the girl's name in return as well. And it certainly did not sound ordinary at all.

    "Haia... what a beautiful name. I will make sure to embed it into my mind, so I won't forget."

    Giving out a small chuckle, her hands moved from their previous position to the one in front of her own mouth, her fingertips touching gently as she slightly covered her own mouth. It sure was lucky to run into someone this friendly. Not that the populace of this place wasn't overall friendly, but every community had it's black sheep for sure. And despite her choice of clothing, Haia surely wasn't one. Thought there was also a good chance that she wasn't part of this community at all, which only occurred to Leila after she thought about the manner.

    Listening to her new acquaintance with interest, her own eyes wandered around, eventually stopping on the temple that she mentioned. If it truly carried at least one release of every book existent in Earthland, then that was truly impressive. The insides must have been packed and the smell of books surely overpowering, especially to one with enhanced senses like Leila. But still, she made a small mental note to visit the place later, as it would hold many valuable information inside of those books.

    And speaking of books, something strange flashed inside of Leila's mind as Haia started mentioning mystical flora. A term so strangely familiar... but it was no mystery as to why that was the case. Despite losing her memories, the girl was quickly reminded by her spirits of the Gardens of Eden, dimension separate from this world that held many different kinds of flora and fauna. Surely that was the mental link that had just happened. Though, it still left the girl quite surprised at the sudden shock that happened in her head. But she did not mind, she wanted to know more for sure.

    "Sakuramori. It sounds like a delightful place to explore, I must say. And I certainly don't mind you continuing at all! Though, I would like to ask you to stop using 'miss' with me, I feel bad having an adorable girl like you addressing me so formally."



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    Post by Triple_Hell 26th December 2016, 7:23 am

    Haia stared at Leila's definitely larger chest, she may not be lesbian but she can not help but feel entice by the size. Haia gives her a mental jab as to stop herself from thinking that. Leila is a very attractive woman, compared to her, Haia looked more like a small child than an actual 19 year old. Even her mannerism is very alluring. Calling her name beautiful, never forgetting it, she swear she saw a blush before Leila looked away. She gave herself another mental jab, this is just Leila being Leila, do not mistake it for any sort of attraction or flirting or any sort of interest.

    Haia was brought back to reality when Leila took a more, formal approach to the topic. That at least would get her mind of her mind about Leila's body and personality. Of course it was only just a few minutes of interaction. Haia gave herself another mental jab, she really needed to stop that. Haia blows her fringe and the locks just went back to where they were, annoying the mage a bit.

    "Okay, I'll try to stop the 'miss' thing, i just figured that it was more well mannered," Haia chuckles and a blush rushed over her face, well mannered was not usually her thing, but she still had it. As for adorable, the thoughts of Leila are returning. She is straight! She still is attracted to men, though no men she saw so far she had any attraction to in that sort of context. But she reminded herself she is still in Leila's presence and wants to give a good tour. "Anyway Sakuramori may look pretty but very deadly, after all, people who go in seldom come out of the pink forest. But Sakuramori is in Rose Garden, a place far from Oak Town, so we aren't really gonna visit there anytime. Appreciating your lack of care for my endless amount of words, I shall continue!"

    Haia closed her book and puts her hands behind her.

    "Well to my extent of knowledge about Oak Temple, it contains many documents about medicine, magical artefacts and much more, an excellent for mages and non mages alike to study in, with their wide selection of you know stuff to study. I guess if you told me why I was here, I would seem appropriate that I tell you why I'm here myself, you see Sakuramori has shown me that other creatures exist to other the mega beasts, like the common horned squirrel that inhabits Magnolia's Eastern Forest. Cute and dangerous those guys, you will not like a thick horn in your forearms and their jaws can break nuts in seconds. So I thought maybe there are other things that are written in here that have things that can be found elsewhere," Haia pulls out the book she planned to take out in the first place and smiles as she randomly flips through.

    "The Ouv-Lee-Nej, a special plant that clings on to high branches that resembles a mushroom with a cross across the hood. If the tree it is on is agitated, it would spread pollen that causes those expose to forget the previous 24 hours, once used in ancient medicine to cure dementia and amnesia as it can have a reverse effect under the right conditions and mixed with the right ingredients, however hard to obtain as, people who collected them tend to forget to collect them," Haia read before looking at Leila, she got to admit those are some amazing looking eyes, maybe she could get colored contacts, but may not look as genuine as Leila's.


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    Post by Noheme 31st December 2016, 5:59 pm

    It was clear that Haia was staring at something in quite the awe. And Leila stared right back, tilted her head to the side slightly as she observed the young girl's face, thinking about what could be so interesting about this body she had. She obviously wasn't staring at the more animalistic parts that would probably interest most people that she would interact with, as that was what was out of the norm. No, instead the girl stared more at the chest area? Not minding her own sexuality, Leila always took others as you would expect, as nature generally indended it. So the fact that Haia was staring at her breasts was about the last thing she would consider. Instead, the dragon girl started thinking that it was probably the outfit that she was wearing, as that was also not exactly the norm around these parts.

    With a smile, she adjusted the arms that were resting below her bosom, making them bounce again before giggling audibly. Perhaps they would have time later where she would in return for all this knowledge tell Haia something about her attire. But for now, she decided that she would listen to what the young lady had to say. And it was surprisingly large amount too, showing that she was without a doubt interested in the subject at hand, studying it thoroughly. And it only increased her own interest in this Sakuramori, despite the fact that it was apparently dangerous.

    "Hehe, there is no need to worry. It might not look like it at first, but I am indeed a mage, one that holds pretty reasonable power as well. It is true that my magic might not be all too suitable for direct combat, but I would still like to visit the place, it sounds most delightful! And, well... who would I be if I let risks stop me in my tracks? You can only progress if you take those risks, facing them with confidence and determination!"

    Pumped up, there was flame in the girl's eyes! It was already decided, she would surely visit this beautiful and dangerous place at some point in the near future. It would be rather nice if she could find another place of beauty that could rival the Gardens of Eden. But there was still much, more about this place as well. Though the topic swiftly returned to the strange forest, and something rather interesting came up. Without any warning, Leila quickly moved right in front Haia, grabbing the girl by her shoulders with fairly strong grip, her eyes staring right into hers with serious expression.

    "You just said that it is possible to create potion that is capable of curing amnesia, yes? If that's really the truth... is there anyone capable of such feat? I can obtain the plant, I merely need someone who can brew the potion!"



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    Post by Triple_Hell 31st December 2016, 7:47 pm

    Haia stared into Leila's eyes, she could see the fire and determination alright. She liked that kind of spark. But she had to break the bad news to her.

    "Thing is, one ingredient used in that potion can no longer be found," Haia said as she moved Leila's hands off her shoulders and proceed to put the book back before browsing through more to find it, it was rather quick too as she pulled what seems like a really dusty tome.

    "Let's see... Ah right here! Ahem!" Haia cleared her throat before reading the tome. "The Ouv Amnesia Potion requires two very important ingredients, Ouv Lee Nej and Forsaken Flower petals." Haia then puts the tome back and dashes past Leila once more to pull another book out, this one looking more recent.

    "Forsaken Flowers can no longer be found due to its more favorable use as a scented candle that invokes feelings of nostalgia, the last known location is Magnolia's East Forest before the last Forsaken Flower was striped from the ground." Haia then closed the book and puts it back before looking at Leila, a bit downcast that she had to tell Leila that kind of bad news.

    "I'm sorry Leila, even if there is someone capable out there of brewing the potion, the Forsaken Flower has been long gone, without it the potion can't be brewed," Haia said putting a hand on her forehead and pushing her locks back before looking down. "It must give you some stress huh, not being able to remember what happened, I know, sometimes a certain memory of a significant event flashes then I would forget about what happened."


    Discovery of Oneself [Private/Social] 21

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    Post by Noheme 2nd January 2017, 3:27 pm

    A small glimmer of home, only to be taken away, stepped on and shattered right in front of you. It kinda felt like that... but Haia was not to blame. She was only talking about the local fauna, it's history and such. The potion simply came up as something that was part of the topic, it wasn't specifically targeted at the dragon girl. She didn't even mention that she would need such a thing, that would only be obvious from her reaction. Though, it still dug deep into her, like a knife buried in her chest. As the words of crushed hope were uttered, Leila bit her lip rather hard, causing a small stream of blood to find it's way down her chin as wind suddenly picked up around the two girls, a pair of rather large wings made out of giant rose petals sprouted from the girl's back.

    And with them, she dashed several meters in the other direction before stopping rather forcefully, creating a small shockwave that travelled further, making objects in that direction shake ever so slightly. And at the same time, as she girl's feet stopped dead in their tracks, many different flowers sprouted from the ground in an instant, all around her. In that moment of anger and disappointment, some of her magical energy leaked without the girl wanting to, creating the well of life and making fauna sprout all over the place without any need for soil, water or sunlight. It was one of many powers that the girl possessed and loved, but now it was only shown and used as something that would allow her to vent the rage building up inside of her. It took few seconds of heavy breathing before she would calm down, letting the wings disintegrate into nothingness, turning back around to face Haia. Even the found that her own fangs caused now closed up at incredible speed, stopping the slight bleeding.

    "My apologies, I've showed you something quite unsightly. It's not like me to lose control like this, I promise. I will make sure that this absolutely does not happen, ever again."



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    Post by Triple_Hell 3rd January 2017, 4:39 am

    Haia looks at Leila, she could sense disappointment, but she was surprised when she saw the blood. Was she really affected that badly? Haia was about to apologize when she felt wind. Wind, there is not suppose to be wind in the Oak Temple, the place is indoors. She glances back at Leila and was not taken back, but mesmerized. It may be surprisingly to anyone to see two giant wings of rose petals, but not to the 19 year old Haia, its was rather beautiful, like crimzon feathers. She was about to touch them when she felt a rush of wind and watches Leila step back. She felt the ground shake and stares bewildered yet amazed. She picked up one flower, a common white daisy and stares, it sprouted like it came from no where. She felt a familiar and calming energy, the energy of life. Haia could feel it, it was amazing.

    "Oh its not unsightly at all, it was rather beautiful to say the least, and don't stop, its beautiful," Haia hands Leila the daisy. "How is something like this unslightly at all, its amazing. I'm sorry, I thought you were like a special kind of Joya citizen but I'm mistaken, I could feel something amazing about this, it felt like magic but it isn't at the same time. Just what are you truly..."

    Haia mumbles the last sentence, not wanting to sound rude. She took a moment to breathe, staring at the flowers and grass that have grown on in the Oak Temple. She honestly is amazed, it felt like a fresh breath of air, like life has been renewed.

    "We sadly might have to get rid of this, after all, this is still public ground, and it might be bad that grass had grown for no apparant reason, might make the caretaker worried," Haia scratched the back of her head, her magic might not be the best, it might not even work or burn the whole temple down. She makes a small blue flame in her hand and watched it dance silently before making it disappear. She looks back at Leila with a slight blush on her face.

    "Sorry I must sound like I'm in my own world and you aren't there," Haia apologized, she still has no idea whats wrong with her, she knew she was into boys, yet has yet to find a crush, but when it came to Leila she can not help but feel a bit, embarrassed. Must be the chest... Must be the chest...


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    Post by Noheme 3rd January 2017, 6:11 am

    Sighing rather deeply, Leila extended her hand forward and watched as the grass and flowers started momentarily dancing before retracting back into the ground between the floorboards. Perhaps it was beautiful, but that did not change the fact that all of this happened in the moment of rage, when the girl was not wanting to do something like this at all. It was merely a mistake and that could not be changed by the fact that it was beautiful in someone's eyes. In fact, it was probably rather terrifying in the sight of most. Power that could manipulate life itself, truly something abhorrent. But she still took the Daisy from Haia and moved it to her nose, taking in it's smell.

    "Joya seems to be inhabited strictly by people with cat-like features, whereas mine are more close to those of a dragon and arctic fox. And I suppose you're right, it's not quite magic. More like a heritage, in a sense. A very dangerous power that can control the flow of life itself. The beauty only masks it's horrid nature."

    But there was no need to argue about this with the girl, she was free to view it however she wanted. So if it was something of beauty to her, then it was all good. With yet another sigh, Leila turned towards Haia to face her fully again, looking around in case there was more damage from the shockwave that happened earlier and if she needed to fix it all. It seemed that even she was susceptible to the effects of rage and wrath. Even though she tried hard to keep a stable mind in any given situation, when things started revolving around her own memory, it all went south really fast.

    "I am truly sorry, are you unharmed? I wasn't even watching what I really did there, maybe I injured you somehow..." Quickly approaching the girl, Leila placed one of her hands on Haia's cheeks, feeling the soft skin with her long, tender fingers. And even her gaze was directed straight at her own eyes, watching for any signs of pain or anything else. And suddenly, her fox ears perked up a little. "Your heart rate increased, there really is something, isn't there? If my magic affected you in any negative way, I need to fix it right away, so remove your clothes please!" It probably sounded like an outrageous request, but Leila knew very well the nature of her magic. In was meant to help others, but there was a way to make all it's effects negative. And there was always the possibility that exactly that happened when she lost control.



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    Post by Triple_Hell 3rd January 2017, 7:48 am

    Haia's heart rate was definitely getting faster. First Leila approaches her like she is full of tender love and care, then asks her to take her clothes off. Haia knew that she did not want to do it for the perverse reason and more incase of anything bad happened. Haia did definitely feel fine, other than almost getting a heart attack from what Leila said, but her face went red, she maybe one sassy young woman, but it does not stop her from having other more embarrassing emotions.

    "Wha-wha-what? My clothes? B-b-but this place is public, e-even though there is no one around to see b-b-but n-n-no!" Haia stuttered. "I c-can't possibly!" Haia was inclined to pull her jacket over herself more, but it was rude of her to do so, so she refrained herself, her face was as red as tomato by now.


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    Post by Noheme 3rd January 2017, 8:12 am

    This was rather troublesome indeed. The fact that her heart was racing so fast, it could have been caused by many different things. Yet, the girl seemed flustered and absolutely refused to remove her attire so that Leila could provide a thorough inspection. It was probably true that the dragon girl would enjoy that more than her patient, but that really wasn't the point here, as she truly only wished to help the young girl. But since she got this defensive, there was really not that much she could do. Though there was another method she could try to use that would not require Haia to be fully nude. Still, this forced the white-haired maiden to puff her cheeks as she gave the young lady one stern look.

    "Very well, if you wish not to defile this place's sanctity, then I won't force you. But I'll have you hold still for a moment, and that is absolute! No complaining from the patient!"

    Grabbing the girl's shoulder, Leila made sure that she would not escape in the middle of her small examination. And in the next moment, the healer's girl head was resting against Haia's bosom, one of the fox ears pressed right against her clothes and twitching lightly. It only took few seconds before Leila would pull away and sigh with relief. "Alright, your heart certainly is racing, but other than that, I've heard nothing that would be out of the ordinary. So I suppose you are alright. But if you feel sickly any time soon, you absolutely must inform me of it, got it?"



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    Post by Triple_Hell 3rd January 2017, 8:23 am

    Haia swear her heart skipped a beat. She was relieved that at least Leila decided not to forward her idea of striping her, only to get a typical stern look, but now she is being held tight and had a dragon-fox girl up against her chest. Haia liked animals, especially good ol Grompy, but this was just pulling her weak points. Before Leila could pull away, Haia touched the girl's fox ears.

    It was soft, really soft, like the fur of a newborn fox, well Leila to a certain extent is a fox. Haia could not help but give it a scratch, like she would to a dog. To Haia, it was like a good long moment, but to Leila and most likely anyone, it was just a short second. Haia was still embarrased by the fact she was just asked to be strip naked, and worrying the lady before her. But yet, she did not regret doing after touching Leila's ear, infact she wanted to do it more. Haia looked like she was in a dreamy daze, not hearing Leila's words after she had moved away from her chest, face still red. Her hand unconsiously moves to Leila's fox ear and gives it another scratch, Haia's gaze falling on Leila's, but showed no signs of concentration nor attentiveness at all to what she is doing.


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    Post by Noheme 3rd January 2017, 8:35 am

    Well, this was rather unexpected. Leila did feel the scratches and touches that she received when she was checking the working of Haia's internal structure, but since she was so focused, she pained it all little mind. In fact, she only thought about it as the girl's reaction and tiny attempt at forcing her head away from her body because of the embarrassment. So once she spotted the girl's current state, it was a bit shocking. The small figure looked almost as if she was hypnotized by something, or had just taken a dose of calming drugs. Things have evolved in rather... strange manner, to say the least.

    Especially when Haia started reaching up. At first, Leila had no idea what she was going for, but it appeared quite comical. The height difference between the two was pretty obvious, so it was almost like a little kid that was trying to reach a toy that their older sibling stole and held in their hand high above them. But she eventually managed to reach and started treating the dragon girl's animalistic feature as if she was indeed nothing more than a pet of hers. Were they truly so interesting? Whatever the case, it made Leila blush as well as several muscles in her body tensed up, the ears themselves twitching with each strok, her tail swinging from one side to the other rapidly behind her back.

    "W..whatever are you doing, miss Haia? If you desire to examine my unusual structure, you need only to ask, but doing it so suddenly is... ah... ugh, and you have to reach so far up too...!" Those ears were in fact more sensitive than most of her body, kinda like regular human ears but few levels up. So her speech became a strange mixture of being mad, understanding and also including the occasional mild moan that managed to escape between the girl's lips, making her rather embarrassed as well in the process.



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    Post by Triple_Hell 3rd January 2017, 8:48 am

    Haia continued scratching, not realizing that she is probably annoying Leila or making Leila feel good. The ears were so soft, like the stuff toys she had when she was younger. They felt so smooth too, her fingers went across the fur like she was running her fingers across silk. But Haia started to struggle, the height difference was getting to her, she was on the tips of her boots, now really close to Leila, close enough to feel body warmth. And Haia was rather warm from all the blushing. Haia made an attempt to reach higher, where the tip of the ear is and her boot gave way under her.

    As gravity would permit, Haia started falling face first into Leila's much larger bosom, her right hand landing on Leila's soft lips. The fall did snap her back to reality though, but time was merciless as always, not giving Haia time to react. It went by fast, Haia's book flew into the air while Haia gained a face full of boob flesh. She honestly went red but stayed, still a bit dazed by what happened. Leila's chest was definitely soft, like her ears, but more warm and sweaty. She could hear Leila's heartbeat resonating through her head on repeat. She did not want to move just to listen to Leila's heart.


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    Post by Noheme 3rd January 2017, 9:42 am

    Leila would probably feel a bit unsure about being compared to toys, no matter how soft or fun those toys were for Haia when she was little. Not that the dragon maiden would really understand, as she grew up on the path, never having any real home or toys that she could play with. Perhaps it was for the best that she did not remember these things? Who really knew, the girl only wanted to know what or who she was in her previous life that was completely forgotten. Which was rendered rather difficult with all the rather distracting ear rubbing! Not that it was unpleasant, quite the opposite.

    But nothing would last forever and Haia soon stumbled over like a drunk trying to get home on a bumpy road. Thankfully she headed straight in front of her, only falling and making Leila into a cushion. In a shock, the white haired girl moved her hands to catch the small girl too, only to end up embracing her and pressing her even stronger against her own body. And the books that suddenly flew into the air? Those elusive rosen wings made their presence known once more as they swiftly sprouted from the girl's back, creating a platform of petals that the books safely landed on. It would be quite a shame if those were to hit the ground after all.

    And just like that, the two of them managed to find themselves in rather peculiar position, embracing one another with Haia nestled in Leila's bosom. A privilege not many had been given yet. Not that the girl minded at all, she was more worried about Haia's health than anything else. But the fact that she was not pulling away? Well... it certainly meant something. And thinking about it a little, Leila decided that she would not force the young girl away either. Perhaps she needed comfort of someone else's warmth, who knows. Life of a mage is difficult one indeed, so there was no telling how she felt.

    But nothing could last forever and eventually, they would have to part. After all, it would not do to be just standing like that in the middle of a library temple. But still, she didn't want to deny this to the girl, so she thought of something, trying to stop her tail from happy waggle at the same time. Gently trying to pull away, she lowered her figure so that her head would be at the same elevation as Haia's before she would speak, blush filling her cheeks ever so slowly. "It might be a bit exhausting to continue just standing here. But there are plenty of benches around, so if you still want, I will grant you the permission to examine my animal body parts some more there..."



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    Post by Triple_Hell 3rd January 2017, 3:41 pm

    Haia remained in her position, then as if she got snapped back to reality, she blinked. Now that she was up close, Leila's cleavage is huge. Haia immediately stepped back, embarrased and patting her face that was as red as Leila's rose petal wings. She quickly snatched her book and sighed seeing that it was intact, she did not want to lose anything inside. She used it to hit her forehead lightly. Just what was she doing? First she thinks of Leila's cleavage, then her eyes, then the softness of Leila's ears and even went to touch them. Even worse she could tell that Leila was enjoying all this as if it was pleasuring her, the moaning was cute.

    Haia needed to revaluate herself, just what was going wrong with her. Everything was fine, she could strut her stuff and not give a damn about anyone's opinions about herself, even her higher ups, even though they are treated as equals. But now, she had this feeling to let herself fall in Leila's arms and touch those big breasts of hers. And play with those ears. They are kinda cute. But her height difference. It was hard looking at Leila straight in the eye, like a small child trying to look up at her parents. But when Leila offered to sit down as to examine her animals parts, Haia did not know whether to say okay or pass the offer.

    "Um... I guess we can sit... and there isn't need to be so formal," Haia looked away, her face going back to a more pale color but the blush was still there. Haia felt like she hopefukly said the right thing. She was curious about the extra parts to Leila, and that she accepted it because she wanted to examine not play, yeah examine


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    Post by Noheme 3rd January 2017, 3:50 pm

    It was rather adorable, watching Haia in a situation like this. She was acting so pure, it was almost hard to believe that she really was an adult. It made Leila want to stop her from hitting herself like that to wake up, even though she knew that there was almost no force behind it and that she obviously wasn't going to hurt her forehead like that over this whole situation. But in the end, she remained silent and just watched her actions in silence, only smiling gently as her tail waggled behind her in happiness. It took a moment, but the small girl calmed down eventually, agreeing to the proposal. With a nod, Leila followed her to the nearest bench, sitting right next to her.

    Whatever she was thinking was then probably interrupted as Leila retracted her wings once more, so they would not get in the way. And right after that, her bigger figure collapsed sideways, her head quickly falling into Haia's lap as if it was a comfy pillow. Sure, she could have stayed sitting, but then there would still be some difference in their heights. And like this, with her head in the girl's lap, she would have no problems reaching down and doing whatever she wanted with those horns and ears. The tail was kinda far away now, but the fact that this was rather comfortable for Leila herself made it so that the girl would have to wait a little bit before she could tease the tail as well. In all honesty, the dragon girl wanted to place the tail last because she already knew how it would end like... Haia was probably in for a surprise when that time comes. But for now, it was only everything that Leila had on her head, unless Haia intended to play with her hair and other things as well.



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    Post by Triple_Hell 3rd January 2017, 4:12 pm

    Haia touched the girl's head on her lap. Even before touching and just letting her lap feel, she could grasp the softness and silkyness of her hair, the smooth curves of her cheeks pressed against Haia's somewhat pale skin. It was a nice feeling. She could see the dragon tail further down the girl's body. It was really far, even if Leila was resting her head on her lap. Haia was tempted to lean over to stroke it, but she had to settle with the head and maybe chest area for now. She reaches down and pulls a lock of hair close to her. Naturally white. She could not smell any dye or see any sort of unnatural coloration. Haia could draw the conclusion that that it was just really good dye ad the hairstylist did an execellent job, but she doubt that would happen because most likely the stylist would have ran out of her salon. She sniffs it.

    It smells like amazing, like a rose, no a bouquet of roses. She gently rubs her fingers on the smooth silk surface of Leila's hair before going down to the ears. If she ignored the horns and human part, it would like scratching a pet arctic fox. She gave the base of the ear a scratch, partly hoping for a small moan of pleasure to indicate a sweet spot. Her other hand shifted to the blue horns and gave them a firm hold. Rigid and hard, yet smooth and soft to the touch. She gently strokes it with her hand up and down, sometimes giving the tip of the horn a rub before going down to the base, feeling the softness of Leila's hair before going up again. It was a wonderful feeling


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    Post by Noheme 4th January 2017, 8:07 am

    If someone were to enter the place where these two girls were resting right now, they would probably have no trouble mistaking them for a pair of lovers that were enjoying themselves right now. They were making it rather easy for everyone else, Leila's head in Haia's lap and Haia's hand all over Leila's ears. And as odd as that sounded, the dragon girl suddenly felt as if the young girl that was 'examining' her right now thought about including her chest area in the exploration zone as well. Somehow that managed to send an exciting wave of energy down the girl's space as her hair was suddenly played with.

    It was somewhat surprising that Haia didn't instantly go for the ears and horns, as that was seemingly what she was interested in. But apparently she wanted to see her hair up close as well. Though it didn't seem like anything extra to Leila herself, it really was naturally colored white and the blue tips were there from the moment of her birth as well. So not only the structure of her body was little otherworldly, but the coloring as well. That naturally included her eyes too, not many people that would have each iris colored differently like that without any actual eyesight problems or modifications. But it all really couldn't be questioned when you took into consideration that Leila was born not that long ago and from an egg.

    After that, she went for the area that the dragon girl expected. Rubbing and scratching her ears as if she really was nothing more than a pet fox, the girl couldn't help but let out few whimpering sounds and something that sounded kinda like cat's purring. Any and all touches in that location were capable of pleasing the considerable amount of nerves that were locating inside of the flesh, sending shocks of pleasure into her brain in a flash. Eventually, Haia moved a little bit up to give some attention to the horns as well. As these were covered in something similar to the scales on her tail, there wasn't much reaction from Leila's side upon contact. Unlike the ears, they were completely shielded from any and all outside forced for the safety's sake. Honestly, this was quite something, as Leila was the one who usually teased others. Having the roles switch like this from time to time was not bad at all.



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    Post by Triple_Hell 4th January 2017, 8:38 am

    Haia stopped her hand scratching the ears. She thinks she had enough of the softness, the furryness, the cuteness she is getting from Leila just by touching those fox ears. She also found that she garnered no response from the horns. She gave the borns a tap, hard solid and very strong. Haia wonders if she ever uses the horns for combat or other things. Her gaze falls upon Leila's curves, especially the chest. They were big alright. Haia guesses maybe bigger than her head. She gulps, a small drop of sweat formed. She guessed that Leila may be 19, or older, but no where is she close to looking anything like Leila. Maybe it is because of the extra parts affecting her growth. Yeah it must be.

    Haia slowly reaches down and grabs one of Leila's massive breasts, her fingers sinking in like she is squeezing a sponge. Haia's face went red and quickly pulls her hand away, afraid she may have gone too far with her "examination" but they are both girls right? They would be fine comparing chest sizes, groping each other all that. Why was she so tempted do it. The only women she ever interacted with in her life was her deceased aunt, her foster mother, Captain Anastasia and Aliannah. Oh and that fireworks girl back in Rose Garden to kill a gingerbread man. But this situation was different.

    Haia gently moved Leila to make her sit upright and quickly gets up and starts to walk back and forth, mumbling incoherently about why she seems rather tempted to do things with Leila that she otherwise would not normally do with other women, she question her sexuality and even her own head. She stops, still blushing and giving herself face pats. This is just a dream, she did not meet a woman who looks like a dragon fox with big breasts, amazing looking eyes, silky smooth all natural white hair with blue tips, the most soft and most sensitive fox ears, a dragon tail and a towering height. Haia honestly looks like she needs comfort and some sort of logic in her life.


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