Fairy Tail RP

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    A New Day (Private, Social)

    Kaito Shiratori
    Kaito Shiratori

    Quality Badge Level 1- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 171
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    A New Day (Private, Social) Empty A New Day (Private, Social)

    Post by Kaito Shiratori 6th January 2018, 8:17 pm

    The young boy skipped along happily, little wings flapping and ears wiggling with every step. His unusual eyes- one pink, one blue, were scanning the area, looking for his favorite store in the whole world. He could have sworn it was along this street! Finally, after a while, the boy spotted it. He couldn't read, so landmarks were important- too bad he was forgetful. He entered the shop a minute later, excitedly bouncing the whole way. He exited several minutes later, carrying a big bunch of bags and boxes, and a giant plush bear. It was pure white, the same shade as his hair, and had a ribbon about it's neck in pink and blue.

    He was no longer skipping, struggling to hold all he had bought as he was. Among the bags and boxes were large amounts of sweets, plushies, and many cute things. Struggling as he was, he made it a fair distance before he had to sit down and catch his breath. "Heavy..." complained the boy to himself, before hoisting his things once more. If he could just make it home, the pulley platform would do most the work form him after that. Bundled up as he was, one could hardly make out his features, if they were to look. All that one could make out was fluffy white cate ears sticking out from his hat, and small white wings poking out the back of his jacket.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 650

    A New Day (Private, Social) Empty Re: A New Day (Private, Social)

    Post by Taiga 6th January 2018, 9:07 pm

    Taehyung was only just in Hargeon a moment ago, taking part in two requests while he was there and then intended to head back to the Sabertooth guild hall. He had caught the train from Hargeon and when it had arrived at Oak Town, it was here that Taehyung realized he hadn't eaten anything and started to get light pains in his stomach for lack of food. "Damn I am hungry." He stated, rubbing his belly as he stepped off of the train and onto the Oak Town platform. Well that was your own stupidity. You should have eaten. The demon responded from the 'inside'. Tae looked around the area for a moment before spying a young woman and her child sitting on a small bench. "Excuse me miss." He called as he made his way over to them. "Sorry to disturb you but I am looking for somewhere that sells food. Is there any restaurants nearby or kiosks?" The woman was a little taken back only because he had asked her so abruptly, but politely smiled to him and indicated with her chin in a direction while she held her child. "There are a few in the shopping district. If you head down that street and make a right you shouldn't miss it." A smile formed across Tae's face and he bowed. "Thank you miss." Quickly taking the woman's directions.

    Even though Tae was geographically challenged, he managed to find the shopping district rather easily and instantly ran over to a nearby kiosk that was selling various meats on skewers. Just looking at the food, Tae's mouth began to water and pointed at not one or two skewers, but seven. "Can I please get one of them, one of them, one of them, one of them, oooh one of them and one of them, oooooh that looks yummy. One of them too please." The man behind the counter quickly took the requested skewers and placed them in a brown paper bag, exchanging it with Tae and taking the jewels in the opposite hand. Taking out one of the skewers from the bag, Tae took a bite of the meat and found a nearby bench to sit down on. You mortals are pathetic. Adramelech stated, disgusted by Tae's urgency for food to which the young boy simply ignored the Demon. It was here that Tae took notice of someone nearby, or at least he thought it was someone. They seemed have ears and wings and carrying a large variety of bags and a plushie. "Dwoo-wyuh-funk-kay-weed-one-welp?" Tae asked the demon with food in his mouth to which a response of a deep growl from the demon could be heard. You do realize I did not understand any of that due to the mass amount of filth in your mouth, right? Tae swallowed the meat and tried again. "I asked: Do you think they need some help?" The demon wasn't going to respond, he wasn't the friendly kind of being and hated humans.

    Taehyung rolled his eyes and climbed to his feet, closing the brown paper bag of skewers and placing them in the right pocket of his pants before making his way over to the figure in the distance. "Excuse me!?" Tae called, slightly standing on his tip toes in order to see a face of the person carrying the large items. "Could you use some help?"


    Kaito Shiratori
    Kaito Shiratori

    Quality Badge Level 1- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 171
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    A New Day (Private, Social) Empty Re: A New Day (Private, Social)

    Post by Kaito Shiratori 7th January 2018, 5:04 pm

    Unknown jumped at the person who had suddenly appeared in front of him, asking if he needed help. As he did so, his things nearly fell from his arms, and one box did fall, to his own dismay. Full as his hands were, he couldn't reach the fallen box, and pouted. The bos contained his favorite treat every, strawberry cake, and it was probably no good now thanks to the fall it had taken. No doubt, the cake would be crushed. "You made me drop my cake!" He pouted as he attempted to pick the box back up, slightly teary-eyed.

    "Can you please pick that box up and see if the cake is alright or not?" Asked Unknown. It was the least the syranger could do, since he had ended up being the cause of Unknown dropping the cake in the first place. As he adjusted his grip on his other things, his scarf slipped down to reveal a face pink with cold, and mismatched eyes of unnatural shades of pink and blue. His bangs were also revealed to be an unnatural shade of white, marking him as different. Hopefully the stranger could at least tell him if his cake was okay, since he had given up on picking up the box himself. With watery eyes, he looked up at the taller boy, hoping he would at least pick up the cake box for him.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 650

    A New Day (Private, Social) Empty Re: A New Day (Private, Social)

    Post by Taiga 10th January 2018, 5:27 am

    Taehyung saw the young man in front of him jump so suddenly and knew that it was his fault for asking out of no where but it was at this moment that he noticed a small box falling out of the man's grip. Instinctively, Tae dropped to his knees with arms forward, catching to box in his arms. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." He stated, climbing back to his feet with the box in his arms. He proceeded to do as he was told and opened the box and to much his surprise, the cake was only a little squished on the side. "It is only a little smooshed." He stated, realizing afterward that it was an odd word to come out of his mouth. Here's your chance... Take the cake. He can't catch you and even if he tried, he would lose everything else in the process. Tae, ignored the demon inside him and frowned, though the one in front of him wouldn't know why he was frowning.

    Tae blinked a couple of times out of surprise when the young man's face was revealed. It was obviously judging a book by its cover but Taehyung expected to see some kind of animal nose or something considering the guy had ears of an animal, but none. The only think that he could see that was unusual was the fact that each eye was a different color. One was pink, while the other was blue and it kind of made Taehyung interested. "Nice eyes." He stated, looking into them as if dazed. It was hear that he could mentally hear the demon Adramelech repeatedly smashing his head against a hard object and even realized his own words were a little embarrassing. "S-sorry." He hadn't even noticed the unnatural shade of white in his hair and instead took a step back so that he wasn't in the young man's space.

    Oh great! He is going to cry! Adramelech stated, taking note of the boys watery eyes before Taehyung did. "I saw that you were struggling to carry other those things so I thought I would come over and give you a hand. I apologize." Tae stated, bowing forward as an apology while still holding the box with the cake in it. "Let me at least carry a few things to help." Some people Tae's age would consider this gesture strange but Taehyung was just a generally good, nice and polite guy, always willing to help a stranger in need. The demon inside him on the other hand is the complete opposite.


    Kaito Shiratori
    Kaito Shiratori

    Quality Badge Level 1- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 171
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    A New Day (Private, Social) Empty Re: A New Day (Private, Social)

    Post by Kaito Shiratori 21st January 2018, 7:01 pm

    "My eyes?" Asked Unknown, somewhat confused. A blush spread across his cheeks, as he looked at the other, taller boy. "T-thanks..." he mumbled, looking down at his own feet. He didn't quite know how to respond to the compliment, he wasn't used to people using nice words with him. Luckily, with how cold it was it was hard to see his blush at least. The boy sighed in relief when he heard the cake wasn't damaged, anyhow. He had greatly been looking forwards to eating it.

    "That would be nice, if you can help." Said Unknown, handing the stranger a few boxes. It wasn't much, but it took the burden off enough that he was no longer in danger of dropping any of it. It was a bit of a relief that he had somebody who was willing to help. "Are you sure though? My house is 2 blocks away, but aren't you here to shop? This is the shopping district, after all." Unknown asked, finally looking up again. His ears flattened a little bit at the thought of struggling with carrying everything once more. Was the stranger sure? If not, Unknown would have to carry everything, and that was not something he wanted to do. It was heavy carrying so much, and just generally precarious.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 650

    A New Day (Private, Social) Empty Re: A New Day (Private, Social)

    Post by Taiga 22nd January 2018, 8:27 am

    Taehyung gladly took the boxes from the young man and made sure to pile them in his arms so that they were perfectly balanced. The stranger went on to tell Taehyung that his house was two blocks away which really wasn't that far at all to be honest. When he was asked about shopping, Taehyung simply shook his head and smiled. "Two blocks ins't that far and it is still relatively early." He paused, looking back at the shopping district for a moment before continuing. "It is still relatively early in the morning, I have all day to go shopping" He stated as he began taking a few steps forward, only to stop and turn back to the boy with another smile. "Is it this way?" He asked, waiting for the boy to proceed in the direction of hi home. It was here at this point that Taehyung noticed the animal like ears the boy had and couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at the sight. Well he definitely isn't human. Adramelech stated in Taehyung's mind. There was another member of Taehyung's guild who had animal like features, Itori and she was a fox creature known as a Kitsune. Tae thought about this for a moment, only to be shut down by the demon. I don't think he is a Kitsune.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:52 pm