Fairy Tail RP

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    Troubled Matters (solo job)


    Troubled Matters (solo job) Empty Troubled Matters (solo job)

    Post by Guest 29th October 2016, 7:45 am

    Summer Guiyang

    Troubled Matters

    (Solo job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 214

    Today was an ordinary day as always for the fireworks expert, taking on jobs as per usual that she deems to be interesting or deems to be of the utmost importance. Today, her job was to take care of a bully that was bullying a little kid, she found this most upsetting, mainly because bullies are very bad people and they typically need sense knocked into them, as per usual.

    Arriving on the school grounds, she started to look for the bully. She was finding it a bit of a struggle because the job didn’t really detail what the bully looked like, if they were a boy or a girl, not even the age. Summer had to only rely on her lookout skills, mainly due to the fact that she left Laysha back at home because she was ill.

    Summer quickly spotted a school kid cornering one of the other kids. That was probably the bully that was indeed enlisted in the job details, and she has decided to walk up to the bully to have a few words with him, and possibly threaten him with her magic in order to scare him him away. She hoped this tactic will prove useful for the kid and make him enjoy school in a different light.

    Extra notes; none


    Troubled Matters (solo job) Empty Re: Troubled Matters (solo job)

    Post by Guest 29th October 2016, 8:17 am

    Summer Guiyang

    Troubled Matters

    (Solo job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 185

    Walking up to the bully wasn’t a hard task at all. She poked the bullys shoulder just as he was about to lift up a clenched fist, probably to punch the kid who was cornered by him in the first place. Luckily the bully turned around to face Summer before he could bring any harm to the little spunk. Summer then kneeled down and bit her lower lip, she hoped this will work.

    “I do believe we need to talk.” Summer stated as she cocked a brow up towards the bully, the bully crossed his arms and gave off a cocky smile as he walked towards Summer, trying his best to be as intimidating as possible. Luckily this was not working on Summer, she beats up threats for a living and just a single bully who probably cannot even channel magic properly yet is not going to scare her.

    Taking Summer to shady alley that the school strangely had, the boy crossed his arms. It was clear that he wanted to mess with her. But due to Summer’s experience. She was having none of it.

    Extra notes; none


    Troubled Matters (solo job) Empty Re: Troubled Matters (solo job)

    Post by Guest 29th October 2016, 8:36 am

    Summer Guiyang

    Troubled Matters

    (Solo job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 184

    “So, why are you here, huh?? I haven’t done anything wrong.” The boy stated as he grinned at the fireworks expert. Summer definitely needed more than a few words if she was going to knock some sense into them. She sure hoped that her magic will sort him out, she has already vowed to not hurt him. But he really doesn’t know what the fireworks expert was really going to do to him.

    “I think you have mister, you have done so much harm with the kids lately. You are such a bully and I believe you need to stop it immediately.” The girl demanded as she crossed her arms across her flat chest. She started to get excited, the adrenaline was wanting to jump up and down and just annoy him. But this was a job, and this was to scare him.

    “Pffttt! As if!” The bully retorted. He seemed to not have a care in the world, he probably thought that she was going to only give him a few words and then move on, leaving him to continue his bullying spree.

    Extra notes; none


    Troubled Matters (solo job) Empty Re: Troubled Matters (solo job)

    Post by Guest 29th October 2016, 8:58 am

    Summer Guiyang

    Troubled Matters

    (Solo job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 192

    “If I hear you have hurt anyone in this school or anyone out of this school again, I will personally find you and hurt you in my own hands.” Summer threatened the bully as her standing position changed, placing a hand on her hip ever so gracefully as she shook her head. “I don’t want to hurt you… but for goodness sake, you wouldn’t like it if you were bullied…”

    “Pfft, nobody is gonna bully me! I make sure of that!” The bully snapped. Summer couldn’t believe it, does he not believe that she could seriously harm him? She has one of the most explosive magics in Fiore and she could give him so many burns.

    “As a mage of the guild known as Golden Phoenix, I demand you to stop bullying others!” The female’s hand started to glow into fireworks and she shot a firework to the floor in front of his feet. The bully got increasingly worried, he was told by a mage to stop bullying others out of everyone that could’ve told him. The bully quickly turned around and ran out of the alleyway which was located in school.

    Extra notes; none


    Troubled Matters (solo job) Empty Re: Troubled Matters (solo job)

    Post by Guest 29th October 2016, 9:27 am

    Summer Guiyang

    Troubled Matters

    (Solo job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 166

    Summer has finally done her job, she hoped she has scared the bully enough into him being nice to others and not to harm anyone in his way. The kid that put out the job in the first place is going to be thankful for her for sure. With that in mind, she has decided to leave the school grounds.

    Walking out of the alleyway. The female looked around to see all the kids playing and having fun again, she was glad that she was able to see such a thing. With so many things happening in the world, she sometimes pondered if the kids could still be happy. She was glad she has that answer here and now.

    Summer sighed softly as she slowly walked out of the school gates. She was happy that she didn’t have to deal with any sort of bullies while she was back at the little village. The most she had to deal with while there was fires and invaders.

    Extra notes; none


      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 7:09 pm