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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious Mon 19 Sep - 16:43

    HP 100
    MP 100%
    WORDS 344
    The night was slowly approaching and normally, Sakura would be preparing for another hunt for sinners. However, today's plan was just a smidge different from the usual routine of killing those marked as evil by her. There was a certain soul imprisoned within the blade of Akatsubaki, the katana than this girl was using. She did not know who's soul it was, but she did know that it was pretty powerful. After all, it was capable of breaking the seal partially and whispering to it's user directly, guiding Sakura to most of her targets when got near to then. But instead of sinners, the whispers were guiding her towards something completely different tonight. it wanted her to visit a certain graveyard that was deep within a dark forest, place that no ordinary soul would dare visit. Especially not this hour when the darkness was slowly covering the entire Earthland, making this place look even more dangerous. Of course, a seasoned swordswoman like Sakura had no problem with petty things like that. Darkness was her ally and it's embrace was relaxing and generous. Those who disliked darkness, those she could never truly understand. And so she was alone, slowly walking the dirt path that lead into the woods. Wind was gently blowing and making the leaves sway energetically, also generating sounds that anyone could mistake for someone trying to follow them. And that did have Sakura on the edge a little bit, as she was constantly turning around and looking if there wasn't another human being, or something worse. Actually, she even felt some slight whiff of magical energy, which possibly meant that there was another wizard nearby. In all honesty, after all that happened with Dust, she was kinda feeling lonely in these situations. Despite living completely alone and isolated from everything else for majority of her life, there was now a slight desire to have some form of companion. The only problem was that anyone who was in the area at this hour would probably only want to kill her, not accompany her.


    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Mon 19 Sep - 22:22

    305 words

    Some nights the calico woman avoided being out at night, while other nights she would venture into the darkness. Honestly it all depended on how thick the black of night extended, if her sensitive eyes could find enough light to see things mostly clear, because after years being denied sight, the wind witch was not willing to surrender her vision to anything besides dreams. In spite of the lack of moon and stars visible to the human eye tonight, the current dimness was not enough to deter the vision of a canine, something that was sometimes nocturnal in the first place. However even when the darkness did not spook her it was always possible for her own memories to do the trick and render her unable to fall asleep due to the terror of what she would face once her eyes closed. Thus the half demoness had ventured out of her room at the Silver Moon Inn tonight, grabbed her backpack and just started walking, aimlessly. It was not the first time that Jiyu had randomly decided to go walking and it certainly would not be the last. However night everything was more silent than normal and her ears gave her no clear dictation to how far she had gone. Even if her ability to sense magnetic fields allowed the girl to know how far away from Rose Garden she had wandered in only her nightgown? The fact didn’t really hit Kazehime until her feet were scraping the soft soil of the graveyard. Once she realized this was happening, the wind user stopped moving amongst the tombstones, wind blowing against her making her hair, dress and tail all flutter at the same time. “Hn?” as the wind kept playing with her body, she turned to face a presence she felt, head cocked to the side..


    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious Tue 20 Sep - 9:22

    HP 100
    MP 100%
    WORDS 278
    Her paranoid behaviour was probably not needed at all. If someone had to be scared, it would surely be others of her, not the other way around. After all, she was the serial killer here. Not exactly a title that everyone would have to their name. And so she continued, trying to relax herself. But as soon as she reached the first graves that marked the entrance to the places she was headed to, another presence showed itself by letting out magical energy and even letting out a faint noise. Of course that alarmed Sakura who unsheated her sword towards that source of feminine voice. She definitely was not prepared for what she saw. A young looking woman who had hair color as a raven along wit a little bit of a more vibrant color. All that was pretty normal. However, this unknown female also boasted few animal features and mainly, she was dressesd very lightly! That was not normal at all, surely. If she didn't know better, she would have mistook her for a spirit that was haunting this place. Hopefully that was not actually the case, it would only bring major trouble to this little trip.

    "N..name yourself and your business in this place, now!"

    The sudden silence was unbearable, so Sakura was the first one to actually say anything. Her eyes were shining in the dark with orange color, showing both interest but also hostility for now. You could never be careful enough with other people these days, especially wizards. And this girl, her magical energy was far too superior to Sakura's. That would really be a problem if a fight started for whatever reason.



    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Tue 20 Sep - 12:13

    305 words

    The moment someone let down their guard entirely was the same second their life was ended without mercy. At least? That was what Jiyu happened to believe due to experiences in her life. When someone lived life as she did, especially the way she had grown up so quickly after running away and then been forced to grow again by being kidnapped, the person tended to be unable to truly believe that any decent amount of good still existed in the world. Kazehime somehow managed to believe that some people could still be pure entities, not want to harm her, but the cost for this continued faith was quite large. Most often? It ended up biting her in the ass and causing her significant pain! So it was always better for someone to be on their guard and believe the worst or strangest possibility, initially at least, until given reason to believe something else.

    Jiyu’s eyes caught the pale haired girl and her brain remarked how very many people she encountered tended to have bright hair or pale hair, compared to her ebony tresses. Was that why she had started dying her hair tips? Well it didn’t matter, because after her transformation into a demon, she found that color was fairly permanent now, due to her regenerative abilities registering that color pattern when she transformed. “Jiyu.” she didn’t have any business, there was nothing like that to state. Unlike when she was on a job, the short girl had no extra information to converse over, nothing to strike up a conversation with, so she didn’t even bother this time, it was unlikely anything would come of it. Besides the girl facing her was no threat, the difference in their power was clear to sense, so nothing bad could come of simply offering her name up.


    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious Tue 20 Sep - 15:57

    HP 100
    MP 100%
    WORDS 310
    Sakura got answer to at least one of her questions, thought that was still pretty unsatisfactory to say the least. She disliked it when people tried to hide things from here, even if it was to be expected from a complete stranger like this Jiyu girl was. But at least it appeared that there was no imminent danger coming from her either, so she wasn't here to hunt Sakura down. That was at least some relief for now. And as her whole appearance didn't exactly seem too threatening, she decided to put away her sword for now, moving it from the trajectory where it aimed at someone else's neck and right into her sheath.

    "Will you at least tell me why are you in place like this at this hour? And dressed like that nonetheless? It seems... highly inappropriate."

    Yes, Sakura was a serial killer. Be she also had some sense of decency and last she checked, wearing something like this was meant only for when you were going to bed, not outside into the abandoned graveyard that was also in the middle of a seemingly haunted forest. Well, not that really was that big of a deal. Jiyu didn't look half bad and that attire did add something strange to it, something that made Sakura slightly blush. Her body really did behave strangely these days, growing weak when pretty ladies were around and such. Was that really all just because of that one moment she had with lady Dust? How much could a person change because of one simple encounter that would show them a different row of pleasures that could be obtained in life. The answer was pleny, apparently. As it was supported by this current situation. And hopefully Jiyu would try to talk a little bit more this time, answering with more than just a single word.



    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Wed 21 Sep - 21:17


    Jiyu was not absorbed in pleasing anyone else besides herself right now, the wind mage had no reason to concern herself with what this girl thought. Even if she was recognized as the Ace Of Hearts of Black Rose, it was unlikely anyone would believe she was actually caught out like this without photographic proof, and this girl had no camera. Even if there was flash photography here? Kazehime would not care, it was not as if her clothing was not lewd most of the time, more often than not, she was nearly naked, this nighty was actually more modest than her normal bikini and daisy dukes combo. Once the sword went away, the female almost lost all focus on the other girl, knowing nothing over there was threatening anymore, it really was not something her senses could bother themselves with. However her sight stayed glued over towards the other girl, her other abilities stretching out and paying attention to other things.

    “I don’t have a reason, if you think this is inappropriate than you should see how I normally dress.” was her v neck, mid thigh length nighty really that bad? Jiyu had been raised somewhere between decent and feral, considering one half of her was demon and the other was human, these two halves always fought, causing her to seem bipolar sometimes. Both halves agreed that even though it might be a little bit sheer allowing the outline of her shapely body to be viewed, it was nothing compared to the fact she normally went around without her shirt on. “Honestly my nightgown is better than my normal clothing, trust me, I normally just walk around in shorts without my shirt on.” then of course, since the moon broke through and the way things were currently going, the wind mage suddenly stepped forward, clearing the distance swiftly due to her enhanced speed.

    “You’ve asked a decent amount of me, considering you’ve given nothing in return.” the girl crossed her arms right under her breasts, offering them to a better advantage as her hips swayed to the side slightly, behavior that came naturally considering it often got the demoness her way.


    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious Mon 26 Sep - 14:26

    HP 100
    MP 100%
    WORDS 333
    This was most puzzling. She was standing there, wearing nothing more than a nightgown and wasn't embarrassed at all, even saying that it wasn't so bad? Perhaps Sakura was raised as too decent, but this simply didn't sit with her morals. Even though her own yukata was extremely short and revealing everything that was underneath as she moved around, this was simply strange to her.

    "I mean... given what you are wearing... people usually don't wear any undergarments when they go to sleep, do they?"

    That was what she was concerned about. At the end of the day, what Jiyu was wearing was basically a dress of some description. But what she had underneath? If Sakura's guess was correct, then she had only this one layer of cloth on her, and that was definitely dangerous! Wearing underwear when you try to sleep, it was just too restricting. And that was her whole reasoning to assume that she didn't have anything else underneath. But what she said next was... well, it sounded kinda extreme. When Jiyu said that she was walking around topless during the day, the swordswoman immediately imagined her COMPLETELY topless, as in not wearing even any bra. After all, she didn't mention that she was wearing something like that instead of a shirt. And that made poor Sakura's face grow extremely red.

    "A..a..are you a nudist or something?! I'm sorry... I didn't think that I would meet someone with hobby like that, I won't judge you any further! I'm truly sorry for being so inconsiderate..."

    People were free to enjoy whatever they wanted. And if this girl with black hair enjoyed walking around half naked, well... that was her own thing. And Sakura would only respect it. No matter what those she would see as evil would say, it surely took a great deal of confidence to bring that side out of herself. In a way, Sakura was proud of Jiyu for not being afraid to show her interests like this!



    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Wed 28 Sep - 18:09

    374 words

    At one time she had been terrified of people seeing her body in any exposed state, back when she was young and naive, than again when she was covered head to toe in burn marks and scratches. However once those two conditions had been remedied, no longer had their teeth rooted into her, the sorceress was confident about her physical appearance. Jiyu knew she had a attractive figure, and her hair was something that select few might envy considering it’s length, thus she had no reason to be embarrassed about someone looking at her. Despite this she still did sometimes worry that people were staring at her inhuman form in hate, ridiculing her demonic features and demeaning her in their minds. Yet she was comfortable this way, her movement was free and she would feel the wind more dressed as she was clothed, and the way she normally dressed from day to day, allowed that sensation as well. As a child, she never thought that her fashion sense would become this, but of course she never thought of running away and becoming a mage either, it all kind of happened at once, so the morals of decency her parents had raised her to have, did not affect her garments anymore. Honestly her parent’s would probably faint if they saw how their daughter dressed these days, and that was bad considering one parent was dead and the other, well the story was for another time.

    “Nudist?” that was something people had yet to call her, rather nice change of pace, but she couldn’t let that misunderstanding stay. Kazehime moved forward to sit on one of the unengraved tombstones in front of Sakura, careful not to place her feet on the burial spot itself. “Nah, your mind went a bit too far.” the mage hummed it out, kicking one leg up, nightgown shifting to also allow sight to her pink lacy underwear. “First off nudist’s don’t wear any clothing, I’m in undies and a nightgown right now.” her left hand gestured to her body as her tail swished from side to side “Second i’m not quite that bold.” Jiyu finished off her words, chuckling as she popped back up, behind the grave, stretching as she yawned.


    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious Fri 30 Sep - 16:36

    HP 100
    MP 100%
    WORDS 390
    Her understanding of the current situation was swiftly corrected as the seemingly playful girl started explaining. While she refused being called a nudist, it was still pretty clear that she had no problems with showing a lot of her own skin and perhaps even enjoyed something like that. There was a lot of people that had strange tastes and were into things that others would hate in extreme manner. Well, it was all her business, not Sakura's. She was just glad that Jiyu also confirmed that she was indeed wearing some underwear underneath that not exactly protective dress of hers. That managed to calm the katana wielder quite a bit, actually. Somehow, it returned them to a safe playing field. With a sigh of relief, she started eyeing this strange person one more time. And as she was 'dancing' around that one grave, Sakura did get a closer look at her after all this time. And she noticed that the girl had differently colored eyes, something that was not seen very often. Quite a rare disorder that made someone rather pretty, but was also dangerous as it had tendency to cause plenty of other problems with one's sight. However, it didn't really seem like Jiyu had any problems like that, at least that she judged from the while they knew one another. And even Sakura's eyes were now shining gold, showcasing the fact that they were capable of simply changing color depending on the mood.

    "In any case, your attire could still use some more concealing. But I'm not here to tell you how to dress... I'm heading further in. Feel free to tag along, I'll happily do my best to protect someone like you from evil of this place, no matter the cost."

    So far, Sakura certainly didn't view her new friend as someone that would be evil. Thank goodness, as that would bring a lot of trouble. Good thing that Jiyu's guild tattoo was completely hidden from the public eye right now, as that would just shatter everything. And that said, the woman with golden eyes started marching forward, staying on the path and heading further into the cemetery. After all, there was something here that she had to investigate. So if anyone wanted to know what she was doing here, all they had to do was follow.



    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Fri 30 Sep - 18:38

    Jiyu was one to often play games on people, but she did not feel as if the misunderstanding which had taken place was something she should fool around with before correcting. However it was really a good missed chance, she could have screwed with this girl so thoroughly, yet she had no idea if she'd be able to take it back afterwards, so she had not let her 'inner darkness' so to speak, take over. Kazehime was no fan of getting into trouble she could not scoot her way out of later. In fact she was not even such a big fan of trouble as many people thought, she merely liked fun and the two often came as a package deal. The half demoness enjoying playing games with everyone who existed, she had once done it by flirting flamboyantly as well. However she had since found out if any male besides Marschal returned her touches or touched her first, she had the habit of being triggered. Of course it was to be expected with what had happened to her while she was captive. Didn't make the pain any easier thought, her body suddenly feeling disgusting and aching horribly. That was enough for the moment, before her brain got away with her.

    "That's good, because I won't listen to you anyways~" it was the least tactful way she could put that sentence, simply stating that the other's opinion on how she dressed, didn't matter. Jiyu spoke like that, but in truth she did a double take of herself, realizing this was the first time someone actually had comment about the way she dressed, wondering if it was that wrong. Quickly she decided morals had no place in how someone dressed, so she threw the idea out of her mind. "But I'm impressed. Hehe. Your the first person to openly admit having a problem with it." she was suddenly right behind the other girl, swift on her feet and careful in her steps, smiling softly as her hair swayed forward in the wind.

    "Well on the chance spirits are awake, I'll come with you." she disliked facing ghost's alone, not because she feared souls, but because they could sometimes afflict her persona in multiple ways, due to the electricity they could emit. Kazehime increased her strides to match Sakura's, glancing over at her with this light in her eyes that denoted the game she might play "You haven't introduce yourself yet miss heroic. Will I have to become a damsel in distress or bite a poison apple to get your name?~" she ran forward a few steps, bending slightly and smiling up at the other girl, before she went to turn around and keep walking along the aisle of the graveyard.


    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] H6NcPbM

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1594
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious Fri 30 Sep - 18:56

    HP 100
    MP 100%
    WORDS 374
    Sakura simply walked on the path made out of crude stones, clearly not well kept, and turned when she felt that she had to. In all honestly, she didn't quite know where she was going or what exactly she was looking for. It was her sword that lead her here after all. Or rather, the spirit that is imprisoned withing that sword. A soul bound to Akatsubaki that was still kinda unknown to Sakura. For some reason, they had a special bond that no one else was capable of feeling. And thanks to that, she had no issues with feeling what her weapon wanted. Kinda like a very silent tour guide that is also invisible. Jiyu also followed, which made the swordswoman somewhat less nervous about this whole messy place. And she wanted to continue talking as well, so that the two of them would not become bored on this trip just yet.

    "I see. Perhaps I am the first woman that is interested in the same gender romantically then. With attire like that, it is only natural that people like me would get... less comfortable. Or way too comfortable perhaps..."

    Sakura had no problems with disclosing the fact that she in fact was capable of falling in love with another female. But she wasn't quite sure how to explain her reasoning behind all that talk before. But Jiyu probably understood already, unless her mind was too innocent for something like that. Which probably wasn't the case with how she was dressing herself for public to see. And then there was the question of her name again. She managed to kinda avoid it before, but... this was a bit problematic. Would Jiyu know who she is with her name? Well, there was only one way to find out.

    "It's Sakura... Chimamire... Sakura..."

    She was unsure when she said it and hoped that her partner never heard the name anywhere and wasn't capable of actually translating it's meaning either. Because both would be a bit problematic... her mother had a great sense of morbid humor when she was naming her daughter apparently. And then, a faint pulse of magic. Sakura stopped walking and started looking around, it appeared that her target was somewhere close by.



    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Sat 1 Oct - 11:50

    568 words.

    She barely noticed that the substance beneath her feet was crude and harsh stone bricks, it was odd because normally people had problem with that sort of thing on their bare feet. Jiyu had went without shoes since she was seven thought, so the mage was used to rough textures on the soles of her feet, callouses developed thickly there in order to protect her. Thus she had no trouble nearly dancing down the path that should have left her feet bleeding otherwise. Kazehime followed the paths that the blonde girl took without any second thought, large eyes watching the movement carefully tracking her more by motion than she did by actual perception of a solid form. In all brutal honesty? Jiyu was what one could call nearsighted, only able to see clearly up to twenty feet in front of her face, everything else eventually blurring out. However due to a keen eye for any motion combined with her sense of smell and hearing, the limited vision barely ever seemed to be an issue. The greater issue with her eyes? Was the fact she thought her orange highlights were golden and the grass around them was cream, due to her inability to see anything that was red or green. Any trace of movement by Sakura was met with keen observation by Jiyu, dual colored optics nearly predatory as she simply watched.

    “Uh-.” the comment seemed to catch her off guard, vision being averted from the other girl, as her face paled slightly, eyes faulting in their shimmer as she considered the words. Even if she had been pushed far beyond her comfort zone after hearing it, nearly melted down? She had heard and retained what Leila had said back then, the confession, Jiyu simply acted as if her following near meltdown had wiped it from her memory or as if she didn’t understand what had been meant. Kazehime had no idea how to deal with what her best friend had said, nothing in her mind having prepared her for it. The inu suddenly looked guilty as she squirmed slightly, placing her hands behind her back like a child would, but this move also ended up pushing her chest outwards. “Sorry.” eye’s averted with her hair fallen halfway over her face and a fang in her lip, timid glance back at the other girl. “It’s just the way I dress, I’m a wind mage so most of my spells would cause trouble if I dressed normally.” Indeed a t-shirt would likely rise up and reveal her bra, and her magic also had a habit of sometimes tearing her clothing unless it was flush against her skin, since her magic only knew her body, not fabric. “Even this is a little too much clothing.” she tugged down on the loose part of the gown that lay beyond her midsection, scowling at it as the breeze made it flutter. If she were to cast one of her spells? She was likely  to give this girl a panty shot. After this she was going to have to try another pajama set, Jiyu liked how cute they were, but the only practical night-dress she had found so far was bra and underwear.

    Once they stopped, she looked around as Sakura was doing “So this is where you were going?” she glanced around curiously, trying to find something special about the area surrounding them.


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    Eden's Rose

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    Post by Leila Vergious Sat 1 Oct - 12:13

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    So that was where things stood. Truly, if Jiyu's magic was capable of easily tearing her own clothes into pieces, it would become quite problematic and inconvenient. It also really forced a little thought into the front of Sakura's mind... how exactly managed fire mages to control their flames without burning their own clothes away? It always looked so mysterious... maybe they had special fabric of some description? They were in a world that was filled with magic to the brim, so she could surely find something that would help her.

    "Perhaps a tight full bodysuit would fit you in some way. But let us leave the topic of clothing behind, as long as you're not doing anything indecent on purpose, I am fine with your appearance as it is right now. That is the main thing that matters."

    Perhaps those words sounded a bit weird, but it was nothing more than confirmation that Saura accepted her sorry and was fine for now. Though her suggestion was probably on another side of the extreme which she did not quite realize. But they were finally there, so they could focus on things of different nature. Sakura's sword, Akatsubaki, was nearly vibrating at this point. And looking around, she finally found what she was looking for. Not really answering her companion's last question, she simply ran off to a nearby grave. Although it looked more like a monument of some kind rather than a normal grave, it was clearly made out of magical stone as well. And it was surrounded by few other columns that were filled with some sort of magical energy as well. At first glance, this definitely did not look like a grave. More like a seal or something of that nature.

    "This...? But... what do I do now? Why are you suddenly silent?!"

    The poor girl had no idea what to do now, and all the whispers that were coming from the sword suddenly fell completely silent. Unsure of what to say next or what gesture she should perform, she simply touched the obelisk in the center. And in that moment, it changed color to a bright red, gathering magic from within. And what did it do with said magic? A small red ball of energy formed above the structure and without any warning flew into Sakura who in that very instant felt incredible pain, falling to her knees. With groans of agony, she lied there for quite a while before jumping back up and facing Jiyu with a smile wider that should be possible, her eyes of crimson color staring right into the other girl's irises. And then a gesture of salutations!

    "Everyone's favorite vampiric beast Sakura Ai here~! Please, leave your clapping for later, we have too much to do and our schedule is completely full! Wait, what are... oh my god, what is this bitch doing here?! We're not in Joya, are we?!"

    Her voice was way more energetic and higher pitched than before as she acted towards Jiyu with surprise, almost as if she didn't know her at all and was surprised by her presence here.



    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Sat 1 Oct - 14:15

    487 words

    Full body suit?! The female’s face flamed up and she cast her gaze down, no that was certainly not any option, she would be too embarrassed to move around in it, and plus it would cover too much of her skin, the wind would become upset with her. Jiyu would not take such a huge risk, with an outfit like that. The wind could suddenly just decide to tear it off her in the middle of a fight, she was better off like this, she had to be. “Yeah, that’s kinda out there for me, plus I doubt the wind will enjoy the lack of contact with my body it would cause.” she explained with a softened tone to her enchanting voice, casting her gaze around as she shifted slightly. Wearing a full body suit? Would just never do for the wind sorceress, she was best dressing in the indecent manner she clothed at the moment, it functioned most times and made her comfortable most of the time. “On purpose....?” the word echoed as she wondered if her dressing could be considered on purpose or circumstantial she had no way to truly decide the answer to that, so Jiyu sighed out, continuing down the path with her arms crushed under her generous breasts. She was still in her own mind when everything started.

    It was the light that caught her attention, despite the fact she could not actually tell the true color of it, light still emitted and her gaze was sensitive to light, so it instantly drew her eyes. Most of the event simply confused her, but she got the gist that something had entered the girl she came here with, an entity or power that might not exactly belong. Kazehime could only stand waiting to see the result, watching everything go down and considering how best to respond if this turned violent. Considering her current gown? She would be unable to fight well without giving a panty shot to the other girl, and she didn’t want to give Sakura the wrong idea by doing that. However if attacked, she would throw all decency out the window and beat this weaker mage into submission.

    “The bitch comment gets old really fast, try a better insult because I actually can correctly be called a bitch.”
    people had been doing that since she was a child, and most of the time it never got to her for various reasons, maybe she was just too dense to be insulted effectively. Either way she took a few steps forward, one hand on her hip as she cocked it to the side, raising an eyebrow at the new entity who seemed rather eccentric. “I already told you my name is Jiyu, and no I’m not from Joya, i’m a dog not a cat.” she held her hands together, encase she’d have to trigger a takeover to fight, just to be safe.


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    Post by Leila Vergious Sat 1 Oct - 16:12

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    Sakura's body tilted it's head slightly to the right, her eyes wide just as the smile. She watched happily as the wind witch stated that those words from before were some manner of insult and then proceeded to correct the fact that she is in fact not from Joya. What a shame, you didn't get to interact with people from other nation everyday, this would have been a lovely opportunity to do so. But she could not hold in any longer, as soon as Jiyu stopped talking, Sakura started laughing out loud in not exactly self-contained manner.

    "Hahaha, you think that was an insult coming from me to you? Good god, look behind you! There is a frigging tail wriggling from one side to the other, of course you're a bitch! Ah, and I guess that folk from Joya are just cats, huh... damn those kemonomimi tribes, they always drove me nuts, hahaha!

    Even wrapping her hands around her own stomach as she laughed, Sakura seemingly realized something and stopped with that slightly obnoxious new voice of hers. A single look to her side and then she pulled out her katana in a flash! It probably looked like a gesture indicating that she was getting ready for a fight or something... but instead of doing something else with the unsheathed blade, she... just kinda hugged it.

    "Aaah, my darling! I knew you would come to rescue me one day! I truly knew! Of course, you could have come like... oh I dunno... a decade earlier, you piece of filth!!"

    With those words, she took a proper grip on the sword and threw it into a nearest grave, splitting the marble into two pieces in one quick attack. It was pretty clear that this girl had no problems with going from completely calm and laughing to very angry and overall aggressive in an instant. In a way, that was pretty scary, as it made her rather hard to read and predict. But now she returned her gaze back at Jiyu, tilting her head again and smiling warmly as if she was some kind of innocent maiden.



    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Fri 14 Oct - 15:48

    She had not signed up for crazy, demented, dangerous, trouble, annoyance and a long night when she went out for her midnight stroll. Of course? She had not bargained for those thing’s when she joined the life of a wizard, but it seemed those sort of thing’s just followed those who lived in the world of magic. Thus Jiyu would do her best to continue putting up with them, and respond appropriately to everything that took place around her. This was a situation where the wind mage wished she did not bother changing into a nightgown she knew she’d kick off during the night anyways. If she had not? The wind user would have been armed, right now she only had her magic, not the best condition ever, but she could put up with it, somehow. Hopefully this wouldn’t turn aggressive. “If you knew Joya was just cats, why in the world did you ask if a bitch was from there.” the word was spoken so casually, since they were both under the impression it was a normal way of referring to someone who was clearly a female dog.

    “A decade earlier and you might not have gotten the sight of me when you came to.” the wind uer laughed it out, leaning against a tree that had grown in the graveyard. Damn a decade? She could have been seven, and with the month it was she might have still be in her mother’s arms. “Anyways.” as much as she loved sticking to things that would ensure this did not get aggressive? The wind mage knew it was not the smartest of actions to take, she had to ask and sort this out before it became an issue.

    “I’m actually starting to get rather cold, so after you explain what's going on here to me, mind if we head back to the town?” the wind started blowing stronger, and she held one hand down to keep her gown from flying up, rolling her eyes at her own element’s behavior.


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    Post by Leila Vergious Fri 14 Oct - 16:56

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    That cute and innocent tilt of her head quickly changed into something much more twisted when the girl sticked out her tongue and her eyes darkened, clearly consumed by energy that was completely otherworldly. And unlike the canine girl, this swordswoman cared not for the wind as it slowly lifted her short yukata, revealing her black underwear to all resent. Her arms were suddenly crossed on top of her chest as she seemingly started thinking about something upon hearing Jiyu's words, only replying few seconds later.

    "What the heck is with you? I just woke up from such a long sleep, of course I would go completely mad about everything! Who has time to actually thing about how shit is in the world when you need to learn how to breathe again, hahaha! But anyway, you're taking this really well! Or maybe you just don't understand the fact that I'm not the same person you arrived here with yet. Well bitch... I'm sorry to tell ya that there will be no city tonight! Cause' it's time for me to take root up in this shit, I'm not getting sealed away again! So sorry Sakura-chan, this will hurt a bit~"

    As she said all of those words, her body suddenly entered and uncontrollable spasm, falling to her knees as she held her stomach, looking like someone who was really sick. Only the difference here was that Sakura was screaming in agony as she felt her flesh pulsating, something within her taking root, changing her on fundamental level. She was back to her old self, but now she was powerless to stop whatever was going on with her, which was not great. Writhing in brutal pain for at least a minute, it all suddenly stopped. And Sakura simply layed on the cold stone which was making the road, trying to crawl her way towards the only other girl that was currently present.

    "Dear mother... what did you... why... so thirsty... I feel so thirsty..."

    Her voice itself was filled with pain just as her twisted expression. It could probably make the more compassionate souls feel the pain as well just from looking at this sorry sight. What exactly happened to her just now? She knew the voice that echoed through her head, but this sensation... it was so strange. And she was just so... thirsty!



    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Tue 18 Oct - 15:39

    405 words

    This was way more than she had signed up for tonight, but she could not just leave the situation and do nothing about what was going on here. Abandoning Sakura here? Could have serious consequences, one’s the little wind witch was not willing to face by a long shot, so she kept herself standing there, watching everything carefully. “No I understand it.” if she hadn’t known the fact this girl freely allowed her to get a panty shot was infinite proof considering Sakura had an issue with how she dressed, the pink haired girl would never just allow a panty shot to happen. “I just really don’t care too much.” she had no connection to Sakura, she was just someone she had met, sure if she had been withering on the ground or something the mage would have rushed to help, but this possession was something different. Even if it was not outside of the realm of what Jiyu studied? The wind mage would have no great desire to interfere directly with it.

    Just like that, she had to be tempted to become a sweet and helpful girl once more by the girl being rendered to nothing but a shivering mass on the ground. Kazehime moved forward, bending down, looking at the girl with her pretty eyes, sighing out at the girl whose hair appeared cream to her, tapping a claw against the ground. “Something definitely happened to you.” but what was not something the exhausted wind user could be concerned with, it was really not her problem, but because she was present it had become her issue. “Stop trying to move so much, you're really weak right now for some reason.” Jiyu held her own face in both hands, pondering what to do here, sighing when she realized only one choice remained, unless she wanted to leave this girl to die from predators. “Feather.” she plucked one from behind her ear, dropping it, watching it expand beneath Sakura, it was the only way she could help, being too weak to carry someone else, she had to rely on her feather to do so. ”Don’t move too much or you’ll fall, I’ll take you back to my room for the night and we’ll figure this out in the morning, you don’t seem to be in life threatening danger, I can’t smell anything like that on you.” but something about this girl did smell weird now.


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    Post by Leila Vergious Sun 23 Oct - 17:02

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    It certainly wasn’t a pleasant situation for either of the girls. Sakura was going through incredibly brutal pain that was shooting throughout her entire body and Jiyu had to play the role of savior. It was never a good thing when you had to help someone like this, someone who was almost visibly dying or suffering. It was not right to leave them just there alone, but it was also very panic-inducing and nerve wrecking. But the black-haired girl simply had to do it, because Sakura could actually die here. While she wasn’t in that situation just yet, few hours and she could get there. And as Sakura felt the soft and oddly comfortable feather expanding beneath her, she also heard familiar voice inside of her head. The voice that was taking over her body not too long ago, the soul of her mother that was now inside of her and changing her. And there was one word that sounded so clear to her, almost echoing through her mind over and over. Feed… she had to feed! She was starved and that was no good! She absolutely had to have some… and Jiyu, she was a powerful mage. Magical energy that was flowing through her body and veins, it suddenly smelled so delicious that Sakura had to put considerable effort into not starting to drool. And as the wind witch suggested going back into her room, Sakura’s eyes shot wide open! Her Irises were completely crimson, not that this matter to the other girl. But her sclera changed as well this time. Instead of the usual while, it was completely black. And veins that were leading from her eyes towards her cheeks were much darker now as well, perfectly visible on her face. And of course the final touch… her teeth that now looked so much sharper than before!

    ”Help me… your blood! I need it… to feed! Your neck!”



    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Tue 25 Oct - 21:08

    Most people would think Jiyu was insane for how calmly she was taking this whole thing, the distance she seemed able to hold in the sight of someone else's pain. However a large portion of what was being witnessed? Simply consisted of the defense mechanisms, the poker face developed when she was a little girl or an attractive woman on rough sailing ships. Often people who picked on the weak were sadists who wanted to see a rise, and people who were in trouble too often wanted that same rise on the other side of the scale. Thus the only way for someone like her to survive out there, had been to become a bitch with a perfect poker face and stable persona even if she was actually an emotionally unstable wreck. Everything that happened here despite it’s alarming nature, was met with the same part curious, part disinterested expression painted across her face, as if she was evaluating the other girl. Maybe seeing if this was worth her time or something? Maybe or possibly not. “Keep your jets cool and stay down.” hopefully Sakura still realized which of them was more powerful and would not try to foolishly attack, when she didn’t stand chance against the wind mage aiding her. “That’s not happening out here.” it was too dangerous, no way to control thing’s, Kazehime was no idiot, too many variables existed in this spooky grave yard, letting sakura feed here was not an option. “You’ll get what you need once we’re in my room, there is more stability there, if we both end up passing out afterwards, we’ll be safe there.” if she was going to lose blood helping this woman? It was likely going to be a decent amount, she’d stop it before she could be killed, but it was likely feeding this newly turned vampire would leave her weakened to a degree she’d want the safety within the silver moon, especially if Sakura ended up being drained from the stress of this all and went out herself.

    When they arrived at the silver moon, they went in Jiyu’s unlocked window instead of her door. It was weird thought, the girl snapped her fingers while clinging to the slant of the roof, not entering until a glow brilliant and dim as moonlight lit up the room. “Maka get the futon out, this girl is staying the night.” the female made the comment, and the glowing creature, clearly a small kitsune, moved to do it’s assigned job. “Now this is how it’s gonna work.” The wind mage sat on the edge of her small bed, lettering the feather deposit Sakura onto the surface.  “You may  bite me now, but if you try to take too much, Maka will act. Otherwise once your done, go to sleep, she’ll turn off her light once you're on the futon.” she sighed out, pulling her hair away from the left side of her neck, exposing it. Hopefully this was not something she would regret.


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    Post by Leila Vergious Wed 2 Nov - 10:32

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    BP 100%
    WORDS 482
    There was something nearly every single living person hated exactly the same. And that was being treated as some weakling incapable of anything useful. Right now, Sakura felt exactly that way. It was true, Jiyu was way stronger than the swordswoman right now. But that did not mean the pink haired girl would not stand a chance against her. Weaknesses and strengths against specific things, strategies and tactics. They were all factors that could affect the outcome of a battle. And Sakura was sure she could win against the wind user if it came to it, especially with the element of surprise. Not that she was actually planning on attacking her, not at all. It was just something she hated being pretty much forced into the submissive position. And so she just groaned while laying on the feather, giving the girl above her one single hateful and pained look. The fact that she was delaying saving her, it was not pleasant at all. But she had to cope with it right now, so she tried her best to remain calm. Closing her eyes and curling up, she simply waited. And it felt like forever before the voice spoke again. They were… somewhere. Sakura was unsure where, as her eyes were closed the whole time. But they were somewhere inside, the moon clearly visible in the window. And as her body landed on the floor instead of the strangely comfortable feather, she tried to stand up instead of crawling on the filthy ground all the time, bearing her fangs inside of her mouth. She was incapable of uttering any words at this point. All she could see was the young girl in front of her, exposing her neck. And as odd as that sounded, her figure and hair… it reminded her of Dust. The one girl that managed to steal the heart of this hollow killer. And in an instant, those fangs were buried inside of Jiyu’s flesh. It probably felt uncomfortable for a moment… but then there was only pleasure. The Eldritch vampire, they had their own way of taking blood. And they usually did not kill at all. So instead, her fangs were injecting ‘poison’ into the girl at the same time as it was taking blood. Poison that induced nearly orgasmic feeling of pleasure. The whole process took nearly a minute before Sakura would pull away. She certainly took a large amount of blood, but again… she did not want to kill this girl. Jiyu’s assumption was a bit off, however. Sakura did not feel weak at all right now… the opposite. She felt like she could do just about anything right now. Veins around her eyes were completely visible and black in color, the crimson eyes shining brightly in the darker room. And her figure standing right in front of the moon, watching the one she just fed from.


    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Fri 4 Nov - 11:19

    Even with things being done gently and properly? Nothing could ever change the fact that Jiyu’s body was incredibly weak compared to even a human's, any would could prove deadly given the proper conditions, even a paper cut, because god forbid a wound got infected, she’d be next to incapable of fighting the infection off. With a form weak as that, it was no surprise that Kaze had been incapable of staying awake and aware past the first few seconds of the bite, so the venom injected into her was unrequired. When Sakura came up she would be greeted to the limp body of the woman she just feed from falling back onto the bed, seemingly not breathing for a few moments until her large chest finally showed significant up and down movement, heaving for breath in her unconscious state. Clearly the wind user would not be waking up for some time, her body desperately needed time to recover at the moment. Jiyu was far from dead and the girl was mostly unharmed. However? Her weak body was very shocked by losing so much blood so swiftly, so she'd sleep much harder than normal. In some ways this might even be a blessing, she was too deep into slumber to dream this night, so no nightmares would assault her.

    “You going to sleep?” The young doc sitting in the corner spoke up, her twin tails flicking softly in her own pale light. Now that her mistress was asleep? The glow was revealed to actually be born of flames, kitsune fire. Normally she kept it close to her body so her firephobic mistress would not have trouble.


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    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious Fri 4 Nov - 13:46

    HP 200
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    WORDS 350
    Looking at the collapsed body of a weak girl right in front of her was a bit strange in this situation. Sakura was used to looking at dead bodies, so that was definitely not the case for the odd feeling that was swirling inside of her chest uncontrollably. Yes, rather that the result of her actions, it was the actions themselves that were bothering her. And as she managed to tear away her gaze from the sleeping beauty, she noticed her new form. The more horrific looking face and eyes were not the only change. Her hands were now different as well, bearing giant claws instead of her fingernails. There were nearly as long as her katana and perhaps even more sharp. With addition, she truly did look like a monster without a doubt. Her body shivered as she collapsed to her knees. There was another voice inside of the room that belonged to a creature that was most likely the girl’s pet. But Sakura could only barely hear it over the panic that was going inside of her head.

    ”Mother… with your soul inside of my body, just what did you do to me? What… have you made me into…?”

    It was a given that there was no answer at all. At least not in the physical world. But inside of her head, a giggling voice sounded, almost as if mocking the young girl for her questions and uncertainty over the situation.

    ”There is no need to worry about anything sweetheart. I gave you life in the first place… so I have to right to mould it however I wish~ Oh you’ll yet be the perfect weapon, I promise. Welcome to the order of Eldritch Vampires! Careful, the sun is our enemy now.”

    And with this rather brief explanation, the voice disappeared completely. There were two souls occupying this body now, and they would struggle to keep control. With that horrifying thought inside of her mind, the murderous girl curled up and closed her eyes, awaiting what will come next in complete silence.



    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime Sun 6 Nov - 16:55

    Maka had flickered off once Sakura fell into sleep, padding over to pull the curtains closed knowing a few things about the supernatural due to being born within it. Last she had checked? If the sun came through in the morning, it could very well kill this new girl her guardian had brought in. However all of that had been several hours ago and unbeknownst to the creatures in the darkened room it was almost noon! Plenty of time for Jiyu’s weird habit to have happened while she slept atop her blankets, her night gown thrown to the furthest place in the room, underwear and bra caught on two of the back post’s of her bed, ebony hair nearly knotting her into a cocoon. “Argh, My Neck.” her small hand rose to the pale skin and held the still red scab formed there over night, it looked like sakura had just finished, a small blood stain on her pillow. When she took her hand away? Blood dust was on it, and she guessed her neck had to look rather gruesome, thought she felt normal. “I guess I should cover it up for now.” she rolled off her bed, opening her bottom dresser drawer and looking for things there to cover her neck with, finally finding a long scarf, applying it to herself, before she noticed sakura. “You survive the night?” even thought that was more a question to ask to the unknowing nude girl, clothed in nothing besides a scarf. Luckily due to the way she had tied it, the item did cover a decent deal of the important stuff. Jiyu was gonna need some sort of pain killer for the agony her neck was now in. Would she get used to that if she was bitten over a longer period of time?


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    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

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    Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Sakura's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious Sun 6 Nov - 17:14

    HP 200
    MP 100%
    BP 100%
    WORDS 546
    Sakura certainly had some trouble sleeping at night, not really knowing if it was because the shock she suffered from all the events, or because she was now a creature of the darkness. Probably a little bit of both, actually. In that very brief sleep she had, all kinds of different nightmares swirled around in her head, showing her imagery she did not understand. Though she did gather some bit of information about what she actually was in those dreams… as they all seemed to have a common theme to them. They were all from her mother’s memory, and they all showed the Elder and Eldritch. Something that Sakura was now part of, wherever she wanted or not. She no longer had a choice as her mother’s soul took a firm root inside of her body and the transformation was sealed with Jiyu’s blood inside of her body. When she woke up before the black haired girl did, she noticed that her body looked fairly normal once more. Claws were gone and her face probably looked normal again, safe for the scarily crimson red eyes. But those were always there, so there was no need to really worry about it. As she stood up, she also noticed that her guardian was... rather bare. Red quickly flashed on her face as she turned around, trying to not make any sound at all. What exactly would she do now? There was the option of simply running away… but.. This girl, Jiyu, did so much for her. Disappearing right now, it would leave Sakura with a bitter taste in her mouth for sure, as she did not repay her dept yet. So she just kinda slid down onto the ground again, her back against the edge of the bed, her hands hugging her own knees as she closed her eyes once more until she heard the sound of someone moving about in the room. Jiyu was up and with a questionable choice of clothing, speaking to the vampiric girl.

    ”Good morning. You were the only one to pass out after the event, I survived just fine. I am sorry about everything that happened, I truly am… and I have no idea how to repay you for your kindness.”

    As she spoke to the owner of this room, she tried to avoid a direct eye contact as her cheeks still remained in the deep blush.

    ”Mother did something to me… something that cannot be taken back. I think I might be… scared for the first time in my entire life. I do not know what to do…”

    Only now Sakura moved her head to face Jiyu once again, a faint hint of tears in her eyes as they shifted color from the bright red to a cold and distant blue. It was clear that her body was shivering a little bit as well until the girl went into a visible shock and turned her head away once more, covering those big eyes with her palms.

    ”Ah, I’m sorry for staring! Your body is so beautiful and… I could not help it…”

    Now the murderer was sobbing from fear and felt embarrassed at the same time! Truly delightful situation this was indeed.



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