Fairy Tail RP

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    Logain G. Chase


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 3
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Logain G. Chase

    Post by Logain 2nd September 2016, 10:25 pm

    Name:  Logain G. Chase

    Gender:  Male

    Age: 25

    Birthday: 7/1

    Sexuality:  Straight

    Special Characteristics: None

    Outside of battle Logain is a man of basic needs eat sleep train and the occasional game or two. When Logain was a child who couldn't even make a fist but after thirteen years in a hellish orphanage the likes of which was burned down, destroyed by another child who grew up there years before Logain. Logain now spends most his days traveling from place to place searching for the man who burned down the orphanage to bring him to justice for killing all his friends. While on the lighter side of things Logain likes to collect magical trinkets little things that don't need to do much at all. Logain will intentionally go out of his way to ad to his collection especially if its something that is new to him like a ring of charm are a dime a dozen but a prism ring which shines with the brilliance of a thousand stars he will hunt to the ends of the earth. Logain will help and protect all he can but he is only just a man and as such he is not perfect. So when ever Logain gets a chance he slips over to a local casino to play some games to him it doesn't matter if he wins or loses its all about having fun but this attitude towards playing games has won him a small fortune in the casino's so much in fact that he is banned from every casino in fiore. Its not cause he wins so much money no its cause he used his winnings to help open the first gambler's anonymous meeting to help people who are struggling to break there addiction to gambling.
           Logain inside of battle is a man of questionable and unwavering morals with a code of honor that he would follow to the grave. Code of honor rule one never attack and unarmed man, rule two protect all noncombatant and those who don't have the will to fight, rule never attack a man with his guard down these are just some of Logain's code. These rules are non negotiable Logain will follow every one of his rules with out fail. But still while in the heat of battle Logain will always go for a knock out blow never kill unless there is no other way but never stop trying for peace no matter what. But this doesn't mean he will foolish enough to think anything less than full effort on his half just cause you are a child or a female it doesn't matter if you rase you fist to Logain he will fight with all he got. Logain is always looking for the strongest guy in the room he always looking for a fight test his skills push himself to his absolute limit in order to become stronger. Logain knows the only way to get stronger is to fight people who are stronger than him its the only way he will ever be strong enough to uphold his believes the only way to uphold his entire way of life.


    * Help - Logain wants to help all thoes he can in hopes of one day repaying the kindness he received as an orphan. 

    * Train - Logain like to train his body as well as his mind because he wants to protect his principles as a warrior.

    * Play Games - Logain may be a warrior but he is always up to learn a new game like tic tac toe and so on, Because as an orphan he had to grow up fast or be killed.


    * Death - To Logain as an orphan he has seen enogh death to last him a dozen life times.

    * Oppression - When Logain became an orphan the orphanage he was sent to was run by a very abusive and turanical man who hid all information and what nots going on at his orphanage.

    * Pourage - Everyday for thirteenth years at the orphanage he ate the same slop day in and day out.


    * Protection - To hopfully protect someone in the very same way he was protected.

    * Friends - After all thats happened to Logain he is the only one who is still alive from his orphanage and had only himself he hopes one day to have friends.

    * Experience - Logain wishes to live life to its fullest trying new things enjoying all this world and all the the others have to offer.


    * Failing - Logain's biggest fear is failing his friends in there hour of most need.

    * Weak - Logain is afraid he will not be able to uphold all he stands for.

    * Losing Control - Logain is a man with considerable power so much in fact he is ascared secretly that one day his power will overwhelm him and destroy everything he cares for.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'3

    Weight: 285 lbs.

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Brown

    Skin Tone: Light

    General Appearance: A 6'3 man standing tall with a chest plate and gauntlets. The man stands like an immovable wall ready for all that may try and pass. He stands guard at the eadge between the light and the dark not letting a single messenger of evil through he will defend everyone he can no matter what.


    Guild: Fairy Tail

    Tattoo: None

    Rank: D - Rank

    Last edited by Logain on 3rd September 2016, 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total

    Completed Re: Logain G. Chase

    Post by Guest 3rd September 2016, 8:06 am

    Hey there, Logain! There's just a few issues with your application that need fixing before I can approve it. You can find them in this color.
    Logain wrote:Name:  Logain G. Chase

    Gender:  Male

    Age: 25

    Birthday: 7/1

    Sexuality:  Straight

    Special Characteristics: None



    * Help - Logain wants to help all thoes he can in hopes of one day repaying the kindness he received as an orphan. 

    * Train - Logain like to train his body as well as his mind because he wants to protect his principles as a warrior.

    * Play Games - Logain may be a warrior but he is always up to learn a new game like tic tac toe and so on, Because as an orphan he had to grow up fast or be killed.


    * Death - To Logain as an orphan he has seen enogh death to last him a dozen life times.

    * Oppression - When Logain became an orphan the orphanage he was sent to was run by a very abusive and turanical man who hid all information and what nots going on at his orphanage.

    * Pourage - Everyday for thirteenth years at the orphanage he ate the same slop day in and day out.


    * Protection - To hopfully protect someone in the very same way he was protected.

    * Friends - After all thats happened to Logain he is the only one who is still alive from his orphanage and had only himself he hopes one day to have friends.

    * Experience - Logain wishes to live life to its fullest trying new things enjoying all this world and all the the others have to offer.


    * Failing - Logain's biggest fear is failing his friends in there hour of most need.

    * Weak - Logain is afraid he will not be able to uphold all he stands for.

    * Losing Control - Logain is a man with considerable power so much in fact he is ascared secretly that one day his power will overwhelm him and destroy everything he cares for.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'3

    Weight: 285 lbs.

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Brown

    Skin Tone: Light

    General Appearance: A 6'3 man standing tall with a chest plate and gauntlets.
    I would like for there to be 1-3 sentences describing what Logain looks like or if you prefer, you can leave this single sentence and add an image instead.


    Guild: Guildless This is simply a suggestion, but have you thought about looking into Fairy Tail for a potential guild? I know, I know. "But Fairy Tail's a dark guild?" Yes, it's currently a dark guild, but not due to members of it taking dark missions, rather they were ousted by the council for keeping a member who killed innocents. Family is family to them, no matter what. Just because a guild is a dark guild does not mean you have to take dark missions because of it. You could just take neutral missions. So, don't let the thought of that deter you. Dark guild just means they're unregistered guilds in the Magic Council's eyes.

    Tattoo: None

    Rank: C - Rank All mages start at D rank.

    Completed Re: Logain G. Chase

    Post by Guest 3rd September 2016, 11:49 am

    Logain G. Chase AESz729

      Current date/time is 4th June 2024, 8:51 pm