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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 21st August 2016, 7:50 pm

    Roy watched for his target as he traveled the streets, he had donned a dark blue cloak for this mission. He figured it would do him good if he had to go out in the night, there was no good as defense as simply not being there. But for now Roy threw subtlety to the wind. He drank from a large bottle of watered down alcohol as he roamed the streets, singing merely as he went. For all the world he appeared as if he was just another drunk.

    He sang rather loudly, "Rye whiskey Rye whiskey Rye whiskey I cry, give me Rye whiskey or I surely will die! If the ocean were whiskey and I was a duck, then I'd dive to the bottom and drown to get drunk! Jewels when I'm hungry, and whiskey when I'm dry, Water for my thirst, and religion when I die!"

    Roy firmly believed that no one ever looked twice at a drunk, especially not a loud one. He made small talk with some of the villagers and laughed heartily at any jokes they made. He made sure that he was the kind of drunk that drew in attention, but positive attention, it would do him no good to get escorted by the police somewhere.

    As Roy mingled and sang and drank he kept a sharp eye out for the thief that he was supposed to be looking for. He had seen nothing as of yet, but there was another person. Someone suspicious, he didn't think that they were a thief but they seemed to be keeping an eye out just as much as he was; she even traveled with what appeared to be a wyvern, how interesting. He stumbled over to them, feigning drunkenness once more. But he made sure not to draw to much attention to the person he was investigating.
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Shipping Goddess 23rd August 2016, 3:48 pm

    Lily walked through Oak with Marshmallow, drawing in much attention to her. She must have known bringing Marshmallow along would be a bad idea, however she did know that she couldn't just leave Marshmallow alone. Especially with her mother bedridden with illness as of late, and her brother paying attention to her mother more than anything. Marshmallow would get little to no attention, and Lily would not stand for that.

    Walking over to an outdoor drink stand, the owner freaked out at Lilian.

    "Please don't set your beast on me! What do you want? Money? I don't have any liquor I sold it all to that guy over there!!!" He pointed to some drunk yelling and attracting people to him. Lilian put her hand to her temples, and sighed.

    "Sir, Marshmallow is no beast. She's my partner. And I don't want to rob you, and I don't drink. I will take a Cherry Lacri-Cola, however. I don't like that Mana Mist stuff..." Her eyes scanned around. She wasn't here on leisure, she was here on business. She had to find someone at the center of town, wearing all black clothing. Supposedly he steals the client's money, and it was her job to spy on him. Thus, she wasn't dressed in her usual attire.

    Instead of her normal armor she had on a bright yellow tee and blue jeans, with her normal ol' boots. She didn't have on her headband, either. She needed to seem as normal as possible... Aside from the GIANT WYVERN NEXT TO HER.

    The most unexpected thing happened to her next.

    The drunk from before stumbled over to them, and she quickly held out her arms to prevent him from falling. "Sir! Public intoxication is against the law! You pose a threat to yourself and others! Sorry to be a bother, sir, but can you give this man an ice water?" The man pulled out a cup and poured ice water in it, and gave Lily her soda. Paying the man, she waited for this drunk to at least attemp to sober up before letting him go.


    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) M7mHyEw
    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) CKWpl03
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 128
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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 23rd August 2016, 8:29 pm

    Roy wondered if the young lady before him actually cared so much about the law, or was just putting on an act. Either way,she intrigued him, as did hr wyvern. He spoke to her with his normal voice quietly, taking the slur out of it. "You've a fine appreciation for the law young lady. This being so, tell me. Have you seen any black cloaked men around? I've been keeping an eye out for a pickpocket roaming the street." Roy took the water graciously and handed the cup back to the man throwing him a few jewels for his trouble.

    He winked at her as he spoke. "And you've no need to be concerned about by intoxication, it is but an act. Albeit it seems to be a convincing one." Roy smiled as he let his eyes wander the streets once more, he couldn't afford to be distracted for too long. He did wonder however if there was a place around here where he might set up a stake out. If he caught the man in the act he would probably try to restrain him with his smoke fist, and then subdue him from there. But still the problem lied in finding him.

    He couldn't imagine that this thief was all that skilled, any good pickpocket avoided drawing suspicion to them, and this one seemed to not only wear a dark black outfit but wore it consistently as well. He smiled as he leaned back against a wall, feigning his drunkenness once more he added in a couple of wobbles, and took a few sloppy sips from his bottle.

    He smiled as he talked to the young women again. "Mind giving me a hand with this? Two sets of eyes are better than one, and we can split the reward. If we get into any trouble I'm sure that your wyvern will prove most useful."
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Shipping Goddess 23rd August 2016, 8:52 pm

    Was this man on the same job as Lily?

    "Hmm, it turns out we've a common purpose, don't we! I'm looking for a supposed theif, as my client loses his money around the center of town. Fits the description you're giving, and sadly I don't have any good information." Lilian looked at her can of soda. She took a few drinks of the cherry drink, then kept the can in her hand once she was finished.

    "And a hero always abides by whatever they find true to the cause of justice. Some laws don't follow that cause, so I don't appreciate every law, but I certainly do like laws that prohibit people from getting mindlessly hurt. Such as laws against public intoxication." Lilian began to walk alongside the "drunk" man. The all white wyvern Marshmallow continued slowly behind them, until Lilian turned around.

    "Marshmallow, why don't ya look for our target from the skies? Black coat, center of town. Remember okay? You get us a good match and maybe a certain someone will get an extra juicy steak for dinner, okay?"

    The wyvern let out a loud screech of happiness.

    "I love you too!" With that the wyvern burst into the sky. Some people thought it was weird that Lilian could understand the wyvern, considering Marshmallow only made screeches.

    "Aren't three sets of eyes better than one? Don't exclude Marshy!"


    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) M7mHyEw
    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) CKWpl03
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 23rd August 2016, 9:06 pm

    Roy smiled and chuckled at the girls comments, truth be told he wasn't sure as to the intelligence of the flying creature she traveled with. He had never encountered one before. But it seemed to understand intelligible speech indeed. Roy spoke quietly again.

    "Thank you for the help, haha, and yes three eyes are better than two. I won't exclude your friend again. I am delighted to hear that we are on the same mission, that will make this considerably easier. So tell me, what brings a lady like yourself here, in the company of a wyvern, looking for active criminals?"
    Roy asked curiously. Judging by her looks she was around his age perhaps a bit younger than he was.

    She seemed to have a strong moral fiber, and he was curious as to where she got that from. When they had time Roy would have to ask her where she met that wyvern, they seemed like good friends and he was sure that would be an interesting story.

    Roy pulled out his pipe and packed it with a bowl of tobacco, lighting it down wind of the lady next to him with a flame from the tip of his thumb. As a final question he asked the girl. "Do you possess any magic by the way?"
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Shipping Goddess 23rd August 2016, 9:46 pm

    Lilian walked with a bounce in her step, as she turned her head slightly.

    "Work and a thirst for evildoers to be punished! I can't stand around while a theif constantly steals some helpless man's money over and over again. It's wrong, and a hero is never idle!" Lilian looked up at the sky, seeing Marshmallow circle around them from high above.

    Once she heard the magic question, she pointed up to Marshmallow. "My magic revolves around Marshy. I enhance her draconic abilities, or I add them to my own. For example, Marshmallow's scales are really tough. I can enhance the toughness of her scales, or I can add them to myself!" She demonstrated as a white magic circle appeared beneath her, and her skin became scaly like the wyverns, and one who didn't see the spectacle occur would think she was a snake person or dragonkin.

    "See?" Dispelling the spell, her skin returned to normal, and she pointed to the town square.

    "This is where he's supposed to be. Let's make haste!" Lilian began to jog towards the town square, slowing once she started to see crowds of people. She still couldn't jeopardize getting caught, as the man could vanish. She needed to locate him, not arrest him just yet. Yet being the key word.

    Patience is a virtue.


    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) M7mHyEw
    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) CKWpl03
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 23rd August 2016, 10:32 pm

    Roy hadn't heard of this kind of magic before, but it was certainly interesting. He wasn't sure what he would label it as but it seemed simple enough. He nodded approvingly as she demonstrated her magic before him.

    It seemed quite ferocious, and honestly he wouldn't doubt that she was a good deal stronger than him. Soon enough Roy saw that they came across the area where the stealing had gone on, and she noticed too.

    Making great haste to the area and being none to subtle about it, Roy smiled and laughed. He doubted that he had to fear to much their positions being given away, besides everyone here was in a rush. It would perhaps seem out of place not to be. So Roy joined in rushing after her and keeping his eyes vigilant.

    He wondered how long it would take them to track this man down, should he not show up within a few moments Roy figured that he would interrogate a few of the more well known street scum, see if they couldn't come up with any answers for him.

    "See anything?" Roy asked the lady next to him. He thought to himself as he asked the question, that he really should get to know her name soon.


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    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Shipping Goddess 27th August 2016, 8:38 pm

    Lilian turned her head very slightly, holding an extremely happy face and moving her arms a lot. To someone out of earshot it would seem like the two were on a date of sorts, and Lilian hoped Roy would catch on. Lucky for the pair of them, everyone around them was talking, so it would be hard to pick out exactly what the two of them were talking about.

    "I don't see a thing. Perhaps Marshmallow has seen something, but she can't land around here. There's too many people, and we'd be spotted easily - wait!" She quickly caught something, someone wearing all black. He was standing near the fountain at the center of the park.

    "Let's go sit at a bench near there. The job says to spy on him. Let's keep up the whole 'date' scheme going, it fits the scenery and we are an optimal pair. It'll keep attention from attracting to us." Lilian hurridly led Roy to sit down at a bench, where she crossed her legs and held her gaze on the man in black for a few seconds, but then turned to look at Roy, pretending to make good conversation.

    "Before we can bust him we need pure evidence of him stealing something, patience will be our ally here, I guess."
    OOC: Sorry for slow post X.X


    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) M7mHyEw
    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) CKWpl03
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 28th August 2016, 1:03 pm

    Roy nodded his head in agreement, subtly placing his bottle down as he went with his new companion. He ditched the drunken disguise in favor of a "man on a date" as his companion suggested, quickly running a hand through his hair and grooming himself. By the time they got to the bench he had managed to clean himself up to fool the casual passerby.

    Roy made conversation with the women, but kept his eyes on the dark cloaked man. They were very close now, but they just needed a little bit of evidence. Roy turned his eye to the woman in front of him for a moment. "When we catch him in the attack, do you want to take him down right now, or follow him and wait until he's somewhere less public?" Roy asked her quietly.

    Doing something in public obviously had it's difficulties, but if they tried tailing him after it was done and he gave them the slip then they would be right back to the drawing board.


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    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Shipping Goddess 1st September 2016, 7:23 am

    "There is no other answer! We have to get him as soon as possible, the second after a crime is commited there is the possibility that evidence is lost, witnesses forget crucial details, and it becomes more and more likely the perpetrator could get away!" Lily said this response like it was completely obvious. She thought it was, but that didn't mean everyone did. Lilian cracked her knuckles, ready to bust some heads from evil scum. She sat back down, however because she attracted quite a bit of attention to herself, luckily not from the supposed thief. Then, out of nowhere something unexpected happened.

    Marshmallow crashed down into the fountain, and screeched. She was giving her warning to Lily, saying that she found the man. Unlucky for her, Lilian FOUND HER ALSO. The man, fearing for his life just like the rest of the park, began running away In a panic.

    "If we stay here we'll be the odd ones out. Come on! And Marshy, DON'T FOLLOW US!" Lilian yelled, but probably couldn't be heard by anyone other than Marshmallow, Roy, and anyone in direct earshot, which luckily, was no one. Lilian sighed, hopped up, and began running after the thief.


    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) M7mHyEw
    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) CKWpl03
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 2nd September 2016, 1:25 am

    Roy was a bit startled by the wyvern crashing in to the fountain but he didn't let it register on his face. He sighed as the criminal took off, and thought to himself that all subtlety at this point had been thrown out the window. He wasn't sure what would happen now but he supposed there was no point in getting separated from his new companion. He followed her where she went for a bit but he spoke to her as he ran.

    "When the time is right, I'm going to pounce on him. I'll disappear for a bit, but don't worry I'll be right around the corner."

    Roy cast his haze spell as he ran, disappearing almost entirely as he weaved through the crowds, he had to make sure that he didn't run in to too many people, a shoulder here or there was fine but it wouldn't do to knock someone over and thus give away his position. Roy's naturally enhanced speed and reflexes gave him a pretty good ability to catch up with the thief. Now he was only a meter or so from the man, whenever something happened, he would be ready to strike when he wasn't looking.


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    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Shipping Goddess 9th September 2016, 1:33 pm

    Lilian nodded as the man vanished before her, into some sort of mist... Or was it smoke? Gas? She didn't know, and didn't really care. All she needed was for him to wait for the suspect to actually steal something, and hopefully he wouldn't take any initiative that would result in failure of the job. Sadly, she couldn't trust any other person for that kind of thing while knowing them for this little amount of time. It was nothing against him, just that she had very little knowledge of who he just was.

    Taking the pouch of coins that was tied around her waist in hand, she loosened it to the point where it was only barely tied to her. Anyone with enough effort could easily tear it off and run away with it, which Lilian took advantage of. Now running at a much higher speed, she quickly caught up with the supposed theif and slowed down to being just faster than him. Running slightly past him and keeping a steady pace, she found that the man quickly took the bait. She felt a slight tug on her waist, and heard the jingle of coin, and slightly looked to the side to see him running away with her coin. She didn't make it obvious that she was looking at him, because she knew that Roy would do the rest - catch the culprit.


    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) M7mHyEw
    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) CKWpl03
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos) Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch (Roy and Kissos)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 9th September 2016, 2:10 pm

    Smart girl. Roy smiled wryly as Kissos loosened her coin purse and got ahead of the supposed thief. There was little doubt in his mind that he was the thief but he supposed that he didn't actually have proof yet. Yet. Roy kept a very sharp eye on the man as Kissos ran ahead of him, it was a simple plan. But nonetheless quite effective, truthfully he doubted they would really need to overthink things on this job.

    Indeed as the criminal reached in a very unsubtle manner for Kissos coins, he was certain that they wouldn't a more complex plan. Roy Grinned widely as he finally caught the man in the act, he was honestly ready for a little action at this point. Roy made sure that he was close enough to this man so that he wouldn't get anyone else with this spell.

    He breathed for a moment as the smoke billowed around his hands, quickly forming a chain of translucent smoke. Which lashed out like a lion attacking it's prey at the man, as soon as the spiked chain wrapped around the man it immediately retracted and launched the man backwards in to Roy. He took advantage of the man's momentum by moving his hand backward, and at the moment of their collision launching it forward with his whole weight behind the blow he struck the back of the man's head with his palm, knocking him unconscious.

    Roy allowed his haze to fade out as he captured the man, seeing no reason to keep it going. He took out a small length of rope from his pouch in order to tie the man's hands up. He quickly searched the man's cloak for an inner pocket, somewhere he believed he would put his stolen goods. Sure enough he found the inner pocket he was looking for, and pulled out Kissos pouch. He saw her not to far from him and tossed her the pouch.

    "I'm not sure how much you had in there but I doubt he had time to take anything out of it. Either way I'd say our job is just about done. You know, you and I make a decent team. Maybe we should take on a few more jobs together sometime eh?"


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