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    Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Private Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 23rd July 2016, 2:44 pm

    500 words

    It had been about one full week since Marschal had swept into a dingy unhygienic cabin with dirt floors, casing after the word of a boy who often cried wolf, chasing that world to find her bound and shackled for two years. Even right now? She had a hard time believing it had been two years since she had been kidnapped, that she'd lasted those full two years until Leigh swept in like a prince she insisted on not needing. However, no matter her words, Kazehime knew the often drunk man had saved her life, even if it irked her so much that she'd needed help, this showed her there was at least one person in the world she could rely on, even if he seemed like the domineering type from how they'd interacted, she felt safe around him for now. However the guild hall was not the same as someone she felt safe around, and it drove her crazy being stuck within SilverMoon, she'd already taken every mission in rose garden viable to her! Now she needed to find a new way to get out, and she really didn't care if going far could be dangerous, she wanted to take a normal mission, heck maybe with some fighting, she felt like she could beat someone up about now!

         Jiyu was walking to the job board, and reaching for one of the magic required jobs, when the mail man rushed in and asked for her, which was odd since she was really only on her guilds mailing list, and no one else was getting a letter today. Despite how odd she found the letter? Kazehime went over to one of the booths on the top floor to read it, not expecting what she would find within.

    Dear Jiyu,

          What has it been since we last spoke? Three, four years, well anyways I've always trusted you'd contact me when you settled down somewhere and had time! However I don't have the time to wait for that anymore, neither does the village, so I looked you up, did well for yourself becoming a mage in a guild! Even thought we didn't know long, I have a favor to ask, your likely the last person alive I know,  the village is dead and I'm not quiet sure what happened, but I was bitten by someone when I ran out, I'm starting to feel very ill........

    -Yours ----

           It trailed off because there was a spot of blood on the signature, but she knew it was from the girl who helped her hide briefly after she ran away until she'd managed to get onto a ship! It was a weird relation, because they had not contacted each other since, Kazehime had not wanted to leave a paper trail for her father to follow if he went looking, so they'd been out of touch. Still, she owed the apparently sickly person, so if they just wanted someone by their bed side as they slipped away?

    Last edited by Jiyu Kazehime on 11th August 2016, 3:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM


    Private Re: Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu

    Post by Guest 30th July 2016, 8:31 am

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    One week had since passed from the time Marschal had heard that young boy cry wolf and he was sent with only those words as his guide. Two men carrying his beloved Jiyu away over their shoulders, as if she was some kind of limp noodle for their eating. He would never had allowed that and he regretted having not taken action sooner when he had found out about her disappearance from the guild. It had only been shortly after his own disappearance that the young magus had been kidnapped from her place at the guild. So, when he had returned back to the guild two years later, he was late in finding out exactly where she had gone. As a result, it had taken him longer than necessary to pick up the search that others were not doing and find her. Now, she was back home at the guild, bruised and slightly broken, but there was nothing wrong with that.

    Glancing upward, the magus could easily pick out Jiyu's weakened exersion of magic power through the crowd of other magi. His eyes followed her movements carefully, making sure that she did not disappear from his sight as she made her way over to the job board. However, in a matter of seconds, a mailman came bursting through Silver Moon Inn's doors and rushing toward Jiyu. Instinctively, Marschal stood to his feet, hands pressed to the table, palms facing down, and a snarl peeling at his lips. He watched the mailman mutter a few words to Jiyu, then hand an enclosed envelope that looked nothing more than suspicious. Yet, he did not make his way over to her, not until she curiously looked at the envelope, then around at the crowd before heading to a booth upstairs. That was when he pushed out of the booth he was sitting in and wove through the crowd, reaching the stairs.

    "Who is that letter from?" he asked her in a succulent voice, sauntering over to her booth. The magus settled down in a chair opposite of hers, clasping his hands together in front of him and on the table. His golden optics never left Jiyu's facial features, giving them a once over out of curiosity to learn her thoughts and feelings. When nothing was said between the two, he reached a hand forward and plucked the letter right out of her hands. Turning it over, he would glance at what was said on the piece of paper, noticing the smears and droplets of blood. He pursed his lips as he continued to read it, and when he was finished with the letter, he handed it back to her. Moving his hands from where they were on the table, he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

    "Right. . . I'm not letting you go alone," he stated in a matter-of-factual tone of voice, a frown apparent on his lips. "Considering that piece of paper is covered in blood, there is just no way that I can let you go on your own. I don't want you running around in Cursed Lands without any weapon or useful magic; do you understand me, Jiyu?" He cleared his throat and sat back up, though his arms never came uncrossed from where they were on his chest. "So, whether you like it or not, I am tagging along with you to wherever the hell that abandoned cabin is in Cursed Lands." Marschal gave her a domineering smirk, then stood to his feet, with his arms still crossed over his chest and waited for her to get up. "Let's get this show on the road because the quicker this is finished, the quicker it will be over and we can go home."

    WC: 630

    Last edited by Marschal Leigh on 4th August 2016, 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Private Re: Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 30th July 2016, 6:59 pm

    1065 word count

    One week and the event's that had taken place during her captivity over the course of two years were the only things on Marschal's mind, for some reason that unjustly irked her. While there was nothing exactly wrong with her beaten and somewhat broken state in his mind? The state of her body and abilities got to the mage so badly, made her lay awake at night struggling for breath she just couldn't find! It felt like she was drowning every single second of the day or night, like she was still laying there slowly dying, and while she could run to him for help whenever she found her body incapable of something or when she moved rashly to something going bump in the night. For some reason? She found it nearly impossible to consult anything else to him, tell the male anything that had actually taken place and verbally fully admit she was incapable of anything at all! Even as she ran to the drunk for help several times a day when she hadn't managed to sneak a job in? There still seemed to be a distance she was broadcasting between them, something that had always actually been there, a wall between the wind mage and other's, but it was a barrier that anyone could logically expect to be lowered after what Marschal had done for her. Jiyu didn't want him sitting there only seeing the narrow field of her life he knew, being possessive because he knew she had been helpless and alone for two years  in captivity, beaten and starved. Instead? If he was going to be so protective of her, she wanted it to be because she told him that she'd run away at fifteen and taken care of herself since than, that she'd felt alone until and for a while after joining the guild! Kazehime wished he'd see something besides a damsel in distress when looking at her, that he could see the strength she'd needed to make it to Black Rose the first time, the strength she'd regain and hone. However, every-time she thought of telling him anything from her past, how she was certain her mother had been murdered, how she'd traveled alone and evaded anyone who could try to take her back to peace village? Tell the male how strong she really was, kazehime's throat went dry and no sound emerged, she couldn't say a word so she sat there his dolled damsel in distress! It wasn't his fault, but it infuriated her none the less.

           In the time she had been thinking, the man himself had already appeared in front of her and she made sure her weary eyes glared at him pointedly. Leigh's tempting voice sliced through the air swiftly, invading her ears and taking over her keen sense of hearing. In not too long? Her terse expression had been annihilated and replaced with something softer, the sense of safety washed back over her and she couldn't be upset at him for thing's he didn't actually have any knowledge of. "Hey you can't just take my thing's!" the female nearly shouted, but her voice found itself unable to go that high right now, the hoarseness in her throat from screaming at people for two years, no where near completely cured. Fuming relentlessly over his snatching of her personal effects, the wind mage shot up and aimed to round the table in order to take it back from him. However? Her left buised and scraped up hand brushed against the jeans she was wearing, ,and she remembered, the pair she was wearing right now, were his, tightened with a rather decorative belt and cut down in length to fit her much smaller form. If he wanted to read one of her letters, what right did she really have to stop him? No matter how much it angered the female, she knew that at least this much and more was owed to him. After-all? She'd not be around to receive the letter anyways right now, if not for him.

           "You can't stop m-" she was rash and quickly assumed that he was stating she would not be allowed to go under any condition. However? the words she heard from her protective and possessive guild-mate, surprised her. He wasn't letting her go alone? More so, he was letting her go! Her mouth stayed somewhat agaped as she looked down in something akin to shame. Why had she thought he'd prevent her from going whatsoever? Jiyu's heart skipped beneath her flesh, the only armor to it being her bikini top, she still got ready in the morning not anticipating the embarrassment and shame she'd feel once people started looking at her damaged body. The wind mage closed some of the short distance between them, eyes sparking with something as she gazed up at him, damn this man made it so easy to love him. Of course? he had saved her life, the urge to kiss him had to be coming from that, because she didn't really want anyone coming with her much less him.

             Only?! She than decided she wanted him coming with, if she couldn't tell him the version of herself she wanted him to see, little miss letter sender could, the only person who knew she was a run away and who also did not want to bring her home, was laying dying in an abandoned cabin. Even if the mission ended in failure, there would hopefully be time for words entailing something of her past she could not give him herself! No, she would not fail this job, but oh the thought, she bit her bottom lip, looking down. However when Jiyu glanced up, rage was the only thing existing in her eyes, and he had put it there just as easily as he lulled it away earlier. "My magic is not useless!"  however she seemed to drop it after that, not expecting a real response. "Let's go" she seemed somewhat cross now but that was nothing new, it was just part of the way she was sometimes, Jiyu was too headstrong to admit she was beyond weak right now. She couldn't let her pride hurt the female who asked for her help thought, because she wouldn't even be in Black Rose to be having this argument if her running away had not been successful.

    Last edited by Jiyu Kazehime on 11th August 2016, 3:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM


    Private Re: Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu

    Post by Guest 4th August 2016, 1:36 pm

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    While they had barely known each other in their time together at Black Rose before he originally disappeared, he cared too much for her. He didn't want to see her get hurt and when she had been kidnapped and raped for all he knew by those men, he hated the thought of it. It was an image in his head that plagued his mind over and over again, fearful that if he didn't keep a close eye on her, it would happen again. With all the horrible and terrible magi that roamed the streets in all of Earthland, he expected it was a plausible thought. The thought of her lying on that dirt floor, chained to the ground and dirty and beaten from the men had him growling. His fingers curled into a fist, his claws digging into the soft skin of his palm and blood trickling down its length. Marschal gritted his teeth and held back a snarl that he knew would do no good since she was now sitting in front of him, unharmed.

    Sitting there in front of her, the magus found that was awfully silent for someone who was talkative so much to him as the rest of the guild. It was like something was on her mind or something was in her throat, blocking her from telling him what she wanted. He wouldn't push her in sharing her thoughts, but he was still curious to know what had her voice trapped inside her. Was it the past week that had her silent more than usual? The actions of the men from back when she was captured? Perhaps it was the idea of a man even being close to her and now, he was beginning to feel guilty in even being near her. If she was that terrified of men after the incident with the dead captors, he would do as she requested and keep his distance. However, he knew a small part of her was what was keeping him close, that part of her that longed for some sort of protector or savior.

    That expression disappeared on her face shortly after he had taken the piece of paper from her, though, and was replaced with a gentler one. A smile played across his lips, baring sharp canines and the emotion of happiness on the always stern-looking magus's features. "I'll take as I please," he answered her, sticking his tongue out at Jiyu playfully and keeping the paper close to him. "So, an old friend of yours, huh? I didn't think the wild and untamed Jiyu had any friends with that attitude of yours." He looked away from the parchment and eyed her up and down, but it was clear that he was only joking with her. In retaliation to his paper-snatching, the woman had gotten up and rounded the table to grab a hold of her letter. Marschal merely raised a hand and placed it on her chest, keeping her at arm's length while smiling brightly and teasing her.

    "Oh? I can't stop you?" he inquired when he heard the next half-a-sentence leave the magus's lips in a threatening manner. Dropping his hand to his side, he quirked an eyebrow at her and tilted the chair back so that it was leaning on its two back legs. "If I recall correctly, I was the one who saved you because you were little, miss damsel-in-distress, despite you claiming you can defend yourself. Until I see for my very own eyes that you're able to fight something off without the help of others, I'm not gonna leave you alone." Marschal crossed his arms over his chest and rocked the chair back and forth with one of his legs while he looked at her. "By the way, you look lovely in my clothing, perhaps I should give you more to wear when you need them. Or just take all of your bikini tops, so that you're forced to wear my clothing rather than your own. . . ha!"

    He jumped to his feet, knocking the chair over and staring at Jiyu with an expression close to shock and anger. "Hey! Don't put words in my mouth!" he'd yell, looking comically like one of those chibi anime characters with flailing arms and an angry look. "I just said that your magic probably isn't all that useful right now. . . you know, considering your current condition." Calmed down now, he'd hand her the piece of paper back and stuff his hands into his pockets, following her when she decided to move. Hearing the angry words her voice emitted, the magus sighed and let her take the lead down the stairs and out of the building. "Jiyu, don't be angry at me, you know that I just want the best for you and make sure that you don't overexert yourself right now. You need to heal up from your injuries; I mean, you still have cuts and bruises from those men who hurt you!"

    WC: 834
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Private Re: Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 4th August 2016, 3:58 pm

    1176 word count

    It was amazing how easily someone could sneak their diabolical way into your very beating heart, even if you didn’t intend for them to end up there, nor to actually remember their name. Every single day of the time before she joined Black Rose? Her temper had been enough to intimidate people away from attempting to give her any aid, even if they thought she desperately needed the assistance, she was such a biting personality, anyone would fear losing their head if they offered something she did not want. Jiyu had survived for so long by shutting herself off to everyone around her, only giving a small handful of what she had, greedily keeping every single thing to herself, no matter how hard it had been sometimes. Relying on someone else? Made her so uncomfortable, because she was so used to be being let down by other people, it had been that way ever since her mother died! Even her own father couldn’t see past the rebellious, reckless, strength she threw up, to the confused, hurt and desperate girl beneath it. However she’d grown since than, she wasn’t confused or lost anymore, nor was she desperate in the same way she’d been before, she was just lonely and aimless. Of course she had always been aimless and lonely, wandering around on her own, smile on her face, almost never seeing anyone twice; Truth was she just hadn’t noticed how lonely that life was before, she was alright with being aimless, but feeling so alone? Even with Marschal right in front of her, the mage knew that he knew so little of her, and it made her feel so distant from the man. Honestly it was so pitiful, she trusted the drunken magus with her very life, if he told her to jump and it looked as if death was the only thing at the bottom, she’d still do it, he was owed that much blind trust, she wouldn’t even be alive without him! Yet she couldn’t tell him about any of the things she wished him to know, including the fact he was always so right about her, even if she always told him that he was wrong. After so long of knowing she couldn’t rely on anyone except herself, it had become to hard to rely on someone, even if that person had saved her life, cared for the way she’d never admit she had always wanted someone to worry over her. He was a person she knew would never do anything to hurt her, and yet she couldn’t tell him any of it, let him know a single thing, all because of the very past she wanted to tell him of.

    “I know you will.” it was spoken just after he told her he’d take whatever he wanted, and a small smile graced her small pink mouth as she said the words. Even if the male meant it as a joke, and she knew it? The truth was he took from her anyways, without even really knowing he was doing it, he was only playing, but in the end he ended up taking a piece of her, each and every single time he did, without even knowing it! At first she had despised Marsch for it, utterly hated the male for forcing his way into her existence, making her want him around. Jiyu had craved deeply the sensation of peace and safety only given to her when he forced his aid upon her, the help she needed most times but never asked for because she didn’t know how to anymore. Yet even with that desire? She had hated him so much for it. She wanted him to keep protecting her, stay by her side, but she could never seem to admit it, especially not long enough to tell him directly what her desire was.

    “I don’t really, I just owe her, a great deal.” it was really a miserable fact that he had hit the nail on the head of her not having any friends. Sure she had her life in peace village and the friends from then, but they no longer counted, she’d been away so long and never intended to go back, no one believed her there anyways, and they only sorrowfully gazed on a girl who lost her mother too young, not who she was. Thus she really couldn’t ever do anything to make up for what the woman currently hiding in the cursed lands had done for her, she had her opening life at Black Rose in part because of the older female. “I only knew her for a few days.” the admission to that extent was easy, but the mage doubted telling him why would be easy in the slightest, and almost certainly enough she knew her voice wouldn’t provide anything else.

    “That’s Not Fair Marschal, I-I Never Saw Them Coming, I Didn’t Get The Chance To Fight Before They Had Me Chained!”  She was always too much of an emotional card, no matter how strong she was in terms of showing her emotions, not crying over something like this? Her emotions still ran the show, rage and pain reflecting in her odd optics, cheeks puffed out as she breathed trying to convince herself of something, argue with herself of something she did not even know. “I'm not gonna leave you alone.” Jiyu had seemed so upset and enraged, maybe even hurt, only seconds prior, but something in her eyes seemed to spark as he spoke those words, right away her expression was passively happy once more. “Hmm, I do wear it so much better than you.” she chuckled out the comment, running her hands down her outer thighs and cocking her hips to one side, hands ending up on her hips, playful smirk on her mouth. “And what if I decide to wear nothing instead after you take them, hmm?” she hummed at the end, looking up at him with something akin to a dare gleaming in her blue-green eyes, laughing softly.

            Jiyu listened to him, as she walked along the ground, somewhat upset and yet trying to find a way through it, because she knew it was more her own baggage than Marschal’s actual actions. As he neared the end of his words? The mage stopped, so he’d likely end up walking into her back, her slender and bruised hand moving back to grip his larger one, head tilting upwards slightly so he could see her face. Jiyu knew that he was telling the truth and that he was right, only protecting her and she did like it. However even now, she couldn’t say that, it made her feel guilty and low, but, she couldn’t help it. “I-” she seemed to change her mind on what to say at the very last second “You -I’ll be alright Marsch, let’s just hurry.”

    And with that she aimed to tug his hand and dart forward the best she could, so they’d get to transport and the cursed lands sooner.

    Last edited by Jiyu Kazehime on 11th August 2016, 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM


    Private Re: Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu

    Post by Guest 11th August 2016, 10:33 am

    Rolling 3 required Monster die.
    Guest carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu PzArA86 , Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu R2fEWNz
    Guest carried out 1 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu OdAaNwh

    Private Re: Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu

    Post by Guest 11th August 2016, 12:23 pm

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    *Several hours later*

    Marschal Leigh held onto the slender hand of Jiyu Kazehime as they stood before the forest in which the Abandoned Cabin was located. His golden optics scanned over the naturally created borderline of the forest and the field that they currently stood in. Clawed fingers snaked themselves around dirtied and bitten down fingers, holding them close to themselves. Taking a deep breath, Marschal took a step forward and with his free hand, pushed away some of the shrubberies to make an entrance. He guided the smaller woman at his side to the front, letting her take the lead into the forest, despite wanting her behind him. Fear did not wring his body out in any way; no, he was perfectly fine entering this forest that looked to be dead itself. What he was fearful of was Jiyu getting hurt and he not being able to do anything in order to save her from Death's grip.

    The woods was dead silent, leaving the magus to wonder if any animals resided within the bushy depths or not. No birds sung songs in the air to fill it with a cheery mood, deer were not seen crossing paths, and squirrels were nowhere to be found gathering nuts for the coming winter. A shiver ran down Marschal's spine like he knew that something was not entirely right with the forest they were in. His hand let go of Jiyu's and pushed aside more shrubberies and leaves from branches, making a path for the duo. In all honesty, he didn't think anything would come, that the job would be an easy "one, two, three" and get out of there. However, a rustle came from the bushes beyond them, to the side where neither were able to see all that well. Marschy turned his head and glanced to the side, noticing through the darkness the leaves jiggling from movement inside of it.

    "Be careful, Jiyu; something is out there and I don't know what it is, but I do know that this place is not safe for either of us to be," he spoke softly to her. His eyes never left the side of the woods in which the rustling came from, preoccupied with figuring out what was following them. Unfortunately, the shaking of the bushes' leaves stopped and it worried Marschal even more when he could not scent anything. Studying the stilled shrubbery, the magus kept close to Jiyu's side as she led them along to the old cabin she had formerly been in. Marschy's head snapped from one side to the next, as if his senses were going haywire with potential danger all around them. Before long, a bear jumped out of the hedges and blocked the duo from proceeding any farther than they already were. Instinctively, Marschal lunged for Jiyu and pulled her away from the grasp of the bear, pushing her behind him.

    This undead creature was not affected by his magic, however; the Intoxication Aura never once hindering the bear's actions. With Jiyu no behind him, Marschal was left open for an attack by the undead creature, who snarled and growled in his direction. Anticipating a quick meal, the bear lunged at the half-breed, swiping a paw out in front of itself and snagging Marschy's face. He let out a cry of pain, his head turned to the side as if he had been slapped, blood trickling from the wound on his cheek. His lip curled up in disgust and anger, a low and menacing growl emitting from the darkest depths of his throat. In a matter of miliseconds, Marschal launched himself at the undead bear and tackled it to the ground with immense strength. The two were left in a tussle, where the bear reached out its paws to bat at Marschal's face, who dodged each strike nimbly.

    Digging his own claws into the beast's fur, Marschal lunged his face forward and snagged his canines into the bear's muzzle. With the power of a jaguar, the man's jaw locked and held tight onto the bear, sickly blood trickling from its maw. Curling one of his freed hands into a fist, Marschy breathed in deeply and plunged the knuckles of his hand into the beast. His mouth released the bear's muzzle as it threw its head back in a powerful action, releasing a wailing cry of pain. The sound echoed through the empty forest, stirring undead birds that took flight and fluttered away to another area. Marschal's opponent fell still from the fist digging into its chest, and he grunted, standing to his feet and wiping the blood from his face. However, the wail of the bear had called upon two malevolent spirits, one of which happened to be the spirit of the bear he just slaughtered.

    "Jiyu, I'm going to need a bit of help," the man stated, staring at the two apparitions that floated in front of them. "You're going to need to be careful, however, as the ghosts are transparent beings and no ordinary attack will hurt them. Meaning, don't fight with your fights and don't fight with your weapons unless their attacks are somehow magicially enhanced." With that being said, Marschal raised his fists and leaped forward, slamming one of them into the ghosts and shoving it back. The wraith screamed in retaliation to Marschy's attack, rushing forward with her arms stretched out to grab him. He narrowly dodged the attack and slammed his fist into her back, resulting in the ghostly woman to disappear. Marschal was rather shocked it only took two of his attacks to down the ghost, which meant they were rather weak... all the more easier, he guessed.

    WC: 945
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Private Re: Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 11th August 2016, 2:55 pm

    929 word count

    His hand was wrapped around her much smaller limb, some of their finger's even laced together, and little to his knowledge her gaze kept turning to that sight here and there. Looking back occasionally? Could always easily be mistaken for ensuring he was behind her, or someone could think she was watching for an enemy of whatever sort might be lurking around. However the harsh truth for Jiyu was the fact she couldn't get enough of the sight of their hand's linked like that, even if she'd let go and scream at him if the man confronted her about it, she really liked their current state! It had been some time since she'd just been able to hold someone's hand and trust they wouldn't just let go of her's and vanish into thing air on her. When had she come to trust him that far? Sure he saved her life, but she wondered if that was enough to cause this level of blind faith, this belief he'd never hurt nor abandon her.

          "Marschal." maybe alone like this, in the forest, with her back to him and their hands linked? Her voice would work, she would not need her acquaintance to solve this thing, tell him something he didn't yet know, but deserved to. Honestly? Despite the fact he saved her and gave her everything possible so easily, she'd given very little back to him and it made her feel antsy, uneven, guilty even. Even one fact, it would be enough to set the tables even within her frail mind, but she could never even manage that much! Her eyes lingered to him from her position in the front of their line again, her mouth moving to say something, but in the end, she shook her head and said nothing.

           Even thought they happened to be alone and comfortable in body? The wind mage carried the same fears that her companion did, the possibility she would not be able to protect him. At this point however? The fear of looking weak before the male might be greater than her fear of loosing him, or they could be even, someone could never quiet tell. However, as he stood there fearing the loss of her life, she strode only steps ahead, fearing the exact same thing! It was a shame neither of them voiced it, maybe it would have led to something, but anywhere such a conversation could go, well it was for a time when they might not be attacked and kill at any moment. "Mm, Marschal, I am rarely safe." probably the wrong thing to say to him, but in the coming days she would prove herself reckless and likely too fiercely independent for her own good, she would prove it true that she was prone to putting herself into danger. However? She'd also prove herself just as capable of coming out of it alive, and relatively alright.

         "HEY!" she felt her body nearly fall backwards, dancing a few steps back, anger sparking in her eyes. In Jiyu's mind? She could have faced that bear herself, even thought she likely could not have actually gotten the beast murdered on her own, with her body in it's current state.

    "Jiyu, I'm going to need a bit of help,"

          She looked stunned for a few seconds, that he was actually requesting her to aid him, in spite of his early behavior that seemed to suggest for her to stay out of it. Jiyu did not quiet recover from this quickly enough, and the beast tried to possess her, causing a dazed look and a small shriek for a second, as it deal damage in this way as well. "You Bitch, You Tried To Posses Me! Wind Dance!" the female shouted at the ghost, once it was ejected from her body, since she was strong enough to fight off the possession, the air around the ghost exploding, hopefully avoiding hitting Marschal as well. "Wind Slash!"with that the ghost was certainly dead, but it was clear it took it's toll on Jiyu, her breaths heavy and some of her wounds reopened.

          "Come on the cabin isn't much further off, I can smell her, she's hurt." the wind mage broke away, running with ungraceful, fumbling steps, until she eventually made it to the cabin. The old building? Was nearly falling apart, and she pushed the door open cautiously, looking back at marschal and motioning to make sure he knew that he was allowed to come in. "Well if it isn't my favorite little run away." well that was enough information if the male had heard her friend speaking, jiyu smiled lightly, walking into the room, not suspecting that her friend would be an enemy here very soon. "I'm not a fourteen year old kid anymore." she laughed it out sadly, coming to bend down next to the several year older woman, clearly there was nothing they could do to save her, the scent of death had already taken over her own. So Jiyu sat there, locking hands with the person who had sent the letter, seeing the woman spread out on an old futon, sitting there and waiting for her final breath to come. "Thank you, I just didn't- I didn't want to die alone." it was so scripted, but it really happened, her last breath was drawn right when those words were spoken. "No one ever does, at least I could make sure you didn't have to." and she moved her hand to close the woman's eyes, standing up and approaching marschal again.


    Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu H6NcPbM


    Private Re: Dearly Departed;; Black rose Hounds + Jiyu

    Post by Guest 11th August 2016, 3:42 pm

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    As Jiyu finished off the other ghost, Marschal found her calling out to him and telling him to follow her toward the cabin. She claimed she could smell her long lost friend covered in her own blood, desperate for the need of seeing her friend's face again. Sighing, Marschal would follow after Jiyu, sticking close to her side so that he would not lose her as they traversed the forest. They passed many an undead animal that roamed the grounds, including a few spirits that, although they looked rather vicious, did not jump them. He was still wary, however, golden optics watching his surroundings and making sure nothing attacked them from out of the blue. Eventually, they came upon the abandoned cabin that had been located deeper in the forest than either had thought. Jiyu, well, she entered the cabin without any sort of hesitation; Marschal, on the other hand, crept inside of the building.

    It was there that Marschy came across the bloodied visage of Jiyu's old friend, who in turn greeted the 18-year-old. He heard her claim it was nice to see her favorite runaway again, which Marschal didn't quite understand at the time. However, he did not question why it was that the woman called Jiyu a runaway when she had told him a different story. Instead, while Jiyu and the woman spoke to one another, his eyes scanned the cabin that looked to be in a lot worse shape. Claw marks covered the walls and the floor, some of the gouges even had chunks of flesh or nails stuck inside of them. All of it was rather nasty looking, but it wasn't the looks that made him worry, it was the scent of death that coated the area abruptly. Turning away from what he was looking at, Marschal saw Jiyu reaching forward to close the eyes of the now dead woman.

    "Get out of here, Jiyu," he ordered her, having no real reason as to why he told her to remove herself from the premises. For some ungodly reason, a shiver was crawling down his spine in the most unnatural way possible and he did not like that. Ushering the young maiden out of the cabin, he would forcibly shut the door behind her and push something in the way, so she could not get back inside. As he was doing this, a low groan emitted from the throat of the deceased woman on the cot, growing louder as seconds passed. Marschal spun on his heels to face the rotting, undead female, who's eyes had snapped open seconds after the groaning started. Breathing in deeply, he released a long sigh into the atmosphere, then flicked his wrist downward, forming his fingers into a claw shape. Whitened eyes glanced around as the zombified woman rolled to her side and slowly stood up, sniffing the air.

    "Well, good morning, Sunshine, but unfortunately, it's a little too early for you to be awake," he retorted jokingly to the zombie. Stepping forward with one foot, Marschal launched himself at the undead woman and slammed his claws into her, dealing damage. She stumbled backward, but quickly regained her composure and rushed him, moaning and opening her mouth to bite him. Just as she was about to clamp down onto his arm with her teeth, Marschal slammed his foot into her stomach, sending her backward. The zombie hit the wall in the back with a heavy thud and wasn't getting up anytime soon or so Marschal thought. After having struck the wall rather hard, the woman moaned some more and pulled herself back to her feet before rushing him again. Marschy blocked this attack with his arm, shoving her back, then ramming his foot into her right side and sending her flying.

    Relentless in his attacks, Marschal charged the zombie and punched her in the face, with another fist to her side. She was roughly shoved back into the wall, where she was knocked down and wasn't getting up for the third time. Something drew his attention, however, a light trickle on his arm where he had blocked the zombie's first attack. Feeling the blood drain from his face, the young man lifted his arm and turned it slightly, revealing a bite mark. Marschy breathed in deeply and dropped his arm to his side, turning away from the dead zombie and pushing away what he had placed in front of the door. From there, he stepped outside and into the forest, looking at Jiyu and giving her faked smile in the end. "I didn't want you to go back in there because I know she was going to turn," he explained before walking away from her.

    WC: 784

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:14 pm