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    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad]


    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Empty Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad]

    Post by Guest 20th July 2016, 3:15 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 919   |  NOTES: ...
    Job Description:

    A slender figure slipped down into the sewage system below Hargeon, through a manhole located in the center of a street. The echo of metal grating on metal could be heard in the depths of the sewers as Marceline closed the lid tightly. Jumping from her place on the rusted ladder, the death mage landed heavily on her feet, hands pressed to the ground to help her balance. She stood up, the cloak clasped around her neck flowing with her movements, and dusted herself off after she straightened her posture. Looking around, the regal immortal glanced from one end of the hallway to the next, the smell of sewage burning her nose. Its stench alone was enough to make Marceline want to head back up for fresh air, but the dark mage new she couldn't. Sighing, she glanced behind her, to see if her partner for the job was there or if she happened to be on her own.

    With only a quick glance over her shoulder, the woman headed down the northern half of the sewers' walkway, beginning their search. Her combat boots thumped harshly against the cement of the sewer system, sending loud echoes through the air. Aside from her partner's and her footsteps, the only sound the echoed in the sewage was that of the flowing waters. Walking along the platform, Marcy turned her head from side to side as they stopped at bends and turns in the system. Each one appeared to be empty in her eyes, or led to dead ends that she was certain wouldn't be of any use to them. They were meant to be searching for the fabled entryway to the world of glowing crystals and lanterns as described. However, she wasn't having much luck in finding their destination that had been so descriptively told to her.

    If only the man had told her what the world around the door happened to look like, perhaps she would have had an easier time? For instance, did the door happen to have a slight glow to it that would allow for them to better see the entrance? Was there a smell that radiated from the entry, like mineral smells or earthy tones, or did it have no smell at all? Mayhap, there was a sound that came from the door? One that they duo would be able to hear with ease or heightened senses? It was anticipatory thought, as Marcy wanted to see what was in the depths of the door that had been dug up. After the fall of Hargeon Town, the tentacle monster, Gargalax, had broken pieces of the streets enough to uproot the door. How long had this door been down here for was the next question, and what did it lead to that caused the disappearance of people and items?

    As minutes passed by and each bend that turned into another tunnel came up empty, a particular one ahead was lit aglow. Marceline did not get excited at the idea that it was, perhaps, the door that they had been searching for in the time being. No, for she had figured it was merely lantern lights and various other forms to keep the sewers lit up at night. For how long had they been searching now? Surely, it was nightfall by now, and as expected, lights would be lit. Maybe, even the street lamps were set up now and their resonating lights spills through the cracks of drains? Nearing the bend to the tunnel, the glow would shift from a natural light to what appeared to be a phosphorescent glow. It was a light blue in color, like crystals had been lit up and were showing the way to the door as hoped for.

    Turning the bend, the immortal queen came upon the glowing entrance that had been so graciously described to her. Enthralled by its uniqueness, the woman quietly walked over to it, her hand reaching out toward the rustic, black handle. This door, it was ancient in nature, crawling designs over its bodice, with a handle that looked to be from her own millennium. Gazing at the wondrous sight, the mage hooked her pale fingers around the knob and yanked it with all of her might. It creaked open slowly, despite the force she had used in order to open up the door, pushing it off to the side. A blaring light shone through the doorway, blinding the woman for a moment before her black and red optics adjusted. Hesitantly, she looked back over her shoulder at her job partner, then without another moment's notice, she stepped through.

    She was quickly enveloped by the brilliant light, left dazzled at the immense crystals that coated the walls. Her eyes raked over the lacrimas, looking at how each one emitted its own source of light, like a lamp in the dark. Marceline's gaze then shifted to the candelabras and braziers that hung from the walls and the ceiling with the crystals. "Well," she began, her eyes never once leaving the crystals and candlelight, "I believe this is where we need to be." With her voice seemingly echoing in the dead of silence that erupted through the long cavernous hallway, she started walking. As each step carried her deeper and closer to their destination, her eyes caught sight of the florescent lights that were the rushing streams. Curiously, the woman began to follow those streams, watching as no matter how far she went, they were always equidistant to each other.

    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    Last edited by Marceline Anicetus on 22nd July 2016, 10:08 am; edited 2 times in total

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Empty Re: Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad]

    Post by Vlad 22nd July 2016, 9:02 am


    WC: 1011 | Total: 1011 | Out of: 7500

    The town that had been destroyed, and rebuilt; Haregon. There had been quite a few strange occurrences here lately; these ranged from people that have gone missing to simple items, seemingly lost. This mission was rather straight forward, compared to recent events. These two dark mages were contracted to explore some old door that "lead to another world." What fantasy. There was no second world, this was something that was merely lost ages ago. Just as the people went missing the door that they were sent to explore must have gone missing as well. Vlad was not amused by this, but it payed well. It seemed that the man had enough in his coffer to simply give away armor sets. How generous.

    "Oi! What the fuck?" Vlad exclaimed, sliding down the ladder, landing a meter behind the  female. They had walked here in complete silence, which was fine, but he wanted information. Vlad believed, very strongly, that you should know your allies. At the very least their name, magic, and abilities should be shared. This would allow for the most efficient form of combat, and stop any sort of awkward situation. Sure, having a wild card seemed like a good idea, however, it was not. Having a wild card merely meant that he had to keep an eye on it, to be able to predict what it may do, what it was capable of. He did not enjoy having to babysit while on a mission. This was one of the reasons he often went on jobs alone, even when strongly urged to bring another. They were never that bad, in fact, he found them very peaceful. The blood shed was extravagant. Now, walking down the tunnel, he kept to himself. It seemed she was in no mood to talk, though she would occasionally glance back at the male.

    The presence she gave off was something that he had recognized right away. Death. She gave off the musk of one accustomed to death, of one who was able to commit mass murder as though nothing happened. It was a slightly different scent from his, but it was there, just as death was. Always looming over the unaware, those who let their guard down. This was not the only oddity of the female. Being able to summon those who he killed and ate he had a rather strong connection to souls, though he was no soul mage. Being able to call forth weapons that damage a soul, and even summoning forth souls to help. This was his ability, as a summoner. With this he was often able to look into the soul of an individual. To see what the person was composed of, and even tell what sort of person they were. A quick glance was all it took, and he knew enough about the person to make a few guesses. This female, whatever her name may be, was different. Her soul was very aged, too much so to be human, and had a hue which he had never encountered before. What could it be? Such a strange being, this woman.

    The echoes of their foot steps was the one of the two noticeable thing in these damp sewers. The other being the smell. Obviously this was not the place for an average man to travel, so it made sense that they were hired for this job. What the fuck!? was all that went through his mind. Having realized that it must have been hours since they had entered this place, he was frustrated. From a distance it would seem as though these two were simply lost adventurers, trying to find their way about. This was a very apt description of their situation. Having been given no instructions they simply had to wander around in hopes of finding this magical door that would lead to a cavern filled with lacrima. There were a few additional thoughts that were on his mind. Looking the female over she had a nice figure, but something was off. The mark on her neck was rather obvious. Vampire? Let's call it that, although it was not confirmed. Having decided that was the best course of action Vlad continued to follow behind this girl. She had a stronger magical aura than he did, but that was fine. She had many more years under her belt, even if she tried to deny it he knew the truth.

    After another few hours it seemed that the door was finally within reach. Still following behind the female he was intrigued. While he had no description of the area he couldn't wait to finally see what was behind the door. As she opened the door he was awestruck. The lacrima that lit the area was quite nice, and very different than what was expected. The plant life, and even the water had a slight glow to it. Sensing something nearby he turned his head. "What was that?" He chuckled, knowing he had gotten a glimpse of the soul. It held a very large resemblance to Azriels; having been beaten, torn and all around tortured. It was a demon, that was all he knew. Allowing it do as it wished he simply reached into his pocket, grabbing a vial that he had snagged from the man who had given them this job, he knelt beside the river and collected a sample. Lifting the vial it was apparent that the water still had a slight glow to it, albeit it faint. Sticking the vial in his pocket he stood and caught up to the female. Looking her, straight on, he spoke. "What gave it away? The archaic style door, the overgrown nature? Perhaps it was the demons." He chuckled, walking forward so that he stood beside her.  "It seems that there are a few of them, do be prepared to fight." He stated, looking around. There seemed to be around ten, though the number was fluctuating slightly. Letting out a slight sigh he looked around, prepared for what was to come.


    I will bite you to death.

    Wont you let me have a taste?

    It shouldn't hurt that much...

    credit to nat of adoxography2.0.

    Last edited by Vlad on 27th July 2016, 10:54 am; edited 4 times in total


    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

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    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Empty Re: Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad]

    Post by NPC 22nd July 2016, 9:02 am

    The member 'Vlad' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] NormalMonster Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] StrongMonster

    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Empty Re: Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad]

    Post by Guest 22nd July 2016, 10:10 am

    Rolling the other 8 monsters.
    Guest carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] NXDHjfc , Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] NXDHjfc
    Guest carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] OdAaNwh , Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] OdAaNwh
    Guest carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] OdAaNwh , Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] OdAaNwh
    Guest carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] PzArA86 , Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] OdAaNwh

    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Empty Re: Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad]

    Post by Guest 27th July 2016, 10:50 am

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 2,181   |  NOTES: ...
    Marceline did not care so much about the history of the town, rather than getting this job done and out of the way for more jobs to come. The fact that the legal mages let a massive sea creature annihilate an entire city that was one of most important in Fiore amused her. If they were so big and bad, the heroes of the century, how could they let an immensely-sized creature create destruction in their own town? Not only that, but this was not the first time that cities were destroyed because of the legal mages’ recklessness in trying to stop the beasts that terrorized them. How was it that legal mages were seen as the good, not-so-destructive wizards when it was clear they caused the most collateral damage? Why were they, the dark mages, the ones who were seen as bad and not to be trusted, just because of a few of their immoral actions? What was worse in the long run? Immorality, apparently. Otherwise, legal mages wouldn’t be able to run around being destructive if it was the other way around.

    What are you swearing at me for, infant?” inquired the immortal, a placid look upon her features when she turned to look at Vlad. Just because she had not introduced herself to him did not mean that she wanted nothing to do with him, not even an acquaintanceship. “Do you need something to eat? A diaper change? I do not know what it is that you require with that incessant swearing you use.” This was the reason why she did not like going on jobs with new partners, but none of her former partners had been available for this mission. Likewise, she did not know a thing about this man and as a result, she subsequently treated him like the infant she formerly babysat and killed. Unfortunately, he was not the one that needed to be babysitting her, it was her that would likely end up having to babysit the likes of him. With neither of them knowing what each other was like, it was hard to say how this job would go, especially since he was already getting on her nerves.

    Bother me anymore with your swearing and I’ll make sure to get a taste of that soul of yours,” the woman stated in a harsh tone. With that being said, she turned her gaze away from him and headed farther down the stream, deeper into the dark caverns of the door. She didn’t care what Vlad decided to do; if he wanted to wander off and do things on his own, then by all means he could. After all, she was not here to watch the C ranked mage struggle to fight for his life against creatures that were just as strong as she was. Besides, she could already sense that they were being surrounded by rather powerful creatures, though not as powerful as she thought. In fact, a few of their auras felt a little weak compared to the others, so perhaps there were some that were lower ranked to others. Whatever they may end up being, they would not last very long in this world, destroyed by the likes of Vlad and her.

    If you really care to know what my name is, let me inform you first that I go by many different names, and hardly anyone knows my real name,” she answered his silent question. The reason behind all of her names was due to the fact that she had many disguises that she used to wander the streets of important cities. It was her way of being able to get around without the Magic Council knowing what she was up to and sending out Rune Knights. As the topmost wanted mage in Fiore, next to Eris, it was no large surprise that she could not wander in towns in her real form. “I have been called the Crimson Scholar by my former guild-mates back in Savage Skull, but what’s more important is that the people of Fiore call me their nightmare. They know me as Miss Fortune, Mr. Unlucky, that which is called the Grim Reaper, Bellatrix, Marcel, Marissa, just to name a few.“ She was rambling on now, but would quickly get to the point and finish up with, “but my real name is Marceline Anicetus, servant to Death.

    However, it would appear that Vlad was not even listening to her anymore, too consumed by the presence of demons all around them. Demons were her brethren though, so she did not take as much mind to them as her partner seemingly did just now. In fact, she could care less what the demons around them did, so long as they did not attack them and they did not do anything stupid on their part. Disregarding her partner’s statements, she’d glance around at their surroundings, catching reddened eyes staring back at hers. She rolled her eyes and scoffed a little, but just as she did so, one of the demons decided to launch itself at her and tackle her to the ground. Apparently, rolling her eyes had not been a good idea, as it resulted in a demon and her getting into a tussle on the ground. Marceline bared her vampiric fangs, biting down into the neck of the demon that caused it to let out a howl of pain.

    At her touch, a single process would begin on the demonic being, resulting in a decay of its flesh and bone that was both miserable and pleasurable at once. Rolling over, Marceline now sat on top of the demon, her teeth still digging deep into its flesh, and the large tattoo on her back pulsating with a purple glow. Underneath her cloak, it was quickly pushed upward as 13-foot-long, leathery bat wings emerged from her back and wrapped around her opponent and her. Concealed by the tough skin of her wings, the woman released her grip on the demon’s neck, braced herself and bit down on its esophagus. The demon’s arms came upward, digging into her backside and peeling off what looked to be shreds of clay from her skin. She clenched harder onto the demon’s throat as a result of its nails digging into her bodice, then violently ripped out its throat. As the demon went limp beneath her, her wings flashed outward and she could be seen seated peacefully on its chest, eating the bloody piece she had ripped out.

    Once it was entirely gone, she pushed herself to her feet and her soul collectors would appear from thin air, lazily floating around her. Soon after, an orb of light floated from the chest of the demon and into the air, where the insect-like creatures swooped toward it. One of them caught the soul in its tail and returned back to Marceline’s side, dropping the soul onto her body and letting it soak in. The claw marks on her body would disappear the moment the soul entered her skin, healing it of any probable injury she had. Satisfied with their work, the soul collectors would fade from view, only being seen by Marceline unless they wanted to be seen by others.  She dusted her shorts off and turned to look at Vlad, wiping the blood from her lips and giving him a smile that would appear to be a sort of apology. “There are demons around here; while most of them are friendly, there’s a select few that may try to ambush us like the former had,” she informed.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Empty Re: Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad]

    Post by Vlad 27th July 2016, 11:44 am

    WC: 1236 | Total: 2247 | Out of: 7500

    The history of the town held absolutely no importance, however, it did speak to the values of those around them; those without magic, those with magic. Of the people who blindly submitted to the rule of the Magic council, The King, The Rune Knights, The Gareou Knights; all of these people were merely ignorant, or simply did not wish to recognize, the abhorrent actions taken by people who are deemed as righteous. These people had to be forced out of their ignorance, and revealed the truth; what was considered justice, legal and righteousness was, in fact, the most evil thing present in Fiore. While they claim the title of Hero, Savior, even Saint, they were nothing more than twisted people. These people were the true sinners, the true antagonists, the true villains; this is not to say that the Dark Mages are just in their actions, but it had to be said. Dark mages did use immoral actions, did break laws--which were created by the "justice" system--, and did slay others for their own benefit. The only difference between a legal mage, and a dark mage, was the whim of the Magic Council. Being able to declare whatever they please they held ultimate rule over what was "Legal" and "Dark" in the land of Fiore. This is the corruption that has taken control over Fiore. This corruption, and utter deterioration, of what it means to be just is what has been destroyed by those who rule Fiore.

    This female seemed to be a bit of a bitch, with the assumed superiority; while it may be true that she was B rank, which made her a rank above himself, it mattered not. He has done enough to prove himself as an evil, and powerful male. In fact, who gave a shit about what she though? She was merely a hag that seemed to assume superiority due to her age, and perhaps her powers. "Woman, have you not been taught how you ought to behave? Have you not been trained in what it means to be a woman? Cook, clean, bear children. It is a surprise that you even have the capability of using magic; perhaps it is due to your perverse nature? While I do not believe this to be a necessity for all women it does seem you need to be taught a lesson. Have you not had a man teach you manners? Could you try to learn them? Power is great, and positions give titles, but who cares? It may be true that one may only gain my respect through power, but that is not all that is required. I need a reason to even begin to search for respect; I have yet to find it with you." He spoke. It seemed she didn't care for these demons, as though they were her kin. Well, all monsters were kin; though she was merely a warped human. 

    "Vlad Chao, that is my name; who cares for the title? I appreciate titles, but in the end they only represent a position. Positions may be lost, but your name is yours. Do you not know this?" He had decided to simply disregard the idle insults she threw his way, and in fact, he simply laughed. Nightmare? This woman? Really? Perhaps she misunderstood. It mattered not, he didn't need to start an argument over such a stupid thing, "Well, seeing as you hold such an important title this should be easy." He laughed, clearly mocking the title. "Well, who really cares about that shit? Let us have some fun!" He chuckled, though that was when the first demon attacked. "How dull..." He simply stood there, allowing her to do whatever the fuck it was she was doing. Creatures do some very odd things, and not all of it was of interest. Sucking the blood of the demon, disgusting. Psyche, not really. It made sense. Azriel, do talk to some of them and stop this shit. We shall eliminate a few of these creatures, show our dominance. Agreed?

    Yes, sir. Azriel replied, emerging from Vlad's shadow. Upon his exit he could sense the monstrous number of demons and decided it was best to begin his delegations promptly. "Why, hello there! What is your name, brother?" He would begin to speak to a crowd of these demons, pointing over to the couple. As he did so Marcy had already collected the soul of their brethren. "Please, do test them." He chuckled, nodding to Vlad. 

    Vlad simply would wave at the male. As he did so a demon resembling the one that had tackled Marcy would approach Vlad. Holding his hand up for a moment he examined the demons soul; it had been tortured for too long, it was too frail. It was not worth the mana to simply exterminate solely this one. Holding his hand up he put up two fingers.

    "It appears he wishes another two of you to approach, please, if you do not mind." Azriel motioned in the general direction of Vlad, and their brother. As he did so two more demons, all of them looking identical, though they had some small differences, approached Vlad. "Well, Marceline, this is what a true Reaper looks like." He chuckled as his scythe formed in his hand. As he did so he would merely twirly it in the air, and slash downwards. As he did this the first demon that approached would collapse to the ground; its soul seemed to be dragged to out of its body and into Vlads. "Yummy, next?" He laughed, mocking the demons.

    As he said this the two would run towards the male, swinging what appeared to be some form of archaic sword. "Slow..." He sighed, sidestepping the movements of the first demon, as the second demon swung he jumped in the air. How did these creatures, who were fifteen meters tall, move so quickly? Quickly is to say for something that is this large. "Dull!" He exclaimed, kicking off the second demons weapon he would fly forward, slashing three times at the creatures body; with this the soul would explode out, unable to maintain its form. The creature fell to the ground. As his brother fell the sole surviving demon would swing its weapon, quicker than before. "Shit." Vlad would jump in the air, vaulting over the weapon it seemed he had been nicked by the weapon. The soul of the creature rushed over to the man, however, as his MP was full nothing would occur. Grabbing the soul he forced it down his throat, healing the small wound. "You dare attack me!? You pathetic excuse for a demon!?!" He exclaimed, kicking forward he slashed another five times, slaying the beast. 

    "Oi, are you going to do anything? Maybe continue your playdate? Perhaps help depict our superiority and claim the souls of a few of them. How about it? Feel like doing that?" He sighed, ripping off a piece of the demon, and eating it. As he did this a surge of power would run through him, a new summon unlocked. "Troll Ortus." Vlad laughed, as the ground shone beside him. By saying these words he commanded the demon to serve him, to play as his pawn. While it was a monster at B rank its health would stay at that, though it would only deal C-rank based damage. "Please, do make yourself useful, woman."

    HP: 200 | MP: 88
    Vlad's Defiance: +25% dmg resistance
    Death's Blessing: +20% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +10% dmg
    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post
    Abilities used: 
    RS: 1/4/5
    Reapers Scythe:

    Troll Ortus:


    I will bite you to death.

    Wont you let me have a taste?

    It shouldn't hurt that much...

    credit to nat of adoxography2.0.


    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Empty Re: Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad]

    Post by Guest 30th July 2016, 4:47 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 3,147   |  NOTES: ...
    Considering she had grew up in royalty thousands of years ago, she had learned all of those things about being a good housewife. However, in this day and age, women were not expected to cook for the man or clean the house in his absense. So, when he had told her that she belonged in the kitchen and was only useful for childbirth, she gritted her teeth and focused on something else. The demons all around them were homing in them, giving them hardly any time to think of what they could possibly do. Yet, as time went on and seconds turned into minutes, she was finding that her mind kept wandering back to what he said. "I don't look to gain your respect; I look to finish this job as quickly as possible because as far as I'm concerned, you're worthless on jobs." With that being said, the woman turned her attention back to the demons, only to have Vlad state something insignificant about names.

    "Why are you scolding me about what my name is, insolent fool," the woman uttered in a dull tone, never looking at the man. If he wanted to complain to her about her name, then she would not have told him what it was in the first place. It appeared that he didn't like it anyway, even though the former ones were simple nicknames people had given her. Whether he called her by those names was entirely up to him; he didn't have to insult what had been given to her. After all, one of her more favored nicknames was that of one that Dubhlainn had given her: the Crimson Scholar. The name, itself, was beautiful, held a great amount of mystery, and was a name given to her by one of her beloved former guild-mates. She would not stand for the insults that he threw at her, simply because she did not understand the normal human lifestyle.

    Vlad ran off to fight three of the demons that had been around them, killing them off in a matter of minutes. So, he wasn't all that bad; plus, he had supplied her with empty bodies she could use as cannon fodder for the other demons. Smirking, the woman crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her head a little, taking a step closer to him. "Ich bin freudig du kennst wie zu beliefern mich mit organisch Material," she stated in her native tongue, so he didn't understand. Sidestepping Vlad, she'd look at the three demons that lay lifeless in the vicinity of the guildless mage, eying them carefully. She'd run her gaze over them, to see if there were any significant injuries that would hinder any of their possibilities. Once she was done with that, energy balled at her fingertips until it split into thirds and flew into the bodies of the demons.

    Imbued with souls from within her own body, souls that would return to her, and her only, after the bodies had been used, the demons would rise on their own. They would stand to their feet as if none of what had happened before had happened at all, except, now they were mindless. She cooed at her minions, coddled them a little, then looked to the remaining four demons that had gathered around. "Dämon, los!" she ordered one of the demons to attack one of the hidden ones, then focused on the other two. "Teufel, los!" The woman sent the second of her minions to attack another of the hidden ones, leaving the third as her protector. Not that she exactly needed a protector, but it was a great use of the shield in case one of the demons decided to come after her. From here, she would watch as her two pets attacked and slaughtered the demons that did not expect an assault from their brethren.

    "Oi, are you going to do anything?" she repeated Vlad's inquiry in a mocking tone, winking at him before walking away. With only two of the demons left, she decided to leave those for Vlad's taking and wandered off on her own. After the little battle between the two, she hadn't quite remembered what the goal of the job was but decided to move along anyway. The only thing she could recall was that they needed to find a missing necklace or was it a ring? Was it anything at all? She shrugged her shoulders at her thoughts and followed the stream that seemingly led deeper into the caves. Her minion followed closely after, which was then followed after by the other two demons once they had finished off their opponents. Clicking her tongue, Marceline bounced along her way, down the path of the stream, looking for whatever it was they needed.

    She hummed a little song while she walked along the stream, swaying her head to the rhythm like a little child. After a while, she would break out into song, not violently like some, rather just a bit of soft singing and humming. "Die Nacht liegt wie Blei auf Schloss Darkmoor, Sir Henry liest Financial Times. Zwölfmal schlägt gespenstisch die Turmuhr, der Butler hat Ausgang bis eins. Da schleicht sich im flackernden Lampenschein, fast lautlos ein Schatten zur Türe herein, und stürzt auf Sir Henry, derselbe lebt ab und nimmt sein Geheimnis mit in das Grab." Smiling a little, Marceline would look back behind her, stopping her singing momentarily to see if Vlad was following her now. Once she had checked, she would return to looking ahead of herself and continuing the traditional song of her native tongue. "Der Mörder war wieder der Gärtner und er plant schon den nächsten Coup. Der Mörder ist immer der Gärtner und der schlägt erbarmungslos, der schlägt erbarmungslos, der schlägt erbarmungslos zu..."
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Empty Re: Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad]

    Post by Vlad 1st August 2016, 6:30 am

    WC: 1034 | Total: 3281 | Out of: 7500

    Vlad sighed, yet again. It seemed this that this female would need to be taught some form of manners, eventually. "Oi, I was going to eat them. What the fuck?" He shrugged, looking around the cave once more. It seemed that there were a few of them simply waiting for a chance to attack, and it was a valiant attempt. He could respect the idea; it was something that those who needed some osrt of advantage would do, in this circumstance. With home court advantage he had expected this to be a bit more difficult? Challenging? Interesting? Well, either way, it seemed he had over estimated these opponents. "GOD DAMNIT! GIVE ME A DAMN CHALLENGE. YOU DUMB SLUTS!" He exclaimed, causing two of them to spring forward, it seems he had provoked them. As this occurred it seemed that Marceline had simply decided to let her goons do the dirty work. "Pft." He sighed, deciding to let the brothers fight it out. Sending his demon in, it was a rather simple decision really. He figured that one would fall to its own brethren. That was good enough. He could simply let Azriel deal with his brother.

    Slay him, Azriel.

    Vlad simply did not care much for anything at this point, he had found no reason to try to out do any of them. He knew his strengths. "I take back what I said, dear. Watching you walk away is a marvelous sight. I think I could get used to this." He laughed a bit, though it seemed that he was the only one that truly found it funny. Well, he did always enjoy watching a female walk away. Perhaps he was a man who truly appreciated the ass of a female? No, no. This was something that he has known for a long time. HE WAS A BOOB MAN. He enjoyed the supple touch of a females body was fun... Lets digress... Vlad had taken note of something that the female had done; it was the way she had done this little trick of hers. It was the manipulation of souls that interested him, not much else.

    The ability to send a soul into the corpse of a recently deceased, or maybe they just had to be dead, creature. Reanimating it under your control, much like one would summon a beast. It was an interesting concept that he would, albeit eventually, research. He liked the idea. It offered such a versatile range of implications; being bound to no definite shape the spells effect changed each time it was cast. How useful.

    This women had more than a single soul? She showed no signs of multiple personality disorder, nor any signs of deteriorating mental capacity. It was a very unusual case. Vlad would expect the souls to simply duke it out for controlling, allowing for the personalities of each to leak through. She was a mysterious person; to have these souls under such a strict command to have it appear to be a single soul; to dominate the energy and determination of each soul. This took effort, skill, luck or training. To say the least he was impressed by what the female had just shown him. It was the first time he had seen this sort of control, and would be sure to look into this as well. This little job has led to so many topics that could be researched; so it was a good idea to agree to this. 

    As Vlad seemed to be lost in combat Azriel would simply dash forward, the ground molding as he took each step, unsettling his blade. While he wielded a simple dagger, nothing very fancy, it was all he needed. He could, or rather he knew he would - albeit eventually-, obtain a better blade; one that could cut through any opponent as though they were butter; one that could absolutely dominate the battlefield. This, however, was not something that Azriel felt the need to invest in; why change something that was not broken?

    Rushing toward the demon he would jump into the air, slamming his dominant hand down, attempting to Pierce the demons throat. This, however, was ineffective as the demon rose it's arm, blocking the strike though it did seem slightly annoyed at the damage that had been done to its arm. Simply kicking forward he would hit the demons jaw, staggering it back a meter. Ripping the blade free of the it's temporary scabbard he decided to take a different approach. Dashing forward he would simply sidestep the beast, turning and jumping into the air he would continue his assault. Stabbing down, toward the nape of the creatures neck, he would find himself latched on its back; wrapping an arm around its neck he would violently rip the blade free of the neck, and repeatedly assault the same spot; the goal was to simply sever the neck, or spinal cord. Either option would work at this point. Hearing the crack of bones he would kick off the beasts back, watching it collapse to the ground. It was over; cleaning the demons blood from its blade he would then sheathed the blade, catching up to Vlad. "Complete."

    Letting out a slight chuckle Vlad figured this was all that they needed to do to prove their dominance over their foes; it was a rather simple task. "Well, I do apologize for the rude nature of my previous comments. I suppose I should not have said them." He apologized; he saw no reason to be on bad terms with this female. It would not help the male in anyway, only create a more awkward situation, and lead to a more problematic situation. 

    Walking forward, catching up to the female who always seemed to wander off ahead, they would come to an opening. Having a slope slanted downwards, to what could only be described as an arena, there would be a plethora of occupants; there were multiple tiers of viewing platforms. Each of these were filled to the brim, demons occupying every nook. In the center of the arena was a demon who seemed to be quite powerful; this was his assumption. "Seems interesting." He chuckled. 

    HP: 200 | MP: 91

    Vlad's Defiance: +25% dmg resistance

    Death's Blessing: +20% dmg

    Soul Resonance: +10% dmg

    Deaths Consumption: +3% MP/post

    Abilities used:
    RS 2/4/5


    I will bite you to death.

    Wont you let me have a taste?

    It shouldn't hurt that much...

    credit to nat of adoxography2.0.


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    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Empty Re: Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad]

    Post by Guest 4th August 2016, 7:25 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 4,411   |  NOTES: ...
    Marceline could only watch as Vlad blabbered on about how it wasn't fair that he couldn't eat the creatures she had raised from the dead. She didn't say anything on the matter, rather she just observed him complaining about the ordeal before moving onto the demons that surrounded them. Quirking an eyebrow, the succubus studied Vlad as he yelled at the creatures in order to gain their full attention. It was entertaining, to say the least, but he was acting, overall, very childish about the situation and even when in battle. For one, she could state that he was too brash and that would end up getting him in trouble sometime in the future. His steps were far too clumsy, she could pick his intentions out before he even started doing what he planned; it was horrible. Rubbing her face with a hand, she would wait for Vlad to finish off the demons with whatever little pet he had with him.

    "There's certainly no point in flirting with me," she stated when Vlad had finished dealing with the demons and left Azriel to handle them. "If you want something from me, you have to be demanding and straightforward; I already know what game you're trying to play. In fact, the game you are playing is the game that I'm well accustomed to because my species invented it for your. . . gender." Marceline cleared her throat after scolding Vlad, turning away from him again and letting her gaze rake over the area. Unfortunately, she wasn't finding any necklace that they needed; everything was far too sparkly in this landscape. "Besides," she'd break the silence after a few minutes have passed, "you're a little late in claiming my ass." She'd look over her shoulder and wink at him, then started walking along the bed of the stream toward what looked to be an opening.

    While she was adept in the workings of necromancy, she was far from being a necromancer herself and wasn't all that interested. It was merely an aspect of her magic, despite it mostly decaying the flesh and muscles off of beings so only bone was left. That made her magic more versatile and the stronger she became, the more she was able to cast and summon. Aside from that, she also practiced her magic in her free time, but as of late, she hasn't had much free time to do anything. In the end, it was all about practicing and studying, as she still had the book she had found in her mother's library back in Sin. There was still so much to discover in the book that she was certain whatever information it contained would take years to master. She wanted to impress her master, to become just as a strong as Him so that He could accept her as His equal.

    The reason behind why she had so many souls in her body was because the souls were not so sentient as they were to merely be there. They were nothing more than things that allowed for her body to move and to heal when it had cracks and breaks in it. While they had once been living creatures, they could not talk or think on their own, they were, in essence, just orbs of light. However, whenever she consumed one, she was graced with their memories, their personality, and even their looks. She could change into them whenever she wished, acting entirely different from the main soul in her body that controlled it. Yet, if that soul was ever taken, it would simply be replaced with another, where that one would take on the memories and personality of the former. Marceline was a strange creation indeed, one that was hard to explain, but all the better to observe.

    Entering the opening that was on the wall in the back, where the water seemed to lead deeper into the caverns, she came upon a chamber. Inside of the chamber, a roll of sound entered her ears, a noise that resembled the beating of war drums or just drums in general. It caused a shiver to run down her spine, but she enjoyed the sound all too much, making her excited to know what was to come. Her eyes gazed around at the room, the drums vibrating in her chest like a heartbeat that she happened to lack. A smile was upon her lips, spreading them wide as she explored the room and looked for whatever it was that was making the sound. As she looked, she would come to realize that what she was feeling was an overwhelming demonic power in the room. Glancing up, Marceline would recognize hundreds of demons that circled what would be considered an arena.

    Taking a step back, her eyes raked over the imps that held sticks in their hands and beat against deerskin drums. Her mouth gaped a little, but in all honesty, she wasn't feeling up for a fight when she had battled so many demons already. It wasn't that she was tired from battling, it was that she was rather bored in fighting the same creatures over and over again. There wasn't a variety to deal with, and now, standing in the middle of the arena was none other than another demon! Only, this demon was more humanoid and likely more intelligent than the rest of them, but she still wasn't interested. So, turning to Vlad, she'd point at the six-foot demon and shrug her shoulders, figuring he'd want to battle him. "I have no interest in fighting him, I'm just here to explore, so if you want to fight him, go on ahead and do so."

    She listened to him apologize about his earlier comments but merely shrugged in answer to what he had said. "I don't much care about what you said; the fact you said it is rather annoying and disrespectful, but whatever. If you really want to know, I am the daughter of a long deceased King and Queen and I am heir to their throne. However, I have no reason to take the throne since the castle no longer exists after the overrunning of Sin." Yes, she was, as expected, a monster from the land of Sin, a place that was overrun by demons and monsters alike. Perhaps that was the reason why she was so strange to other people of Fiore, why she was an "interesting specimen" per se. Being not from their land, it wasn't far from incorrect that she was someone who may not be as normal as they seem.

    "Right, so now that you see it's interesting, perhaps you would like to fight that really big guy in the middle, eh?" she inquired. "I'll keep to the sidelines so that I don't get in your way and you can finish him off however quickly you want to. Also, the quicker you killing him off, maybe I'll have a gift for you in the end." She shrugged her shoulders and smirked a little. With that being said, the woman would take a step back, lean against the wall and let Vlad do as he pleased. She would watch from where she stood, not wanting to face the massive beast of a demon who wielded a sword. If it came down to it, sure she would step in and help her job partner, but he had done most of the killing in here. Should he be so high and mighty about his powers, it wasn't like he needed her to help fight things anyway.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad] Empty Re: Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death [Marceline & Vlad]

    Post by Vlad 4th August 2016, 8:26 pm

    Vlad let out a slight sigh, he could feel the gaze of this female as he went about his actions; there was no real reason to stare... Listening to her reply he let out a slight chuckle. "Dear, if you're as old as you imply why would I continue hitting on you? Not to be an asshole, but I am still very young~. My skin is still fair. I like you, the way we interact is fun! Not sure I'd fuck you though, sorry to say. I like the breasts, the attitude and the face, but~ I just get a feeling it wouldn't help any of us. Plus, what is the point of it when we both know nothing will come from it? I do not need instant gratification. It is overrated." He laughed as he spoke. 

    "Really? Well, do as you please... I can handle this I suppose." He chuckled, listening to the explanation of the vial he had tucked away. "Huh, really?" He chuckled, patting his pocket. Watching the female wander around he may have regretted turning the girl down... "That ass though!" He yelled at her, watching her walk around. "Keep it up~!" He shot the female the thumbs up, showing he approved the actions she took. He appreciated the work females took to maintain their bodies, it was not always easy. Well, he didn't want to spend much time on this thought... he may come to regret it...

     His magic was interesting enough; it was a summoning magic, but it was entwined with the soul; this granted the user access to man other spells, other than simple summons. It was an interesting combo, and he enjoyed it. It was, more than likely, a lost art and he seemed to be the only one to use it. Being able to sense souls, to modify them, to tear them apart. To completely understand a person. It only took a glance, it was rather simple. Such a simple task revealed so much.

    Moving on... As the man continued his long, boring, and if we're being honest, pointless, monologue Vlad took action. Having the hands of his defeated foes launch from the ground it caught the man off guard. As he did this he would simply continue with his wrath. Being within fifteen meters he would use his Signature move! YES! HE WOULD USE EXSANGUINATION! This was perfect, a dream situation. Using up a decent portion of his health, he would be sure to make an impression. As he did this he would move his arm... THE THRUST OF DESTINY! Thrusting his arm forward the beam of light would overtake the demon, though it seemed to be unaffected by all of this... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?!

    "Really? Is this why I spent my time to greet you!? Fuck this, I try to be nice once and a while... explain it all out in a reasonable manner! What the hell!?! Why couldn't you simply appreciate the sentiment? The fact that I would bother to use words and not simply kill you where you stood...." The demon exclaimed, clearly angry. Sprouting wings he flew off. "Fuck you guy! I won't forget this! God damn, try to learn some manners by the next time we meet or so help me!"

    "Ready to leave, dear?" He chuckled, ignoring the salty words of the demon.


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    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

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