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    Kidnap the Noble [solo]


    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Empty Kidnap the Noble [solo]

    Post by Vlad 20th July 2016, 5:36 am

    Job info:

    Last edited by Vlad on 20th July 2016, 5:39 am; edited 1 time in total


    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble [solo]

    Post by Vlad 20th July 2016, 5:37 am

    [Typing this mobile, so I'm rolling ahead of time, it's just easier]

    Last edited by Vlad on 20th July 2016, 5:38 am; edited 1 time in total


    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

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    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble [solo]

    Post by NPC 20th July 2016, 5:37 am

    The member 'Vlad' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble [solo]

    Post by Vlad 20th July 2016, 7:55 pm


    WC: 3215 | Total: 3215 | Out of: 9000

    Shirotsume; a town that has been left in the past. Using such an archaic form of government as feudalism depicted teir inferiority to the average town. While they had a rather archaic form of government there were some rather new additions to the town; there have been, very recently, some very large mansions built. This was not something everyone in the town appreciated, in fact, it annoyed many. It was much like the times in which feudalism actually existed; the mansions depicted the vast range  very few had. This was one of the few things that have been upheld throughout time. The rich always flaunted their economic prosperity. This is the town in which we find our protagonist, Vlad. This is where he was sent to kidnap some random noblemen. This, however, was not the only reason he was in this town. Let us take a minute to discuss Azriel.

    Azriel; the demon summoned to aid Vlad in his journeys. While his past is shrouded in mystery there are a few things that have become apparent:
    1. He enjoys combat. 
    2. He was rather quiet.
    These are some of the traits that made Azriel the reliable demon he was; always ready to be called upon he was never late. In fact, the simple fact that he was able to gain new abilities through sacrificial rituals was superb. It was something that allowed for him to stay relevant, and continue to help Vlad. This is what has lead to the very event that is about to take place; another sacrifice will be made, and the voices will be sated for now. 

    The voices in his head only came out on occassion, and when they did they demanded to be heard. They would scream at Vlad, ordering him to slaughter. He did not understand why they would do such a thing! He was going to cause mayhem anyway. It was, honestly, an annoyance. This is what our protagonist thought about on his travel into the town of Shirotsume. 

    Walking into the town the chasm between the two classes was rather apparent; while on would not go as far as to call the area in poverty the houses were rather small. They seemed to be able to house, no more then, a family of five. This was the odd thing. The number of people he encountered did not seem to be accommodated for by these houses. The people must fill every square inch of the drab houses for this many to fit; it was as though someone had put the town in a cage and set a pair of rabbits inside. 

    The people were nestled in their habitats, having been assimilated into this sort of lifestyle. These poor people did not know what it meant to have extra soace, to be able to meander about in one's home and do nothing but lounge around. Vlad had made this observation rather hastily, and came to realize something. These people were smiling. 

    They were happy with what they had; these people, on the outskirts of the town, were fine with the conditions they had and the supplies they were able to obtain. Such a modest life was something Vlad could respect. Living on what you need, and nothing more. Not having any form of excess. It seemed like a life Vlad could live. He rarely took any sort of breaks as it were, though he did enjoy not having to scrape by. To each their own. 

    The weather was rather ominous; clouds filled the sky and the air felt moist, as if it were about to rain. All in all it was a rather dark day, whatever happiness that was here would be dragged down, smothered by this ominous forecast. As rain drops began to fall from the sky Vlad raised his hand, feeling the splash of icy water against his skin. It was like an electric shock, kicking him into gear. "Well, I suppose we should begin." He chuckled to himself, looking around. He seemed to be in what could only be called a bazaar; people walked casually from booth to booth, buying what they need. Even on such an ominous day so many people were active; this was a great chance. Thunder could be heard for miles away, and then came the lightning. Or was it the other way around? Whatever, you get what's happening. It's your average ominous day scenario. 

    "Do you know what's on sale today?" A young female, no more than twenty three years of age, asked. She was a rather curvy women, probably D cup, with a rather plain hairstyle. Her brown, curly hair hung down to her shoulders. The fact that she would walk up to Vlad, a complete and utter stranger, to ask thus shocked him. How could these people be so trusting? He did not understand it. To trust others so much, it was not wise. They could be any sort of evil person. Vlad was such person, at least in the eyes of the law; it was rather annoying to deal with. In fact, how did these people not notice him? Should he be concerned about this? Maybe they simply had not gained word of his grievous crimes. Perhaps this place could serve as a temporary base? Who knew, only time would tell. "I apologize, I do not know what is on sale. I'm a simply traveler, just passing through." He smiled at the female, bowing his head. God, this was unlike Vlad. Or was it? He seemed to have a soft spot for women and children, though not all of his actions would show this. Perhaps he simply enjoyed women, they did bring him much pleasure~. "May I be as bold as to ask what your name is?" He stated, looking at the female. "Oh my, how bold of you. My name is [insert some female name here], it is very nice to meet you... your name is?" "Vlad." He replied, a smile on his face. Vlad being a gentleman!? What the hell type of world are we in right now? Pinch the narrator, he must be dreaming this shit up.

    "Are you free? Care for a drink?" He asked, looking down the road, past the bazaar, looking at the gate to a rather large estate. 

    "But we just met, that is awfully forward. You sure are confident, aren't you?" She chuckled, looking the male over. Considering it for a bit she decided that she had nothing better to do. Who did around here? "Sure, why not." She chuckled, taking the man's arm. 

    "Who is being forward now?" He laughed, escorting the female off to a local tavern. Well,  it was an odd plan, but it worked. Somehow. How the fuck did Vlad do it? He was a charming man, as it seemed the women loved him. The dimly lit streets set the mood quite well, as they walked to the bar. Leading her down an alley they would appear in front of the entrance to a rather nice tavern. 

    The atmosphere inside the place was light, and cheerful. After a few drinks Vlad ushered the female out, having spent an hour or two there. That was plenty. Escorting her down the road, allowing her to lead him to her place. Though she assumed this was merely a courteous act of a generous man. How wrong was she. 

    "Thanks for the drinks, and the escort home." She chuckled, kissing his cheek. It seemed she had enjoyed the night, and was beginning to unlock her door. With it now unlocked she opened the door, stepping inside. 

    As she stepped inside Vlad would rush in behind her, cover her mouth and close the door behind him. Upon entering he slammed her head against the wall, causing her to loose consciousness. Dragging the unconscious women to her bed he would tie her arms and legs to the bed posts, and then gag her mouth. Slapping the cheek of the female he would have some fun with this. Such a whimsical female, why should one exist? Walking to the kitchen he opened a dfawn, and grabbed a knife. It would do. Letting out a light chuckle he would enter the room. "Don't worry dear, I will not be hurting that soul of yours. Just it's vessel. Relax, and let me enjoy myself." He smirked as he climbed atop her he would run the knife along her cheek, smiling as he did so. Oh, how he could not wait. Placing the neck near his crotch, at the bottom of her shirt, he moved it upward; her shirt slowly revealing her chest, until he reached her bosom. Now, cutting the shirt off he looked at the female, she seemed to be holding back tears. How nice of her, not ruining his moment. She would be his altar, and his sacrifice. He would defile this woman's body unlike any man had before.

    What's going on? Did I drink too much? My head is killing me.The female thought to herself, trying to rub her head. What's going on!? She thought, attempting to move her extremities. Having realized that she couldn't move she began to panic. She wabtes to scream out, cry for help, but she couldn't. They had already gagged her. Shit shit shit. She was hyperventilating, each of her breaths were labored. Looking around she saw a familiar face, it was that mant, the one that had escorted her home. Fuck. She couldn't think of much more, she was still in a blurred daze and her thoughts were sporadic. She knew she wouldn't be able to hold out for long.

    Placing the edge of the blade at the connection between the two cups on her bra he slid it up, cutting straight through. "So, this is what you have to offer? Acceptable." He chuckled, running the blade up her sternum, to her throat. She must have wanted him to kill her, stop this humility. He would do no such thing. She would endure this. She deserved it, she was too trusting. She did not know the truths of the world and she had to be punished; those who were simple sheep did not deserve any leniency. 

    Placing the knife against her supple skin he traced it down her chest, then back up. He was merely pondering what, exactly, he would do before completing the ritual. He smirked a bit, getting off the female. Ripping off the girls pants he would slice off her undergarments; looking at the females body everything was visible. Placing the knife at the base of her foot he dragged it through her skin, ripping apart the skin of her thighs, all the way up to her hips. Moving the knife to the side he would run it down the left leg of the females. Blood now stained the sheets, the female was crying. Hyperventilating she could not handle the pain, how dull. "Oi, no passing out from the pain." He chuckled, slashing her cheek.  Now, towering over the female, he would play with her face, this would be fun. Grabbing her ear he would lean in and whisper, "Hold still now." A dark chuckled escaped his lips as his hand fell, slicing through the ear. Blood spewed over his pants, how messy. "Tch." He was annoyed by this. "Well, I can finish this now. But... why?" He chuckled. "Azriel, would you like to have some fun? Simply do not harm her abdominal reason, I need a place for the altar. Do no kill her." He chuckled, leaning against the wall. Rising from his shadow Azriel had a smirk like none other, it was nefarious. 

    "Thank you for the entertainment, sir. I'll make plenty use of it." He chuckled, looking the female over. Where to begin? Her feet? Hands? Breasts? He decided. Walking forward he would grab her right hand. "You're right handed, correct? Most are." He chuckled, pulling back her index finger, snapping it. "Whoops." He dropped the finger, this was going to be slow, painful torture. His smirk grew even wider as he looked at the females face. It was the perfect expression of agony, and it was amazing. Tear streaming down her face Azriel would place his hand on her cheek. Leaning in he pushed her hair back, whispering into her ear. "This is merely the beginning, dear. There is much more to come." He chuckled, standing up. "Sir, you can do what you must. I do not wish to hold you up." Azriel stated, looking over to Vladimir. "It's fine, Azriel, I would like to watch." Looking away from Vladimir he simply replied, "As you wish." One may ask what led to Azriels creation, and as the narrator I feel it my duty shed some light on his origins.

    Azriel, the name given to this demon, was once a good man. Living a virtuous life he had not committing any crimes, in fact, he was a man of the law. Having severed as a member of the magic council, albeit this was too many years ago to count, and was rather good at what he did. Having a wife, who he cherished,  he was content, that was until he had found out the unfortunate truth. His wife, who he loved dearly, was an adulterous women; she had been cheating on him for months. Deciding to not confront her on this issue. Having been away for a month on magic council work he had arrived home early; this was when things changed. Stepping into his own house he caught his wife and another man in bed; infuriated he would attack the both of them, slaying them where they lay. Having killed the both of them he stumbled backwards and ran down the block. He had acted rash, however, he did not feel guilty for what he had done. He simply felt a weight being removed from his shoulders, he felt better. He did not feel the anger that he had been smothering for months now. He let out a laugh, grabbing his face. "The bitch deserved it." He chuckled, beginning to control his breath. Being on the run for just under a year the man was caught and tried. Showing no remorse for his actions they put him to death. This, however, was not the end of his journey. After his death, he was ferried to a land unlike any he had seen before. It was barren, with nothing but a single building. This tower rose to the sky, reaching higher than he could even see; it's width was that of two football fields, it had a very dark presence. The stone walls devoid of any inscriptions, devoid of anything that would show age. Not a single chip lay on this wall, it was immaculate. Being drawn into the building by an unseen force he was in a state of awe. He did not know what was going on, nor could he possibly know his fate.

    Walking forward he began to examine the structure, there seemed to be no formal of entrance. Was it simply a pillar? Could he have been imagining things? As he was about to simply walk away an entrance appeared on the tower. Walking in he looked all around, this is where his tale begins. The entrance had closed behind him, leaving him trapped in this tower. "Welcome, please do get comfortable. You may be here for a while." The creature smiled at the man, ushering him forward. "What you have before you are two doors." He would point to his right and his left, a door appearing upon his motioning. "A chance to walk amongst the living." He motioned toward the left door. "And a chance to remain at peace, a chance to simply rest." He motioned toward the right door. "You are given this choice, if you need some time you may take it. There is no rush, simply enter when you have chosen." The creature said with a smile, before disappearing.

    The first thing that was apparent to Azriel was that there would be a payment that had to be filled for either decision. Was his life fulfilling? Yes. Did he want to give it another go? Why not. Walking through the door, which was to grant him another chance to walk amongst the living, he would black out. Upon recovering it was unclear as to how many days, weeks, months, or even years had passed. This is where we shall leave our tale. Why spoil the story of this demon, Azriel? When the time is right the rest shall be revealed. Perhaps sometime in the near future.

    Azriel looked down at the females hand, admiring his work. "Well, I do hope you can endure what I have planned." He smiled, looking over to Vlad. "May I borrow that?" He asked, reaching forward. Now, having been handed the knife, he placed it on the table. "Lets first deal with these pesky digits of yours." He chuckled, grabbing her index finger. Bending it back he would leave it there for a second, watching her shake her head; her eyes pleaded for mercy, but he didid not care. Snapping her finger back a muffled cry erupted from her mouth. This is how he would proceed, snapping each of her fingers. This was mere child's play, she had not experienced anything yet. Grabbing the blade he held it over the flame of the candle, which was lighting the room. "This will be something you never recover from." He chuckled, grabbing her cheek he would begin to slice at her face, destroying what once could be considered an attractive female. As her skin cooled the wounds would close, the heat not allowing her to bleed. Grabbing the candle he would place the knife down. Hold the candle over her face he would begin to drip the melting wax onto her forhead. The wax would run down, beginning to cover her eyes and obstruct her view. He was so please to have such an obedient muse.

     Looking down at the female he smiled, "Thank you for the entertainment." Chuckling he walked off, disappearing into the shadows. Now, pushing off of the wall, Vlad stood and approached the female, twirling the knife in his hand. "Well, shall we start this?" He smiled, inscribing a circle on her abdominal area. With this he began to full the inside with symbols that seemed to be randomly drawn; while they appeared random each of these held their own meaning and effect. As the blood escaped from her body he continued his work, intricately carving the symbols in. Smiling as he picked up his pace she was motionless, unable to move anymore. Tears streaming down her face she didn't even bother to beg for mercy, she knew her fate. Finishing the inscription he stood, and placed the knife over her chest. Forcing it down, breaking her sternum, he pierced her heart; putting her out of her misery he began to chant. This took no more than a moment as the area began to darken, the ritual was a success. Walking to the bathroom he washed his hands and cleaned up a bit, he was ready for his primary goal; kidnapping a noble.

    I will bite you to death.

    Wont you let me have a taste?

    It shouldn't hurt that much...

    credit to nat of adoxography2.0.

    Last edited by Vlad on 23rd July 2016, 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble [solo]

    Post by Vlad 23rd July 2016, 11:12 am


    WC: 397 | Total: 3612 | Out of: 9000

    Letting out a slight sigh Vlad looked around, "Where was the place again?" Scratching the back of his head he would begin to walk down the street; dusk was finally overtaking this town and the citizens were seeking some form of safety. Walking, though at a casual pace, back to their own dwellings, of course there were a few who was accompanied by a female--or male--, they were ready to end their night. As he strolled down the street he took not of their actions, it was rather interesting. To see a town that seemed to completely shut down at dusk, it was odd. Normally a tavern would erupt with life at this time, as adventurers returned, and the average man got off work; this would be their prime time. Nothing. There was no sign of any life in this place. Frowning a bit Vlad found this too dull. Why did the nobleman have to be in this fucking town?!?

    "A quiet town, a quiet life, a boring life." He uttered, walking down the road. He found it best to simply walk around at times like this. While Vladimir disliked the idea of leaving anything to chance this was something that had to be done. The cobblestone pathway was rather worn, with dirt encroaching upon what once was all stone; it was becoming rather muddy. "Tch." He sighed, the rain fall from the sky. "Today of all days..." He sighed. As he walked around the town a few things became clear; there was a very large chasm between the nobles and the common wealth. There seemed to be no sort of middle class. The biggest indicator would be the drastic change in accommodations. Going from single story houses, or even studio apartmenrs, the two or possibly three floor mansions. This was ridiculous. While Vlad never cared for the state that others lived, they should simply be happy to be living, this did interest him. How did they interact with each other, should their paths ever cross. How would one greet the other, did they even bother to do such a basic and courteous thing? Being lost in his thoughts Vlad had forgotten, for a single moment, what his job was. Snapping himself out of this daze he found himself in front of the Nobles estate. Well, it seemed fate did shine on a few lucky men.

    I will bite you to death.

    Wont you let me have a taste?

    It shouldn't hurt that much...

    credit to nat of adoxography2.0.

    Last edited by Vlad on 23rd July 2016, 4:43 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Self Taught
    Experience : 50

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    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble [solo]

    Post by Vlad 23rd July 2016, 4:38 pm

    WC: 759 | Total: 4371 | Out of: 9000

    The estate was surrounded by a four meter brick wall; the wall, in and of itself, depicted how affluent these people were. They were not some sort of new-age wealth, no. The wall had moss growing along it, as though it were being consumed; this was a farce, however. If one inspected the wall they would see that there was absolutely no damage done to it; the moss was a mere decoration. This was something that, he believed, was supposed to symbolize their elderly nature; their money is something that has been passed down from generation to generation. This was something that even Vlad could appreciate; sure, it was not a job like his, but it was definitely a job. Being able to keep appearances, generate profit–even if it was already established by their ancestors– was not always an easy task. This, however, did not effect his judgement or what he had been sent to do; it was merely a useless detail he had taken note of. 

    Looking at the wall he would run up to it, hopping into the air he would plant his foot on the wall and kick up; grabbing the top of the wall he would pull himself up, now overlooking the entire property. Looking down, examining the area he was able to see multiple souls, all of which he identified easily. There were four maids, two butlers, and a single bodyguard; this excluded the target, of course. This is either going to be simple, or a bitch. Vlad thought to himself, unsure of exactly how to deal with his situation. There were no guards on the outside, which was odd, but simply made his job easier. Letting out a slight chuckled he decided that this would be simple enough. Ohhhhh, I can have lots more fun.... He grinned, Azriel appearing on the ground below him. Looking up Azriel began to communicate with Vlad, though this was not through words. Simply through thought. Will we be having more fun, sir? Perhaps I shall be able to test my latest abilities, I promise not to disappoint. Azriel simply smirked up at Vlad, fully aware of what his answer would be. Both Azriel and Vlad were more than excited to be able to increase his powers, and even his strengths. This will be useful. Vlad chuckled, though it was to himself. He needed Azriel to increase in strength. The stronger he became the closer he was to unlocking his own truths. My memories, my abilities, my magic... Azriel thought to himself. While he was not, exactly, sure of what would happen as he increased in power, he was pretty sure it would lead to great revelations; while not every one of his intuitions were correct he felt like he had a sixty percent chance of being correct with this. The sound of Vlad landing beside him broke this train of thought. "How shall we approach this?" Azriel asked, unsure of how Vlad was planning to take this challenge on; it was not as simply as merely picking them off one at a time. With constant activities occurring these Butlers, Maids, and even the bodyguard were always on the move, never in one spot for long. These were spontaneous actions, and simply were impossible to track. 

    "Well, we could cause an 'accident' and cause them to travel to this location, use it as a lure." He chuckled, quite liking the plan. It's not exactly original, but it works perfectly fine. He thought, taking a step forward. This job was something that, although the duo did not know this, would cause a chain of events that would shatter the magical world as they knew it; solidifying their path of destruction, death, sacrificial offerings, and cannibalism. Their destiny could not be altered after his foot landed. As their fate sealed a howl could be heard off in the distance.

    "What the fuck?" Vlad looked off to the distance, not seeing anything in particular. "Lets continue this job." He stated, now walking toward a nearby window. Moving from bush to tree to any form of shrubbery, or stone formation, that would offer him cover, he would eventually be under the window. With Azriel now in his shadow he was set; he was protected from behind. Now, standing, he looked into the estate; it was just as he expected. There was an abundance of art along the walls, and the floors had a rug running down the center of it; this was something that he could handle. They wouldn't be expecting much.

    HP: 200 | MP: 105

    I will bite you to death.

                  Wont you let me have a taste?

    It shouldn't hurt that much...

    credit to nat of adoxography2.0.


    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
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    Age : 26
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    Experience : 50

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    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble [solo]

    Post by Vlad 23rd July 2016, 6:03 pm

    WC: 4641 | Total: 9011 | Out of: 9000

    Letting out a slight sigh Vlad would knock on the window, knowing full well there was a butler nearby; this man, while he appeared to be a simply butler, was in fact a skilled fighter. His soul depicted the countless battles he had survived; the countless enemies slaughtered; the countless men who depended on him. The past is the past, they should move on. Vlad thought to himself, opening his left hand, allowing his trust scythe to appear in his hand. 

     Having heard a noise from outside the building the man, lets call him Albert, would look outside. At that moment Azriel would appear behind a tree, though he would be in site of the man. Making sure to cover himself behind the tree he would sink into the ground, now in Vlads shadow. Complete. He would be chuckled through his mind. How useful. As the man opened the window, leaning out, he would declare, "WHO GOES THERE?"

    As the man, labeled Albert, leaned out the window Vlad would grab him by the collar of his shirt, and throw him to the ground. By doing so Albert would be disoriented, though not for very long. With this he would let out a volley of slashes, causing the mans soul to completed tear apart; fading from the body it was clear that the man as dead. How dull, he had expected a bit more resistance. Tch. It was apparent that Vlad was very, very disappointed. He had expected more. This was one man who was not deserving of becoming a servant of Vlad. Grabbing the mans body he would simply drag it into the shrubbery, which he had used earlier as coverage to move about.

    Walking back to the window, and hopping in, he closed it behind him. Looking down the hall he felt the presence of yet another butler approaching. "Fuck..." He sighed, taking a right, and entering one of the servants chambers; getting on the ground he hid under the bed; this was going to be fun.

    "Such a long day, what the hell." The man sighed, falling onto his bed. "Why do they constantly call my name? Surely they have other servants that can handle these menial tasks... Like, why the fuck do the guards get the night off.... ALL OF THEM!?!?" He exclaimed into his pillow, clearly annoyed. "I don't ask for much, but if I'm not getting some sort of bonus for doing the jobs of an extra five men then I simply should not be expected to do them, that is fair! Is it not?" He was clearly talking to himself, it seemed he believed that he was his best audience. Does this guy know how to do anything but complain? If you hate your job then simply quit, like what the fuck. It's not like this is some old time manor. You may leave. You choose to work here! Damn ingrate. Vlad was clearly annoyed by how this man acted, and spoke. With his scythe not in vision, though not dispelled, he was able to transverse all this without the fear of anything occurring by accident. 

    "It is not as though I do not have other places in which I could seek employment! I am a man with a plethora of useful traits, abilities and experience! Plus, I'm a loyal man... That may be the problem." He sighed, rolling over.

    OK. I'm done listening to this. Vlad thought to himself as he rolled out from under the bed, still virtually noiseless he stood. It seemed the man was simply in need of some guidance, and Vlad would provide that. This guidance, however, would not be the life coaching he needed, oh no. It would be simple guidance to the underworld, to a place where he need not worry about these trivial things. Swinging the scythe through the air, the man would pull out a dagger in an attempt to block the attack. It seems he was noticed, but the scythe simply went through the dagger and he slashed at the man an additional three times. With this the man was slain, though it was a valiant effort to defend himself; should Vlad have used any sort of regular weapon the man would have parried his attack without any problem. What a shame. "Well, you almost did it." He chuckled, walking to the door, it seemed he would need to enjoy himself a bit more tonight. 

    As he stopped by the door he heard the footsteps of another, it seemed there was another person moving in quickly. Waiting to the moment they had passed by the door Vlad would swing the door open, slamming it into the side of the female. As he felt the door make contact he would quickly turn, grab the face of the bewildered girl, and slam it into the wall; all in all it had taken just under three seconds to complete all this and she was knocked out. How dull, perhaps he would let her live. Ah, why not? He had some more time on his hands. Dragging the body into the same room he had just killed the young butler, he pushed the carcass from the bed. Quickly restraining her extremities he set to worth. First, he would gag the female –there was no need to alert others– then he would grab the blade from the cold hands of the man who once wielded it. A little souvenir, that is all she would get. Heating the blade over the nearby candle the shadows would flicker. Looking down at the female he parted her hair, engraving a 'V' into the females forehead. "Pretty." He chuckled as the females eyes burst open, wrenching against the restraints. "Toodles~!" He chuckled, exiting the room.

    There were four hostiles left, three of which were of the same caliber as this female. Sure, her soul implied a strength, in fact it implied one stronger than the Butler. While it would appear that they were impressive, Vlad has found them to be of no trouble thus far. Upon entering the hallway there were a few noticeable things; these were the specifics that were unclear from the exterior. The carpet seemed to have a sort of diamond design to it,  being weaved in every foot or so. The white outline offered a very vivid contrast from the blood red color of the carpet, it was interesting. For such a plain design to be chosen by a person of wealth. On the walls were a few portraits of, what Vlad assumed, was prior owners of the estate; to be exact it was a portrait of the Mistress of the estate. Each of these females, as he walked down the hall, was more beautiful than the last. Walking down the hall he would run his hand along a, seemingly, randomly placed table. The ornate design of the legs ran up to decorate the side of the table; these swirls were almost hypnotic, drawing Vlad in. Just as he leaned in to examine the table a foot flew over his head. He had been to distracted, he hadn't noticed the female behind him. Careless.

    A few moments prior.

    It had been a long day, and she was exhausted. She couldn't believe that Miss would allow for the guards to all leave for some occassion; it simply meant she had to do more work. She had to complete her usual tasks, as well as go on patrol. She had to ensure the security of the estate, of her master. "Really now. I can't believe she could be so lax. I've never had a day off to just go out drinking with my pals." She was angry, unable let this go. Walking into the study she would begin to dust off the bookshelf, window and desk. Hearing the male next door complaining, as he always jad, she simply ignored him. Sure, she was dissatisfied by this aswell, but God damn. Why vocalize it so much? Especially to yourself. It was pointless. "Useless." She sighed, continuing with her duties. Silence, that was all there had been for the past few minutes; she was thankful, it seemed the man had finally cried himself to sleep. God, she still had so much to clean.

    WHACK. She heard something hit the floor, but thought nothing of it. He had probably fell off the bed, he was a damned clutz. She still wasn't sure how he had gotten the job. Leaving it be another ten minutes passed as she finished her duties in this room. "Yosh, all done." She exclaimed. She had made good time and was ready to head off for the night. Stepping outside the study she saw an unfamiliar man walking down the corridor. Rolling her eyes she would deal with this promptly. Following behind the male, doing her best to be unnoticed, she would let out a kick aimed at the males head. She simply wanted to daze, and at best knock the man out. To her dismay he had ducked, evading the blow. Her foot crashed through the pottery. "Shit."


    Having the pottery shattered over head he would grab the leg of the female, it was actually quite toned. "Very nice attempt, and thighs." He chuckled, sweeping her other leg. Following her to the ground he would grab adjust his scythe, his hand now resting a few inches below the blade he would slash at the females throat. Being unable to dodge, seeing as she was pinned, she froze. Expecting death she had no reaction, allowing Vlad enough time to slash at the female a few more times, for good measure. The look of disbelief on her face was a bit humorous, though understandable. 

    Rising from the corpse, whose face still held the look of horror, resentment, astonishment and any other sort of feelings she may have had before her death. It was a shame that none of them were makes, if they were they may have stood a chance against him. Perhaps they would have sensed that it was a scythe that held no corporeal form, simply one of ethernano. One meant to tear apart the souls of those it hit. To completely erase their existence from this plane, and the next. If they were lucky they may survive as a demon, their soul being sent to the underworld. This was the fate of those slain by this scythe.

    A demon; a creature of nefarious purpose, or so it is often conveyed. This, however, is not the truth behind what a demon truly is. A demon begins its existence as a human, or some other living being. Living life just as any would now, it's fate was not decided until after its death. The soul, which would travel to the underworld, would have a decision; to live life again, or accept death and be laid to rest. Those who accepted death had a very peaceful, utopian like, afterlife. It was as one would imagine, it was heaven. Those, however, who were to choose to walk amongst the living once more did not know of their fate; of what would happen to them for choosing such a path. This path was one that could not be forgiven, and as such, was something that is not coveted by many. Upon choosing to walk amongst the living once more, the soul is sent to a tower, very plain in its exterior. Upon entrance they begin their journey, if it could be called that. Having to endure one hundred years of torture, not to a corporeal body, but to the soul, they are released from this tower. The souls that left said tower were deformed things, twisted beyond belief. These being could no longer be called Humans. No, they where now transformed beings. They were Demons.

    This decision, however, would be skipped if the soul of the deceased was already mangled, torn and tortured. This was the process this female had just endured; this was the he'll she would deal with. Unlike the demons that choose their path, she would not walk amongst the living. She would be confined to the demonic plane, where all who are not currently in the human plane, or those who cannot enter the human plane, are bound. This is the fate of this female. This was her end.

    Three opponents stood between him and his goal. His sole objective for this entire journey. His reason for even coming to this dull town. Dusting himself off he would drag the corpse into the butlers keep. The bedroom could be, in all truth, called a crypt at this point. With three bodies deposited in the room it would begin to smell within a few days. 

    With this done Vlad simply had to clear out three more pests before he could get his hands on the damn noble. Why were they so important? It was, more than likely, simply to obtain some ransom. Make a quick buck, without having to take the risk of obtaining the package. Outsourcing; it was an effective approach,though Vladimir could simply run off with the female. Take the ransom himself. He would not do that. Too much work was involved. Too many extraneous variables. This was simple, efficient. Nefarious.

    Letting out a sigh Vladimir would continue down the hallway, perhaps these three remaining does would simply bow before him, show no resistance. Simply allow him to do what he came here to do. Though, even if the did this he would not spare their lives. Leaving one alive, as a message, was more than enough. There was no need to keep them around, it would just cause unneeded attention and complications. It always did.

    Walking down the hallway, ignoring the ornate fashion that the walkway offered, he would become a man who would simply look to fulfill his job; no more of this play of his, he was taking too long. He was expected to finish this job within another two hours, at most. It was also decided that the job would be considered a failure if it was not completed by then. Nonetheless he did not care. He knew this should not take more than a few more minutes. Some simple combat with armed maids, how cute. The idea of a combat maid was one that was rather interesting. Having to fight, while wearing those outfits? It was a wonder how any of them ever lived very long. Well, he supposed they did not. The expected life span of said warriors could not be any more than a few weeks after recruitment, correct? Whatever, why did he even care?

    As he turned the corner he would encounter yet another maid; it seemed she was coming to investigate the ruckus she had heard coming from his direction; she must have been in the middle of some chore, but who knew? The women would run forward, using the broom as he weapon. "Tch." Vlad didn't expect the female to use the damn broom as a staff, well he did, but he did not like it. He did not have something, on hand, that could parry such a weapon. It was annoying, to say the least. Having been hit in the side of his chest he winced. Damn bitch. He did not want to use much of his magic, he did not see a reason to. He was not fighting mages, so why not go back to basics? 

    Hopping back he would simply wait, and analyze motions. Wait for his chance to strike. Wait for the perfect oppertunity. As the female  ran in she would thrust the broom stick forward. This was his chance. Dodging to the side he would lock his arm down, pinning the staff between his arm and his side he was expecting a kick. Yep, the females leg rose, in an attempt to kick him. Quickly yanking the makeshift staff to the side he threw the female off balance, causing her kick to simply not go off. Now, it was much like before. She was pinned under him and, basically, done for.

    "Nighty night." He chuckled, slamming the females head against the ground; continually lifting and slamming her skull downward he would ensure her death. He did not wish to do much with this female, he could see no muse; nothing inviting him to do more to the poor girl. It was over. She was dead. As he stood he simply peered down at the corpse, there was no regret in his eyes, no sorrow. It was simply the act of acknowledging her attempt at survival; he could respect that. He simply took a moment to assess his situation. The job as a whole.

    Each encountered seemed to be a repest of the last, how dull. He simply wanted a challenge, to be offered something better than what he has seen thus far. This, however, was something he doubted he would see from these people; they had very little experience, from what he could assess, in battling mages. This, however, was only the beginning! He doubted that they had ever fought a summoner, which was a whole different level; while they may not be as direct in their actions, they were able to deal quite a large amount of damage by simply using those which they commanded; Vlad did not dislike this, but he did not mind getting his hands dirty; a little hard work never hurt. This was what Vladimir believed, and would be the main reason he simply wished to finish this damned job. He did not enjoy wasting his time on jobs that were beneath him, though he had to. He needed the experience, even if he disliked the idea of subjecting himself to idiotic jobs like this.

    This was not the only problem, however. Having been asked to kidnap the noble he was never given any sort of indication as to who it was, merely that the noble would have a guard on standby. Those guard would, more than likely, be in front of the door to the nobles room. He was given no picture, or name, merely this information. It was sketchy, to say the least, but he decided it would be an interesting job to complete. This was his first mistake. Assuming it to be interesting resulted in this; his boredom and annoyance. He disliked having been given such a sketchy amount of information, but he figured it would work out.

    Letting out a slight sigh, he continued to travel deeper into the house; turning right, then left, then right, it was as though he was in a maze. Becoming somewhat disorientation he would stop for a moment; opening the nearest door he would proceed to enter the room, not caring if there was an occupant or not. Upon entering the room he would begin what he always did; examining the room. The most noticeable part of this room was the books. The books were everywhere; having been filled from floor to ceiling there was no escape. This was a room Vlad loved. He loved knowledge, and books were a perfect medium to transmit that information; books were something to be preserved, something that told stories. Books alone could decide the outcome of a trial; being the record keepers they held such an importance many disregarded. "This is my type of place. Such a person... I do think that there must be somethings here that interest me." He chuckled in a hushed voice. He did not wish to attract attention, he merely could not help himself. Merely stifling his joy was an endeavor almost too large for him to handle. 

    Books, this was all that filled his mind; he was enthralled by this nobles collection; it seems having money did lead to a very nice lifestyle. Being able to purchase, or in Vlads case take, books of such value was an amazing thing. He had not seen many volumes of these series, having only heard of their existence; it was marvelous. "Well, they will not need it for much longer..." He chuckled, looking around the room once more. Perhaps he would return, and claim these tomes. He may learn a thing or two from them, help him with his magic, or even some simple tasks. Who knew what he could gain from these books!? Knowledge was an amazing thing. It was almost as appealing to him as torture, women and booze. These were some of the many things that he enjoyed in this materialistic world.

    "Well, this knowledge will always exist, even if I do not receive it tonight." He sighed, scratching the back of his head. Fuck it, what bad would one book do? He thought to himself for a moment, simply grabbing one of the books from the shelf and taking a seat. A light session. Nothing much. He thought, not intending to spend much time in this place, though he could see himself held up here for weeks; simply obtaining all the knowledge that was possible from these books. The simple thought of staying in the stacks, reading every one of these books made him very happy, though he quickly removed the thought from his head; it was merely a fantasy. It would not occur anytime soon, how would it? Who would ever expect this world to become enough a place so peaceful as to allow for him to relax, and simply read. Analyze some old scripture; learn a thing or two.

    It had been ages since he had last seen a place that held as much knowledge as this place did; to be precise it was during his first sacrifice. The first time he had deemed it appropriate to give into the voices and murder a civilian. Sure, he has killed many, but did that matter? These deaths would not be meaningless in the end, he would not allow it  he could not allow it. What would the point of so many deaths be if things did not change in the end? Would it all have been for naught? Would it have been preordained, perhaps it was already decided by some cosmic force. Perhaps the ending to his tale was akin to these books; having already been written the path he walked would not be unlike those of Hamlet; having his death preordained by a woman. This, however, would not be the end of Vladimir tale. It would not end a tragedy, no. It would be something more marvelous, that is what he chose to believe. He had faith that his struggle would not be wasted; his ideals would be reached. This was not a tale of redemption, though it may be one of vengeance. 

    Closing the book he realized he should not stay in this room any longer; he would forget his goal. Why he was here; what he had to do. Letting out a sigh he would rise from the seat, placing the book in its original space. "As though I was never here." He let out a slight chuckle, though as he did he could hear the door creak open. 

    His eyes widened, it seemed he was caught with his pants down; he had relaxed too much. Tch.. He would kneel down, watching the leg movement of the female, it seemed she was still unaware of his presence, though she may be leading him on with that assumption. As she began her work, dusting down the shelves she would let out a light sigh. "They never even use this room..."

    Circling around the room it seemed he could finish this job much quicker than he had previously thought. The only remaining foes were this female, who appeared to be in her early twenties, and the personal guard. Now, a few feet from the female, he would stand and move forward. As he took a step forward the wood would creak under his foot. Shit.  

    Turning around the female would see his hand, grabbing her face and slamming it into the ground. Having been slammed to the ground she would, without a doubt, be in a daze. From here he would grab the females throat, squeezing with all his might. 

    Franctically she began to move her arms, searching for any sort of weapon, but she would not find one. Now, swinging at the males chest she would begin to lose consciousnees. A few moments later the soul of the female would exit the body, having lost its vessel it would begin it's journey to the underworld. This was the cycle of life. Standing up he would dust himself off, and turn. Exiting the room he had but one regret. He had defiled a room that held such knowledge with a corpse. It was a shame. 

    Closing the door as he stepped into the hall he could sense the presence of the guard, and it seemed to be a female. So, he was kidnapping a female, well, that was fine. It did not matter in the end, truth be told. Only the results would matter, not the actions taken to get them. Some people did not believe in this saying, but Vladimir found no fault in it.

    Walking down the corridor he was unsure of how he wished to go about this. Should he proceed quickly, or take his time? Looking at the wall, more specifically the ornate clock which hung on the wall, he decided it was best to proceed in a timely manner; why waste his energy in a drawn out altercation? It was unbecoming. With this thought lingering in his mind he would take up a quicker pace, though it was not quite fast enough to be called a jog. Speeding down the carpet he would sense just how close the guard was, and decided it was about time to finish things up. 

    Now, withing one turn of the corner of his foe, Vladimir would speak clamly. "Goodbye, poor soul. It is a shame you could not see your murderer." Just as he said this a wave of energy would be expelled from Vlads body. As it left he felt some of his vitality leave his body. Walking forward he would simply step over the body of the deceased male. It seemed that he was not a threat. He wasn't even strong enough to sense his demise. Stepping into the room he would see nothing more than a man, asleep. He seemed to have no care in the world. Gagging the male and tying his wrists and ankles he tossed the male over his shoulder and walked to the exit of the Manor. 

    The weather was rather ominous; clouds filled the sky and the air felt moist, as if it were about to rain. All in all it was a rather dark night; foreboding filled the air. As the rain hit his skin it reminded him of his esrlier venture; of the dead female and the offering he had made. He chuckled to himself, looking around.  Not much had changed on the outside, but on the inside the place was a tomb. Nothing but death lingered. Thunder could be heard for miles away, and then came the lightning. The dead was done.

    Walking down the back roads he was able to avoid contact with any other human, it was too easy at this point. The darkness he shadows gave him sanctity. He had no need to worry, though the man on shift shoulder would wretch around. Attempting to break free. He was unaware of his fate, and it was better that way. Who knows what these men would do to this noble? It was no longer his concern, it never was. His job was done and he was moving on. Dropping the man off Vlad had no regrets. 

    HP: 200 | MP: 90 
    Vlad's Defiance: +25% dmg resistance
    Death's Blessing: +20% dmg
    Soul Resonance: +10% dmg
    Abilities used:
    Reapers Scythe:


    I will bite you to death.

                          Won't you let me have a taste?

                                    It shouldn't hurt that much...

    credit to nat of adoxography2.0.


    Kidnap the Noble [solo] Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:25 pm