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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Shouri Ishiki
    Shouri Ishiki

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Shouri Ishiki 27th August 2016, 1:46 pm

    In a black alleyway in the depths of Lavanitir, there was a silhouette standing in a pool of black oil, blood and fat. In such a pool, you could also see bones and organs, but the most sinister thing on it was the person standing on such a mess. The person was holding a sword hilt that hadn't a blade with its left hand, while the other hand was holding the spinal cord of the person which blood, fat, and bones are all over the alleyway. Judging from the silhouette, also from the waistline, it was a girl; she was wearing black oriental clothes, and her hair flowed down to the ground like snakes. Her eyes had the killing instinct of an reptile, and her cheeks had the skin of like those from a dinosaur, she had all the characteristics of a reptile creature. It could be said she killed that person like a snake has killed a little rat. But instead of being a snake in search of food, the girl was searching for fun. Killing in Lavanitir was fun, with the feeling members of the Black Rose guild would kill her at any given moment, that if they noticed the activities of such a girl. Her name was Dust, and she was a member of the most darkest of all dark guild on all of the continent; Savage Skull. 

    The pool of black oil moved and mixed together, while the blood of organs, blood, fat and bones wasn't mixing with it. Take water and oil for example, they wouldn't mix together even if she wanted to. It was similar to the body parts and the black oil being unable to mix together. Because of that, only the hand holding the spinal cord was full of blood. The person she killed was a pervert that wanted to grope her, so she called him while promising to have sex with him, and killed him in the spot. But even if she killed him, he could run and call the Black Rose to deal with her. But Dust was lucky enough to kill him before that could happen. The black mass of crude oil was being attracted by the hilt of a sword, and in seconds the blade formed again from the mass of black oil. It was her magical sword, Mystletainn, that had such properties. Dust felt the creature that lived inside the sword was satisfied with the blood from the person she killed, and she wanted to experiment it as well. She dropped the spinal cord she was holding and moved the right hand to her mouth, where she could drink the blood all over her fingers. "It tastes disgusting as hell. I want to vomit, ugh..."

    And when she was next to vomit, she felt something behind her. Quickly, Dust moved backyards and tried to call whatever it was behind her. "Show yourself right now, bystander." She also moved her left hand to the front, and since she was holding Mystletainn with the same hand, it could be said the sword was also pointing to the front just like the left hand was. Dust was right in doing it, as she just killed someone in Black Rose's territory. If she didn't do it, the person behind her would turn her into a fried chicken.


    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] XIdUOuO
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious 27th August 2016, 2:28 pm

    As a beautiful dream withing a vast field of nightmares, the whispers were loud and clear. She was incapable of ignoring them to any extended, not that there would be a reason to. She wanted to hear that voice which was helping her. It guided her towards those she labeled as evil. Those that deserved her divine punishment which was nothing lesser than death. Death and only death, those fiends deserved nothing else! With a grin appearing on her face for but a moment, the color of her eyes flashed from blue to deep orange, shining through the evening dimness created by the lack of lights. The city was vast, but with the whispers guiding each of her steps, she knew exactly where to go. Navigating the alleys and streets of the port city, people were giving her the strangest of stares, shivers running down their spines as they spotted her crazed expression. The hunger in her eyes was immeasurable, almost as a trance of some sort. She craved death... and so did Akatsubaki, her trusty sword. And the victim... it was getting near. So near that she could almost smell it's blood. But... was that truly nothing more than an illusion, a mere simulation created by her body? It felt oddly real, the intensity increasing with each step she took. Was it possible that... someone stole her prey? It would be the very first time her senses lead her astray if that truly was the case.

    And soon enough, she saw the truth with her own eyes. Inside of the dark alley, devoid of any light... the walls and floor both were complete mess. Nothing like her own work, this body was completely butchered. Organs and bones everywhere, the blood warm enough to keep the scattered flesh pulsing ever so slightly. It was that very moment Sakura 'woke up' from her waking dream. The whispers were there no more, as the victim that was supposed to be hers was already killed. And now that she was awake, she was capable of facing this situation with cool mind, not doing anything hasty or rash. A single figure was standing in the middle of the horrid scene, it's frame unusual from the behind. All that she could tell right now was that her hair was very unusual, incredibly different from her own. Though, from the general shape of the standing shadow, it was probably safe to assume that she was dealing with a girl. Perhaps that would explain it? Judging by the left overs, the victim was most likely a male. It made sense that another girl slaughtered him if he was anything like the other pigs she had met not too long ago. Still, there was much to be done yet in this situation most unusual. Who was this shadow figure that had taken away the joy from Sakura? What was her goal? Her methods... all those questions and more raced throughout the swordswoman's mind, nearly causing a pounding headache.

    With nearly soundless steps, she would approach with caution. And finally when she was close enough to touch, the girl realized that she was not alone, taking a quick defensive stance. Actions like those, they were nothing out of the ordinary. Anyone would react this way, even a serial killer. And now, they were staring into each other's eyes. Hers were of a beautiful crimson, color that would show on Sakura only in the moments of strong lust for blood. But now, they were simply orange, slowly turning into golden yellow. In the darkness of this alley, her eyes were almost the only properly visible thing, penetrating the darkness with their glow. "You've made a mess." Her calm words were penetrating the dreadful silence that was left hanging in the air after the girl called her out. And slowly, she kneeled down and slid her left hand through the pool of bloody mess, moving it towards her mouth in the next instant. She did nothing more than lick it slightly, exposing her long tongue for a moment. That was all she wanted to do before standing back up... taste the blood of that man. He was not killed by her own hands, yet she still wanted to at least know how he tasted. And now that it was over, all of her attention could be directed towards his murderer. "May I ask why have you killed my mark?" Those words were cold, bearing no emotions at all... and yet, they didn't carry any marks of hostility either. It was simply question out of curiosity, nothing more and nothing less. This evening was truly shaping to be an interesting one.


    Shouri Ishiki
    Shouri Ishiki

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Posts : 132
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Shouri Ishiki 27th August 2016, 4:28 pm

    "He was a magician, as I could tell. He almost transformed me into barbecue, but I could kill him after some time. Well, you wanted to kill him first? Mystletainn was fucking bored when she fought with him." These were the words coming from her mouth. You could tell she was provoking even herself with the way she was talking. Dust wasn't a total monster, she couldn't fight against children and grannies, but she would still fight them if they were worst than her, and kill them in the most horrible way they could imagine. But, considering innocents without evil in their hearts, she would not even try to hurt them. She only tasted his blood, like a wine aficionado would taste wine. She didn't wanted to eat him, human meat was disgusting, but she was curious about the taste of blood. "But you see, I am not a cannibal. I just love my blood like any wine aficionado would love their mixture of alcohol and grapes."

    "But, by mark, you mean a target? You are a serial killer of sorts?" Dust laughed, like she wasn't taking the girl seriously. She found the girl hot, but couldn't even take her lack of emotions seriously as she wanted to. Calling an asshole like him target? Not even Dust would want to kill an asshole that grope girls thinking he can, just because of his title as a mage. Like a certain boy who sold his soul to demons to fight evil with evil itself, she was a girl who sold her humanity to fight bacon with sausage. Using this logic, you would say Dust killed without any sense of evil or good, like she was doing what she thought it was right for her. In her words, filled with sarcasm, as she was trying to toy with anyone who talks to her, you couldn't feel evil, good, neutrality. You could only fell a desire to surpass everyone. It was the personality of a divinity, but Dust wasn't divine or held any kind of omnipotent power. She thinks she is a goddess herself, and by manipulating the structural forces of the universe, molecules, she thinks she is divine, she thinks she can toy and play around with people as long she can get their attention, the ultimate spotlight, be it with good or evil intentions.

    But this was a facade. Dust was a coward who wants attention, both good or evil. She didn't care about her actions, as long she could steal the spotlight to herself. Kids can only think of themselves and grannies could only think about the end of their lives. They weren't her targets, so this is why she avoids killing them. But if just 1% of them show that they care about her, by means of using evil or good, justice or injustice, reason or emotion, she will kill them, thinking this would attract everyone to her, with praise or hate from the humans she treats like toys. Only by attracting the spotlight, she could live. Killing in the city controlled by the most dark of the legal guilds, the one of follows its own view of justice, is the culmination of her true persona; one of the malignant triad, narcissism.

    "If you want to know why, it is just because I love to fight for some reason."

    And those were the last words she could say to the girl in front of her.


    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] XIdUOuO
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious 27th August 2016, 4:55 pm

    A crude explanation that lacked most details. It left much to be desired, but it was enough for the start. Sakura herself didn't know who or what the man was, so this description of him was the only thing she could construct his image from. Not that it mattered much, as he clearly wasn't exactly anything worth mentioning. The name 'Mystletainn' didn't ring any bells either, so she was either referring to the weapon she was holding or to herself as a person. There was plenty of those that talked about themselves like that after all, one didn't have to travel too far to find this kind of behaviour. "In the end, it doesn't matter if I wanted to kill him first. The fact that he is indeed dead is what matters most." Bringing her left hand to her face, she covered most of it, leaving only one of her eyes still visible to shine in the darkness. For some reason, it appeared that this girl felt the need to explain herself further, even if Sakura didn't exactly ask any questions that would require this sort of answer. In all honesty, if the person standing in front of her was different, she would have moved on already. That, or she would kill that person as well. The only real reason she was still standing in this alley, her boots soaked with blood, was because she found this girl somewhat fascinating. She mostly looked human, but there were parts of her skin that seemed odd. Not even mentioning her hair and eye color, she managed to capture the swordswoman's interest.

    It was shame that her appearance wasn't accompanied by equally elegant personality and speech. The fact that this girl called Sakura serial killer and laughed ticked her off slightly, making her eyes saturate back into the area of deep orange. "Comparing me to something like a serial killer... your eyes must be closed. I'm an avatar of divine punishment, the reaper that delivers final death to all that is evil. That man had to die, for he was a sinner that wore his actions like they were his pride. Me, you or anyone else, it doesn't matter who kills... the evil was punished and justice prevailed. That is what matters!" Speaking completely seriously, she made sure that her point was conveyed. And if this girl actually understood or not... that was no longer her business. If she viewed Sakura as nothing more than a psychopat, so be it. Not everyone was capable of comprehending that sacred mission of hers. Worst case scenario, she would kill this unusual girl instead, sate her sword's hunger. Of course, that would be a drastic measure... as she saw it now, she was not evil. After all, she slaughtered a sinner, the reasons aside. Something like that was rather unusual, even for this world filled with magic and waking miracles. But it was all over now, there was nothing more left. She simply killed him and that was the end of this story. No complex motives or elaborate traps, just an immediate act of slaughter in order to satisfy her desire for blood.

    Her whole reason was one of a madman, soldier that was too long lost in the endless battles, not capable of living normal life anymore. Fighting simply for the sake of the act itself, not capable of living outside of battle. For some reason, it was hard to imagine that this snake lady honestly had a reason like that and nothing else. But that was her answer, no way to counter it. All she could do was to accept it as the truth for now, because there was absolutely nothing else she could do about it. The hand that was hiding portion of Sakura's face now moved even further up, going through her short, blond hair. And suddenly, her whole expression changed from that uptight and serious to something more relaxed and crazed. "I see... just fighting because you love it. Just like a blood starved beast that had lost it's mind, following the most base instincts!" Her words were followed by a laughter that was clearly not sane at all. The color of her eyes turned golden yellow once more, showing the lowered hostility and increased intrigue instead. "Hehe... how... amazingly human-like." Words that perhaps pierced straight through the black-haired woman. In this alley, with their stances... Sakura's hand was still resting on her sheathed sword that was still firmly pushed against her right hip. At this point, it was impossible for her to predict how this conversation will continue. Perhaps it would turn into battle... or maybe it would change into something else entirely. It mostly depended on the snake lady in front of her. "Name's Sakura by the way..." A lade introduction that lacked all manner possible. But in this state, the girl hardly cared about that, as she let her madness run free. After all, moments like these were rather rare.


    Shouri Ishiki
    Shouri Ishiki

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Shouri Ishiki 27th August 2016, 7:37 pm

    "Not a beast, not a human. Just a person above good and evil." She said, with no shook to the words of the girl. She thought it was a praise, calling a person that gave up humanity by the name of a "human". It was impressive, she didn't called Dust as a monster, she straight called her a human being with no exception. Yeah, normal people would call her a monster, but being called a human was really strange. No normal human could do it, but she was judging the nature of mankind itself. People who go to war, losing their families, friends, and yet there is a human that would laugh just by slaughtering people alone. Dust was different, she didn't killed people if they were weak and without evil in their hearts, but if they were to hold evil within them, she will kill them even if they were weaker than her, no exceptions. Humans kill for fun, while at least animals kill to protect and eat. She was right, Dust was still a human for doing what she does, and even if she denied it, she would accept it. "But you know, people aren't in shades of grey, they can use evil for justice, and justice for evil. Well, I don't give a shit, as long the spotlight shines on me, all of it can go to hell."

    Her opinion on evil and good, justice and injustice is like that. She didn't gave a fuck about anything like that, as long she could fight and use the blood of others as a shower, as long as she could draw the attention of masses around her, she will do it. Not for evil, good, justice or anything like that, she will kill to draw attention. But deep down, Dust was a coward that couldn't want to be killed, she would ask for pity if she was next to die in any moment. Dust was only a narcissist. "Do not use your ability, Zakishiwarashi." And with that said, she ran towards Sakura while the wind blew her oriental clothing and skirt, but she didn't bore to hid it as she was going to fight anyways. As Dust was nearby, she instantly moved her Mystletainn down to her target. She did expect her to defend against her sudden blow. Her lust for fighting grew, alongside there was the chance to show herself as the most powerful. It was suitable for her to take the spotlight and affirm she is the more powerful here, it was a question to show off all the pride she puts on acquiring victory, no matter the ways she do to attain it. "Make my body bleed until my heart goes out of oxygen, make my skin bleed until it turns snow white. This is what I want you to do with me, Sakura or whatever you name yourself." She said, and a smile grew on her face.


    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] XIdUOuO
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious 28th August 2016, 9:37 am

    Her words were a bit strange. Sakura knew not what this girl wanted to convey, not in the slightest. Honestly, she didn't know what she should think anymore. This encounter was strange as was this entire situation. Even words that tried to twist her previous statement were thrown around, but to no avail. She had her own justice, her own system of judging people and marking them as evil, ready for execution. But the fact that this girl wanted nothing more than to be in the spotlight... it felt somewhat sad. Devoid of any real purpose and completely hollow. But whatever suited her, it wasn't Sakura's care. And with those words said, along with uttering yet another unknown name, a fight was seemingly about to begin. A simple attack that perhaps didn't even have the intend of harming her behind it. Something so simple, anyone with any experience would be capable of blocking it or avoiding it completely. Shouting and smiling, it was clear that fight was what this girl wanted... but it wasn't quite what Sakura wanted, not just yet. An odd feeling was pulsing through her, making her heart beat faster than usual. Every time she laid her eyes on this black-haired beauty, the feeling increased in strength. There was a desire inside of her, different from the one about slaughter and blood. Grabbing her swords quickly and precisely, she swung it in a peculiar way, not aiming at the person in front of her but at her weapon instead. It was a parry, meant to deflect the incoming blow and leave the one who was holding the parried sword without any defense. Normally, something like that was used to strike back quickly, destroy the most vital organ and end the fight.

    But not now, there was different intention. After the parry, several sparks illuminated the place as Akatsubaki, Sakura's blade hit the hard ground and digged deep into it. Instead of attacking back with her weapon, she grabbed both of the girl's hands by wrist and did her best to push her back, knocking her off balance and letting them both fall onto the messy floor. All so that Sakura would find herself sitting atop this woman's stomach, just below her breasts, holding her hands firmly in place above her head. "It would be shame to let something so beautiful bleed until it turned ghastly pale..." Her voice was strangely shaky, as well as her heart that was racing right now. It was strange to say the least, she already killed so many... and yet, she never got this close to any of them. Not in this way. As they fell into the pool of blood and oil, it was only obvious that the liquids would stain them. And there was just the smallest bit on this girl's neck. Still holding her firmly with all of her strength, Sakura leaned in, slowly licking that little blood which was waiting on the naked skin of this snake woman. From perspective of someone else, this surely looked like something completely different. Perhaps as if she was sexually assaulting her, or as if she was vampire that was digging her teeth into the poor girl's neck. Both scenes far from the reality of things. Returning to her original position, Sakura's eyes suddenly turned bright green, staring directly into that crimson down below her. "Just tell me... who are you...?"


    Shouri Ishiki
    Shouri Ishiki

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Shouri Ishiki 28th August 2016, 12:17 pm

    When she thought her sword sliced the neck from the psychopathic girl, both swords clashed violently and blasted few sparks due to the friction. She parried, and Mystletainn flew to the left side and carved deep into the ground. Just when Dust tried to defend herself, the girl moved Dust's hands and placed them under Dust's own wrist, and the movement made both of them fell into the bloody ground. She never felt it, being taken down by the enemy during a fight, and for that same reason, she felt an mysterious feeling deep within her heart. It was excitement, she was in ecstasy after being taken down with such a simple movement. Sakura was sitting on Dust's stomach, and when she tried to move her legs to kick her, it was impossible, as Sakura's weight was too much for her. She even tried to move her arms, but Sakura moved down. "Beautiful? Yeah, but saying that to a narcissist is a little too much."

    "!" Sakura was leaning over her neck, and with her tongue, licked a single drop of blood on her collarbone. She was shocked; she was supposed to do it, not Sakura. She couldn't accept defeat no matter what, and that was her fear. But she didn't feel she lose the fight, it was something entirely different. She felt a shiver, and her entire skin was engulfed by goosebumps. Her tongue was quite soft as she could feel it from her neck, and the softness would make her vulnerable to her licking. Dust's face turned pink; not red, pink. She wasn't shy, she wasn't embarrassed, she felt arousal from the way Sakura licked a single drop of blood on her neck. As she ended doing it, she returned to her original position and was sitting on her stomach like before. Dust wanted to ask about what the girl was doing, but she said something. It was a question as well, but she just asked who she was all of sudden. She couldn't reveal her past and do an entire flashback, but as the question was quite void, she could say anything as long she could present who she was to Sakura. "...I am Dust, and I will become the goddess of the macroscopic world." As Dust said it, a bitter smile grew on her lips.


    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] XIdUOuO
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious 28th August 2016, 12:45 pm

    Reactions of this girl were quite amusing to watch. Anyone was vulnerable in this position, even a murderer. In the end, limits and sensations of one's physical body were something that you could only hardly overcome or completely remove. It made Sakura smile... a strange, somewhat gentle smile, but still one of the predator that was currently in the charge. It also didn't take much for the girl to finally reveal her name. "Dust. I'll make sure to burn that name into my mind." Sakura's words were simply and precise, showing that she was completely in control of her own actions right now. She definitely didn't expect that her little hunt would turn into a situation like this, where she would be able to taste blood and feel the soft skin of another female. But what should she do now? Dust had little in a way of freeing herself unless she would cast a spell. Should she continue teasing this girl, perhaps even going further than just that? Sweet and nasty ideas started swarming inside of her head, nearly turning it into jelly, her expression matching that perfectly as she would look like a pervert drooling over some lewd picture. "Ehehe... ehehe~ How lucky am I? Meeting someone who aims to become a goddess, a divine being that would rule over all with unquestionable power..." Moving Dust's hands closer together, she would now hold them both in one place with only one of her hands, gripping them as strongly as she could. And now, with the newly freed hand, she would slide her fingers over Dust's cheeks.

    She wanted to know how those strange, reptile-like places felt to touch. This goddess was definitely not a normal human. She was something different... and for some reason, Sakura wanted to know what exactly she was. Even though she thought that she wouldn't care, as soon as she managed to get into this dominant position, everything changed. "Goddess couldn't possibly be evil... that's right, we cannot kill a goddess. For she is the divinity itself... and I am the avatar of divine punishment, hunting down sinners. It would be so bad if I killed Dust..." Talking to herself, she continued stroking the girl's cheek before her hand eventually started going even lower, slowly sliding over her collarbone again. "It was a good choice to not strike you with my sword after all. So, Dust... what will you do? Will you try to fight me again? I'm sure a goddess can somehow get out of this situation... or will you allow lowly Sakura to do as she pleases? Hehehe..." The green in her eyes was shining greatly, the color of grand affection dominating all of her other senses. This situation was truly something rare, as she would normally just consider everyone evil, and then proceeded to kill them. But right now, she was actually feeling affection towards someone. Was that something good? Or perhaps something very bad? Who knew at this point... it was completely new sensation to Sakura and it was making her slightly unstable. The only question at this point was if Dust was willing to stay put or would try to take away that dominance. Thinking it over, both options seemed like a great deal of fun in Sakura's mind.


    Shouri Ishiki
    Shouri Ishiki

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Shouri Ishiki 28th August 2016, 1:39 pm

    As she was ready to add something to her words, Sakura suddenly answered her. As she talked, Sakura held both of Dust's hand and moved them together with hers, and managed to grab them as she was holding a iron bar, expecting to break it with her own hands. Dust didn't react, as she was quite loving the situation she was in. Dust was a pervert, and running from the situation as a pervert was very impossible, almost unlikely. As Sakura moved her fingers to the cheeks and moves such fingers thought the rough, reptile-like skin. Dust blushed, as it was quite a sensitive area, and if someone licked it, she could moan softly. She asked Sakura if she was seducing her, and also asked for some perversion from the girl. "You are seducing me? Well, it worked. But at least do something pervert, this ain't funny that way." Dust was not amused at all, as she expected the girl to grope her breasts as she moved her fingers down to her collarbones, and maintained her fingers there. She was expecting she could do it, but she was impatient. Dust moved her hands to Sakura's arm that was moving thought her entire neck, and then pushed her forward in a way she could reach her ears instantly. Dust licked her ears, and then whispered softly in her timpani, like they were bathing with honey. "Grope me, you idiot." And with her free hand, she caught Sakura's another arm and moved the hands from said arm to her breasts, in a way she could force Sakura to grope her. If Sakura squished her breasts, she could caught a glimpse of her black lingerie and her white snow, soft skin. "Now I want to go further with you. Do you want to assault such a gorgeous goddess?" And with that said, Dust smile grew further.


    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] XIdUOuO
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious 28th August 2016, 2:03 pm

    This situation was getting interesting by the minute. Sakura was mostly planning to just tease Dust and would let her go the moment she would start resisting. But instead, she would start encouraging her. This was something completely different from what she imagined would happen. In her eyes, most girls were pure and mostly just victims. The fact that Dust would want something like this... it truly awakened unknown feelings. In the meantime, the girl did her best and got to Sakura's ear, whispering her little wish, even guiding her hand towards the goal. Through the black cloth, she would indeed gently squeeze her. For a moment, it was as if her entire mind had turned off. Until Dust stopped talking. They were both smiling widely and suddenly, a loud laugh would echo through the alley. It was Sakura that suddenly pushed Dust against the floor with all of her strength, not even considering that she could harm the goddess. The laugh would not stop and in a single instant, one of her arms reach for Akatsubaki and grabbed her. And with a single masterful swipe, Dust's clothes would completely open, as the one slash was enough to vertically cut through the thin, oriental attire, underwear included. Burying the blade inside the ground again, right next to the goddesses head, Sakura would stare at her for a moment. "The goddess said that she wanted to go further... HAHAHA, there is no way she would expect a denial!" With those words, she would grope the girl laying on the ground more, not even trying one bit to be gentle. Licking her own lips, she would also lean in to taste that rough skin on her face, adding to her recollection of how it felt to the touch.


    Shouri Ishiki
    Shouri Ishiki

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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Shouri Ishiki 28th August 2016, 2:49 pm

    "Yeah, just like that." As she was throw to the ground by the girl, she didn't even care about the sudden impact she suffered. She was quite excited about it, as the girl put her on the ground without considerations for her, as she was merely a toy. She didn't feel inferior, she felt excitement as a pervert. She wasn't masochist, she just enjoyed the way the girl was giving her attention. The girl caught her hand and slashed her blade through her clothes, cutting both her oriental garments and her lingerie. Dust was naked, and the girl just used that as a distraction, as she groped Dust's chest and slowly moved next to her body. Sakura licked her lips, and Dust caught her tongue with her own, as it was long and thin like those of a snake. Instantly, she gave a kiss to the girl, and wrapped her tongue all over her mouth. Dust tasted all of her saliva, until she unties her tongue and takes out her lips from those from her. "Hmh, you are delicious." As Sakura moved her tongue to her cheeks, Dust took opportunity. She groped Sakura from inside her kimono and moved her hands directly to the chest. She played with her nipples slowly, as the girl was still licking her cheeks. They were all red, showing Dust was liking the way she treated the scaly area. After getting bored of so much foreplay, Dust moved. She threw the girl to the ground instead, and moved her hands down to Sakura's belly, where she started playing with her navel with a single finger.

    "I humbly thank you for the dinner. Let's eat it." Dust moved her body towards Sakura, and managed to move her bare naked chest against Sakura's own, making them appear like balloons trying to push against each other. With her free hand, she moved down to the belly and played with something around the pelvic area, until she stocked her finger inside a cavity. The right hand, the one she wasn't using to play with her, moved to her lips, as she grabbed her chin with three of her fingers. After analyzing her cute, pink oral mucous, Dust proceeded to bit Sakura's lips, tasting some of the blood coming out of the wound she inflicted, as she moved her finger inside such cavity more quickly. "Let's have fun until we get bored, Sakura." She said, with a pervert smile growing on her lips.

    Fade to Black ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] XIdUOuO
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Leila Vergious 28th August 2016, 3:48 pm

    A strange game, a small battle for the dominance. One moment, Sakura was the one on the top, giving attention to Dust who seemingly enjoyed it way more than any normal human being would in this situation. After all, they were still bathing in the pile of human remains, remaining on the ground that was permanently stained with blood. And yet, they both cared little for their surroundings and suddenly, Sakura was the one on the ground. This entire situation was making her loose all of her focus, allowing for such stupid mistakes, making her full of openings and weaknesses. But it mattered little, as the world and their senses were slowly melting together, turning into a complete mess. There was a good chance that this was first time Sakura moaned and blushed because someone was playing with her body in this way. First time for everything, that was the rule. Biting one of her fingers after her lip was pierced by Dust's fangs, the ecstasy started taking over. Surely, this would have continued for quite a while if nothing was to happen to interrupted this moment. But in the next instant, a strong impulse shot through Sakura's head. It was a sound... a presence that was nearing to the place they were at right now. Without any warning, her right foot would suddenly push against Dust, easily throwing her body away. Skillfully grabbing her blade, the swordswoman would jump up, the sharp side of her sword creating cuts in the floor and nearby walls as she swung it.

    Perhaps even Dust herself heard it now. And felt it as well, a magical energy nearing this alleyway. It was nothing impressive, but it was clear that there was another mage on their way. "My sword, blessed by the divine flame..." Talking to herself, Akatsubaki suddenly became coated with searing flames that followed the shape of it's blade. And with a single slash, a wave of flames flew forward. With nearly perfect timing, it landed it hit on someone who had just ran from behind a corner, neatly decapitating the poor sod without any issues. The immense hear also nearly instantly closed up the giant gaping wound, making sure that the body fell to the ground along with the head without any plod being spilled. "Interrupting a moment like this... a divine punishment has been administered to the sinner." It was quick end to the interruption. However, the was more. Larger amount of magical energy was making the distance smaller each second. True, the two girls were not exactly silent and that was perhaps what drew attention of local mages, mostly members of Black Rose. Suddenly tracing over her body with one hand, Sakura seemingly shuddered. "T..this... I cannot fight efficiently in this state..." it was obvious that her body was still aroused from happened just mere seconds ago with Dust. The best option right now would be to retreat. As lame as it sounded, she was not exactly in a state where should could fight several professionally trained mages.

    Turning towards the girl that was probably still as nude as on the day she was born, Sakura's eyes were of gray color, something that was very unusual. The black scarf was covering her mouth, yet her voice was still perfectly audible. "Leave or fight. Decide for yourself. Whatever you'll choose, we will meet again." With those parting words, she activated another one of her abilities, increasing the speed of her movements. With a strong jump, she scale a little bit of the building before sinking her blade into the wall, getting another foothold from which she managed to get on the roof and escape the attention from there. Dust was an unique character, for someone like Sakura, it wouldn't bee to much of a trouble to find her again and finish the business.


    Shouri Ishiki
    Shouri Ishiki

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] Empty Re: Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private]

    Post by Shouri Ishiki 28th August 2016, 4:08 pm

    "Tch, they interrupted our... dammit." As Dust was kicked away from the embrace of Sakura, she already noticed enemies had come to destroy their fun. She moved her hands to the ground as she was next to fall into it, and did a capoeira movement to stand still. Her hand was already on Mystletainn as she jumped to where it was. The spirit inside the sword cried, almost if it was bored after being stuck to the ground for so much time. Sakura fired a maelstrom of flames towards one of the enemies on front of her. They are Black Rose members, and judging from the way they were looking to both girls, they are angry. One of them got severely injured, and the burnt was so intense the enemy couldn't bleed; the burn was already cauterized. Dust wanted some action too, and moved against them. She clicked her tongue, and accelerated her own speed by 20% to better kill the target, and in less than five seconds, the enemy lost its head. But during her struggle, she felt a intense pleasure all over her body, and couldn't hold it for too long.

    "Shit. Mystletainn, buff me right now." Dust yelled, but she couldn't pull any trick from her weapon, so she thought it was better to use her power to escape. She accelerated the molecules composing the air around her hand, and moved such hand to the front instantly. After doing it, a wave of heat engulfed the air and collapsed against the nearby wall. The concrete melted instantly with the change of temperature, and she used that chance to run. As the ashes and powder resulting from the collapse of the concrete structure grew, she ran away thanks to her magical ability. During her runaway, she heard Sakura saying that they will meet again very soon, and with a happy but bitter smile, she said; "No need to worry about this, I can detect anyone whom blood has come into my mouth." Dust was quite depressed, but she was sure she could meet Sakura again. Also, she can detect her anywhere now, so she wasn't sad about their departure. Well, she couldn't meet her again if she started thinking about it, or they would kill her.

    80/100% MP
    Spells Used:
    - Lineage; Viktor's Descent.
    - Unique Ability; Speed Control.
    - Heat Wave.



    Such a lust for blood... [Sakura, Private] XIdUOuO

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