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    Basima Hakim

    Basima Hakim
    Basima Hakim

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 22
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 50

    Basima Hakim Empty Basima Hakim

    Post by Basima Hakim 21st June 2016, 9:24 am

    Name: Basima Hakim
    Gender: Female
    Age: 36
    Birthday: 21 November
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Special Characteristics: A tattoo of "#1474" on her left arm to signify her former prisoner number.

    Personality: Despite her occupation, Basima comes off as a calm and meager woman at first inspection. It's all there... a quaint and humble smile, a bowed head, and a soft tone of voice. Simply nothing about her says "dark wizard." If anything, with her regular garb, she could be mistaken for a saintly woman who beams with purity. Ugly souls often hide behind pretty faces though. If one were to peek inside Basima’s head, they would find a terribly demented woman. They would find waves of hatefulness and bitter sorrow whirling around the mental prison she’s created for herself. It would almost be like watching a record play, in which the same upsetting memories and ideas play in loop over and over in a symphony of psychological torture. She is so wrapped up in this intense emotions and thoughts that she has practically been incarcerated by them. Her sentencing term appears to be for life.

    It’s not difficult to figure how Basima came to harbor a callous personality. She has spent the majority of her life locked away in a dark prison. Regardless of the corrupt justice that restrained her there, her hard-bitten psyche is more so the result of being let go. To be guarded and watched behind iron bars is a way of life to her now, and it drives her mad to see the outside world so full of freedom. This freedom, after all, implies that people could do just about anything. To Basima, the sole idea of it sounds like chaos and anarchy in comparison to the world she knows. The people who bask in this freedom are even more worthy of content than the idea of freedom itself. It’s with those sorts of folk that Basima’s coldness can really shine, for she finds them to be repulsive man-children who need to be taught true structure.

    It's been established that Basima keeps her true, and very nasty, personality locked away in the back of her mind, but even the toughest warden will at least permit prisoners to reach their hand through the bars. In the same way, this woman allows her almost sadistic nature to come out in small but lethal chunks. When faced with combat, for example, she is rarely prone to restraint. She might lay as much waste to the area and people around her. Human life becomes virtually worthless to her and she makes her enemies and allies alike know it. The only one you might find her hold her hand from is her superior, for that person (the leader) is like her warden… and a prisoner mustn’t ever disobey the warden. To repeat, Basima let’s merely a part of her true self slip out and, when she does, she typically retains her calmness for chilling effect.

    As a leader, Basima is strong but tough. She does not waiver at the sight of overwhelming force as she is consumed by the zealotry of her prison-ideology. On the other hand, she often finds many of her underlings to be expendable. It does not imply that she would throw her subordinates off a cliff, but it does mean she would hesitate to sacrifice one for what she believes to be a greater good.

    Whether she is the leader or the lackey in a fight, one thing will always remain true and it is that Basima enjoys making her opponents feel as though they have been imprisoned. The means by which this is achieved is often circumstantial, but it’s something she relishes over the feeling of a senseless slaughter. This “imprisonment” could be either physical… or even psychological.


    • Prison - Life inside a prison is the most homey feeling for Basima. To her, it is structure and peacefulness. The concept of prison in this capacity relates to physical prisons as well as mental ones.
    • Suppressed Persons - Those who do not flaunt their natural freedom and restrain themselves are one of the people who could actually obtain Basima's good graces since she views them as virtual prisoners of life, unlike those who do as they please.
    • Cold, Dark Regions - Places devoid of life and warmth are reminiscent of the prison Basima spent most of her life in. Distant winds can also stir up emotions of nostalgia for her.


    • Freedom – Freedom brings several complications with it that seem foreign, and therefore dangerous, to Basima. There are too many choices, too many chances to cause complication in society. Its seems like outright anarchy to Basima that men and women can walk about and proceed without the rigid schedule and strict rules imposed by prison and a warden.
    • The Sun and Sky – The sky up above represents something foul for Basima. It’s symbolic as unlimited freedom, where any man or woman could reach up to for hope. She suspects it’s why so many prisons are dark with so few windows. Additionally, the sun brings back horrid memories of when Basima was forced to leave her own prison, as it was the very first thing she saw.
    • Escapees – Those who would defy their overlords, whether it be the iron fist of a king or the cold bars of a warden’s cell are held to the highest contempt by Basima. She considers such people to be ignorant of the joy of imprisonment. She feels they would only know true peace once they stop running and, in the long run, only damage themselves with each bit of resistance.


    • Imprisonment of Others – Basima wishes for many, or all, people to experience imprisonment of some kind, whether that be a physical kind or a psychological kind. She’d like, after all, for others to experience what being bound to something is truly like when it forced (a beautiful state of being to her).
    • Self Imprisonment – Self imprisonment to Basima is binding one’s self to something that will not let go. In her case, it would be this ideology of imprisoning the world around her in whatever she can. In her opinion, it would make people feel much happier. It’s almost like her version of the “opium for the masses.” Therefore, Basima seeks to radicalize herself in this philosophy even more in an effort to achieve more joy, though it seems to do the opposite many times given how callous she is on the inside.
    • Materialism – Spiritual things and immaterial ideas such as “hope” are viewed with suspicion by Basima. Instead, she finds it better to focus on what can be seen with one’s own eyes. Otherwise, a person might get some radical ideas such as escaping one’s oppression, and that is something Basima simply cannot tolerate and must strive to entrench her mind on the material world, less she lose the happiness of her self-imprisonment.


    • Choices – Basima is not accustomed to making her own choices. There’s always been a prison guard or a warden to decide all her choices, from what she’d eat to when she could sleep. Being presented with too many choices could put some alarming pressure on Basima. She would much rather have someone else decide for her.
    • Obscurity – That which cannot be understood is a continuous terror for Basima. She prefers structure and rules and definitions set in stone. If she cannot make sense of something, it might as well be the product of freedom and anarchy, and therefore it is something to shy away from. Consequently, Basima often refuses working or socializing with those who prefer to remain an enigma.
    • Black Boots – This is an odd one but when Basima was smaller and held within the confines of her decades of prison, the guards would beat the inmates in all manner of occasions. The guards always wore black boots and so she has come to associate the article of clothing with pain. It might have something to do with why she chooses to wear red boots rather than black ones.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5’4”
    Weight: 122 lb
    Hair: Long brunette hair that is most often styled in bun for her cap to fit on.
    Eyes: Brown
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Appearance: Basima is a small-looking woman who can most often be found in long layers of robes, with red and teal being her favorite colors. There are often intricate symbols all over the cloth, and it’s difficult to tell what kind of environment her outfit is suited for but the answer lies with the deserts. The long cloth on her upper body provides protection from sand while the long robe helps to keep her cool. As it’s the only thing she has left of her home, the particular outfit is something of a memento for her. Along her outfit, though, she carries several foraged objects with her, jewelry in particular. Basima is not necessarily a fan of jewelery, but they were gifts from a friend long ago and are cherished as such. Finally, she often sports a cap underneath her head scarf as well as a pair of large red boots beneath her robes.



    Guild: Savage Skull
    Tattoo: Teal tattoo situated on Basima's forehead, behind her cap.
    Rank: D
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
    Position : In bed with the harem
    Posts : 4043
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
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    Basima Hakim Empty Re: Basima Hakim

    Post by King Elyx 21st June 2016, 9:39 am

    Basima Hakim wrote:Name: Basima Hakim
    Gender: Female
    Age: 36
    Birthday: 21 November
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Special Characteristics: A tattoo of "#1474" on her left arm to signify her former prisoner number.

    Personality: Despite her occupation, Basima comes off as a calm and meager woman at first inspection. It's all there... a quaint and humble smile, a bowed head, and a soft tone of voice. Simply nothing about her says "dark wizard." If anything, with her regular garb, she could be mistaken for a saintly woman who beams with purity. Ugly souls often hide behind pretty faces though. If one were to peek inside Basima’s head, they would find a terribly demented woman. They would find waves of hatefulness and bitter sorrow whirling around the mental prison she’s created for herself. It would almost be like watching a record play, in which the same upsetting memories and ideas play in loop over and over in a symphony of psychological torture. She is so wrapped up in this intense emotions and thoughts that she has practically been incarcerated by them. Her sentencing term appears to be for life.

    It’s not difficult to figure how Basima came to harbor a callous personality. She has spent the majority of her life locked away in a dark prison. Regardless of the corrupt justice that restrained her there, her hard-bitten psyche is more so the result of being let go. To be guarded and watched behind iron bars is a way of life to her now, and it drives her mad to see the outside world so full of freedom. This freedom, after all, implies that people could do just about anything. To Basima, the sole idea of it sounds like chaos and anarchy in comparison to the world she knows. The people who bask in this freedom are even more worthy of content than the idea of freedom itself. It’s with those sorts of folk that Basima’s coldness can really shine, for she finds them to be repulsive man-children who need to be taught true structure.

    It's been established that Basima keeps her true, and very nasty, personality locked away in the back of her mind, but even the toughest warden will at least permit prisoners to reach their hand through the bars. In the same way, this woman allows her almost sadistic nature to come out in small but lethal chunks. When faced with combat, for example, she is rarely prone to restraint. She might lay as much waste to the area and people around her. Human life becomes virtually worthless to her and she makes her enemies and allies alike know it. The only one you might find her hold her hand from is her superior, for that person (the leader) is like her warden… and a prisoner mustn’t ever disobey the warden. To repeat, Basima let’s merely a part of her true self slip out and, when she does, she typically retains her calmness for chilling effect.

    As a leader, Basima is strong but tough. She does not waiver at the sight of overwhelming force as she is consumed by the zealotry of her prison-ideology. On the other hand, she often finds many of her underlings to be expendable. It does not imply that she would throw her subordinates off a cliff, but it does mean she would hesitate to sacrifice one for what she believes to be a greater good.

    Whether she is the leader or the lackey in a fight, one thing will always remain true and it is that Basima enjoys making her opponents feel as though they have been imprisoned. The means by which this is achieved is often circumstantial, but it’s something she relishes over the feeling of a senseless slaughter. This “imprisonment” could be either physical… or even psychological.


    • Prison - Life inside a prison is the most homey feeling for Basima. To her, it is structure and peacefulness. The concept of prison in this capacity relates to physical prisons as well as mental ones.
    • Suppressed Persons - Those who do not flaunt their natural freedom and restrain themselves are one of the people who could actually obtain Basima's good graces since she views them as virtual prisoners of life, unlike those who do as they please.
    • Cold, Dark Regions - Places devoid of life and warmth are reminiscent of the prison Basima spent most of her life in. Distant winds can also stir up emotions of nostalgia for her.


    • Freedom – Freedom brings several complications with it that seem foreign, and therefore dangerous, to Basima. There are too many choices, too many chances to cause complication in society. Its seems like outright anarchy to Basima that men and women can walk about and proceed without the rigid schedule and strict rules imposed by prison and a warden.
    • The Sun and Sky – The sky up above represents something foul for Basima. It’s symbolic as unlimited freedom, where any man or woman could reach up to for hope. She suspects it’s why so many prisons are dark with so few windows. Additionally, the sun brings back horrid memories of when Basima was forced to leave her own prison, as it was the very first thing she saw.
    • Escapees – Those who would defy their overlords, whether it be the iron fist of a king or the cold bars of a warden’s cell are held to the highest contempt by Basima. She considers such people to be ignorant of the joy of imprisonment. She feels they would only know true peace once they stop running and, in the long run, only damage themselves with each bit of resistance.


    • Imprisonment of Others – Basima wishes for many, or all, people to experience imprisonment of some kind, whether that be a physical kind or a psychological kind. She’d like, after all, for others to experience what being bound to something is truly like when it forced (a beautiful state of being to her).
    • Self Imprisonment – Self imprisonment to Basima is binding one’s self to something that will not let go. In her case, it would be this ideology of imprisoning the world around her in whatever she can. In her opinion, it would make people feel much happier. It’s almost like her version of the “opium for the masses.” Therefore, Basima seeks to radicalize herself in this philosophy even more in an effort to achieve more joy, though it seems to do the opposite many times given how callous she is on the inside.
    • Materialism – Spiritual things and immaterial ideas such as “hope” are viewed with suspicion by Basima. Instead, she finds it better to focus on what can be seen with one’s own eyes. Otherwise, a person might get some radical ideas such as escaping one’s oppression, and that is something Basima simply cannot tolerate and must strive to entrench her mind on the material world, less she lose the happiness of her self-imprisonment.


    • Choices – Basima is not accustomed to making her own choices. There’s always been a prison guard or a warden to decide all her choices, from what she’d eat to when she could sleep. Being presented with too many choices could put some alarming pressure on Basima. She would much rather have someone else decide for her.
    • Obscurity – That which cannot be understood is a continuous terror for Basima. She prefers structure and rules and definitions set in stone. If she cannot make sense of something, it might as well be the product of freedom and anarchy, and therefore it is something to shy away from. Consequently, Basima often refuses working or socializing with those who prefer to remain an enigma.
    • Black Boots – This is an odd one but when Basima was smaller and held within the confines of her decades of prison, the guards would beat the inmates in all manner of occasions. The guards always wore black boots and so she has come to associate the article of clothing with pain. It might have something to do with why she chooses to wear red boots rather than black ones.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5’4”
    Weight: 122 lb
    Hair: Long brunette hair that is most often styled in bun for her cap to fit on.
    Eyes: Brown
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Appearance: Basima is a small-looking woman who can most often be found in long layers of robes, with red and teal being her favorite colors. There are often intricate symbols all over the cloth, and it’s difficult to tell what kind of environment her outfit is suited for but the answer lies with the deserts. The long cloth on her upper body provides protection from sand while the long robe helps to keep her cool. As it’s the only thing she has left of her home, the particular outfit is something of a memento for her. Along her outfit, though, she carries several foraged objects with her, jewelry in particular. Basima is not necessarily a fan of jewelery, but they were gifts from a friend long ago and are cherished as such. Finally, she often sports a cap underneath her head scarf as well as a pair of large red boots beneath her robes.



    Guild: Savage Skull
    Tattoo: Teal tattoo situated on Basima's forehead, behind her cap.
    Rank: D

    Basima Hakim Merp%202.jpg_zpszdcapnj1
    I feel so bad for her ;-;

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm