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    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo]


    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Arms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] Empty Escaped Convict [Job | Solo]

    Post by akashi 1st June 2016, 2:10 pm

    Yet another mission had founded its way to Vargas Seig. The newly arrived mage was, for the first time in his life, getting a steady amount of work to do, more than he thought would be possible. If everything went properly, he'd be setting 'that' up in no time... unless he saw something neat to buy first. At any rate, this mission had taken him quite far away from his arrival place; the white haired male had been moving between Magnolia and Hargeon, but Era was much, much further away. At the very least, the task he had been given was somewhat exciting.

    Apparently, he needed to catch a prisoner who had been clever enough to sneak out of prison. To be fair, Vargas somehow sympathized with him due to the fact that right after doing something that wasn't considered legal, they already had the hounds tailing them. The only problem was that, at that time, the Devil Arms user was the hunter.


    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0

    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Arms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] Empty Re: Escaped Convict [Job | Solo]

    Post by akashi 1st June 2016, 2:12 pm

    Arriving at night, he jumped from roof to roof as best as he could, surveying his surroundings with a watchful gaze. Snapping his index and thumb fingers from each hand, the male entered his trusty Gunslinger style; it'd be the best choiceif he ever had to prevent his target from running away.

    -Alright. Think Vargas, where is the first place you would try to hide after getting out of somewhere you were supposed to stay in? -the male said out loud, with his mind rapidly working on that question. Well, he'd say that an alley would be fine until things had settled, but then again, staying put when being right before the Magic Council's gates was not exactly advisable for a criminal.

    It would take him at least a couple of hours before he finally caught a glimpse of someone moving a bit more erratically. A man had stopped in front of a house, and was looking at the... windows?


    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0

    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Arms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] Empty Re: Escaped Convict [Job | Solo]

    Post by akashi 1st June 2016, 2:19 pm

    Well, that was odd enough. Watching from above, Vargas was able to see that the man's expression went from mesmerized to teary, to the point where the unsuspecting man wiped out a couple of tears from his cheeks. It was as if he was very happy about something... but suddenly, he looked to the side, and scurried into the nearest side street. Following where he had looked, Vargas found two Rune Knights walking, seemingly on patrol.

    That gave the white haired young man all the information he needed.

    -Bullseye! -the Seig whispered to himself, following the man from atop the roof. In a flash, the eighteen year old male jumped, landing right in front of who he supposed was either his target, or another criminal. At any rate, he'd be able to get some sort of reward anyway.

    -Nighty night, pal. I'm looking for an escaped prisoner... you wouldn't happen to know if there's one nearby, right?


    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0

    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Arms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] Empty Re: Escaped Convict [Job | Solo]

    Post by akashi 1st June 2016, 2:42 pm

    Well, he really had hit the jackpot. The man himself did not even try to run away, but rather, sighed and lowered his head. Vargas quirked an eyebrow, and looked at him in disbelief.
    -What? You went through all the trouble of escaping, but you aren't even going to try to run away from me? Come on, man, cut me some slack! -Vargas complained, not expecting to have it that easily.

    Much to his surprise, the man simply looked at him with no contempt nor aggressiveness. It was just absolute calmness. -But I have no reasons to run. I've already done what I wanted to do... -he stated. -Is that so...? And what was it? You had a lil' fun out in town and are ready to get back to your cell? Or is it something else?

    -Please, you know I haven't. If you've jumped from above there, I know you must've been watching me, though I don't know since when... -he deduced, making Vargas nod in agreement. -I know I still haven't payed for my sins. I doubt I'll be able to, even if I rot away in that cramped place. But I needed to get out of there, not for me... but for them.

    -"For them... huh."


    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0

    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Arms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] Empty Re: Escaped Convict [Job | Solo]

    Post by akashi 1st June 2016, 2:52 pm

    -I've been locked away for five years for a crime I am not proud of, and because of that, I haven't seen my wife nor my daughter for god knows how long... That's the reason why I escaped the prison, in order to see if they were doing well. Now, I can go back, knowing everything's alright. If only I could have talked to them...

    Vargas told the man to follow him, and returned to where he had been before. From there, in front of the house, the windows didn't let you see that much, really. The white haired male sighed. He could at least add a bit more of tension to the job, while doing something good.

    -If you want to see them that much, why not pay them a visit?
    -W-What...? But you are...
    -Listen, I'm not interested in how things develop around here. My condition was to bring you back alive, and you look like you'll cooperate just fine. So, knock at the door and go in.
    -But if the neighbors see me calling... they'll know it's me.
    -Like I said, I couldn't care less about the details. My only condition is that I'll be pointing this... -he suddenly summoned his demonic bow, Daeva, a soul-made weapon of the finest crafting.

    -...at you. Sorry, but I'm not risking to involve anyone else than me in any trouble. if you try something funny, I'll simply shoot you down. Don't worry... I know where to aim so it will not kill, but rather cause you as much pain as possible. -he smirked with no aggression whatsoever in his voice.

    The man, albeit a bit frightened, nodded in agreement. That was what he wanted the most, to talk to his dear Lyia once again.


    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0

    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Arms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] Empty Re: Escaped Convict [Job | Solo]

    Post by akashi 1st June 2016, 3:00 pm

    Although Vargas was not a fan of cheesy moments, he had to admit that seeing a man reunite with his family was quite touching, indeed. He never stopped pointing the bow, so it caused a bit of a ruckus, but at the same time drove any possible Rune Knight idiot away, for there was no alarm to be raised: the prisoner had been conceived one last wish before returning to jail, that was it.

    -"Family... I wonder how they all are doing."

    Once all was set and done, the prisoner returned to Vargas's side, causing him to dissolve the bow into thin air, its soul returning to him instantly. -By the way, if you try something funny now, my other ranged weapon has explosive shells. I... would stay put if I were you.

    The man had already told him he wouldn't do anything, but it was mere protocol. In a matter of half an hour, they were back into the prison, where Vargas handed the prisoner and spoke with the warden to receive his payment. -I've brought you the kid you dropped in the last field trip in tip top conditons.

    -And for that, I thank you, Vargas Seig.

    -Ah, what can I say. Grattitude is a great feeling, specially when you can put it into numbers. -he grinned, awaiting for his jewels. Another mission completed, and a bit more of experience for the new mage.



    Escaped Convict [Job | Solo] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm