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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]


    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 14th May 2016, 10:28 am

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 1,071   |  NOTES: ...

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    Her combat boots thumped against the ground as she walked the decimated streets of Shirotsume after the raid on it. Bodies lay strewn across the sidewalks and roads, blood coating the stone and staining it a dark red against shades of grey. Blood splashed up from where she stepped in puddles, staining the ashen-grey skin of the servant of Death. Dots of it speckled her legs like polka dot tights covering her skin, decorating it with the mass destruction of a town. A smirk played across her luscious lips and red eyes, cracked with black down the cheeks, darted across the surroundings. Stray people ran in her wake, taking quick glances toward her before bolting down alleys to hide from her wickedness. Laughter filled the death-drenched air, breaking the silence that echoed through it and bringing out the sound of ill wretchedness.

    Fiery dots caught sight of a person sprinting across the street not that far out from where she was walking the streets. Blades glinted in the brilliance of the sunlight, as if in slow motion, wrapping around the woman who was running. The woman screamed from both surprise and pain, as the blades hooked into her skin and ripped at it the moment Marceline pulled the whip back. She was spun around, blood spilling out into the space around her and she fell to the ground, unconscious from the grievous wounds. Marcy did not stop in her walking and when she reached the woman, this was where she paused to look down at her. A boot came up and harshly slammed onto the lady's head, crushing the skull, splattering brains and blood over the road. As sick as it was, the grin never left those pale lips when the Shirotsume resident was slaughtered before her eyes.

    Marcy glanced upward, once again running her gaze over the genocide that had been created here in Savage Skull's name. Upon looking over what had been broken and massacred, she noticed that a single building still stood tall and proud. The simper on her face was replaced with a scowl, her face distorted in a look of disgust at a mansion of all things existing on the premises. Her boot slammed back onto the ground and she started walking toward the mansion instead, the whip scraping against the stone. When another person dashed away from her, the same thing happened to them as the lady she had recently killed. It came up into the air and snagged around the man's neck, hauling him to the ground and yanking him toward her. A loud snap could be heard as the neck of the man was broken, then a tearing sound followed after as the head was ripped off.

    Fist pulled close to her sides, the Savage Skull Coming Storm built up death energy into the palms of her hands. Sparks of the energy flew off the orbs as they grew in size in her hands; when she placed them together, the energy let off in streams. Three streams flew out from the amassed orb and into the body of the two she had killed and one that had been slaughtered by the onslaught of falling debris. The bodies rose on their own, standing to their feet as if they had simply woken from their slumber they had fallen to. Once again, that laughter filled the air, her face contorting into a sicken look of happiness as those who had died rose to life. They ambled toward her slowly as the energy finished off and absorbed into their bodies, in which she began walking. "The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends and where the other begins?" she called out.

    Where she walked, the world crumbled around her, her "pets" the only things that did not injure at her touch. Ramakrishna ran and spun at her side, yipping to gain her attention, though quickly stopped and bounded forward. He charged off into the grounds of the mansion as they approached it, chasing after squirrels and rabbits, tearing into their flesh. Bursts of shadow spilled off from his body as he attacked them and swallowed them in a matter of seconds. Marcy sauntered up to the doors of the mansion and with a single touch of her hand, the doors crumbled into dust. "Ding dong!" she shouted out her presence, laughing as she did so, "I know you can hear me, open up the door, I only wanna play a little. Oops, I guess the door is already open, I guess I can just walk right on in and make myself at home, don't you say?"

    The building was awfully quiet, enough so that it made Marceline wonder if the place was vacant or occupied. No one had responded to her caterwauling, perhaps they were hidden in a safe room somewhere in the house? First step into the house and the floor began to creak and crack with each step that followed after the starting one. Wood crumbled to dust, glass shattered and broke, spraying across the ground as that, too, turned to ash. "Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection into the eternal life. . ." Tendrils of her magic ate at the walls and disintegrated what the mansion was made of, slowly crushing it into nothing. "Life asked Death, 'Why do people love me, but hate you?', and Death responded with, 'Because you are a beautiful lie and I'm a painful truth'. . ."

    Footsteps below her could be heard, but she paid no mind to them as she wove her way through the home. It was only when she caught sight of a slender figure that her entire being slowed down and became silent. She sneaked close to the opening, and with a flash of her whip, the blades cut deep into the skin of the nobleman and dragged him toward her. The man cried out in fear and pain and that grin appeared on her face, where she wrapped her snake-like hands on his arms. Skin began to peel away on him and she hugged him close, petting his hair that fell from his head in seconds. "My new little toy," she purred out, covering his mouth with her own lips and pulling him along the hallway to the outdoors.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    Guest carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] OdAaNwh , Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] R2fEWNz
    Guest carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] OdAaNwh , Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] OdAaNwh
    Guest carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] OdAaNwh , Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] R2fEWNz
    Guest carried out 1 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] R2fEWNz

    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 14th May 2016, 1:43 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 1,007   |  NOTES: ...
    They parted lips and Marceline smiled sweetly at the Nobleman gripped tightly in her whip, unable to free himself. "Well, aren't you just the handsomest of things?" she inquired in a soft voice, looking at the horrendously decayed face of the noble. "Unfortunately, I don't think you're going to make it back to the buyers who I sold you for already; isn't that a pity? I suppose it saves you from the horribleness of what would be to ensue, so perhaps, I should have a bit of my own fun?" It was true, he would not last much longer in the grasp of her magic, considering how decomposed he had come to look. Marcy leaned forward again, pressing her lips to his and pulling him around the corner, down to the room that led out. Voices could be heard chattering to each other in the distance, muffled. . . maybe not so much that they were far away.

    "Release my charge!" a woman's voice ordered, causing Marceline to stop in her tracks and look to the overnight maid, ending their kiss.

    "How fortunate for you to come around," she responded, a grin spreading across her lascivious lips. "I wouldn't step any closer, I'd hate for you to feel the wrath of Death when you get in his way of orders." Her beady eyes watched the woman with intensity, as if daring her to come closer before she flared out her aura. Too late. A burst of death energy ruptured outward from where Marcy stood, rushing toward the maid and overcoming her.

    She cried out in pain as the magic embraced the life force letting her live, sucking away what energy she had in her. "You, who carries the essence of Death! Prepare to die!" she yowled out, charging toward Marceline, despite having just been injured.

    In response to the maid's abrasiveness, the young woman only laughed and raised a hand, ordering the zombies, which had followed her inside, to attack. They ran toward the housekeeper, the headless one reaching its arms out and wrapping around her to hold her still. The second one, with the flattened head that flopped around at each movement, nearly did the same, but tore at her skin. Whereas, the third one had bitten down on the chambermaid's neck, ripping and tearing at the flesh and spilling blood everywhere. Marcy only chuckled at the destructiveness of her "pets," watching as they killed off the maid with ease of overwhelming her. She smirked, then returned to what she had been doing with the nobleman, who, try as he may, was still trapped in her whip. "Isn't it sad to watch as your entirely family dies before your eyes? You know, I still want a little bit of time with you. . ."

    However, the commotion of the domestic being murdered by zombies had caused one of the overnight butlers to get curious. He had peeked around the corner and spotted the bloody decimation of one of his coworkers, going white in the face. She had felt the presence of another being and looked in the man's direction, a frown replacing the smile on her lips. "Lovelies, when you're - no, never mind - I will just do it, myself," she spoke, raising a hand and swinging it from left to right. A sacrificial dagger had been summoned in her hand, and leaving the nobleman where he was, she let out a battle cry and charged the butler. His first line of defense was a plate, holding it up in front of his face to protect himself from the attack, but the dagger simply went through. Marcy let out a growl and jumped back, swinging her wrist to the right and striking the blade across his chest.

    She bounced back again and threw the dagger at the butler, impaling him in the stomach with it, though he fought through the pain. Grabbing hold of a lamp stand close to where they were, the man managed to club her over the head, though she grabbed it with her hand. The lamppost began to decay in her grasp and she smiled wickedly at the butler, ripping it from his own hands. With this now in her paws, the woman flipped it around and whacked the man over the head, then blasted a bullet of death energy into his skull. As the lamp disintegrated into ash, the woman blew at her fingertip, as if smoke had billowed off of it. Marceline returned to her kidnapped's side and grabbed up the whip's handle in her hand and dragged him off with her. "Your household should really learn that if they're going to get involved with the likes of me, Death will always be the end."

    Marcy giggled and pulled him along, though a few grumbling complaints came from the tattered lips of the noble. "What was that?" she asked, tilting her head a little as she looked back to the man trapped casually in her weapon. When no response came from the man, she nodded and continued pulling him along through the mansion of a home. Yet as she was dragging him along, footsteps pounded along the ground and voices could be heard calling to each other. Perhaps, she had been found out now; maybe now would be the time to start running. . . no, that would be cowardice. "Come on, you little fucks! If you think you can beat the likes of me, then you better rethink what you have thought! Death always wins the battle between Life and Death! No escapes the wrath of my master. . . or myself for that matter!"

    Marceline cackled at her words and spun around on her heels to face where the footsteps were coming from. She yanked her whip and wrapped her arms around the nobleman, holding him close with the sacrificial dagger held at his throat. "Come any closer to me and I'll make sure that your beloved, little charge isn't around anymore for you to care for."
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by NPC 14th May 2016, 1:43 pm

    The member 'Marceline Anicetus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 14th May 2016, 6:42 pm

    Trying for a boss again.

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by NPC 14th May 2016, 6:42 pm

    The member 'Marceline Anicetus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] StrongMonster

    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 15th May 2016, 9:43 am

    Trying for boss die again.

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by NPC 15th May 2016, 9:43 am

    The member 'Marceline Anicetus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] NormalMonster

    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 15th May 2016, 5:59 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 1,002   |  NOTES: ...
    Two more overnight butlers had arrived on the scene, stepping over the fallen bodies of their comrades as if they were not there. Marceline held the sacrificial dagger's blade to the throat of her victim, pressed hard against the decaying skin. Blood trickled down the front of his neck when he swallowed, showing just how tightly she had it squeezed to him. Her eyes, fiery as they were, had taken on a sorrowful look, like all emotion had been drained from their color. "Please, do not get any closer to me, I do not wish to hurt him or you," she called out to the two butlers getting closer to her. A crack in her voice was evident as she spoke, perhaps as a means to fool the two men into believing she was saying the truth. "I'm warning you, please do not get any closer, you will only get him and yourselves hurt by doing such a thing."

    She bit her lip, her face changing expressions like a snap of the fingers; fearful now was she as she looked into their eyes. The first of the two butlers had advanced on her, a knife hidden in the sleeve of his coat, moving off to her right side. Marcy watched as the second of the two hovered to her left, his own weapon disguised somewhere on his body.

    "Our lord is in our care, we will not let you take him from us that easily," the first of the butlers answered her pleas.

    "For you to take our master away would result in our punishment, unhand him now, fiend, or meet your death," the second called out.

    Marceline only shook her head in response to the two, dropping the dagger from where it was pressed into the nobleman's throat. "I did not want to do this to either of you, but the two of you have disobeyed the pleas of a queen to her subjects."

    As she stepped toward the first of the two butlers, it was in that moment that the nobleman coughed and breathed in deeply. Her watery, red eyes observed her victim with silent hatred and sorrow, but she did not make a move toward him. Whatever it was that he planned on doing or saying, she might as well see and hear him out rather than taking charge. No, that was not the right thing to do at this time; a single moment of hesitation would cost her valuable time. Angrily, Marcy looked away from her subject and a hand slashed outward, toward the first of the attackers. Her hand wrapped around the fragile throat of the man and as it did so, he began to choke and breathe harshly. It was as if air could not reach his lungs, like something was blocking the airway and he was suffering the worst of deaths.

    "Back down!" the nobleman ordered of his servants, though by now, it was far too late, for Marceline had her paws on one.

    Gritted teeth and wild eyes snatched a glanced toward the nobleman and she squeezed her grip tighter around the man's neck. Altogether the airway to his lungs had been cut off, and now he was truly suffocating, feeling the rather of the widowed mother. Before long, the butler's eyes had lolled to the back of his head and his body had gone limp and motionless. She let go of the man's gorge and let his body drop heavily to the floor with a sickening thud, then turned to her other pursuer. "They did not listen to what I had asked of them; if only you had spoken sooner, there would have been no issues." With that having been said, her eyes landed upon the other butler, a grimace gracing her face as she walked toward him.

    This butler, he backed away from her after he had seen what she had done by merely grabbing his comrade's neck. From his back pocket, he pulled out a pocket knife and flicked it open, shoving it shakily out in front of him. Marceline only maniacally laughed at his feeble nature and the fact that his weapon could easily be rusted into nothing. "You think that's going to do anything to me?" she inquired in a mocking tone, pointing at the pocket knife. Sauntering up to him, the magus simply touched the metal part of the knife and it instantly rusted into dust. The butler's eyes widened in fear farther and when Marceline reached out and caressed the man's cheek, he fainted. It wasn't just any faint though; no, at the single touch of her gloves, the man's life had been taken from him.

    Marcy's eyes dropped with the body and she looked at it for a moment longer, then stepped over it and headed back to the nobleman. "I'm telling you, your servants should really know not to mess with Death or some serious shit will go down." She calmly picked up the end of her whip again and dragged him along down through the corridors of the mansion. Eventually, she was able to reach the main doors of the building and exit them without much of a hassle. However, she knew that there would be more of the servants coming after her here soon, if not right now. Ramakrishna barked at her to gain her attention, but she amply ignored the water creature as it charged after her. Shadows trailed after it with each step and it danced around her feet as she tried to make their grand escape that wasn't so grand anymore.

    "Rama, stop it," the woman scolded the creature as she tugged her captured along and through the maze of a front yard. "We are trying to make our grand escape and all you're thinking of doing is trying to play fetch with me. Go play fetch with them!" As she said this, the dog-like creature whimpered, but then darted off to find one of the servants to play with.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 19th May 2016, 7:38 am

    Rolling for the boss again.

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by NPC 19th May 2016, 7:38 am

    The member 'Marceline Anicetus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] NormalMonster Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] WeakMonster

    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 20th May 2016, 11:27 am

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 1,055   |  NOTES: ...
    A maid was chasing after Marceline as she ran through the maze of a front yard, darting from one place to the next. Ramakrishna charged toward the offender, jumping into the air and tackling the woman to the ground, biting deep into her neck. She screamed out in pain and gripped her hands on each side of the beast, trying to pry him off of her, but she was failing. He had a decent grab of her neck, blood pooling to the ground; finally, she was able to tear him from her and throw him to the side. Marcy paused and turned around, staring at the housemaid as she gripped her bleeding neck and stood slowly, clumsily to her feet. Grimacing, she looked to the shadow beast, snapping her fingers together and pointing toward her assailant again, ordering for an attack. Rama shook his head, blood splattering around him before he rushed the lady for a second time, leaping into the air to ram her.

    He was shoved off to the side with ease, but the maid had struggled roughly to even push the aquatic animal away from her. Marceline chuckled darkly as she watched her pet assault the overnight maid, smiling and holding tight to the young nobleman. The man watched in horror as he saw his chambermaid slaughtered before his eyes by his kidnapper's pet, no true struggle from the monster.

    "You see? No matter what course of action you or your servants make against me, they will all be countered by my pet or myself," she spoke. The silence was broke standing there, as if watching a television show being played in front of them: a horror movie on screen. A scream echoed as Ramakrishna dug his teeth into the maid's skin again, burying his grip deep, releasing blood across the ground. She sounded choked, and then silenced followed after, Rama busily eating the carcass of his victim, the nobleman forced to watch.

    "Just look at the beauty of nature; how the beast feasts on the weaker. . . now, look at you and me, the predator and the prey." Still smiling, the woman turned her face to look at him, grabbing hold of his face, causing the rotting to speed up, flesh peeling off. Squishing his cheeks, Marceline planted a wet kiss on his lips, which caused the man to sputter and cough up blood. "Our love for each other will grow stronger by the day! We'll make a family together, live in my castle, and be happy for eternity!" Her hand lowered down to his pants, halting there, like was hesitating her thoughts, then she tangled her fingers in his hair and yanked him away. "Later, Marcy, later. Now is not the time to be thinking such lewd things; after all, you are running away with him." Clearing her throat, she dragged him along by the locks of his hair, teeth gritted, until she was abruptly halted by the man.

    Angrily, Marceline spun on her feet to face the partially decayed noble, about to yanked him back toward her, when only she stared back at him. He was looking at her as if he had given up on the act, given up on trying to fight back and live his life again. What was it that was going through his mind right now? Why was he staring at her with that strange look on his face. "Well, are you going to speak or just stare at me?" the mage ordered, stamping her foot into the ground harshly. Her action startled the man and he cleared his throat in response to her, moving a scaly hand up to the tie around his neck.

    "Release me," he requested of her, only to received a cackling laughter from what he had wanted of her.

    "Are you insane? I'm not going to release you! Every one of these servants of yours are going to die and I'm going to bring you to my buyers," she snapped.

    With that being said, she whistled for Ramakrishna to follow after her and pulled at the arm of the man with her gloved hand. She roughly dragged him toward the gates, but as they were heading there, another of the overnight maids had arrived. The maid was not alone though, for she had an overnight butler with her as well, and Marceline grimaced at the sight. Flicking her finger toward the maid, she sent Rama toward the pursuer, then released her grip on the nobleman to attack the butler. He would be easy, all she had to do was touch him and he would drop to the ground dead and she could move on. Charging the butler, she was taken by surprise when he easily countered her attack with the wrist knife in his sleeve. Marcy bounced back as she was cut by the knife, black blood pooling from her pale, ashen skin with light cracking through.

    Crying out in anger, the woman rushed the butler again, this time colliding with him, fist against blade, though barely. She could not feel the pain as the blade cut deep into her and spilled more of the black blood that was residing in her body. However, she did manage to touch the butler, and the moment she had touched him, he had dropped to the ground. Marceline laughed at the fatal ending of the man, taking her boot and smashing his head into the ground for the hell of it. "That's what you get for intervening with the likes of me!" she called out, her insane laughter following after the smashing of the skull. Blood covered nearly every inch of her body, coating her in specks of black and red, though it easily blended with her clothing. Brushing her hair out of her face, she stalked back toward the noble and took up the hilt of her whip, pulling him along again.

    Yet, she still had the maid to deal with, and raising her finger, the woman shot a bullet of death energy toward the lady's forehead. As Rama rammed into the maid's legs, the bullet went through her head and the domestic stumbled backward before crashing to the ground. "Let the bodies hit the floor!" Marceline shouted, laughing once again before whistling for Ramakrishna to come to her side.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Seryth Essora 20th May 2016, 5:45 pm

    (OOC: Hope you don't mind - if you do then I'll retract the post, but I'mma roll up some monsters)

    Surprisingly the one who now paraded through the lawn of the manor was not the only who had taken it upon themselves to claim this mission, and one of the others had found way through the ruined streets of the town and on high. A curt grin creased the vivacious lips of the figure as her eyes spied unto the scenes which played out in the manor from on high, icy blue strands of silken hair falling to past her dainty shoulders as flakes of icy chill flowed past the tanned skin that was revealed from the shadow by fingers of light. Pressing out and into the open, the figure was revealed as one who adorned themselves in the fur-lined cloak of black silk with hood hanging to shroud their features in darkness.A faint gleam was revealed aside the figure on high, a wooden stock and body of chiseled mahogany showing itself to the light. Any who could see the figure from the height of the building would notice the metallic-hued muzzle arched out of the wood and that the wood was indeed shaped awkwardly - like that of a rifle only smaller and more compact in feature and size. Knowing irises of icy blue examined the field before her, digits caressing the carnage which had been wrought in the raid before and the carnage of the woman down below that even now traipsed calmly across the field. And that beast at her side, some sort of strange creature which followed her every whim, it had been responsible for such gruesome displays as well, it tickled the girl's fancy to watch the two.

    "Haha.. A woman after my own heart, after all. Seems like the party's started, well... Time to join!" cackled the female hidden underneath the embrace of the cloaks fabric as she tossed herself about in a whirl, darkened leather pressing into the sediment of the establishment's roof where she found herself at the moment of time. The call for the plunge was strong, though she could not feel herself leaving the roof quite at this time. Soon, she would arrive at the doorstep of her enemy and it would be glorious carnage to be wrought. Cutting over a wooden banisters her body slid along, she quickly took to the stairs in a single smooth action, drawing her body over and down. Quickly she continued down the stairs in stride, pushing her body into a controlled burst of decline and switched over to the next layer with a tug of her body as she literally rolled over and landed. Standing now before the disheveled scraps of wood which were easily kicked away by the blackened leather of her boot, following the thumps of heels down stairs in depraved cacophony. Those blue irises now leveled down to the field where the woman was and proceeded with an air of dispassion.

    "I see that the part has already started, but I hope that you wouldn't mind if I joined in late. I see you've done much already in the way of crushing these individuals who only seek to serve their master.... just delicious." Licking her lips, the girl spoke in a dulcet tone before throwing her head back into a haughty cackle. Yuki had already born witness to the other woman and her unique brand of destructive magic, she felt impelled to throw her own skills to the use of this woman. Now that Yuki was crossing the threshold of the veranda, she managed to get a good look at the pet which curtailed to the heel of Marceline and gave the beast a smile. Kneeling down, Yuki gave him a small pat on the head before pulling her knees out and back up to face with her fellow killer. The hood was finally pulled down snugly around her neck to reveal her features- a beautiful countenance of angular features and tanned skin with long icy blue hair which framed her face and a pair of sharp blue irises.

    "Soo.... what's the plan boss?"

    Words: 674



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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by NPC 20th May 2016, 5:45 pm

    The member 'Yuki Chimei' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Dubhlainn 20th May 2016, 10:41 pm

    Walking close behind was Dubhlainn on his way back to the client's house, he had an important task needed to be done, a task that must be carried out for the sake of the Nobleman, his client. Now this nobleman knew the internal workings of the underworld, he's smart and knowing his own status he'd be targeted by bad people, so the task he was sent out to do had to be done quickly or everything ends for the nobleman's family.

    One thing caught his eye, corpses were littered around, blood trailed down heading towards the mansion, he only need to take one good look at the victims before he rushes down to the mansion immediately. How the victims were killed, hints of decay and the tearing the flesh only leads him to think of one person in mind. Regardless of his opponents, engagement seems to be the ideal course of action. Savage Skull must have answered this request, unfortunately he may have to fight his own guild members but that bears little consequence.
    He's powerful enough to be considered a threat.
    There was no need for fear, his task gave him courage and the meaning behind the purpose of fighting whoever it could be inside. Trails of decay were seen as he enters through the gates, there's no mistaking it.

    Marceline Anicetus.

    It seems things were getting interesting and before he enters the zone, he masks his own identity, his appearance, physical details, the guildmark, the level of magic, concealed information from senses that would perceive him as a threat. Now he must carry the final task assigned to him by the nobleman, he and Dubhlainn anticipated this would happen and were prepared for the situation. A squad of Butlers and Maidens rally towards Dubhlainn, with them they carry weapons.

    A Halberd, a Kitchen Knife, a Dirk, A Lance, a Maid that knows water magic, Brass knuckles, a Whip, were all the equipment the servants need. Now that a future is safe, now all the servants of the Nobleman would band together, to fulfill their final act of service for their Lord and seeing such loyalty coming from them, gave him relief, a bond with their master and a loyalty kept all these years. There are still people willing to die for something and found meaning in the acts of servitude. Like knights and warriors, we fight for what is really worth fighting for.

    As they move along inside the mansion, they prepared themselves to strike from different positions and when another servant fell victim to their power that was the time that Marceline and Yuki’s visions turned white.

    So is it true what Garan no Dou informed me about? The Nobleman asked, sitting down on his desk in the office where he worked, tapping his pen on the surface of the table.
    Dubhlainn nodded as he stared at the man with pity.

    Why Dubhlainn did pity him? A Tycoon who contributed a lot for Fiore’s economy? What was the reason?

    “I see, Degardo says I could trust you despite your affiliations with the Dark Guild, Degardo is one of my friends, I trusted him for years and it’s thanks to him I was able to get where I am now. I can’t hide, everything is already set in stone, and you are not only here not only because you’re going to be my bodyguard Dubhlainn but I need you to carry out one important task, it’s imperative that you complete it.”

    Dubhlainn was given a folder and before he could lay his hand on it, the Nobleman’s hand stopped him. “Can I trust you for this?” He asked.

    “You can.”

    It was a flashbang that blinded both Marceline and Yuki, however her pet wasn’t blinded but it was soon dragged by a whip tolled away by one of the servants, taking advantage of the momentary confusion, Marceline’s wrists were gripped firmly away from the Nobleman with such strength, Yuki was kicked off to the ground forward. When their senses return the Nobleman was on his knees, in front of him a man in a Marauder’s attire, and a few butlers and Maids have finally arrived. Rama was bind by a whip from a maiden.

    “The task is done… “ He murmured not once looking at his client but towards his potential enemies. If Marceline and Yuki think this is going to be easy, they are wrong. The Head maiden came to him to validate the truth of the Marauder’s words.

    “Thank you…” The Nobleman collapsed to the ground, his skin razed and decayed.  He seemed to be willing to accept death but an act of desperation the Head Maiden carries her dying master inside the mansion. No words from the Marauder as the Butlers and Maidens would speak for him.

    The Nobleman laughed. "I told you, you will die.. pathetic wench!"


    Last edited by Dubhlainn on 20th May 2016, 10:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by NPC 20th May 2016, 10:41 pm

    The member 'Dubhlainn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Boss Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Boss Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] WeakMonster Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] WeakMonster Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] NormalMonster Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] NormalMonster Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] NormalMonster Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] NormalMonster Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] NormalMonster Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] NormalMonster

    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 21st May 2016, 9:13 am

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 1,011   |  NOTES: ...
    Rama bounced and barked toward her, blood dripping down its mouth, but as she called him to her, a shiver ran down her spine. It wasn't a bad shiver, not in the least, it was a shiver as if she could feel the presence of another being in the vicinity. Her senses kicked in and she instantly knew that another mage was around, but who it was, she wasn't entirely sure. This magical presence was unrecognizable; perhaps, it was a new member to Savage Skull she wasn't aware of? But why would they send in a member to help her with this job? Were they spying on her every move without telling her? No, it couldn't be another member of her guild, it had to be an enemy mage and she was not in the mood to deal with them. Growling, the woman spun on her heels and snapped her fingers in order to tell her pet to attack the mage, but stopped herself.

    Surprise! It appeared to her that Savage Skull had sent in a recruitment of sorts or maybe it was her job partners finally showing up. Marceline stared at Yuki as she bent down and patted Ramakrisha on the head, frowning at the endearment toward her pet. "Don't give him affection, he bites," she stated in a solemn tone, looking from the aquatic beast back to her partner in crime. Her grip on the nobleman tightened ever so slightly as her eyes gazed into the awaiting embers of her guildmate. She was just called boss by this person and she was oddly terrified of being able to give orders to another being. Clearing her throat, Marcy flipped her hair over her shoulder and shoved the noble in front of her, toward Yuki. "Him. . . we need to get him to the buyers as quickly as possible and this place is starting to flood with maids and butlers."

    In that moment, she ripped her whip free of the nobleman, releasing him from her capture the second the whip was freed. She cracked it into the air and looked around without much chatter toward Yuki, as now she was listening again. Footsteps, quite a few of them, resounded in the air and she was uncertain how to respond to the amount of them. First and foremost was the fact that she could sense another magical presence within that ground, likely that water mage. Marceline gritted her teeth and looked to Yuki for a brief second; before she could react, a blinding light flashed around them. Ramakrishna yelped in pain close to where she was, but she wasn't able to see where he was or what was happening. "Rama!" Marcy shouted in distress, calling for her pet, not knowing that the maid with the whip had captured him.

    As the light faded, she blinked and looked around, though her vision was hazed still by the sudden brightness. Colors dotted her eyes and again, she gritted her teeth out of anger, gripping the hilt of her whip tightly in her hand. "Get them! Kill them! I don't care what you do, but they do not take my pet without my consent!" she screeched toward Yuki. Without hesitation, the woman pulled her wrist back and flicked it forward, sending the length of her weapon toward any one of the maids and butlers. The nobleman, he was gone, out of sight and as her vision cleared more, she began to pick out forms and people. First, her eyes landed upon the amass of maids, butlers, and guards, down to the nobleman at the feet of. . . At the feet of. . . her eyes scanned upward as she recognized the booted feet of her former job partner standing among them.

    "Dubhlainn," she uttered his name with astonishment, red irises gazing into his purple ones and finding herself unable to move. First, her expression had gone from anger to surprise, but now it had returned to the look of betray and hatred. "What are you doing on the side of the enemy, Dubhlainn?! You are going against Savage Skull protocols on jobs!" A snarl curled her upper lip and she snapped her whip back to her side, breathing heavily and harshly outward in response. In no way was she able to fight her own guild-mate, not when they were someone that she happened to actually like. Now, if it was someone who she absolutely despised with all of her being, then she wouldn't hesitate to injure them. Her eyes narrowed and she thought for a moment, then she latched her whip to her side again and formed death energy at her palms.

    Streams of death energy flew from her palms to the corpses of the fallen maids and butlers around her, raising them from the grave. Despite all of the energy which had gone into a few, three had risen to stand by the side of the woman once again. They flanked her on either side, menacingly staring at the group of servants with the nobleman and Dubhlainn. When they were at her side, Marceline pulled her hands together and around her, the flora began to lose its vibrancy, turn brown. The energy was absorbed by her into her hands, forming there into a ball before she looked at Dubhlainn and grinned wildly at him. "If you don't see loyalty as important, then by all means, let us have a battle fit for enemies!" she called out to him. As she said this, the three zombified beings split off from where they stood next to her and began to assault the maids and butlers.

    The orb of death balled into her fists had billowed up and was sent outward, straight in the direction of the dullahan. She didn't want to hurt him, but she knew deep down that there was no escaping this fight with the Savage Skull Escort. Marceline bit her lip, though she did not hold back in the strength of her magic, simply hoping not to deal too much damage.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Seryth Essora 21st May 2016, 11:52 am

    A discarded look to the noble revealed the discord and shambles of his state along with a headlong look at the disfigurement caused at the hands of Marceline. He was alive and she supposed that was good enough for the sake of the mission, even if he be suffering from incredible pain - in fact it was the idea of the pain he suffered that got Yuki all hot and bothered. She wished she had been the one torturing him though she could imagine how it must have been to do it to such a snobby little prick like him, enjoying ever lasting minute of the imaginative act. Suddenly, Yuki seemed to snap back to her senses as she wasn't here to play and have fun - the mandate of a job demanded of her that she perform most admirably and follow the mandate to success. Perhaps another time she could revisit the train of thought though now it was business time and she was here to get the job done. A furtive glance was given to the corpses upon the field with honest admiration to the style of Marceline, she was definitely one that Yuki wanted to befriend - she was quite interesting and it was fun to see what would happen next.

    Darkness ebbed and flowed from the aquatic creature which her companion had called a pet, the same darkness glowering within the blue-hued irises of Yuki as a wicked grin was brought to the mouth of the figure cloaked within midnight silk and hood, fur shifting here and there in an idle wind. Slowly, her left hand arose from the aquatic fin of the darkened creature, sliding back to his side with a mental 'awww' echoing through her mind. Truthfully, Yuki didn't mind a bit of pain, it made things fun - regardless however she would not pet the pet as asked by Marceline as the woman knew that it was likely in her best interest as a fellow member of Savage Skull guild. The other woman did seem to have a bit of sadistic tendencies herself - if not a lot. Perhaps the two would get along well enough but as of now only time would tell if they did or not. It was best if Yuki's mind didn't dwell on such things for the moment but rather would focus upon the mandate at hand - that of this guy's kidnapping and subjugation. Speaking in a satirical tone, she said; "Ok ok.. I won't touch the evil deepsea murder creature."

    Yuki's focus of attention shifted entirely to that his her compatriot as Marceline began to speak to her. Listening intently, Yuki heard what Marceline had to say and gave an affirmed nod while looking quite astute - a hand held to her chin in a somewhat 'hmm... hmm.. yes, I see...' manner. She hadn't noticed yet but a few maids seemed to approached Those maids... their austere white and blue maid outfit... Yuki wanted one but now not the time, she told herself! No, the best thing to focus on was the fact that they were quickly being surrounded as maids seemed to be coming out of the woodwork - almost literally - and encircles the two. A particularly surly maid with a shiny 'Head Maid' badge pinned to her outfit seemed to be at the head of it all, and would soon become Yuki's target. "Indeed, that is the mandate of the job, though it seems that we have some guests. We'll need to deal with at least some of them to advance to our goal.I'd say we take the direct approach, hmmm."

    The events which would soon play out however, would turn a favorable situation into a most unfavorable one. Yuki was already prepared for an ambush, so it would come to not surprise when the deepsea murder creature was pulled off by a whip of some sort. Her body already contorting to action, Yuki released a semi-automatic burst of 10mm shells towards the whip which dragged away the creature- her body refining to project a smaller profile as her right arm spun up and snapped the mahogany carbine into position so that her eye was on the iron sights, finger depressing the trigger as she came to a knee for increased stability in her aim - lining the carbine against her knee. It was at this time that a disorienting concussive force resounded and Yuki herself kicked off the spot and out to the field nearby - however managing to catch it on her buckler strapped to her left arm. The standard arm carbine would remain where she had been originally, out of reach - though at this point the woman no longer gave a damned about the gun. Her eyes and features leaked an icy cold dispassion as her body raised back up to full six foot height.

    Black lines curved outwards in every which way as a series of lines enfolded into twin circles that stretched around the form of Yuki at the eaves of her feet - black taint awash around her entire body in streaks of pale hue. Around her right arm now, which lie outstretched to perpendicular of her body, black energy manifested into a pair of crimson lines which formed circles that now enmeshed the arm. Colour faded from the right arm as it became of alabaster hue, the nails turning into sharpened talons in an instant. Now, the black lines coalesced into runes crossing her arm as the crimson light formed a circle at the end of her arm's stretch. Moisture in the air pooled up around her, snowflakes blowing across as the ice formed into two large wings - both of pure ice. Meanwhile, the energy of itself pulsed as the blade was withdrawn from the space between the two rings. The blue blade is complemented by wavy lines across it's surface with an ornate hand-guard bearing a blue crystal and hilt. The pommel is set with another blue crystal and a series of beautiful feathers poking outwards. An icy chill surrounds Yuki now as the crimson rings began to grow in size and Majesty is drawn to a hard grip. Now, the ice cold eyes turn to the male standing in their way.

    1050 Words

    Mana: 83% Cast: Partial Takeover (Vampire Soul), Ice Empress Majesty (ReQuip)

    Last edited by Yuki Chimei on 22nd May 2016, 6:44 am; edited 1 time in total



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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Dubhlainn 21st May 2016, 9:39 pm

    It was a perfect formation, almost as if Dubhlainn and the servants of the Nobleman rehearsed it. He gave nothing but a cynical expression, thinking how naïve she was. The Nobleman started to stand up and draw his pistol, he was shaking a bit but now he was angry, angry that Marceline defiled the dead, perverted with death and brought the corpses of his own servants back to life. The Nobleman didn’t expect this, he didn’t want this and yet….
    …..he remained calm almost as if he made his decision.

    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] 6519000189d6a3639e15de65ef7ada47

    “Ah, are disappointed of me Marceline? That expression doesn’t suit you, it will give you wrinkles.” Provocative words with hints of sarcasm as if he’s not done anything wrong. He drew his Crossbow, complete with silver bolts, it seems the maid couldn't restrain the beast as the whip would snap from the blast. What more; he’s up against what appears to be the crimson scholar and the Sapphire maiden who seemed to be armed with a gun. Strangely enough he thought that he was the only one in the guild that uses firearms.

    “I am Marauder, servant of the “Nobleman” household and you have harmed my master. It is a servant’s duty to eliminate any threat, so… come at me Marceline!” Why was he on the other side? Was there a reason or was he really never part of Savage Skull to begin with and was only in it for the money? Of course the Nobleman is rich, he could buy out people and perhaps maybe….

    …. Dubhlainn could be one of those easily convinced by money.

    Maidens and Butlers dodged Marceline’s attack and began their own.  Dubhlainn simply have to tumble not towards them but towards Marceline’s pet, Rama the Feral Sea Creature. The Lancer started to assault Yuki with an array of piercing attacks, in fact he did it so fast that it would suppress Yuki almost completely. The water mage summoned the moisture in the air, with water pressure, her attacks would hit as sharp as a blade right towards Marceline.

    Water doesn’t relatively decay as it is more of a pure element of nature. A Torrent would build up as she sprays Marceline with a hail of aquabullets, impaling the animated dead and Marceline herself. The brawler starts going to work with his fists, engaging and crushing the animated. The Maiden with dirks fired off projectiles at Yuki from a distance providing support for the Lancer. The other Maiden with the Halberd was the most troublesome as they have seemed to have easily taken care of the animated dead.

    In fact the one with the Halberd was the most troublesome servant as she has the ability to reinforce the durability of her weapon, striking at Rama and sending him hurling towards the brick wall.

    Dubhlainn on the other hand fires silver and powerful cross bolts armed and launched by the powerful force of a lacrima powered crossbow, nailing first the right wrist of the feral creature. Now the left wrist, the ankles, the elbows, the knees, the hips, the shoulders, the chest and by the neck, Marceline’s Feral Sea Creature was crucified to the brick wall and is immobilized.

    With Rama pinned like a frog, there will be nothing else to stop Dubhlainn in his skirmish but instead of joining in the fight, he simply watched as the servants proceeded with their work. While the fight is going on, he walked over to the Nobleman who’s pointing his gun and switching targets between Marceline and Yuki.

    And he simply stood there by his side, acting as if he completely controls the battlefield. Whoever’s team breaks down, Dubhlainn will have to engage.

    WC 615

    Last edited by Dubhlainn on 26th May 2016, 10:00 am; edited 1 time in total


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 25th May 2016, 3:38 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 1,423   |  NOTES: ...
    Marceline was not a defiler of the dead; she was a defiler of the living, who happened to die in the process of her perversion. If the nobleman did not like that, then he would have to do something about it, but he was too weak, too shaky to do anything. Her eyes darted from Dubhlainn to the knelt nobleman, watching as his hand shook where he held onto the trigger. She smirked a little, as if silently telling him that the battle was already won by her, even though it was just beginning. However, Dubhlainn's voice reached her ears and she looked back toward the Savage Skull member with anger apparent on her features. Marcy bit her lip, as if holding back the words she wanted to yell at him, like her trust had just been broken by him. Eventually, her cool was back and she breathed in deeply before focusing her attention back on the "Marauder."

    "I am disappointed in you; it's unfortunate that you have chosen the side of the nobleman," the mage stated solemnly. She scowled at him when he made the comment about her gaining wrinkles from the former expression she had given him. "You should know by now that I don't age, I have not aged and will not ever age with the body that I have."Marceline stared at him with a hardened gazed, quite angered by his words, though not openly expressing how she felt. "This body is just a cavern, a hollowed out specimen where souls are kept in order to maintain my living self. I can just as easily leave this body to another one as you would be to break the souls hidden inside of it." She licked her lips and swung her hips as she moved a little closer toward where Dubhlainn was standing by the nobleman.

    "You might be the servant to this bastard, but Death has called upon me and like you, I cannot disobey the orders of my Master. This man was meant to die today and I will make sure that he does not live to see the next day as you wish him to. Master would be highly upset with me if I let someone live who was not meant to live longer than he was supposed to," she retorted. Her hand balled up into a fist and she flung it outward in the direction of the duo, sending a crescent-shaped blade of death energy. "You are defying the laws of nature, Dubhlainn, even you should know by now that you cannot step in the pathway of Death." A grimace crossed over her face, though it was quickly eliminated, masking her face over in one of expressionless emotion. "How would you feel if I prodded my hands into your task and told you that you could not kill someone that you had to kill?"

    Marceline's attention quickly snapped from the Dullahan to the water mage that was summoning water bullets. A hiss of anger escaped Marcy's lips and as soon as the bullets had flown in her direction, her material form dispersed into ash. The bullets phased through her immaterial form, allowing for her to reform once all of them had been expended by the overnight maid. In retaliation to the mage's attack, she flung herself at the two butlers mixed in with the other maids, forming in front of them. She grinned wildly at them and gripped her hands around their neck, instantly killing them the moment her gloved hands touched them. Letting the two bodies drop lifelessly to the ground, she launched herself at Dubhlainn again, shifting into her immaterial form and poofing next to him. With a single hand, she'd aim to impale him with her fist, her intentions to take him down, despite being busied by the maids.

    She was not happy with the idea of her pet being crucified on the brick wall and she would make sure he paid for it. However, Ramakrishna was not entirely paralyzed and from his place on the wall, an orb of shadow formed at his mouth. Once it was entirely built up, he released it at the water mage, his only means to protect the one person he loved the most. Marceline, on the other hand, fell back from her place next to Dubhlainn, figuring her attempts at attacking him would be futile. One hit was enough and her attention would be back on the water mage that her pet was currently trying to protect her from. The whip at her hip was unlatched in a matter of seconds and sent flying toward the maiden, wrapping around her body. Marcy cracked the whip once it was latched onto the maid, sending a spark of death energy down it to begin sucking the soul from her.

    With her free hand, the Lady Without Mercy would cast off her shadow and send it toward the maid with dirks. This shadowy figure launched itself onto the overnight maid, tackling her to the ground and otherwise disturbing her attack. The immaterial being raised a clawed hand and lashed downward, across the domestic's face to scar her up. Its free hand would move to dig into the innards of the woman, aiming to tear out the bowels of the human beneath it. Her shadow hissed violently in the face of its assailant, a formidable foe in the sense that it could not be touched by physical means. Now that that maid was preoccupied, Marceline's attention was dragged toward the halberd maiden, pointing a finger at her. "Why fear death? It's the most beautiful adventure in life!" she shouted as specks of ash settled upon the body of the halberd maid.

    Her attention would be brought back upon the water mage, yanking her closer to her by means of her whip. Now face to face with the maiden, Marceline would eye her over seductively, then smile brightly at the woman. "Valar morghulis," she whispered into the woman's ear, moving to kiss her upon the lips and send a beam of death energy down her throat. Point blank of the attack and the woman's body dropped to the ground, though Marceline held tightly onto her shirt collar. "Do you see, Dubhlainn? I have many ways in order to kill people and each one is just as painful as the next. Your team of brawlers is not going to win against us when Death is gratuitous and upon our side like He is always on mine." The smile one her face spread wider before she spun on her heel and faced the Dullahan, blood on her lips.

    She'd wipe the blood away, smearing it on her left forearm, advancing toward the nobleman and his bodyguard. Stopping halfway, the woman stared at the duo, as if contemplating something, then raised a hand and shot a bullet at the forehead of the nobleman. "I no longer care if he is taken to the buyers or not; if he dies, I will simply tell them he died and that's it," she stated. Her hand dropped to her side and she turned away from the two, uncaring if the man dropped dead or not. Instead, she focused on her job partner and puffed from her human form to her cloud form, and reformed next to the shooter. Standing there, Marceline gazed at the assailant of Yuki, staring directly in the eyes of the lancer with her own. Seemingly, her eyes flickered to nothingness for a brief second, as if they were truly abysses in the depth of her face.

    To the lancer, they would see the demonic look, but to those around her, the visionaries on her would look like their normal selves. The moment the lancer looked within the depths of her eyes though, the moment she would be instilled by fear. Fear that would cripple her, fear that would induce the most drastic death within her mind that would paralyze her. This would be active for a while and almost inescapable, to the point she would have to avoid looking into Marceline's eyes. As easy as that sounded, it would be far more difficult to avoid eye contact with her than it was made out to be. Yuki would be able to do her own thing, however, as this would only affect enemies and allies were never an issue. If seen as an enemy, then the spell would affect them, but as long as Marceline thought of them as an ally, they would be fine.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Seryth Essora 25th May 2016, 8:35 pm

    The clink-and-clank of bone and chattering of teeth could be heard coming from betwixt the interlacing rings of crimson energy, the very Cairn's edge broaching the summoning magic. Bursting violently, the wooden grave was thrust into the very direction of the Lancer's attack - the spear attack forcing open the coffin to reveal a pair of glowering eyes of glowing blue hue, then the full head of withered brown hair including a full beard, and the sinuous frm of the creature's entire body as it finished the job of ripping through the wood and out into the open. The creature, whose body was now visible, quickly raised it's bony arm to the set of breastplate, bashing it with force until bursting with undeathly vigour towards one of the Overnight Maids which upon approach would release a burst of force that cut into the maid and knocked her back, just as the ancient sword plunged through her heart in a bloody mess. As for the sound, it seemed to be shouting "Wo Cha Kuh!" The Draugr Lord would recieve the order to seek out and slay remaining maids and butlers in the area with exception to four individuals - the water mage, dirk user, lancer, and halberdier, everything else was fair game.

    Meanwhile the very manifestation of black anger developed bout the form of Yuki Chimei, black smoke shrieking from their body as it underwent the new development in it's form - the magical signature heightening at that moment. Pale alabaster tint began unfolding within the skin of the figure as it was suffused in undead might - a very feral yet beautiful form eking out of the countenance of Yuki. Wings of ice began to radically change, churning into a pair of magnificent bat wings of crimson hue with ice scattered about the surface as if a form of armour. Horns formed at the eaves of the ears as an unearthly scream shattered the ears of several overnight maids. Lastly, the pale skin seemed to take a slight blue ting to it as the creature that had once been Yuki stared into Dubhlain's eyes. All the while, ice had been forming up her left led so when stomped hard on the ground it would release a wave of ice within 20m that would flash-freeze the area save Marceline and herself. Two snow tendrils at once moved quickly to try to lash around the Marauder and bind him.

    Throwing herself at Dubhlainn was one word for what had happened, though as the wings angled behind and lifted her into the sky in a blaze of forward motion, Yuki flew directly towards Dubhlain in a bee-line before encircling around him and attacking him at the left with the sword brought into a cross-ways slash before bringing it into a second strike to ranke across her body then back to lunge at him, rolling over to the other side and bringing her sword down into an over-headed chop - all at blazing speed. She would also release the white line of Polar Ray towards him while rolling overhead and to the side. This ended with a five-hit combo of precision with one of the 'hits' being an ice spell. Yuki was holding nothing back, this would spell her full might straight at Dubhlainn.

    550 Words:

    All Actives: 3/4 Post Duration - Passives: +75% Strength, +75% Endurance, +37% Speed, +37% Flight Speed, +25% Evasion

    Cast: Vampire Manifestation, Ice Queen's Raiment, Evasion Activated



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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Dubhlainn 26th May 2016, 9:55 am

    Well she’s easily irritated, quite the contrary.

    I guess she and the “old man” had some similarities after all, specifically when it comes to the longevity of life and the absolute depravity of youth, so if Dubhlainn were to live that long, will he miss his days of youth? Probably but he never had much of a good childhood to begin with. Marceline started to pull herself, the expression of disgust was riddled all over her face and her speech was simply there to cover up the humiliation of trusting Dubhlainn.

    As they say, hell knows no fury than a woman scorned.

    He wasn’t fazed, he looked both her and the new Savage Skull recruit carefully, he knows all too well that Marceline doesn’t have the ability to extend her powers to the environment, other than destroying it that is, rather it’s centralized around her to embody the manifestation of death. Yuki on the other hand was anonymity to Dubhlainn, whatever abilities she may have is something he never accounted for. She wielded an ice element, probably troubling if she had ranged attacks. There’s a variety of Ice magic Dubhlainn has been made aware but the usage is something he has to be concerned about.

    Marceline made her move, eliminating a set of servants in one fell swoop, Rmakrisha, the Feral sea creature pinned to the wall blasted a beam. In an attempt to counter it, she vaporized water to steam, making it hard to predict where she’d be coming out from.

    Its an attack that Dubhlainn had expected, he turned sideways about 180 degrees, lifting his arm in order to evade her successfully. Just when the water mage was about to behead the poor creature, she was caught by  Marceline’s binding, it seems the vaporized mist she generated worked against her, her body started to melt into water. The maiden with the dirks was under attack and thus providing no support for the lancer.

    Marceline was taunting her but Dubhlainn isn’t giving her time to speak further, he fired a volley of silver bolts right at her, suppressing her in hopes to keep her mouth shut but she vanished to ashes, once again she appeared right at the nobleman with the attempt to shoot him, only for the bullet to land on Dubhlainn’s forearm instead.

    “!!!!.....” In retaliation, he tried to gouge for her neck but once again, she vanished. There’s no end to her trickery as it seems she likes to abuse the part about her becoming ashes.

    Ashes…. He thought, he short chuckle that only surfaced for a second, disappears as if it weren’t part of memory.

    It didn’t take long for the lancer to be defeated, the new guild mage went feral, using some kind of takeover magic, and not only It was take over, it was affiliated with the elements of ice. It seems a powerful wave of ice is about to bury him and the nobleman, a soft sigh escaped his lips as his foot was driven down to the ground, arching a layer of cover to protect them both from the powerful ice wave.
    At that moment… both the Nobleman’s lips and Dubhlainn’s started to move…. They were talking about something, the expression on the Nobleman’s face was someone who had accepted death, Dubhlainn turned around as the sight of them was covered in ice and snow and when it happened, Dubhlainn stands in front of the master who was long gone. A green like energy somehow faded from Dubhlainn’s hand almost as if he had previously held onto something when the flash frost wave happened.

    In Marceline’s eyes, she could not find the Nobleman’s soul anywhere, not here, or in the area itself.  Where could it have gone? How can she make her claim?

    Surging back to reality where time turned to normal, Dubhlainn quickly fired two silver bolts, blasting the snow tendrils but he didn’t ready himself enough for the next attack coming. Yuki, the mage who had taken form of a Frostborne vampire, threw herself, encircling around him before making the attack. A straightforward attack to which Dubhlainn himself could easily see, perhaps Yuki has not known this but Dubhlainn…

    … is a professional assassin.

    Soon everything turns white, Yuki cannot avert her gaze as she was riddled with anger and bloodlust from the takeover magic she has, in Dubhlainn’s book, such hostile aura would pass with flying colors but in terms of tactics…. Yuki can never be in the same league as him. The blinding light also blinded Marceline as she watched the events unfold. If Yuki had embodied the concept of a vampire who fused with a nocturnal bat, the defeaning sound of the flashbang would have dulled her senses completely, even if her vision was robbed, her sensory would state that she is trapped from four directions by a wall. Bats are akin to rely on what they hear rather than what they see, luckily Yuki was the perfect victim, or maybe not? It did bought Dubhlainn just enough time for him to…..

    … pin Marceline to the ground as she could have not seen his attack coming.  

    If the tendrils did wrapped around Dubhlainn, he would have been a victim to Yuki’s deadly combo but even if Dubhlainn was binded, the flashbang would have gotten him out to the situation regardless.

    As vision and audio senses return, he gouged his hand towards her throat; the neck piece on Marceline is being invaded by Dubhlainn’s magic, little by little as he classifies the neck piece as a weapon that can be used to crush her if he wanted to.

    “That’s some poor choice you’ve made, you won’t benefit anyone if you keep thinking that way.” His grip tightened around her neck but caused some blood on his forearm to drip down. The shot Marceline made, really did hurt him. “Now answer this question Marceline….. Would you kill me here and now?”

    Dubhlainn’s freehand consists of what appears to be a bullet, a sharp one as a matter of fact and its pointed towards her chest. Dubhlainn and Marceline where in such position that not even Rama can fire to help his mistress and if Yuki dares come close, Marceline will meet not death but “End”.
    And despite all that… not once Dubhlainn has used magic in the battle at all and what’s surprising about this is that neither Marceline or Yuki had suffered any damage at all, apart from Rama who was pinned to the wall.

    WC 1089


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 29th May 2016, 10:47 am

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 742   |  NOTES: ...
    It was the flash-bang that occurred that dizzied the young maiden, distorting her senses that she hardly ever used, other than sight. Colors dotted her eyes as the light died away, Marceline trying to focus her gaze on either Yuki or Dubhlainn. However, Dubhlainn was nowhere to be seen and she was thoroughly confused by now on where he had gone. She turned in a semicircle, though the dots that sparked in her vision made it awfully difficult for her to be able to see. A frown appeared on her lips, but soon those dots were beginning to fade away and she could see more clearly. Unfortunately, it was not long after her vision returned to her that her former job partner had slammed into her side. Both Dubhlainn and her toppled to the ground, with him pressing her to the ground and a hand wrapped around her throat.

    Marceline only smiled at the feeble attempt of him trying to choke her out; this body of hers, it was not human. She gritted her teeth though and very clearly acted flawlessly like the action was truly making her suffer through pain. Her nose wrinkled up with the anger coating her face, and she reached both of her hands forward to wrap them around his neck as well. "Two can play at this game, Dubhlainn," the woman spat into his face, raising a knee upward harshly into his stomach. Had the movement been quick enough, she would be able to flip him over into his back and straddle him instead. Now, she would be looking down at him, no longer betrayal or hurt upon her features, but the intent of killing. "You crossed the line; now, you have angered Death and I will be the one to deal out the punishment you so deserve."

    The Mark of Lilith, visible on her back to the naked eye, pulsated with a faint, purple glow, and the sound of bones cracking resonated into the air. From the wings of the tattoo sprouted her own leathery, bat-like ones, beating the air to stretch themselves out. Her leather crop top hardened into a stone-like substance and extended downward, where it attached to panties-like undergarment by two slender straps on the sides. Combat boots changed to the same hardened, stone-like substance, leaving her toes, heels, and kneecaps exposed, but just stopping above the knees. A stingray-like tail snaked out behind her and whipped around, so that it was pressed at the base of his throat, below his chin. Fingers that wrapped tightly around his throat, with the widowed mother's gloves, received the same substance on them and extended up to her forearms. Short nails grew into knife-shaped claws, though only grew out to a decent three inches, their tips digging into his skin to draw blood.

    A dark chuckle emitted from her throat and the succubus let out a maniacal laughter, baring sharp canines to the Savage Skull man. She lowered her head, so that her lips were close to his ear, the ram-like horns that had sprouted on her head, threatening to cut into his face. "I wouldn't hesitate to kill you if you so much as showed a lick of disobedience to Savage Skull," she murmured in a soft tone. "You want to see what a servant of Death can do. . . no, what the embodiment of Death, himself, is able to do? Then let me show you, little boy, what happens when you anger Death for getting in the way of natural selection." One hand released his throat and swung forward, aiming to cut across his throat like a cat scratch to the body. Her beady, fiery eyes stared back into his own, devoid of the emotion that was commonly expressed on her face.

    "Funny how you believe a silly silver bullet will kill me," the woman laughed aloud, snatching the bullet from his free hand. "I am not a werewolf, I'm merely an undead being. . . but I cannot be killed by silly fairy tale and urban legend means." Closing the palm of her hand around the bullet, she would throw it aside and looking Dubhlainn back in the eyes. She beat her wings and let go of his throat with her other hand, lifting herself up and away from the Dullahan. Marcy crossed her arms over her chest where she now floated diligently in the air, looking down upon Dubhlainn and Yuki.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Seryth Essora 31st May 2016, 9:11 am

    It seemed the silver bolts had done nothing more than enrage both tendrils, who now had bolts sticking into the ice at the mid as they snapped about to anchor into the legs of Dubhlain - wrapping about them almost entirely as to ensure he wasn't about to go anywhere without first dealing with them. While it is true that Yuki could not avert her gaze, it is also true that she need not to, as Dubhlainn wasn't going anywhere and no matter how much she bled from the ears and no matter how much her ears rung she could rely on memory to complete the deadly combo, finishing with a slash down his back and landing behind. Now, Dubhlainn simply stood there, frozen in the literal sense as Marceline manipulated him, icy arms drawing from his legs. She could now do as she pleased with him...



    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Dubhlainn 31st May 2016, 11:44 am

    If there’s something about Yuki that surprised Dubh is the fact that she’s able to completely come to a stop, even though her speed would rival an accelerating truck. Perhaps he cannot fight them without magic at all, only a mage can defeat another mage. His opponents were people, who discarded their humanity for more power but not even once Dubhlainn has spent a single shred of mana on him and besides, he had no intention of harming both Savages in the first place and if he really did intend to kill them then the scenario would have played at as this.

    While the flashbang was in effect, he would have gouged the bullet into her back side, behind a ribcage bone that’s near to Marceline’s heart which would be difficult to pull out and if it decayed, so will her being… that is if he really brought the Ambrosian bullet along. If he were to avoid Yuki’s attack, he would have rolled towards the side and grabbed Yuki’s gun and use the weapon against her temporarily, clipping off the nerves off the wings before skirmishing her with a series of brutal and melee strikes, targeting her limbs first before finally finishing her off.

    That would have been the outcome if he really wanted to kill them both, he was that capable but decided against it; he never had any intentions in the first place.

    “You remained stupid to the end huh?” He remarked towards Marceline as he fell down as he felt a strike from behind. Of course he would have avoided the attack given his instincts but choose not to, it really didn’t hurt him that much as Yuki would have felt the armor underneath, so even if he were to be pierced by either two ladies, he’d still be fine and good enough to fight. If yuki would have stabbed Dubh, the Marauder will simply ignore the pain, thrust her sword deeper into his body and completely eviscerate and broken her limbs one by one, but then it wouldn’t happen, Yuki was smart enough to constrain him.

    It seems she has proper respect for her targets by practicing caution and playing smart, she’d be a proper asset for Savage Skull.

    The bullet from Marceline was much more powerful as it really did caused his forearm to bleed. As Marceline would swing in to cut a bit of his neck, Dubhlainn’s strength nearly severed his cold bond, though he wasn’t able to move very well, he was at least able to flick her hand away but not in time as Dubhlainn would suffer a small neck wound that bled slightly.

    “Are you really that immersed with death that you can’t even think why someone put up an offer to kill a tycoon and promised riches?” He asked again.

    “Do you really think… your client will pay Savage Skull after this mission?” his eyes claim that he knows something both of them don’t, the reason why he was on the enemy’s side didn’t mean he defected from savage skull but rather he deemed Marceline’s client as an enemy than an ally to the dark guilds.

    “He never had any intentions of offering wealth to the guild in the first place and the moment you offer the secret account, he will disappear before any of us could react.” Marceline noticed that there was dried blood on his gloves upon closer look, meaning Dubhlainn did his job only a few days ago. His back started to bleed slowly, the wound on his back wasn’t severe given he was wearing armor but it did pierced it. His comments for Yuki was:

    “Indeed, they have found an ideal candidate to become part of Savage Skull.” He chuckled, inhaling and exhaling deeply, after a few seconds, the bonds would have break, at the same time the feral sea creature broke free from its crucifixion. Dubhlainn sat upright, disappointed in Marceline’s answer.

    “Fixated pessimist… you had decades and you spent them on lamenting on your existence instead of gaining more wisdom from another point of view.” IF MARCELINE WERE TO ASK why he was on the enemy’s side, Dubhlainn would have explained that he was hired by the Nobleman to perform an important task, knowing the inevitable assassination set for him. Details of this important task was left unsaid, however while performing the task, he managed to bump into Marceline’s client and overheard their plan on taking all the money to themselves. Of course all who dare use savage skull as a tool for self-benefit will pay the consequences.

    “I guess we haven’t been properly introduced, Dubhlainn Du Lac of Savage Skull.” He picked up the gun Yuki was using. “And I thought I was the only one who fancied firearms.” He reached it out back to Yuki.

    “Handle it with care.”

    He’s not even gonna ask where Marceline found her pet. And despite taking a blow to the back, Dubhlainn can still stand. He told both of them not to worry much about rewards as the Nobleman had promised, Dubhlainn’s efforts will be compensated. If the three of them were to return and follow him, Dubhlainn would have gotten a huge payload filled with explosive Lacrima, it was the nobleman’s reward to him and because of this, Savage Skull has finally acquired a supply of heavy explosives.

    Of course the train would require Dubhlainn’s magic to work since Marceline tends to reduce everything to dust.

    “Marceline… you hesitated... tell me why?”


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    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

    Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Re: Death is the Mother of Beauty [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 2nd June 2016, 9:45 am

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 762   |  NOTES: ...
    She floated back down to the ground and shifted back into her natural form, staring at Dubhlainn from where she was next to Yuki. First and foremost, the wings of her form had folded to her backside, caressing her skin before forming back into the tribal tattoo. The spinal cord of her back tattoo had appeared shortly after the wings had faded into the drawing once again. It was followed by the disappearance of the natural armor that coated her breasts, groin, and legs, leaving her in the nude. However, her nudity was quickly negated when her ash formed around her to her create her commonly worn clothing. Now wrapped up in her crimson cloak, the woman maneuvered toward Dubhlainn and crossed her arms over her chest. "Calling me stupid isn't going to help your case that you still took the side of the enemy, even if you knew things we didn't," Marceline stated.

    "It was underhanded and you could have at least informed us ahead of time that you were operating for them for a reason. I follow my gut instinct, whether it's wrong or right, and you should know that by now, Dubhlainn," she continued to scold. "And for your information, I don't care the reasoning behind why someone wants someone else dead; if Death is involved, then I have to take care of it. If I don't take care of it, Death will just leave a mess in His wake and I'll be the one scolded for not cleaning it up. After all, I'm just the cleanup crew, that's all I've ever been to Him, and yeah, it's bothersome, but I'm under servitude to him." She shrugged her shoulders and turned away from the Marauder, flipping her long, black hair over her shoulder. "You do as you please anyway; you have a sort of servitude toward Harrigan, don't you? Or at least, that's what I could tell when we raided Shirotsume."

    She gritted her teeth at Dubhlainn's annoyance, acting as if he had known the entire situation beforehand, like he had planned it out or something. "You know nothing about my past!" she shouted at him, whirling on her heels with hands balled into angry fists. "Stop acting like you know everything about me when you know shit about how I had lived and how I had died! You go waltzing around Savage Skull and various other places that I'm at, acting like you know who I am and how I am." Marceline snarled at him before spinning back on her heels and stomping away from Yuki and Dubhlainn to head back to their guild. Ultimately, the assassin had ruined her mood and by continuing to claim things about her would only piss her off. He knew nothing about her and yet he was talking as if they had been inseparable best friends since 300 hundred years ago.

    Marceline hadn't made it far before Dubhlainn had blatantly asked her why she had hesitated in killing him. She halted in her tracks and stared dead ahead of herself, into he mass destruction of the town they had raided. At first, she didn't answer his question, but simply stood there with her hands curling and uncurling into fists. It was certainly an answer that she wasn't thoroughly willing to tell Dubhlainn, but if she didn't, he would bother her until she did. Breathing in deeply, Marcy thought about how she was going to explain to him why she hesitated at all. Eventually, she found her cool enough to stop herself from curling her hands into fists at a constant rate of annoyance. "Because, Dubhlainn. . . I like you," she stated in an extremely cool and calm voice before a wind picked up.

    As the wind picked up and whirled around her, her natural form began to speckle away into flecks of ash. All of her had soon been consumed by the unfavorable outlook of the ashen cloud and was quickly swept away. Embarrassed with the answer she had given Dubhlainn, the woman no longer wanted to be around either of her two job partners. She did not want Yuki questioning her on her feelings toward the Dullahan and she did not want Dubhlainn to see her any different than a guild-mate. Marcy claimed that she did not have emotions at all, but it was becoming more apparent that she did and just couldn't recognize them. . . Unfortunately, Fate had a way of easily separating people and as a result, she would soon not be a part of their guild.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

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