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    Soren Hex 2.0


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Shot
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Soren Hex 2.0 Empty Soren Hex 2.0

    Post by Finale 25th April 2016, 1:46 am

    Soren Hex
    19 years of age.
    November 12th
    Special Characteristics:
    Often times wears a white mask with black markings on the left side of it; the mask also happens to have two fairly large horns; one is red, the other white.  Has peculiar black marks underneath his eyes that might look like it was purposely done, though is in fact just part of his body.  His eyes are an incredible colour of bright red, which can at times give off an illusion of glowing red eyes.  The mask itself also has these bright red eyes, though unlike Soren, they do actually glow.  Wears these strange, red wraps around various parts of his body.

    Soren once upon a time could be described as a very charismatic individual.  He could be seen as very confident, often times cocky because of how he presented himself; people didn't really like him before they got to properly know him, but when they did actually know him, they saw him in great respect and valued him quite highly.  Soren can still be described as charismatic, perhaps even more so than before, yet, his first impressions were significantly different than they were previously.

    For starters, he NEVER comes across as cocky, only confident, yet, even that he won't openly display.  A lot of the reason for this is because he is also a lot more calm, unlike before; he is capable of controlling his energy, emotions and himself very well.  He purposely keeps him tone of voice relatively neutral; a sign for himself as the change he was forced to make, though one he isn't necessarily displeased with.  He is almost always calm and collected which makes him far more efficient than before with whatever he may desire to achieve or do; he doesn't often times let his emotions interfere with his actions.

    That being said, it's difficult for him to feel like he has any real purpose in life.  He lost his friend, his guild, his life...  His soul.  Because he lost his soul, a lot of his humanity went with it, including his ability to feel any positive emotions - joy, relief, happiness, hope; they're all emotions he almost never feels and are incredibly difficult to get out of him.  Despite this, however, he is more than capable of feeling negative emotions and actually feels them both much more easily and more powerfully, too.  Hate, envy, anger...  Whenever those emotions are brought upon them, he feels them, and he feels them a lot.

    Despite all of these negatives, he still knows how to be very charismatic.  He knows how to get people to look up to him even though he is mostly a negative person.  As such, him being a leader is very profitable for a group.  A lot of the reason is because he has a very pleasant exterior; he'll behave fairly pleasant to anyone so long as he's not given a reason otherwise or happens to be in a very unusual situation.  He doesn't often try to come across a charismatic, however, which means that while people do like him, they don't often think of him as a high pillar of "hope, is probably the right word; he only uses this trait whenever absolutely necessary.  Needless to say, he doesn't like to be bossed around.

    In battle, he completely shuts himself off from his emotions, save a few outbursts here and there.  He almost completely forfeits emotion for efficiency or crushing an opponent; he doesn't really fight for anyone but himself and that is reflected by the fact he is willing to use anyone he cares very little for in any means necessary should it come to it; optimally, he won't.



    - To find his soul once more; reality took a lot from him.  A whole lot.  His soul included.  He feels that if he can get it back, he might have a chance to live a proper life.


    General Appearance

    150 lbs; very light for his height.
    Black, messy hair.  His bangs are slightly longer than average; they can almost cover parts of his eyes.
    Bright red.  Almost looks like it glows.
    Skin Tone:
    Light skinned.  Not quite pale.
    Soren isn't too tall, however, he isn't too short, either, putting him at average height.  He doesn't look very powerful or strong but does possess some muscle; he's fairly lean.  He hardly has an intimidation factor on his own unless he wears his mask.  In fact, a lot of females tend to be fans of his for his looks alone; they find him to have a cute face.  He tends to have red wraps over his arms, till just below the elbows, and over his right leg.  If he's wearing clothing, only the wrap around his leg will be on the outside of it.  Any weapons he may have are also covered by the strange red wrap.

    Other than that, he has pretty standard features.


    Upon joining a guild, it can be located on his right hand palm.

    Soren Hex 2.0 Empty Re: Soren Hex 2.0

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 7:24 pm

    Soren Hex 2.0 XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm