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    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::-


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Posts : 211
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 75,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Endless ☢ Fusion
    Second Skill: ☲ Fire Dragon ☲
    Third Skill:

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- Empty -::Endless ☢ Fusion::-

    Post by beets 30th October 2013, 6:14 pm

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- VgtistY__________________________________________________
    ☢ Endless Fusion ☢

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- WvMHp4E
    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- VgtistY
    Primary Magic: ☢Endless Fusion
    Secondary Magic: Fire Dragon
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Endless Fusion magic is Clementine's barely controllable ability to direct and utilize the nuclear energy that burns within her.   Clementine is a living nuclear reactor of a huge scale,   the avatar of a colossal sun brought into human form.    Endless Fusion magic deals with Nuclear energy and the resulting radiation and explosion.   How the nuclear energy manifests varies on how it is utilized but is inherently blunt and offensive,  full of destructive power without room for little tricks and utilities or defense.   The only effects that aren't directly offensive are contained within it's passives,   meanwhile some measure of defense is possible in the most basic and aggressive ways possible.  "The best defense is a good offense" style.

    Because of all this,  the wielder of Endless Fusion is an almost literal living nuke,  packed with devastating potential to untold levels of collateral damage.    Using Endless Fusion is not a precise art,   and engaging the wielder of such a magic should not be done lightly. As the EF-Nuke is sure to wreck havoc on the surrounding terrain and civilians perhaps even more so than the challenger themselves.   The challenger can only take so much,  but the ground everywhere else can be pounded into rubble.    Even when dodging these explosions,  the effects of the nuclear detonations (No matter the scale) result in a Fallout that provides lasting ailments that slowly crop up over time and devastate crops and make the land useless, unable to sustain life.   Water gets tainted,  and plants wither,   and with more exposure,  the body sickens and turns frail.  

    ☢ Pure Destruction:    Endless Fusion magic is one of the best magics for dishing out destruction.    All Endless Fusion spells are inherently larger in effect, allowing spells to have much higher overall area of effect.  The area effects are still situational based on the spells,  but all can be significantly larger than typical spells of their rank.

    ☢ Pure Death:   Endless Fusion magic is devastating and tears things apart with extreme prejudice,  being a magic focusing on delivering death and destruction.  All Endless Fusion spells are inherently more damaging in effect,  with no spell that does not deal damage.
    This is much easier to handle than area effect as this is a more constant thing.   All damage is at a flat rate 50% more potent than standard spells of it's rank. 

    ☢ Pure Despair:  Endless Fusion magic is a magic of radiation.  Radiation is not a friendly force and is no fan of life.   Endless Fusion spells are high radiation effects that cause lasting problems over time.   Wherever an Endless Fusion spell hits,  no plant life can grow except through the use of plant/nature magic of 1 spell higher than the Endless Fusion spell that tainted it.    Every 1 minute or post (whichever is shortest) spent in the area of destruction caused by an Endless Fusion spell results in a mounting .5% chance of suffering a level of Radiation sickness,  which doubles for every exposure and starts at a certain percentage off the bat with higher ranked spells.  D-ranks start with .5,  C 1,   B is 2%,  A is 4%,  S is 8%,  and H is 16%.      The effects of Radiation Sickness are defined later in this post.   Radiation tends to have it's own area of effect independent of the spell but is always larger.    In the case of explosions,  the radiation extends outwards 5x the area of the explosion itself (So a 300 meter explosion would create a 1,500 meter area of radiation),   meanwhile in the case of projectiles/beams the radiation will usually continue forward until it cannot penetrate further.  Which means if the beam hits something,  the radiation could continue to bombard the area behind what the beam itself could not penetrate, and a short area around where the beam traveled (A 5 meter wide beam would irradiate a 15 meter strip of land along where the beam traveled,  5 meters on either side of where the beam was and the 5 meters of the beam itself).
    Radiation is harder to cure,  and is incredibly resilient.  Only the types of healing listed in the weakness can heal radiation sickness.    Radiation Contamination on an area lasts 10 years per spell rank (Unless purified early.).   Radiation Poisoning however,   lasts as described or until cured.
    Beings that are immune to being effected by powerful diseases are similarly immune to the effects of radiation sickness and vice versa.   Undead / unliving creatures are immune as such.  However,  they can still be irradiated themselves, spreading the radiation around.
    Radiation passes through obstruction.  Only types listed in the weaknesses can block the radiation itself, though defensive spells can block the damaging main effect as normal.


     Careless Disregard for Personal Safety:   Endless Fusion magic cannot possess Defensive spells.   Endless Fusion magic is specialized in delivering Destruction,  and cannot contribute to Preservation,  not even Self Preservation.   The only "Defense" Endless Fusion has is defense through superior firepower.

     Careless Disregard for support and utility:  Endless Fusion magic cannot possess Supplementary spells.  Endless Fusion magic specializes in destruction and blunt brutality,   it cannot form the tact required to produce effects that aren't brute-force and explosions.   This eliminates almost all utility spells (Such as how someone might use wind magic to heal,  fly,  cloak/invisible,  create smoke screens,  walk on walls,  ect).

     Inherent limitations of Radiation. This is a weakness for the radiation effect spells have.   Liberties will be taken to provide the simplest limitation that is not so representative of real world radiation.     
    Metal and Earth slayers can block Radiation with equal ranked spells to the radiation spell in question.  Wood slayers can block radiation with spells 1 rank greater than the radiation spell.
    The rest of the spell beyond the side-effect radiation can be blocked as normal,  this is only regarding the pure radiation effect. 

    ☢ Light-based healing,  chemical-based healing,  and pure healing magic (Of a magic type dedicated to healing in the way EF-Nuke is dedicated to devastation) can all heal Radiation at 1 rank lower than the EF-Nuke spell used.   Spells themselves focused on healing ailments and sicknesses but not part of one of those three healing types can still heal Radiation,  but at 2 ranks higher than the EF-Nuke spell used or two usages of 1 rank higher,  and 3 usages of same-ranked healing spells.  NOTE:  This is for the RADIATION,  not the direct damage a spell causes.
    Nature and Pure Healing magic can heal the land of radiation contamination at 2 ranks higher than the EF-Nuke spell used,  but in doing so they take the radiation they eliminated into themselves and they must then heal that.   This limits them to the total amount of radiation they can cleanse at once.  And not any Nature of healing spell can do this,  but it has to be an especially pure hearted magic and the spell actually has to be focused on cleansing land.
    The symptoms of radiation sickness can be covered temporarily with any sort of healing magic, however.
    I'm just trying to give radiation a semblance of seriousness it has in real life,  where we can't do anything about radiation except prevent it from spreading with the use of concrete and lead.


    ☢ Nuclear Aura:  Clementine like all powerful mages has a significant aura pertaining to her magic.   Clementine's Aura is listed as an actual Ability however,  because it isn't just for show.    Clementine has to suppress her aura otherwise it goes wild.  She will usually pay minimal attention to suppressing this aura,  leaving it still there but in a small field around her person a few inches from her body.   Being suppressed,  the aura cannot be detected by any means as it is not there anymore.
    When allowed to roam this aura extends out 10 meters around her in which all who enter it immediately feel the effects of Weak radiation poisoning,  but this is removed upon leaving unless they spend 3 minutes or posts (Whichever is shortest) or longer in the area in which case it amounts to true exposure.  Physically touching Clementine while the aura is freed results in true mild radiation exposure.
    When Clementine is forcefully brought to unconsciousness her aura runs wild and out of control causing her to suffer a Meltdown.   When under Meltdown,  Clementine's body grows in heat rapidly and she leaks the radiation aura uncontrollably.    Every 5 seconds she is unconscious the Meltdown produces an area of Fallout that is 5 meters in radius,  growing out from her location.   This Fallout area is considered an area of moderate radiation,   and every 5 meters the closest 2m to her becomes an area of the next highest radiation level,  repeating until eventually there'd be a big layer of rings of different exposure levels.    Along with the radiation,  she outputs mass amounts of heat to the point that the area 1 meter per 5 seconds (Growing with the radiation) becomes an area of damaging heat resulting in D-rank damage,  every multiples to the area's size results in the closest meter becoming the next rank in damage.   So eventually,  if she is in Meltdown long enough,  people would melt upon approaching her unconscious body.  
    She becomes so hot in fact that she burns through the ground eventually,  and will continue melting through the earth until she awakens or is slain.   A side effect of this means that the area on the surface will stop growing,  and the heat will leave the area as the source of the heat sinks away.
    If left unchecked this can eventually result in a lethal area that can kill fairly quickly.  But because she melts into the ground it's sort of self regulated.
    Maximum area effect if this meltdown is 1 mile regardless of time spent in Meltdown,  though eventually that could become a solid 1mile of critical exposure.  
    This is comic-book level radiation,  and thus it quickly blackens and withers plantlife and the effects can be felt,  allowing escape,  containment,  or a wake up call.  

    ☢ Endless Fusion:  As the name of the magic,  Endless Fusion.   Clementine is the avatar of a great star,  nature's massive nuclear reactors.  It'd be silly if she had the same mana pool as the standard mage.     She recovers 5% MP per post and has a starting MP pool of 125 instead of 100.   (Baring in mind how limited her magic is, without the ability to Buff herself or perform non-attack spells).

    ☢ Fusion Body: Clementine's body is not made of flesh and bone,  but is an mess of hydrogen atoms that through extreme forces of will and soul had over the course of several million years eventually came into being as she is now.   Her composition mirrors that of the human she once was in ages past,  but on the inside she is anything but.   She lacks a nervous system or internal organs,  thus no hit on her is more or less effective than a hit anywhere else on her body.  (In typical RPG-gamer speak,  she is immune to "critical hits"),  and as a side effect is also immune to effects that target those systems specifically.
    She is a physical being however.   She is energy made material.   She just lacks the common traits of life.   Cutting her in half would show the similar insides to cutting a statue in half.    It's just smooth surface.   No severed organs or bone.   Note:  She still has orifices,  which lead deeper into her body as a system but don't end in any organs or anything.
    That being said however,  her body IS a system in and of itself that should not naturally exist.  Delivering excessive damage will result in her destruction via Meltdown in which her form cannot sustain her any longer and collapses in on itself.  

    Being physically composed of nuclear fusion herself,  she is not effected by radiation or her own spells.
    Her body being composed of pure radiation in various states of existence,  Clementine can reshape this energy body within certain parameters,   she can add things that provide cosmetic effect to a limited extent.  She could make her body become blurred as she takes on a slightly more gaseous composition,  she could add functional wings,  fangs, or claws,   change her coloration,  and even take on the visual cosmetic appearance of someone else who she has seen indepth with her last ability:

    ☢ Atomic Eyes:  Clementine's sensory experience is not the standard one most humans get.  Instead she perceives everything with directional radiation detection that sees the radiation emitted from all things no mater how insignificant,  allowing for fully three dimensional mapping in the same cone of perception normal people would see.   This allows her to see things as though through a 3D scanner,  but also circumvents concealment and invisibility.    
    It does NOT allow 360 perception however,  but instead penetrates through walls and other obstruction,  including clothing, skin, flesh, bone- which gives her a unique insight to the inner workings of people.  She can see the blood rushing through your cheeks as you blush,  your heart pounding with adrenaline,  your brain activity sparking throughout as you tell a lie...    
    This perception only works when her eyes are closed,  and she does not naturally blink (Thus no random switches to Atomic sight).

    ☢ Body of Will: Clementine is physically more capable as her body is literally itself a manifestation of her will.  She heals at 5%HP per post and has 15% more physical capability per rank, maxing out at 50% at A-rank.  (Baring in mind that the HP regeneration and boost to endurance is her only defense).  Once per topic if slain she can come back to life when slain with +33% of her HP and gaining +20% MP (Or less if she is already nearly full).   After this occurs once it cannot happen again within the topic,  though she can return to life outside of the topic (A common effect, and something that -any- mage can do,  but this is just the excuse/cause for it IC)

    ☢ Radiance: Clementine's basic attacks are augmented by radiation damage equal to 1/2 spell damage for her rank (S-rank = 50),  which effects individuals on contact with her as well. An item that hits her would become a source of Serious radiation, while directly touching her counts as serious radiation exposure.   Any spell that deals less than her total physical damage can benefit from Radiance as well,  but only for 1/4th (25) rather than 1/2,  and applying Dangerous radiation instead of Serious.   


    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- VgtistY__________________________________________________

    ☢Effects of Radiation Sickness☢

    The hazard levels are:


    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- GA4mhY0

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- LuFa21G

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- F8MVWBg

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- U93QMod

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- D1hOVqR

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- VgtistY

    Last edited by Clementine on 20th April 2016, 11:46 am; edited 10 times in total

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Posts : 211
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 75,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Endless ☢ Fusion
    Second Skill: ☲ Fire Dragon ☲
    Third Skill:

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- Empty Re: -::Endless ☢ Fusion::-

    Post by beets 30th October 2013, 6:14 pm

    Spoilered for Legacy's sake. NOT A VALID APP (Anymore).

    Last edited by Alexia on 19th April 2016, 6:44 pm; edited 7 times in total

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- Empty Re: -::Endless ☢ Fusion::-

    Post by Guest 31st October 2013, 6:31 pm

    MAke all the edits I told you too, don't go overboard with this questionable magic, and once you're done approved. Fall out Cannon needs a 20 post cooldown. -.-

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- Empty Re: -::Endless ☢ Fusion::-

    Post by Guest 31st October 2013, 6:33 pm

    Cosmic Raven is approved for now. The other edits I wanted you to make I told you earlier in the cb, if you already did that then you're good. Your magic is iffy, and makes me uneasy. So...don't go overboard with it. Due to no one else touching this application in a timely manner I'm not going to slap you with a super hindrance like normal. Just use your better judgement or suffer character deletion. That's about it. Everything Approved.



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- Empty Re: -::Endless ☢ Fusion::-

    Post by Grizzly 6th March 2014, 12:34 pm


    The Magic Section is currently being cleaned up, so all WIP/unanswered apps that haven't been worked on in the last couple days/weeks will get 7 days/ one week time to be finished or to be bumped!

    So in case you are coming back in the next 7 days, please bump this magic saying you've finished it or are STILL working on it!


    The Magic Apps that haven't been finished, continued or bumped by the author will be Archived! So they won't be gone ~


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad

    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- Empty Re: -::Endless ☢ Fusion::-

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 19th April 2016, 6:40 pm


    Topic moved by owners request for edits.


    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

    Heavenly Monster

    Heavenly Monster

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    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- Empty Re: -::Endless ☢ Fusion::-

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 20th April 2016, 12:15 pm

    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- Q4YahIx


    -::Endless ☢ Fusion::- 8ZbrsUC

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm