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    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
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    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix Empty To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix

    Post by Nekros 7th April 2016, 3:33 pm

    442 Words

    Months had gone by since the birth of the Child, Ahote. For the first few months of this kids life, he was some bubbly, restless baby. Whining, laughing, exploring the house he lived in. Unfortunately, the father wasn't around as much as he was needed. He was off doing jobs to help support the woman and child he cared for. It was just a shame that what was needed most was for him to be there with the boy. Show him the way of thew world, help him understand things better since Ahote had suddenly just become a young Child.

    Ahote needed a Father, a promise that wasn't broken, and time to understand. It was unsettling to learn of the child's disappearance, Jaeger, who was the father in this story, was almost devastated. His mind unraveled at the thought, blaming himself. He should have been there, he should have taken a few less jobs and spent more time at home. The man was a Failure, especially as a loving parent. How could he live with himself? He broke the promise to Kanix that he made in the restaurant, The wizard hurt his son and not only that, likely the beautiful woman that he lives with as well.

    Despite looking for hours and hours, searching the Entire East Forest for his son, there was no sign or clue of Ahote. A depressing feeling took over the man and the house he lived in. His mood was quite low, anyone could probably just feel it in the air. However, there was someone else that would need His help and that was the only thing keeping him from completely being lost. Among this, there was a silver lining to the child being missing. The couple was now able to just focus on the one thing that they needed, their relationship.

    The day these thoughts hit particularly hard was the day the relationship could benefit more than ever. That day was today. Jaeger had been out in the East Forest again, looking and searching desperately for anything that would lead to Ahote. Disappointingly, the search ended in failure. The man walked back home, covered in dirt, stains, and generally looking to be a mess. The air around him was thick, you could smell the depression coming from him, the must of sadness and desperation. After walking in through the door, he shuffled himself to a rather large Bean Bag Chair. It was around the size of a recliner, filled with comfortable beads and such. It was one of his favorite seats in the house.

    Once seated, he stretched out and relaxed, sighing very heavily to himself.
    Marshy @ THQ

    Last edited by Nekros on 12th April 2016, 9:26 am; edited 1 time in total

    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix Empty Re: To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix

    Post by Guest 10th April 2016, 7:42 pm

    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix Tumblr12
    While Jaeger had been out in East Forest again, looking for their son, Kanix was curled up in the king-sized bed of theirs. She was covered by the blankets, with her black hair splayed over her face enough to conceal the depression that was on it. Ever since her son had gone missing, the woman hadn't moved an inch from the bed, too paralyzed by depression to do anything. The pain, sorrow, and hurt she currently felt was something only a mother could understand: a mother who lost a child in some way. That single eye of hers, cloudy, but filled with all kinds of emotion, squeezed shut as she gritted her teeth together. Crying was not the answer. Feeling sorry for herself was not the answer. Laying here, in this bed, was not the answer. However, she couldn't find the motivation to do anything other than just lay there and wonder where she had gone wrong.

    "I'm so sorry, Ahote," the woman whispered to herself, voice cracking and filled with sadness as she muttered the words. "I don't know where I went wrong, I don't know what I did wrong, but please, come back to me. . . I'll make everything right again. I swear." An empty promise that only her ears would hear; her son gone and who knows if he would ever return to her. A sob unwillingly escaped her lips, tears of blood and salt spilling down her face as she tried to stop herself from crying more. It was only stopped abruptly when the slamming of a door was heard downstairs, alerting Kanix to Jaeger's return. She sniffled a little and cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure before she weakly rolled out of the bed. Standing to her feet, the lady took in her surroundings as a means to come back to reality, then made her way out of the bedroom, down the hall, and to the staircase.

    "Jaeger?" Kanix called down the stairs, but only silence had answered her call to him. Extending a slender hand outward, she felt around for the railing, until she tightly grasped it in the palm of her hand. She took careful steps down until she reached the flooring of the first level, then made her way toward the living room. In all the days, months, and years they lived together, she had come to learn the favorite places Jaeger loved to relax. The living room, more specifically the beanbag chair, was one of those few places she could easily find him resting. As she reached the entryway to the living room, the shamaness briefly stood in the door frame before walking over to Jaeger. Without hesitating, Kanix crawled into her lover's lap and curled there, leaning her head comfortingly against his shoulder.

    "I'm so sorry, Jaeger; I don't know what I did that made him run away, I really don't. I thought I cared for him enough, loved him, but I guess I didn't," she murmured.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
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    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix Empty Re: To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix

    Post by Nekros 12th April 2016, 9:28 am

    404 Words

    The man was resting, enjoying the comfortableness of his large Bean Bag Chair. It was very large, able to hold at least 2 or 3 people, if they were next to one another. The fabric used to hold all the beans was a dark maroon color, neatly seamed and put together. Jaeger’s head was laying back, slowly rocking back and forth against the chair. It was a relaxing feel, especially after the day he had. The depression he was feeling, it was also stressing him out. His normal relaxed feel was being ruined and his muscles were tensing up. This wasn’t the Jaeger that was normally shown, it was a raw version of himself. So emotional, even if his physical appearance was less than showing.

    Shortly after, he could hear shuffling with in the house. Everyday since Ahote had been missing, the lovely woman of the house would hardly leave the bed. Her tears soaked the pillows and blankets, having to get them washed before more would eventually sink in. The woman slowly came down the stairs and into the living room where Jaeger had been. The man looked up and over t the doorway, seeing the teary eyed maiden standing there.

    ”Sorry to wake you, love…”

    The man was saying before Kanix walked over and climbed ontop of him. With her head resting on his shoulder and body curled up in his lap. An arm moves to wrap around her back, supporting her, the other moving to rest across her though and side. Once situated, the woman apologized, saying sorry for not loving the child enough and blaming herself.This, this is not what he’d want to hear or happen. The words she spoke only stung his aching heart even more.

    ”Kanix, don’t you ever say that. It’s not your fault.


    It’s mine. I broke the promise to you, that’d I be around for you and the child. I got too focused on doing jobs, I wasn’t around enough for Ahote or you. We’re both new to this, but I am the one that has failed.”

    Jaeger replied, taking the blame on himself. It wasn’t fair for her to take the fault for this, at least not all of it. A chunk of it was his own mistakes and now they both were being punished for it.
    My Fault..
    Marshy @ THQ

    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix Empty Re: To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix

    Post by Guest 13th April 2016, 6:28 am

    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix 9d517609989d9ca3f81c66ad8bc602ff
    The one-eyed woman closed that single eye of hers and let the tears fall from her face again, gritting her teeth together against the pain. "I can't do it, Jaeger," she sobbed, "he's gone and I don't even know where he went to in order to look for him. Ancalagon's been out 24/7 trying to find him and I haven't seen him since the day Ahote's gone missing. This is all of my fault, I was with him when he went missing and I didn't go back to look when I noticed he was gone. I had thought Ahote was with me the entire time. . . What kind of mother am I who loses her own child despite her precognition?!" Kanix bit down on her lip, causing blood to trickle down from where her teeth had broken the skin of her bottom lip. She shifted in his lap, sitting to face him, where she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her face into his chest.

    "I've failed at a mother; I was no better at raising a child than I had been as a dark mage," Kanix stated solemnly. This was fact to her and nothing would change the thought of it, not even the words Jaeger had spoken to her. It was not his fault at all, he was out providing for the family as a father should do, while the mother raised the child. Ahote was seven though, he was well enough to be able to tend to himself, she couldn't took the weight off Jaeger's shoulders by taking some jobs, too. "It's not your fault, Jaeger, I appreciate what you've been doing for us, you're teaching me that not all men are scumbags worthy of dying." She lifted her head as she sniffled and looked at her boyfriend, cloudy eye deadened by the tears and its sightlessness. Kanix leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, her hands moving upward to hold his face, gentle, caressing, then she pulled away.

    "I was already awake when you walked in, you're pretty noisy when something's got you down," the shamaness muttered. "I realize that we're just going to say the same things over and over again until Ahote comes back home. . . if he comes back home. I've been thinking, and it's extremely likely that Basilisk Fang kidnapped him because knowing Sol and Famine, this is their way of getting back at me. Unfortunately, there isn't anything I can do about it since I can't just go storming into the place, guns ablaze. . ." She couldn't let Heero find out about Ahote going missing because if he found out, it was highly likely he'd obliterate Basilisk Fang. While she hated their guts, she couldn't just let them be annihilated by H-rank wizard simply because he could. If she found out later on that Ahote chose to stay with them, maybe she wouldn't be so angry; upset and hurt, but not angry.

    "Jaeger, can we do something to take my mind off of this all?" Kanix questioned, seemingly even a bit pouty toward him.

    Last edited by Kanix Laspor on 18th April 2016, 12:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
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    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
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    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix Empty Re: To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix

    Post by Nekros 14th April 2016, 8:06 am

    522 Words

    The situation was only getting worse and worse as the couple would talk about it. Tears would fall from the woman’s eye as she tried to take all the blame for Ahote. In reality, they were both at fault, the man may have been out supporting the family with jobs, but he still wasn’t around. However, despite his own depression, his own feelings, Kanix was clearly having it worse. Jaeger could never understand how it felt to be a mother, to have that sort of connection to another living being. With the child running away, her own depression was running wild. With what he knew of her past guild affiliation, this was only to make it much worse.

    She was even going as far as to not give the man any fault in this, when it was clear there was. She was thankful for him always being out, trying to support her and the child. This woman was really a sweetheart, trying to comfort him when she was needing it most and before he could respond to such kindness, his woman shifted in his lap, sitting up and her hands gently grabbing his face. A kiss was planted on his lips, not one that would lead to something more adult, but a roper, loving kiss. One shared between a girl and her boyfriend, two people that cared for one another. His face lit up as she pulled away, leaving a soft smile among his his lips. Despite the taste of blood, it was quite enjoyable. To feel another's emotion for you, there was almost nothing like it in the world.

    However, the conversation would soon go back to something a bit more displeasing. Kanix brought up the fact that he was taken by Basilisk Fang. Yet another reason to despise that dark guild. His life was slowly being corrupted by them and their need to take.

    ”Basilisk Fang…”

    The man said, looking slightly down. His mind was contemplating what he’d do when he’d eventually meet that guild. Unfortunately, Jaeger wasn’t able to think on it long as his lady wanted to do something else, do something that’d get their minds off their missing Child. Something to do... What could the two do? In the hospital, all those months ago, he did promise to spend more time with one another, so learn more about one another. Perhaps today was the day to make good on it. He leaned in, giving her a small kiss on her soft lips to help change that pout.

    ”How about… Let’s go for a walk. We can take Nava and just walk through the city. Enjoy the fresh air, the background noise of people talking, and even maybe go get something to eat.”

    Jaeger suggested, which would essentially be a date for the two, probably their first REAL date. No one else to take them out to dinner, no jobs to get in the way. It’ll be just Kanix and her man, Jaeger. The day was theirs to do with.
    Let's go on a Date <3
    Marshy @ THQ

    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix Empty Re: To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix

    Post by Guest 18th April 2016, 2:48 pm

    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix 9d517609989d9ca3f81c66ad8bc602ff
    As Jaeger kissed her again, the pout would disappear and she'd listen to the offer that he'd make for the two of them. They had never been on a real date before; it was always that one or the other was gone or too busy taking care of the child. Most of the time, it was her at home, caring for the baby and hoping that Jaeger would come home safely from his jobs. The idea of losing him after bringing this child into the world hadn't been the most ideal thing to think of for her. However, as days passed by that he wouldn't be at home, she'd begin to worry such things, in which it would cause Ahote to cry. She'd be up hours after, trying to hush and rock him to sleep. She'd either pass out holding him or would be able to quiet him down a few minutes later. Such would his name stand for what it meant, a restless one. . . Kanix missed those days where he relied on her.

    "Yeah, that would be nice," she murmured, leaning forward to hug him now and hold him there for a moment longer.

    The pain, fear, and terror Ahote must be going through right now. . . it was upsetting for her to think about. However, she couldn't just go out seeking for him when she stood no chance against the mages who held him captive. Her hands, that wrapped around Jaeger's neck, gripped at his suit and crumpled it with their strength into a balled fist. She released her grasp a few seconds later though and pulled back, sliding off of his lap and standing to her feet. Kanix would hold a hand out and wait for him to accept it and help himself up, even though she was comparatively weaker than him. As she stood there though, she couldn't help but think a little bit about Ahote and where he could be right now. If she was correct about who had taken him, she could only imagine him chained to cellar walls on a cold, wet, stone floor.

    "I could really use a walk," she stated after a few more moments of silence had enveloped and eaten the air.

    Kanix could only wonder what Jaeger had in mind for them on the walk or if they would simply walk in silence. Either was fine with her, anything to keep her mind off of her missing son, until she could think of something. Besides, she needed to spend a bit of time with her boyfriend; they hadn't really spent time with each other since the birth of Ahote. "Do you have anything in mind for us to do or would a simple walk through the park suffice for you?" She was curious to know what he wanted; in fact, right now she'd do anything for him, just for the two of them to be happy. Kanix pursed her lips together in thought as she listened to his gentle breathing and shifts of movement close to her. "Jaeger? I'm really glad I was able to meet you, even if it meant leading up to all of this or if it turned a different way."

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
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    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix Empty Re: To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix

    Post by Nekros 26th April 2016, 5:22 am

    373 Words

    And so it was decided, a walk around town for two. A simple date for a couple needing something to strengthen their bond as lovers. With an extended hand, Jaeger pulled himself up and into a smiling hug to his wonderful girlfriend. Though, what else would happen would be left up to fate. There wasn’t any real time to plan for the date, but letting things just happen would suffice for the mage of trees. The spontaneous nature to it all, surprises that can wait around any corner, it felt like a more casual and comfortable pace for him and hopefully her.

    ”Well, Love, I was thinking we could just le…”

    The man was saying but cut off by a rather pleasant comment from Kanix. She was happy to have met him, even if it had lead down a different path. Truth be told, it could have been very different. What if the woman hadn’t said yes all those months ago at Enca. She could have simply declined his offer to go back to his room, they could have stayed out and left as friends and never explore any other feelings that might have popped up. HIs soft smile only grew from what she had said.

    ”I am glad we had a chance to meet as well, Kanix. You’re such a beautiful and sweet woman. I am blessed to have come to know you, while yes things could have turned out differently, I’m happy that we’ve come together.”

    Jaeger replied, giving the raven haired beauty one last kiss on her soft lips. Today was going from a down and depressing tone to something the two can call bonding, something happy and loving.

    ”But yeah, I was thinking we could just walk through the town and enjoy each others company. If something else turns up, we can do that and just let life guide us to whatever it has en-store.”

    The boyfriend took Kanix’s hand once again, locking their fingers in with one another. He would gently lead his girlfriend towards the door and out to the city of Magnolia.
    Happy to have met ^^
    Marshy @ THQ

    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix Empty Re: To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix

    Post by Guest 10th May 2016, 12:35 pm

    Holy fire burns again
    the magic circle is all around it, burning like the innocence of love

    No longer was there a heavy heart resting in her chest over the disappearance of her son and the fate that awaited him. She could finally look into Jaeger's eyes with her own sightless one and sense the happiness that radiated off of him. This was what made her happy, being able to sense that she was not the only one who fretted over someone she loved. Him standing here before her, embracing her in a hug that meant all of the world to the young lady, was everything to her. The compliment she had given him, she could feel the heat of the blush on his face and the joy it brought to him. Yes, she was entirely glad that she had been able to meet him, whether it was meant to bring Ahote into the world or not. Heaving a relieved sigh, the woman would listen to what Jaeger had to say next, smiling all the while he spoke.

    "A walk through the town sounds wonderful, Dear," the woman answered him, slinking a hand through his. "While I can't see what the town looks like, hearing the sounds would really help bring me back down to Earthland. I could use all those noises to just. . . let my mind relax and focus on what's at hand, not what's in the past or the future." While her magic allowed such, there were moments where that part of her magic became overwhelming to her. So much so, that it typically rendered her useless when it decided to take effect on its own and cloud her mind. Many times a day, she was plagued with all the possible options that Sol and Famine would make toward her son. She was forced into watching them all, never truly knowing which one they would chose to dish out in the end. It was all torturous to her, and yet, she somehow pushed through each day, laying in the bed, crying and wondering.

    As she said this, she would be led out the door of their home and out into East Forest, leading along the path to Magnolia. She could hear the birds chirping in the trees and the distant calls of children as they played with one another. Adults could be heard chattering beyond that, out in the park, watching over their children as they played. That would have been her out there one day, had Ahote never run away from home; had he stayed with them. Kanix bit her lip and closed her eye, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheek at the thought of her missing son. No, she should not be focusing on him when this was to be the sole moment she could focus only on Jaeger. Clearing her throat, the young woman took in a deep breath and wondered what exactly they would be doing on the walk.

    "Jaeger?" Kanix inquired, tilting her head a little to look up at her lover, hesitating at first with the words on her lips. "I love you."

    @Nekros , 511 words , Notes
    credit to nat of adoxography.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
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    To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix Empty Re: To Strengthen the Bond||Private||Kanix

    Post by Nekros 17th May 2016, 7:06 pm

    778 Words

    Ah, what wondrous luck! His raven haired girlfriend had accepted his proposal for a walk around Magnolia. Oh how the day will go, especially now that they could have some time together. Sure, it was unfortunate that their son ran away. They had spent days and/or weeks moping about or searching for the lad in the forest. However, this situation brought about a unique chance to be almost like a normal couple. They could date, go out and do what normal young adults would do with one another. This was their chance! Though, one thing did loam over him, he didn’t consider her sightless attribute. How rude of him not to, perhaps while they’re out, they could find something she could enjoy. Something they did not require sight to enjoy.

    The couple would leave their house, their sanctuary and safe place. It was time to make their way into the city, to enjoy themselves and one another. The two followed the path, hand and hand, Jaeger leading her around. His hand clasped tightly with hers, fingers locked so they couldn’t be separated. So far, so good! The man was thinking about what else in the city they could do. There was a karaoke bar, the park, there were restaurants for if they were hungry, Pet shops to visit and pet animals, and probably more. The man spent a lot of time out of the Magnolia.

    Soon enough, the sounds of children and their parents filled the air waves. They grew louder and louder as the couple walked close to a park. It began so innocently, but as the sounds became more clear, the look on his lovely woman’s face began to shift. She was once again sadden. The families there were all happy and enjoying playing and just being there. Jaeger squeezed her hand slightly, pulling her in closer as they passed.

    Love, what a strange emotion. It could make one do just about anything. You could kill for love, die for love, sacrifice for love, be happy with love, be sad, be mad, it was something that could evoke a variety of events and other emotions. Kanix had looked up to Jaeger, and spoke those three words that would cause his own heart to race. It beat uncontrollably, pumping his life essence all over his body. His cheeks turned red and felt like they were on fire.


    The man was almost embarrassed. To hear those words from someone he cared about, it really got to him. His very foundation was stuttering , shaking with excitement and fear. What did it mean to be loved and love back? His mouth and throat dried up, his hands were getting slightly clammy. How should he reply? She was clearly important to him. But, What was love? Was it the feeling of always wanting to be there? Was it the feeling of wanting to keep her safe from harm? Was it to come home to such a Beautiful, Raven haired woman? And was it to make sure she was always wanted, no matter what? Ah but who could pinpoint just one thing.

    ”I.. I love you too.”

    Jaeger was not used to this, saying “L” word to… meaningfully. In his youth, he may have used it loosely, saying it all willy nilly, without a care in the world on how it affected those he said it to. The man continued to walk with the woman, eagerly and anxiously waiting for a response from Kanix. How would she react? Yes, she said it first, but what was she expecting him to say back? Oh his mind was going a million miles a second.

    The couple passed the park and entered the city. The noise level only grew, cluttering the sound waves. It was almost hard for him to concentrate with so much going on. Posters were placed up all over town, advertising for a band that would be playing on the streets this afternoon. Young adults and teenagers were raging about. Their excitement being released in screams, yells, and other forms of joy. Over them, there were sounds of a warm up band playing. To him, they weren’t all that great. Their sound and music was very… hard and raw. No fine tuning. It was all horrible! It was very hard to think, for himself.

    ”How have things been at Fairy Tail? I’ve uh.. Heard a rumor while I was off on one of my jobs. Have you really become one of Fairy Tails Ace Mages?”
    Is it True?
    Marshy @ THQ

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