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    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private


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    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private Empty The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private

    Post by Pandora 15th August 2016, 11:38 am

    Word count: 308
    It certainly was not Frey’s reputation this man was talking about, both the little girl and the rune wolf she was perched upon knew that well enough! Instead? The new fairy tail mage knew that they had to be speaking of Kanix, the guild-master of the group that had taken her in, when Silver just snatched her and ran away from their village. Frey missed her old home dearly, but she knew that a child of her age and size had no hopes of finding her way home alone, especially since her steed had been too panicked when retreating, he couldn’t even remember what direction he had come from, and he very well could have made several twisting turns along the way. Thus? The young child was stuck with the fairy brand across her left shoulder, a brown mark sitting there, it was a nice earthy shade, but for now she thought of it like a imperfection marring her skin. Sure she wanted to join, and in time she’d settle down within the guild, but for now she just missed home, she missed the array of villagers she’d known for years and she dearly missed the monsters she’d gotten to play with every day, the tame one’s, not the ones like those who had attacked and bashed her over the head.

    Anyways back to the old man speaking to them!

    “We’re going to help him, right?” the young child did not understand much about the world, her feet swaying in the stirrups of Silvers saddle, all she seemed to understand was this man happened to be requesting their help. If she knew anything about the wizard world? Rune would wonder why someone would ask a dark guild for help retrieving their pets, however she knew nothing and thus looked up at Kanix with large green eyes, blinking innocently.

    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private Empty Re: The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private

    Post by Guest 15th August 2016, 5:13 pm

    you said they make fun of your body
    humiliation in your eyes when you told me
    well i'm going to find them don't you worry

    590 words
    @Frey Rune

    Kanix glanced up from where she was sitting at one of the many tables located in Fairy Tail's newest guild hall. Her gaze remained steady and unwavering as a man walked into the guild hall as if he owned the place and approached Frey and her. With her back turned to the man, she was not able to clearly see the man's physique, not that it would have mattered anyway. When the man was close enough to the duo, the Guild Master of Fairy Tail straightened her posture and spoke. "What are you doing on the grounds of Fairy Tail? Do you not recognize that we are a guild no longer to be safe around?" she inquired. However, her mild threat would remain empty as the man had waved off her words and was focused on something more. Turning around, the blind magus stared blankly ahead of herself as she waited to hear what the man had to say.

    "I've heard of your renown in the land of Fiore, both the good and the bad, but mostly the good of your renown," the man said as he approached the duo. "There are some rare animals that I've been searching for, for many years, and have just recently managed to gain. However, a barbarian had come to my stables and ransacked it, leaving everything behind aside from the saddles and. . . well. . . the animals. The last place I've seen the thief gone off to was the Cursed Lands, but I'm damn terrified of going in there myself. If you're willing to, I'll pay you a hefty sum for going into Cursed Lands yourself and retrieving my stolen animals for me."

    "What makes you think I'll do such a thing? Haven't you noticed? Fairy Tail is a dark guild now, we no longer help the needy and defenseless," Kanix answered in a cold tone.

    "Look, I know that you're a dark guild now, but I trust that there is some part of your guild deep down that is still willing to help," he stated quickly.

    She sighed and stood to her feet; however, her short stature was visible next to the man, who was nearly a foot taller than her. "All right, then we'll help you, but if something so much as terrible happens to either Frey or myself, I will ruin you," she threatened him.

    "Ah-ah yes, of course. Understood. There's just one thing that you need to know: the horses, they eat the flesh of humans, so it's advised their muzzles remain shut," he informed her. "Otherwise, if their mouths don't remain shut, then they are more than likely to attack you and I doubt you want that."

    "Go," Kanix stated in a hard tone, lifting a hand and pointing toward the entrance to her guild, ushering the man off. Once the man left, her attention would be brought back to Frey, who had asked her if the man was asking them to help. "Yes, he was asking for our help and I told him that we would help him; so, we're going to be going on an adventure to the Cursed Lands. Shall we go?" A smile laced her lips as the blind woman looked to Frey and held out a hand to lead her. . . well. . . for Frey to lead her out of the guild hall. When she did, a dragon-sized, black Thunderbird would be waiting on the outside in order to take them through the Wakusei Portals and back into Fiore.
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    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private Empty Re: The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private

    Post by Pandora 20th August 2016, 12:45 pm

    450 words.

    Despite the comments of this Guild no longer being safe to be around? Well Frey just could not see it in such light, the child was innocent and very young, plus they had taken her in when Silver brought her bleeding from the head. In the end? Kanix had even adopted her, not that she knew why she needed a new mother, she had one somewhere and one day she was going to find her! However for the substitute of Fairy Tail and their Guild Master would have to do for family, in general thought she was just a confused child who had lost two homes, one she never knew her birth mother who abandon her, and the village that had taken her in as an infant. Now, a good part of her feared she'd loose the third family she'd come across, and never find another one, be stuck with only Silver for the rest of her life! While the wolf was nice and sweet to her? He just wasn't humaniod company, nor vocal company despite being intelligent.

           Sitting on top of her wolf she saw her adoptive mother extend a hand, and gripped it quickly enough, small hand wrapped around much larger fingers. "Lets go Silver."she spoke up, and he didn't even need to prepare, because he was already battle ready, he hadn't let her remove his armor, magic item nor weapon since they arrived. Even if he trusted this place to save her life? It was clear her companion did not yet trust the Guild fully, and he was not shy about it, but he made no aggressive moves due to his love for Frey. "I like adventures, I found Silver on an adventure! He was starving to death in the wilderness and I fed him, so he loves me." she honestly thought the only reason her rune wolf was so attached to her was because she had saved his life. In the start? It had been that way, but now he truly adored the child

           "Huge Birdy!" she was still a child even if she was mature and quiet most of the time, so large animals still appealed to her and made her giggle. At her interest in the large bird? Silver barked in jealousy and she chuckled petting his head to let him know that he was still her favorite. "Can, Can Silver Get On The Birdy Too? I Don't Want To Go Without Him." The child cast her eyes down, and the wolf whined, realizing he might have to get left behind. Of course? He might just teleport and run to catch up, it was doubtful he'd not follow his rider if she left him!

    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private Empty Re: The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private

    Post by Guest 20th August 2016, 1:31 pm

    Rolling to help progress the thread along.
    Guest carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private OdAaNwh , The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private OdAaNwh
    Guest carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private OdAaNwh , The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private OdAaNwh
    Guest carried out 1 launched of one Monster Dice :
    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private NXDHjfc

    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private Empty Re: The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private

    Post by Guest 20th August 2016, 3:16 pm

    you said they make fun of your body
    humiliation in your eyes when you told me
    well i'm going to find them don't you worry

    538 words
    @Frey Rune

    Normally, Kanix would not have picked up a third child, not when she knew she still had her son out there in the world and a new daughter to care for. However, when that dire wolf had brought the bleeding child into the home of Fairy Tail, she simply could not turn the helpless child down. So, she had taken Frey in, mended her wounds, made sure she had enough to eat and drink, and offered her a roof over her head. As such, Frey became her total responsibility, with the guild members being her other caretakers if she happened to not be around for a given time. Frey wouldn’t have to worry about losing her home to a disaster because Kanix would never allow Fairy Tail to be destroyed. She could expect an eternal home in Fairy Tail for as long as she was alive and then some, as that was how Fairy Tail was meant to be. They were to care for and help those who are in need, not purposefully search out destruction and catastrophe wherever they pleased.

    Kanix chuckled when Frey mentioned how she had found Silver and that she loved going on adventures, as per her explanation. “Well, I’m glad that you were able to save him and as you can tell, he greatly appreciates that you saved him,” she answered her. It was a hard story on how she had gotten Ancalagon, but she appreciated having the giant bird in her life now that he was. A smile played across her lips and she pulled Frey up and onto Ancalagon’s back, situating her in front herself, so she could hold on better. In fact, she had been found with the baby Thunderbird back when Askuwheteau had run across her that time in the forest fourteen years ago. “Feel free to just grab on to a bunch of his feathers, he can’t feel it anyway, so it’s not like he is going to be hurt if you grab too hard.” She wrapped her arms around Frey so that she wouldn’t fall off Ancalagon when they took off, looking down at Silver in the process.

    She tilted her head a little, beckoning for the wolf to get onto the back of the bird since he was capable of carrying 3 people at once. “Silver can join us, I’d hate to separate you and your companion when the two of you are so close to each other,” she stated quickly. Once the wolf was settled onto the back of Ancalagon, she would dig her heels into the sides of the bird and force him to take off. Now, they would pursue their journey to Cursed Lands, one that would be rather long and foreboding with how they were on a different planet. Sometimes, traveling to places was a bit of a pain in the ass, taking longer than it should and they didn’t have teleportation devices. “So, what other adventures have you gone on before you joined Fairy Tail? Or is this your first actual mission that you’ve been on?” Kanix was curious to know since she hardly knew anything about Frey other than that Silver had brought her to the guild on a whim.
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    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private Empty Re: The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private

    Post by Pandora 25th August 2016, 8:33 pm

    1026 words
    75(3 d rank hits plus 15 points) damage to one guard.
    Elemental blast on cool down
    Ice wolf still active 1/3

    Most of the time? Frey assumed her birth mother had been under some sort of attack or such, endangered in such a way that keeping her newborn was dangerous to the calm young infant’s health. That the woman who birthed her, gave her up in love, to protect her or grant some life better than what her birth mother could provide. However the truth was often harsher than the things one came up with in their head, and the child would be in for a rude awakening if she ever met the woman who was biologically her mother and attempted to have them be part of each other’s lives, truly become her daughter! Course unexpected things always could happen; But Kanix was more of a mother than she’d had before, the village had all cared for her equally, and no one had called themselves her parent, the dragoness in the center was the closest thing to an official guardian she had. Now? It was hard for the child to adjust to the idea there was someone who truly did love her like a mother and wanted her to be their daughter, even though they shared no blood, which she had thought was very important, one day that might fade, but she had grown up seeing blood families. Even if the village had loved her and accepted her fully? It was always clear she had come from outside and that blood family wise she was alone! With Fairy Tail is was not quite like that, however she had a hard time describing what it was like, only knowing well what it was not.

    “Mhm. He hasn’t left my side since, the first night he followed me home they tried to put him in one of the monster barns out back of the castle, where the beasts that bonded to villagers or just tame enough to be kept stay most of the time, on the farm grounds, he broke the whole building and was at the foot of my bed when I woke up.”
    That night? Silver had come to grow a minor dislike for anyone who was not Frey since other people had prevented him from being by his savior's side every single breath she took. Only? Such a thought was actually impossible or inaccurate, well it would be as frey got older and that fact she was not all human became more apparent, or at least not a normal human. Honestly? Even Rune herself might never know her life state, but she would always be fine with her own self, luckily. “He knew I wasn’t strong enough when the wyverns attacked.” her eyes looked haunted as she spoke, not that Kanix could see, because even if the pulled back veil wearing woman was not blind, the child was using Silver’s head to boost herself onto the back of the bird, trying to need as little help as possible! In the end though, she ended up pulled into position by Kanix, as getting up alone had been too hard.

    “I don’t like the idea of hurting him, so that’s good.” she moved on quickly from her thoughts of the wyvern attack on her old village, which she could no longer find. Right now? She had to focus on her life here, until she was strong enough to find the place she had lost. Frey smiled with a small relaieved breath, as Silver was told he could come with, the wolf himself wasting no time in leaping onto the large birds back, puppy crawling forward so his head was poked around Kanix’s hip, paws on either side of her, allowing his nose to poke Frey in the back, but just slightly. Clearly? The wolf was overly attached to the little girl! However now was not the time to deal with it, not yet at least.

    “I haven’t exactly done anything called missions, but I went out a lot with more experienced earthmates and the dragon guardians lots.” she was useful sometimes when she tagged along, but mostly the first group taught her magic and the second introduced ways to handle different weapons, not to always rely on her magic, and necessary teamwork lessons came from both. “They were on missions and I was there to learn, mostly. Sometimes I’d try to do more thought, like when I found Silver I was investigating a noise I’d heard.” the full earth-mate accompanying her that night had not been overly pleased with her running off like that, especially when he found her with one of the more aggressive tundra forest animals! However Silver had served the village well afterwards, helping protect her and it by default. Of course? His taking her to Fairy Tail proved indefinately that his only concern in the world was the little girl who he loved more than life itself.

    “This is the place right?” the bird had started to descend somewhat and the landscape had changed drastically! Frey looked down below, and gulped slightly “Kanix we have an issue…” and Silver instantly pushed forward, not caring if he either he fell of the bird or knocked Kanix off, forcing Frey onto his back and teleporting to the ground. This place was dangerous to him, and he wanted her safe! “No silver! We can’t get the mares back unless we fight them.” he snarled lashing his ears and tail before turning around and darting forward, ice hardening his body and then locking his jaws around one of the guards legs, so it would focus on him and give Frey the time to send an elemental blast at him. Once the little girl had sent the ball of shadow she managed to gather at the man? Silver leaped back a few steps, trying to get her away from their swords. “I’ve never seen it do that before, my elemental ball was all blackish.” she had never been to a shadowy place like the dark forest before, so she didn’t know shadows and darkness could be considered an element, she’d been expecting fire or water, wind or earth! However sometimes elements just were not what you expected they’d be!

    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private Empty Re: The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private

    Post by Guest 27th August 2016, 8:20 am

    you said they make fun of your body
    humiliation in your eyes when you told me
    well i'm going to find them don't you worry

    1,098 words
    @Frey Rune

    Kanix had never known either of her birth parents, as from an early age, she had been taken away from her family in a forcible manner. From then on, life had become harsh for the woman, moving from one place to the next, her health slowly deteriorating as time went on. It wasn’t until at the age of fourteen that she had gotten sick of it all and escaped from the hell that would have been the rest of her life. Life took her from the grasp of her captors to a new one running for freedom, hiding in every place that she could manage to hide in. Until one day, when she had hidden in the depths of a forest somewhere in Fiore and a strange-looking, older man had found her. This elder was not like the men she had lived with for fourteen years of her life; no, this man was much kinder and gentler than they were. He gave her loving smiles and helpful words, took her back to his village, and introduced her to all of the people that lived there. That was the start of her new life.

    Animals are not meant to be held captive in places they do not claim as their homes,” Kanix responded in a hard tone of voice. She never liked hearing that an animal had been captured and put into a cage that wasn’t fit for a living space of one such as Silver. Even for a creature like Ancalagon, a world that was not their own was not a safe place for them to live, and that was something she had learned as a Nirvit child. When she had found the tiny Thunderbird as just a wee baby, she had known to let him live in the outside world, not to keep him too long in the teepee. Of course, her mentor had allowed her to keep him inside of the teepee when it was too cold or the weather didn’t permit it. As time went on, he grew too large for the teepee and that was when she knew she had to let him freely roam the village and forest. Ever since then, the two had always held a close relationship to each other, bound by the laws of nature of a mother and child, pet and owner.

    The soft fur of Silver brushed against her skin and Kanix looked down at the creature, moving a hand to lightly stroke its head. It was nice that a beast as wild as this one had come to tame itself and view Frey as its owner and something it needed to protect. In fact, it was much like Ancalagon, who had learned over time that Kanix was someone he needed to protect, not just be thankful for. In return, the woman would protect him if he were ever to be in danger, just as Frey would protect Silver in his times of need. Moving her hand away, the woman placed it back into Ancalagon’s feathers, gripping a decent chunk as they flew through the sky. The duo quickly passed through the portal that would lead them into Fiore, where Kanix knew they would likely be hunted by Rune Knights. As they burst through the other side, Kanix blinked her single eye and glanced around, letting the aura of the world fill her senses.

    Hearing Frey’s words, the woman focused back in on the little girl, curious to know what these “Earthmates” and “Dragon Guardians” were. She had known the young girl had come from a strange place, left here at the doorstep of her guild by the wolf in the end. Her eyebrows scrunched together and she had to think for a moment what they could have possibly been; some sort of magus perhaps. “Earthmates. . . are they a type of magus that you lived with, and these Dragon Guardians, I presume are simply just dragons?” she inquired. To have a surplus of dragons as guardians meant that whatever place she had once been at was a nest waiting for Dragonslayers. Kanix didn’t like the idea of that, but she knew that it was impossible for Dragonslayers to not want to kill another dragon, as it was a part of their magic. Even for herself, she often found it difficult to not want to hunt down a dragon she had seen and slaughter it with her own hands.

    Instantaneously, as Ancalagon began to descend on instinct, Silver pushed Kanix out of the way and grabbed hold of Frey, making off with her. This had taken Kanix by surprise, but she didn’t have time to react and had to focus on the guards that were down below. “Ancalagon, I want you to loop around and attack as many guards as you find necessary! These are not nice guards,” she ordered her bird. With that being said the woman stood to her feet and dropped off the bird, letting him take care of the guards while she headed toward the mares. Lightning bolts would come striking down from the sky, perfectly aimed by the beast so that each bolt of electricity landed on a guard. The guards would not have time to react in escaping from the lightning bolts, forced to either roll out of the way or be struck. Unfortunately, many of the guards were struck down by the bolts as they came flashing down at the literal speed of light.

    Kanix, on the other hand, went straight for the three mares that had been kept in the barn, hearing them whinnying and neighing. When she reached them, she instinctively moved out a hand to pet the nose of one, only to have it snap at her and try to tear skin off. She yelled at the creature, scolding it for wanting to eat her when she was there to help it get out of the cage it didn’t belong in. Unlocking the doors of the stalls the woman led two of the mares out, keeping them tied to one of the trees so that they couldn’t escape. Afterward, she went back in for the third that had tried to bite her, grabbing a muzzle to place it on the mouth of the creature. However, it would prove to be a little more difficult that it was meant to be, as the horse had reared up and tried biting at her again. Angrily, Kanix reached out a hand and roughly grabbed hold of the beast’s mouth, forcing down to all fours and binding the muzzle on it.
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    The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private Empty Re: The Mares, Kanix and Frey;; Private

    Post by Pandora 28th August 2016, 9:18 am

    602 words

    She was happy to be sitting on the bird as they flew, with Silver’s nose pressed lightly to her spine. Frey also caught sight of her adoptive mother petting the wolf and smiled. When he had first come to the village? People had feared him, because Ice Wolves, beasts like him were from the deep wilds, almost impossible to tame and highly aggressive; It had taken time for anyone to believe one could come to love a little girl instantly and devote its life to her, abandon it’s pack to do so. Course anyone clever would guess his pack had abandoned or gotten separated from  him, since he had been starving to death when she found him, otherwise they would have fed him. Ever since the day she saved him? Frey had become his pack, the only thing in the world that mattered to him, and like the finger’s worked to his slightly chilled fur, Fairy Tail was starting to work it’s way there as well, his heart softening to a place that did not second glance when he followed his little girl wherever she went, often times even the bath or such. Leaving Frey alone? Was never an option, even for one heartbeat and the little girl wouldn’t have it any other way, watching as she leaned back into his fluffy head and Kanix.

    “Most of that’s right, earth-mate is both the user and the magic, because after you learn it that’s the only kind of magic you can learn as it uses directly the life force of you and your surroundings.”
    she’d keep quiet about the warning the elder’s had given her thought, the fact that Earth-Mate magic prevented you from learning any secondary magic, even after you lost your ability to use the magic. If such thing happened? She’d be without magic until the runes decided to touch her once more and allow her magic to flow again. “The dragon guardians aren’t actual dragons thought, we lived with Dragons yes, the village leader and her family are all dragons, but the dragon guardians are the ones assigned to protect them. However beyond the hatchling and fledging dragons it’s mostly a title, the two oldest ones are more powerful than the guardians put together are.” which was what concerned her about one of her last sights before being knocked out during that fight. Normally? The ancient dragon couple stayed out of fights, they would protect the village if it was needed, but they were bound to stay in the castle unless the village could be wiped out. When she lost consciousness? She’d seen them flying out from the opening in the castle roof, Frey shook of the thought, shivering slightly.

    Most of the fight went by quickly, the guard went to swing at the earth-mate in retaliation, but the lightning bolt from the giant bird struck him down. Silver? Had to investigate and sniff each down guard, before he decided to follow the barn Kanix had vanished into, glancing at the already tree tethered mares anxiously before entering the barn cautiously. “Mom? Oh.” Frey spoke, but quickly realized what was going on, gripping Silver’s scruff to prevent him from going forward, because he would bite the mare and they wouldn’t get any reward for this! “You could lead them and we could herd them, to help keep them in line if they try to run off?” the mare’s clearly were aware that the large wolf was a predator and with their muzzles tied they had no way to fend him off. Why not use that fact to make this easier?

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