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    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
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    Posts : 201
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None (as of yet)
    Experience : 212.50

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    First Skill: Rose Make Magic
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    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] Empty Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki]

    Post by Corliss 3rd March 2016, 7:48 pm

    in someone else's happiness

    Job Info:
    Mice were not one of Corliss’s fears, contrary to what most people thought. Small rodents and other fuzzy animals didn't bother her the slightest. So why was she gagging now? The floor of the main room was practically covered in the squeaking vermin. They scattered at the arrival of the two mages, Black Rose’s Izayuki Hyuojin and Corliss Aelle. The white-haired girl had brought Pyrrha on this trip, as both owls and cats love mice. After all, Pyrrha was the one to suggest this job, so it was only fair that she be a part of it. Meeting a fellow Black Rose member, who was close to her own age, Corliss knew immediately that she had to spend time with the new friend, regardless of Izayuki’s opinion of her, so she asked Iza to join her on a job, despite knowing virtually nothing of the fellow mage. Turning to her partner, she gestured into the house, disgust written all over her face. “After you.”


    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] Empty Re: Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki]

    Post by Guest 15th March 2016, 10:06 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    She had only met Corliss recently, but the girl did not seem to bad a person at all. Perhaps this would be fun- after all, Izayuki loved meeting and befriending new people, and it made it even better that she was a mage of Black Rose. The job they had taken did not seem too hard- just a few mice, right? She was a tanuki, and rodents were on the menu for her species. Still, she had not eaten a mouse, rat, or vole for some time. Perhaps she could eat one again? What would they taste like now, after she had grown accustomed to human food over the years? Obviously, she would not eat them in human form, but it was still an interesting, random, and intriguing thought. As Corliss gestured for Izayuki to go in first, the yokai suddenly could not help but blink multiple times in surprise at what she was seeing. A few mice? Pfft, lies. Well, dealing with this lot would be interesting. However, she had just the thing...
    Gazing down at the mass of rodents, the Glacier God Slayer began freezing the floors around her, thus slowing down the mice with ease. They would be easier to get rid of when half frozen, right? "Well... no comment..." she said with her arms crossed, staring down innocently and curiously at the tiny mammals.

    Location;; Mice-infested house
    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 230

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 201
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None (as of yet)
    Experience : 212.50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Make Magic
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    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] Empty Re: Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki]

    Post by Corliss 30th March 2016, 6:45 pm

    in someone else's happiness

    As grossed out as Corliss was, Pyrrha was ecstatic. The pygmy gryphon wasted no time in bolting into the house and pouncing on as many of the freezing mice as she could, killing several right off the bat. In spite of the disgusting surroundings, Corliss laughed at how amused Pyrrha was, circling the room in a delighted haze, like a kid in a candy store with 100 jewels to spend. Corliss trudged in after the gryphon, unsheathing Dulcina as she did so. The mice were so slow that Corliss had no trouble stabbing through one, thankful that the floors were tile. The blood spilt in this room at least wouldn't be hard to clean up. “Izayuki, what's the plan? How do you wanna go about this?” Corliss asked, before realizing it was a little late to ask for a plan, considering many of the vermin lay dead already. Shrugging at her own mistake, Corliss stabbed yet another mouse.



    Corliss | Magic | Bank | Pyrrha | Dulcina | GFX | Shop

    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] TEmrTHZ

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    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] Empty Re: Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki]

    Post by Guest 30th March 2016, 8:46 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    The adorable owl griffin was doing beautiful work of cleaning up the mice. Ah, if only she had brought Seika... the tiny yokai would have adored it. Then again, on second thoughts, Seika may have just stood there stubbornly, being the little butt that she could be at times. Sighing, Izayuki steadily replied."The plan? No idea- I like to wing it. I suppose I could turn into a heavy object or animal and sit on them all, but that's kinda gross... still..." the tanuki yokai said, knowing that if she had to do it, she would, despite her slight distaste for transforming into objects. She allowed her aura to expand, eventually evolving itself to Ice Hunt, furthering their freezing and slowing to where frost was almost forming on all of the mice. Soon enough, they would be solid enough to smash, not squish. Hopefully. A mouse in the woods, a forest, meadow, or barn was always good to eat, having a nice and gamy flavor. But these ones seemed quite nasty, and smelled terrible.

    Word Count;; 160

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 201
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None (as of yet)
    Experience : 212.50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Make Magic
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    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] Empty Re: Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki]

    Post by Corliss 2nd April 2016, 12:25 pm

    in someone else's happiness

    Corliss nodded. “These are pretty gross mice, aren't they?”Corliss watched Pyrrha lick one of the micicles and shudder in disgust. The Pygmy gryphon scooped up a couple of the frozen creatures and took off, soaring up to the ceiling. She then let go of her cargo, dropping little mouse-shaped ice bombs on the hard tile, where they shattered, frozen chunks of mouse flying everywhere. Corliss gagged, absolutely disgusted. Some fun time with Iza, huh, Corliss thought, sighing in spite of herself, as she wound up breathing in far too much of the putrid air. Coughing and gagging once more, Corliss swung Dulcina like a golf club in a fit of rage, sending a frozen mouse flying across the room. Pyrrha raced to deflect the creature, sending it spiraling to its icy death on the tile. Amused by Pyrrha’s reaction, Corliss hit yet another one up in the air, which the gryphon immediately sent to rest with the other.


    Last edited by Corliss on 23rd April 2016, 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Corliss | Magic | Bank | Pyrrha | Dulcina | GFX | Shop

    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] TEmrTHZ

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    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] Empty Re: Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki]

    Post by Guest 19th April 2016, 11:30 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    "You're right- they're disgusting. Even I would not feel comfortable eating one of those in the shape of an animal," Izayuki went on, quickly becoming quite amused as Corliss went on, swinging her blade to smack a mouse across a room. Putting both hands out in front of her, the Glacier God Slayer used a unique C rank spell to give the three of them a hand, or paw, in regards to cleaning up the frozen mice. "Koorutomo," she said the name of the spell to activate it, summoning a large tiger made of her darkness-infused ice. As if instructed by some invisible command, the cold, elemental creature began scooping ice to the center with its massive paws, and went on to eat a good number of them as well. Hopefully, they would be finished cleaning up the disgusting mice before long. Thankfully, her Koorutomo did not mind the gross, slippery, yet frozen mice. If anything, it was a treat for the ice elemental feline.

    Word Count;; 166

    Frozen Friend:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 201
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None (as of yet)
    Experience : 212.50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Make Magic
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    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] Empty Re: Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki]

    Post by Corliss 3rd June 2016, 5:16 pm

    in someone else's happiness

    Corliss and Pyrrha's game was interrupted by Izayuki's summon, a giant tiger made of black ice. The obsidian beast began to eat the disgusting vermin, causing Pyrrha to shake her head, obviously feeling sick at the mere thought of eating the creatures. The pygmy gryhon, overcoming her previous discomfort, sniffed curiously at the much larger feline. The way the ice seemed to ripple like fur, Corliss couldn't help but be impressed with the Glacier God Slayer's power. It was unmistakably obvious that the Rose Make mage was out of her league, though that feeling didn't bother her too much. After all, all she really wanted were stories, and what's the fun in being the most powerful person in all of them? Shrugging, the white-blonde outstretched her left hand, announcing her spell a little too loudly. "Rose Make: Rapier!" She couldn't swing Dulcina with a single hand, but the rose rapier made for an excellent skewer, while the zweihander was wide enough to function as a sort of broom, pushing the frozen mice into position, creating what had to be the worst shishkabobs to ever exist. After managing to stab through half a dozen frozen mice, Corliss turned to her partner's tiger, waggling the rodents-on-a-stick. "Here kitty-kitty, here kitty..."




    Corliss | Magic | Bank | Pyrrha | Dulcina | GFX | Shop

    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] TEmrTHZ

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    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] Empty Re: Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki]

    Post by Guest 8th June 2016, 9:47 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Being in complete control of the tiger of black ice, Izayuki instilled a playfulness inside of him for the fun of it. Glowing eyes curiously focusing on the mice stuck on the rapier, he tilted his head as he lowered his body, ready for a pounce. The massive tiger, at least nine feet in length, launched himself across the room, straight for Corliss and the rapier. His charge was at very high speeds, and if he did pounce at their guildmate, well, there would be a bit of damage to be taken. As he leaped, however, Izayuki made him turn into a spawn of black snow, rather than ice, and though he dissolved and ate the mice, he managed to splash right through Corliss and possibly Pyrrha, and whip around and paw gently at the Rose-Make mage with massive paws. Logic, right? At least they were making headway on clearing the mice, and that was what mattered. Best of all, the two Black Rose mages were having fun with it. What could be better?

    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 175

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 201
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None (as of yet)
    Experience : 212.50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Make Magic
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    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] Empty Re: Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki]

    Post by Corliss 29th June 2016, 10:28 pm

    in someone else's happiness

    Oddly enough, the obsidian summon was playful, and charged at the white-blonde mage, who quickly yelped and dove to get out of the way, pygmy gryphon in hot pursuit. In her immediate panic of "holy cow there's an ice tiger about to make me it's chew toy", Corliss forgot that the original intention was to play matador with the rose rapier/mice-icle shishkabob, and dove with both weapons still in hand. Thankfully, Izayuki transformed the ice tiger into snow, and it splashed over the mage and gryphon, and quickly reformed itself eager to get to it's shishkabob prize. Finally realizing what the tiger wanted, Corliss threw the rapier across the room, ad took a shaky sigh of relief. As the terror and shock wore off, the rose make mage collapsed in a slightly-wet heap of laughter, pulling the still shaking Pyrrha into her arms. After a minute or two of post-nervous giggling, the cold and wet pair got up from the floor, realizing they still had a job to do. Except, as they looked around, there wasn't a single live mouse in sight. All had either been skewered, shattered, or eaten, at least to Corliss's knowlede. Turning to the more-experienced mage, Corliss gave voice to the notion. "Are we... done? I can't see any more." It felt weird to be done so fast, considering how many mice there had been starting out. She had barely said much to Iza, at least compared to Corliss's normal chatter. But, this job had been oddly fun, smelly rodents and all, and Corliss was thankful that Izayuki had come along with her.



    Corliss | Magic | Bank | Pyrrha | Dulcina | GFX | Shop

    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] TEmrTHZ

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    Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki] Empty Re: Of Mice and Mages [Private | Job | Izayuki]

    Post by Guest 3rd July 2016, 12:58 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Indeed, most of the mice had been frozen, killed off, hacked to pieces, shattered, or nommed on by a hungry barn owl griffon and a tiger generated from black ice, who was nothing but artificial life. Izayuki leaned herself against a wall in amusement, crossing her arms and giggling as she watched her Kooritomo scare the life out of her guildmates. She had not expected them to be so scared, but it did make sense. After all, who would not freak out if a nine foot long monster tiger made of darkness-infused ice was racing towards you? One would have to be an utter moron to stand their ground, or just have a ridiculous amount of confidence in their own strength. Nevertheless, the reaction of Corliss and Pyrrha was normal, and well worth the watch. "Seems that way," Izayuki replied, walking towards the nervous duo and allowing her ice tiger to dissipate. "Ready to head home?"

    Location;; Mouse House
    Muse;; 4/10
    Word Count;; 157
    OOC;; //finished wooooo

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:17 pm