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    Thugs better Run.

    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Thugs better Run.

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 23rd January 2016, 3:27 pm

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Thugs better Run. Ezgif.com-resize_zpsq5lnbuut

    - Kite

    Tailspin was already in the air, rotated in the so it was on course for his current destination but it didn’t leave quite yet it was hovering above it’s designated landing platform. Making some last minute adjustments to make sure that his heading was correct. ”Coordinates set, next stop Hargeon.“ he pushed forward on the throttle and the ship zoomed forward towards Kite’s next destination. Kite held a slight resentment for the port town and it wasn’t due to any general dislike for the town as a whole but the resentful attitude was more towards to the fact that he couldn’t seem to escape this town since he first time visiting it on his way to the Sabertooth guild. His first and only job with his former guild master Raven was here as well and it only seemed predetermined that he would once again find himself there. Unlike his first job there which involved more of an investigative intuition whereas this job was more akin to that of a body guard job. The client owned a restaurant in hargeon that was under the “protection” of a local gang of thugs at the cost of the owner. However due to a lack of business he wasn’t able to make the payment to his protectors and thus they were out to get it by any means. What Kite had gathered from the vague but obvious pleas for help in the description on the job poster was that these thugs might not just be all talk and they could cause some legitimate damage to not only the business or the owner but the innocent bystanders that might be in the establishment during the conflict.

    After the quick flight from Ace of Spades to Hargeon Kite parked his ship on one of the designated landing pads and proceeded to exit his ship after descending down the catwalk in the cargo bay and towards the closed boarding ramp and hit a number of buttons causing a panel to open in the ramp which acted as a door, Kite pulled it open and then pulled it shut pushing the button on the outside of the ship to have it seal tight behind him. ”Ships locked time to find this client.“ He said to himself as he walked down the platform steps and headed towards the restaurant’s address that was listed on the flyer. It didn’t take him very long to reach his destination, the restaurant was called Viccini’s and it said so on the wooden sign hanging above the door. Kite could tell what sort of guy this Viccini was by the finely carved letters in the sign, he was a working and from what Kite could gather from the name he was foreign to the area which meant he was easy pickings for those who could out muscle him but as it stood now he had muscle in the form of the Demon slayer from Sabertooth. He then entered the building and took a seat at the bar and folded his hands on the hand carved wooden bar and waited for the client to show himself or at least a staff member so he could order while he waited.
    template by Darkee

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    Thugs better Run. Gvf4gD8

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 488
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 105
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aphophis the Snake God of Chaos
    Experience : 1944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Priestess of War
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by sworbet 24th January 2016, 6:03 am

    Red eyes scanned the passing paysage around them. It was gorgeous. The glistening sea was a gorgeous shade of cerulean blue, almost matching that of the sky. Rae let a small smile slip onto her lips. "Blue Pegasus blue." She muttered quietly as stared out of the window of her carriage. The Duchess would never admit it, but she was already quite fond of her new guild. "Your Grace, we have arrived!" The nobility heard her driver shout. Stepping out of her transport and paying him handsomely, Rae looked around.

    She was looking for a restaurant, if she was not wrong. Where was it supposed to be again? Taking a note out of her pocket, the Duchess read the address. Rae looked around in order to figure out where exactly she was first before heading in the correct direction, her high heels clicking after her. It didn't take long for the usual crowd of onlookers to appear. "It's Duchess Havoc!" A male voice shouted from behind her. "Give me a camera, hurry!" She heard another voice say, this time female. The devil ran a hand through her long crimson hair as she walked on confidently. The fans were annoying but they were what informed her uncle of his potential loss of position. "Rae! You looked amazing in Sorcerer Weekly!" "Your Grace we love you!" Turning around, the nobility gave them a polite smile and a wave before continuing on her way to her real reason for being here- the mission.

    "Viccini's." Rae read the sign out quietly. She had managed to loose her fans somehow and was now, finally standing in front of her desired destination. Viccini's looked like a decent restaurant from the outside. The name didn't seem like something you would hear in Fiore every day which was good. From an economic perspective this showed Rae that the kingdom was an attractive place for foreigners to start businesses. As she was about to push the door of the building open however she felt a strong magical presence coming form inside. It wasn't particularly pleasant. It made her devil blood boil. Carefully, yet confidently, The Duchess entered the restaurant and scanned around for the source of the dangerous aura. Her crimson hues turned to slits as they landed on a man who appeared to be calmly sitting on a stool at the bar of the restaurant. Rae calmly evaluated him. If this man was one of the thugs that she had to fight, he would've already trashed the place. He was probably just a customer. A customer with a strong magical presence. As she walked over to the bar and sat down on the stool next to the mage, she raised her voice in the direction of the kitchen. "Excuse me, I'm here for your job." Her tone of voice was calm and polite yet it sounded somehow demanding. There were several shouts coming from inside the Kitchen before a short, chubby man with a mustache came out . Looking over to where The Duchess was he smiled. "Oh good! You're both here then!" Blinking in amused confusion the Fallen God Slayer's snake eyes returned to their natural, unslitted, human state. Both of them? She coolly turned her head to look at the man next to her.


    Thugs better Run. Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 25th January 2016, 12:46 am

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Thugs better Run. VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    The bar seat wasn't particularly comfy by any standard means, the seat was padded but was stiff and had little give to it making the seat itself rather undesirable to say the least but all that aside he didn't mind it all that much and it certainly wasn't enough to force him to get up out of his seat to relocate. It was backless and on a swivel which allowed the stool to spin a full 360 degrees with no stop point. He pressed his feet and swiveled back and forth on the seat until a waitress took notice of his presence and walked over with a pen and paper already equipped and ready jot down his order “good day sir and welcome to Viccini’s how might I serve you today?” The girl asked politely and professionally. It was good to see that despite the threat that loomed over this place it didn't prevent any of the staff to be unnerved to do their job or at least while the immediate danger was not present. Not wanting to keep the girl from fulfilling her duties Kite replied to her request for his order ”I'll take a cup coffee and one of those croissants you have back there.“ a smile came across his face as he pulled out the payment for his meal with a little extra jewels added more to the total than what was due. He watched as she poured his coffee he slid her the money which caught her attention, he could tell by her expression that she knew already that there was way more money than what was owed and this strange occurrence made her look at the demon slayer with a puzzled expression. ”Thanks for the coffee sweetheart, now if you wouldn't mind could you run along to get your employer for me. I am the Mage here to take up his job request. Keep the change for doing me the favor.“ he said to her as he sipped his pippin hot coffee from the mug only to catch we looking at him with a beaming smile gracing her face “right away. Won't take long.” And just like that she was off to get the boss.

    She hadn't been gone long but before her return or the appearance of her boss Kite’s 6th sense was drawn to the approach of something approaching the restaurant. Whatever was approaching it was too far away to make out what it was exactly but it was in fact something of demonic origins or so he thought at first but as the strange energy stopped right outside the entrance of it had become more apparent to what it was. What he initially assessment of the energy made him believe it was demon but that wasn't the case at all, while it was unholy, akin to that of demonic signatures this was much more pure ironically and not pure in the sense of holy but the equivalent for pure when referencing unholy beings something of a Satan class most likely. Despite his urgent to turn around to face the source of the signature he stayed still facing the back of the bar holding his coffee mug hiding the fact he knew of the looming presence. ”Most likely something of that high of a caliber is already aware of my presence.  Not sure if its friend or foe but either way this isn't the place to fight such a being but I doubt it is involved with my job… I'll just go my own way for now.“ He thought to himself while sipping his coffee once more. Despite his magic being the kind to deal with the likes of Demons and things such as this he preferred not to kill a demon unless its intentions would bring harm upon innocents. It came as a surprise that the entity came and took a seat next to Kite of all people but what was even more surprising to the Demon slayer was the appearance of the demonic like being. It was a gorgeous girl with silky red hair, deep red colored eye, crimson like his but much more deep and vibrant and her outfit left no detail unnoticed but the more insightful thing he had noticed was that while a potent demonic signature she wasn't pure demon. This was intriguing to him and was contemplating making conversation with her but she directed her attention to the back saying in a soothing yet firm voice that she was here for the job to which the client responded as he peered out from the kitchen not the least bit surprised that there were two mages here for the job. Surprised slightly by the new information he turned his eyes from the man who he assumed was Viccini either by name or owner of the establishment to the beauty of a girl next to him at the bar. ”Well this is certainly a surprise. Wasn't expecting a partner on this job. “ he said to her like he would anyone else.
    template by Darkee

    Spells used:


    Thugs better Run. Gvf4gD8

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 488
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 105
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aphophis the Snake God of Chaos
    Experience : 1944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Priestess of War
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by sworbet 25th January 2016, 2:47 am

    His hair was rather long, an interesting shade of blue, his eyes were red, similar to her own. Demonic? Rae doubted it. His body seemed quite well toned, with a battle scar here and there. His aura was definitely something she had to keep away from. So she was paired up with him? It was a mission for two people? She had never agreed to such a thing. If the Duchess wasn't polite enough she would've completely rejected this and walked out of the restaurant wordlessly. Calming herself down she heard the male next to her speak casually. That's right, this was a job, this was business, as long as she received glory in the end, it didn't matter who she did the job with. "Yes, It's even more a surprise to me." She told him as she turned to fully face him. Curtsying in order to properly introduce herself to him, Rae opened her lips. "I am Duchess Rae Havoc, a pleasure to work with you." The red head said before looking back at Viccini and repeating her earlier action. "A pleasure to work for you, sir." Her noble mannerism was reflected in her polite and calm tone of voice. Viccini seemed to not be used to such a way of acting and waved his hands around, flustered. "Your Grace, please, there's no need to be so formal." In response to him the devil could only flash her usual bright business smile. There was no emotion behind it but it always seemed to reassure her employers.

    Just as the devil was about to ask for more details on the job, the door of the restaurant was slammed open. "Viccini, we're here, where's our money?" A man shouted as he entered the room, followed by two of his buddies. Seeing her employer's scared reaction caused Rae's crimson eyes to turn to slits. Whipping her head back to look at the thugs she spoke calmly, her tone would remind one of a monarch. " It is basic manners to sit down and order something when you enter a restaurant." She told the three men causing them to look at her in annoyance. "Shove it lady, we aren't here to talk to you." Was the response she received causing her to raise an eyebrow at them. Taking her broad sword out and letting it drop in front of her feet, the Duchess ran her free hand through her hair. "Very well then, if you don't want us to talk this out, we'll do it another way." She could see the men's eyes widen as they started stepping back in fear.  Respect, this one thing she demanded and returned if given, if not... Rae's devil blood boiled as she leaped towards the trio of men, slamming them with the dull side of her blade. There was no need to kill the idiotic commoners. The three men flew out of the store at the sheer force of the Havoc Heiress's strike, landing on their bums. Following out after them slowly, the mage tilted her head at them, her heels clicking as she walked calmy. The thugs got up and quickly made a run for it, causing the nobility to shake her head at them, that was useless. Slinging Ghelgath back on her back and looking back at the male mage behind her she shot him a small challenging smirk, if he was her partner, he had to show her that he was worth her respect. Could he catch up to the thugs and take them out?

    Last edited by sworbet on 25th January 2016, 3:28 am; edited 3 times in total


    Thugs better Run. Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by NPC 25th January 2016, 2:47 am

    The member 'sworbet' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Thugs better Run. WeakMonster
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 25th January 2016, 9:57 am

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Thugs better Run. VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Hearing her response caused a smile to come across his face, he was glad he wasn't the only one in the dark about this impromptu partnership, the idea of the demon slayer working with a woman of this stunning beauty was certainly a treat. There was something about this girl that drew his attention to her, her delicate features, her red hair paired with her red eyes or just about everything about her. His moment of admiring was paired with a smirk as his partner turned to fully face him and entered a curtsy as she introduced herself as Duchess Rae Havoc but took note of her words, a pleasure to work with you wasn't the same as pleasure to meet you. Either way he spun in his seat upon hearing her and spoke once again ”My name is Kite Wilhelm and the pleasure and surprise is all mine your grace.“ he gave a slight bow and took his seat again but not before shooting her grace a wink and turned back to the owner who had received an introduction from the Duchess also. Kite extended his hand out to Viccini ”Like I said names Kite from Sabertooth. So when should we expect to start our job?“ the demon slayer asked getting straight to business, the man took hold of the mages hand and shook “any minute... now.” He said calmly at first but then his calm vanished as the door swung open, the question to pop in his head was a simple “what's wrong?” But the booming voice that flooded the restaurant demanding money from Viccini specifically.

    Kite took his coffee and swung around so his back was now against the bar and eyes fixed on the trio of men who were attempting a shake down. The duchess spoke up first however pointing out how it was proper manners for a restaurant to order something when they enter. ”well they did order money.“ he said blankly sipping his coffee not removing gaze from the obvious threat now. A gaze which turned into a glare upon hearing how one of the men had to say to his lady friend, telling her to shove it. Kite put his mug down and slowly got up from his chair ”you are gonna apologize to the lady then you lot are gonna leave.“ but before they could respond the Duchess was already on them, slamming her sword into them driving them out the door they had just come in from and landed on their asses outside the building. Kite wanted to put those clowns in their place but wanted to see The duchess do it just as much so he followed all four of them outside but when the demon slayer made it outside behind the red head beauty the three were making a beeline for it and instead of giving chase she just stood there looking at Kite with a playful and yet challenging smile before turning his gaze to the fleeing men ”That won't do, they still have to apologize. Excuse me your grace… Maybe when I bring them back you can tell me what you would prefer me to call you. “he said entering a full sprint charging behind them and closing the distance fast. One man looked back “there is only one of them and three of us lets get him!” The stopped and two turned to face the demon slayer with determination but that determination was crushed just as they were. Kite met the two with both arms extended outward catching two of the three by the neck and effectively clotheslining them at the same time. The third one was in enough shock that he didn't see Kite’s next move. Kite rotated to face the man but it was for only a the purpose of driving a swift right hand into the thugs gut, followed up with a left hook to the the ribs and finished the strike combo by driving his elbow across the man's face which was enough to make the man stumble and he seized the opportunity while it presented itself and took hold of the thugs far wrist and shirt and used his rotation to pull the man over his hip and slamming him to the ground with a judo like throw. Grabbing all three by the back of their shirts he dragged them back to where he had left the duchess and tossed the lot so they were laying down in front of her. ”This is the part where you apologize to the pretty lady, then you can crawl back and tell your ringleader we will be waiting for him.“
    template by Darkee

    Spells used:


    Thugs better Run. Gvf4gD8

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 488
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 105
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aphophis the Snake God of Chaos
    Experience : 1944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Priestess of War
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by sworbet 25th January 2016, 3:16 pm

    The blue-haired mage spoke about apologies delivered to her, causing her to raise an eyebrow. Not only that, he also referred to her with her noble title. So this man was Sabertooth's Kite? Her cold eyes scanned his fast movements as he quickly caught up and took out the running thugs. His attacks were flowing and hit hard, to the Duchess' surprise. Then again, somehow she expected it. His strong magical aura was close to her own in power. To her confusion however, Kite brought back the three thugs up to her, throwing them at her feet. He really did bring them here to apologize to her... "We're very sorry." One of the ruffians spoke, he was beaten pretty brutally.

    "You're words have been heard, now run along and get your master." The devil said,her eyes turning to slits, causing them to immediately scram out of her sight. Her gaze then tuned back to her partner. Running a hand through her long Crimson hair, Rae pursed her lips. "It's the Duchess!""Your Grace, we love you!" Damn. The onlookers of the battle had recognized her. People were already gathering around to stare at Fiore nobility. "Rae! Is that your boyfriend?" A male voice shouted above the rest, causing her to blink in confusion as she looked around, attempting to spot who they were talking about. There was really only one obvious answer to that question but even if she were to say it, she doubted the commoners would believe it. They lived for gossip. Gossip sold magazines and newspapers, it was a business anyways. Looking at the mage next to her she shot him a glare, telling him to not say anything. The Fallen God Slayer doubted that Kite would enjoy getting involved in the matters of nobility so she simply took his hand and dragged him back into Viccini's. Closing the door after them she let a sigh escape her lips. "I must apologize for my fans, they have always been uncontrollable." The Duchess spoke as her reptile eyes locked themselves to those of Kite. She had no intention of causing him any inconvenience. Although she personally didn't mind if the gossip story did reach her uncle. She could only imagine the horrified expression on his face as he read that as someone from his noble bloodline was getting involved with a human commoner. Despite keeping her poker face, Rae's eyes gave out her amusement at her own thoughts. Looking out of the window of the restaurant she narrowed her eyes at the accumulated crowd. "I would only propose we come out when we spot the enemy." She half commanded,half suggested as looked back at the Sabertooth mage. There was something about his red eyes that she liked. They reminded her of pools of blood, they made her devil side hungry. Wiping her mind clean of such thoughts, Rae looked around for something to distract herself with. This man still had a dangerous aura around him which she disliked. As for the question of how to call her, she preferred to ignore that one for now. This was business, nothing more.


    Thugs better Run. Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 25th January 2016, 11:23 pm

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Thugs better Run. VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Kite stood firmly in place behind the three thugs, acting as an obstacle that they wouldn’t be able to surmount by any attempts of fleeing. This group of thugs had to learn the penalty for being so disrespectful to a lady in front of the Demon Slayer from Sabertooth. Kite had made it perfectly clear that if they had wanted to leave for a safer place such as their hideout they would need to give the Duchess her rightly deserved apology. His arms were crossed in front of his chest as to enforce his position on the matter but that didn’t prevent a smile to be plastered on his face, the image of Duchess Rae’s look of confusion when he brought back the good for nothings. That is when one of the thugs spoke up finally, Kite couldn’t see the man’s face to tell who it was that was speaking but he could tell from the welts that were forming on the side of his face where his elbow connect that it was the thug that got the worst of his assault. The words We’re very sorry… came from his lips and while he wanted to hear a more sincere apology the Duchess seemed to be pleased with it and dismissed them to fetch their master. Kite’s eyes were fixed on the group of men as they walked away slowly feeling the effects of being so beaten and battered but soon their pace picked up and they were gone within seconds. As the duchess brushed back her hair with her hand Kite rubbed his hands together signifying that task was done. ”That was easier than I thought it would have been, they didn’t even try to defy the order.“ his eyes were trained on the direction the men ran in ”You better run..“ he muttered under his breath right before he heard the sound of a voice scream out “ It’s the Duchess!” an act that would soon be followed by a slew of people fawning over the red headed beauty but none of that really mattered to Kite until he heard one particular question be shouted above the rest of them. A question that involved him incidentally, the question was simply “Is that your boyfriend?” a question that caused him to feel as flustered as he believed the duchess to feel but instead her blinking shouted out to him that she was more confused than flustered but didn’t hesitate to shoot Kite a look, more like a glare that acted as a warning, a warning in which Kite put his hands up in the air and shrugged ”Hey I didn’t say it. Besides I wouldn’t mind if the answer was yes.“ he whispered low enough for her to only hear.

    The next thing he knew she was reaching across the gap between them and taking a hold of his hand and pulling him back to Viccini’s and while he could have pulled his hand free he returned the grasp and only let go once they were inside the restaurant and the door was locked behind them. At first she apologized to him for the actions of her fans explaining that her fans were uncontrollable even for her. ”I guess it comes with the territory, but better they be fans adoring you rather than a mod coming at your neck.“ he said with a pause as he leaned against the door with his arms crossed over his chest ”and to be honest i don’t have a problem with people thinking i am involved with a lovely lady such as yourself.“ he said admitting of the small attraction he had for her. Shortly after she proposed that they both wait indoors until their enemies arrive, an idea he liked. ”It might be a good idea to send the owner and staff home until this nasty business is taken care of. The less people involved the better...“ it had almost escaped his mind but he decided it would be fine to speak on it again. ”So is there a name I can call you or would you prefer I just call you duchess like your adoring fans?“ he asked her but this question was merely used to mask the other question pressing in his mind, the question of what sort of demonic being she was. He wasn’t threatened by her presence but he did find her fascinating for she was the first of her kind he had ever run into.

    template by Darkee

    Spells used:


    Thugs better Run. Gvf4gD8

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 488
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 105
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aphophis the Snake God of Chaos
    Experience : 1944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Priestess of War
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by sworbet 26th January 2016, 10:51 am

    The Duchess nodded, she did agree with the fact that having adoring fans was better than haters. Rae let her cold crimson hues explore the the man again.  Kite leaned casually against the door as he spoke about her in a rather interesting fashion. He was hitting on her for sure.  Ignoring the compliment, the nobility did indeed head into the restaurant's kitchens in order to evacuate all of the staff. Her heels clicked as she walked in, raising her voice slightly. "We hate to do this to you, but we want you all to take the day off and go home." The devil spoke calmly, causing all of the waiters and chefs to look at her, Viccini included. "If you want this restaurant to not be bothered again in the future I would suggest you leave us to watch over it. We guarantee no more thugs will ever bother you." She explained as she pointed at the mage behind her and herself before shooting them a confident smile. The staff made no protest, to her surprise and calmly followed her suggestion. Looking around as the kitchen got cleared she sighed. That was easier than she thought. As she came back out into the dinning room, Rae got that same question thrown at her, about how he should call her. "Call me as you wish, Duchess Havoc or Rae, either is fine." She didn't really mind giving him the permission as she doubted he would be ever able to call her by her name on another day other than this one. Their meeting today was just a coincidence. Or so she thought.

    His aura still caused her to want to bare her fangs at him. What was it about him. Turning to face him, her slitted eyes met his human ones. Why did he make her skin crawl? His body seemed human enough.  "What magic do you use, Kite?" There wasn't anything else that could give him such a dangerous presence. She hadn't changed her tone of voice but somehow the way his name rolled off her tongue sounded rather nice. Looking back out of the windows of the store she let a sigh out as she saw that the crowd of fans was not even close to dispersing. Or so she thought. A strong magical presence stood out of the restaurant. She could feel it. "Viccini, pay your debt!" A high pitched female voice shouted from outside, silencing the screams of the Duchess' fans. She, whoever she was, was definitely a mage. Opening the door and walking out, Rae glared at the woman. "Viccini owes you nothing." She declared as she took a good long look at her opponent. Tall, black hair, green eyes. Quite the good-looking woman. She lacked a guild tattoo, so she had to be a mercenary mage. "And who do you happen to be?" The devil asked as she noticed the onlookers listening quietly to the interactions between the two ladies.

    Last edited by sworbet on 26th January 2016, 11:11 am; edited 1 time in total


    Thugs better Run. Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara

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    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by NPC 26th January 2016, 10:51 am

    The member 'sworbet' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Thugs better Run. StrongMonster
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 27th January 2016, 1:18 am

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Thugs better Run. VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Kite couldn’t help but let a smile appear on his face when he saw the expression on Rae’s face when he clearly and blatantly flirted with the Duchess. He by no means expected to get anywhere with a simple compliment but was happy to see it was acknowledged to even the slightest degree. It was also his way of learning about his partner on the job, he didn’t know anything about her besides she held high in the eyes of the public, she was a Duchess which meant she was of noble descent, she was gorgeous  and she held a presence unlike any he had felt as his time as a Demon Slayer so besides any of that he hadn’t a clue what she was like, her response or lack of response made him note that she was either not interested in the Sabertooth mage on any level or that she was all about the job. He remained at the door with his arms crossed as The Duchess made her way to the kitchen to send everyone who wasn’t them home for the sake of their own safety. He listened in as she spoke to them as a group, her voice was sincere from what he could hear when she told them that she was sorry about kicking them out of their own place of business but was also impressed with how she handled the situation with such grace. It started to become clear that her adoring fan club wasn’t just fawning over her for no reason after all. She was an amazing person and Kite could was able to tell this just from the short interactions with her but there was going to be more before the job was finished. Kite awaited for Duchess to return to the dining room after dealing with the staff and then asked her the same question that he asked her outside regarding how she would have liked him to address her. Much to his surprise she gave him an answer stating that he could call her Duchess Havoc or by her first name Rae. After hearing the options presented before he waffled between both, but seeing as he wasn’t one for formalities and the like he decided he would stick with her first name. ”Hmmm Rae it is...You have quite a nice name.“ he said with a cheery smile coming across his lips after letting her name escaped his mouth in the form of his voice.

    There was a moment of silence as the two stood in the now empty restaurant waiting for the opposition to show themselves but Kite couldn’t help but notice the look Rae was giving him. It wasn’t a mean look or anything of the sort but he could tell that there was something bothering her, it was enough to cause Kite to want to ask if there was anything wrong the. However before he could speak up the silence was broken by Rae who, while looking at him asked him what sort of magic he used, using his name at the end of her question, which seemed nice to hear come from her. Kite pushed off the door and walked closer to the duchess and leaned on the table resting his butt on it. ”Oh, My magic?“ he repeated the question before holding his hand out in front of her with his palm up towards the ceiling, while keeping his red eyes locked onto hers creating a small white flame in the center of his hand ”I’m Sabertooth’s Demon Slayer. Specifically the Flame Demon Slayer.“ he said to her with a hint of pride in his voice. The amount of strife he went through to obtain the magic alone was enough to give him pride but he was also proud of being apart of Sabertooth and using his magic to benefit his guild. He closed his hand causing the fire to vanish as it had come never once breaking his gaze into her eyes. ”So since I shared that to you, maybe you can tell me what it is you are. I can tell your energy signature is similar to that of a demon but much more refined and pure.“ he had asked since the ice was broken by her question, plus he figured it was relevant at the moment seeing as he had realized at that moment that she must have been feeling something strange or threatening about him. It wasn’t long after their discussion that the sound of a high pitched female voice began to shout from outside Viccini’s demanding that he pay his debt. Rae had exited the building first declaring that Viccini owed them nothing and asked for the woman to identify herself. Kite was in the building for the start of it but arrived right as the request for identity was made, his eyes fixated on the tall slender woman who stood across from them. Kite was awaiting for an answer also but something had caught his attention, the smell of something burning. It was in a flash but a fire ball rocketed towards Rae, It being clear that the woman had no intention of revealing her name and sent the fire attack as a message that she wasn’t one to be taken lightly. Unfortunately for the enemy the messages was overtaken by a larger one as Kite inhaled sucking in the fireball in it’s entirety make him lick his lips after the fact. ”Sorry but that sort of thing won’t work here. Using fire nor attacking like that will be taken kindly.“ He declared before raising his hand causing flames to swirl from his hand which turned into ripples of fire which all stayed still in the air until it was time to fire. ”Flame Demon’s Inferno Bust.“ he said shooting twelve projectiles of fire at the woman all colliding where she had been standing. At first Kite thought it was a direct hit but to his surprise she was gone,  and just as he realized it the woman crept up from the shadows behind him and leaped into the air to strike him with an aerial strike that he didn’t see coming.  
    template by Darkee

    Spells used:


    Thugs better Run. Gvf4gD8

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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aphophis the Snake God of Chaos
    Experience : 1944

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    First Skill: Priestess of War
    Second Skill: -
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    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by sworbet 27th January 2016, 3:35 pm

    So he was the Flame Demon Slayer. It all made sense now. The fluid movements and confident strikes, not to mention the cryptic aura that made her blood boil. The white flame that he created in the palm of his hand was only proof of the truth he was saying. Actually she didn't even need proof, she was sure that he didn't lie due to the pride he spoke of his magic with. He sounded like a typical light mage. Then to her surprise, he asked her about what she was. So he could indeed recognize that her heritage wasn't fully human. The Duchess sighed. It was only fair that if he told her something about himself, she would return the gesture. But probably in a time when there weren't buzzing fans who didn't know about that either. The fact that their opponent used fire magic immediately made Rae much more cautious. Thankfully Kite had that part of her magic taken care of as he easily consumed the flames before attacking with some of his own. He did it with ease. Rae's eyes widened as she watched how the woman switched into a form of a shadow, moving across the ground. She seemed to move from behind him.

    Rolling her eyes at that easily predictable movement of a typical shadow user, the devil leaped up, landing a punch across the mercenary mage's face, sending her leaping backwards. "But, how did you know?" The black-haired female asked confusedly as she stood back up on her feet. Running a hand through her crimson hair, Rae simply sent the lady a glare, showing her that she had no intention of answering the question. Her opponent growled at her and began casting a powerful shadow spell, causing a large ball of dark energy to appear above her head. "You're gonna be dead for that attitude!" She shouted angrily before throwing the ball at her. Simply standing still, the nobility allowed herself to be hit by the darkness as she heard the dominant laughter of the mercenary. Feeling the energy around her, Rae opened her lips and rapidly consumed the energy. "I would suggest that you focus on only using one type of magic from now on, this tastes disgusting." The heiress spoke as she finished her meal, wiping her lips with her fingers. Looking back at the lady she saw her shocked and quite scared face. A small smile slipped onto her lips. Taking her sword and crown off and putting them aside she put a hand on her hip. "Let me show you, what real darkness is like." She said causing the crowds around them to roar in happiness. Running towards the lady she attempted to kick her a couple of times before successfully landing a punch  on her chin. "Stop aiming at my face!" the mercenary shouted as she punched her back with an arm enveloped in flames. Leaping back skillfully the Duchess sent the lady a smirk. Putting her hands in front oh her with opened palms she tilted her head at the enemy, causing two magic circles to appear around the mage. "Dark Chain Magic: Spirits from above and below." She announced, causing a light green beam to shoot towards the mage from above while several lances shot at her from below. It was a clear hit, no doubts about that. Closing one eye, she bit her lower lip, her resistance to fire magic was really bad and she was sure that the punch she from earlier had definitely left a bruise.

    86/100MP ( +10 due to the consumption of darkness magic)
    210/300HP (Takes 50% more damage from fire spells)


    Thugs better Run. Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 28th January 2016, 11:41 am

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Thugs better Run. VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Kite knew better, he knew that his attack couldn’t have caused that much damage with that particular attack. The chick on the ground cover in burns from the barrage of fire, sure that made sense but complete annihilation of her entire body was not likely. Kite knew she wasn’t down and was getting ready to make her move but just as he started to prepare himself for some sort of counter attack he had heard something come from behind him. This caused him to turn around to see the woman, shrouded in remnants of shadow descending down on him to strike and was too close for him to counter, evade or defend, he was gonna get hit but out of no where Rae was in the air above him colliding her fist against the enemy’s face causing her to abandon her current position and created some distance between her foes and questioned how Rae knew, Kite guessed she was questioning her quick timing to counter a shadow user. Kite watched Rae as well curious to what the answer would be but instead the only answer given was her flipping her hair back and glaring at the black haired woman. In a fury the woman concentrated her shadows into a ball and hurled it at Rae, Kite saw it but didn’t react fast enough to intervene but as it would have it his help wasn’t needed, to Kite’s surprise she allowed the shadows to hit her before parting her lips to consume the shadows. Kite’s eyes widened in surprise, not from the act of her eating shadows but from what he realized she was. A smirk found it’s way on Kite’s face as he continued to look on while putting a hand on her hip, ”Well that’s a surprise, I didn’t realize I was not only in the presence of Nobility but one who happens to be Slayer, A God Slayer who eats shadows.“ he said outloud for her to hear right after announcing that her shadows were disgusting. Kite stood by cross armed as the battle ensued in front of him, just as she watched observed him he was doing so against this opponent, she threw a combo of kicks which opened the Merc’s face up for a strong punch to her chin, as strong as it was the Merc fired back with a fire punch landing it’s mark on the Duchess. The Duchess used her spell Dark Chain magic which caused a green light to strike from below while lances rained down on her.

    Kite was impressed by the performance but noticed how Rae was holding her self at the moment, it was clear that she had taken a hard hit and was feeling it. This was now the moment to get involved. The Merc was moving as the Dark lances evaporated as fast as they had come and started to make her move for Rae. Unaware of what sort of thread the Merc would present Kite jumped in front of Rae and charged at the opponent at full speed, which his flames swirling in his hand. When he was close enough he threw his hand forward ”Flame Demon King’s Seal“ and a white flame struck her but caused no damage aside from burning a brand in her arm, on the other hand right before the Seal hit the lady Merc used her Shadow magic to make a large spike to shoot up from the ground to pierce Kite’s side like a spear and it held him there. “Good, stay put darling, I’m gonna sear your girl to oblivion then swallow you in my shadows.” She declared as she gather attempted to gather a fire ball in her hand to hurl at the God slayer but instead of what she thought would happen his spell activated. The seal absorbed her mana and exploded on her arm enveloping her in the blast. ”Gotcha bitch, like i’d let you lay a hand on her.“ he said as he pulled himself off the spear like shadow and smirked ”but then again I don’t think she will let you either.“
    template by Darkee

    Spells used:


    Thugs better Run. Gvf4gD8

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
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    Cosmic Coins : 105
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aphophis the Snake God of Chaos
    Experience : 1944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Priestess of War
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by sworbet 30th January 2016, 4:11 am

    Rae could only shoot a glare at Kite as he spoke out loud about her magic type. Her fans weren't aware of her usage of God Slayer magic. She wanted to kill him at this realization. It wasn't only that they didn't know she was a slayer, they didn't know she worked with shadows either. Sighing and running a hand through her hair, the Duchess decided to not mind the fact. Her followers were going to realize her magic type anyways. The male fire mage made quick work of the Mercenary, using some sort of seal spell with an activation condition. The nobility was unimpressed with his language, she did not like the use of the work "Bitch" in a sentence and pursed her lips.

    Looking back at the mercenary, she seemed to be about out of it. One simple kick in the face would've knocked her unconscious. Looking around, Rae picked up a rock and whilst infusing it with a bit of shadow energy, threw it at the black-haired enemy, hitting her straight in the forehead and knocking her back. It was really that simple.  Looking around she smiled at her fans, who seemed to be in a loss of words at the action. Kite had indeed left the Mercenary at almost no strength. A loud booming voice broke the silence as a buff man stepped before the pair of mages, he was well equipped with a shield, spear and he was wearing heavy armor. "What's going on here?" He asked angrily. Tilting her head upwards lightly and stepping forward, the Duchess glared at him. "We shall not allow you to disturb the peace of the entrepreneurs in this town any longer." The Devil announced, her crimson hues turning to slits. Scanning the beauty, the bodyguard muttered a couple of curses and charged at her. As he approached her, she jumped up and kicked him in the back, before infusing her hands with a shadow balls and punching him. By the time he had turned around to strike her, his heavy armor was in pieces. Stepping back, the heiress admired her fast work as she saw the bodyguard go numb with fear. "Run a long and tell your friends that if they do bother this town again, I will make sure to shatter every last bone in their body." That was a bluff, but with the confidence that resounded in her voice no-one could guess. She knew she wasn't exactly strong enough to defeat a large band of thugs but apparently the bodyguard did not realize that as he panicked and ran through the crowds of fans, towards his friends. Turning back to Kite, she shot him a polite smile. This was business at it's finest. Now that they were done, she could probably go back to her guild after she collected the reward from Viccini. Where was he anyways?

    Last edited by sworbet on 30th January 2016, 4:35 am; edited 2 times in total


    Thugs better Run. Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by NPC 30th January 2016, 4:11 am

    The member 'sworbet' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Thugs better Run. NormalMonster
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 31st January 2016, 11:55 pm

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down

    " 2/2 Strong
    1/1 weak
    0/1 normal “


    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Thugs better Run. VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    After the explosion caused by his spell Kite painfully pulled himself off of the long spike like spear made from the merc’s shadow magic, which left a hole in his side that looked worse than what it was, the large amount of blood pouring from the open wound and through the fingers of the hand that was putting pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding down a bit. The pain caused him to wince slightly but it didn’t deter his attention from the fight that was still ongoing between Rae and the Merc. The Merc was not in good shape after the unexpected attack but she didn’t go down from it, she instead stood on wobbly legs but not for long, Rae picked up a rock and after embueing it with her magic she chucked it at the Merc’s face which dropped her where she stood. Kite shot the God slayer a smirk ”Nice shot.“ a hand was placed on his wound and he began to use the heat to cause it to stop bleeding so much. While both he and Rae had sustained an injury of sorts their job was far from over and was confirmed by a loud booming voice questioning what was going on here. Rae stepped forward declaring that the two of them would not allow business to be disturbed by their kind any longer. ”Rae don’t be rude now, the threat needs to come after you answer his question.“ he winked at her signalling he was playing around ”to answer your question we are simply clearing the town of trash.“ he said to the man but he paid him no mind and instead proceeded to speak vulgarly to the duchess which responded with a shadow infused punch which reduced his fine looking armor to nothing but a pile of broken scrap metal and gave him a firm warning for his master and shot the Demon Slayer a polite smile that forced him to smile back, it was an irresistible urge to upon seeing her lips pulled back in the form of her own smile. He was about to join her at her side but was stopped when he took notice of two pools of shadows appearing one next to the Merc that they had dispatched only moments ago and the second one between them and the door  of Viccini’s ”Looks like our celebration will have to wait.“ he said to her as he turned away to face the nearest pool of darkness.

    Rising slowly from it were two figures arose from it, the first to step forward was a man clad in armor similar to the one who Rae just sent running for the hills who put his shield and himself in between Kite and the second figure. A large burly man arose wearing a similar outfit to the Merc who he was attending to “Did you lot do this to Sheila?” his accent strongly Australian. Kite put crossed his arms in front of his chest keeping his confident smile. ”depends, if you are talking about the various bruises on her face and the burns, aye that was us. Tried to burn the ugly off of her but it didn’t work to well.“ he took a step towards the armored man. They wouldn’t have noticed it but the tattoo on Kite’s hand had vanished which meant that he unlocked the gates of hades, a dimension where he stored his weapons and could draw them at a moment's whim. “Not another step punk or my spear will run you through.” The declaration caused Kite’s stride to come to a sudden stop. ”Could be fun to see you try.“ he goaded the man into charging at him spear thrusting towards his chest. The man didn’t see it but Kite had already picked a weapon to bring forth, the handle of Shamash was already poking through a golden ripple but Kite pulled the rest out from the portal’s confines and used the bulky sword to block the spear’s tip from piercing him ”already tried being a pincushion, didn’t work for me but you get an A for effort.“ he pushed back with his heavy sword and used the momentum to spin and swing the sword downwards to strike the man with a descending vertical strike. As a reaction the man brought up his shield to block the incoming attack but the man yelled out in pain as he shield arm hung limp at his side clearly showing signs of being dislocated and his shield even broken due to the impact of his sword. ”That wasn’t smart, I’d bet you would feel better without that armor on.“ he let his sword stick in the ground and stepped in throwing a strong and stiff punch to the breastplate of his armor and followed it up with stiff kick to the rib section of the armor causing a crack to spread down the sides and followed it up with double open palm strike to the breastplate cracking it apart. ”Now that I opened you up like a can of beans sleepy time.“ The armorless figure seeing how bad the situation was knew that he couldn’t fight unarmed so he lunged for Kite’s sword and attempted to pull it from the ground failing despite his efforts. Kite chambered his foot back and thrusted it forwards, spartan kicking the man into the large sword making his head bounce off bulky width of the weapon. “Ugh” he yelled holding his forehead as he turned to face Kite but was met with the Demon slayer’s hand gripping his exposed shirt with his left hand and used his right hand to grip his bad arm and rotated his hips inwards slamming the man down with a solid hip throw making a sickening thud that sounded similar to a wet sack of cement being dropped. Kite’s gaze turned to the Merc who was still kneeling next to the unconscious female mercenary  ”Just gonna watch me beat up your friend?“ Kite asked the man who stood up straight and replied with a simple answer “He’s not my friend, his defeat let me see how you fought. I know your moves and I will make you pay for what you did to her it won't take long." Kite's face grew stern from the statement ”I'd best end this quick. You have a meal consisting of those words that I will make you eat when we are through.“
    template by Darkee

    Spells used:

    Last edited by Kite Wilhelm on 9th February 2016, 1:27 pm; edited 3 times in total


    Thugs better Run. Gvf4gD8

    Posts : 23954
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    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by NPC 31st January 2016, 11:55 pm

    The member 'Kite Wilhelm' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Thugs better Run. StrongMonster Thugs better Run. NormalMonster Thugs better Run. StrongMonster Thugs better Run. WeakMonster

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
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    Posts : 488
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    Cosmic Coins : 105
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aphophis the Snake God of Chaos
    Experience : 1944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Priestess of War
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by sworbet 6th February 2016, 2:22 am

    The Duchess admired the easy work that Kite made of the bodyguard. He seemed to be hurt, which caused Rae to furrow her eyebrows. It wasn't that she cared, she was just a bit worried as he was her partner, and an injured man would slow her down. What surprised her yet again about him, however was his use of language. He had called his opponent "trash" which, to be honest, reminded her of herself. If she was honest with all of her opinions of people she wouldn't be regarded as a Duchess at all. The Devil tended to have a sharp tongue at times when she was around strangers who couldn't recognize her or her uncle, whom she despised to no end.

    Her crimson eyes landed on the mercenary mage who stood next to his defeated comrade. A male mercenary mage, his attributes seemed to be slightly different from what Rae felt earlier. Picking the crown of the Lord of Frost and twirling it around a bit before placing it on top of her pretty red head. She loved the cold air which her weapon gave off as it pleasantly sat upon its master's head. The gorgeous sapphire blue crystal in it's center was from a Yukki-Onna. The Duchess had no idea why but she seriously found it amusing how demonic weapons managed to find themselves in her grasp. "You think you know our moves?" The female mage asked in a slightly mocking tone as she tilted her head at the mercenary. The whole idea seemed ridiculous to her. Taking Ghelgath and slinging it on her back, the Havoc Heiress simply shot a polite smile at her opponent. "Very well then, I will defeat you without using any of my own magic." Rae said coolly, causing a small smirk to appear on her enemy's lips. The crowd of onlookers started whispering around excitedly. Running a small hand through her long crimson hair, the noble's eyes yet again transitioned from human to snake. The blue gem on top of the Duchess' crown began glowing, causing the ground in front of her to be broken by a pair of skeletal hands. The fans immediately shut up as they realized what was happening. Everybody knew of the Lord of Frost's crown's legend of the Frozen Souls. The devil's cold gaze landed on her minions- two gruesome ghouls which had bits of flesh hanging here and there. Their bones were visible if not covered by the decomposing flesh at certain places and their eyes glowed in blue. The mercenary mage stood there, shocked at the occurrence. One of the reasons that Rae liked her ghouls was that she could control them telepathically. "Get him." Is all that she had to think about, before her two undead companions charged at the enemy. The mercenary seemed so shocked at the current events that he was not able to give off a proper attack in time to defend himself from the crazy scratching barrage of the two dangerous vile beings. Rae simply stood there, crossing her arms in front of her chest, her icy gaze following her minions' moves. She had to make sure that they didn't exactly eat the opponent in front of a crowd of onlookers.


    Thugs better Run. Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 9th February 2016, 12:44 am

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Thugs better Run. VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Kite was ready for the fight in which he believed that would take place in a mere moment or two. His eyes were focused on his opponent, the man larger and more imposing that the female which lay by his side still suffering from the injuries she had sustained from the earlier bout. Kite was curious to see if the statement the man made regarding knowing all their moves was an honest one or just a bunch of hot air that had no real substance to it and the only way to satiate his growing curiosity was to indulge in the heat of battle. Kite let his aura run free, streaks of flames could be seen radiating from his body as he reached for his weapon, Shamash. ”Alright friend let’s….“ he was going to taunt his foe but it would seem the Duchess had a different idea in mind for the large man. She has answered the man's challenge in Kites stead and even stating that she would face him without the use of her own magic. ”“But I was… Kite said at first looking to protest Rae’s decision to fight the opponent he had chosen for himself but didn't continue and just shrugged ”I won't bother. You seem like the sort of lady that won't change her mind once it's set.“ a grin appeared on his face ”and I was gonna burn him to a crisp too.“ he pretended to sulk but he soon found an outlet for his disappointment and already built up anger.

    In front of him, standing between the building and the demon slayer was another shadow like pool in which two more people emerged from. One was dressed similarly to the man who Kite forced to apologize to Rae at the start of the job while the second man was dressed in the same get up as the two other mercenaries he had encountered. ”Ooooh goodie. Looks like I get to have some fun after all. “ he declared as he began to bounce on his feet like a boxer and finally took a fighting stance ”who is gonna be first?“ he asked but he got an answer from the average thug. “Ha tough talk from a punk ass Mage!” The insult of a punk ass Mage ran through his head twice before his grin turned to a stern look followed by a sigh ”First!“ he said as he charged in on the thug who threw a stiff punch at Kite, who deflected it with a block from his left hand and opened his right hand so just his fingers were touching the man on his left pectoral muscle ”Flame Demons exorcising strike.“ his voice boomed with a ferocity as his fingers collapsed into a fist using his shoulder to thrust his now closed fist into the man's chest causing a burst of flames to erupt at the impact point and forced the man to back on the ground with the left part of his shirt gone. ”and you're next.“
    template by Darkee

    Spells used:


    Thugs better Run. Gvf4gD8

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aphophis the Snake God of Chaos
    Experience : 1944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Priestess of War
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by sworbet 11th February 2016, 10:43 am

    Left, Right, Left, Right. The noble's eyes carefully directed each of her ghouls' moves making sure they both hit the opponent and at the same time didn't stay into the crowd of onlookers. For her ghouls, everything was food. Every human soul around them right now that didn't wear the Lord of Frost's crown was a source of nutrition for these Frozen Souls, even Kite. Without proper control they could easily consume the flesh of every single fan which stood around them at this very moment. "Get these monsters away from me!" The mercenary mage started shouting, the realization of what he was battling had finally hit him. The ghouls were undead, they had no souls, they were just weapons for attack, manipulated by their user. They were hard to kill without holy magic and often ended up eating their opponents alive. After about six scratches had hit him, he stood there staring back at the Duchess fearfully. "Every single time my ghouls land a strike on you, they slow your speed down." She explained as she walked over to him, kicking him in the face and knocking him out. Looking back at her minions, she knew that they were asking to eat the knocked-out man. She had to deny them that option as they were in front of people.

    Looking around, Rae saw that Kite had also engaged some opponents in battle, and he was taking them on with ease. Her red hues calmly scanned the mage's fluid movements, he seemed quite experienced. And his magic....Holy flames. Her eyes turned to slits just thinking about it. It was so dangerous. "I've got you now little girl!" A shout came from the devil's left, causing her to immediately look in that direction and activate her Shadow Form spell just in time to have a huge shield swing through her mist-like body. Reforming her body behind what appeared to be another bodyguard, the slayer slammed a foot down on her opponent's shoulder before flipping back around and enveloping her hands in her signature dark spheres, using them as an amplifier to punch the opponent with. "You've got nothing but scraps of cheap metal." The crimson-haired mage hissed as she saw his armor breaking, causing her fans to shout happily.

    210/300 HP


    Thugs better Run. Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 16th February 2016, 11:48 pm

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Thugs better Run. VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Kite’s hand was smoking from his knuckles after performing his Exorcising strike but his eyes were fixed on his next target who simply stood there with his arms crossed at the demon slayer showing how unimpressed he was by the easy defeat of the man who he travelled with. Reestablishing his fighting stance he watched as the man did nothing and didn’t move from his spot ”So do you plan on standing there like a statue the entire time or are you gonna fight?“ he asked the man with a booming voice to which the mercenary simply gave him a confident smile before talking “Fight? Please judging by your attack you are have no real heat behind your strikes slayer.” The comment confused Kite as he heard it and replayed the moment to make sure that he wasn’t hearing things, surely the heat from his strike could be felt by those around him, even if it wasn’t directed at them. ”Is this guy for real? He was right behind the guy I punched into next week and he says there is no heat behind my strikes? Could my fire really not intimidate this fellow or is he just bluffing to throw me off my game?“ he thought to himself which caused his focus to veer from the Mercenary which gave him an opening. He clapped his hands together touching palm to palm which caused a sense of magic pressure to surge “bloody needles” he said as 5 sharp pointed threads of blood shot towards Kite like little needles. Kite’s shifted from his thoughts of the strange comments to the incoming threat which he avoided by rolling out of the way ”huh blood magic? That’s a first.“ he charged in ready to engage in a fight. The blood mage just stood there and took a tai chi like stance, he was calm and breathing slowly and reacted perfectly as Kite threw a right cross dodging it completely which caused Kite to follow up with reverse elbow strike using the same arm he threw the cross with, such a tactic might have worked but this guy had ducked under the elbow strike and hit back with a precise open finger strike to Kite’s shoulder hitting a pressure point causing his left arm to go numb for a moment. ”That’s a strange feeling.“ he said as he slowly regained feeling in his arm and hand flexing the fingers a couple times before looking at the mage ”I’ve been hit by pressure point strikes before but none have done something like that… what you do?“ The question made the Merc smirk a bit “So you are more than a hot head after all? I’m surprised that you would pay attention to such a thing. You see my friend…” he was going to say something but was interrupted by the demon slayer ”Woah don’t jump to conclusions here.“ he said mocking the mage’s friend comment “tsk. Whatever, my strike was a pressure point yes but I momentarily limited the blood flow going to your arm.”

    Kite had to admit that was a neat and dangerous trick, if he was able to strike near the heart or neck that could cause some serious problems for the fight in fact such an effect could easily cause him to die if he wasn’t careful. ”Right so all I have to do is thrash you before you can touch me again? should be simple.“ this made the merc laugh “simple? you can’t even touch me idiot!” Kite ignored the idiot comment and focused more on the you can’t touch me part and smirked ”So you think I can’t touch you? I’ll be glad to prove you wrong.“ His aura began to rise causing the whole area to heat up with his body acting as a furnace for the heat, streams of white fire were flowing off of various parts of his body ”I don’t need to touch you, my flames will for me.“ he charged again with a similar right cross punch which the mage went to evade like the first time but was caught unaware of the incoming round house kick to his ribs causing a cracking sound upon impact. The merc coughed twice before Kite came in with another onslaught of combos consisting of fist, elbow and knee strikes and some were dodged and some were evaded, but a particular counter forced Kite to get more cautious with his strikes. The Merc managed to strike Kite’s neck right near his carotid artery was located which slowed the blood flow to his brain making things hazy for the moment and his physical strikes had stopped. Seeing an opportunity the blood mage forged a sword out of blood and closed the distance between himself and Kite looking to finish off the slayer. Kite’s vision was still hazy but he used felt a surge of heat go through his body and focused his flames into his hand and threw a punch in the air in front of him. From his fist a flames erupted and shot towards the foe in the shape of a larger fist, the damage done from this attack was hardly worth mentioning but that was the point the explosion from the attack gave Kite the chance to move back creating distance for the real attack. The man used his sword to fan the smoke away from his face but what he would see would be terrifying for him, there was Kite with a large amount of his holy flames condensed into a small sphere ”How’s this for hot air! Flame Demon’s Calamity!“ and he threw the ball at the enemy who tried to bat the ball of fire away with his bloody sword but all that accomplished was the blood to boil away to nothing as the ball hit. He screamed in agony as heat enveloped him but screamed even more as the ball erupted upwards in a funnel of flames shooting him into the air. Kite wasn’t done, he wanted the man to know his mistake and wanted him to know he would regret underestimating the demon slayer ”Flame Demon’s Rage!“ he shouted as plume of white flames shot from Kite’s mouth and slammed into the Merc who was still in mid air from the previous attack. He landed with a thud crashing into one of the walls of the restaurant leaving a large crack in the structure of the wall. ”Burnt to a crisp like I promised.“ he turned to see how Rae was handling things but it seemed that she had it under control between ghoul looking things and her own slayer magic making quick work of the lowly enemy that would dare to try to harm her. Kite couldn't help it but feed the fans ”That's how you show em darlin.“
    template by Darkee

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    Thugs better Run. Gvf4gD8

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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aphophis the Snake God of Chaos
    Experience : 1944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Priestess of War
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by sworbet 19th February 2016, 11:42 am

    A small sigh escaped Rae's lips as she scanned her opponent's shaken form. The bodyguard seemed to be afraid to make a move on the devil duchess and just stood there in one place. Poor human. He could just fall on one knee and surrender, he wouldn't be harmed then. Instead of that however, his next action caused the gorgeous red-haired female to want to rip him to shreds. With an attempt to cause panic and escape, the bodyguard threw his spear at one of the nobility's fans causing Rae to turn back into her shadow form and move in speeds she had never done before, in order to catch the spear. The crowd in front of the spear shrieked in panic. Glaring at the man from under her bangs, the female slayer's crimson eyes started to glow in an ominous bloody shade. Her devil heritage was taking over and it made her want to kill the man in that exact place for attempting to harm her followers. The force with which she held the spear between both her hands was enough to shatter it in two. " I am your opponent, not these innocent people." She told him, her usually cold voice went down a couple of octaves. If they weren't in front of her fans at this exact moment, she would've sicked her ghouls on him and made sure he was eaten alive. Her blood boiled and if it weren't for the fact that she practiced her self control very hard her tail and wings would've slipped out in front of the crowd.

    Dropping the spear, Rae enveloped her hands in dark spheres, she loved being able to use them as much as she could, they were her signature and the fact that she could both throw them and use them to strengthen a normal punch made them quite viable in both close range and long range combat. Throwing  a couple at her opponent's face, she easily knocked him out. Turning back and looking at Kite who also appeared to be done with his fight and was cheering her on, in his own way. "You know we are supposed to protect the restaurant, not destroy it." The Duchess spoke as she looked at the large crack that the attractive male had caused. She walked over to Ghelgath and slung him over her shoulder while dispelling her ghouls. The fact that the flame mage had called her darling in front of a crowd almost confirmed their suspicions of the pair dating and that was a bother.


    Thugs better Run. Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 21st February 2016, 11:25 pm

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Thugs better Run. VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Kite was fortunate to have finished up his group of thugs, if he hadn't he wouldn't have had the opportunity to watch the gorgeous Crimson haired lady he was working with take her last opponent to cleaners. He had missed a majority of her fight but did manage to see the final scene play out. For one reason or another she had a spear in her hand and at first he had no idea why she was even holding it. He first assumed she had simply disarmed the foe but the words she had spoken about her being his opponent and not innocent people made it crystal clear to what had happened and she wasn't about to let him get away with it and a smile was plastered to his face as the Crimson bombshell lit up the man's world by striking him with orb like constructs created with her shadow magic and brought him down.

    It was then that he has cheered her on and referred to her as darlin, to which she seemed to have ignored in order to bring up the small amount of damage that was caused to the building when Kite’s opponent was sent crashing into it. He didn't feel like getting lectured about self control of the like, so a few thoughts has already crossed his mind of how to explain it. So with a smirk and a quick shift of his arms so they were crossed over his chest he responded to her comment ”what are you talking about?“ he asked playing dumb but at first ”Destroying? Nah it gives the building character.“ he said satisfied with his answer and then added ”besides it will remind those thugs of the painful lesson that we were so kind enough to teach em.“ he said winking at her and almost on cue the blood Mage he had dealt with slumped down farther along the wall he was laying against which made Kite take a good look at the destruction that they both had laid upon the fools who challenged them ”then again it might have done us some good to leave one of these men unbroken. Who's gonna tell their boss to show is cowardly self so we can end this once and for all.“ he looked at all the beaten bodies once more eyeing each one up as he did eeny meeny miny moe in his head and eventual pointed at the man he hit earlier with his exorcising strike and said out loud ”Moe!“ as he walked over and threw the unconscious man over his shoulder and looked back at Rae ”Looks like we have to wake this fellow up. Wouldn't mind questioning him either… Care to help?“ he asked as he headed for the door to Viccini’s
    template by Darkee

    Spells used:


    Thugs better Run. Gvf4gD8

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
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    Cosmic Coins : 105
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aphophis the Snake God of Chaos
    Experience : 1944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Priestess of War
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by sworbet 24th February 2016, 8:59 am

    Rae could only raise an amused eyebrow at Kite's as he inspected his own work. She had to admit that he was indeed attractive as she looked at him play artist with the remains of his opponent. He then decided to pick one of the defeated opponents up for questioning in a rather weird way. This was the first time the devil had heard of "Eenie meenie" and was quite surprised as she listened. Of course all of these emotions were only flashing through her eyes, her pale face remained expressionless as she answered his question. "I honestly don't see any reason for that, but very well."  Rae replied to her companion as he picked one of the passed-out men and took him to the inside of the restaurant, the devil followed, her heels clicking after her as she left the crowd of fans behind them.

    Closing the door in order to muffle the screams of the commoners, Rae leaned against it, and her crimson eyes met those of Kite. "You do know that questioning these guys wont give us anything, this is obviously some stupid plot for someone to get more money." She voiced her opinion coolly. By now the rest of the culprits should've been running for their lives anyways so unless he intended to in some way scare them any further, she was planning on just staying cooped up in Viccini's thinking of a way to repair his wall before he found out. "I suppose you're willing to give up on the cash reward, if you plan on breaking more buildings." She said coldly, it was both a warning and an statement. He amused her with his rather wild and reckless actions and at the same time, made her want to scold him for no being careful with his surroundings. If he were to by accident destroy the restaurant of the person who'd be paying them, their guilds wouldn't be happy to pay for the damages. Looking out of the window , the Havoc Duchess inspected the amount of fans crowding the restaurant. It was quite unpleasant for her as after they were done with their job, she would have to figure out how to sneak away from the onlookers without them noticing.


    Thugs better Run. Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Thugs better Run. Empty Re: Thugs better Run.

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 24th February 2016, 11:56 am

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV

    Thugs better Run. Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Thugs better Run. VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Kite had little trouble securing the unconscious man over his shoulder even with the full dead weight and didn't hinder his walking towards the restaurant door or when he stopped to spin and turn to face the Duchess as she shared her opinion about the notion of interrogating the man once he woke up to which Kite smirked at ”Well I guess then it's my job to get you to see then huh Darlin.“ he turned and entered the building with Rae close behind him closing the door behind them and leaned against it while Kite just dropped the unconscious man onto the wooden floor of the restaurant like a sack of potatoes and even made a thud like one too however before the Demon Slayer could work on a plan to wake the sleeping bastard up he noticed a pair of Crimson colored eyes staring him down so he met them with his own red eyes, of course the sight of a beautiful girl staring at him wasn't a bad thing but she shared her opinion on now it was was pointless to question them due to the obvious reason was money but there were more than one sort of question to ask him. ”You're half right, the reason why is most likely something as  petty as money“ he paused before turning so his whole body was turned towards the red haired beauty smirking like he did outside moments ago ”but that is only if we ask why there are other questions like what is their plan, when will it happen and the most important piece of information he could give is the answer to question of where. I wanna know where they are so if we have to go hunting we will know their location.“ he said to her matter of factly before turning his attention back to the thug he knocked the hell out of. ”So now I have to figure out how to wake this guy up.“ he walked over to the bar and filled a pitcher with ice cold water and carried it over to the man but before he drenched the dummy his eyes looked back up at Rae who was peering out the window at her crowd of fans but it took Kite quite a bit of self control not to gawk at her which was quite difficult to do but he managed by speaking. ”Those fans really do seem to love you. I can only imagine the tabloids from that awesome save you had.“ he said bringing up how she caught the spear ”This job might be easier if they weren’t around… wanna try to find a way to get rid of them?“

    His question was followed by the sound of splashing water as it struck the man’s face who immediately started to cough and squirm around, almost like he was trying to swim or something but when his eyes focused and his head stopped spinning he was able to put the pieces together nicely “Oi, I don’t know who you think you are but the boss is gonna have your heads for getting in the way of his…” Kite cut him off ”Shake down? business?“ he crouched down next to him ”Unfortunately it was made our business… but you see we are in a hot spot.“ he said with the pun fully intended ”Now we can keep fighting you blockheads all day but that will get boring and we sorta wanna wrap this job up so here is the deal. I’m ask and you are going to tell truthfully the answer. If you lie well.“ he walked behind the sitting man as he spoke and put his hand on his shoulder while looking up at Rae ”We can be quite persuasive.“ he let his hand get hot and singed his shoulder. ”Does the pretty lady wanna start the questions first or me?“ he asked her looking to be courteous to the noble lady before him despite his wandering eyes wanting to look more.
    template by Darkee

    Spells used:


    Thugs better Run. Gvf4gD8

      Current date/time is 11th September 2024, 11:46 pm