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    How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Completed How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 15th December 2015, 7:21 pm


    Oak Town! Filled with history and old relics. Stories of the old and the great! A place where the legacy of powerful mages lay to rest! A place where you can get the best damn Steam Buns in all of Fiore! Or it soon will be, later this evening. The town is getting excited as news was going around that some very wealthy individuals were coming to this town to partake in a major dinner at Oak Town's famous restaurant, Levy's Bonne Nourriture. Next to the restaurant, was Oak Town's famous museum, that held the history of many things throughout Fiore. In there was a young mage with white hair and red eyes who was observing an exhibit on old daggers, and there former users.  "So cool!" he said in a soft but slightly loud tone as he gazed upon the daggers.

    Word Length: 143

    Last edited by Rexfa Dax Xanar on 16th December 2015, 11:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
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    Experience : 575

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    First Skill: Solar Flare:Shining Eclipse
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 15th December 2015, 7:33 pm

    The Oak Town Museum of Legends was almost empty this day due to the events that are going to unfold later on this evening. Right now it is pretty early in the morning. The sun is just now peeking over the horizon as the birds began to chirp. Sebastian was wearing his usual attire, a brown coat with a little bit of black on the top right with black pants and brown boots with a black long sleeve shirt under the jacket. The independent mage from the guild, Laughing Coffin wasn't just here to gaze at the daggers in the museum, even though he could do it for hours due to his love for daggers, he was actually here on a job, which involves the restaurant next door.

    He was tasked with helping the establishment out during the dinner, but the request paper didn't go into detail about what exactly he'd do. All he knows is that they need help, and that his what he's going to do. But, he was curious. Was he going to be handing out the food to the guests, or was he in charge of having to guard the establishment? Whatever it was, the timid mage was fine with it so long as it didn't have anything to do with cooking, which he isn't really skilled in. Poor Sebastian, doesn't know what's in store for him.

    Word Length: 232


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Experience : 575

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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 10:29 am

    "The daggers look nice, wouldn't you agree." said a woman who had just walked up to Sebastian. She had short blonde hair that reached to her shoulders, with black eyes, and wore a white chef's suit. She seemed to have been a few inches taller than Sebastian. The mage nodded at the girl before looking back at the daggers. "I really like daggers." he said in his typical soft tone. The woman then pointed towards one of the daggers. "That one belonged to my great grandfather." she said with a proud tone.

    Sebastian turned back to the girl with stars in his eyes. "W-wow really? That's so cool." he said while trying his best to keep his voice down. The woman nodded and giggled a little. "Yep! He was a powerful mage from the guild, Sabertooth." she said as she continued looking at her great grandfather's dagger. "Oh, I see. So are you from there as well?" Sebastian asked the woman as he scratched his cheek with his index finger. "Hehe, no. I don't have the same skills my Great Grandpa had. But I do have great cooking skills. Which is why I am working here at the restaurant next door." she said as she gestured at her chef's clothes. "Just taking a little break before the craziness goes down." she said with another giggle.

    "R-really? I am actually on a job here now to assist that restaurant." he said with a soft smile on his face. "A guild mage huh? So that means you're here to help with the cooking then?" the woman said as she smiled back. "Yeah, inde-" Sebastian paused before tilting his head. "W-wait! Cooking?!"

    Word Length: 281


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 10:46 am

    "Don't worry, you'll be fine." the woman said to the panicking Sebastian with a confident tone as they began walking towards the restaurant. "B-but I don't know the first thing about cooking!" he said while flailing his arms at the woman. Sebastian then ran face first into a light pole since he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. He then fell to his back, landing on the sidewalk as he began to rub his face. "Ow ow ow!" he kept saying over and over.

    The woman looked down to him with a concerned look on his face. "Wow, are you alright? Umm." She said as she held her hand out for him to grab. "I don't even know your name." she said, just realizing after Sebastian took her hand and stood back up. "O-oh right, sorry. My name is Sebastian Skyllon, no relation." he said while he bowed to her. "O-okay?" she said with a confused look on her face as she bowed back, not understanding why he said the no relation part. "You can call me Lynn Ross." she said with a smile on her face. "Don't worry either. I'll teach you how to cook. It's going to be really simple actually." she said as she placed her hands on her hips while Sebastian simply smiled nervously.

    Word Length: 221


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 11:30 am

    Here it is, Levy's Bonne Nourriture, the most fanciest restaurant in Oak Town and one of the most fanciest in Fiore. As soon as Sebastian pushed in the double doors, he was greeted by a fresh aroma. The air smelt so delicious to the young mage, but unfamiliar to him as well. The inside of the establishment was so big too. It had dozens of round tables with chairs around them all. There were people that worked here  as well as volunteers that were busy cleaning up the tables, placing neat table cloths around them and adding fancy napkins in the shape of geese.

    It was still a couple of hours until the guests and dinner would arrive, but the people had gotten up real early to start working so that everything could be perfect. A young adult male wearing a black waiter like suit with a white shirt underneath and a black bowtie ran up to Lynn and Sebastian. "Oh! There you are Lynn, I've been looking all over for you." he said as he was breathing heavily from running. "Who might this be?" he asked Lynn while looking towards Sebastian. "Oh, this is Sebastian. A guild mage who has come to help us with the cooking." she said, gesturing to the timid mage as he shyly bowed to the waiter. "I-it's nice to meet you." he said timidly before standing back up. "There is no time for greetings! Something awful has happened!" said the waiter in a distressed tone. "The buns! They have been, Le Stolen!"

    Word Length: 259


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Guild : Laughing Coffin
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 12:03 pm

    Lynn sighed as she heard the injustice that had just occurred. "Not again." she said in a disappointed tone. Sebastian blinked and looked towards Lynn. "Again?" he repeated. Lynn sighed once more and nodded at the young mage. "Every so often, these group of thugs would somehow sneak in and take food from the restaurant, especially the buns." she said with a frown on her face. "Nobody knows how they get in undetected either." she said as she crossed her arms. "Oh, sorry to hear about that, Lynn." Sebastian said while twiddling his thumbs together.

    "W-wait. What if I go find these thieves for you and bring them back?" he said as he looked at Lynn and the waiter. "No, no, no! Absolutely not! We need all the hands we can get into the kitchen right now, especially that all of the buns that were already made had been stolen." the waiter said in a dramatic and French like tone. "R-right. I'm sorry." Sebastian timidly said as he leaned his head down. "Hey cheer up, Sebastian. We already have the S.B.R.S on the job." She said, kneeling down to comfort Sebastian. "S.B.R.S?" Sebastian repeated in a questioning tone. "That would be us!" exclaimed a voice that came out of nowhere. Suddenly coming from the ceiling was a group of five who appeared to be wearing a black militaristic clothing with black berets and a mask over their mouths, with badges on the top left side of their suits with the picture of steam buns on them.

    "WE ARE THE SUPER BUN RETRIEVAL SQUAD!" the odd group said in union as the did an odd pose which left Sebastian, Lynn and the waiter at a loss for words.

    Word Length: 288


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 12:29 pm

    "Uh, right! Sebastian, this is the Super Bun Retrieval Squad. They are a special ops force for the restaurant that are tasked with taking down those who dare threaten our ways of food." she said with a confident smile on her face with her hands on her hips. Sebastian just stood there with nothing to say. He was completely lost. He didn't know which was weirder, that the restaurant had an ops group for situations like this or the weird pose that the were still doing.

    "We are almost close at cracking the case of who was sending these thugs to steal the food and who the ringleader is." said the squad member in the middle. "Yeah. What we have been picking up so far is that the ringleader of all of this knows the in and outs of the establishment well enough that they could give the thugs the right directions so they couldn't be caught." said one of the other members. "Are you implying that this maybe an inside job?" the waiter asked the group in a concerned tone to which the squad members nodded in union. "Whoever is doing this will feel my bun like wrath!!" The calm Lynn said, her tone now changing to rage which startled the confused Sebastian. "Right! Keep your eyes out for any suspicious characters while you are here, cooking. We shall be checking around Oak Town for more info!" the leader of the squad said before the whole squad jumped back out of the roof.

    "Wait, what?" Sebastian said with a puzzled look on his face as he stared up to the ceiling that the squad jumped from and to, noticing that there was no door or hole or anything on the ceiling, almost as f they went through the freaking building.

    Word Length: 304


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 4:26 pm

    Lynn had then led Sebastian into the kitchen. It was really huge and had a lot of chefs and volunteers dashing back and fourth, trying to get work done before the guests arrive. "This is going to be difficult. Come on Sebastian." Lynn sighed as she held onto the timid mage's hand maneuvering them around the workers. Lynn dodged every single one of them, but poor Sebastian got knocked around a few times before they finally made it to their destination. "Here is where the bun making magic happens!" Lynn shouted as she brought Sebastian to a huge table in the back that had all that was needed to make steam buns.

    Sebastian was baffled by all of the complicated looking things that were on this wooden table. He then looked around, realizing that they were the only ones on the bun making table. "W-wait. Where are the others?" he asked as he gulped. "Ermm, What others?" Lynn said as she crossed her arms. Sebastian then sighed, having a bad feeling about this.

    Word Length: 174


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 4:37 pm

    "We-we're really going to be the only two making these?" Sebastian asked while rubbing the back of his head. "No, silly. There will be one more person helping us make about one thousand of these bad boys." Lynn said as she washed her hands at the sink by the table. "O-oh oka-WAIT, ONE THOUSAND!?" Sebastian had yelled causing everyone to stop and stare at him for a short moment before returning to their work. "Shh, keep your voice down. That can easily throw people off and mess up their cooking. Lynn had said before gesturing to the sink.

    "R-right. Sorry." he quietly said before going to wash his hands. Lynn then proceeded to put on plastic gloves, while giving Sebastian some as well. Sebastian nodded and put the gloves on. "Okay, now I shall show you how to make some bun!" she said as she got out some dough. "Oh, I know you losers didn't starting making buns without me!" yelled a loud and obnoxious voice.

    Word Length: 167


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 210
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 4:58 pm

    Suddenly, someone kicked open the kitchen door, knocking someone down who was holding an ice sculpted swan, making a loud shattering noise, but everyone was too busy getting things prepared before the guests arrive. This guy had a green spiky Mohawk with a golden nose piercing. He had on a leather black jacket with spikes around it and leather black pants with boots. Lynn sighed and gestured for this guy to come over to them. "N-no, don't tell me." Sebastian said to himself, hoping that this was not happening.

    But, sadly, it was! That obnoxious jerk is going to be helping them with the bun making. "Don't worry, Sebastian. Despite his, appearance, he is actually a pretty skilled bun maker." Lynn said as the ne guy approached them. Sebastian simply stared at the guy, not knowing what's worse. Having to make one thousand buns, that this guy was helping them, or that this guy actually knew how to cook, which Sebastian shouldn't be thinking about since he himself doesn't know how to cook. "Oh, well, well, if it isn't Lynn!" the obnoxious guy said while elbowing her on the arm. "Who's this shrimp!?" he said while pointing to Sebastian. "M-my names, Se-" before he could finish, Sebastian was interrupted by the Mohawk guy. "Ah, who cares! I'll just call ya Stutters! Now lets get this bunning started!!" he exclaimed as he smacked Lynn in the rear which caused her to yelp.

    Word Length: 242


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
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    Experience : 575

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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 9:41 pm

    Sebastian shook his head lightly as he witnessed the obnoxious guy disrespect Lynn in such a way. "It's fine, Sebastian. Now, I must teach you how to make the steam buns." Lynn started to roll the dough on the table until it was smooth, she then placed it in a mixer, putting it in a special magic warm area on the table that instantly causes it to rise up. She then lightly dusts the table with flour before taking the dough out and resting it on the table. She then half the dough, rolling them both into a long log like piece. She divided the rolls, wrapping one of them in plastic while dividing the other one in about five pieces.

    Sebastian mimicked what Lynn was doing. It wasn't so hard as he thought it was going to be, but how were the three of them going to finish up one thousand steam buns at this pace? He then watched as the guy with the Mohawk was making buns at unbelievably speed which caused Sebastian's jaw to drop.

    Word Length: 179


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 9:58 pm

    The Mohawk guy glanced at Sebastian and smirked. "What ya looking at you loser? Haven't seen anyone with High Speed Magic before." he said, rolling his eyes as he got back to work. Sebastian glared at the guy before looking towards Lynn, who was still working "yes, you can use your magic, if that's what you're going to ask." she said, giggling a little. Sebastian looked back to his dough then summoned his dagger. He wasn't entirely sure how his Carnwennan, but he couldn't let that jerk upstage him.

    Sebastian then started to cut the dough furiously, making a mess and getting the dough everywhere.

    Word Length: 107


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Experience : 575

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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 10:15 pm

    The Mohawk guy watched as the young white haired mage tried to challenge him, which caused him to speed up even more, but it ended up creating more of a mess. "Hey, hey, hey!" Lynn yelled, stopping the two from making such a racket. "Look at what you two have done! I of course expect this coming from Chuck over there, but Sebastian, I expected more from you." she said, with some tears coming down her eyes.

    Lynn darted out of the room in sadness. "I-I'm sorry." Sebastian said softly to himself as he looked back at the mess he made, then to Chuck who looked back at him with an annoyed but equally sad look on his face. What have they done? They may have just costed the restaurant its good rep.

    Word Length: 134


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
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    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solar Flare:Shining Eclipse
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 10:28 pm

    Lynn sat on a rock that was behind the restaurant, hugging her knees as she couldn't stop herself from crying. All of the work she was trying to do for the restaurant has went pretty much went up into flames without the steam buns. First, the ones that were already made have been stolen, and now the new recruit, Sebastian, and Chuck have ruined it by getting competitive, making a huge mess.

    "I guess all good things must come to an end some day." she said to herself, her voice cracking up from crying as she buried her face into her knees. All she wanted to do was to make this a perfect dinner for the wealthy guests, but it looks like that has been ruined, or has it?

    Word Length: 130


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
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    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solar Flare:Shining Eclipse
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 10:42 pm

    "This sucks! Why the hell did she run off like such a pansy!?" Chuck complained as he looked towards the door. Sebastian looked at Chuck with anger, but took a deep breathe, calming down. "W-we did act really irresponsible. We need to fix this." Sebastian said as he watched Chuck.

    Chuck rolled his eyes and sighed. "That don't mean she should've stormed off like that. How the hell does she expect me to do all this with only your help? You know jack shit on how to steam buns." he said as he continued to create the steam buns. Sebastian then began to do what Lynn had taught him which caught Chuck by surprise.

    Word Length: 115


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
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    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 10:56 pm

    It was getting close to evening and thanks to Chuck's super speed and Sebastian, they have reached to half of the amount of steamed buns they needed. The buns sat on a neat pyramid like pile on the ready table as the two continued to make the other five hundred. "Hurry up guys, the guests will be here real soon!" said the owner of the establishment from the intercom. "Sebastian. If we don't find Lynn, we will not be able to finish the rest of the buns in time!" Chuck said as he continued making the buns.

    Sebastian nodded and darted out the door to go search for Lynn. "NO! I was going to say we should double up on speed or something! Ya know what, screw it! Go do what you have to do."

    Word Length: 136


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 11:06 pm

    Sebastian looked around the restaurant, calling out Lynn's name only to not find her. He then ran out of the establishment and looked around the area until he made it to the back, where he found her sitting on a rock with her face buried in her knees. She could be heard weeping as Sebastan shyly walked up to her. "L-Lynn?" Sebastian hesitantly said as he got in closer. "What do you want?" Lynn said as she continued crying, not even pulling her head up to look at the timid mage.

    "I-, please forgive me! I didn't mean to cause so much trouble." he said, bowing down to her, begging for her forgiveness. "We managed to make about half of the buns, but without you, we won't be able to finish them in time." Sebastian said as he continued bowing. Lynn slowly rose her head up to look at the pleading mage as she wiped the tears from her eyes. The tears slowly went away and her sad face changed to that of a warm smile. She then got off the rock and held her hand out to Sebastian who looked up to her and grabbed her hand. "Come on, we got buns to finish!" Lynn said with a now cheerful tone.

    Word Length: 213


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    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 11:12 pm

    Sebastian and Lynn had made it back to the kitchen, which was now empty with only Chuck left in there. The other chefs have already finished with their things and have taken them out to the main room. "It's about freaking time!" Chuck yelled as he was now struggling to make the remaining buns. Lynn and Sebastian quickly went to the sink and washed their hands before putting new gloves on.

    They then rushed to the table to assist Chuck, rolling out the dough, dividing them, putting them in a steamer and topped them off with special toppings. They did it. They actually did it. They were able to finish the one thousand buns. All that was left was to take them to the main room. A lot of chatter can be heard coming from the main room. Could the guests have already come?

    Word Length: 145


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 11:21 pm

    They have walked in through the entrance, four of the wealthiest people in Fiore. Three of them were guys, each wearing a suit. One was bald, another had smooth hair that went back, and the other had a small bushy hair. The last one which was a woman wore a dress with a fancy hat that had feathers on them. The owner had walked up to and greeted the four before showing them to their seats. Many waiters have brought them the food while the chefs watched from a distance, hoping that the would like their food. The ate with amused looks on their faces, but there was something missing.

    "Excuse me but, where are the steam buns that this establishment is most famous for?" the wealthy lady asked the owner as the other three wealthy people nodded, wondering the same thing. The owner began to panic a little as he tried to get words out of his mouth, but could barely say a word. Then here they came out, Sebastian, Lynn, and Chuck with the one thousand steam buns, placing them gently on the table. "Here you go! Bon appetite." Lynn said, bowing as Sebastian bowed as well, while Chuck simply crossed his arms and looked away.

    Word Length: 209


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
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    Completed Re: How to Steam a Bun (Job)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 16th December 2015, 11:37 pm

    The wealthy people each took one bite of a stem bun and their faces lit up. There were no words to describe how good the buns were. This is clearly what they came here for as they quickly devoured the one thousand buns, not leaving a single crumb. "My word. Was it you three who made this amazing buns?" one of the male rich people asked the three in which they nodded. "Yes! Lynn and Chuck are excellent at creating our famous steam bun! It looks like that white haired kid also has a talent for it." The owner said, praising the three. "Well then, they will surely be awarded for this as well as this establishment of yours." the rich woman said as the three nodded.

    The owner then got down on his knees and constantly thanked the rich people until suddenly, the S.S.B.R.S jumped in from the ceiling, landing beside the table to everyone's surprise. "We have figured out who the master mind of the previous bun stealing were!!" the leader of the squad said as the entire squad pointed in union at Lynn. Everyone looked to her with a confused expression on their faces. Lynn looked around, backing up nervously as she sighed. "So, the exceed's out of the bag." she said as she began laughing manically. "B-but why? Why would you cause all this trouble, then cry about it afterwards?" the owner said while the others nodded, wanting to know the same.

    "Because, I'm BLOODY EVIL!!" Lynn yelled to them as she threw a smoke bomb to the ground and vanished. "QUICK AFTER HER" the squad said in union as they mysteriously disappeared through the roof. Everyone just looked at each other in pure confusion before one of the rich people broke the silence. "Well then, I guess that means only two people will be getting rewarded." the rich person shrugged as the other three shrugged as well. "What the actual hell just happened here?" Sebastian asked, who appeared to be more at lost than the others, but oh well, the job has been confused.

    Word Length: 350


    How to Steam a Bun (Job) MSCcge0
                                 How to Steam a Bun (Job) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank

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