Fairy Tail RP

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    Red Sand Bandits


    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 541
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 18th June 2016, 11:23 am

    Zhu slowly stepped back from the three big brutes who were starting to get closer to him. She was not in a good position to fight against all of them, but still she would have no choice in order to do this. It served her purpose as she drew the three of them into a fight and she could win in a fight. The first of them rushed at her with as much speed as he could. Of course he was just too far beneath the skill level of Zhu, as he rushed her she ducked under the blade and let her Kopesh, and the flying dragons cut the brute’s legs forcing him to the sand below them.

    She didn’t stop there however as she went to the next brute he tried to get at her by slicing in two horizontal slashes. Zhu wasn’t this stupid however, and she rolled away to one side but still behind him using her arakh in order to slash the man’s tendons in his leg dropping him to one leg. Now that the other two were out of commission it was time for Zhu to have a proper fight with the last Bandit. The pair clashed scimitar on Arakh, and while Zhu had tried to bring the flying dragons to bare they had been stopped by another scimitar. She grunted as she flapped her wings as hard as she could once.

    It was this action that kicked up the sand around them, and his moves faltered. Zhu took full advantage of the situation and turned her head slapping it forward the best she could. This served to let her sink the scimitar into the Brute’s stomach. She started to shake her head as violently as she could in order to drag the weapon through the brute’s insides cutting him up the best she could. He bellowed backing up and trying to disengage, but Zhu would not allow him to get away from her. Instead she took a step forward she slashed with the flying dragons slicing through all of them. The pain was enough to cause the brute to drop one of his scimitars in turn she also closed with her Kopesh bringing it down to slash his face. He bellowed out, but it was short lived as Zhu used her arakh in order to open his throat.

    With this enemy dispatched she turned to the second one that was on one knee. He tried to rise, but Zhu was not about to let him get any kind of proper fighting positon back. She threw her arakh at him it struck him, and cut into him, but didn’t sink into his skin. She took the scimitar from the fall brute throwing it as hard as she could. Zhu being as skilled and the master of all weapons knew just how to throw this terribly flying blade for it to sink into the brute’s chest. She repeated this with the other one his comrade wielded and both of these were sticking out of him like he was a pin cushion. She smirked as she took the one out of her mouth sinking this one into his chest as well to complete the triangle. It was really a fun time for Zhu and she smirked moving to him. The brute couldn’t fight back at this point losing too much blood. She took the scimitars from him stabbing them into his chest to put a total of five of them in him. He slumped backwards giving a groan of pain.

    The last one had no way to stand, and his legs were almost cut clean off due to how deeply she had cut him on her way past him. Zhu was not someone who put down enemies like they were dogs so with this in mind she simply rolled her eyes letting the man crawl away into the dessert as fast as he could. He was going the opposite way of the village and wouldn’t be a further threat. With her foes defeated she huffed turning to Zaltac and his foes.

    He seemed to be struggling, but also still standing. She couldn’t let him die as she had hired him. Using her wings to help her she leapt at the farthest opponent from the younger warrior sinking her kopesh and all three of the flying dragons into the man’s body spelling his doom. She decided he would be able to handle the last three on his own so she simply waited getting ready to fight if needed.

    HP: 65%
    MP: 40%
    Angel’s abilities (Secondary D rank) Duration 4/5
    Flying Dragons Duration 2/6
    3 weak enemies left


    Character Info:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1869
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: Four elements.
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 26th June 2016, 1:41 pm

    Zhu had just finished up the rest of the enemies. Though Zaltac was not too surprised by this; seeing as she was still a lot stronger than he was. He could not really deny it. But that did not mean he could never catch up. He just had to train more. But first, dealing with the rest of the bandits. Since the threat of allies was now long gone; Zaltac was not feeling as rushed anymore. And considering that Zhu took down one of the remaining weak ones - be it accident or on purpose- it only left him even more confident in taking out the last three. Zand he could do this swiftly.

    Charging up his scickle with energy, Zaltac took aim and fired a rather large energy wave at the three bandits. It shrank and narrowed down - picking up speed as it did so- turning into a singular arrow that struck the bandit in the middle while they were still caught off guard from Zhu's interference. This would not be a lethal attack, but it dealt enough damage to knock the bandit onto his back, and re-shocked his companions. Zaltac would rush in, slashing at the bandit on the left in a quick barrage: Up the chest-down the arm-up the back-across the sit- and finally ending with a rounded stab into the bandit's neck ; finishing up by taking the scimitar from his opponant and thrusting it into the fool's chest. Letting the corpse fall, Zaltac turned towards the cowering bandit left standing; who was even backing off. But, Zaltac was not ready to turn his attention away from the coward. Charging once more, Zaltac slashed across the bandit's torso. Which the bandit attempted to defend, but the thin slice made it through, while the curved blade ripped the scimitar from the bandit's hand on passing. The bandit would then flee, not having any more courage to fight. This left Zaltac to face the last bandit who was raising to his feet. Picking up the disarmed scimitar, Zaltac walked over to the remaining enemy. In a firm and swift motion, the blind warrior grabbed the bandit's head, pulled it backwards so he faced the sky, and jammed the scimitar into the bandit's mouth and throat. He would then release the bandit, letting it's last gurgled breaths flow as he walked away towards Zhu Feng, his blade vanishing.

    "I believe that is the last of these troublesom pests...Is that all our mission was to take care of?" he repremanded, as he figured the mission was over from just this large squabbling mess of a battle. He knew Zhu did most of the work; but that was to be expected. He figured he was there mostly for a learning lesson rather than being an actual asset to the mission. He bet that Zhu could have taken care of this whole ordeal herself, if she wanted.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:


    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 541
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 27th June 2016, 12:02 pm

    Zhu sighed heavily as she slowly began to dismiss all of her weapons making sure to collect the scimitars that she liked the look of, and it didn’t take her long until she was once more carrying a huge bundle of recovered blades. Once she was finished with this and had the weapons in her improvised bag she knelt down and began to pray to the scorekeeper offering up all of these deaths as Voin points to increase her score.

    This was how Zaltac found her and she smiled slowly rising to her feet “Yes, for the most part. There is one other part of the job and that is a simple part. We have to simply free the hostages, or rather prisoners that have been taken.” With a flex of her body she hissed in pain as her body slowly returned to normal appearance huffing in pain as she stood there bleeding from the wounds she had suffered in the battle glancing back at him “Yes, it hurts every time, but pain is weakness leaving the body.” She said simply before leading him further into the village.

    Inside of the village it wasn’t all that hard to find the stockade where the prisoners were being held. She huffed in annoyance as she pulled her blade out and slashed through the pathetic bars and locks that kept them inside of this makeshift prison. With that done and the prisoners released she spoke to them “Go back to your home. You are free, and all of the Red Sand are either dead or running for their pathetic lives.” Now she turned to face Zaltac as all of the prisoners began to move with a purpose out of the village past the pair of them “Now we are free to leave. We can return by different trains if you want to do such a thing, but I think it best we return to the station together. I enjoyed working with you even if you are not the same class of warrior as I. I shall be happy to hire the Laughing Coffin Guild again.” With that she left heading back towards the village making sure Zaltac was at her heels so he wouldn’t get lost. The job was done and she could go back home for all the good it did her.


    Character Info:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1869
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: Four elements.
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 30th June 2016, 12:09 pm

    Zaltac would nod upon hearing the final portion of the mission. Seeing as it could not hurt. Though neither of the two looked all that friendly, the bandits had clearly been dealt with...for now. Though as he heard Zhu revert back to her normal self - despite never really knowing she changed at all as he could only see her aura- and hearing her comment; he could not help but agree.
    "I have come to the same conclusion; were you not able to endure the pain you felt now, I would simply put you out of your misery once the job was complete. It would be the merciful thing to do than to have one struggle upon a road they are clearly not prepared for." he retorted. Though it was not going to happen. Zalt could tell she would be able to endure, and went on his way, ignoring his own wounds despite bleeding. Though he was classes of power underneath Zhu, he was well on his way to becoming a monster of a warrior. With no eye-sight and a youth of nothing but pure pain and endurance training; he would be someone who would die before letting his body break down out of a simple weakness.

    It was not hard to find the prisoners. Seeing as he could peer through buildings with his aura-sight, the large mass of energy he once mistaken for enemies proved to be the stockhold. And with Zhu making ease of the bars and chains, Zalt simply stood in silence letting her do all the talking. It would be better that way. So as people passed them by, Zalt listened to Zhu's remark about heading back home alone; seeing that she took understanding of his rather aloof nature.
    "That would rather be the case, seeing as we are bound to go separate ways anyway. I have no intention outside of pay to stay with you longer. Once we reach the station, my job is finished...Though I can understand why I was forced into going on this rather investing adventure. I look forward to the day we match up as rivals, blade for blade. I will show you then how the power of your deity is nothing but an allusion in your mind. Until then, your beliefs are that of your will. See too it that no one beats me to snuffing it out." He responded, taking after her lead and following her out of the desert as to reach the town safely. Where then they were bound to depart from one another to continue their own quests and training.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:18 pm