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    Cold Days


    Lineage : Beast Tamer
    Position : None
    Posts : 35
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Cold Days Empty Cold Days

    Post by Nicole 21st November 2015, 8:17 pm

    Nicole woke up early at 7 AM, eager to start her day. She walked straight to the bathroom to take her warm shower for the morning. Stripping herself of her clothes and tossing them into the laundry bag, she walked into the shower and turned up the heat. She had finished her shower after a while, and dried herself with the towel hanging on the towel rack. She wrapped her body with the towel and walked out of the bathroom.

    Opening the closet, Nicole pulled out her little black dress and black bolero cape as well as her dainty black flats and white thigh-high socks. She pulled on the black dress which was lined with faux fur at the hems, and proceeded to do the same with her white thigh high socks. She then put on the faux fur-trimmed bolero cape. Taking the dainty black flats, she put them on as well as her signature teal earrings and was finally ready to go.

    Nicole walked out of her room and went towards stairs. She walked down the large stairs and soon reached the first floor. Walking out of the manor, she was hit with the cold air.

    Nicole looked up to the November skies and smiled. The first snows of the year were coming soon, and that meant Christmas also was coming soon in a matter of a few weeks. She walked along the cobblestone pathways, with the manor's gate as the destination in mind. Reaching the gates soon, she pushed the metal gates open and then closed it with her magic once she got out.


    Lineage : Chaos Eye
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

    Cold Days Empty Re: Cold Days

    Post by Cake 22nd November 2015, 1:08 am

    The capital of Fiore, Crocus. It was a beautiful place Kayla had never been here before she only was able to observe the large city from a small television screen when she was younger her mom didn't have the money to come here. It was a pity too since the grand magic games were held here all the time, she never got to experience the real thing only through moving images. Kayla's hair was tied in a tight sleek pony-tail. the top part of her head being covered up with a worn out grey hat. Being in such a big city like this was sure confusing and as much as she didn't want too admit it, the brunette was pretty sure that she was completely lost. Sighing Kayla Croft stuffed her hand in her pocket as she glanced around, she wasn't too comfortable with asking someone for directions but it looked like she didn't have a choice.

    As she started too move forward she had heard something behind her shut, glancing behind her shoulder she saw a girl that looked slightly younger then she did. Gulping she turned around glaring at her, Kaylas first thought was that this chick was rich as hell, since the house she walked out of was a beautiful manor. It almost immediately made her dislike the girl but there world was big, Kayla couldn't avoid rich people all the time. Sighing the brunette narrowed her eyes "Hey you, can you point me in the right direction." Kayla had said in a stern commanding voice.

    Lineage : Beast Tamer
    Position : None
    Posts : 35
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Cold Days Empty Re: Cold Days

    Post by Nicole 22nd November 2015, 1:25 am

    Nicole Árdan was making sure that her manor's gate was securely locked. She couldn't take chances for that it was empty, devoid of people.

    Nicole began to walk down the cobblestone pathways leading to Central Crocus when she was stopped by a stranger.

    "Hey you, can you point me in the right direction." A girl who was younger than her asked her. She seemed to speak in a commanding, stern voice. She probably thinks I'm younger.. Nicole thought. Well, she couldn't blame them for she stopped aging at the age of 14. Her aging had resumed after her coma, though.

    "Good day! Yes, I can point you in the right direction. You're looking for Crocus, right?" Nicole smiled.


    Lineage : Chaos Eye
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
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    Experience : 150

    Cold Days Empty Re: Cold Days

    Post by Cake 22nd November 2015, 2:17 am

    Yes!!!" Kayla had suddenly blurted out, louder then she had intended to. The brunette couldn't help herself it was so frustrating trying too figure out where she was, in the end she would of probably have gone back too the guild and came back with Lexa or someone else. Blinking at her sudden outburst, her cheeks had turned slightly red realizing how stupid she must have had looked in front of this kid. "I mean yes.. sorry bout it." Kayla said with a soft smile as she rubbed the back of her head with her arm. "Kayla of Black Rose The brunette had said confidently, as she showed off her guild mark. "I'm still a rookie, but it's a great guild." The brunette said with a shrug as she wondered where Nicole's guild mark was located, since she was young the chances of her being in a guild were pretty high although she couldn't spot it, usually someone would put a guild mark where it would be easy to spot and Kayla's was on her shoulder. Mumbling something Kayla glanced away and looked up towards the sky, Nicole was rather shady too Kayla she didn't trust people under the age of 12.

    Lineage : Beast Tamer
    Position : None
    Posts : 35
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Cold Days Empty Re: Cold Days

    Post by Nicole 22nd November 2015, 3:14 am

    The brunette smiled at the girl in front of her. She answered with a seemingly enthusiastic reply. Nicole blinked when she apologized for her behaviour.

    "No, no. It's fine." Nicole replied to her apology.

    The girl named herself as Kayla of Black Rose. The guild name sounded familiar yet unfamiliar to Nicole. Kayla, the girl who was now named, mentioned something about the guild being a great one.

    "I'm Nicole. I don't have a guild yet. I do plan to join one, though!" Nicole smiled.

    She continued, "Should we start heading to Central Crocus now? It's just about a walk away."

    Nicole looked around her surroundings. They were in Crocus, just not in the central part yet where there were many people. She still was elated by the fact that Christmas was coming soon and that the cold weather was coming. She fixed her black fur-trimmed bolero cape and her hair before facing Kayla again.

    El J. Dawnson
    El J. Dawnson

    Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Posts : 167
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Chuck Norris
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Synchronize:Lucifer
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    Cold Days Empty Re: Cold Days

    Post by El J. Dawnson 25th November 2015, 11:33 am

    It was a beautiful November morning. Autumn was starting to retire and prepearing the stage for winter. Snow had not fallen yet. Or at least El J. Dawnson though it hadn't. Days and maybe weeks had passed since the last time he went for a walk. You see he had just moved here and didn't have any friends here. Actually he didn't have any friends at all. The last group of people he had called friends were now scattered amongst Earthland's beautiful places.

    So, in this beautiful November morning El was talking a walk. Outside. For the first time in weeks. He was having fun. Dressed in his usual attire that wans't in any way imaginable the attire one would wear during November. A thin beige shirt, baggy dark blue pants and a thin, crimson red coat. Of course he also wore his necklace, bracelets and rings too. Anyways, El was trying to keep himself warm by taking a sip from his capuccino latte once in a while.

    "I'm bored as hell!" he said in a voice just loud enough to realize he was talking. He walked past a nice little frontyard with apple trees, past an old man talking his dogs for a walk, past some kids that were running around. His eyes spotted something that gave off a vibe of interestingness. "Hmm...what do we have here?" he muttered as he saw two girls that looked like mages both dressed very nicely. One of them in an expenssive black dress. He supposed both were mages since on of them, the taller and logicaly older girl had a slightly visible guild mark on her shoulder.

    "They are most likely both rich, stuck-up brats...what do I have to lose though?Time? I got plenty of that. Money? It's not like they need to steal mine anyway. Now that I think about it it is actually pretty helpful to make friends with people in guilds." these thoughts were developed in his mind in less than one second. El begun making his way to the girls. The shorter girl was about to say something to the taller one..."Perfect timing." he thought as he approached them.

    "Hey girls, my name is El J. feel free to call me Jackal though. So care to give me a tour? I am new around here."



    Cold Days Gokude10
    Cold Days Tumblr10

    The Emotions:

    Lineage : Beast Tamer
    Position : None
    Posts : 35
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Cold Days Empty Re: Cold Days

    Post by Nicole 26th November 2015, 8:58 am

    Another person came and immediately named himself as El J. He also seemed to be a new person around Crocus and needed some directions.

    "I'm Nicole and I can tour you around Crocus, Jackal." Nicole said. 

    She continued. "Shall we begin?"

    The brunette began walking towards Crocus after she had heard their replies. Her manor was situated a few streets away from Central Crocus, where she was planning to take the duo to. She could feel the cold breeze in the air as she walked.

    "We're heading towards Central Crocus right now. Be careful, there are a lot of people in the centre of the city. This is because the shopping districts and leisure parks are situated there." Nicole informed the duo.

    She took a turn somewhere in the streets of Crocus, and ended up in the heart of the city. The brunette could now hear and see the hustle and bustle of the city.

    "Here we are." Nicole turned back to the two people and smiled.

    Posting Order: Nicole > Cake > El J


    El J. Dawnson
    El J. Dawnson

    Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Chuck Norris
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Synchronize:Lucifer
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    Cold Days Empty Re: Cold Days

    Post by El J. Dawnson 28th November 2015, 5:16 am

    Hmm...they both seem like really nice people. Still, one must always expect the worse from people. That's what Jackal was thinking while Nicole showd him and Kayla the streets of Corcus. Do we have a destination? A question that El couldn't bring himself to say out loud. Instead he kept walking along the two beautiful girls, smiling and observing them.

    For a momment he thought that going to his house was a good idea. That idea though died a quick death as El remembered that not even him had been to all of his houses rooms. Bringin people there would be awkward.

    The trio had been walking for some time and the city had grown more crowded. Nicole said that they were close to the city center. She also said that shopping districts and leisure parks where located there. An obvious fact, but still that was a good piece of information and her giving it away like that must mean that she is either crazy nice or has some hidden motive. Probably the latter one, though El.

    Not long after they had reached the heart of Corcus. El was looking around trying to find interesting stuff that could help him with his goal. Meanwhile Nicole said something along the lines we are here or something.



    Cold Days Gokude10
    Cold Days Tumblr10

    The Emotions:

    Lineage : Chaos Eye
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Cold Days Empty Re: Cold Days

    Post by Cake 29th November 2015, 12:32 am

    Kayla gave a nod before being interrupted, she gave Jackal a side glance with only one thought. 'What kind of name was El?' Although the brunette just shrugged it off and looked back towards Nicole, maybe rich people werent so bad considering she was going to take them on a tour. "I guess I dont mind if you tag along.." The brunette had grumbled quietly as her hands were stuffed deeper into her coat pockets and she glanced away to avoid eye contact. As Nicole had started moving Kayla simply followed behind not saying much but observing the capital city. It really was beautiful, much better looking from the old rugged streets she saw growing up.

    Kayla Croft looked back towards Nicole when she said they had arrived, Kayla honestly didnt know where they had came but before she could ask her belly had made a low grumble. Forgetting that she didnt eat ever since this morning Kayla had rubbed her stomach awkwardly a slight blush painting her cheeks a rosy red. "Damn! Im hungry." The brunette had bellowed as she glanced over at Nicole again. "Know any good places to eat around here, Nicole?" The brunette had asked unsure if Jackal was going too join them if they decided to eat together. "Forgot too introduce myself." She quickly stated as she gave a cold glare too Jackal. "Kayla Croft."

    Lineage : Beast Tamer
    Position : None
    Posts : 35
    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Cold Days Empty Re: Cold Days

    Post by Nicole 3rd December 2015, 8:33 am

    The hustle and bustle of the city was something she was used to. She walked to a stop and faced her companions for the day. Kayla Croft mentioned about being hungry and some questions about good restaurants around in Central Crocus. She looked at the two of them before speaking.

    "Well, I'd recommend going to the the 25th street. The best restaurants are there and the prices ranges from low to high."

    She waited for their response before heading to the 25th street. Taking a look at the city clock, she decided that she was getting lazy. Taking her purse out, she pulled out a lacrima and booked a pod to the 25th street which was good for 3 people.

    Your pod to the 25th street will be arriving in 3 minutes. Thank you for booking your ride with Crocus Transits.

    "Well, I just booked us a pod that will take us there."

    She stood by a beautiful brick wall with her companions. People were all around. Going inside their booked pods, shopping for things, dining out with friends, maybe even having reunions and etcetera.

    As she waited, she looked up to the November skies. She was entranced by the city's beauty even though she lives in Crocus and as well as the coldness of the weather.

    She soon heard her lacrima ring and a pod in front of the trio.

    "It appears as if our pod is here." She announced.

    She waved her lacrima at the door of the pod, and walked in with her companions.

    El J. Dawnson
    El J. Dawnson

    Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Chuck Norris
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Synchronize:Lucifer
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    Cold Days Empty Re: Cold Days

    Post by El J. Dawnson 3rd December 2015, 11:10 am

    Knowledge is sin, a deadly sin.
    Kayla had mentioned she was hungry and so Nicole proposed a location and booket a pod to take them group there. It took some time for the pod to get there but that gave the group time to chat.

    The pod arrived and El couldn't notice that it was far away from what he had imagined. Sure the thing was in fact a cab...a taxi so to say. Yet it wasn't anything like cabs back in his homeland. It was a modern means of tranportation made out of steel and empowered by a lacrima. The group took a seat on the pod and waited for their ride to start.

    As soon as their ride stared El address both girls. "So...uh...I know this is sudden...but...don't you think we should get to know each other better?" El smiled as soon as he completed this sentance.

    "Personally I do not know anyone here except you two girls. And I don't even know you. So I guess we should start out the normal way. You know hobbies, likes etc."

    El was surprised he was able to speak to to others so easily. He thought that during the weeks he spent shut inside his home he would have lost contact with people and forgot how to socialize. Not that he really knew how to begin with.

    It took some time for him to think if that question was really propper to ask. He couldn't figure out and asked anyways. "So I don't mean to be rude but how old are you girls?"



    Cold Days Gokude10
    Cold Days Tumblr10

    The Emotions:

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