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    Private Re: COUNTING UP THE COST ♦ job

    Post by Guest 6th December 2015, 6:37 am

    Marschal's hands snaked their way toward his ears, where he gently gripped them between his forefinger and thumb, and rubbed them slightly. His ears. . . they were always a subject of talk with his kinsfolk, but mostly a subject of teasing back when he lived in his home village. A frown coursed across his lips, but disappeared shortly after his thoughts subsided on the topic and his hands dropped to his lap. That was a difficult answer for him; he knew what he was, but he didn't know much more than that he was a half breed.

    "I always treated differently by the village children because of these ears," he responded to her in a softer tone. "I was often called Kitty, and at one point, the children even forcibly placed a bell collar on me because they thought it "funny". My mother is human, it's where I get a majority my of characteristics, and my father was a panther yōkai, which is how I got these feline qualities."

    He chuckled some at the thought, staring into his lap and clasping his fingers together as a way to connect his thoughts. "I don't know who my father is, just that he was some demon my mother had an affair with and produced me. My stepfather is dumb as fuck and hasn't realized that I'm not his actual son, so I at least am well-loved by both of them. The villagers, I can't say. . . there's something about half-breeds that they absolutely despised, so my mother allowed for me to come here, to Black Rose. . . Er. . . sorry, that was a lot more than what you were expecting, wasn't it? What about you? How'd you come to Black Rose?"

    Private Re: COUNTING UP THE COST ♦ job

    Post by Guest 9th December 2015, 8:35 pm

    Izayuki listened intently, truly curious and intrigued by the cat-eared boy's story. It all made sense to her, and his small mention of his childhood made her feel some sympathy, but also admittedly some humor.... It sounded like something she would do, she had to guiltily observe. Aside from that unfortunate thought, the word "yokai" seemed to be what all of her focus locked on next. A... yokai...? A panther yokai? Was there even such a thing as that? Izayuki mainly only knew about the more "mainstream" or "pure" yokai types, such as Kitsune, Neko, and so on. There were many "mixed" types, as she had noted with Seika, but a panther? Unthinkable! Her comrade obviously wasn't lying though...

    Why did she come to Black Rose? Izayuki constantly mused over this question with herself, and though she knew the answer, she felt as if it needed more. She had come to escape and find protection from Yukionna shortly after the malevolent ice goddess killed Azalea's mentor and supposedly Aza herself. While her "imouto-chan" was alive, it still made Iza often wonder the whereabouts of her former mentor. But Black Rose itself.... She had joined for selfish reasons- protection. She had nowhere else to go, but needed to fit into human society. Going solo would leave her dead before long with that angry deity on her trail. "No that's okay!" Iza replied with a smile before continuing. "Well... I came to Black Rose under rather, er, complicated circumstances. Someone wants me dead, and I need the resources to hide and someday take them out..."

    A pause. Then the young mage continued, gazing slightly at the stranger man first for a split second before completely-focusing on her companion. "Tell me, Marschal... are you good at keeping secrets? Could you keep this one....?"

    Private Re: COUNTING UP THE COST ♦ job

    Post by Guest 9th December 2015, 8:52 pm

    Right. No one hardly knew of panther yokai because they were a nonexistent species; barely ever seen by the naked eye. Not that he knew much about the species anyway, he just knew that his father had been one and that he was now half of one. Whatever future that held for him, well, he would just have to discover that by the time it got there, and it was already beginning to look horrid. Marschal looked to Izayuki as she answered his question, something about coming to Black Rose on different, more exotic circumstances. A circumstance that he likely wouldn't understand, since he didn't know Izayuki's backstory like the back of his hand. At the same time, Marschal probably could have cared less about the situation, but he would at least hear her out. Though she didn't seem like the type to want to expel worries on others, he felt that maybe she would for him.

    "I see. . . I suppose we all have our way of coming to places, whether it be good or bad," Marschy spoke quietly, almost a mumble. "Whatever your reason may be, I'm sure it's for the better of either you or someone that's closest to you." He shrugged his shoulders shortly after, as though he nothing more to say, though thoughts swam in his head like sharks. Marschal just felt overwhelmed by everything he wanted to know of Izayuki because why not get to know your fellow guild members better? After all, he needed to stop being such a recluse with his books, always hiding in corners or open places, but hiding within books. "And maybe it's for both, who knows, but I won't pry on the information if you don't want me to know." That was the best thing about Marschal, he wouldn't force others to do things that they didn't want to do at all.

    "I can keep secrets, I suppose; I don't really have anyone to tell them to anyway, unless books count as people," he answered after she asked. "What's on your mind, Iza?"

    Private Re: COUNTING UP THE COST ♦ job

    Post by Guest 9th December 2015, 9:40 pm

    By the following and responding babble coming from Marschal, Izayuki had started to lose focus. She did not care what he meant, and did not want contemplating or understanding. He had no questions and his opinion meant little to her on the topic of her story and circumstances. At least he had no intention to pry or dig further, judging by his words. Iza was not much of a liar at all- she was terrible at it. Saying no was a thing, but part of her felt like for one reason or another, she could be honest with her new companion. They had only met hours ago, but there was a rare security she felt with him that she could not put her finger on. It certainly was not a spell, yet it was by no means the most natural feeling... or was it?

    Inwardly shrugging and trying to cast the irritating and confusing thoughts aside, Izayuki first looked back down at the timid and nerdy man, placing him in a rather intimidating and threatening stare, vacant of her former warmth and alacrity. "That goes for you too... tell anyone, and I'll eat you~"

    Pink eyes moved back towards the crimson orbs of Marschal, blinking once and a small toothy grin coming to her face, as if daring him. Daring him? The words said to their client went for him as well, simply put. She would willingly kill anyone who broke her trust over something that meant so much to her. This was her life, after all. Her real life.
    Closing her eyes for a few heartbeats and re-opening her eyes to glance back at her tall comrade, two silver-colored and slightly-rounded ears appeared on top of her pink-haired head. Out of her tailbone protruded a rather large, fluffy, silver, ringed tail that was undeniably that of a raccoon dog's. Replacing her fingernails were tiny, neat obsidian-hued claws, while her canine teeth were now more of small fangs that would not be noticed unless one looked at her mouth while she talked or ate.

    Shooting a grin at him and closing her eyes, Izayuki continued in a perky and chipper tone with a small shrug and flick of her left ear and tail. "I'm a tanuki~!"

    Private Re: COUNTING UP THE COST ♦ job

    Post by Guest 10th December 2015, 8:22 am

    "Hey now, he's been good; no need to threaten him with empty threats now," the youthful mage scolded Izayuki. He blinked his red eyes at her sudden change of character, like it was the strangest thing that he could expect from the female. Knowing her though, her moods tended to switch rather quickly, despite always having a perky, happy-go-lucky look on her face. Marschal pursed his lips and looked away briefly from the woman, rubbing his face with his hands, then looked back at her. Rolling his eyes, the mage awaited what she would say next because, in all honesty, it was hard to expect anything from her. She could say one thing and mean the complete opposite for him, which was why he had been so confused most recently. Marschy sat back and rested his hands on the tops of his legs, cocking eyebrow at the now very strangely acting Iza.

    The shift in her appearance slightly startled the mage, though he quickly calmed down in recognizing that maybe she was a half-breed as well? Or maybe that was just her ability to shift from creature to creature, and her saying that she was a tanuki was just a joke. "Lovely, you can shift into animals," he responded in a mocking complimentary tone toward the anthropomorphic woman. Marschal didn't understand the fact that she was literally a tanuki, and just had the ability to hide those features of herself. He didn't have that ability to hide his ears and shit, he was stuck baring the worst of being a half-breed, the features recognizable. His eyes shifted away from her though when the train's horn blew, signalling that it was going to be pulling in the train station soon. Maybe a couple of minutes, but he wasn't certain, and that was when the train's speed changed and lurched them some.

    As the train stopped, Marschal stood to his feet and looked to Izayuki with a frown before glancing to the man's feet. "All right, Raccoon Dog, release him so we can get him safely off the train. . . or just let him run off and throw up, who knows."

    Private Re: COUNTING UP THE COST ♦ job

    Post by Guest 21st December 2015, 8:29 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Rank C ♦ Black Rose ♦ Glacier God Slayer    

    Empty threats? What a joke.... heh, she was not joking. Even if she could not eat someone in her human or true form, she had plenty of other shapes to pick from to complete the job. Hopefully, however, she would no have to.
    The fact that her companion did not believe her, though, was a different story. Yes, it could seem shifty, literally, as she had already established she was capable of transforming. Still, nobody had ever dismissed her claim before. That very thought brought a small grin to her face after a temporary face of confusion.

    "Ya mentioned you're part panther-yokai, right? Well I am a yokai too... a tanuki. And raccoon dogs are best known for their transformation abilities~" Izayuki explained, flicking her tail right and left proudly. "I s'pose ya don't have to believe me though... just no telling..." she continued, snapping her fingers to at least signal the ice around his feet to shatter. Upon release, the man bolted and waited by the door as the train pulled into the station, quickly dashing off once the locomotive stopped and opened.

    Location;; Train Station
    Muse;; 6/10
    Word Count;; 185

      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am