Fairy Tail RP

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    Kontley Blackflower


    Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Master Yang [Chinese Swordsman], Master Matsushita [Japanese Swordsman], and Master Kang [Korean Swordsman]
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Unknown
    Second Skill: Unknown
    Third Skill:

    Kontley Blackflower Empty Kontley Blackflower

    Post by Ethair 27th October 2015, 10:18 am

    Though they try to call me weak,
    it is simply because they are turly the weak ones and one day the blood on my fists will be their own.

    Kontley Blackflower Name10
    Kontley "Zolona" Blackflower

    Kontley Blackflower Gender10

    Kontley Blackflower Age10

    Kontley Blackflower Birthd10
    Bosco's Jail

    Kontley Blackflower Sexual10

    Kontley Blackflower Specia10
    Scars that cover her whole back from all the fights shes been in.

    Kontley Blackflower Person10
    Kontley Blackflower Likes10

    • Monsters - she enjoys fighting more and more powerful monsters so that she can always test her strength.
    • Darkness - she prefers to work in the shadows/darkness so that she can attack anyone/anything from anywhere and makes it harder for anyone watching to know who really did anything.
    • Destruction - she loves to break stuff so she will look and find any reason to break anything/everything. Sometime there doesn't even have to be a real reason to break or smash something and will do it without a second though cause she wants to or just feels like it.

    Kontley Blackflower Dislik10

    • Animals - she has never found a truly strong animal so there forth she believes them all to be weak that's makes them very revolting to her.
    • Laziness - she feels that training and working hard is the only way to get anything done. When she see something being lazy or refusing to do something simple, she'll go over to them pick him/her up and throw them out the closest door or window.
    • Gods/Deities - they think they are the top of the chats when it comes to power but really she believe they can be beat by anyone that's strong enough. An she likes to prove it her self so don't let her near any God/Deity you like.

    Kontley Blackflower Motiva10

    • Gaining Strength - she is always training both psychically and her magic to become stronger, she's always picking fighting anything bigger then her or seems like they are stronger. Even picks fights with loud mouth wizards that think they are the best and/or anyone that tries to mock her in anyway to prove she as real strength. So no matter what she believe that one day she will be one of the strongest female wizards ever.
    • Enslavement - she will pick the strongest monster, animal, or demon out of the area around her and force them to work with her on the job is doing right then. After all is said and done she will then kill the monster, animal, or demon cause she doesn't care for weakness and its fun to her.
    • Hunting Powerful Beings - she's always looking for something more powerful to fight (like gods, demons, monsters, etc.) at any time so if nothing lest just to prove to herself that's she is getting stronger and stronger.

    Kontley Blackflower Fears10

    • Being Weak - she believes that without strength or power there's no real place in this world for someone like that. So that's why she does everything in her on being to never be the "weak" one at any time.
    • Death - she knows it will come one day but still believe that the only reason anyone/anything dies is because they're far to weak for this world an don't belong in it.
    • Agateophobia - she 100% fears the idea of her losing it going insane or completely bat shit crazy, before she can prove to the whole world how strong she truly can become.

    Kontley Blackflower Genera10
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 120 lbs
    Hair: Green, Medium length
    Eyes: Orange
    Skin Tone: Pale
    Appearance: Zolona always has an emotionless expression. She wears a dingy torn up gold and black striped shirt with black frill trim that is very short. The shirt stops at the bust line and shows a lot of cleavage, because of that it can only properly cover one of her shoulders. Her black jeans have gashes and rips with a gold trim around them.

    Kontley Blackflower Guild-10
    Guild: Black Rose
    Tattoo: Left hip, gold with a black outline
    Rank: D


    Jian Liu the Stalker | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown
    Kontley Blackflower L9TXIdw

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
    Position : In bed with the harem
    Posts : 4043
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,538,536.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ???
    Second Skill: ???
    Third Skill:

    Kontley Blackflower Empty Re: Kontley Blackflower

    Post by King Elyx 27th October 2015, 2:13 pm

    Zolona Knotley wrote:
    Though they try to call me weak,
    it is simply because they are turly the weak ones and one day the blood on my fists will be their own.

    Kontley Blackflower Name10
    Kontley "Zolona" Blackflower

    Kontley Blackflower Gender10

    Kontley Blackflower Age10

    Kontley Blackflower Birthd10
    Bosco's Jail

    Kontley Blackflower Sexual10

    Kontley Blackflower Specia10
    Scars that cover her whole back from all the fights shes been in.

    Kontley Blackflower Person10
    Kontley Blackflower Likes10

    • Monsters - she enjoys fighting more and more powerful monsters so that she can always test her strength.
    • Darkness - she prefers to work in the shadows/darkness so that she can attack anyone/anything from anywhere and makes it harder for anyone watching to know who really did anything.
    • Destruction - she loves to break stuff so she will look and find any reason to break anything/everything. Sometime there doesn't even have to be a real reason to break or smash something and will do it without a second though cause she wants to or just feels like it.

    Kontley Blackflower Dislik10

    • Animals - she has never found a truly strong animal so there forth she believes them all to be weak that's makes them very revolting to her.
    • Laziness - she feels that training and working hard is the only way to get anything done. When she see something being lazy or refusing to do something simple, she'll go over to them pick him/her up and throw them out the closest door or window.
    • Gods/Deities - they think they are the top of the chats when it comes to power but really she believe they can be beat by anyone that's strong enough. An she likes to prove it her self so don't let her near any God/Deity you like.

    Kontley Blackflower Motiva10

    • Gaining Strength - she is always training both psychically and her magic to become stronger, she's always picking fighting anything bigger then her or seems like they are stronger. Even picks fights with loud mouth wizards that think they are the best and/or anyone that tries to mock her in anyway to prove she as real strength. So no matter what she believe that one day she will be one of the strongest female wizards ever.
    • Enslavement - she will pick the strongest monster, animal, or demon out of the area around her and force them to work with her on the job is doing right then. After all is said and done she will then kill the monster, animal, or demon cause she doesn't care for weakness and its fun to her.
    • Hunting Powerful Beings - she's always looking for something more powerful to fight (like gods, demons, monsters, etc.) at any time so if nothing lest just to prove to herself that's she is getting stronger and stronger.

    Kontley Blackflower Fears10

    • Being Weak - she believes that without strength or power there's no real place in this world for someone like that. So that's why she does everything in her on being to never be the "weak" one at any time.
    • Death - she knows it will come one day but still believe that the only reason anyone/anything dies is because they're far to weak for this world an don't belong in it.
    • Agateophobia - she 100% fears the idea of her losing it going insane or completely bat shit crazy, before she can prove to the whole world how strong she truly can become.

    Kontley Blackflower Genera10
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 120 lbs
    Hair: Green, Medium length
    Eyes: Orange
    Skin Tone: Pale
    Appearance: Zolona always has an emotionless expression. She wears a dingy torn up gold and black striped shirt with black frill trim that is very short. The shirt stops at the bust line and shows a lot of cleavage, because of that it can only properly cover one of her shoulders. Her black jeans have gashes and rips with a gold trim around them.

    Kontley Blackflower Guild-10
    Guild: Black Rose
    Tattoo: Left hip, gold with a black outline
    Rank: D

    Kontley Blackflower Merp%202.jpg_zpszdcapnj1

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 4:30 am