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    ReQuip: The Divinity

    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    ReQuip: The Divinity Empty ReQuip: The Divinity

    Post by Janneline Ariel 3rd July 2014, 10:23 am

    ReQuip: The Divinity

    ReQuip: The Divinity Blade_mistress_morgana_league_of_legends_fan_art_by_izzyyxd-d99kwq2

    Primary Magic:
    ReQuip: The Divinity
    Secondary Magic:
    Caster or Holder:
    The Gods, regardless of what religion, always have been and always will be curious creatures. As centuries passed, their view on humanity has never change, even the slightest, bit, and, ever since the beginning of times, the creaton of humanity, Gods and all Divine figures had seen humans as pets, for the major part. Fun, interesting, the supperior beings have always enjoyed toying with the humans, blessing them, giving them immense might, in order to make them more perillous to those of their kind, and watch a spectacle as the blessed ones exterminate the unworthy humans, or the other blessed. For eons, this had been a recurrent practice among the gods, to cause massive genocides, undirectly, of course, but through their best weapon, those that had received their blessing, which, due to what had happened to them, the power they had been given, received the name of "Blessed". However; as this practice had almost brought humanity to extinction a plethora of times, the Divine figures decided to stop with this curious practice in order to avoid the extinction of their beloved "pets", for if the human race dissapeared, the Gods would lack creatures that could entertain them in similar ways.

    Eons have passed since the last time the aforementioned, curious practice has been seen or done. Humanity has been blessed by Gods more than once since then, but the divinities had always made sure to avoid another genocide, that could possibly put an end to the human race once and for all. Yet, recently, one person in particular called their attention. A person, was hardly a word to describe said creature. She had caught the attention of the gods from the very moment of her "birth" with her enhaced capabilities, her curious internal structure and, overall, the way she functioned. She was not a normal human being; she was a creature, a human-like creature created through an old, forgotten style, through Alchemy, a practice the humans had developed and the gods had been amazed of, for they had always doubted that the mental capacity of the humans was big enough, and there were great minds hidden between them, that could discover Alchemy and how it worked. Said humanoid, which received the name of Homunculus, or, an artificially created human, whose attributes were greater than normal humans', had been created following a certain pattern, that would make her be the greatest, and most loyal warrior, with a knightly attitude. The creation of this supperior being had certainly peaked the interest of the Gods, and had caused them to observe her closely through the years, many feeling the desire to revive the old tradition of the Blessed and to enhace that girl in particular even more, making her the ultimate warrior. What stopped them, was, of course, the fear of a genocide. Ever since her birth, they realized a rather peculiar thing about the internal structure of the subject, who had received the name of Janneline Ariel. She lacked a heart; there, where her beating heart was supposed to be, was nothing more than a hole. How she walked, talked, or even lived, was, and still is, a mystery to the Gods, for the discovery of her lack of heart meant that she shouldn't be alive under any circumstances, that she shouldn't be capable of speking, walking or even living. Yet she was alive. How, though? Was it the mysterious philosopher's stone that hid inside her the secret of her unexplaineable heartless existance?

    Most saw great evil within her too. The girl had immense intelligence, which she had acquired on her own, and not during her creation, yet she had a malevolent... "soul", dark intentions hid within her. This sparked the interest even more, yet at the same time made the Gods want to keep that girl in particular away from the blessed. Yet, one day, one of them gave into the temptation. Hephaestus, Greek god of Blacksmiths, took in the particular subject, immediately granting her with powers to suit her style. He showered her in weaponry, old as the world, enhaced with attributes of all the gods from all over the world, and soon enough, all of the Divine figures, giving into the temptation, granted the girl the ultimate gift one could receive; the blessing of all the Gods, in the form of powerful weaponry.
    Essentials: ReQuip: The Divinity works exactly like every other ReQuip magic to ever exist on the world; to put it short, it is a "holder" magic which allows the user to store an immense amount of weaponry, armory, or even clothing, inside a pocket dimension they posess, and to summon said weaponry or armory from the pocket dimension in the matter of seconds, and at will. The amount of items that can be stored inside this pocket dimension is immense; some even believe it is infinite; although it does have some restrictions, which include the prohibition of any human being, or living creature, to access the pocket dimension in any way. The consequences of said action taking place are unknown; but many believe death will follow if it ocurrs. Now, onto the weaponry and armory.  Typically, all type of armory and weaponry can be stored within the pocket dimension, although that doesn't necessarily mean that all this weaponry and armory has to be simple, or be the typical sword ad armor without any abilities that everyone possesses. In fact; the Weaponry and Armory Janna possesses is everything; but simple.

    Ranging from spears that releace powerful sun blasts, to gigantic axes that freeze everything in their way, the array of weaponry in Janneline's pocket dimension is extense and everything, but montone and equal. She has absolutely no set theme; she doesn't focus on simply elemental armory or weaponry, or similar. After all, her array of weaponry and armory has been blessed by the gods. And not all of them are Elemental, is that correct? However, the elemental armory she has, has a rather peculiar passive, which permits Janna to have a certain percentage of resistance against the element her armor is based on. Or, if it is a weapon, the weapon can have additional damage to users of magic that opposes it, or be weaker. Depends on the rank, really. What is clear that this magic, with the large amount of weaponry, armory, with the versatile abilities, be it active or passive added to each and every piece of weaponry or armory becomes deadly in its own way, and gives this magic both a high offensive and defensive potential.
    Ω High Offensive Potential: This magic allows the user to have a large array of weaponry to her reach at any second, making it have a high offensive potential for the number of weaponry one can carry with himself at a time, and the fact that, albeit at a high cost, all weaponry could be summoned at once.
    Ω High Defensive Potential: Same as above; this magic allowd the user to have a large array of armory to her reach at any second, making it have a high defensive potential, for the user could calmly summon an armor in any dangerous situation to save himself from a lethal injury, or even assured death.
    Ω Combinations: The fact that this magic allows the user to summon as much as weaponry or armory, whenever he wants, allows the user to make any type of combinations with weaponry and armory to increase the damage outcome, or get an advantage in a battle. For example; the user could easily summon Neptune's armory and Zeus' lightning against a water slayer, for example, to assure his resistance against the water element, and advantage with the lightning.
    Ω Little Utility: This magic, centered mainly in offense and defense, offers very little utility, such as stunning, chaining someone down, etc. All those moves, which turn the battle in one's favor, yet deal no damage, are rarely seen among the array of the Requippers, and more so this one.
    Ω Little Buffing/Healing: ReQuip is a magic which focuses on defending the user from damage, and dealing tons of damage at the same time, making it a magic that is highly focused on defense and offense. Thus, a ReQuip mage rarely owns any buffing or healing spells; mainly because it defies the nature of their magic, and doesn't follow it.
    Ω Breakable: Every single armor and weaponry in Janneline's possesion is breakable; it can take on a determined amount of hits, before it breaks, and is unusuable for the rest of the thread.
    Ω No Long Range: Long range combat is out of the question for ReQuippers, for this magic focuses entirely on close quarters, or, in other words, melee combat, and the users rarely have any long range abilities, or even never have those.  
    Malefic Illusions:
    Unique Abilities:
    Ω Enhaced Strength and Speed: Thanks to the fact that the user of this magic was "Blessed" by Divine beings, and infused with almost godly powers, Janneline has naturally enhaced strength and speed, better than those of normal mages. Comparative charts of the normal strength/speed and Janna's will be placed below, each indicated with a title that gives up which stat it compares.

    RankNormal Mage SpeedJanneline's Speed
    D20mph (Sprinting) 30mph (Sprinting)
    C25mph (Sprinting) 30mph (Sprinting)
    B30mph (Sprinting)40mph (Sprinting)
    A35mph (Sprinting)50mph (Sprinting)
    S40mph (Sprinting)60mph (Sprinting)

    RankNormal Mage Strength (Dmg)Janneline's Strength (Dmg)
    D5hp5hp (Keeping it equal at D)

    Ω Enhaced Senses: Janna's senses (hearing, sight,etc), due to the same reason as above; she was blessed by divine beings, thus granting her, aside from abnormal strength and speed, enhaced senses. In a few words; she can hear better than most humans, and at bigger distances; she can see more clearly in the dark, pretty much as clearly as someone who posesses shadow magic; she can sense better and so forth.
    Ω Order of the Divine: Three times in a thread, Janneline can cancel the cooldown of one her abilities, regardless of the rank, or choose to repair it, and bring it back from its useless state. This small passive, though, albeit it seems otherwise, has its disatvantages. To begin with; if Janna chooses to end the cooldown of a spell that is A Ranked, or above, she will be limited to using this ability only once per thread. Also; she cannot use it to end the cooldown of her signature spell. Not to mention that, but if Janna brings a B Ranked or higher weapon back to its normal state, and not letting it repair, then the ability will be limited to being used only once.
    Ω The Protected One: Most of the combat assets in Janna's pocket dimension are weapons; which grant her immense power, and make her quite a monster in terms of offensive power. The firepower she has in the battlefield is immense; but the defensive assets lack. As mentioned before, the bigger part of Janna's combat-related assets in her pocket dimension are weapons. A very small percent of those combat assets are armory, which clearly aren't enough to protect her all the time. This said, Janna can be defined as an incredibly strong combatant, that could delete her opponents from the face of Earthland in no time; but also a quite squishy mage, that, if caught, can be destroyed quite easily. And this condition is very perillous, as a 90% of Janna's weapons are short-ranged, that require extreme closeness. Therefore, to solve this problem, the Gods have granted Janna with another blessing, aside from all the others they alredy gave her. A passive ability that would allow her to survive in the battlefield, without needing a legit spell that grants her an armor, allowing her to increase her firepower more and more, yet achieve defensive power passively. Each weapon that Janna summons forth on the battlefield comes along with a change of outfit. Albeit in the beginning it seems like a more aesthetic detail, it is one that could definetly save Janna's life. All armor, regardless of the appearance, can save Janna from blows equal to the rank of the weapon summoned. For example, if Janna summons Diana's Crescent blade, the clothing that she gets after the change will protect her from up to 1 S Ranked hit, or a combination of hits that equal it.
    Ω Divine Healing: Janna, aside from being granted enhaced strength, speed and senses, has also been given the gift of the enhaced regeneration from the gods; for, every 4 posts, she regenerates 2 health points.
    Ω Telekinesis: Janna, as most ReQuippers, can control her weaponry with her mind, thus giving her the ability to control more than one weapon at a time, and not only with her hands.

    Signature Spell:

    S Rank Spells:

    A Rank Spells:

    B Rank Spells:

    C Rank Spells:

    D Rank Spells:

    Spell Template:

    Last edited by Janneline Ariel on 29th November 2015, 6:14 am; edited 21 times in total


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    ReQuip: The Divinity 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

    ReQuip: The Divinity Empty Re: ReQuip: The Divinity

    Post by Guest 8th July 2014, 5:54 am

    hey Janna, guess whoooo?!

    I'm gonna be reviewing your magic in the spoiler below. Any edits will be written up in blue. If you have any concerns or questions about the edits I request then please feel free to ask and I'll happily talk to you about them.

    Please bump as soon as the edits are made.

    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    ReQuip: The Divinity Empty Re: ReQuip: The Divinity

    Post by Janneline Ariel 8th July 2014, 6:38 am

    Bump, changes made.


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    ReQuip: The Divinity 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    ReQuip: The Divinity Empty Re: ReQuip: The Divinity

    Post by Janneline Ariel 13th July 2014, 4:51 am



    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    ReQuip: The Divinity 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

    ReQuip: The Divinity Empty Re: ReQuip: The Divinity

    Post by Guest 13th July 2014, 5:10 am

    ReQuip: The Divinity ZhroAlE
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

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    ReQuip: The Divinity Empty Re: ReQuip: The Divinity

    Post by Indiana Jones 16th July 2014, 11:42 am

    Unlocked for B-rank spell additions.


    ReQuip: The Divinity 18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
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    ReQuip: The Divinity Empty Re: ReQuip: The Divinity

    Post by Janneline Ariel 17th July 2014, 4:37 am

    B Ranks added.


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    ReQuip: The Divinity 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    ReQuip: The Divinity Empty Re: ReQuip: The Divinity

    Post by Indiana Jones 19th July 2014, 1:52 am

    Janna Hovercraft wrote:ReEquip: The Divine Apprentice

    Primary Magic: ReEquip: The Divine Apprentice
    Secondary Magic:
    Caster or Holder:
    Caster, Lost
    Description: ReEquip: The Divine Apprentice is, despite its name, a truly ancient and forgotten by the world magic. Similar to the normal Requip, it consists of exquipping armors/weapons with magic abilities that can vary, in order to fight against someone. However, this branch of ReEquip, is, quite, the most mysterious of all. Legends about this magic say that the weapons and armors in the user's arsenal are forged by Hephaestus himself, and that every Olympian god has gifted them with different attribures, even the minor gods such as Selene, Nike, Tyche, etc... This magic is also told to have been taught by the Gods themselves, in a lousy, pathetic try to make a Hero that has no divine blood in him. However, even if the user didn't become a Hero like Hercules, with super-strength and all, the user becomes much grater, as he has the best attributes of all gods that have gifted him with an armor, and, in many cases, the ability of Bending elements at their will using a determined armor or having resistance to it. This magic, however, as it has been taught by Gods to Humans in a try to make the human a Divine Figure, this type of magic makes the user and his weaponry/armors teribly weak to God Slaying magic.

    Janna was at the beginning a ReEquip Mage, yes. But she wasn't a part of this rare branch of Requippers. She used to have ReEquip; The beast, until one day, she got kidnapped on a job with her guildmate Aedre Crawford. Taken straight to a place she does not know until this day, a group of people, who told her to be gods taught her this magic, with the reason that she seemed qute fitting, considering how good she dealt with her previous magic. And truly, she was.

    · Elemental Control- Some Armors allow Janna to control different elements, so all together she had elemental control.

    · Resistance to a determined amount and variety of elements- When wearing the Hephaestus armor, for example, the user has 60% resistance to fire.

    · Enhaced senses- Due to being taught by Gods, Janna has enhaced senses, somewhat similar to the God Slayer's, but not as good as their.

    · Large Armor Resistance- Hephaestus is the master blacksmith of Olympus, his craft is so powerful, that it has enhaced elemental resistance or spell reistance.


    · Weak against God Slayers- The Requippers that use this branch have been taught by Gods to become Divine Figures, holy figures, so natrually, their biggest enemy and their strongest nemesis are God Slayers, slayers of all holy.

    · Weak against Corrosion magic- Despite having a very fair resistance to spells and magic, in general, the armor has no resistance to Corrosion magic.

    · Weak against opposite elements- If the user is wearing the Hephaestus armor, he is naturally weaker to water. The oposite elements are weaker against eachother.

    · Doesn't let the user consume element- Even though the user has some resistance to some elemental magic, he cannot consume it in order to gain MP and HP.

    · Some armors are quite useless- Some armors/weapons, like Athena's Armor, are quite useless, in offensive matters, and have a very small amount of abilities.


    · Enhaced Senses: The user has enhaced senses of sight, hearing and can sense peril, which means that she sees, hears and can sense peril coming better than most normal mage and humans.

    · Elemental Control: Some of the armors offer Janna elemental control, which means that she can control any element, as long as she has the required armor/weapon exquipped.

    · Elemental Resistance: The armors like the Hephaestus' Apprentice, or Boreas' Apprentice, give Janna resistance against a determined element, like fire or wind.

    · Large resistance: Many of the armors don't break as easily.

    D Ranked Spells:

    C Ranked Spells:

    B Ranked Spells:

    Okay. The edits i have requested are in this color. Please bump the thread when the edits have been made.


    ReQuip: The Divinity 18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    ReQuip: The Divinity Empty Re: ReQuip: The Divinity

    Post by Janneline Ariel 19th July 2014, 2:02 am


    I should never write magic apps while half asleep.



    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    ReQuip: The Divinity 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    Age : 27
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    ReQuip: The Divinity Empty Re: ReQuip: The Divinity

    Post by Indiana Jones 19th July 2014, 2:07 am

    Changes i have asked have been made, so...

    ReQuip: The Divinity Andd1f


    ReQuip: The Divinity 18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2

    Berserker Knight

    Berserker Knight

    Quality Badge Level 1- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    First Skill: Metal God Slayer
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    ReQuip: The Divinity Empty Re: ReQuip: The Divinity

    Post by Elijah 20th August 2015, 2:50 am


    Unlocked due to request by the creator.

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