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    Make the Angel Scream, and the Devil Cry! (Edited Private. Final Public.)


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Make the Angel Scream, and the Devil Cry! (Edited Private. Final Public.) Empty Make the Angel Scream, and the Devil Cry! (Edited Private. Final Public.)

    Post by Admin 24th July 2015, 5:12 am

    Job Title: Make the Angel Scream, and the Devil Cry!
    Rank: 100Y Job
    Solo Word Count: 12,500 words
    Group Word Count: 25,000 words
    Additional Requirements: Must kill Arianna the White Angel and Diabolos the Black Devil.
    Job Location: Iceberg, within Arianna's Icecrown Citadel, and Sin, inside of Diabolos's Obsidian Palace.
    Job Description: Arianna the White Angel and Diabolos the Black Devil are highly known, yet unknown. They are two vile beings that go beyond the boundaries of humanitarian beliefs. A couple that only exists to cause mischief, misery, suffering, ...and death. Their locations have been unknown, but only because no one has ever found their location, and lived to tell the tale. Many brave warriors have challenged either person, and have come out of their places alive. One thing is known: that Arianna lives within the icy continent of Iceberg, and Diabolos in the hellish wasteland of Sin.

    Now, it's time to take these two down!

    Ascend your way through Arianna's Icecrown Citadel and kill her atop her Frozen Throne. The Icecrown Citadel is trapped and surrounded by an endless blizzard, causing most travelers that even attempt to make their way through to perish. The Icecrown Citadel itself is a massive palace, over seven stories high in its main structure, and getting up to ten in its various towers. The entire Icecrown Citadel is frozen over, both on the outside and inside, but the metal structure underneath is sometimes visible. The only place that is made of pure ice is Arianna's Frozen Throne.

    Then make your way to the Hellish wasteland of Sin, find Diabolos's Obsidian Palace, and kill him in his arena! Diabolos's Obsidian Palace is within an inactive volcano in Sin. The key way to find it is to find the only one that is not smoking, or erupting. Once the player descends into the volcano's crater, they will find themselves in the center of Diabolos's arena. In between rounds, if the player chooses to rest, Diabolos will personally escort them to rooms which they may do so, or if they get hungry, he'll bring them over to a prepared feast, to which Diabolos dines with them! Or even they can take a break in a hot spring.


    Reward: 155K Jewels

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 11:07 am