Fairy Tail RP

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    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero]


    The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Comet
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    Posts : 1433
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 39
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    Age : 24
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    First Skill: Star Child
    Second Skill: Arc of Time
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    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Empty "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero]

    Post by Sybil 11th July 2015, 2:32 am

    Violence isn't always evil. What's evil is the infatuation with violence.

    A dark curtain had fallen over the land of Crocus, twinkling spotlights adorning the velvet texture of the night. It was deep into the night that streets clear. Well, with the exception of the four figures moving down the once employed streets of the capital. They seemed to walk patient in pace. A confident sandy blonde boy, scrawny in build, led the crew. He couldn’t be any older than twenty three. He was flanked by the other three: a balance set and taller man with arm tattoos and dark hair, a super model figured woman with long bubblegum pink curled locks, and a young lady with serpent tattoos bracketing her arms her hood was draped slightly over a head of shortened hair. She was carrying what seemed to be a book under her arm, it was powerful in magic aura alone.
    Crocus, being the capital, was a place of tourism but the crew wasn’t here for sightseeing; they all had a mission in progress under their guild, Basilisk fang. It would pay well and all they had to do was nab some little wealthy house girl, Josephina Mullen, and hand her off to their client who wanted who knows what.
    The leading blonde cocked his head back to face the others. A smug look played those freckled featured as the corner of his lip pulled up ever so slightly. “You three best listen and do as I say, you’re working for the guilds future ace.” Famine rolled her eyes at this… Man, she couldn’t stand this guy all he ever did was talk! Looked like she jinxed it for he opened his mouth yet again and glanced her way. “Especially you rookie, we don’t need any newcomer legal guild trash spoiling the operation.”
    There was a hiatus, she stopped in her tracks as did everyone else.
    The trash locked her grip around the freckled blonde, Rudy’s, wrist. He should have seen this coming, that idiot. She pivoted the limb around, twisting and pinning it to his back by the elbow. It was obvious by the looks of it that your arm shouldn’t bend that way… Yet, Famines pressure didn’t falter.
    “That ace spot is mine.” Famine hissed, stretching his arm around further with a pop. “… and when examinations come… I’ll be sure Elijah assigns me to take care of you...” The boy gulped, as if to swallow down his nervousness, defeated.  “Okay Okay! Just let go of me, you crazy bitch!” The sound of cracking bones could be heard again.
    ”Hmn? What was that, Rudy?” Ghost, The white snake she kept as a pet and companion poked his scalled head our from beneath  her hood, hving been resting on her shoulder behind the cloth this hole time. He extended his ropey pink toung and hissed, as if threatening.“O-Okay, --Ma’am!” he finnally replied as the snake sunk back against famines shoulder, staying silent.
    With a vex she finally let off. Famine wasn’t satisfied quite yet. She fling her bare heel into his leg, roughly kicking his knees to send him the ground periodically. ‘hmph’ The shadow mage stepped over him, she filled that space down the center of the group to lead her comrades instead. “Maljeet, Xandra, Let’s go.” Evidentially the two followed with her gest, slightly intimidated by the young woman. Yet they kept those poker faces. 
    Rudy was literally left in the dust. He caught up later—to his advantage they weren’t in that much of hurry or moving fast. By the time he re-arrived they were sneaking over the walled fence and around the courtyard of the Mullen’s small manor. She gingerly led them around lacrima lights and house guards with ease. They were headed to the side of the home. A hedge lined the wall but not for long.
    She cracked open that tome she had been lugging around in her hand, a red aura releasing and growing around her. The books pages fluttered by and Her shortened brunette locks wavered, as if her energy was giving off a breeze. Grass spoiled, and suffocated in on itself beneath her feet: dying. Leaves slipped from the shrubs, fluttering to the ground as they decayed into nothing, leaving behind a cage of limp branches where the hedge once stood
    Famine pointed, now able to see through. There was small burrow in the structure, tunneling down beneath the manor. “There.” She simply whispered. They waited about until the rest of the shrubs roots and branches withered into the ground completely to clear the path. “It’s going to be a tight squeeze in but this will take us right beneath the structure. “I just hope you aren’t afraid of the dark.” The former legal mage coaxed as she came to a crouch, creeping inside the tunnel. Smaller, it was easier for her to wriggle through. Thankfully her path branched and widened out and into the small shaft below the house. Famine stayed at a crouch for the ceiling was low; it was maybe five and a half/six feet high down there. She attempted to brush her clothes clean of dirt till the others arrived behind her minutes later.
    The cellar smelt of mold, mildew and rot, the ground felt to of been mud itself while the only source of light were few rays of that split from beneath the floor boards from the lights remaining n the house above. There were few… as it was late in the evening. despite her views changing, Rita kept her eyes when she left the guild and was still able to see perfectly in the dark.
    “O-ouch” she grunted quietly, Rudy accidentally stumbling into her back, Xandra, the buxom and taller female of the group stepping on Famines feet. “Maljeet,” she demanded quietly making sure to keep her tone low.. Last thing they wanted was for the occupants to hear intruders bickering beneath their feet. “Got it.” He reassured in that flat voice of his. Amid the darkness he brought his hands together, the quiet smacking of his palms resonating as a brilliant orange flame fueled in his hands.
    The small space between them was illuminated; the ground below them was leveled by dirt, patches of mud birthed by leaking pipes over their heads. The space was smaller than it felt now that she got a better look at it… she was starting to feel a bit claustrophobic but didn’t show signs.
    Now all they needed to do was get up in there, and pray they busted into a room that was empty. Everyone, including famine, turned in the pinkettes direction, a smile already across her face.

    WORDS:1,103 ● TAGGED: @Heero● NOTES: So tired, forgive any errors-- Posted while half asleep.
    deltra of gangnam style



    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Empty Re: "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 14th July 2015, 8:45 pm

    Heero sat on a couch upstairs; unbeknownst to him..trouble was afot below. He snored happily with a bowl of spilled popcorn in his lap--TV on blaring in front of him as Garfield read a magazine. An extremely naughty. Sitting on the couch, swishing his tail and whistling about with hearts above his head; the orange Exceed heard something...something weird down below.

    "Oi! Heero!!!" nothing, there was zero response as the slayer merely grumbled something in his sleep before scratching his eyebrow and dozing off again. Garfield; balled up a paw and then bonked the hell out of him with an Exceed like noise upon impact with a squeek.

    Heero sat up and rubbed his head; looking around and immediately blaming Garfield for the spilled popcorn.

    "DAMNIT CAT!!! If you wanted some popcorn you could've done it without spilling it all over me!!! JEEZ!!!" Garfield hopped into the floor, balling up a fist and shouted back that Heero's on dumbass self had done it while he was sleep, meaning Garfield couldn't get any cause he wasn't about to eat it off the couch.

    "W-wait why did I wake you up...oh yeah! I heard something down there..."

    Comically, Garfield and Heero's heads would pop out from the side of the door leading down to the basement like Scooby Doo as they blinked a few times, looking down, and up at one another; they would nod to themselves and just listen. They couldn't hear anything...immediately. But something else.

    A close up of Heero's nose was shown, as it wiggled a few times and bounced. It was unmistakeable! This was! "Parfume~!" Heero said it as Garfield at the same time mimiced this and sparkled. The young lady they were supposed to be protecting was upstairs fast asleep, so Heero knew this was probably someone else. Maybe a thief. A sexy one.

    Heero would then hop down into the Cellar, landing with one fist on the ground and a knee bent. Standing to his feet; he saw...several people.

    "Nani o?" he asked them once, probably gaining their attention just from that. "Which if you is wearing that parfume?" Heero sparkled after a brief moment of pause; closing his eyes and smirking, disappearing with a gust of wind. He appeared behind the one known as Xandra without showing an signs of moving; as a comical "empty" symbol flashed where he'd been standing a moment ago.

    Groping her furiously; Heero would sparkle and grab her giant rack as he smelled her neck, deciding that it definitely was her parfume that he smelled. The woman seemed to absolutely melt in his arms as he felt on her..suddenly he disappeared and was standing back where he was a moment ago; leaving nothing but another small whirl of wind behind.

    "Hm, well that was what gave you away. You have her to thank." raising his hands he would shrug as he spoke once more. "Please just...give up now, I'll even open the front door for you and let you walk right out, scouts honor!"

    Suddenly; Rudy would step forward and nod to Heero.

    "It's impossible...it can't be him." as he said this, Rudy would dash forward and multiply into ten Rudy's.

    All of them began throwing punches and kicks at Heero who surprisingly dodged just by stepping back and forth and ducking, a couple spins here and there. Amazed that he could dodge them all at once; Rudy decided to throw a unison haymaker.

    'BLAM!' it connected as ten fists hit Heero all at different sides of his face. But---he didn't even move.

    "Oh shit...I think it really might be Gold Salamander guys...." Heero would then look directly towards the real Rudy in the circle; his eyes making contact with the real one probably spooked the hell out of Rudy, since with his level of sensory, finding the real one was no problem. Reaching out and grabbing him by the neck; Heero lifted him off the ground and flung him towards his group of comrades.

    'Kablam!' Rudy was shown hitting the wall behind them; as dust from the basement fell on top of him against the wall; he was hurt...badly.

    "Look, we might let you go if you there strip down to just your bra and panties!!!" Garfield pointed directly at Xandra as Heero crossed his arms and nodding, deciding to humiliate these dark wizards for trespassing rather than just kill or vaporize them on the spot. Suddenly though, Heero got a very, very familiar feeling from one of them. As if they were playing a ringtone that only a friend had. He tried to take his mind off of it, but feeling magic power was something that came natural to wizards. He couldn't shut off this feeling.

    He looked toward the girl with the hood up; he could barely make out her features from here. He saw a tattoo running up her neck though.

    "Let's have her strip instead Garfield." Heero smirked at his cat, arms crossed.

    "What?! That one?! She's got on a frigging trenchcoat with a hood !!! Probably to contain all that ugly!!!" he complained for a moment but then agreed.

    "Well, let's see it then hood chick." Heero mocked and put his hands behind his head, waiting. "Oh and if any of you even moves.....I will break a bone. Fun right? Hahaha, well what are you waiting for. Strip, starting with that hood." Heero furrowed his eyebrows and started to look irritated because she hesitated, even in the slightest.


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    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Rose


    The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Comet
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    Posts : 1433
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 39
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    Age : 24
    Experience : 5,657.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Star Child
    Second Skill: Arc of Time
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    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Empty Re: "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero]

    Post by Sybil 16th July 2015, 12:17 am

    Violence isn't always evil. What's evil is the infatuation with violence.

    The dark mages all seemed turn to each other, the groan of door hinges echoing from above. Light spilled from the open way which revealed the cellar exit to be located in the ceiling directly above them. Famine, as well as the other three, took a defensive position, knowing well that they had been caught. Her hands balled up tightly into fists, shadowy vapor wafting up from the crevasses between her fingers.

    The girl rose her face to the heavans. She could make out the silhouettes of a duo staring down at them. Rita squinted from beneath that shawl in an attempt to make out the figures. She identified a male,  with a slightly spiked fall of hair stuck through a familiar looking long ponytail and beside him? The shadow mage focused up on the smaller shape, picking out two triangular ears... A cat?



    Azure irises widened from beneath the shadow the hood cast over face. No. No. No! Supposedly deceased Rita Stebern subconsciously stumbled back, just before that figure and his obnoxious exceed companion jumped down into that basement, dirt kicking up beneath their feet.

    At a suspenseful nd slow pace the dust subsided and he clambered to his full height, only to confirm her assumptions were true. ‘H-Heero..?’ she brought a palm to her lips as if she was struck with enough bewilderment to make her sick. Her stumble evolded into little shifting steps till she was slowly slipping to the back of her basilisk crew.

    He spoke again, even comically sparkled like he always did. She hadn’t seen him in so long... Heero had been one of the people she always felt safe or somewhat comfortable in the guild- 'What are you thinking?' a voice telepathically echoed in her mind, Famine turned her head slightly to see the powder colored snake stretching his little scaled head out from her hood, curling up beside her neck. 'You hate Fairy Tail.' The reptile purred inside her head, just as her gaze came to lock with his.

    To engrossed in Heero’s sudden arrival and rather inappropriate course of action, no-one would notice the scene going on between Famine and her serpent, Ghost. 'You hate him too, Heero Reyold.' Those crimson snake eyes lit up, glowing ever so slightly, and Famine found herself sucked in their scarlet depths yet another time. 'You know Fairy Tail never really was the kind of family you deserved.' Ghost hissed his voice persuasive.

    Absolutely absorbed in this snake's eyes, she failed to notice her obnoxious comrade, Rudy’s struggle against the Golden Salamander and how much stronger he had gotten himself since they had crossed paths.

    The snake slithered around her shoulder blade then her throat, scales gripping around the scar and burn ridden surface of her neck where her insignia used to rest proudly. Famine's irises morphed red just as the snakes, glowing hypnotically.

    'He was never around…. How long had it been since you’d seen him?'

    Rita finally turned in his direction again… Her now vibrant and slight illuminating red pools narrowed in the Fairy Tail mage and cat’s direction. She had always known the two to be a little ridiculous but this was disgusting, demanding Xandra to such a thing. How dare they…Had they not considered what she herself had gone through.

    ‘I hate him don’t I?’

    As if she had said something aloud, he turned to her…Only to wish for her to take off her clothes instead. Her hands balled up at her sides with enough force to bring a tremor her hands.

    ‘With a burning passion.’

    There was no way she would lower her hood for these two. They knew her face… and surely they heard of what had happened to her and the guild… Him and the feline both, they were sick, maybe not as much as Clash had been or the one before. It didn’t matter, there was no way she would strip either…  Famine would act for the sake of guarding that identity of hers.

    The two left standing seemed to turn to the shadow mage for guidance, Rudy to busy seeing stars crumpled in the corner… The edge of her lip pulled up sinisterly. She knew very well what this man was capable of... but he was never one to severely injure one unless they deserve it. Famine and her team were minors... His threat meant nothing. Let bones be broken then. Famine pursed her tongue between her teeth and pushed air between to release the sound of a hiss. What was a team if you couldn’t communicate or at least had your signals?

    Both Xandra and Maljeet faced one another at this, directioning their hands as if to cast. Despite their fear of crushing bones they both charged and fired a large burst of magic at EACHOTHER. Spinning torrents of both fire and water collided. The elements connected and a plume of steam exploded in the basement. Famine smiled, she hadn’t known if that would work but surely that vapor served perfectly as a smoke screen.

    Her snake companion, Ghost, slithered out from beneath her cowl and curled around her forearm tightly preparing to hold on. It was then that Rita rushed through the haze. She was dashing to where she recalled the exit of the cellar to be. Squinting, she managed to find the hatch above her just before she was to slam into the wall. Soundlessly, Famine lunged at the bar welded into that stone surface she had almost crashed into seconds before. Only to curl her fingers firmly around and grab on. The muscles in that tattooed arm flexed ever so slightly as the female hefted herself up the makeshift ladder, throwing herself into the first floor of the manor. No one seemed to be around in the house. A few lights had been left on but the home seemed otherwise dead. She immediately staggered to her feet. Once sapphire eyes bolted around before she picked a route to begin her search.

    Track down that girl, snag her, and get the hell out of here before Heero was to come. That was the plan now. With a loud rush of footfalls Famine found herself bolting down one of many the halls in search of that girl’s room. All she needed was a minute, but she didn’t know if anyone would even survive ten seconds with Heero truth be told.
    WORDS:1,108 ● TAGGED: @Heero● NOTES: I'll fix this template later.
    deltra of gangnam style



    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Empty Re: "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 15th August 2015, 10:28 am

    Heero waited patiently as Garfield hurried them up a bit. To their surprise however they weren't going to simply go down without a little bit of a fight. Two of them raised their hands at eachother and created a huge steam explosion by firing their water and fire magicks at one another. As this happened; Heero felt one person run past him up into the house proper.

    As that person passed him; he noticed that this was the Magic Power that felt familiar to him. As with a quick inhale; and exhale like Superman, the other three wizards in the room pinned against the wall with a quick exhale like he was blowing out a candle.

    The steam whirled once as the three of them lay before him. Heero would nod to Garfield once as the Exceed would sproud his wings; and tear off through the house at Max Speed! leaving a trail of magic and dust behind the orange cat as he flew. Within seconds; he rounded a corner and zipped up to the back of Rita's hood.

    Grabbing it, and pawing and scratching at her head; Garfield would spin her around and try to ram her into a wall at high speeds, taking her down with A-Ranked Force. The orange cat would float down and land in the hallway as his expression changed.

    "There's no way..it can't be!" an Exceeds senses were more keen than a humans, and Garfield was miles ahead of Heero. "Rita you're alive!!!" from the amount of times the cat with it's heightened Exceed senses had felt her magic power, and being Garfield; the perverted cat that he'd been all the years through Fairy Tail with her. He knew when he was touching Rita's body. He had certain women memorized. ".........Do you want me to keep it a secret from Heero?!" he shouted as Heero came walking around the corner.

    His hair tied up into a bun, signature white scarf almost touching the floor.

    "Keep what a secret?" he had a comical suspicious face as Garfield got a sweatdrop over his head. "So, who are you really?" he smiled at her reassuringly, rubbing the back of his head. "Really, I was kidding about the stripping thing...but...uh you guys shouldn't be here you should probably get outta here.......bot not before I find out who's under that hood!" he would point once down the hallway as Garfield merely stood by looking sad, knowing he wouldn't like what he saw.

    "Heero, maybe we should just....let them go." the cat said once, suddenly less himself; Heero got a '???' over his head as he gave Garfield a 'what are you talking about?' look and looked back to the girl. The cat sweatdropped again as that didn't work at all.

    "I even spared your friends the broken bones, at least do me one solid who are you?" he stated in a more serious tone this time as he began to walk down the hall now. Each time he took a step, the feeling got more intense between them. When he was standing just in front of her; he waited patiently. He wasn't going to touch her or force her to do anything now.


    × Bio
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    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Rose


    The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Comet
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    Posts : 1433
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 39
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 5,657.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Star Child
    Second Skill: Arc of Time
    Third Skill:

    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Empty Re: "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero]

    Post by Sybil 5th September 2015, 6:28 pm

    This world will never be what I expected

    TAG @Heero
    WORDS 498
    NOTES Sorry for taking forever q-q

    Hastened breaths entered and fled her lungs. The balls of her feet and heels smacked against the antique finished manor floor. Her rushing footfalls echoed. She didn’t stop even when she felt a ‘whooshing’ sound closing in, as if something was flying through the air after her.

    In a flurry of bright orange fur and feathered white wings Rita felt herself lurched back by her hood. She only stumbled as the clawed paws ripped the shawl down to get to her cranium raking the pointed nails at the top of her head, ruffing up brunette locks of hair to cut her forehead and scalp. Her frame was yanked and spun quickly; she didn’t know what hit her when she was pitched into the wall with speeds of at LEAST fifty mph, a loud noise of a sharp ‘CRACK’ echoed. She gasped, the air knocked right out of her lungs. Thankfully the shatter had been the wall denting behind her and not her spine snapping in half.

    Dazed, revealed sapphire hues blinked to refocus at the sound of the exceed’s startled tone. ‘Dammit… She clambered, practically stumbling to get to her feet after the disorienting hit. “That’s not my name, furball--” She bit. Rita Famine had torn the snake eyed hood down over her face just as she heard her former comrade, Heero, turn the corner. She’d grimace beneath the shade of the cloth, azure hues narrowing. Evidentially, she said nothing more when Heero revealed himself; he’d recognize her voice if she’d reply to a thing.

    Rita stayed still even when Heero was stepping closer and closer in her direction. Of course he wanted her to tell her who she was…maybe it was his curiosity… or.. could he have recognized the magic properties emitting from her. She’d figured those had all been blackened and covered by the tome tucked under her arm

    Her teeth clenched behind her lips, jaw gritting.

    She’d begin  to raise her palm to her head, fingers brushing against the surf good would it do to let Heero know who she ace of her hood. Famine instead changed her route; throwing her hand forward without moving her cowl away so much as a centimeter… what good would it do to let Heero know who she was, in this situation especially. The centermost area of her palm lit up with a grungy violet aura. It was then that a black matter seeped up through the floor between them, growing and raising quickly until the space once between them was blocked off by a black, shadowy, wall.

    Without a doubt Heero would be able to bust through that… but even a second of a head start was better than nothing. Rita spun around, and rushed back down the still dark hallways of the manor. She’d rely on intuition to take her to the girl… and she prayed that it would kick in fast; she’d have ‘The Golden Salamander’ back on her in no time.




    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Empty Re: "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 29th September 2015, 3:46 pm

    As soon as the woman reached up for her hood, Garfield turned around and gave an 'uh oh' look. Heero would furrow his eyebrows and stop walking briefly; as the Exceed between the two backed up and stood next to Heero. In the cats mind, he knew Heero would cause a huge scene if he found out about Rita being alive AND leaving Fairy Tail of her own accord. He would try to fix it, like he always tried too with everything.

    "I don't think you should...." at this moment, Heero would flick his eyes to the left at Garfield as if to ask what he was talking about. But in the next moment, he would feel a Spell go off, but it was too late. A wall of shadows weaved between Heero, Garfield, and the young hooded lady at the end of the hall. The shadows weaved and then boomed up the hallway, covering everything in pitch darkness. Sighing to himself; as this woman seemed incredibly determined to get away--he let her move right past him in the hallway--although he could've tripped her up or grabbed her by her clothes. His reflexes and Magic Senses going haywire as she passed him.

    As he stood in total darkness. Heero kept his eyes closed. For some reason; he felt inclined to reach out to the darkness. To the Magic itself.

    Standing completely still for awhile; Heero could hear Garfield clamoring for him, but ignored the cat in the black of the magic. As he begin to feel-----familiar. Very. Hits on his head from this same magic, slaps on the butt, playful in nature. Although it felt different, darker. There was no doubt. This Magic belonged too---

    "Rita." as he said this he would open his eyes, as a huge gust of wind would leap off of him; knocking walls apart in the house as the wind moved pictures off of the wall and vases crashing down.

    In a burst of movement, Heero followed Rita his mind and emotions racing. In a slow-mo he would run off of the wall, like an Air Bender; and with a final gust he would flip down in front of her; standing between his old teammate he could now feel her Magic Power clearly after his mind had latched onto the memory of it's feeling. Standing in front of the doors leading to the room; he heard the girl call out from her room to him.

    "Heero?! Is that you out there?!??!?! I heard something fall down!!! My dad hired you to keep me safe!!! Hello?!?!?!" he could tell she was leaning against the door, calling out through the wood to him on the other side.

    "Yeah it's me.....looks like a Dark Guild did come for you after all, I'm looking at one right now." he narrowed his eyes in disappointment. "Unfortunately....." he waited in silence for awhile as the girl began to shout for Heero to take out the Dark Guild mercilessly; to rip them to shreds for coming into her house. "Shut up in there!!! Let me handle this!!!" Heero banged on the door once behind him with a fist without looking or moving as the young lady he'd been hired to protect in Crocus fell silent.

    "Heero you---!" as Garfield flew around the corner, white wings out, mid-air. He could tell by the look on Heero's face that...he'd already figured it out. Landing next to Heero he would look between the two of them, Heero and Rita. "You two...." Garfield actually had tears welling up in his eyes, as the many years of seeing these two hugging, and noggying eachother. Sharing drinks, and food with eachother flashed before him. "Please...stop this."

    "You have two choices. Get beat down, or talk to me like you have some sense. If I even feel your Magic in the air again; I'm going to stomp you like I used to back at the Guild times a thousand. I really wouldn't mind punching you in the face right about now, and we both know I don't hit girls."

    His expression told her everything she needed to know. Either she dropped the hood, and told him what she's been up to or take one hell of an ass whipping. He was not opposed to simply talking to her; but his emotions were to boiled up at this exact moment to think as clearly as he normally would.

    "WELL, HURRY THE FUCK UP!!! SHOW ME WHO YOU ARE, NOWWW!!!!" he balled up a fist as he began to look unnaturally angry, even for Heero. He was done with this game of cat and mouse. He wanted the truth. He let his Magic Power leak down the hallway. First hitting the level of the Guildmasters, and then going beyond it; as walls began to shake just from him standing there and increasing his magic power levels.

    "Heero...don't!!!" Garfield tried to stop him, but the blue haired Slayer just kept on increasing his Magic Power; causing the whole house to shake now, as neighbors and people walking by on the street began to feel the ground shake out in Crocus as well. If Heero didn't control his anger; the entire city would suffer, all the way up to the Castle and the King of Fiore.


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    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Rose


    The Star Child

    The Star Child

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    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Empty Re: "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero]

    Post by Sybil 1st October 2015, 7:11 pm

    This world will never be what I expected

    TAG @Heero
    WORDS 728
    NOTES Boop

    Famine felt her heart fly up to her throat as her name, her real name, echoed from Heero’s mouth. She’d stumble with the sudden gust as wall hangings and décor clamored to the floor against the force. She only dared stop when he leapt in front of her path. Still, even with all the time that passed, He still seemed to tower over her height. She almost wanted to sputter his name aswell but instead held her tongue, clearing her throat to swallow down the word.

    She curled her fingers up around her hood, leading it down off her head for real this time to rest against her shoulders. She might as well accept that she had been defeated, right. Yes, Heero would reconize the girl… after picking out her diffrences that was. Groomed brunette locks which had once reached all the way down to her hips now stopped at the mages jaw, the front of her hair grown slightly longer on its sides. The side of her neck where her guild insigina had once rested proudly abbeared to be adorned with a burn instead; it was still somewhat red from the Insignia removal. Her seemingly narrower eyes were darker underneath, black circles emphasizing her fatigue. The blue hues slid off to gaze at the door behind him. So... that’s where the rich kid was.

    Thoughts as to how she could get through Heero and grab the girl thumped around inside her skull. She listened, hiding all signs of cower at his words, even when his magic began to smother the air she breathed, not leaving a single space of oxygen untouched by his influence.

    Her hands clenched up stiffly at her sides, nails burying themselves sharply into her palms as she tried her best to maintain her ‘cool’ composure. In front of him; In front of someone she used to see as family. — No, she didn’t have any of that left, Family. Basilisk Fang was the closest she would get to that now…

    “You know who I am Heero, I’m with the dark guild. The one that came for the girl.” She murmured between slightly clenched teeth. -and as for her magic... She didn’t dare stop it’s negativity from seeping into the air around her, even with Heero’s threatening. In fact, it seemed to radiate stronger and stronger off of her.

    Her eyes flickered to the ground for a quick moment before glazing back up to Heero. Listening to her words as they came out she couldn’t help but ask herself if this was really happening? She really had become something horrid and vile. The longer she stood there without grinding out a sarcastic or witty comment the greater guilt she felt for this. If only She hadn’t had a hole drilled in her heart and filled it with this darkness, if Only she hadn’t found that book, or been left to fend for herself that day.

    “But…” She stammered in a breaking voice. “In all honestly… I”She seemed to half whisper. I, it was as far as she got, trying her best to incinerate the untouched, pure, thought before it could leap from her mouth out in front of him.

    Before Famine could straighten her thoughts she felt scales run around her arm as her snake, Ghost, made his way down the tattooed surface. It was then Rita came to flinch as a sharp sting tickled her skin. Her magic energies spiked up out of her body as she turned her gaze down at the small viper, leeching himself onto her wrist by the fangs. Famine’s frame would slightly shutter as its mouth popped away to leave two small holes. She stared as her blood painted down till it was pooling down her hand to fill in the ‘life lines’ across her palm.

    “-…I” she murmured again, feeling something poison her bloodstream with every coming pulse. It flooded to her organs, blackening the pit of her heart, her brain. Her subconscious mind opened up to the venom, forcing the truth up and out of her.
    “I always wanted…” A sudden, sharp smile stretched her lips up to accompany her tugging voice.

    “The damned planet, Fiore, Fairy Tail suffer as I have serving it!” The mage breathed. “Now. Destroy me. That’s why you’re here right…” she muttered as a black blade sculpted itself into her grip. “To protect the girl?!”



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    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Empty Re: "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 8th November 2015, 4:51 pm

    Heero was immensely saddened by Rita using her Shadow-Make to form a blade of darkness against him. Shaking his head; he remembered all the lessons, all the fighting they'd done together. Even saving an entire continent together. He'd helped her avenge those who had been wronged in her past.

    The fact that she would be so far gone as to try and hurt him was insane to say the least.

    "Hey, remember all those breakfasts we shared...did those days mean nothing to you?"

    A shot of Heero at the table stuffing his face, Rita slapping him in the head; Simon posing on the table, and Nightken looking cool and amused was shown at a Breakfast Joint in Magnolia. The flaskback would briefly end as Heero would take one step closer.

    "What? You want to kidnap someone right out of their home for what...for money?. To impress someone? You? You're willing to drag someone from their own home threatning their life...for what? So she can be sold as a sex slave to someone somewhere or worse?" his voice grew extremely disappointed in Rita. "How would you like it if someone did that to you?"

    He looked very serious now, taking another step forward.

    "You used to have me, to come swooping in to save you if something like that would happen, but I see that you've been tortured or hurt. Someone did this to you. Let's find them together, let's make them pay. Come home to Fairy Tail and we'll do this. It doesn't seem like anyone at Basilisk Fang cares about you getting any type of vengeance or payback."

    Heero scoffed, laughing and crossing his arms.

    "I mean they've got you kidnapping little girls Rita...that's a big step back from saving an entire country." he remembered the Rita from Fairy Tail. Beautiful, bold. Her figure in her usual black school girl uniform flashing before his mind; throwing the hammer Worldbreaker at the feet of the President of Ca-Elum. The vision changed back to the present, as the Rita before him now was---"A disgrace. You don't even deserve to be called that name anymore."

    Heero would get fed up with her and rocket forward on wind too fast for her to even perceive. Backhanding her with a slap; and then grabbing her by her hair and holding her up off of the ground, her feet likely kicking for the ground back. He would simply stand there; and get stabbed or slapped by any Shadow Magick she would use against him.

    Eventually the Sky Arts would crackle and heal his skin or face, whatever she'd done. A single tear would run down his cheek as he held her up off the ground.

    Tossing her to the side emotionally without even looking at her, he would speak one final time. His eyes and face shadowed by his hair.

    "Go...get your murdering ass friends from the basement and go. NOW...before I change my mind." he would point without looking, Fairy Glitter wrapped up in bandages on the arm; his fingers the only part visible. Open white shirt and abs exposed as usual.

    "But...she's with Basilisk Fang now shouldn't we bring them all in---" as Heero turned and gave Garfield a sad look, the cat's ears and tail immediately drooped down. Heero would just stand then with his back turned to Rita; waiting for her to leave the hall. As far as he was concerned he was fine with never seeing her again--not like this.


    × Bio
    × Magic

    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Rose


    The Star Child

    The Star Child

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    "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero] Empty Re: "Long time no see." [Private: Famine/Heero]

    Post by Sybil 9th November 2015, 6:55 pm

    This world will never be what I expected

    TAG @Heero
    WORDS 1,097
    NOTES Feels

    "Someone DID do that to me, you think I was living some default with my parent’s before I decided to   walk into some mage guild when I was fourteen?!” The Darkened mage seemed to pant as if the very thoughts strained her breathing, blade trembling in her grasp.  She stumbled back defensively as Heero took a step in her direction. Rita shook her head at the sound of his brief laughter, his words, clenching the blade which rattled in her sweating grip.  “Y-You’re a liar---  it happened to me again—and where were you?!?! Where was anyone?!?!” She cried loud enough to rattle her lungs. Her heels locked into the ground ready to lunge and she felt herself on the edge about to lose it on him, to try and shove this makeshift blade through his heart.

    It was then he came right at her, with speeds that could have put a fighter jet to shame. Famine had not a moment to react, the sound of his hand striking harshly across her face, strong enough to snap her head back, all of the other sounds went mute that moment, the full burn of the force washing over the red mark that had formed at her cheek. A brief, pathetic and high pitched cry shuttered from her mouth as he yanked her up by her now short locks to hold her above the ground. She didn’t kick, claw, bit or even attempt to stab him, instead the short blade fell from her grasp, just as it clattered across the ground it dissipated off into the air as her arms hung limply from her side.

    Not another word came from either of the two, just an intense silence.
    Before she could comprehend Rita hit the ground, body tumbling and skidding across the polished wood floor to hit up against the hall wall. On her way across her floor the  cloth of the garment on her  back caught a loose board or protruding nail. There was a brief sound of a tearing seam, the cloth pulling away from a spot on her upper back. Her hand came to cover the spot even as Heero spoke again, she was unwatching. His words almost felt like an order, demanding she leave with her new teammates. famine wouldn’t move, She wouldn’t fight back either. Really: She had lost, didn’t that mean he deserved to hear what she had stoed away… what she hadn’t stopped thinking about?

    “That man…. The one you watched me kill. She’d begin, still on the floor. From what it sounded like that strike had maybe restored a little sense in her, a little. “I was nine years old when I watched him and his wife destroy my life.” Famine croaked, recalling the memories as she sifted up sorely from the floor, eyes too the wall in front of her. She still sounded so darkened, depressed. “My parents were murdered in front of me... but it wasn’t over… That man I killed, he made my elder sister… stab her, our kid sister that was." She murmured;  Rita’s  tone had fallen to the temperature of ice. "Those people killed mages, collected their children, the ones with potential at least.. Akari couldn’t utilize magic, that’s why she had to die.”

    “While I still don’t know why they were collecting and training orphaned mage children they treated us like animals, slaves almost. Woke up on the floor in a barred room every day starved, my wrists shackled to one another. I’d lay for few to wonder how many bruises I’d get from my magic drills that day till they came and hauled me too work. I lived that way for five years.” She almost whispered her words with how quiet she had gone, ashamed.

    “Before I did this, before the guild burned something happened to me again. I had woken up from a bad dream that night. Someone was standing over me. I couldn’t move I couldn’t speak. Before I knew it I passed out again.
    And when I woke up I was just like it was five years ago, tied, helpless, curled up on the dammed floor. The same man I saw he just came over too me, treating me like some…doll, holding my face, smelling my hair” She paused for a breath, and to mentally prepare herself what came next.

    “When I started fighting him back he just grabbed me and the knife. They started cutting me out of my clothes, putting his hands all over me, carving into my skin with that knife till I bled and bled, I can’t remember everything after that.--but I guess that’s a good thing.” Rita had began to sit up on the floor now, her hand falling away from the torn opening on the back of her clothes. There was a mark there, one Heero would immediately recognize as Basilisk Fangs…. The mark was white, only slightly contrasting against her skin, the outside of the emblem seemed red, irritated around the corners by the raw hues, almost like an injury……… it was a burn.

    “I got out of there but I was left to fend for myself, taken miles from my home, left helpless. I didn’t know what would kill me first the bleeding or the freezing. I tripped over my own feet eventually over something lodged in the ground. Tome of Famine. I engrossed myself in its magic. I thought maybe if I learned the magic I’d be able to defend myself, keep that from happening to me. Eventually I got like this, no longer enjoyed putting myself to do the right thing, protect the good.” Rita honestly didn’t know what else to do then leave, she cut her bonds, made it seemed like she had died… that felt better then straight up betraying her loyalty…. But that’s what she did anyways.

    She’d shutter, turning her head back slightly, her face had become a bit flustered and she was biting into her lip as if to hold something in.“But, listen to the cat. I’m a criminal." she held out her wrists as if waiting for them to be snapped in cuffs.   Her voice sounded wavering, like she was choking on her tears and fighting it… Just like her old self she hated the idea of looking the slightest bit weak…. But now, she was pathetic. Glory had been sapped from her name and she had caved into the evils that had trusted them upon her. “Haul me too the Council or end my pathetic existence here if you would, please.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:43 pm