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    There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite}


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Posts : 256
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    Experience : 37.5

    There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite} Empty There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite}

    Post by Kusanagi 8th July 2015, 12:24 am

    It was a quiet day in the shop, known more commonly as “The Front Line” as read the sign. The weapon shop had been run by the Vanguard family for a generation or two and had become popular in Hargeon for making more than just weapons and forging gear for sailors and also doing repairs to houses in the area. However those days were the past. Now it was run by the lone child of the shops founder, who had passed away a good five years ago, leaving her only child who now runs the place alone. It was this boy’s hammer that made the only sound in the shop, clamoring away as it beat against the tempered and folded steel that was used to make most of their weapons as it echoed from the back to fill the customerless store with some sort of sound.

    The shop was fairly straight forward with weapons on the wall as far as the eye could see. Some of the boy’s mother’s masterpieces were behind the counter and firmly mounted to the wall, to prevent someone from stealing them so easily and were the most expensive of the blades available, many with magical properties to them. The rest was all the boy’s work. Many nice swords and shields and armors were adorned on the rest of the walls. They weren’t the piece on the back wall but they were certainly worth the price. Cheaper and more common weapons were packed together in barrels strategically placed so they weren’t in the way of the nicer weapons. Some were older and didn’t sell before they aged and the Vanguard was simply trying to make due and loose as little money as possible, or make a profit, if he could. It was quiet, peaceful. Not even mice came to browse the wares the boy had made. The boy was a member of the towns guild, Lamia Scale, and got business from them normally and even relocated the store near them. He’d like to get an employee soon so he could go out more to look for materials and do jobs for the guild but until then he had to keep the store running. It was the life work of his late mother, he couldn’t just leave it. However the boy would have a guildmate visit this day as he heard the bell that sounded when the door was open. A guildmate who would not only break the silence but make him wish it were back. Some crazy bitch.

    word count: 422


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts

    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
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    There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite} Empty Re: There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite}

    Post by Cr1tikal 10th July 2015, 10:44 pm

    Aiyana, a member of Lamia Scale, had been walking through Hargeon when she came upon a storefront she had never really noticed before. '"The Front Line," when did this place get here? Is it knew? Or have I just never noticed?' She stood there for a while, a whistle of a passerby at her breaking her out of her chance before she decided she may as well take a look.

    Upon entering, the only noise she could consistently hear was metal banging on metal. Letting her steps fall into the rhythm of the beat of what she figured was a hammer, the young girl started to pick through the items in the store. She had always had an interest in how the weapons were created, and as she looked at all the ones created here that interest grew.

    Picking through even more of the weapons, staring at the ones on the walls as she went, she was like a fascinated child in a candy store. If the person could do this, she wondered if he could do even better if someone paid him well enough! Not that she would actually pay for someone to make her a weapon, she rarely spent her jewels as it was!

    After a good half hour of just looking around the poorly dressed woman finally made it to the back counter, where she found no one waiting to help her. 'Well, that's odd for a shop to do. How does he expect to get anything done if there's no one to greet and help customers?'

    Well then, if that's how the shop owner was going to be, she'd just have to get attention another way! ”HELLO! ANYONE ALIVE BACK THERE? OR IS THAT HAMMER MOVING ON IT'S OWN?” Satisfied with her grab at attention, she awaited the arrival of the person in the back.

    Word Count: 310


    There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite} MQNhOUw


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 256
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 37.5

    There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite} Empty Re: There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite}

    Post by Kusanagi 10th July 2015, 11:53 pm

    The Vanguard boy lifted himself from his seat in the back as the clang of the hammer stopped and walked towards the front of the store as he heard an obnoxious yell. Ean grabbed the side of the doorway as he heaved himself to the counter to look over to see who it was. It was a recognizable person. It was one of the newer members of Lamia Scale who had made an impression as a talkative sort. Ean never talked to her himself, she probably never noticed him when he was at the guild hall in the evening, normally playing chess with Kihia or some other game with somebody.

    “What can I get for you,”
    Ean asked as he walked over to the front counter of the woman who just yelled loud enough to wake up sola in the back. She’d probably regret that. She regretted that as Sola, Ean’s pet pipe fox slithered around and coiled up Aiyana’s ankle and leg up to her torso and started squirming around everywhere in excitement over meeting a new person. Ean would need to get her to stop doing that before he did that to a customer who wasn’t from lamia scale. After what was the equivalent of a fuzzy molesting by Sola, the pipe fox popped its head out, coiled around Aiyana’s neck and put its face in front of Aiyana’s and gave her a peck on the nose and a happy yelp. Ean put his hand out for Sola to hop on and the slithering creature wrapped itself around Ean’s wrist obediently but still looking at Aiyana. “Sorry bout that,” Ean replied with a still bland straight look on his face. “So what can I get for you?”

    Word count: 289


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts

    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite} Empty Re: There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite}

    Post by Cr1tikal 13th July 2015, 3:24 pm

    The hammering stopped shortly after she yelled at the back of the store, the person back there obviously hearing her loud voice. It wasn't long before a blank-faced man heaved his way into the room to see who was trying to acquire his attention, and pulling him away from the forge. As he asked what he could get for her, a small fox was suddenly all over her! The wiggles, laughs, giggles and flailing of arms would tell anyone around that she had no problem with the pipe fox molestation that was occurring to her at that moment, enjoying it really. Popping it's head out, Aiyana poked noses with it before the creature gave a happy yelp and wrapping around the man the bandaged mage was standing across the counter from. After an apology, the man asked again what he could help her with.

    ”Oh, I need to take that feisty thing home with me!” She wiggled happily a bit as she said it, her eyes squeezed shut in happy thoughts before opening to focus on the man she wanted to talk to. ”Hi, my name's Aiyana! It's nice to meet you, what's you're name?” Not wanting to be rude, she awaited the man's response to her greeting and question, as how could one work a business on their own without getting to know people!

    Word Count: 225


    There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite} MQNhOUw


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 256
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 37.5

    There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite} Empty Re: There's this crazy bitch in my store {Aiyana/Ean/Invite}

    Post by Kusanagi 17th July 2015, 11:09 pm

    I already know your name we’re in the same guild, Ean thought. Ean knew he wasn’t the most noticeable member of Lamia Scale but it was still kind of hurtful when people who should know who he is don’t know who he is.

    “Ean,” he replied. He didn’t want to know what this girl was thinking about doing with Sola should she ever take her home with her. Even Sola didn’t like the idea as she hid herself away by slithering into one of Ean’s pockets. Regardless of her personal fetishes however, Ean still wanted to know what she wanted. He was a blacksmith; this was a blacksmith’s shop. If she didn’t know who Ean was she wasn’t here to waste time with a little chit chat or to ask a question from a senior. Ean just wanted to know what kind of weapon she wanted to buy so he could get back to work on the forge. He had to finish the production of long swords and armor sets that some rich guy ordered. Apparently they were going to be used to decorate his mansion. A frivolous fellow he was but he already made the down payment so Ean had to make sure they were done by the deadline.


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts

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