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    Inspiring a Goal ((Rayden's Introduction))

    Arsene Mayura
    Arsene Mayura

    VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Artenis Dagger
    Experience : 1,693.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Reflection
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    Inspiring a Goal ((Rayden's Introduction)) Empty Inspiring a Goal ((Rayden's Introduction))

    Post by Arsene Mayura 2nd July 2015, 4:29 pm

    Well, so far things seemed to be going great. In a new place, with no home, and nothing but what he had on his back. It's not like he had planned this out but he had expected at least a little more progress with himself. Strolling down the street, a sigh was the only sound in his ears. He really bit off more than he could chew here. He thought it would be ambitious to head off ahead and start looking for a job. Yet more and more he proved himself simply lost. with his bag strung over his back, a place to rest was another important detail. He'd assumed that would come with the job. Still, with no results as of yet, he needed a place to rest.

    All Rayden knew was one thing; he wanted to help people. That was what he did at home, that was what he was raised to do, and that was his goal. Originally he had thought of joining a guild and taking jobs, but the more he thought about it, the more he disliked the thought. Not every could afford to give jobs, and he wanted to live for other people, not use them as a source of income. He wanted to do something grander, different. That was the problem though. He had no real idea what to then. Hopefully something should turn up. Horrible planning as always. Scanning the empty streets he shook his head. Goalless, homeless, technically broke, he was off to a great start as a hero.

    He had heard some ideas. People had mentioned that Rune Knights before; the defenders of the people. It didn't exactly sit well with him though. Something about the regimes, the bureaucracy, it all seemed efficient for him. More focused on being organized than actually helping people or stopping crime. He had never met any; his hometown was far out, and often left to deal with it's own problems. The only reason the idea had even come up was he was near their base of operations currently. A visit to it was in order then, but he doubted it would lead to much.

    Still, something caught his attention. Down the road, he saw them. The first people he had scene in a little while. Social interaction, that's a plus. Maybe that'd get the gears rolling in his head. Speeding up towards them he noticed something off. There seemed to be some pressure, or something along those lines. He wasn't close enough to make out the sounds, but they were angry. Three figures, huddled around a single one. From appearances alone, the three looked sketchy. There clothing was dirty, baggy. He'd seen this situation before. And look here, no Rune Knights in sight. Shaking his head, he moved forward, deciding to try and deal with it himself.


    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Godchild
    Position : None
    Posts : 782
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cosmic Mind
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    Inspiring a Goal ((Rayden's Introduction)) Empty Re: Inspiring a Goal ((Rayden's Introduction))

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 3rd July 2015, 12:29 am

    Towa had been out shopping and had decided to take a walk, taking a long way home. She shifted the bag she was carrying and turned the corner. She was humming a slight tune to herself as she walked not really paying attention to anything around her. Towa was in her own world right now, Sanshi had been good to her last night. Surprise dinner and desert after a hard day at work, Of which Sanshi was aware. Towa smiled as she thought about the love Sanshi showed, but it quickly disappeared as she remembered her time with Mary. Towa sighed heavily and looked around, she had not been paying attention to where she was going and had ended up on a back road of sorts. There were five people in the street, four of which were towards the end. Towa Continued walking, her good mood gone.

    "What to do..." Towa said to herself, "It's not like..." Towa stopped behind the fifth person in the street which had stopped for a second, then started moving towards the other four. Towa stepped to the side so she could see past the man. Beyond him she saw a group of ruffians harassing somebody. She looked at the other man that was walking towards the group and raised her eyebrows and leaned against the wall, intent on watching what happened. She would act if she was needed.


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.
    Arsene Mayura
    Arsene Mayura

    VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Artenis Dagger
    Experience : 1,693.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Reflection
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    Inspiring a Goal ((Rayden's Introduction)) Empty Re: Inspiring a Goal ((Rayden's Introduction))

    Post by Arsene Mayura 3rd July 2015, 1:27 am

    Getting within hearing range now, he could tell his suspicions were correct. The casual, snarky tone, leaning all to close to the poor old man before them. Playing up the friendly act, all in case someone interrupts so they could at least make a weak argument as to their "innocence." He wasn't going to stand for it. Dropping his bag, he sized the three up. None were anything special; he'd seen and beaten stronger in schoolyards. They probably relied on intimidation or fear to get what they wanted, and never needed anything to back it all up. The type that fell with just one little push. So, he'd shove em hard.

    Clearing his throat very loudly and obnoxiously, he waited for their reaction. They froze for a moment, seemingly scared, before turning to face him and seemingly relax. Apparently he wasn't up to their standards. One of them approached him, slouching back and giving him a very punchable grin. "And here I thought one of the Knights was here to interrupt our friendly gathering. Can I ask whatcha need pal?" As the man slowly strutted towards him, it took more self control than Rayden would care to admit to control himself from straight up clocking him one. Still, if he could talk it down without violence, it'd be for the better. Crossing his arms and starring straight down the man, he caught a small shudder. Good, he was aware of the situation. "Now look, I'm not going to beat around the bush. I'm not dumb, and you trying to treat me like I am will just be a waste of time. So just stop what you're doing and go home to whatever back alley you grace with your existence. Don't make me waste even more time dealing with you." He was the one smiling now, feeling cocky if he had to admit it.

    Turning back to his partners, the man clearly wasn't sure how to act. None of them seemed to have any clue. Rayden thought they might actually drop the bravado and give up. Regrettably though, one of them started to stutter forward, driven to try and get him to back down. 'Why can't they ever make it easy,' Rayden thought to himself. Placing his knuckles into his other palm, he cracked them, showing no signs of backing down. "We-We're warnin yah man. Just mind you're own business, or else we'll have to make you." A petty threat. He knew he could take em. Still, he wasn't going to. He'd defend himself, but he wasn't into picking on the weak. Plus, self defense made it acceptable at least.

    Waiting for one of them to take a swing, the air seemed to stand still for a moment. Torn between fear and arrogance, none were willing to move. When the standstill was finally broken, it was by the nearest. Suddenly reaching forward, he attempted a sucker punch, but was met with an easy deflection. Grabbing the hand and continuing the force, he turned the mans energy forward, sending him flying past his side and onto the ground next to him. Immediately he met the glares of the other two, as if offering them the same treatment. They remained like statues, so he signaled the man behind them. "Go on and get out of here sir, they won't trouble you." Without a second thought the man ran, the currently vertical pair watching him. Frustration and anger taking over, they finally moved at him. Sidestepping the first, he smacked his back, sending him off his balance. The second was more wary, so he feigned a punch before sweeping his leg and grabbing the man, finishing the trio on the ground. "Now, can we just end it here please? I seriously have more important things to do." He really didn't, but he enjoyed taunting them. Untrained and inexperienced, they had no chance against him. And yet they all stood one now, ready to try and take him again. Shaking his head, he readied himself for the next attack.



    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Age : 2023
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    Experience : 1891.75

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    Inspiring a Goal ((Rayden's Introduction)) Empty Re: Inspiring a Goal ((Rayden's Introduction))

    Post by Viola-chan 7th July 2015, 1:22 am

    You and I
    we share the same disease
    compromise what we grieve
    I've let more than my share of revivals die. This isn't pretty but it's what I am tonight. Cause' everybody's so scared. We don't wanna go there. We don't want to make a move. We got all our lives to lose. Screaming in the dark while we just play our part out. I play along. Like I don't know whats going on. Somebody make a move. Please somebody make a move. We all know. We all know whats going on. Pointing my fingers the problems still linger. They keep getting bigger and I hold the trigger. Running with fire, I live like a liar. Make a move.
    He was also wary of the scene that reveled before him, concealed within the shadows of side-stands and shops as his ivory clad arms furrowed together infront of his chest - voidless with expressional emotion that furtively aggravated his mentality. Red. It was compelling enough to seize all heed, scarcely extended hues of gold convulsing against the floodlight of bravery. Spewing and vomitting like savage ocean waves that pillaged the very core of his heart. Surface of flesh brisk for but a brief moment as the the scum of the city fumbled over like newborn fouls - adapting to standing on their own feet.

    A query of potential bursting within restless thoughts, consistently whirling from one place to the other, as the brawl of mer gallant raged on - fasincation never reckless to cease. Similarity exposed within two knights whom never grasped their oppurtunity to aid - but perceive a future guardian; fate unraveling and snagging its way through the unknown goldfish.

    "Hm?" bewitched by fate, the hook cleaved against his soul, discerning the misplaced that advanced toward the red. Unnoticed and in proximity. A singular wooden-bat was within intention to shatter a skull, eyelids sweltering into a frown as the cover was broken - splintering like a flash into the light as in the mer banter of an eye, he stood behind the red. End of bat clutched effortlessly by a gloveless hand, peering into the orbs of a befuddled youth who strained in evident terror. "Sorry to interupt your gathering.. but your knight in shining armour has arrived~." the wooden piece razed toward rigid ground, clattering - the quavering figure stumbled to his back, a beam of charade only composing fear. Despite a knight, he was not recognized as one by his.. common choice of wear. Refusal found in the conclusion that attire was never worn - or at least, avoided.

    A glance. The male discerned Towa was currently viligant of everything that was happening in this event - discreet motions formed as his back continued to face the red. "Why did you save that man, Red?" an aimless nickname, words did not strike into the silence, but fathom off his tongue, "Because it was the right thing to do? Or, was there perhaps some other motive behind it?" there was a tease prodding from his tone, the ones of wicked resolution assuming false accusations that caused them to alift back onto their feet. His identity only grasped by the display of white hair and white clothing - plainly not of this country. Even the accent that resonated from his throat was a certain chilling unknown that was so engaging yet so enchanting all in an instant of time.

    "W-Who is this guy.. His friend?" one endeavored in a hushed tone, embracing the muted chatter that snaked its way around them. A smile playing at his lips. Were they being belitted? Even for the rebellious and wicked of Era, the action of crude behaviour never once daunted into sight. Respect was his greatest strength and would not be crumpled so easily until the logic seethed into reality. "If you want something like this. Prove it to me, Red. Show me what you really want." the words would be scattered like misplaced puzzle pieces, yet, linked to the depth of certain and significant reasons. Should he unearth the veins of disclosure? Only time would tell.
    WORDS 566 - TAGS @The squad? - NOTES Enjoy the crappiness of this post.
    made by jinx of adoxography and GS

    For Kibs:


    Main Theme:
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Godchild
    Position : None
    Posts : 782
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cosmic Mind
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Inspiring a Goal ((Rayden's Introduction)) Empty Re: Inspiring a Goal ((Rayden's Introduction))

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 10th July 2015, 3:01 pm

    Towa watched as another Rune Knight intervened, she shrugged and walked away, they could handle three small fries like that. She was not on to get involved if another Rune knight got involved.

    [Exit Thread]


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.

      Current date/time is 13th June 2024, 6:31 pm