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    So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Mon 22 Jun - 12:52

    Original Post:
    Seikatsu was resting after his long day of fighting in the woods, picking flowers with the aid of a small-ish Lamia Scale wizard that he ended up providing a life lesson to. He felt like doing nothing but sleeping in his tree, but unfortunately, Seikatsu was the man who everyone came to when they wanted a clean job. Seikatsu's nice day ob basking in the warm, golden sunlight at the top of his favorite tree was interrupted by an arrow whizzing by his head, and getting stuck in a branch leaving the arrow's shaft with a note dangling above his nose.
    "Oh hell... what's this about now?" Seikatsu said in a disgruntled voice.
    Seikatsu mumbled while skimming over the letter, only picking out the important parts.
    "Hello Seikatsu, I am the chief... having issues... the enemy has our people hostage... please help... bring their leader back alive.... bonus if I do..."
    "Damnit, and today was gonna be my day off..." Seikatsu whined.
    Seikatsu climbed down the tree, and opened the doorway that he had created. He climbed down the inside of the trunk and walked over to his room which was underground. He grabbed his gear and called out to Lisa who was napping on a pillow nearby.
    "Hey Lisa, breaks over. We got people to kill." Seikatsu said in a plain voice.
    Lisa lifted her head and let off a couple clicking sounds before flying over to Seikatsu, and taking her usual hiding spot. She slithered down Seikatsu's arm and coiled around it so she wouldn't fall out.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Mon 22 Jun - 13:27

    Seikatsu climbed back up the trunk of his tree, and crawled out of the hole being sure to put the door, which was a piece of bark that hid the entryway perfectly. He climbed down the tree and stood on the flat ground overlooking Fiore.
    "Lisa, you sure you can handle this?
    It's a long flight you know?"
    Seikatsu asked, concerned for Lisa.
    Lisa let off a few high pitched clicks meaning she was up for it, and crawled out of Seikatsu's Sleeve. She flew a few meters away from Seikatsu and got ready for the trip all the way to Desierto. Lisa made a few clicking sounds increasing in pitch, asking Seikatsu if he was ready to go.
    "Yeah... ready as I'd ever be.
    Let's get going..."
    Seikatsu said unenthusiastically.
    Lisa closed her eyes and channeled her thoughts of enlargement into the small, black, tear drop shaped pendant around her neck being supported by her wings. The pendant began to glow a faint blue color, and soon the glow emanated from Lisa herself. Lisa enlarged from her standard forearm sized self, to a colossal 180 foot long behemoth with a two-hundred foot wing span.
    Lisa bowed her head to allow Seikatsu to climb up her massive armoured skull, and take his place at the rider's spot. Seikatsu grabbed Lisa's fang and pulled himself up, balancing on one foot with the tip of the fang between two of his toes. He then reached for the part of her armour that went over her eye, and pulled him self up. Seikatsu then crawled onto the side of her head and walked to the back of the head plate.
    "You know, we gotta find a better way for me to get up here." Seikatsu said to Lisa.

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    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Mon 22 Jun - 13:44

    Lisa spread her wings wide and let out a monstrous roar as she began to abuse the air with her gigantic wings. As all four of her wings began to beat faster, and faster Lisa got higher off the ground. She then angled her wings and began moving forward, gaining speed with each flap. After Lisa was moving at a good speed, she angled herself upwards and began to gain altitude. Seikatsu was holding onto two small protrusions on the back of Lisa's boney skull plate, in an area that dipped down and kept Seikatsu from being smacked off by the wings caused by flying at such great speeds.
    Flying over the water, Lisa decided to make a straight line for Desierto so she didn't die from exhaustion. Seikatsu marveled at the ocean and its vastness while thinking of how many hours it was since they'd left home. It was many more hours before Seikatsu and his wyvern had seen land, but when they did Seikatsu ordered Lisa to land and take a break, which she was more than happy to oblige.
    Seikatsu checked his map, and from the looks of it they had landed in Minstrel, only an entire country away from their destination. Seikatsu too the time to make sure Lisa was holding up alright, as he didn't want her to strain herself to much. Lisa let off a set of high pitched clicks letting her concerned master, her father, and best friend know that she was alright. They spent a few hours resting, during which time Seikatsu made a make-shift fishing pole out of a branch and some string from his cloak. He caught a few decent sized fish, and shared his bounty with Lisa. Seikatsu couldn't understand it, but Lisa prefered cooked fish over raw... Seikatsu prefered sushi.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Mon 22 Jun - 23:01

    [center]After their brief lunch break forward slash bathroom break combination, Seikatsu mounted Lisa again and the two set off. Seikatsu watched the land forms as they passed over Minstrel. For the most part, the land was flat as a wash board, with a fair bit of grassland. There weren't too many storms happening, which was a bit of a shock to Seikatsu as he was used to seeing large tornados in areas so flat.
    They flew over a mountain range that wasn't all too large, but it was still green at the bottom. Seikatsu had Lisa land again when the two were getting closer to the area where the hostages were being kept.
    A few miles away was the village with that chiefs people being held. Seikatsu was wondering how he would go about this, as his strongest spells were disabled due to that wonky potion the flower lady had him test. Seikatsu peeked over the sand dune he was hiding behind to get a better view of the land. He saw some very, very, very, very tine black dots moving about the village and assumed that to be the bandits, and not the hostages.
    "Look. I want you to find their leader.
    He should be considerably more experience than the rest of the villagers,
    and he'll definitely look like it.
    You take him out, and I'll get his friends, alright?"

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by NPC Mon 22 Jun - 23:01

    The member 'Seikatsu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    So Many Targets, So Little Time NormalMonster
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Mon 22 Jun - 23:20

    Seikatsu began slowly walking through the sand dunes being sure to check his surroundings at all times. After peering over one of the golden hills, Seikatsu noticed there was a man standing just a few feet from him. He froze still hoping the man hadn't seen Seikatsu. He was wearing a suit that covered his entire body, and it was complete with a helmet. The helmet had some tech stuff on it, probably to help him see further. Seikatsu turned his attention to the rifle in his hands, obviously the man was a type of scout. Either that are a grunt who just got promoted from clearing the out house... Seikatsu looked around and saw that there was no one else in sight. He slid back down the dune a little and beat on the side of the sand hill.
    "Yeah, I'm looking around but I don't see anyone..." the man said using a headset in his helmet.
    After hearing the beating on the dune the masked man turned his attention to the sound, and walked in Seikatsu's direction. He reached the edge and spotted Seikatsu, but it was too late as Seikatsu had grabbed the mans foot and dragged him down. From the scope of one of his friend who were guarding the perimeter it seemed as though the scout slipped on the dune. The man Seikatsu pulled accidently let go of his rifle and the gun slid down hill. Seikatsu wrapped his hands around the mans throat, and pressed as hard as possible. He kept this pressure until the man stopped fighting.
    Seikatsu quickly took the mans clothes off, and used it as a disguise. Luckily, the suit was Seikatsu's size and not a size smaller. Seikatu went down the sand dune and grabbed the man's gun before climbing back up. When he got up the hill, Seikatsu looked in the direction of the bandits camp and noticed the mask allowed him to see the bandits perfectly.
    "Hey new guy, you okay bro?" a voice called in on the radio.
    Seikatsu figured the men could see him, so he just gave them a thumbs up.
    "Good to know, get back here.
    The sensors are picking up movement."
    the voice commanded.
    Seikatsu did as ordered.

    Weak: 0/0
    Normal: 1/10
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/0
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Mon 22 Jun - 23:38

    Seikatsu entered the camp and realized that he wasn't dealing with some rag tag group of muggers. No, this was a group of people who made their lives off of taking from others. Seikatsu passed an enclosure with wild animals, freshly caught, that were being trained to follow orders. Most of the orders Seikatsu heard were to attack a designated target. Seikatsu came across a a building with a set of beds in it, obviously where grunts like him would stay. He passed another area with a desk that had paperwork strew about. Looking through the window, Seikatsu could easily see who the boss was. He saw a group of trainees marching in unison and stepped out of the way. He gave his wrist a flick, signaling Lisa that this was as close as she was getting.
    The village itself was set in a giant cylindrical hole in the ground. The reason being, when a sand storm came by all the leader had to do was order the grunts to dig up out the village, instead of having to dig out the village, pitch the tents, find a million different things that could have been scattered to oblivion and then bring them back. Seikatsu knew from riding Lisa that the angle was just right to keep the wind from blasting their tents to hell and back. A really big, brawly looking guy grabbed Seikatsu by the shoulder.
    "Hey new guy!" the man called out in a low, masculine voice.
    "You busy?" he asked with a sense of urgency.
    Seikatsu wasn't given a chance to respond.
    "Great, I need you to keep an eye on those people.
    If any of em make a break for it, you know..."
    The man ordered Seikatsu while gesturing towards his rifle.
    Seikatsu nodded and the big guy patted him on the back, complimented his enthusiasm, and walked away. Seikatsu looked around and saw a big building, bigger than the others. It wasn't impressive, but looked like a good place to keep a lot of people.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 0:10

    Seikatsu walked into the building and saw a group of women sitting in a circle. There was another guy across the room from Seikatsu with a gun guarding the other exit. He didn't treat the people like they belonged here, so Seikatsu knew he was in the right place. There was only fifteen hostages at most, with so few it was possible that Seikatsu could get them out alive. The other guy approached Seikatsu with a pretty arrogant stride.
    "So, you the guy they replacin' me with?" the man asked in a self righteous voice.
    Seikatsu nodded, doing his best not to punch the arrogant bastard.
    "Heh, these people aren't anything special.
    They just sit and pray.
    Eat and shit.
    They don't even cry when ya HIT EM!"
    the man said.
    When the man said 'hit em' he struck his foot out and kicked one of the smaller children in their backs. Seikatsu lost his temper and grabbed the guy's gun right from his hands and threw it aside. Seikatsu being a father, and admiring children as the ultimate example of life among humans, he could never stand for someone laying a finger on a child in an attempt to hurt them. The man tried to punch Seikatsu, but in his rage Seikatsu was more alert than normal. Seikatsu grabbed the fist and pulled the man closer, ramming his knee into the arrogant fools stomach. The man was knocked out cold, and dropped to the floor. Seikatsu kneeled over and calmly snapped his neck. He gabbed the corpse and dragged it to an area of the room that he assumed no one else would look.
    One of the villagers was about to speak, but Seikatsu put his finger to where his lip would be if he weren't wearing a mask. The woman took the hint and didn't speak, she slid over to the child to ensure she was alright. Seikatsu ran back over to the other gun, and stowed it away with the body.
    MP: 100%

    Weak: 0/0
    Normal: 2/10
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/0
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 0:37

    Seikatsu stood in place for a few minutes, and then began to pace around the room. After about an hour, a large man walked into the room. He looked around, and then turned his attention to Seikatsu.
    "You there!" he screamed.
    "You the guy they promoted a couple hours back!?"
    Seikatsu shook his head.
    "Sorry for yellin' at ya then kid.
    All you grunts look the same with those buckets on your heads.
    Know where that lazy bastard went to?"

    Seikatsu pointed to the back door, not knowing where it lead.
    "So that slacker went to the rear lodge eh?
    I'll have a word with him then!"
    the large man said while stomping to the door.
    When he opened the door Seikatsu saw that on the other side was an alley way that stopped at the wall. He decided it would be a good idea to check out that area, see if he could use it as an escape route.
    "Do you normally tell lies young man?" an elderly woman asked as soon as the door closed.
    Seikatsu turned his head to her.
    "In our tribe, very few of us tell a lie." she said.
    "In my tribe, very few of us are still alive." Seikatsu replied.
    The woman looked at Seikatsu as though she could see right through the mask.
    "I'm so sorry that you had to go through that." she said in her old, crackly, crow lady voice.
    "So do I address you as chief?
    Or is there a name to our masked savior?"
    she asked calmly.
    Seikatsu walked away, wondering if the woman somehow knew what Seikatsu had done to his people. He didn't want to give her his name because he didn't know what she would say of it.
    The large man walked back in the room and looked around again to double check for the arrogant grunt.
    "You sure he went out that door?" he said in a frustrated voice.
    Seikatsu nodded and the man stormed out the front door to the room.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 2:51

    "Hey you there! Come quick!
    Boss is holding a meeting!"
    a man screamed as he bursted through the doors.
    Seikatsu nodded and walked out the room. The meeting was being held in the pen that those Red Sand guys were using to train the wild animals. They must have moved the animals out to hold this meeting... Seikatsu saw the other guys who were of his own rank and noticed they were all standing together so Seikatsu went and joined them. The commander stepped out in front the group of people and looked around with a very unhappy look on his face.
    "Men!" he addressed the group.
    "We have an infiltrator in out midsts!" he said.
    'Shit, I screwed up!' Seikatsu though to himself.
    "In the dunes one of our scouts found a dead body laying in the sand!
    He was stripped of his uniform, his weapons, and left to bake!"
    the man preached.
    'Shit! Shit! Shit!' Seikatsu repeated in his mind.
    "It was reported another man went AWOL as well!"
    The men began mumbling amongst themselves, saying that the AWOL guy was the one who did it.
    "He was under careful watch, and I'll assume he too is dead!"
    The group grew quiet as a ghost town in the middle of night with the crickets dead...
    "The ranks of both dead members is that of our scouts!
    I know only one way to identify who it is!"
    the man said.
    'Yup, I'm dead.' Seikatsu thought.
    "Men! I order you to remove your helmets!" he called out.

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by NPC Tue 23 Jun - 2:51

    The member 'Seikatsu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    So Many Targets, So Little Time NormalMonster So Many Targets, So Little Time NormalMonster So Many Targets, So Little Time WeakMonster
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 3:00

    Seikatsu reached for his helmet and grabbed it by the sides. He removed it in unison, hoping that the amount of sweat on his face didn't give off the fact that he was the enemy. As the clinking and clanking of helmets coming off the heads of the twenty nine gunners sounded, the stronger men looked for anyone being too hesitant or looking suspicious. Seikatsu forced himself to keep a straight face, despite being ready to soil himself.
    "I am now going to PERSONALLY look at each of your faces!" the group master called out.
    The men started shifting around nervously, 'What happens if the boss forgot my face?' was the question buzzing through each of their minds.
    "I want my recruits to line up, everyone else for a circle!
    Any and all who try to run are to be killed immediately!
    " the leader mandated.
    One of the brawny fellows, the one who set Seikatsu to guard the hostages earlier, stepped up.
    "What of the infiltrator should he not be among the dead?" he asked.
    "When I point him out, he will die slowly for killing our comrades." the boss said grimly.
    Seikatsu swallowed a gulp of air, praying that he wasn't figured out. His skin tone was almost the same as the others. A bit lighter but that could be put off due to the full body suit and helmet.
    The boss walked down the steps slowly, dramatically in Seikatsu's opinion, and with each step the sound of his heavy boot hitting the floor echoed in the minds of the gunners.

    HP/MP: 100%/100%
    Weak: 0/5
    Normal: 2/30
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/1
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 3:28

    As the boss stepped onto the floor, a group of the men got cold feet and tried to run away. The more intelligent gunners immediately turned around and opened fire. For a brief moment the air was riddled with the sound of popping guns, and each of the men trying to escape were filled with magical bullets.
    Seikatsu felt somewhat bad for the fools, after all, he was the one they were looking for. However, it did mean less people he personally had to kill. He couldn't see how many it was, but he figured from the amount of guns fired it was a decent amount.
    "Now that that's over, I want everyone in five columns of six!" the boss ordered.
    "Don't worry if the last column is uneven, we just lost seven men a few seconds ago!"
    'Seven? Damn, that many... I guess kill count is nine including the other two.' Seikatsu said to himself.
    The men huddled into four columns of five, and one man stood out in the middle of the fifth column.
    "Good, you all remember to move your asses. Now right!" he ordered.
    The shuffle of a united army was heard as all the men simultaneously turned to their right. Seikatsu was able to copy the man on his left just barely fast enough to keep up in pace. Seikatsu noticed the others were looking about, and still moving but not leaving their spot. With this he knew it was similar to a military unit, but more relaxed. The boss began moving towards the group of nervous recruits to begin his assessment.

    HP/MP: 100%/100%
    Weak: 0/5
    Normal: 9/30
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/1
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 3:41

    The boss walked through the isles looking at each man's faces closely, studying every last part. He pointed at a man every now and then, and told him to step forwards. Seikatsu was among this group, and he felt deep in his gut that he was about to be shot dead in the next few minutes. Still, despite this feeling of assured death, Seikatsu resisted his instinct to attack. More and more men got to join Seikatsu and the others on the elimination round of this... investigation. The men who were in the original group who weren't picked out were sent to take a break at the barracks or clean up the bodies and then take their break. Seikatsu wished he was among that lot instead of in the middle of the mosh pit of doom.
    "I picked you boys out because I don't recognize your faces!" their boss informed them.
    "I do know some of you are innocent, and possibly just one of you is the culprit!" he added.
    'Don't point at me... Don't point at me...' Seikatsu repeated in his head.
    "You there!" the man pointed at Seikatsu.
    'FUCK!' Seikatsu said in his mind.
    "Step forward!" he ordered.
    Seikatsu did as told without hesitance, hoping he can wave the suspicion.
    "What is your birth name?" the boss asked.
    "I have no birth name!" Seikatsu screamed.
    "Good! Go to the barracks!" he said.
    'The hell?' Seikatsu thought to himself.
    He thought it while moving out of the arena, he didn't want to stick around. Seikatsu was sitting on a chair in front a desk, thinking of how he could dispose of the others without being noticed. Suddenly a series of shots were fired, a few moments later the rest of the men arrived at the barracks... all but one. It was the man who told Seikatsu about the meeting that got taken out by firing squad. According to the others, they pleaded with the boss to give him a swift death as too many others had died today.

    HP/MP: 100%/100%
    Weak: 0/5
    Normal: 10/30
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/1
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 3:52

    Seikatsu was glad he made it out of the ordeal alive, but he was nervous now because the men were doubting each other. It was more than likely that someone would figure him out as he was the last new face to show up after the man at the dunes died. In fact, Seikatsu was the face that shouldn't have shown up at all. However, a stroke of luck was upon Seikatsu. The brawny fellow from earlier came to Seikatsu's barracks and asked for a night guard volunteer. Seikatsu stood up and began making his way to the restroom. He did this on purpose to make it look as though he didn't want the job.
    You there!"
    the brawny man called to Seikatsu with a jolly voice.
    The other gunners laughed at him, and made joke. Seikatsu acted as though he really didn't want to, and argued just enough to back it up. Seikatsu ended up losing the argument, and was 'forced' to do the night shift, being promised he could take tomorrow off. Another man was appointed the duty of guarding the insides of the barracks and the brawny man's instincts told him the infiltrator was still among them.
    'Good instincts.' Seikatsu thought to himself.
    While him and the other night guards, two recruits, three gunners, and the brawny guy as an overseer, made plans, Seikatsu picked the position that put him furthest from the barracks. His position was to patrol the walls of the town. Seikatsu tried to argue with it, but the man gave him that option or clean the animal feces deposits. Seikatsu took the wall job, but he planned to take that anyways.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 4:14

    Seikatsu walked around the wall slowly, cautiously to avoid slipping and falling down. He checked every inch of the wall to make sure it was 'sturdy enough' so the sand surrounding it didn't collapse in and leave a cascade of sand that people could run up and leave from say... the hostage rooms back door. Seikatsu fingered at the wall, poking at the various cracks while holding his torch up.
    For a moment he got lost in the scenery. The still, cool, desert night air and the vast loneliness of the surrounding desert. It was so calm, and quite that Seikatsu wished he could live in a place like that. Seikatsu returned to his train of thought and started examining the wall again. In one spot he found a crack that he could rig to collapse on its own, but it wasn't nearly close enough to where it needed to be. Seikatsu left it alone and moved forward on the wall. He ended up lined up perfectly with the large building the fifteen or so hostages were kept, and could see no problems with the wall. However, he also saw none of the others nearby, and his overseer was talking to one of the recruits.
    Seikatsu slid down the wall, and gave it a kick at the base to see just how strong it was. A bit of dust came out and covered Seikatsu's boots.
    'Sand...' Seikatsu said in a hushed tone.
    Knowing the wall was made of sand, Seikatsu could figure an easy way to sabotage it. He grabbed a nearby wooden pole and jumped back at the top of the wall. After checking around, Seikatsu buried the rod as deep as he could get it. This would create an uneven amount of pressure on the wall, and should be enough to loosen the sand-stone to the point where it would crack. That crack would spread and shatter that section of the wall.
    When Seikatsu arrived at the barracks at the end of the night, he found out from his mates that six men had died. The three recruits who didn't go on night guard duty, and three other gunners who were asleep. All in a different barracks than Seikatsu. The two recruits from night duty, and the other scouts from the room were under questioning. The marks were bite marks from something with am immense amount of teeth, and the scout who was guarding the two barracks had a huge hold popped in his neck.
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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 4:55


    Lisa, the one foot, seven inch long black snake like wyvern that Seikatsu raised from birth, was released in a small crevice between the bosses office, and Seikatsu's barracks. She slithered around to the back of the building, and began nuzzling the sand stone walls of the bosses office to create a hole just big enough for her to fit through when the time was right. She'd bored a hole that ended with a miniscule opening where she felt the cooler air from the office room, and stopped knowing that she'd be just a push away from being exposed. She then made her way to a small area that she knew no one would come around, since the sand was completely undisturbed there. At night, Lisa slithered out of her hiding hole and smelled around to find Seikatsu. She found the barracks he was assigned, but didn't find him. She turned back and went to one of the other barracks to find a well armed man in a full body suit.
    The black serpentine wyvern slowly moved towards the man, taking full advantage of the cover of night and crawled up the pole that held but a single lantern. she lowered her body behind the man, slowly, carefully descending. She then latched onto the man's helmet, confusing it for his bare head. The man jolted, and Lisa panicked and rammed her blade like tail into the back of the gunner's neck, sending it all the way through. The man hadn't enough time to even get off his chair let alone put up a fight against the black devourer before his life was ended. Lisa slithered off his corpse, and made her way into the barracks through a crack in the window the men had left to allow the cool air in.
    She arrived at the first man, he didn't look to beaten up so she knew he was a heavy sleeper. Lisa quickly grabbed hold of his neck, and tore a chunk out. She spat it out and watched at the man, roused from his sleep, struggled for the five or so seconds before calmly dying. This was repeated with the other two fresh bloods in the room, and then she slipped out and made her way to the barracks next door. They didn't leave a window for Lisa, but she had time, it was only midnight so Lisa began nuzzling the wall. Her armoured skull was perfect for rubbing away sandstone as there was no skin to be grinded as a result. After boring the hole through she found herself in a room with men asleep in the same uniform as the one who was guarding the barracks. However, Lisa noticed none of them had those funky head covers that the other did. Lisa made haste as the sun was beginning to peak, she tried to get all five of them but only manage three before a horn sounded.
    Lisa quickly dashed out of the room through the hole she'd made, and went into the back alley of the encampment, hoping she wasn't spotted.

    HP/MP: 100/100
    Weak: 3/5
    Normal: 13/30
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/1
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 5:18

    Seikatsu was astonished at the finding out of such information. In fact, the astonishment level is what saved Seikatsu from being questioned, as he was supposed to be the one patrolling the town. The other thing that kept him safe, was his position was on the outer edge of the encampment along with one of the other recruits and another gunner. The other gunner was showing the recruit the ropes, and Seikatsu was supposed to move at a faster pace than the two of them. Seikatsu took a moment to earn some credit among them by exposing the original crack in the wall that could shatter at any moment. The brawny overseer thanked him for spotting it, and assigned one of the lowly grunts to get to work on fixing it with some more sand-stone paste.
    Seikatsu took note of the ingredients for the goop.
    'Sand, water, hay, animal feces, and some type of resin' Seikatsu recited in his head.
    He'd recognized that the resin was actually a tree sap that neutralized the smell of the animal crap they were putting in the wall. It also allowed the goop to stick to the wall, and not loosen the already existing part of the wall. After his very light inquisition, Seikatsu was pardoned to go take a nap. While he slept, one of the gunners was assigned to watch over him and the rest of the night guard.
    Lisa overheard it, and decided she'd find a way to get to the prisoners.

    While skulking around the back alley of the encampment along the wall, Lisa spotted a rather large circular building. Large enough to stuff a group of people, and it's position was in the part of the camp where you'd have little chance of NOT running into a guard. Lisa slithered over the the side of a building, hiding in the shadows, and looked around. She saw a good bit of movement as it was day light, and they had traders passing through. There were travelers paying a fee to pass through the enclosure, merchants selling goods straight off the wagon, military training of sorts. Lisa let off a quiet, frustrated hiss as she knew getting across was difficult enough during day. A black object on light golden anything sticks out like a sore thumb from a foot away. She waited for a few men who were pushing a wagon with a crate on it to jump on the bracers. The men took her right to door, and even opened it for her while they were off loading the food from the wagon. Lisa slithered unnoticed to a dark corner, and waited.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 5:30

    While Lisa was watching over the prisoners, after the cart pushers had left, one of the night guard recruits walked in the room. He was acting strange, having trouble walking in a straight line and his voice was slightly slurred. Lisa had never been in contact with an intoxicated person before, as Seikatsu didn't drink and seldomly stuck around in bars long enough for Lisa to see someone who'd obviously partied hardy.
    The man walked in looking at a young girl who was tied up at the wrists.
    Hey there sweet thing..."
    he said in his drunken ass voice.
    "H-how you...
    How you feel to- to make a man feel good?"
    he asked her.
    The girl didn't know what he was talking about, but obviously didn't want to know. Lisa didn't know what he was talking about either, she understood human speak but drunk fool wasn't exactly human. Lisa began to creep in for a kill. None of the prisoners noticed her moving as they were focused on teh drunkard.
    "Look babe!
    I'm out here all... FF-FUCKING night!
    Keeping you -hic- from escaping."
    he said.
    "Now I'm taking a toll for my services." he said grimly.
    The girl's mind clicked into place at that phrase, and she instantly tried backing away. The man grabbed her by the legs and began to split them while reaching for the zipper on his pants.
    Lisa spread her wings and charged at the man, as she knew what intercourse was. She knew how animals acted when good intercourse was happening, and this, this wasn't that.
    The man saw Lisa out the corner of his eye when her mouth opened to latch onto his throat. He put his arm in the way and Lisa grabbed it. She quickly let go and stuck her tail in the arm as she swung her head around to bite the man's neck before he screamed.
    A small whine came out as Lisa's jaws slammed the mans voice box shut, and the blood oozed from the wounds. Lisa kept her grip for a few seconds after he went limp, making sure he truly was done and gone. Lisa let off a few low pitched clicking sounds, and began looking for somewhere to ditch the body.

    HP/MP: 100/100

    Weak: 4/5
    Normal: 13/30
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/1
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 5:46

    Lisa moved over to one of the men who were tied up and loosened his ropes enough for him to shake them off. She slithered to the dead man, and grabbed his shirt and began tugging on it. The freed man understood Lisa wanted help moving the body, and made haste to do so. They hid the body in the same place Seikatsu hid his victim, and the man went to free the young girl who'd nearly been raped. Lisa gently grabbed his wrist as he bent down to untie her, and made a growling sound. He let the ropes go and Lisa released his hands.
    "But I have to get them out of here." he argued in a soft whisper.
    Lisa shook her head, astonishing the man that an animal understood him, and she pointed her nose to the back door. The man walked over, and cracked it open just a bit. The few hundred feet to the wall seemed like a mile long sprint to the man as he looked past the bustling crowd moving through the area. He gently closed the door and looked at Lisa.
    "How would I manage that?" he asked irritated.
    Lisa looked at him, and looked at the girl he was about to untie.
    "I get it..." he said with a sense of enlightenment.
    If he can't do it alone, the two of them would be damned.
    Lisa moved over to the dead body of the man Seikatsu killed, and tugged at his suit. The man quickly scrabbled it on and checked himself for blood stains, or anything that would give him off. Aside from the suit being a bit baggy...
    The man walked over to the door and took a deep breath. He looked at the young girl who couldn't have been older than fourteen, and then looked away. He opened the door and began walking straight. A man stopped him in the middle of the street and began talking to him. Lisa got reared and geared incase it turned sour and she had to kill someone, or die trying. The man gave him a bucket full of something, and then walked away from the freed prisoner. The prisoner kept walking, and dumped the bucket of brown, steaming stuff on the side of a building. He jumped on the wall, and began moving forward. Lisa slipped out and waited for the crowd to clear, which took a good hour, and then flew straight up. From the air, she could see that the man had made it very far in the hour she hadn't seen him, and his tracks were already being covered by the shifting sands. She flew over the man, and ensured that he made it to a nearby city before flying back. When she got back to the camp, it was night and she decided to take a nap. Lisa buried her self in the sand, leaving a small opening for her to get air from.

    HP/MP: 100/100
    Weak: 4/5
    Normal: 13/30
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/1
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 6:12

    Seikatsu awoke to find out another recruit got killed today inside the prisoners room. He also found out the one of the prisoners escaped. The boss was deciding whether or not to cut his losses and kill the prisoners, or make an example out of one of them. He decided to sleep on it, and make a decision in the morning when he was in a more stable mindset. Seikatsu however, did not like the sound of either of his considerations and made the decision that there won't be an option like that in the morning.
    Seikatsu left the encampment under the cover of night, and went to the sand dune where he originally got his suit from. He went to the bottom and began digging in the sand at roughly the same spot where he buried his swords, robes, and cloak. Seikatsu shifted the sands frantically, and eventually felt the grip of the Heart of War, sighing from the relief that it wasn't the thorn of betrayal, he pulled it up and switched his gear out. The last remaining recruit was waiting for him at the top of the sand dune when Seikatsu arrived.
    "So you're the one who's behind the killings!" the recruit said with surprise in his voice.
    "Not all of them, just a few." Seikatsu admitted.
    The man charged at Seikatsu with his scimitar in full swing. Seikatsu caught the blade using the scabbard for the Heart of War, and parried the the attack. Seikatsu got in close, and made one slash up the front of the man, spinning around and making a downward slash on the mans back. The lowly bandit wasn't so ready to give up as he turned and got ready to cut Seikatsu. Seikatsu spun and slit the man's throat with a quick movement.

    HP/MP: 100/100
    Weak: 5/5
    Normal: 13/30
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/1
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 6:38

    Seikatsu began cautiously trotting back to the camp where he saw two gunners placed at the entrance, there was another one patrolling the walls. There was one who was walking around the prisoner's hold, one outside the bosses room, two playing cards when they should be guarding the barracks, and the rest were asleep. Or... so Seikatsu hoped.
    "Alright Altsoba... I guess we're gonna be using this as playtime." Seikatsu said in a whisper.
    Seikatsu slipped back behind the dune he was hiding behind and stabbed his Heart of War into the ground. He began to think of Altsoba, the idea of war. He remembered his training with the demon, and her unrelenting passion for battle. The sword shattered into pieces and turned to powder before reforming in the physical form of Altsoba, the Demon of War.
    "I was wondering how long you planned to keep me waiting." Altsoba sassed Seikatsu.
    "Anyways, I advise we flank them." Altsoba said.
    Altsoba drew a map of the encampment in the sand. Two dots were drawn at the front of the encampment, representing the entry guards. Two dots by the barracks for the slackers, one dot on the border with an arrow indicating his direction of movement, one outside the prisoner hold, and the other outside the bosses office.
    Altsoba's plan was that she and Seikatsu will take the one patrolling the border first, and move onto the entry guards. Seikatsu would take one out, and Altsoba the other then they'd bake their way from there.
    Lisa poked her head out of the middle of the map.
    "And then Lisa will destroy the encampment with her head." Altsoba joked at the adorable creature.
    Lisa let off a few low pitched clicks letting them know she would go after the boss, Seikatsu nodded in acceptance.

    Weapon + Weapon Spell Used:

    Altsoba Countdown: 4

    HP/MP: 100/100
    Weak: 5/5
    Normal: 13/30
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/1
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 7:00

    Seikatsu decided that Altsoba and him needed to do as much damage as possible, with as little effort as possible. Altsoba shared the same sentiment, and had no qualms with Seikatsu applying a little touch of magic to her weapon.
    Seikatsu held his hand out over his Thorn of Betrayal, and Altsoba's Scythe with an orb of Soul energy. Both weapons had the orb pressed in, coating the entirety of the sword and scythe with a faintly glowing blue and gray cross hatching weave pattern. Seikatsu then froze the air around the two weapons, carefully applying ice shards to it. Each shard would act as a super tiny blade of its own, ripping and shredding as each weapon mortalized their target. Seikatsu then accessed the power Altsoba herself gave to him. The power to summon soul energy from the demonic plane itself, and manifest it in the real world. He felt the life force escaping his body as he invoked the spell. Seikatsu said in a strong, deep, authoritative voice that rippled through the barrier between his world, and the demonic plane, saying:
    "Du och jag är odöda!"
    Black orbs flowed from the ground and black tendrils wrapped themselves around him and Altsoba's weapons, allowing them to strike with the full might of their wills. Now fully powered, Seikatsu and Altsoba were ready to fight.
    The two moved down the dune towards their first target, running side by side dressed in black, the only sign of their arrival were their weapons, faintly glowing with black wisps, blue and grey souls, and the power of ice. The gunner patrolling the enclosure turned to face Seikatsu, and was ran through with the larger blade of Altsoba's Scythe. The man let out a squeal as he readied his weapon to fire at Altsoba, but Seikatsu beheaded the man. Seikatsu and Altsoba ran along the perimeter wall to arrive at the two gunners keeping watch of the front entrance.
    Altsoba appeared from the shadow of the dark and made a massive gash in the back of the gunner on her end. Seikatsu appeared from behind the opposite gunner as he turned to face Altsoba, and slammed his Thorn of Betrayal through the man's chest and pulled up. Altsoba's target had a bit of life in him as he was steadily getting up. Altsoba put him down by ramming his head with the tip of the blade of her scythe, cleaving it in half.
    Active Effects:
    Seikatsu and Altsoba's weapons deal 90% more damage (Imbue Ice, Demonic Influence, Reinforce)
    Altsoba Countdown: 3
    Reinforce Countdown: 4
    Demonic Influence Countdown: 3
    Imbue Ice Countdown: 3
    HP/MP: 95/85 (-5% HP from Spell used, -5% MPx3 for D rank spells used)
    Weak: 5/5
    Normal: 16/30
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/1

    Imbue Ice:
    Demonic Influence:
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 7:14

    Seikatsu and Altsoba went into the camp, and dipped into the shadows around the barracks. The separated each others company so as to exercise the same plan they used on the two gunners at the front gate. Seikatsu entered the barracks he was nearest to by opening the window. He knew the window was unlocked because it was his barracks, and he unlocked it before sneaking out. While in the room, his two room mates were fast asleep, snoring quite loudly at that. He looked through the window and saw that Altsoba managed to get into the barracks next to his. Seikatsu pressed the blade of his Thorn of Betrayal against the throat of the first sleeping man. He stopped snoring, and made a type of gurgling sound before turning over and going back to sleep. Seikatsu put the blade back against his neck and quickly swiped it. The assassination was clean, and the man didn't even have time to wake up.
    On Altsoba's end, she had a much easier time as her first kill as the man was one of the newer, freshly promoted fellas who slept a lot quieter and much harder. She pressed the spike at the top of her Scythe right up against his head between the eyes and slammed down as hard as possible. The spike punctured through his brain, and killed him without prejudice.
    Seikatsu's next kill was already half awake. The man felt the draft from the open window and was roused enough to go close it. Seikatsu waited for the window to shut before he came up from behind and shoved his sword through the back of the man's neck. The blade blocked the air from his throat, keeping the scream in place and it ran through his spine, keeping the man from struggling as Seikatsu gently set him on the floor.
    Altsoba performed the kill on the other two sleeping men exactly as she did with the first man. One of them had a bottle of alcohol next to his bed. Altsoba gave it a shake and realized it was empty to the last drop, and explained why he was woken up by the sound of Altsoba's scythe cracking through the other two's skulls. Seikatsu killed the last man in the room by slitting his throat as he slept.

    Seikatsu and Altsoba's weapons deal 90% more damage (Imbue Ice, Demonic Influence, Reinforce)
    Altsoba Countdown: 2
    Reinforce Countdown: 3
    Demonic Influence Countdown: 2
    Imbue Ice Countdown: 2
    HP/MP: 95/85
    Weak: 5/5
    Normal: 22/30
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/1
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    So Many Targets, So Little Time Empty Re: So Many Targets, So Little Time

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox Tue 23 Jun - 7:23


    While Seikatsu and Altsoba were inside the two barracks, Lisa slipped into the third barracks, the one on the opposite side of the bosses office from Seikatsu's barracks. She quietly creeped along the floor being sure not to bump into the boots, clothing, belts, and other things strewn about. Lisa gently creeped up the bedpost of her first victim's coffin. The man was having a rather sweet dream as he reached out and grabbed Lisa, hugging her like a body pillow. After realizing he felt something in real life, he began to open his eyes just enough to feel Lisa gripping his throat. He pulled on Lisa, but her bite was strong, and he wasn't awake enough to get her off. The man died after a few seconds and Lisa had moved to her next target. He was in the bunk under her first, and she simply dropped down and ran her tail through his heart. The man let out a gasp of air, but the pain was so great that his attempt at screaming for help was little more than a wheeze for mercy.
    The black wyvernic assailant flew to the next bed, across the room, where the gunner was getting up after hearing the wheezing room mate. He had reached to grab some matches to light his lantern when a tight grip was felt around his neck. sharp knives pierced his face and he felt the hand of death turning his shoulders, what the fangs of the netherworld turn his head in the opposite direction. An audible crack was heard as his neck was freed of the bindings that held it in place, and a thud as his corpse the the ground. His room mate, the last man standing, awoke in a frenzy and ran to check the others. He was about to make it to the door to alert, but Lisa had gabbed him by the back of the neck, and gently slid her blade like tail into his back.
    Lisa slid out the window and began making her way to the bosses office, where she knew the man would be.
    HP: 100%
    Weak: 5/5
    Normal: 26/30
    Strong: 0/0
    Boss: 0/1

      Current date/time is Fri 26 Jul - 21:24