Fairy Tail RP

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    The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin.


    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Posts : 110
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    Experience : 1231.25

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    The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin. Empty The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin.

    Post by Vincent 2nd April 2015, 5:39 pm

    This is but one of the legends the people speak...

    Once upon a time there was a man taller then a vulcan and just as big. He was a behemoth of a moutaim of a giant of a human, a master of a rare magic and an unrivaled chef. His name was John Johnson, ex-shift manager of the Clover Town MgRonalds. On this day most special of days John walked into the Blue Pegasus main hall with a facial expression comparable to a lost donkey. The long time fry cook was stepping out on his own for the first time in his life and he had signs of uncertainty all about him. The back of his next was dabbled with sweat and his pace was uneven. There was a strange feeling in his chest that could only be compared to his day at MgRonalds so many years ago. It felt like destiny and smelt like grease. Except not it smelled more like fish, probably because of the near by ocean. But for all that destiny he felt he had no idea what he was doing. So when in doubt, lunch break. Not seeing any no-eating signs John sat down with a combo meal he had grabbed from work and began distracting himself with a triple cheeseburger with extra triple. So it was more like a triple triple cheeseburger. Are we sure this is the right guy? Between mouthfuls of food John looked around at the people around him to no one in particular he said "So uh mmmm this is good, er sorry I'm looking for the job applications mmmhhhhm this is a great burger. God I could eat this thing forever. So yeah just for clarity job applications anyone know where they are?"

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,025

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    First Skill: Re-quip: Chaos Master
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    The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin. Empty Re: The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin.

    Post by Dave 2nd April 2015, 6:44 pm

    His body was in top condition. The only thing that stopped him previously were any and all sugar "abuse" ailments. As if sugar abuse was a thing that could actually happen. Dave rolled his eyes at the notion and even gave it hearty laugh. While walking throughout Clover Town, of course to join the the prestigious guild of Blue Pegasus. Dave thought it was finally time to step out of the kitchen and put his powers to a better cause as well as feeding a whole new audience of people. That's when he saw him. That's when the ginormous titan from parts unknown saw an equally massive man feasting upon one of the most delicious looking creations he could ever have laid eyes on. Only one thing could make that triple squared cheeseburger better... and that was if it was made of chocolate.

    "Sir! I must know your name!" he exclaimed as he ran and took a seat opposite from the colossus. "They call me Dave. And that sandwich of yours. It's... it's... it's beautiful!" he yelled while slamming his fist onto the table and staring deeply into his new friend's eyes. "You also HAVE to join the resident guild with me! A man with muscles like that needs to put his powers to use if he hasn't already!"


    Character / Dave Daniels
    Magic / Pastry Make

    Missions Completed
    S-Ranked: 0
    A-Ranked: 0
    B-Ranked: 2
    C-Ranked: 3
    D-Ranked: 5

    Duels Won
    1 B-Rank Duel

    Exp: 1025/3750

    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1231.25

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    The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin. Empty Re: The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin.

    Post by Vincent 2nd April 2015, 7:16 pm

    John was surprised to say the least to see another man of size almost his equal. He was rapidly elated to discover the man calling himself Dave seemed to be just as excited about food as he was, a grin spread on his face as he finished stuffing his burger down his throat. "It's a pleasure to meet you Dave." John offered him his still greasy hand for a hand shake, the kind only men of immense size could understand. "I'm John. Thank you for your words of kindness. I would happily prepare you one as well if you want. I always carry spare ingredients." Now John was faced with a much more serious questions "Join this guild with you huh? I was planning on it already. Maybe we can join together as a team!" The fry cook had only heard of mage teams "I don't really know what all that entails. But I feel men like us should stick together. Am I right?" John could smell destiny coming from Dave, with a touch of pastry dough. This was the beginning of something fantastic.


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Re-quip: Chaos Master
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    The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin. Empty Re: The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin.

    Post by Dave 2nd April 2015, 7:33 pm

    "Abso, lutely. I agree. Nice to meet you John" he said, ecstatic at the fact that this behemoth of a man was already going to join the great Blue Pegasus guild, but also wanted to join together, as a team. Dave clasped John's hand tightly, not minding the grease, in fact, welcoming it with his closed hand. He gave the greased aroma man the firmest, most respectful handshake he could possibly muster and it was as if the earth underneath them shuddered at the thought. "I can respect a man who carries spare ingredients. I do the same thing!" Dave exclaimed as he released John's hand and blasted a full salvo of sprinkles into the skies above. "I'll be more than happy to take you up on your offer later, but for now, we may want to bust down the door to Blue Pegasus and make out entrance grand. There's really no other way for people like us is there?" the pastry master suggested while standing up and looking towards the direction of the guild.


    Character / Dave Daniels
    Magic / Pastry Make

    Missions Completed
    S-Ranked: 0
    A-Ranked: 0
    B-Ranked: 2
    C-Ranked: 3
    D-Ranked: 5

    Duels Won
    1 B-Rank Duel

    Exp: 1025/3750

    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1231.25

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    The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin. Empty Re: The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin.

    Post by Vincent 2nd April 2015, 8:05 pm

    John, satisfied with the exchanging of greetings, rose to his feet and curled his hand into a fist. "Yes I do believe a grand entrance is in order." The cook wiped his hand off on his pants. He popped his knuckles planning his options "So what shall it be? Through the door or through the wall?" John was a bit of a timid guy on his own but Dave's enthusiasm was contagious and it made him a lot more confident. The fry cook was getting some nervous jitters but his excitement over powered it and he was about to ready to just smash his way into Blue Pegasus and do something. "While it's on my mind what are we doing when we get in there?"


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Re-quip: Chaos Master
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    Third Skill:

    The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin. Empty Re: The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin.

    Post by Dave 2nd April 2015, 9:22 pm

    "Which? Why the front doors of course! We aren't savages, we're men! We will bust through those front Pegasus gates and announce the arrival of the greatest duo that the guild has ever seen! It will be fantastic John" he said with a raised fist before pointing towards the guild. "And when we get in? We create a feast for the good magi of Clover Town! If anyone deserves it, it's those men and women" he roared fiercely, like everything was going to go perfectly and according to plan. Dave was as confident as a baker could be, and that was pretty confident. You knead to have nerves of steel when you bake, otherwise your creations will come out lopsided, putrid, burnt, or worse.... That's why he's always ready for the job and doubts nothing, for doubt is the key ingredient to doubt. "Let's get a move on then! The guild doors won't bust themselves down"


    Character / Dave Daniels
    Magic / Pastry Make

    Missions Completed
    S-Ranked: 0
    A-Ranked: 0
    B-Ranked: 2
    C-Ranked: 3
    D-Ranked: 5

    Duels Won
    1 B-Rank Duel

    Exp: 1025/3750

    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 110
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1231.25

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    The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin. Empty Re: The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin.

    Post by Vincent 3rd April 2015, 8:09 am

    For a moment John felt he was being scolded and the passive peon part of his brain was about to kowtow and ask for forgiveness but Dave quickly inspired him. He now felt the need to barge in and serve the mages of Blue Pegasus the greatest meal of their life. "Then let us not was another second. The world is waiting." John approached the main hall doors assuming Dave was right behind him "Here we go." The giant put his large hands on the double doors and threw them open. A pair of lesser doors would have flown off their hinges, an effect John was expecting, but these doors were made of sterner stuff. Hardly undeterred John walked right in throwing his arms wide exclaiming "Have no hunger for we have come!" He slid a small pencil from his left pocket and a notepad from his right pocket, giving them both a twirl in either hand he announced to no-one particular "May I take your order?"


    Quality Badge Level 1- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 821
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Thorsfell, Gamara, Vishnu, Cytorakk, Botosai
    Experience : 1625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin. Empty Re: The pegasus, the beefcake and the muffin.

    Post by Akryn 21st June 2015, 8:03 pm

    The two mages would be greeted, as they kicked in the door, by a small, toned man, with short white hair, a thin patch of white hair on his chin. He was sitting in a chair, his eye locked on the two men, his other eye hidden under an eye patch, and seven long knives hovering in the air, aimed at the two trespassers, with an absolutely massive, I mean HUGE, white wolf snarling at them as well. The only other weapon in site was a large yellow spear leaning on the chair. "Gentlemen. I would most certainly recommend a more civilized, polite entrance next time. Few people react well when one kicks in their door. Now then, who are you, and how may I help you?" Akryn asked, in a cold, menacing voice.


    Prayne de crabug ahm keike rinedere be-yogt iglo kes gron!

    Akryns battle theme


    Dramatic moments


    "I came into this world, kicking, screaming, and covered in someone elses blood. I have little issue going out the same way."

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:11 pm