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    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open)


    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 15
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 24
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    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) Empty TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open)

    Post by Sernian 28th February 2015, 4:51 pm

    It was a warm day in Clover Town, and the noise from the city could be heard on the island that houses Blue Pegasus' guild hall. Rex was about to make his big introduction to the guild, which he had been planning since the night before. He popped his neck and sighed before making his way toward the main hall, which he figured would have the most people due to it's size and the fact it was referred to as the "Main Hall." Upon arriving at the entrance, he looked up at the structure that towered above him, amazed at the fact that humans could build such a thing. Before entering, he began imagining what it would be like when he entered, famous wizards being worshiped by the townspeople, people from all over Fiore requesting jobs, epic battles of who was the better wizard. This was defiantly the right guild to join!

    After he was done day dreaming, he took a deep breath an entered the Main hall. Immediately after crossing the thresh hold between the outside world and the guild house, Rex shouted," Say hello to your future savior!" This echoed through the hall, causing the people inside to look at him with confusion. When he looked around, he saw nothing he imagined before, there were just a bunch of tourists here to visit. He saw no one he recognized besides the massive statue of the founder of blue pegasus situated on the opposite side of the building. "I'm guessing you're new here?" Rex heard someone say to the right of him, as he looked over, he saw what he could only imagine was the fanciest visitor's center he'd ever seen. He nodded and walked over to the desk, now embarrassed since all of his previous assumptions about what the guild house would be like were incorrect. "Where are the bathrooms?" He asked the lady behind the desk, she pointed in the direction he should go with a smile.

    'Can't believe I messed up this bad on my first day,' Rex thought to himself as he walked to the bathroom, 'If I keep this up, I'll be the laughing stock of Blue Pegasus!' He couldn't accept that, when he entered the bathroom, he saw that they were just as fancy as the area outside. He walked over to the sink and splashed water onto his face, looking at himself in the mirror. Touching the Blue Pegasus mark on his neck, he said "God I hope this wasn't the wrong choice.." He exited the bathroom while stretching his shoulder, noticing several people giggling when they looked at him. 'I need to find a place I can be alone for a minute..' He though as he moved back toward the exit.


    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) 21mi52v



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Posts : 442
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 1270

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    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
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    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) Empty Re: TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open)

    Post by Alito 28th February 2015, 10:54 pm

    "Wait!" A voice interrupted the sound of an even deeper-toned man. It was never polite to enter and exit a guild so quicky; especially when you were new to the hall. However, that was not why this voice decided to make itself present. Someone new had entered the area happily, then attempted to exit sadly just a few moments later. How strange was that? The voice of was concerned, and so it stopped the new person in his tracks. A white flame lit up over a book the possessor of this voice was holding, a sword alongside it. The Eternal Flame had entered the building: Seitenshi Ayato.

    "Just what exactly are you trying to do, big man?" Ayato asked, "You had everyone here confused as to why you entered so arrogantly, and now they are completely crying because sadness suddenly slipped under our rooftop!" The book literally absorbed the sword into one of its pages so Ayato could point to the founder. He was a glorious mage too old for anyone to have lived aside, yet he always gave a vibe of great hope as a statue. Unfortunately, the founder's message wasn't working for one civilian, and Ayato was staring at him. "What's your name?" Ayato wondered, "I'm Seitenshi Ayato. It's best to share your name around here if you care to stay. You are here to stay as one of us, right?" Ayato was absolutely puzzled by this clearly taller male. He honestly looked as though he could beat the living crap out of the Eternal Flame, though looks were always deceiving; especially Mages. Ayato turned his back on the guy to get a drink before giving him so company. On the other hand, he wasn't going to say another word until the dude started giving answers.


    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) 7y0bO7j

    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 15
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 0

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    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) Empty Re: TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open)

    Post by Sernian 1st March 2015, 9:07 am

    Rex stopped as he was called out to, somewhat angry that he didn't manage to get out in time. He turned around as Ayato finished his first statement, and continued listening to the question that he was asked. Already having his fake smile on, he said, "I'm Rex Pecely, just call me Rex," he stopped for a moment as he looked over at the statue of the founder, then continued, "I'm actually already apart of the guild, I just haven't had the chance to explore yet." He pointed to the blood red insignia on his neck, then turned back to face Ayato. The man before him was quite a bit shorter than he was, almost to the point that he would have to visibly look down at him, and he also noticed that the two had the same taste in colors.

    "So what's your position in the guild? Besides the obvious fact that you're a wizard of course." Rex looked around at the people that Ayata said were crying, seeing that none of them actually were crying. He didn't know why he thought any of them actually would cry just because he got a bit embarrassed after shouting what he did. "And I'm not sad by the way, just a bit surprised since the guild hall isn't what I expected it to be," he stated, "I don't really seem to get sad anymore honestly.." As Ayato returned with his drink, Rex decided he was thirsty as well and went to go retrieve one for himself while he waited for a reply.


    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) 21mi52v



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 442
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 1270

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    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
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    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) Empty Re: TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open)

    Post by Alito 1st March 2015, 2:37 pm

    "Odd that I have never seen you yet, Rex." Ayato commented, "I mean, there are still some mages here who I have seen, but have not introduced myself to, just yet. Mind you, I have seen everyone but yourself." Ayato sighed, and drank some of the beverage he received just earlier during his meeting with the taller man. For a brief moment, it also seemed like the male copied him, apparently thirsty just as he was. It was also remarkable to see how someone who looked so new already had the Blue Pegasus guild crest on their body. Just how intrigued must Shuhei have been to plant the tattoo on the guy before Ayato. Ayato smirked, proud that this guild was finally getting more members. Perhaps in the future, the guild would have a great enough population to start a well-deserved party or two.

    Minutes passed while the two interacted until Rex asked a question Ayato did not expect to hear. "I'm what they call a C-Ranked Mage, sir." Ayato informed, "Every Mage begins at the bottom, then works their way up after doing a certain amount of tasks for the guild. The more tasks you do for the guild, the better your results in the end, so always do something nice." Shortly after this explanation, Ayato handed Rex a full map of the guild and its well-known surroundings. As Rex probably saw from outside, this guild towered everything else in town, which is why the place often received several visits from ordinary citizens. He laughed when Rex gave an explanation of his own afterwards, noting his experience so far with Blue Pegasus. "Blue Pegasus is supposed to have potential beyond anyone's imagination." Ayato remarked, "Soon enough, this place will continue to grow along with its members, and we will reach our utopia." Ayato hoped he encouraged Rex to experience more of the guild, or at least make himself feel more welcome. He was an official member now, after all.


    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) 7y0bO7j

    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 15
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 0

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    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) Empty Re: TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open)

    Post by Sernian 1st March 2015, 5:52 pm

    "Like I said, I haven't really explored much." He said as he finished his drink. As Ayato replied to his earlier question, he began to see him as an opportunity to become more know in the guild, since he wasn't at square one like he was. "C-rank, huh?" He said, mostly for himself. He took the map he was handed and began looking over it, noting that he'd have to stop by the dorms at some point that day. Placing his empty cup next to a nearby pillar, he leaned against the pillar and continued looking over the map, while devoting half of his attention to listening to the rest of Ayato's explanation.

    "That's actually why I joined this guild," Rex explained, "As you could probably gather from what I shouted earlier, my goal is to be a savior of sorts, not of just one person though. An entire city, actually, so that I can be remembered." He folded up the map and put it in one of his back pockets, then began walking toward the door again stopping and turning around before getting to far away from the other man. "We should go for a walk or something, it's getting kind of loud in here. And while we're at it, we should head over to the dorms, I don't actually have a place to stay at the moment.." he said, stretching for a moment before turning around and slowly walking to the exit, either way he was going to go to the dorms, he just wanted to be polite and invite Ayato since they'd been talking.


    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) 21mi52v



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 442
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 1270

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    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
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    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) Empty Re: TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open)

    Post by Alito 10th March 2015, 12:55 pm

    "I suppose you want to save Clover Town?" Ayato assumed, "Well, while you hope to be a savior someday, don't hope danger comes so you can achieve your goal so quickly. Last time we had that occur, our entire town was forced to evacuate." This was an interesting goal, in Ayato's opinion. He never really thought about saving Clover Town, though he did want to make a good difference on the community. Perhaps that would be one way to settle his goal; to make a compromise. Ayato sighed after a moment or two though. "You know, it doesn't take protecting a town to be a savior..." Ayato replied, "All you really have to do is rescue a single person from danger, if not a community. Also, if Clover Town is ever in any danger, or maybe another city, I'm sure you will be supported by that town's guild, as well. Members from other guilds were here to protect us from Ladon, anyway." Ayato walked around for a moment, taking a look at the grand history of this guild.

    It was then Ayato heard Rex's own suggestion, and that was to head to the dorms. "Right this way." Ayato gestured. He invited Rex to follow him onto a new floor, where everyone had their own place- though some didn't necessarily use theirs. The men had their own division on this floor for privacy, while the women were located elsewhere. It would take a while for the two for reach Rex's dorm since the rooms went by chronological order of joining the guild. Should Rex choose to follow, by the end of the hallway, Ayato would say "Here we are!" and open the door. There wasn't much in any regular dorm room other than normal necessities. The aces, high ranks and Guild Master had the luxurious rooms, anyway, as they deserved it. "Check out the room, then I'll show you around town!" Ayato remarked.


    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) 7y0bO7j

    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 15
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 0

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    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) Empty Re: TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open)

    Post by Sernian 10th March 2015, 2:11 pm

    Shrugging as Ayato assumed he'd save Clover Town, he hadn't really thought of what town he'd save, just that he'd save one. "I haven't really thought about which town I'll save, just that I'm going to save one. I know it's fairly specific for a goal, but I see it as the quickest way to be remembered by a lot of people honestly." He followed Ayato as he took the lead to the dorms, and understood that he'd have a lot of what he sees as "competition" if there were a large enough danger to the town to require assistance. As they arrived at his room, Rex entered and was surprised at small it was compared to the rest of the guild hall, he had expected it to be large, even for the lower class members.

    After dropping a couple things off and looking around for a little, he responded to what Ayato had suggested. "I suppose I could take a walk around town, it'd be a good thing to get to know my way around." He walked out of the room and made his way back toward the main hall, expecting Ayato to follow him since he was the one that invited him. "What's a good place to eat by the way? I haven't had much to eat since I got here and I'm starving."


    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) 21mi52v



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Posts : 442
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 1270

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    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
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    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) Empty Re: TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open)

    Post by Alito 20th March 2015, 2:17 pm

    "Don't be too focused on the future." Ayato advised, "First, you need to concentrate on the present, and try not to live in the past. There will be bad times and good times, I guarantee you, but if you want to be that hero in the future, always think on the bright side, no matter what obstacle stands in your way." This was all Ayato had to say until the two were at the dorm that now belonged to Ayato's new friend. He had to admit, there was still a lot more to learn about Rex other than his hero speech, though he otherwise had to admit Rex was a nice guy too. He seemed very welcoming, already asking Ayato to show him around- well, trusting would be a better word.

    "There's a sushi restaurant nearby. The chef is amazing, trust me. Even if you are new to sushi, or not a fan, he will make you a lover of his food." Ayato explained over Rex's question, "Other restaurants are located nearby, though they are of different cultures. We are pretty coastal, so you will often see less meat and more fish, though do not worry. Other places are highly accessible around here, and you can travel with ease through our transportation services." Ayato figured Rex would be interested in taking tasks on himself- or rather missions- later on, and there was nothing like having a delicious meal beforehand. This would be his new beginning, or the dawn of one, at least. It was early in the afternoon still, which meant the two still had a lot of time to discover more about the town and settlements surrounding.


    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) 7y0bO7j

    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 15
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 0

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    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) Empty Re: TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open)

    Post by Sernian 23rd March 2015, 8:59 am

    He continued down the hall as he spoke to Ayato, "Sushi sounds good, I'm not really picky when it comes to food." A couple people were passing them in the hall, so Rex said, "Excuse us." with a smile when he was at a good distance to do so. When they came back into the main hall, Rex admired the statue once more before exiting and making his way toward the bridge so they could get back to the main land.

        Once he was crossing the bridge, he noticed a school of fish jumping out of the water below them, but he didn't care enough to stop and watch them. When they made it across, he leaned against a nearby building and looked back to see if Ayato was still there. If he was, he would say, "I suppose you need to take the lead now, I would just get us lost if I were to keep leading.." He stretched for a moment since he assumed he'd be walking around for a while now.


    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) 21mi52v



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Age : 28
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    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) Empty Re: TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open)

    Post by Alito 25th March 2015, 9:55 am

    "Sure thing." Ayato answered. This man was getting a bit odd, treating the others back in the guild like he and Ayato were more important. This was just an introduction into the guild, really. Any newcomer deserved a meal to enjoy on behalf of the guild during their first day. At least that's what Blue Pegasus would do. Ayato was unsure of how other guilds celebrating the addition of a new member. After just a few minutes of walking, Ayato pointed west. "There's the sushi restaurant." He announced. Again, the same chef was there that Ayato once helped alongside Zack to work. The poor guy almost went out of business for a day, though here he was, having the happiest time of his life serving the people he loved. It was like this chef had a one-man-guild. "Yo!" Ayato greeted to the chef, "Mind if we have your special? We have a new guild member that could enjoy a meal or two." Ayato placed a large bag of jewels on the counter beside the chef; an amount equal to the special along with a large tip. "We are going to be eating a ton!" Ayato cheered, "Even a full beast would be filled by these upcoming servings, so I hope you have an empty stomach during this sitting. If you must know, I am probably one of the craziest eaters you will ever see." When breakfast, lunch or dinner came by, Ayato could eat a cow's worth of food, and would, in that matter. This special was incomparable to that, which made Ayato wonder if he would have to buy more. A waiter dropped by before the two could even sit down and asked for some requests pertaining to drinks. "Cherry coke please!" Ayato responded.


    TRIUMPHANT... Introduction (Open) 7y0bO7j

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