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    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria


    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Guest 8th April 2015, 9:16 pm

    Name: Spy: Criminal Watch!
    Requirements: Solo; a partner; or with a group (Up to four people). 10 posts per player. 200 words per post.
    Job Requirements:Spy on the suspected criminal, Without getting caught, and report it to the client at the end of the day.
    Location: Oak Town
    Client’s name: Anonymous
    Information: For some odd reason, my money would decrease whenever I bring the jewels with me to spend on. I suspect that my money might be stolen to some hypocrite as whenever I would look around I find the same man over and over again. The man would be covered in black clothing in which was mysterious to me. Not only that, but in every afternoon, he would be at the center of the city, looking all suspicious like. I know this as I spied on him, once. Now, I need you to check him out and report to me to what he did. Good luck!
    Rewards: 750 jewels each

    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Guest 9th April 2015, 10:07 pm

    Sheba and her best friend Lunar, an ice wolf who almost never left her side stood at the doorway of the restaurant, the place where her partner and client for the job agreed to meet her. It was noon, the air around her was pleasantly warm. She looked at the clock over the doorway. She knows that her partner and client isn't supposed to come for about a half more hour, but she was getting slightly impatient. All she knew of her partner is that he or she was from the guild Sabertooth.  She knew less about the client, who signed his (or possibly her) job as anonymous. This was her first job working with another person. 

    "When is my partner here?" She grumbled unhappily. She was excited for this job. It wasn't every day you could be a spy, besides she needed the money.  Finally she decided to get a table and wait for them. Fortunately this restaurant allowed animals only if the owner sat on the patio. She sat at a table while the wolf laid down at her feet, Sheba's eyes scanned the area for them. She nearly fell asleep a few times. A waitress soon approached her to ask her if she wanted anything, but Sheba asked for water, who later returned with a glass and bowl of it. She passed time by reading a book she brought along while sipping her water. After ten minutes she put the book back into her backpack and slumped down in her seat and sighed, "I'm going to die from boredom if I wait any longer." The wolf snorted and barked something that sounded like laughter. The magic in Sheba allowed her to understand him, "Don't you say that. Seriously, we've been waiting for almost half an hour. When are they here?"

    Last edited by Tsukiakari on 11th April 2015, 5:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Sabertooth| Steel Valor
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Charon Blanche & Leon Masters
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Machinist Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Seria 10th April 2015, 6:56 pm

    For half an hour now Seria had circled the block of this restaurant that she was supposed to meet her associates at, unable to build up the courage to do so. She thought herself in circles numerous times about how she might possibly screw something up. She felt that somehow on the mission she might cause her partner to do something stupid in her defense. She twiddled her fingers for a moment pondering her stupidity when she bumped into a standing sign. She immediately recognized it, the sign just outside the particular restaurant. She read it over and felt antsy instantly. “Walking forever, and not any closer…” She muttered to herself. A waitress wandered outside to console her. “Young lady, are you lost? I saw you walk by her a number of times…” She seemed polite and caring but Seria was just uncomfortable being stuck in a conversation. Nervously she only managed to shake her head in response, she desperately wanted to say more but she knew she would sound like an idiot. The waitress looked her up and down once more taking in the sight that was before her. A young blonde haired girl who bared eyes the color and depth of cherries, with a metal prosthesis for an arm. She tilted her head and smirked at her putting a hand lightly on her shoulder. “Would you like to come inside?”

    Eventually she coaxed the child to come inside, offering her a cup of chocolate milk which she took up eagerly, perhaps her partner might notice her guild emblem on her hand as she entered and sipped from a mug silently nearby.


    ○ Born to Fly ○


    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Guest 10th April 2015, 11:43 pm

    "Ugh, this is taking forever." She groaned. Lunar nudged her leg with his nose and barked. "I don't really know if asking the waitress is a good idea. Do you have any idea how many Sabertooth members come through here?" The white-blue wolf barked again. "Fine." She said rolling her eyes. "But I swear if this doesn't work I'm leaving." 

    "Excuse me, have you seen a Sabertooth member around here?" She asked a nearby waitress. 

     “Sabertooth,” the lady pondered. "Actually a girl came by with a Sabertooth emblem on her shoulder." 

    The wolf barked again. She glared at him but then asked, "Do you mind if you led me to her. You see, I'm actually meeting a Sabertooth member but I can't seem to find her."

    "No problem." She said. 

    The waitress led her over to a table where a girl was sipping chocolate milk. She did a slight double take when she saw her since she had an artificial arm. She ignored this fact since a few members of her old family was missing a limb and she knew that prying was rude. "Hello, are you to the girl from Sabertooth." The girl noticed her and seemed to shrink back. She nodded. "My name is Sheba, I'm from Fairy Tail. I'm your partner for this job. This is Lunar." She pointed to the wolf following her. "He's my partner, don't worry, he's harmless unless you mess with me." Lunar sat down and gave her a wolfy-smile. "What's your name?"

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Sabertooth| Steel Valor
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Charon Blanche & Leon Masters
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Machinist Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Seria 11th April 2015, 5:54 pm

    Seria’s lips writhed and twisted as she tried not to look at the girl thinking of how to properly answer her question. It was odd, how much thought she had to put into everything, most other people would have acted on instinct and simply replied ‘Hi, this is my name’ and it would have been over. Why can’t you be more normal, She thought to herself. Uncomfortably she shifted in her chair as she looked up at Sheba a few moments silently passing by and then she looked down to Lunar at her feet whom she backed away from slightly not really sure how to react to a wolf at her heels even if it was tame. She felt so stupid, and looked at the Fairy Tail girl with pleading eyes, just hoping something would happen that didn’t involve her speaking. Just then, the bell rang as the door to the restaurant swung open and a man wearing a tuxedo holding a suitcase stepped in, the sounds of his shoes clicking against the linoleum was unmistakable. He scanned the entire restaurant for someone or something and his eyes stopped when his gaze was met by a wolf… which sort of startled him at first, he notably jumped a little as he noticed it but figuring only a mage would parade around with a pet so… eccentric, he sat with the two of them. “Nice to finally meet you both.”


    ○ Born to Fly ○


    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Guest 11th April 2015, 8:30 pm

    "You must be the mages who are taking my job. I spotted you because of your... Dog?" The Man said.

    "No we are two random people who can't use magic. The mages are over there." She responded sarcastically. "Of course we are the mages. Lunar is no dog, he is an ice wolf. I'll have you know some non-magic users have strange animals with them too."  Sheba didn't know what got into her. She was just very angry at the man

    "I'm sorry for what I said, but you did not come over here to argue. Would you mind if you told me your name."

    "We'll tell you our name when hell freezes over." She slammed her fist on the table. The girl, and man flinched. Lunar merely just cocked his head. He was used to her temper. 

    "Fine, you may call me Anonomyus. I cannot tell you my name since it is confidential. I've recently been losing some Jewels."

    "We are not lending you Jewels."
    "Please, Ma'am let me finish." Sheba sat back and huffed an angry breath but she did not say anything else. "There's been a shady man around me when they go missing. I want you girls to spy on him."

    "What does he look like?" Sheba replied, refusing to look the man in the eye.

    The man opened the suitcase and took out a painting. "I had an artist custom paint that." He handed the painting to Sheba who then after looking gave it to the girl. There was a man, dressed all in black and according to the background he was at the center of the city. "He is at the center of the city every afternoon. I know since I spied on him once and he almost caught me. After you are done, report back to me at 18:00, I'll be waiting for you at this same location. Do you understand?"  They nodded. "Good because, I'm counting on you." The man stood up and left. 

    Sheba and the girl sat in silence for a minute or two staring at the painting. "Well, I guess we should start our job." 

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Sabertooth| Steel Valor
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Charon Blanche & Leon Masters
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Machinist Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Seria 13th April 2015, 8:23 pm

    Seria monitored the entire exchange between this mysterious man or client and her new partner in crime and or justice as she tore this man apart with each passive aggressive sentence to tumbel beyond her lips. She couldn't decipher what had suddenly changed about her attitude because she seemed so calm and collected a moment before.

    “Full of venom.” she commented under her breath. Her voice was so soft and sweet, but too quiet to truly hear.

    Throughout the rest of the conversation she got down from her seat and petted Lunar, looking at the ice wolf wide-eyed, much like she always looked, but this time with much more obvious intent.

    After the whole event blew over and the man left them to their devices, and they sat in silence, Sheba finally spoke up and said what should have been obvious to them. Seria sighed, took one final chug of her chocolate milk thoroughly enjoying it, before putting the mug down and leaving hoping that her new partner would follow her outside and until she did she stood in wait outside the door. She looked at all of the people in the immediate vicinity and held the painting up to Sheba pointing at it. “Needle in a haystack.” The most she's spoken in the short time they've met.


    ○ Born to Fly ○


    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Guest 13th April 2015, 8:42 pm

    Sheba smiled at the girl who she finally heard speak. She did not ask her to speak again. "You're right. The man is a needle in the haystack. This guy keeps appearing and disappearing." This girl may not be a talker but she was smart. According the the client, the mysterious man appears in the center of the town every afternoon. What he didn't clarify was when in the afternoon. By the time they were outside the restaurant it was 13:00. 

    Lunar barked. Sheba smiled, "That's a great idea LunarOh, I forgot to mention to you, my magic allows me to understand to any creature with a wolf ancestry. Lunar suggested we go find a dog around here so I can ask what time the man is there. Do you want to go dog hunting?" Sheba and the girl stuck together as they searched around for a dog with the answer. So far they found two dogs but they were just strays that cared more about eating than the answer. Finally after an hour they found a small, brown dog with the answer. It barked twice. Sheba nodded. "This is Matt the dog. He said that the man goes into the town square every day around 14:15. He doesn't know why but whenever he goes there he is holding a suitcase that is full of something that smells a bit like Jewels to him." The blue wolf barked, his nose pointing to the clock, the time was at the center of town everyday. She pointed to a nearby clock that read 14:00. "Oh no!" She yelled her eyes growing into saucers. "We better get going or we're going to lose him!"

    Last edited by Tsukiakari on 19th April 2015, 7:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Sabertooth| Steel Valor
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Charon Blanche & Leon Masters
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Machinist Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Seria 19th April 2015, 5:22 pm

    Seeing this turn of events drove Seria to act quickly. They weren’t very far from the center of town, but they can’t move as quickly as they had the potential to give the amount of people in area. If she could get just a little bit of height on the crowds they could surpass them with some ease. She knew what she had to do. Looking at Sheba he cringed and flexed simultaneously, her face turned a bright red and she concentrated on something, looking almost like she was about to explode with anger. A while glow emanated from her back as odd shapes took form. Metal twisted and bolted as from her right side a wing that looked like it belonged on some odd clockwork art spread and beat the wind of few times generating a decent force. The from her left a bony structure seemed to form out of the light as sinew and flesh cover it, and following it feathers. The feathers carpeted this wing, making it look quite angelic. They moved erratically for a moment until slowing when they both finally flapped in sync. Seria bent over covering her knees and panting like she had just came back from a jog. She put that all aside, grabbing onto Sheba’s arm and scooping up Lunar in the other which was slightly harder to manage, she took off at a much greater speed than before, dodging and weaving through the crowds.


    ○ Born to Fly ○


    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Guest 19th April 2015, 6:19 pm

    Sheba ran with all she got and was surprised when the girl grabbed her arm. Lunar yelp when she grabbed him and they took off in the air. She looked at the girl who grew a pair of wings as they floated through the crowd. She looked at the girl shocked as they flew to the middle of town where a man was handing a different man a large suitcase. They landed and they ducked behind a large stone pillar

    "This is the money I owe you." The man in black said.

    "Carter, you owe me 5 million jewels still, this is only one million." The Other man said as he took out the money.

    "I guess we know his name now." Sheba said to the blond girl.

    "I will pay the rest of it within this week, John."

    No, you have three days to get me the money, three days or you will get the punishment

    "But John," he stammered, laughing nervously."That's mot enough time to vollect four millon jewels. I have to be a mage to collect that much money in a short period of time.

    "that is more than enough time. I don'tcare what you do to get me the money but you only have three days, got it?Three days, Blackwell. Three days or else." The other man left his threat hanging as he tipped his hat, "Good day Mr. Blackwell. I will come back here in three days for my four million jewels." The John walked away and left Carter Blackwell with a fearful expression on his face.

    Last edited by Tsukiakari on 19th April 2015, 7:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Sabertooth| Steel Valor
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Charon Blanche & Leon Masters
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Machinist Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Seria 19th April 2015, 7:20 pm

    Carter seem to fold his arms into his jacket only able to watch as his debtor stormed off into the distance, and meekly determine the events of his future. Either he continues this lifestyle of robbery, but at quite an accelerated pace, or he ducks out and leaves with what he can scrounge up before the next few days and never show to John again. For a moment he was obviously teetering on a decision where he weighed two heavy options. The girls overlooking him wouldn’t know what choice he made, only that he was the criminal and he needed to be brought to justice. He stormed off, and with a determined look on his face as he turned around.

    Trying to maintain their incognito standing Seria darted through the crowd between several people easily merging like camouflage, posing as a child to many of the people standing about, getting on her hands and knees to see between their legs as he passed. He was heading in an easterly direction away from the café they first met at, and with renewed fervor. Throughout this whole process, Seria continued to signal to Sheba to follow her but didn’t really giver a chance to keep up.

    Last edited by Seria on 20th April 2015, 8:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


    ○ Born to Fly ○


    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Guest 19th April 2015, 8:38 pm

    Sheba looked around and followed the girl. The man suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked around. He started muttering some stuff. Lunar's ears lowered as he whined. He gave a slight bark. "What language." She muttered. The man kept moving so they kept trying to track him. He then saw something and ran over there. They followed him and found him talking to a lady. They were both too far away to hear the conversation, but Lunar with his sharp hearing could hear the conversation. He gave quiet barks as Sheba translated it for the girl.

    "The lady over there is a mage. She was hired to keep a lookout for the man. The reason why the client isn't suspicious of her is because she uses transformation magic. Right now our client is at the Oak Town Jewelry shop and he is planning to steal from him too. The reason the money kept disappearing was-wait what?" Sheba said confused. The wolf barked again. "Apparently the man lied about not being a mage. He uses very subtle magic, holder type, to steal the money from the man." The man took out a stick and whispered some words. A wad of cash floated from his pocket and landed in the women's hand. He then shook hands with the female mage and walked to the Jewelry shop.

    Last edited by Tsukiakari on 20th April 2015, 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Sabertooth| Steel Valor
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Charon Blanche & Leon Masters
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Machinist Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Seria 20th April 2015, 9:45 pm

    With each passing minute the plot seemed to thicken here, the strings of how of things were inter-related continued to be become even more convoluted than it was only minutes ago. Even Seria was getting a bit lost in all of this. Where there two thieves targeting the same man? She supposed that it would make sense that even the shadiest of people don’t make their circles alone. What role did this transforming lady play in the grand scheme of things? Some sort of deception, a con, someone to distract the client while Carter makes the grab? Is she getting paid like him? All of these floating questions blocked Seria’s thought process and she couldn’t manage to say a word.

    The woman walked off in another direction, and she knew that they could monitor them both, but they would quickly get lost in such a case, separated and probably never see each other for the remainder of the day. But perhaps they could take that chance, they are both mages. Surely they could work something out. “Divide and conquer / That is our greatest option / Get information.” She broke off heading after the old woman from that point, and perhaps they could accomplish something greater here.


    ○ Born to Fly ○


    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Guest 20th April 2015, 10:39 pm

    Sheba watched as the girl ran off to the lady, she then looked at Lunar dead in the eye. "Follow her, help make sure she's not caught. I can deal with the man myself." The dog barked and ran off to the direction where the girl was running off to. She silently made her way to the Jewelry Shop. Carter was already in there, he was inspecting a necklace or at least pretending to. Her client looked at the man worriedly as he was chatting with the manager. The man took out a stick and whispered some words. Cash floated slowly out of her client's pocket. Not much, but still a large amount. The money stuck to the ground and moved until it was at Carter's feet. He looked around warily and picked up the cash and stuck it in his pocket. Sheba gasped when she saw him commit this crime but she didn't intervine. 

    The man's crime dis not stop. He muttered a few more words and a small wad of cash floated out the people who where near him, pocket, including Sheba's she litterally had to hold it in her hand to keep it from being snatched away. He made it come to him quickly. He was very sneaky, all the others, including the client were too busy to notice this happening. Carter chuckled, "This is going to be like stealing candy from a baby."

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Sabertooth| Steel Valor
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Charon Blanche & Leon Masters
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Machinist Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Seria 24th April 2015, 10:55 am

    To keep a low profile, Seria does her best to maintain her wings for the present time, and scale a building in hopes of maintaining a view of this old crone without being seen. She tried to balance on the roof, but surprisingly the roofing tiles are much more slippery than she anticipated. Coming to a settling hold on her balance, she peered down the other side of the building to look at the woman. “People never look up.” she muttered under her breath. She caught sight of her just in time to see that the woman ducked into an alley to change her form, morphing into a very attractive young lady, a temptress while under a shroud of sudden darkness. Coming back out nobody seemed to question, but her new looks gave her an entirely new reception amongst the people as she was getting looks from just about everyone as she proudly strode down the streets. Seria sort of glances at herself in obvious jealousy, and blushed as she caught herself thinking in such a way. She shook herself, trying to re-focus and cased after her along the roofs, slipping along the way occasionally. At a moment she lost track of the woman as she ducked into the crowd, disappearing amongst the people. She looked around to see what was near a Jewelry store like Sheba, and while she examined the place she brought down by someone from behind. The person covered her mouth and pinned her to the roof. “You’re cute. You thought you could just tail me, did you? Inexperienced little welpling,” She grasped Seria’s throat as she fought back helplessly. “You should have thought twice about getting involved with this.” A strange sound echoed through the air, as Seria cast a spell on the woman’s leg, and she writhed in pain and let go to tend to herself and Seria bolted away.

    95% HP 90% MP :


    ○ Born to Fly ○


    Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch!; Tsukiakari+Seria

    Post by Guest 24th April 2015, 1:50 pm

    Sheba was watching Carter when she heard a strange sound in the air. She looked around and shrugged. Hopefully the blond girl was safe. Besides, she sent Lunar after her. But to her surprise Lunar ran back to her and barked. "What? You lost her? Oh I hope she's safe right now." She turned her attention back to the man who was exiting the shop. They ran for a nearby alleyway to take cover. She heard another bark and then when she turned she saw a woman there, limping towards her. The expression on her face slightly scared her.

     "You! You must be the friend of that little girl. You're not getting away from this! I'll tell Carter of this! First I need to give your a proper beating." She produced a knife and rushed for her, as fast as she could. Lunar put his body in front of her own. His body turned to ice. The knife hit his body and scratched it. Lunar whined a bit but then bit the lady on her already injured leg. She yelped. Sheba took this chance. 

    "Artificial Moon!" A small moon, the size of a baseball started rotating around her. The lady growled. "You! Don't move. I can cast a spell that can knock you out." The woman yelled a lot of curse words but obeyed her. "Lunar, watch her. I need to find the girl and track the man. If she does any funny business, make sure to knock her out the first thing. Do not kill her." The wolf barked in agreement and growled at the lady. Sheba ran off, looking for her partner.

    Spells used: Artificial Moon
    MP: 90% HP: 100%

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:12 pm