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    Just Another Day


    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
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    Private Just Another Day

    Post by kingray13 30th March 2015, 7:18 am

    The sun beat down harsh and bright as the door to the small shop swung open and a young man emerged. He was wearing black pants with a white long sleeved button up shirt. His skin was tan and his hair short obsidian, while his eyes gleemed a beautiful light brown and golden mixture. In one hand he held a colorful fruit, which he took a bite from as he began to walk out onto the streets. It was busy out today and he wasn't a big shopper, but he had heard that a store in the capital city was selling highly recommended book and couldn't resist the urge to purchase it.

    Soon after, Ray was strolling down the street with the book folded open in his hand. He took a bite from the fruit beforenusing his pinky to flip to the starting page. He smiled lightly as he began to slip into the world that lay on these pages. Within moments he was completely absorbed in the story, lost in a world of violent pirates and valiant knights, scheming nobles and beautiful princesses. This was the reason he adored reading, it only took a few minutes to quickly be thrown into a world created by the author.

    Before long, Ray found himself at the edge of the city, nearing the forest more with each step. Once his foot landed in the soft green grass he looked up. A smirk curled on his face as he stared up at a tree that stood proudly before him. "Well hello there." He greeted the tree calmly as he quickly approached. He placed a hand on the tree and ran it up the trunk before beginning to climb his way up to the lowest branch. He leaned back against the trunk and used the branch as a seat as he relaxed and re opened his book. Instantly he was back in the castle, observing the hidden plots of the nobles and how they planned to over throw the monarchy, it was an interesting enough story, though he could surelyndo better.

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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by Annora 30th March 2015, 7:50 am

    Myra walked through the capital with her book in her hand. Her long pink hair was tied in a ponytail, allowing her bangs to run freely on her forehead. The weather was warm with light breeze. The female really seemed to be enjoying the weather as she clutched the book in her hand, in search for a perfect place to read peacefully. Her eyes spotted a forest at the edge of the city, filled with trees and flowers, another thing the young woman loved. She made her way to one of the trees, and sat down on the soft grass, with her back leaning towards the brown rugged branch of the tree.

    The pink haired female felt a few leaves falling on top of her. She picked up the green leaf which had made it's way onto her head. Gazing upwards, her blue eyes landed on a man, rather a teenage boy, who seemed to be reading on a branch. He seemed quite engrossed in the book. Myra found it rather surprising, considering that these days, she's hardly seen anyone who likes reading.


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    Just Another Day EhHiEpZ

    Just Another Day QUzgcgK
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    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by kingray13 30th March 2015, 8:06 am

    As he flipped through the pages, he took the last bite from his fruit. He tossed it off to the side somewhere and stretched his arms over his head before rolling his shoulders. He cracked the book open again and dove back into the story. He read for awhile longer before clamping it closed and sighing. "I could have done so much better." He muttered as he looked at the book. It was interesting at first, but midway through it fell in line with all other storiesnofmits type. The princess was put in danger and fled, she met a young man who didn't know who she was, they journeyed as he helped her and they slowly began to fall in love.

    As he thought over the story he smiled, sure it was dull for a story, but it would be incredible if he found himself in a situation like that. He shrugged with a smile as he dropped down from the tree branch and landed on his feet. He turned to bid the large plant a farewell only to be stopped by what he saw.

    Where there had once only been a tree, now there sat an attractive young woman with a pink ponytail. Ray looked at her surprised that he hadnts noticed her before, maybe the book was a little better than he had given it credit for. Then a smile came to his face, this was it! The story book moment he dreamt of, well one of them, a fateful meeting that could blossom into love. It was a nice ideal and it seemed to fit, even if she did look to be a few years older than himself.

    "Oh sorry I didn't see you there." He said after realizing he had been looking to long, practically staring. He glanced at her hand and saw the book and smiled, that was it this had to be fate. "Whatcha reading?" He asked curiously.

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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by Annora 30th March 2015, 8:16 am

    Seeing that the young man hadn't noticed her, Myra looked back at her book and began reading, enjoying every moment of it. It was an average romantic novel, with a hint of mystery, and of course, one of her favorite reads. She was soon engrossed in the book. She read peacefully, with no sound around, other than the light humming of the wind. Although she disliked silence, this was rather calming. 

    The sudden sound, being heard as a 'thud' made the female lose her focus. She looked up beside her, only to see the young man who had been sitting on the branch, reading his book. Myra noticed him staring at her, which slightly confused her but she didn't say a word, assuming he was looking at the book. He then spoke up, to which the pink haired female simply smiled, "It's my favorite book, a romantic novel." The light british accent in her voice was clearly evident as she continued and asked, "You like reading?"


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    Just Another Day EhHiEpZ

    Just Another Day QUzgcgK
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    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by kingray13 30th March 2015, 8:29 am

    Ray smiled lightly as she revealed to him it was a romantic novel. They were one of his favorite genres, though he was interested in any ink put down on parchment. Still it only fueled the suspicion that he was supposed to meet her here even more. Perhaps he was the male protagonist in a real life romance novel, that would be interesting to say the least. Of course in the world they lived in today it would probably be more of an action thriller romance, oh that was only more exciting.

    The smile grew as she asked if he liked to read, she had a light accent which only further fueled his fantasizing of a romance scenario. Two strangers fatefully brought together, only sharing a passion for literature. The plot was perfect and the characters would be interesting, it was all falling intonplace so perfectly.
    "More like I love to read.... And write.... And collect literature." He said as he began to rub the back of his neck with one hand. He looked around to see if there was anyone else he hadn't noticed approach, looked like it was just them.

    He glanced back at her and smiled, "Oh sorry! I'm Ray." He introduced with a kind smile.

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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by Annora 30th March 2015, 8:55 am

    Myra shut her open book and stood up, dusting her blue jeans. The foreign woman could relate to his passion of  reading, bit writing and collecting literature was not something she could find time for, although they seemed like interesting hobbies to her. "Writing, you say.. Well, I'd love to read some of your writings someday." She could make out that the young man was empty handed. 

    He then introduced himself as Ray. The pink haired female grinned at him, "I'm Myra. Nice to meet you Ray." She then noticed that there was no one around. And she liked it that way, no one could come and disturb them. "You wanna go into the city? Personally, I prefer staying here."


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    Just Another Day EhHiEpZ

    Just Another Day QUzgcgK
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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by kingray13 30th March 2015, 9:02 am

    Ray watched as she rose to her feet and brushed her clothes off, folding the book closed as she did so. Then she asked to read his work. A smile spread on his face, there was nothing he loved more than his own literary creations, that and showing them off. Unfortunately he hadn't brought any of his own writing and decided to save that for another time.

    "Myra, that's a nice name." He said with a kind smile as he looked her over once more. His head turned towards the city until she said she'd rather stay here. His hear skipped a beat as he realized the story was unfolding more and more, how exciting he had always dreamt of living in a story. "No its fine we can stay here if you'd prefer." He said quickly, mostly just wanting to agree with her. "We can check out the town later." He added, as it seemed like a good idea. Strolls through town were romantic, right?

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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by Annora 30th March 2015, 9:21 am

    Myra wanted to get to know Ray better as he, like her, was a reader. She leaned side wards and stood taking support from the tree, "So Ray, what else do you like other than reading, writing and collecting?" She was looking forward to them having more things in common. She then took another look around the forest. There wasn't much they could do here. Reading, while there is someone with you, didn't really fall under the category of good manners. "You want to look around the forest?" Her asking was just a formality. She grinned before grabbing his hand and dragging him further into the forest, where they saw many butterflies. Myra wasn't looking at them, she was ogling at their beauty. Her blue gazed shifted around, as her eyes came across many things she found magnificent. The pink flowers and the tall trees, the soft grass under her feet. Everything was splendid. She was still holding his hand and moving forward slowly, while admiring the beauty of nature.


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    Just Another Day EhHiEpZ

    Just Another Day QUzgcgK
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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by kingray13 30th March 2015, 9:39 am

    Ray shrugged his shoulders lightly, reading and other dealings with literature were his primary interest. "Well I-" he began before being cut off. She grabbed his hand and began to lead him into the forest. He blushed lightly for a second before following close behind her as they entered deeper into the forest. He was a bit surprised by the action but in no way protested as they wandered through the trees and plants.

    Once they were a little further in they saw a flock of butterflies, varrying in color and size. There were large purple and blue butterflies, small yellow ones, and a variety of others sporting different patterns on their wings. They flew around gently, the breeze helping to carry them about.

    Ray smiled as he watched Myra observe the fluttering creatures, she seemed captivated by their presence. After a moment he drug his gaze away from her and looked around at the forest, it was calming and peaceful. There were colorful flowers sprouting up out of every sun lit area and the trees were tall with green leaves that drifted around the two of them.

    Then he turned his eyes back towards the butterflies, just he did however, a large butterfly with purple, pink, and blue wings planted itself on the tip of his nose. "I caught one." He said with a little laugh as he squeezed her hand to get her attention.

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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by Annora 30th March 2015, 10:50 am

    Myra felt a light squeeze on her hand, making her blush because she remembered that she was holding Ray's hand. Nonetheless, it wasn't very visible so she turned around and saw a tiny little butterfly sitting on his nose. The pink haired female chuckled at that. She let go of his hand and placed the tip of her finger at the point of his nose as the butterfly hopped onto it. She slowly removed her finger and placed it in between herself and Ray. "It's so pretty." 

    Myra had always been an admirer of nature, and having a butterfly sitting on her finger felt amazing. Sadly, after a while, the tiny creature flapped it's wings and flew away. The pink haired female pouted as the small weight on her finger disappeared. She looked up at Ray and slightly stepped back, because of the closeness before smiling once again. "Why do we go to the city now?"


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    Just Another Day EhHiEpZ

    Just Another Day QUzgcgK
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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by kingray13 30th March 2015, 5:39 pm

    A smile tugged at his face as he crossed his eyes to see the small fragile insect that had perched on his nose. A small blush crossed his face and faded as she placed a finger on his nose to take the butterfly into her possession. There was a quiet moment where the two of them stood close, watching the butterfly as it roosted and stretched its wings.

    Then the butterfly flapped its tiny wings and lifted from her finger, making her frown a bit. Once it took off and vanished amongst the forest, Ray became aware of just how close they were. As if reading his mind, Myra took a step back, distancing herself from him just a bit. He smiled in agreement before waving a hand, gesturing for her to lead the way. "Sounds like a great idea." He mused with a smile.

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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by Annora 31st March 2015, 3:18 am

    As Ray gestured for Myra to lead the way, she obliged and began walking in the direction they had come from. She could hear his footsteps following her so she simply continued walking, with her book clutched in her right hand. They walked in a comfortable silence for a while. The pink haired mage wondered where they should go next, in the city. Maybe to a cafe or even better, an ice cream parlor. The female found herself grinning at the idea. It was a good one. It was a short walk, till they reached the tree where they had met, and walked past it and into the town. Once they arrived in the mid-set of people crowding the place, the female turned towards Ray and asked, "Is there any place you wanna go?"


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    Just Another Day EhHiEpZ

    Just Another Day QUzgcgK
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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by kingray13 31st March 2015, 5:25 am

    They walked silently for some time before they began to see anything recognizable to Ray. Then they passed the tree where they first met. Ray looked up at the large plantnas they passed by and smiled. Soon they were in the city, surrounded by an sea of people. Ray turned towards her as she asked where he wanted go. His eyes scanned the surrounding shops and businesses quickly. There was a small cafe they caught his eye as his stomach let out a low grumble. He smiled sheepishly up at been"The cafe seems like a nice place to stop." he suggested as he placed his hands on the backs of her shoulder blades and began pushing her towards the building as he approached it.

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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by Annora 31st March 2015, 12:00 pm

    Myra smiled as Ray suggested to go to a cafe. He suddenly placed his hands on the back of her shoulder blades, surprising her a little. But she, nonetheless, grinned at him. "Sure, a cafe sounds good." He pushed her towards the cafe. As they reached there, the pink haired female spotted a table of two, standing outside the cafe. The weather was nice, so why not sit outside. She grabbed one of the chairs and flopped down. She waited for the new found friend to be seated, "So anything you wanna order?" 


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
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    Just Another Day EhHiEpZ

    Just Another Day QUzgcgK
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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by kingray13 31st March 2015, 12:11 pm

    Once they reached the front of the cafe Ray pulled out the seat across from Myra. He placed himself in the seat and looked around. Through the window he could see another guest eating something. A moment later he made a face and turned away muttering a cursed word, "Salad..." He never could understand how people could eat a plate of vegetables, it was repulsing to him. Then a smile crept on his face as he decided exactly what he wanted. "Just some fruit." He shrugged, if people were allowed to eat plates of gross vegetables then he could eat a plate of fruit.

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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by Annora 2nd April 2015, 3:15 am

    Myra watched as Ray scrunched up his face at the sight of vegetables, they disgusted her too. When he decided to order some fruits, the pink haired woman looked at him, "So you don't like vegetables? huh?" The female grinned at him, "Another thing we have in common." She then wondered what she should order, "I guess I'll have some fruits too."


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ I ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ IᑎᔕIᗪE Oᖴ ᗰE.

    Just Another Day EhHiEpZ

    Just Another Day QUzgcgK
    ᗩᑎᑎOᖇᗩ ᗪᗩᒪTOᑎ ᗯIEᒪᗪEᖇ Oᖴ ᔕᗯOᖇᗪᔕ ᗷᗩᑎK  TᕼEᗰE

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
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    Posts : 63
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    Age : 27
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    Experience : 25

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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 7:08 am

    Ray made an unpleased face and shook his head quickly in response to her question. He had never liked vegetables growing up and didn't like them any better now that he was older. Still the fact that she didn't like them either made him smile, even more so, the fact that she remarked on it being something else they had in common. Then arrived two large bowls filled with fruits of different varieties, followed by small plates with a few other fruits on it. Ray smiled down at his food before lifting a fork and stabbing it into one of the fruits. A moment later he popped it in his mouth and began to chew it up. "So tell me a little about yourself." He said as he plucked another piece of fruit and popped it in his mouth.

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    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
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    Experience : 1549.75

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    First Skill: кєи иσ тѕυкαιтє [剣の使い手] – ωιєℓ∂єя σf ѕωσя∂ѕ
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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by Annora 7th April 2015, 4:57 am

    Myra grinned as the fruit bowl was placed in front of her. She grabbed the fork and began eating, enjoying the juicy fruits. Her gaze shifted to Ray as he asked her to tell him a little about herself, "Well, first of all, I'm a wizard, a member of the guild Black Rose. It's far away from Fiore so it's quite a travel. Then I enjoy music a lot. It happens to be the one thing I love. I really like reading which you already know." She chuckled before eating another piece of fruit. "Then I really like to travel, my favorite part is looking at the view. Seas and oceans fascinate me. They're beautiful when you look at them. And nature, another thing I enjoy watching." She didn't like to mention much about her past which many may ask, considering her accent which happens to be quite different from others. "Anyways, you got to know about me. Now tell me a little about yourself." After the sentence, she popped another fruit in her mouth, waiting for him to begin.


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ I ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ IᑎᔕIᗪE Oᖴ ᗰE.

    Just Another Day EhHiEpZ

    Just Another Day QUzgcgK
    ᗩᑎᑎOᖇᗩ ᗪᗩᒪTOᑎ ᗯIEᒪᗪEᖇ Oᖴ ᔕᗯOᖇᗪᔕ ᗷᗩᑎK  TᕼEᗰE

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
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    Posts : 63
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

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    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by kingray13 7th April 2015, 5:21 am

    Ray gently pierced a slim piece of fruit with his fork before lifting it to his mouth and taking it off with his teeth. He listened intently as he continued to eat from the fruit. He would learn as much as he could about any subject, what if she became some famous wizard one day? He smiled a little to himself before realizing his mind was wandering. He began to listen closely again, popping another piece of fruit in his mouth every now and again.

    She finished up by telling him to give a little information on himself. He smiled lightly n before looking off into the clouds before shifting his gaze back to Myra. "Well I like to read, and write like I mentioned earlier. And I don't have a guild but I am a wizard." He told her before taking a bite of fruit and thinking. "I like art in a lot of forms. Obviously the traditional drawings, paintings, and sculptures but also architecture, music and of course literature." He said as he ate more fruit. Then he smiled sheepishly "heheh, I guess its a little strange."

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    Experience : 1549.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: кєи иσ тѕυкαιтє [剣の使い手] – ωιєℓ∂єя σf ѕωσя∂ѕ
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    Private Re: Just Another Day

    Post by Annora 7th April 2015, 7:13 am

    The female listened carefully as Ray spoke. Myra couldn't help but smile, his choices were very interesting. What pleased her more was the fact that he too, like herself was a wizard, although she wondered why he didn't join a guild. She didn't ask anything because she knew that not joining a guild was his choice, and she should respect it. She smiled as she put the piece of fruit inside her mouth. The juicy fruits were tasty. She was about to ask Ray what kind of magic he uses. The boy's last sentence made the female tilt her head slightly in confusion, "What 's a little strange?" She truly was confused, what did he mean by a little strange. Is it the similarities in them? Rather than jumping to random conclusion, it would be better if she just sits quietly and listens to his answer.


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ I ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ IᑎᔕIᗪE Oᖴ ᗰE.

    Just Another Day EhHiEpZ

    Just Another Day QUzgcgK
    ᗩᑎᑎOᖇᗩ ᗪᗩᒪTOᑎ ᗯIEᒪᗪEᖇ Oᖴ ᔕᗯOᖇᗪᔕ ᗷᗩᑎK  TᕼEᗰE

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