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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Posts : 176
    Guild : Tᴀʀᴛᴀʀᴜs
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aʟ-Tʜᴀᴍᴇɴ
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Mᴀɢɪᴄ
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Simba 20th March 2015, 10:29 pm


    you're the love of my life

    Coffee. It was a rather pleasant thing to have in such a hushed little resturaunt, faintly accompanied by chatter and the calm noises of kitchen-work in the back. His hands curled around the warm cup, and his crimson irises gaped intently into the liquid, observing as the steam wafted up and eventually dissipated into the air. He took a few sips every now and then, rooted into his thoughts while furtively enjoying this time he was having with himself. Even though he gave off the egoistic and rather cruel vibe, he wasn't as crude as he made himself out to be. At least, not without a purpose. Of course, it was different for Gil, Jubei and even Lyserg who he smirked just thinking about. Those three had already played a part in his story, and he was cheery in his thoughts as he recalled the many reactions they had to his comments. Blondie's being the most ammusing.

    "I said give us your damn money!" a boisterous voice abruptly broke him back into reality, causing him to peer over at the counter nearby. It was crowded with at least five men, all whome looked like pirates with what they were wearing; and quite serious too. The cashier was trembing, every word faltering off his tongue as he tried his best to speak up, only failing in result. One of the men grunted, belting his hand onto the counter with a loud slam. Which, startled some of the customers seated along the place, aside from Nai. He remained unfazed with his dull expression, but the tone in his eyes was just flaming with utter annoyance. Because he been so fazed with this nice moment, he had misplaced the fact that Hargeon was practically the home of theiving pirates and street thugs; reported daily depsite Lamia Scale settling nearby. A sigh escaped his lips, eyelids sealing shut as he aroused to his feet, the chair urged back with a discomforting screeh. All attention from the men turned over to Nai as he slowly unvieled his crimson pools, gaze connecting with their own into the tension of the atmosphere. "What you wanna fight?!" one of them hollered, and his hand extended back to sheepishly scratch the nape of his neck.

    "Honestly.. Theres a guild that settles here, yet they can't even handle the problems in their own city.." he mumbled to himself, looking away with a gentle frown. His hand dropped back by his side and he peered back over at the group, "You guys have been here for awhile haven't you? But, you're still so pathetic you'd rather steal the jewels of this hard working place. How sad.. Although I don't really feel sorry for any of you, in-fact you lot really irritate me." a playful smirk was stretched onto his lips as he spoke with closed eyes, making meager gestures with his hands. Once his irises suddenly extended back open, his hand reached into the fabric of his ivory scarf and he tugged out an expensive looking wand. It had tainted golden metal, that coiled around a pointed ruby gem at the very end. Obviously not a tool that was made around this area, but somewhere very far away. "H-Hey bro, I think this guy is rich, just look at him." one of the men whispered, specifiying the fact of how alluring his clothing was. Including how obvious golden bracelets twisted around his fore-arms and his neck.

    Yeah. It wasn't that astonishing to wonder if he were royalty, or if he were rich. Of course not all of those assumptions could add up, but at least one of them were more correct than the others. "What? You think you can steal from me? Judging by your lack of knowledge I can tell all you have here is confidence!" he was provoking them, and took enjoymment in their enraged expressions as one of the men pulled out a gun and swiftly kneaded his thumb onto the trigger. The bullet took off, impending into what appeared to be force-field that wavered and shifted into the colour of a deathly black. It circled around Nai flawlessly, the bullet sinking onto the wooden floor as a smoke calmly ascended from it. The wood around his bare feet began to casually rot, the after effect of the force field leaving a brief black sheet of lightening bolts to flicker around him. Hardly large enough than the ones that naturally resounded among stormy skies. "Heh, what was that? A fly?" amusement dripped from his words as he chuckled over at the now timid men.  



    Main Theme / Approaching:

    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Roya 21st March 2015, 12:57 am

    As if on cue the windowed door swung open, the chime of shop bells resonating throughout the room.  In the door stood the figure of a buxom woman, her wooden sandals clattered against the floorboards of the café as she made her way Inside, followed by the ivory cloak drifting behind her; it coated her ample chest and the rest of her torso leaving the hood down and her face revealed.  She seemed to be casual but refused to exchange a glance with anyone in the café at the time, paying no mind to the scene that had been taking place beforehand. Roya slid out a stool from the counter top, perching her up on the seat or two or so chairs away from the braceleted man who seemed to be entertaining himself with the pirates company.

    She whistled shortly, the trembling service man behind the counter rushing away from the pirates and to her service. “Pepper chai, 8 ounce if you may.” She stated, sliding a bandage clad hand out from beneath her cloak and laying down a few paper jewel bills down on the counter.  All the clerk could do was nod, moving to make the woman her drink.

    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Shiba_Kuukaku_by_artbunny

    Roya had been able to hear the commotion from the other side of the street moments before…. Hell, she had heard a gunshot too, likely caused by the pirate with his gun drawn on the dark haired stranger. But now… everyone had gone still and quiet. The customers sat around their tables with their cups like statues while the pirates became still themselves, likely still in shock from what had just happened before Roya made her entrance.

    Her eyes sneaked in raven haired boy’s direction gingerly. She was detecting Etherion particles in the air around her, ones other than her own… which could mean only one thing to The flame mage, someone else here was a magic user. It had been three days since she had been in Hargeon and Roya had been lucky enough to not cross paths with any of the local Lamia Scale wizards, Rune Knights, or any other legal mages here with requests. The presence and magic seeping through the air however didn’t it belonged to one of those wizards. No, not at all… it seemed give off the impression of something allot more… malevolent... The woman slowly pulled her eyes away from the man and to towards the cup of hot liquid which had been sat down in front of her.

    “Surely you could be doing something more productive then playing with these brigands, Sir. I highly doubt it’s worthy of your time. Your drink isn't any good cold.” She murmured, caressing her hand around the steaming cup of chai gingerly and raising it to her curved lips, leaving her other hand within.

    (OOC: Gawh! your post is so good--- sorry if I can't compare. Forgive any mistakes?.. Dx)


    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Posts : 176
    Guild : Tᴀʀᴛᴀʀᴜs
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aʟ-Tʜᴀᴍᴇɴ
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Mᴀɢɪᴄ
    Second Skill: -
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Simba 21st March 2015, 11:59 pm


    you're the love of my life

    Through the sudden reticence of the resturaunt, a voice spoke up, just inbetween the hooligans and Nai himself. The both of them rotated their heads toward a figure who was settled at the wooden counter, obviously a woman from her feminine features and curves. She was arrayed in almost the same wear as the men, and Nai had almost mistaken her as a part of their group if it hadn't been for the rukh that trembled around her. Their distant inhumanly sounds distinctly pointed out the fact that she was diverse from them; rukh such an unholy ebony black it seemed as if it could swallow anybody whole. Hmm... ; he mentally hummed to himself, his regard now fixated on the woman who sat there with a dull expression painted onto her features. Nai had no heed for the group of men anymore, but aggravation to get them out of his sight.

    "I could care less about my drink... Although, if you're so certain these men are not worth my time, do you think you're any better?" a sneer unraveled onto his lips as he spoke, eyeing her with observing crimson irises. At closer examination, his pools were vastly different from a regular human being. And because of this feature, it was what pointed out his true origin, and also his true nature. "Or are you just all talk?" he acted like he was dissatisfied by the woman, meagerly looking away with closed eyes. His expression was saddened, and he held out his hands into an odd looking gesture; customers still gaping at the scene like frozen statues. The brigands on the other hand were pondering on how to react to the raven-haired youth, one of them taking their chance to impend toward him whilst he seemed "preoccupied" with the woman. His hand held a small dagger, which barely missed Nai as he stepped to the side, hand abruptly swinging out to belt harshly into the back of his head. The man faceplanted into the ground, groaning in discomfort as he hesitantly leant up with a now grisly looking nose. Nai peered over at him from his shoulder briefly before looking at the men; alluring wand twirling inbetween the fingers of his left hand.

    "Do you want a taste of death that badly?" a dark tone dripped from his words as he questioned the four other men, whome were still uncertain on wether to run or not. Not that Nai minded dealing with a few pitiful theives. Lately it seemed the real amusement in the guild was widening the fact that Tartarus was still lurking within Fiore. Which involved small cases of murder, descruction, or maybe just analysis of the indiviuals with these bold markings on their flesh. Either way, Nai was aware his comrades were A okay with having the council know that such a daunting group of people were still around. The suspense was.. amusing to him. "..Do you even know who you're dealing with?" his right hand hoisted up to lightly caress the lower half of his face, revealing the crimson red emblem on the outer part of his hand; the tension multiplied in the atmosphere at just the sight of the marking, causing various indiviuals to panic mentally on what Nai was even capable of doing. 



    Main Theme / Approaching:

    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : ---
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
    Second Skill: ---
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Roya 24th March 2015, 5:24 pm

    Roya narrowed her eyes at the mage in a vex, aggravated with the act of belittling her.  “It would take me but a second to end each of these men’s lives.” The flame mage said in response to his taunt, observing the scene taking place with sudden assault of one of the bandits, ultimately failed. Taking another swig of her drink before it was to lose its warmth, she listened in.

    “Well obviously no one here knows what they are dealing with, these bastards would of all ran for their lives by now if they knew who you were,” She paused, a grin playing her lips as she continued and her eyes glazed over the insignia on his hand. “Judar of Tartarus”

    “You’re quite the infamous one, according to the word of mouth that is. Surprised I didn’t figure it out sooner.”  She added, gradually getting up from her seat.
    Roya  moved her arm out from beneath her cloak for a brief moment, pressing her fingers together and gave a quick, sudden...


    And with the action, the pirates, frozen around Nai, (not including the one within his grasp) were enveloped in an explosion of silver flames.  Their wails and screams  ultimately drowned out by the roaring of fire which ignited  their bodies. Roya’s combined flame was a mixture of fire that both paralyzed and burned it's victim, by far the worst way to go at her hands.  The pirates roasting corpses crumpled to the floor one after the other, disfigured and eventually charred beyond recognition by the massive heat. Bystanders truly realized the danger at hand. Smart, they either scurried into hiding, beneath tables and behind shop walls out the mages sights or fled out the doors and flooded into the streets of Hargeon, crying out and yelling.

    “Rumor has it that you can kill anything you lay your eyes on…” She grinned, moving forward and stepping over a charred and blackened corpse. “Prove it.” Roya gestured to the survivor in his grasp. In all honesty, she craved nothing more than to bear witness the true power of Tartarus, and if another thief had to experience a horrific death, so be it.


    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Posts : 176
    Guild : Tᴀʀᴛᴀʀᴜs
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aʟ-Tʜᴀᴍᴇɴ
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Mᴀɢɪᴄ
    Second Skill: -
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Simba 18th April 2015, 4:44 pm

    unravelled and can't breath...
    Blood stained pools watched the woman with dull expression, brows arched barely to notice in genuine caution. The hooligans to cosumed by fear to grasp onto the will to move, venomus words spilling out off the tongue of the lady who stood between them all. "Heh." he scoffed, head lowering with closed eyes, "Well, they usually don't recognize me until I give them my name.." eyelids peeled back open with flaming irises - observing the woman with interest as the fingers of her only accesible hand urged together. Snap! Hell had broken loose, people had scattered, yet the figure of the raven-haired man did not falter as he gaped at the burning bodies before him. Screaming, pleading. Hah. He would not help these men, they saw it coming after all. Life of another shuddered behind him, one hooligan left in the grasp of his hands as he briefly made contact. Two different toned orbs battled through a gaze of stormy waves and violent flames - clothing wavered within the current of the overwhelming, yet, alluring fire and as it disingrated with the lives of sinning men, Nai curved back over to the woman.

    "Prove it, huh." repeating the words, he grinned in amusement. Pale fingers embraced the throat of the last man, hoisting up his figure as though it were nothing more but the weight of a feather. "It wouldn't be fair to let you live now, would it?" gasping, wheezing, struggling to liberate from his hold was all but pointless. Death was coming - to take him by the hand. Darkness, twirled around him like a strand of string, expanding, until it devoured them both from the sight of others. All was heard was wind, and screaming - though the screaming could've been mistaken for the wind. None could truly tell, until the lifeless body of the man descended onto the floor with a thud, face pale, eyes drawn back into a sickly white. The aura of death trailed off of Nai like smoke, and he stared down at the body with expressed dullness. "Satisfied?" turning over, the people in the cafe', were to struck with terror to move. After all, none of them wanted to be taken by death. Death was something, nobody could understand. It was unfamiliar, and frightening. Not even the user who birthed this curse - could understand.
    aeron at GS


    Main Theme / Approaching:

    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
    Second Skill: ---
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Roya 18th April 2015, 10:38 pm

    Roya would of applauded his work had she two hands beneath her cloak. “Satisfaction can’t begin to describe it.” She grinned, stepping over charred remnants to get closer to the boy until the only thing that lied between them was the life emptied shell of one of the pirates, gaping wide eyed at the ceiling. Though he stared towards the heavens, his expression gave the impression that he was burning in in hell, suffering a fate worse than her monochrome flames. “What I’d like to know is why some one of your status, infamous status of course, is doing in this dump.” She gestured to the city outside and the café they stood.

    As she glanced outside she couldn’t help but detect the clanking of Rune Knight plate and clatter of footsteps course up the road. “Actually, scratch that. You can answer that in a minute, probably best to vacate before We've got more trouble on our hands.” Throwing the cowl of her Desierto cloak over her head in an attempt to conceal her identity. She clasped her bandage clad palm around his wrist, instantly darting towards the window whilst dragging him behind her by the arm. She kicked off the ground, her wooden sandals cracking off the floor as she spun and flew through the thing in a flurry of jagged and transparent shards, glimmering off the sunlight around them as the two breached through the glass. With another snap of her sandals she landed outside on the road, taking off with the Tatarus mage at the wrist.

    Roya let go of him to free her hand, assuming he would follow. She spun around, running backwards and gazing back at the café, the Rune Knights rushing right by the structure in pursuit of the murders.  She smirked devilishly beneath her parchment colored hood. Then, her fingers flicked past each other just as they had when she burned the men alive in the cafe, releasing a snap that echoed loudly across the block like a the boom of a gunshot, striking fear into all those within the vicinity.

    The café, a group of five to ten knights in range, was enveloped in an explosion of ghastly silver flame. The screams of officers and civilians caught in the blast were ultimately drowned out by the roaring of fire. Spinning back around on her wood heel, Roya clattered down the road in the opposite direction of the incident, cloak, whipping behind her against the air. The mage didn’t look back, assuming Judar had been smart enough to follow even after she had let go to snap her fingers.


    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aʟ-Tʜᴀᴍᴇɴ
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Mᴀɢɪᴄ
    Second Skill: -
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Simba 18th April 2015, 11:45 pm

    unravelled and can't breath...
    As she impended closer to him, he could tell from a better perspective what she really looked like. Unorganized black-hair, forest green pools - so diverse he found himself astrayed within the beauty. Why is it that the beautiful things are entwined more deeply with death than with life? Mentally laughing at himself for that remark, he recognized he had swiped that specific quote from a story. "What about you?" a question, additioned with a grin just as diverted as her own, "I'm surprised you aren't well-known amoungst everybody." the rukh. Black. Dark. Consumed with wicked thoughts and bitter words, his skin crawled with excitement. What magic was this? Definately not any regular fire-manipulation techinque - at least, thats what the particles spoke, masked by the sight of any normal human. "Hm?" just as curiousity was grasping his attention, glaring red irises jerked toward the window - Ruin Knights? Of course, they always know how to ruin the moment. Before reaction could falter within his body, a gasp liberated past his lips, wrist embraced by the only accesible hand the woman could use. Despite her size, she was obviously hefty enough to get around with even one arm - let alone pull a guy easily with her, regardless of his size. Although.. Nai wasn't a very heavy, nor' muscular looking guy to begin with.

    Crash! Glass shattered, two figures seen within mid-air, crowded with glittering shards that gleamed alluringinly within daylight. Groups of nicely dressed indiviuals marched toward the two of them with genuine serious, Nai recognizing the marking stained against their clothing as his bare feet steered against the firm ground. The grip against his wrist faded, soreness only felt against his flesh as he hesitantly dashed along with her, smiling widely. How exciting this was! It had been awhile since he had been chased. Suddenly the ground trembled with angst, and he halted to turn over, witnessing those same ivory flames. They devoured nearby officers, civilians still inside - his clothing and locks wavered within the current of this power, distracting him for awhile before he realized the woman was still moving on without him. "Hey! Wait up!~" calling out, the raven-haired youth pursued behind her by a few feet.

    aeron at GS


    Main Theme / Approaching:

    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Posts : 169
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
    Second Skill: ---
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Roya 19th April 2015, 1:41 am

    Roya slipped into an alley way, pulling Judar in alongside her as he ran by the mouth of the alley. Leaning against the rough surface of the wall she slid away her hood with a sigh, relieved. “That could of been bad, been on a streak... I’d hate to ruin that.” She smirked. She had been around for just about two years now, no one getting a look at the criminal's face in action since she arrived in Fiore. “Get a chance to think about my question, hmn?” she wondered turning to the dark mage along side her, eyeing him. “As for me, I kinda dont stick to one place for long, haven’t in a long time. Sort of just ended up here I suppose, how about you?” Roya wondered, rubbing the nape of her neck with her hand, unaware if he had seen her missing arm or not amid the chaos

    (OOC: 3:00 am-I'm half asleep--- sorry if its disappointing, short or anything, Vi. v.v)


    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aʟ-Tʜᴀᴍᴇɴ
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Mᴀɢɪᴄ
    Second Skill: -
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Simba 19th April 2015, 11:48 am

    unravelled and can't breath...
    As the two ran further and further away from the eye-catching explosion - his wrist was suddenly snatched onto, figure hauled into a nearby alleyway rather painfully. It was vieled over by shade, just to his liking as he rubbed his sore wrist, urged against the other side of the wall. Sweat gasted a shiny glaze along his toned stomach, while he panted barely, trying to grasp his breath. "Haha." laughter began from the bottom of his chest, neck craning up as he gradually laughed some more, clearly tired, "That was fun." commenting this, his head lowered, gaze facing the woman again. He had recognized this before, but her arm was clearly missing - not that just anybody could notice beneath all that clothing, but, Nai had noted she had been using only one arm to begin with. It only made sense. He was drawn toward asking her how she had lost it, but was well restricted through his usually sour words that maybe the story wasn't as pleasant as he sought it out to be.

    "I've been about everywhere. Hargeon is only a quick stop, I was actually gradually making my way back home. Ya know' to my guild and all." a faint smirk stretched onto his lips, and he folded his golden clad arms infront of his chest, "As for someone of my status, hanging around in this dump.. There is not much else I can do, after all, I'm restricted to drawing to much attention toward me - just like we unforunately did." he seemed briefly irked for a moment, but - his anger faded like a fleeting star, regular childish expression painting his features. "Interesting... So what are you then? A thief? A pirate? That clothing is awfully out of place from this country, I'm surprised you can move around so much in it." unfolding his arms he held them out in a shruggish gesture, "Scratch that, if you want to tell me you can, but... What I really want to know is what sort of... magic, that was. Thats what definately sparked my interest." flaming orbs danced with genuine ammusement while conflicted with mysterious forest green, awaiting a hopeful reply. If not. He would get one anyway - eventually.

    aeron at GS


    Main Theme / Approaching:

    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
    Second Skill: ---
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Roya 19th April 2015, 2:06 pm

    Soon, Roya caught her breath, opening her mouth to answer. “I’m just a sinner Judar, making the most of it I guess you can say.” She shrugged, glancing down at her attire. “I suppose it is, you’d figure since I’m not around from here and all.” The mage replied, glancing at the gold rings at his arms and neck, wondering where those came into play.

    “hmn? This magic?—“ Roya smirked, raising a hand a black ember dancing on the tip of her finger confidentially. “I’ll tell you whatever you’d like to know, Just ask. You don’t seem like one to go and tattle about these things. Were already partners in crime.” She assumed, glancing at the wizard.  The fire mage allowed the ebony flame to hop across her fingers as if it were alive, estimating the leap it needed to take across the gap she held between each one, keeping her fingers open slightly.  “Assuming the time you’ve got to listen, there’s allot to know.” She curled her fingers back together, trapping and suffocating the spark within her palm steam escaping from the cracks in her fist.


    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aʟ-Tʜᴀᴍᴇɴ
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Simba 19th April 2015, 6:25 pm

    unravelled and can't breath...
    As her hand jerked shut, he observed the struggling flames as they tried to liberate from the palm of her hand, but failed with all attempt. It was almost as if they were cemented to her soul itself. How familiar.. Narrowed red eyes followed the path to the foresty orbs again, this time somewhat serious. "Yeah! Partners!" sarcasim pursued by crude laughter, "What makes you think we're partners? Because we ran away together? Because you saved my ass? If I wanted I could've killed all of those innocent civilians back there, but I decided only one deserved a taste of death instead." one hand belted into the firm wall, close to her head as his tall and slender frame hovered over her closely. "Look. It's not like I'm saying I wouldn't mind that. You are driven by a thirst for power, which is something I truly admire. After all power is a marvelous thing, is it not?" bare feet shifted back and his hand descended back by his side, other scratching the nape of his neck as he steered away slightly with now bored eyes.

    "Assuming the time, huh." familiar words rolled off his tongue, sighing taking place as his head turned in her direction again, "Your magic must be a rather long story after all, regarding how.. connected it is to you. I'm assuming the whole "loosing my arm" thing is also tied to this as-well?" shit. He let that one totter out of his mouth without thinking first, "Well, I guess I can stay. I'm not supposed to be doing anything anyway." shoulders raised briefly, pearly whites unvieled through widely stretched lips as he beamed down at her playfully. Had he pissed her off by trying to act intimidating? Oh well, even if he did. As usual - it wasn't like he cared. "It better be a good story, whoever you may be." exaggerating on the last four words, he was obviously coaxing for her name. Unforunately for her, she had already been fed a lie. Judar was not his name, even though he strangely took a liking to it, he had not been birthed with that particular identity.
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Roya 21st April 2015, 10:32 pm



    She looked down at her ivory robes, still shielding the missing arm from. “How did he figure that out… It’s harder to hide a missing limb then I figured-“ she thought in her head. It was useless keeping it covered up now, she opened the cloak over her torso, letting it hang off her shoulders, revealing her well developed womanly figure more clearly and a bandaged shoulder remnant to at her left side, a sheath of someone sort clipped to an armband at the upper section of the remnant. “We could have had this conversation without bringing that into this.” She said darkly. “And before you start assuming things... It’s not like I lost my arm in some life shattering surprise accident.” The mage sighed, resting her head back on the ruff, cold, surface of the wall. She opened her mouth to speak, grinning small and sisterly. “My arm, it was a trade-- For this power of course. Practically traded with the devil, devil of these flames at least.” She snickered quietly, lighting a roach ablaze as it scurried out from beneath a dumpster and past her feet. 

    "Power.. It's worth more then gold, and what did it cost me-- my right arm, a life, my soul? I obviously made the right choice. What I'm doing now is allot better then sitting around in that desert, letting my old man and woman push me around. Disgusting bug..." She enthused, smothering the flame with her sandle, the roach deducted to ashes... Ha, fitting...



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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Simba 23rd April 2015, 12:04 am

    unravelled and can't breath...
    Caution sprouted within soul, apple red pools expressed by nothingness with the counter of dark words. It was obvious within his observant behaviour, that crude words caused a hint of raged chemical reactions to form. Like a valuable, deadly weapon. One mistake, and you'd be gone. "Hah. It's not like I'd care if it was anyway." brief laughter. Golden clad arms crossed infront of chest, continuing with observant eyes yet hefty through obvious brashness. "...Certainly isn't from this point of view." mumbling, words came not likely audible - remark of the "devil" more isolated to himself. Rukh whispered truths. Lies. Yet, colors of the fluctating particles were horribly unclear - knowledge laying within the true bearer of flames. "Everybody knows theres only one devil.. Don't tell me-" thoughts approached truth, and head raised with extended irises, gleaming with shock. Shivers crawled against pale skin, excitement mixed within startle as his quivering breath escape through paleish lips.

    Words fumbled out the woman's mouth, allowing access of vocalization first to halt his recognition of her power. Breathless expressed features disinigrating through time, laughter impending in small moments. All was left was a smirk. "..You made a deal with a demon." shadow vieled through upper half of face, masking sad eyes, "Give me a break, at least you had parents." irritation was discovered through tone, though abruptly shoved away as his head lifted again. "Well, you're right, it's definately worth more than gold.." steering to the side, attention met a shadowy wall, blocked, no way out, "As for me. All you'll ever get to know are lies." a step. Another. Figure stalked forward, leviating, ascending off of the ground. Bare feet touched barrel to barrel, until he reached the top - where daylight collided. "My history. This.. magic, yeah. It's nothing ever worth mentioning to a humans ears." back faced the woman, hesitantly twisted over. With a glance, emotion was not detected within genuine ringed pools. "Better hurry up. They're coming." with that gesture, herds of clatter could be heard, approaching, nearing. Those pesky knights were coming.
    aeron at GS


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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Roya 14th May 2015, 4:57 pm



    “Family” Roya echoed with a distasteful snarl “Tsk as if, the guy doesn’t even qualify as a human being, doubt daddy ever did anything to you like that. He wasn’t around too or something, right.” She mocked bitterly.

    The distant clattering only grew nearer and nearer as it hit Roya’s ears. A small ‘tsk’ blew off her lips at his words. The woman didn’t need Nai to tell her that, she knew that she best get moving herself. Pfft, As if she planned to get caught...

    Roya whisked her cowl back up, letting the cloth fall over her features as she moved after him. She hopped up against the same barrels that lead Judar a high, the sound of wood casks snapping against wood sandals resonated as she lined after the raven haired mage. She launched herself at the roof of one of the buildings which wedged together the alleyway, catching the gutter with her hand. Roya was strong, fit, but it wasn’t a piece of cake to pull your weight up single handedly.

    Her signature white flame wafted out from the stem of her missing arm. The fire spread down the path her limb would of been, seeming to take a shape of its own. Eventually the thing resembled that of an arm;its fingers were sharp and clawed, just like that of a demons

    The makeshift arm rose and buried its burning claws into the roof, tugging it’s body upwards to slowly heft her weight up over the gap. The sight looked lie something you had read about in a story. A tale where a demon, cloaked in a hood and human skin clawed it’s way out of the cavernous and jet abyss of hell with a fiery hand. Then, she hefted and flipped her weight up and over the rooftop, landing on her back “gracefully”, her new arm still burning at her side.



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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Simba 25th May 2015, 8:44 pm



    @Angry miss

    "Haha!" two hands coiled around exposed skin, gem of ruby jailed against rings of raven as the Magi looked down at the woman with a diverted beam. Even with intimidating flames of make-shift arm, display of struggle erupted mockery within thoughts of dark intent. "Here," a hand liberated from side, extending against daylight as outstretched fingers anticipated to wring against another pair. "They'll catch us even up here." a blink. If contact encountered, the long slender fingers would curl against a smaller palm, hauling her toward a chest of black and white dressing in sudden shifts of force. Another snaked along her waist, hoisting up frame over shoulder with a muted tch leaving lips. "Geez, you may be small but you sure are heavy.." single form of sweat was produced on a forehead of pale flesh, orbs of ruby stiffening in discomfort as bare feet casually departed from wooden roof and into air.

    "Hold on! Or at least try too!" as two alifted higher, additionally came speed, lashing locks of raven belting through sky of blue as a free hand settled on the lower-back of the woman. None could reach them now, transparent hands disinigrating through mind and shattering like glass as the clouds situated an expressional earth. Oxygen felt crisp, chilling rough skin as even though a star of fire expressed sudden closeness. "You comfortable back there?" curled lips arised, hushed silence pooling his senses before attention steered toward the female again. Evil intent was now switched on. The hand of pure innocene left a lower back, urging gravity into sight as he let her slide off of his shoulder, snapping into grasp on her hand. If fingers left, she would surely wander into death. "Hm, what do you think I should do? Let you fall to your death?" dull, nothing was found within those eyes that peered into her own.
    deltra of gangnam style


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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Roya 26th May 2015, 5:56 pm



    Flame arm dispersing, The woman found herself hurled over his shoulders without so much as a whisper of warning. It wasnt that he had just picked her up that irked her, but his next comment, as expected from a weight remark. “E-Eh muscle weighs more than fat you toothpick!” Roya growled back through gritted jaws at his remark. (Not to mention her chest probably contributed a good 20 pounds of her weight.) Without a doubt the girl was toned, and tough complete with an adequate, strong but heavier frame. Before she could so much as blink she found him hurling across the rooftops, her in tow. Then, they sprang into the air, the land moving farther and farther from Roya's eyes. They rose higher and higher. Gravity never took them though, Judar flew up till they were thousands of feet off the grounds of Hargeon, left on an eye level with the clouds. Earthland seemed to curl from this height, its sphere surface striking Roya. 

    Her pilot remarked something, something that was. She was to entranced by her vison to pay attention to his words, leaving his words lost. Roya remained hush, forest-colored irises gaping down through the atmosphere.

    It was then that she realized his sentence may have held some importance, his grip faltering from the small of her back, allowing her to slip off his shoulders in a quick sudden plunge.
    whirlng around with the fall, her hand reached up desperately through the growing space that separated the two. Her eyes twisted shut, instinctively as gravity grabbed her. Then, she was torn from the deathly grasp of her descent, tossed between the hands of another menacing force; the familiar grip found her palms. 

    With Judar’s cold words Roya’s eyes slid open again, finding his unhumored gaze. Then she remembered… the feeling of being below someone…He was toying with her life right here…The terrorist refused to allow him the satisfaction of having power over her--

    Nails splintered against his knuckles with her own furious grip. “I won’t beg.” She hissed. The words casted a feint smirk against her lips as they rolled off the curling surface. Her voice echoed bitterly, the space around them practically silent. The only sound left lingering between their gazes was the whisper of wind. That whisper seemed to vanish into silence in the next moment, when her hand opened against his, fingers slipping out of lock of his condescendingly. 

    The mage hurled down and the cloak at her shoulders whirled and twisted up, fighting against her fall just as her raven locks of hair whipped and tangled through the rushing space.  His figure drew further and further from her mocking eyes. He eventually disappeared completely as she delved through layers after layers of white angelic mist. Roya remembered always wanting to touch the clouds as a young girl before her corrupted childhood reared its head and ripped away all those little kid fantasies and dreams away from her: dreams of heaven, peace.  

    She delved through layer after layer of the cloud-smog. She savored the sensation of flying, knowing this could easily be her last little taste of heaven, Roya rocketing straight down into hell.



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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Simba 4th June 2015, 10:33 pm

    Every step I take
    every fallen tear
    --weaves another lie
    will tomorrow come at last? in a million shards of broken glass. fate is bleeding through my resilient soul, dying it a pale and fragile blue. there is beauty in the lie, spoken like a bittersweet goodbye. still the brilliant light is beyond my reach, maybe i belong here, beneath the light of the moon. praise your palette of lies, for its a masterpiece that you have created. all of your promises, bleeding in flawless harmony.
    Eagerness unraveled through his fragile soul, stacking like solid objects within youthful restlessness as his delicate and unscathed features gaped cooly down at her. For a brief moment, he seized sight of the fear that swiftly raced against her orbs of foresty green, consumed by a temper like morale by the way her nails tore at the flesh on his hand. His skin parted, blood constructing hesitantly down his palm, fingers, and then against her own, stony ruby gems stiffened in discomfort, shunning the urge to let go. But, alternately, she let her firm hold rupture away from his own, nails leaving a trail over the emblem of his guild, melding with the crimson colour of his own. Evident surprised suffused his once cool eyes, observing her deperating figure as she faded through the thickness of icy clouds and savage wind - desolating him in silence.

    "How boring..." he mused, transfering the wounded hand toward him as he discerned wether or not this would leave a scar. The pool of red within him faintly tumbled from his knuckles, caustic tool dropping back by his side as he faced the world beneath him once more. It was not everyday the Magi tasted this annoyance that assembled against his emotions, and for the first time in awhile could not chase away the negativity with such mocking laughter.

    A sigh. His thoughts quickly bounded back to the woman, irritated he had not endorsed any form of begging from her, regardless of all these bone-chilling rumours that sweeped the land of Fiore, whispering the identity he had devised, she never seemed like the kind of girl to be effortlessly afraid. Even in the hands of death. That smirk rejoined his pale lips, exposing flawlessly white scissors as he lastly emitted an entertained laughter into the silence of the alluring blue sky. It had been a hefty amount of time since he had last conversed with someone of such stupid fortitude, and this time, he was not letting such an indiviual withdrawal from his grasp.

    Oh.. shit! recognition. Having been to hung up on his mental words and irriational images had made him comprehend that the woman was already approaching the firm and deadly surface of earth, spiking motion within his slender frame as he too, vanished beneath the clouds. The wind chilled against his pale flesh, painfully grinding against him as he vigorously thrusted himself through the air, teeth gritting together as he discovered sight of the falling figure he desired redeem from gravity's hold. Closer... the Magi urged himself, creeping forward inch by inch. Closer...! hands extended forward, "Gotcha!" barely missing the ground, and likely their lives as-well - his arms rigidly curled against her waist, yet, somewhat delicately so that she could at least breath without being suffocated.

    He soared closer to the city of Hargeon, enough to gander at the passing citizens and numerous shops before lowering to the cobblestone ground, alongside wavering boats and aged wooden docks. Nai situated the woman down so that she was back on her feet, peering down at her with a  faint smile - one of amusement - before he casually initiated conversation again. "I couldn't let you go without knowing your name first, Missus." a pause, "It really is dumb that I have to head back before nightfall! But, oh well, old man's orders." the male pursed his lips together, seemingly pouting like a child as he glanced over toward the boat that was calmly gathering passengers. 
    WORDS 584 - TAGS @Angry miss  - NOTES Deeerp
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    An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya Empty Re: An Emulator | Private | Nai & Roya

    Post by Roya 20th June 2015, 12:12 am

    Violence isn't always evil. What's evil is the infatuation with violence.

    Judar the last person she had expected to delve through the steaming white masses drifting the azure skies towards her. Why had he dove after? Did he want to see her face before she was to smash into the ground? Or maybe feast upon the horrid expressions of bystanders. But wait?... Why would he be getting so close then? And reaching out?...

    With a quick snag of her waist, she found herself lurched her back into the air. Roya was a pin’s length from the ground before he grappled onto her. She swore she could feel loose flowing locks of hair urge and sweep up against the earth.

    The woman was speechless at his actions, yet thankful he had elected to go and save her before she became a bloodstain like that. Instead she was set to her feet yet again, the docks panning out theo the horizon at her side.

    The woman blinked regaining her composure. She peered up at him sideways, furrowing a brow in reply to that smile of his. Evidently she sighed and shook her head; he instantly jumped back into conversation, and that left Roya only to brush it off and do the same.

    She raised a palm up to herself, a casual introductory gesture. ”Oi, its Roya. Remember that name because I’ll be sure to get ya back someday for that free fall.” She grunted, yet again eyeing those glaring red pools of his. “And I believe I’m the one who let go.” She seemed to cough with her mention, her features wearing a subtle vex.

    “I’ve got to run myself, train leaves for Talonia soon.” She shrugged rolling her shoulders, blinking in the opposite direction. Maybe it was later in the evening than she initially thought, for she heard the droning echo of the station whistle in the distance. “S-Soon as in now!!!” She stammered, those sea-green irises of hers bursting. She spun back around on her heels with a whip of her cloak and raven colored hair, racing off in the opposite direction.

    That was the last Judar had seen of the fire mage until they day she walked into the guildhall beside his big boss, Reich Lyserg, and the infamous wizard who had been the heart of the Era crisis a few years back, Yugi Sparrow.

    WORDS:395 ● TAGGED: @thatassholeNai● NOTES: hurrah!
    deltra of gangnam style


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