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    Liberation of Slaves [Private; Yukine/Viola]


    Private Liberation of Slaves [Private; Yukine/Viola]

    Post by Guest 6th March 2015, 1:36 am

    Job Details:

    Regardless of being unknown to the universe even still at this point in time, Yukine had come to his senses that there were more important tasks to attend to. It seemed he was destined to become stronger so the power of a beautiful mind would rid of all corruption, and return what the powerful desired; as all who carried power along their backs had lost something, in the process. "May fate and I intertwine when time is of the most essence." Yukine muttered, "You who would desecrate this land of the rising sun, with my advent I, the Sekki god, lay waste with my sword, and expel thy vast defilement..." This was the traditional chant Yukine spoke to bestow justice upon the world. Justice indeed comes with a definition set in stone, and that is to commit an action for the greater good. To be evil is to commit an action beyond one's intelligence; the insane. Believe it or not, from this day forward, Yukine was actually a god of calamity, yet he still stood sane. A person destined to cease the existence of others, actually knew the formula to both a glorious and corrupt future- an utopia or hell. Life surely was complex and impossible to solve.

    Yukine was to demonstrate a just performance during this time, yet he would be assisted by another from his guild. Whether that person knew as much about livelihood as he did could be set aside for now, though as a member of Eclipse Soul, Yukine vowed to make things clear in the minds of his comrades. Yukine was a god who believed in the greatest of his kind, you see: the creator of the universe, the one above all, and the judge of life and death: God. This god held so much power that all other existing gods worshipped Him to the utmost. Of course, there were also human beings and the extraordinary alike who relied on science to decipher their surroundings. Everyone had the right to their own opinion, it seemed; the power of feelings- a power no wall could defend. The soothing wind coursed through the Sekki god's hair while he awaited his partner, the sky clear and the sun cornered with daylight hovering over the country. A step towards a bright future was about to be set in stone by sundown, though in exchange, the end of some who hoped to wander the other path would be set in stone. How ironic...

    Last edited by Kichiro Yukine on 6th March 2015, 1:42 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added Job Details)

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