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    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job


    Lineage : Chaos Eye
    Position : None
    Posts : 20
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job Empty Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job

    Post by Scion 11th January 2015, 12:48 am


    Now that Scion was settled into her barracks within the Rune Knights and getting accustomed to her fellow Knights, she thought it was now time to start doing some jobs. While she assumed she could handle some of the higher ranking jobs, she decided to start small... she didn't want to seem like a show off to the others after all. She stood in front of the bulletin board with her right hand on her hip and her left hand on the hilt of her sword, pondering which mission she should take.

    She finally came across a job that seemed fairly strange to her, the description itself did not inspire confidence in her... and the client themselves sounded like they needed to be inspected. She took the sheet from the board, looking it over one more time before going to find Dederik. She wasn't too sure where he would be right now, but she guessed that starting with the squads quarters would be a good place to start. 

    She knocked on the door only loud enough to be heard before peering inside curiously. "Mr. Dederik... are you here?" She asked as he looked inside, hoping to find him sitting there and ready to take on a job with her. She didn't feel it would be good for her to go off on her own just yet.


    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job 28134f1e-442d-4eef-8e9c-b5097312dfad_zps29e6d57a
    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job Siggystat_zpsa5cfa1c8
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job Empty Re: Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job

    Post by Vox Nihili 12th January 2015, 4:05 pm

    The foreigner enter his quarters, dripping wet from head to toe as his Prussian blue, military uniform was thoroughly soaked with water. His short, white hair matted to his fair face while his red gaze swept across the area to see about a change of clothes. A pair of hands reached down to unbutton his shirt while Dederik began to strip out of his wet clothing, tossing his jacket, shirt, and tie into a nearby basket before his hands started to reach down to unfasten his belt.

    While his body was busy stripping him of his soaked clothing his mind was busy plotting his revenge against the one who did it. There weren’t many who would prank him in this manner, who would hire children to hurl water balloons at him when he left his new favorite café with his evening tea. He would get her back, the only thing he had to figure out was a suitable style. It had to be at least as bad as what he had suffered if not slightly worse. Too little and it was a loss for him, too much and it would be overkill that would drive the game towards threat of mutual destruction far faster than either party desired. It had to be slow crawls to the end, where each stared each other down with the ultimate nuke to annihilate one another before the board reset and it all began once again.

    When he heard the knock his head turned back to look over his shoulder towards it, his hands beginning to push the rest of his soaked clothing to the floor while it slowly opened. “Yes?” He asked as the new recruit peeked in on him undressing. His back covered with scars from a variety of sources, from slashes, fire, and being pierced while his hands continued to undress himself.


    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job 36626_s

    Lineage : Chaos Eye
    Position : None
    Posts : 20
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job Empty Re: Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job

    Post by Scion 12th January 2015, 7:36 pm

    "Mr. Dederik?" She called in, but as soon as her eyes landed on the striping form of her team mate her face went as red as her left eye. She took a step back and closed the door, leaving it open just a crack so that she could be heard, but not peep at the man inside. "I am so sorry I didn't mean to peek... uhm... sorry... I just wanted to know i... if you wanted to uhm... take this job with me. It would be my first one as an official Knight."

    She couldn't help but stutter after seeing her team mate getting undressed. As if he didn't even stop when she peered inside. How far would he have gone? Was he that shameless? Maybe he was even a pervert?! The thought caused her to frown even though the blush never went down. She definitely needed to learn more about her team mates personally... she wanted to make sure that they were all following the same morale code that she was, at least to some degree.

    "T...the job is pretty simple but I thought it would be a good chance for us to get to know each other as a team." She then continued to rationalize with him through the semi-open door, waiting for him to dress himself once more.


    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job 28134f1e-442d-4eef-8e9c-b5097312dfad_zps29e6d57a
    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job Siggystat_zpsa5cfa1c8
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job Empty Re: Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job

    Post by Vox Nihili 16th January 2015, 3:57 pm

    Dederik’s red gaze calmly watched as the head that peeked into the room flushed brightly before quickly disappearing from sight, causing the foreigner to shrug his shoulders while he stripped out of the last bit of wet clothing he had on him and tossed it into the basket. Listening to her speak he reached under his bed and pulled out a large suitcase, opening it up to reveal the few towels and sets of clothing he always carried around when he went on out of town missions.

    Plucking up a towel he began to casually dry his body off while listening to her words. “Hmmm… I suppose vee should do a job togezer, und vee vouldn’t vant you to do somesing too dangerous by yourself.” Dederik replied idly while turning towards the door with a thoughtful expression. He knew plenty of people that often did silly mistakes on their first mission, despite knowing better. If someone had to watch over her, it might as well be him. “Very vell, vat vas zee job zat you vished to go on? I vill have to make sure zat it is suitable for us. Vee vouldn’t vant you to get hurt too badly on zee first mission.”


    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job 36626_s

    Lineage : Chaos Eye
    Position : None
    Posts : 20
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job Empty Re: Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job

    Post by Scion 18th January 2015, 12:04 pm

    "Just because I am new to the Knights, doesn't mean I cannot take care of myself... my father's been a Knight for as long as I can remember and he's been training me for a long time..." Scion quickly defended herself at her team mates sudden lack of faith in her abilities. Of course, he had no idea what she was capable of, no idea of just what kind of magic it was that she used so it was only natural for him to doubt that she would be alright on her own... however, it still bothered her when people thought of her as a weak little girl.

    "This is an easy job anyways... This old lady lost her ring in the garden and can't find it, so she wants us to find it for her. Strangely enough it seems she wants to shrink us down so that we can more easily spot it... I don't have all the details, I assumed we would inquire about it once we arrived and were able to talk to this woman before we started our search.

    I also realize that this job hardly requires two of us to go...I just thought it would be a good way for the two of us to get to know each other a little better... you know... talk and stuff. I could show you what my magic does, and maybe I could see what your magic is like."
    Her words seemed long winded, in fact, it was rather out of character for her to speak so much one on one. The only time she usually ever spouted so many words when she was to lead others, or whenever she found herself in battle to make herself as clear and concise as possible.

    Whenever she heard the shuffling from inside the room stop, she peeked back in, making sure that Dederik would be fully dressed before pushing the door open once more and stepping inside.


    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job 28134f1e-442d-4eef-8e9c-b5097312dfad_zps29e6d57a
    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job Siggystat_zpsa5cfa1c8
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job Empty Re: Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job

    Post by Vox Nihili 29th January 2015, 7:41 pm

    Rolling the towel up into a ball he idly tosses it into a laundry basket before pulling on a pair of grey boxers, responding to the woman still waiting outside in a casual tone. “Training is not zee same as a true fight, he vould have made sure zat you understood zat before you joined. Don’t vorry, even he vas likely to have been escorted on his first few missions as vell ven he vas young.” Dederik continued on to say as he pulled on a pair of blue jeans, deciding to go for a more casual attire since he was off duty.

    Patiently listening to the job description his hands slipped a black belt through the loops to secure his clothing in place before reaching down to slip on a buttonup white dress shirt with sleeves that reached all the way down to his hands. Plucking up three different ties he made his way towards a mirror on a nearby wall. Lazily hanging them on his neck to see how each looked while he thought through what was  required, hearing the door crack open as he expected she peeked in once more to see his back as he stood before the mirror in the unbuttoned shirt trying on ties.

    “Vell, zere is one issue.” Dederik began to respond as he settled on a dark purple tie, turning towards Scion as he began to button up his shirt, slowly removing the scars from view in the process. “I have no magic, so you vill have to settle for exposing your magic to me visout me giving you zee same courtesy. Fair trade I vould say however, considering zat you saw me stripping down und exposing myself already.” Dederik comments casually with a shrug of his shoulders as he begins to walk towards the bed for the black jacket laying on it. “However, I vouldn’t mind talking vis you vile on it, feel free to ask me any questions zat you have."


    Size matters - Dederik and Scion's Job 36626_s

      Current date/time is 12th September 2024, 2:53 am