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    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Nakigame Takechi
    Nakigame Takechi

    Lineage : Pride Of A Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Song Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Nakigame Takechi 23rd December 2014, 7:50 pm

    Nakigame was traveling aimlessly. She has been put out of the house by her parents and wasn't sure where to go. she had no money, no food, and was quite tired. she had a suitcase in one hand, and nothing in the other. SHe managed to keep her clothing one piece, although she had just walked about 100 miles without stopping. she sat down on a bench in crocus and set her suitcase on her lap. She wanted to cry but couldn't manage to get out a single tear.

    Spirit of Justice

    Spirit of Justice

    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 0

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Aizen 23rd December 2014, 10:52 pm


    Aizen was roaming around, in his casual outfit. His grey sweatshirt was loose on his body, his blue "Papa" beanie on his head. He wore the same black pants as usual, as well as some casual shoes underneath. 
    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Hobo-normal%28a%29
    He slowly walks the streets Crocus, looking for someone to talk to, or something to do. It was hard to find someone interesting enough to catch his attention, but he'd might as well try. Glancing at a bench by chance, he notes a saddened looking girl staring down at the ground.

    His feet shuffled on the ground as he heads over to the girl, sitting directly beside her. Looking her directly in the eyes, he decides to greet her. 

    "Why are you looking so sad?" He wonders why a girl such as herself would be in such a moody state. ( Her clothing looks pretty tattered.. Perhaps she traveled from a place farther from here? ) "Don't look so grumpy! You may come somewhere with me if you'd like to rest...?"
    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Hobo-smug%28b%29


    [ Aizen Talking ]

     [ Aizen Thinking ]

    D-Rank - 0 || C-Rank - 0 || B-Rank - 0 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 0 / 150 EXP ]
    Nakigame Takechi
    Nakigame Takechi

    Lineage : Pride Of A Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Song Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Nakigame Takechi 23rd December 2014, 10:58 pm

    She looked up at the man and said, "I no longer have a home. My parents are ashamed of me and never want to see me again. I'm sad, hungry, tired, and a failure. RIght now, everything is wrong. But, a place to stay would be really nice right about now."' With that, Kocho stood up and gestured for the man to lead the way.


    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private LbrtHx3

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Tumblr_n9jzk4l71W1so2t73o3_500

    Spirit of Justice

    Spirit of Justice

    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 0

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Aizen 23rd December 2014, 11:11 pm

    Aizen smiled, and pointed out the way that they were to go, extending his arm in the direction of his home in this dimension. "Then we're off!"
    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Hobo-objects%28c%29

    Aizen then began to run forward then was hit with an idea that he should have thought of beforehand. "Oh! You must be tired.. Allow me to carry you..." He sweeps her off of her feet like a princess, holding her firmly in his hands, making sure her dress still covered anything. He slowly walked in the direction of his house, looking at the girl in his arms. "Would you kindly explain to me why you think your parents are ashamed of you?" ( Perhaps this girl had run away? Either way, I'm going to allow her to sleep at my home.. Under supervision that is... )


    [ Aizen Talking ]

     [ Aizen Thinking ]

    D-Rank - 0 || C-Rank - 0 || B-Rank - 0 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 0 / 150 EXP ]
    Nakigame Takechi
    Nakigame Takechi

    Lineage : Pride Of A Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Song Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Nakigame Takechi 23rd December 2014, 11:17 pm

    "I didn't live up to their expectations. More like, I didn't do what they wanted me to do. They wanted me to use my voice for evil, but that's something I can never bring myself to do." Nakigame said, clenching her dress, barely noticing that she was being carried.


    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private LbrtHx3

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Tumblr_n9jzk4l71W1so2t73o3_500

    Spirit of Justice

    Spirit of Justice

    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 0

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Aizen 23rd December 2014, 11:24 pm

    "Voice for evil, huh?" (Either this girl is insane, or she uses some type of song magic.. It'd be best to find out for myself...) "What reasons would they have to use your voice for evil?"

    Aizen continues to walk with the female in her arms, looking down at her with a smile. He then blinks. "By the way, I'm Aizen. What's your name?" After learning her name he would continue walking toward his house, yet to finally arrive. He had wanted to make some conversation with this girl before he was finally home, and make sure she wasn't the type to steal or kill.


    [ Aizen Talking ]

     [ Aizen Thinking ]

    D-Rank - 0 || C-Rank - 0 || B-Rank - 0 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 0 / 150 EXP ]
    Nakigame Takechi
    Nakigame Takechi

    Lineage : Pride Of A Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Song Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Nakigame Takechi 23rd December 2014, 11:31 pm

    "Well, I use a type of song magic, and because of all the lacrimas I've had as a child, I can make my voice heard by an entire town. My magic allows me to alter the way people feel about things. Well, that's one of the many different things I can do with my magic. But, they wanted me to build an armor of slaves. Slaves to help them overthrow the king of fiore. They don't have the potential to do this themselves, as they couldn't take all of the power from the lacrima's. I am Nakigame. Thank you for helping me Aizen. By the time she had finished talking, they had arrived at his house.


    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private LbrtHx3

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Tumblr_n9jzk4l71W1so2t73o3_500

    Spirit of Justice

    Spirit of Justice

    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 0

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Aizen 23rd December 2014, 11:39 pm

    Aizen nodded as he walked, then listened to what the girl he now knew as Nakigame had to say. (Parents wanting to abuse a voice that can change how people feel about things, hmm? Enslaving towns of people would be bad...) Aizen blinks, staring off into space, than notices he is at the house. Setting her down ever so gently, he laughs slightly. 
    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Hobo-laughs
    "A girl as sweet as you killing people to take over Fiore? Your parents must be crazy." he then steps up the porch, opening the door, revealing the inside.

    It was a pretty simple house, having all the basic functions needed such as a kitchen, a living room, dining room, a bathroom, and also had two bedrooms. One was Aizen's room, the things scattered around on the floor and in hampers. The guest room was tidy due to the fact nobody really slept in there. He blinked at the girl. "You may go to the bathroom and change, I'll try to find you some spare clothes I have lying around.." He gathers some boxers that he had outgrown, as well as a t-shirt and some pajama pants. "Sorry it's not much.. We can go shopping another day."


    [ Aizen Talking ]

     [ Aizen Thinking ]

    D-Rank - 0 || C-Rank - 0 || B-Rank - 0 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 0 / 150 EXP ]
    Nakigame Takechi
    Nakigame Takechi

    Lineage : Pride Of A Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Song Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Nakigame Takechi 23rd December 2014, 11:53 pm

    "Thankyou." Nakigame said, setting her suitcase down, taking the clothes and going into the bathroom. She hadn't packed any pajamas. She only had the clothes that her parents had let her keep, which wasn't much. It was only a spare outfit of what she had on already. She set the clothes down and turned on the shower water. She got in and cleaned herself then got out and put on the clothes she was given. She walked out of the bathroom looking for Aizen.


    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private LbrtHx3

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Tumblr_n9jzk4l71W1so2t73o3_500

    Spirit of Justice

    Spirit of Justice

    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 0

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Aizen 23rd December 2014, 11:57 pm

    Aizen yawned after Nakigame went in the bathroom, and he stretched out on his couch. He lied his head back, and closed his eyes. The man became lost in thought, thinking of all the possibilities that would happen with the girl in his house. She was the first person that he'd met since coming to this world, and she was nice. He was contemplating whether or not to tell her that he was a Celestial Spirit, but those things would come in good time. The only difference was that he was a bit stronger and faster... and could go to the Celestial Realm.

    His head was back, a bubble growing and shrinking from his nose comically. He heard a sound, then the bubble popped, and he stood up quickly, turning around. "Ah, Nakigame.. How are you feeling? Do you mind if I call you Naki for short?"


    [ Aizen Talking ]

     [ Aizen Thinking ]

    D-Rank - 0 || C-Rank - 0 || B-Rank - 0 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 0 / 150 EXP ]
    Nakigame Takechi
    Nakigame Takechi

    Lineage : Pride Of A Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Song Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Nakigame Takechi 24th December 2014, 12:02 am

    "Yeah, that's okay. People tend to call me that. You're the first person to not be scared off by my blank expression, and the way I say everything the same." After saying this, Nakigame started hugging him and attempted to cry, but nothing happened. Her sudden inability to show expression was unknown.


    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private LbrtHx3

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Tumblr_n9jzk4l71W1so2t73o3_500

    Spirit of Justice

    Spirit of Justice

    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 0

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Aizen 24th December 2014, 12:10 am

    Aizen, though surprised by the sudden embrace, hugs Naki close to him. She was quite a bit taller than her, and her head hardly reached up to his shoulders. He hugged her tight, surprised that he wasn't scared of her. He then released, looking at her. 
    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Hobo-nice%28b%29
    "Why would I be scared off? You've done nothing to harm me." He moves in a bit closer, catching her chin with his fingers and guided her to look up at him. "Besides, I can tell when a girl I meet is actually bad, or just misunderstood." He smiles at her once more, looking into red eyes, actually happy that he'd met someone such as herself.


    [ Aizen Talking ]

     [ Aizen Thinking ]

    D-Rank - 0 || C-Rank - 0 || B-Rank - 0 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 0 / 150 EXP ]
    Nakigame Takechi
    Nakigame Takechi

    Lineage : Pride Of A Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Song Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Nakigame Takechi 24th December 2014, 12:15 am

    "Most People misunderstand me by the way I speak and think I'm being mean or rude. Can I stay by your side?" She said as his fingers were on her chin guiding her to look at him. After getting a good look at him, he was a pretty good looking man.


    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private LbrtHx3

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Tumblr_n9jzk4l71W1so2t73o3_500

    Spirit of Justice

    Spirit of Justice

    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 0

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Aizen 24th December 2014, 12:24 am

    Aizen wraps his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "Of course. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I left you all on your own." He hugs her for a few more seconds, than pulls away. "Hmm. Would you like to sleep in my bed with me, or sleep in your own? I figured that I would make sure that you were safe during the night..." He nods, walking off to his bedroom, throwing off his hoodie and jeans before sliding under his covers. He yawned, obviously tired from the days activities. He wouldn't mind talking to the girl more if she came to his room, but was much too tired to continue standing around out there.


    [ Aizen Talking ]

     [ Aizen Thinking ]

    D-Rank - 0 || C-Rank - 0 || B-Rank - 0 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 0 / 150 EXP ]
    Nakigame Takechi
    Nakigame Takechi

    Lineage : Pride Of A Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Song Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Nakigame Takechi 24th December 2014, 12:28 am

    She followed him to his room and slipped under the covers, a bit sleepy herself. She wasn't sure what to say, she was a bit embarrassed and her entire face started to turn red.


    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private LbrtHx3

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Tumblr_n9jzk4l71W1so2t73o3_500

    Spirit of Justice

    Spirit of Justice

    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 0

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Aizen 24th December 2014, 12:32 am

    Aizen yawned ever so slightly, and glanced over at her, noting that her face was turning red. "N..Naki? Everything alright with you?" He blinks in her general direction, tilting his head slightly. He sits up in the bed, his t-shirt covering his chest area. "Your face seems a bit red, are you sick from traveling so far?" he gently presses his palm on her cheek, brushing her hair out of her face and looking into her eyes. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

    Last edited by Aizen on 24th December 2014, 1:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [ Aizen Talking ]

     [ Aizen Thinking ]

    D-Rank - 0 || C-Rank - 0 || B-Rank - 0 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 0 / 150 EXP ]
    Nakigame Takechi
    Nakigame Takechi

    Lineage : Pride Of A Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Song Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Nakigame Takechi 24th December 2014, 12:38 am

    "Nothing's wrong." She said quickly. She lifted the cover over her mouth so that it reached her nose. She looked at Aizen and requested that they form a team and promise to always help each other.


    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private LbrtHx3

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Tumblr_n9jzk4l71W1so2t73o3_500

    Spirit of Justice

    Spirit of Justice

    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 0

    The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private Empty Re: The meeting of two strangers. (Naakigame, Aizen) Private

    Post by Aizen 24th December 2014, 12:44 am

    Aizen nodded, and slid back under the covers, hugging her. "A team, huh? That would work..." He then begins to nod off, pulling Naki into a cuddle. He hadn't slept beside someone in a long time, and it was very relaxing to him. "Good night, Nakigame~"


    [ Aizen Talking ]

     [ Aizen Thinking ]

    D-Rank - 0 || C-Rank - 0 || B-Rank - 0 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 0 / 150 EXP ]

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