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    Behind Walls




    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Posts : 442
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    Age : 28
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    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
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    Public Behind Walls

    Post by Alito 20th December 2014, 8:36 pm

    We used to live in a peaceful land, where humanity had no walls, and everyone was free. We were immature, yet we lived the happiest days one could live for. We shared laughs, tears of joys, romantic moments, smiles, glory, cheers, hopes and dreams- we cannot do that anymore. Nowadays, we are surrounded by our own walls, built to protect us against a newly found species of creatures that we call "Titans". These titans are like us, yet their perceptions of happy days are different from ours. We are their treat, and unfortunately, they do not play with us as we used to with each other. They devour us, and separate us from the ones we love. Our land has been re-established into several cities; each city governed by bigger walls, the furthest being the most important. Should the Titans cross paths with our greatest city, humanity is extinct, as we know it, for we are their guardians.

    My name is Leo, and I am a 19-year-old male working for the Survey Corps. When Titans were found existent near our territory, even I panicked. All administrations of law were informed immediately, and people scattered as if there were no tomorrow. Our freedom, happiness, laughs, joy, smiles, bromance, glory, cheers, hopes and dreams; all was lost. We only live for survival now. Thankfully, fear did not overrun our intelligence as we were quick enough on our feet to develop what could possibly be the weapon to determine the fate of humanity: Maneuver Gear. This Maneuver Gear is a supplementary device used to link oneself onto an obstacle- preferably two simultaneously- and fly towards it instantaneously. Additionally, they are equipped with boosters powerful enough to travel at a maximum of 40 miles per hour. Finally, they are equipped with spare blades to remake our swords in desperate moments. Countless people have died attempting to use the Maneuver Gear on a Titan, yet we have learned from the lives of those people. We have created two organizations to gather the finest of all cities still inhabited by human beings; the Survey Corps being one of them. The other is our average Military, who guard the gates- our key to protection.

    Today, a new day begins. The Titans are beginning to approach the first wall, and the Military is on the move. Citizens are being escorted to the ships provided to travel from one city to another' the upper levels. Trainees for the Military are being evacuated to their respective hideouts, while the trainees for the Survey Corps are out in the open fighting in Titan territory, risking their lives to earn us some space. The Military is positioned for the worst-case scenario, assuming that the Titans will break a wall, and start devouring our people, just as I have seen numerous times. My own family became victimized a week ago, when this all started. Simply put, they are dead, and I am the last remaining to avenge them. We, the Survey Corps, are observing the Military, also in Titan territory. Should we see a threat that cannot be dealt with by the military, we take action, immediately. I am the leader of this group, the successor of my father. Oh, and one more thing...



    Last edited by Seitenshi Ayato on 21st December 2014, 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Behind Walls  7y0bO7j

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Guild : Tartarus
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    Public Re: Behind Walls

    Post by Tuna 21st December 2014, 1:47 pm

    1 hour... 2 hours... 5 hours... 24 hours... 72 hours... Sofie had lost track of time. In the several dozen hours that had past ever since she and the entire team of mechanics had started working everywhere around the frontlines to make sure gear was intact, cannons were ready to fire, gates were able to open and close, supply lines were functional and that just about everything worked, she and her team of the top-notch craftsmen- and women had pulled at least 3 all-nighters with barely any naps to make sure everything was ready for the upcoming battle.

    It was imminent, and the government had known. They had deployed soldiers all along the walls and had ordered a stupendous amount of weaponry and equipment to be manufactured in a period that even the hardest of slave-workers would have found inhuman.

    She was putting the last touches to the 3d maneuver gear of a soldier who had reported some problems with the air pressure. Having her goggles on to cover one of her eyes, she was fusing a leapage in the pipe system of the tank back together. With bags under her eyes, she pushed her goggles off of her face after turning off the blowtorch and handed the gear back to the soldier. He smiled at her with a thanks. She just grimaced back and signaled him with her hands to just piss off.

    Throwing her goggles onto her bed, she had been positioned in make-shift barracks drawn over the entrances of the homes' of citizens that had already been evacuated. She and her team were split up all across the future war-zone to ensure that every battalion, every unit and every section had their own mechanic.

    Sighing, and walking out of her tent into the sun, Sofie just snapped and walked off in the direction of the gates. All gears had been checked in her area, all cannons had been readied, the gate mechanic had been checked for the umpteenth time, rifles had been readied and she was just about done with the attitude of the commanding officer who was slaving her like a dog. The last thing she was required to do was to check around the other units for her team of mechanics. That was Sofie Wagner, the head of the mechanical sub-division of the military.






    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 442
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 1270

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    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
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    Public Re: Behind Walls

    Post by Alito 21st December 2014, 3:23 pm

    The titan had fallen, and next thing you know, the Titans are focused on me, and me only. They were truly predators; spawn of the devil, himself. I had sliced through the back of its neck with my Maneuver Gear at ease, though it was weak. If I had any advantage, its if these Titan only have the mindset of devouring others. They have no mindset, whatsoever, of defending their only lives, or understanding the difference between life and death. They are not like us. They are far less intelligent, yet their physical form makes them seem superior- and they are. Albeit, this one slaughter had drawn the attention of many with the same potential- four, to be exact. I do not worry about these sort of Titans really, though behind their own walls is an upperclassman known as the Colossal Titan.

    Each faction of Titans is led by a Colossal Titan. The Colossal Titan is the armored Titan of a faction, with the ability of turning their vital point into diamond. They also seem immune to our weaponry, yet in the past two days, we have developed a trap. This trap fires arrows that both pierce through the titan and surround it with the same sharp needles. The needles are just as sharp as knives. Our military seems quite skillful with this new invention as we have killed one Colossal Titan already. However, there comes a flaw to such devices, and that is they can only be used once, and to truly form a net, two of these devices must be used. It seems as though no matter how much effort we put into defending our loved ones, we must always have a plan to survive another day solely with our minds.

    A fellow member of the military approached me at this time and informed me of the civilians. They had proceeded to the next city, yet the military is concerned of its capacity. You see, the next city is twice as populous as the first now that the first city has merged with its population, and our ship supply is low. The ships must proceed to the next city, for we are a ring surrounded by countless Titans. It is not just the North that these Titans approach, but from a four-axis approach, generally. We are worried, however, that this four-axis approach may become an eight-axis, or even from all directions. We cannot allow such approaches, which is why a man like me is around. Everyday I kill a Titan, I feel lucky, for I survive at least another few minutes in this hell-bound world. Only an apocalypse could compare to this, for the devoured have not become one of them, thankfully.

    The military has called me wildly nimble on my feet when I deliver God's punishment upon these Titans, the riddance of these damned creatures. I deny it all the time, informing the soldiers I am simply strategic. I am no supernatural; I am a man who fights for hope. We are the final representatives of humanity, and we shall be not be mocked. These Titans have humiliated us enough, and while our kind is on the brink of extinction, I shall assure these Titans die with me, at least. So let it be known that this a war between humanity and demons, and we are utopians. We fight for the perfect world that is salvation, while these Titans fight for the rebirth of hell upon our planet. Maybe this is an apocalypse, for what will our kind become if we cease to exist? Nevertheless, I will not allow such a thing to happen, and I shed these feelings upon these four Titans.

    Blood stains my body, yet it is not my own; it is the Titans' I have fought. These four Titans have just suffered as their partner did previously, for it does not take an alternative technique to rid one Titan of the same rank. For now, we determine who shall break the walls of the other first, and as far as my eyes can see, we have approached the forest. We have yet to lose a soldier, yet these Titans promote quantity over quality. I must admit, it will not be long before some of us finally experience death, but for a good purpose. Regardless of dying in this very instance, even I know I have fought making a good difference for my people, though now, I challenge myself in the second stage: the forest. Here, the Titans are hidden, and we hold no camouflage. It was then I was surpassed...

    The Titans are approaching the first wall.


    Behind Walls  7y0bO7j

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:24 pm