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    A new evil (Lex's intro)

    Griffon Knighthunter
    Griffon Knighthunter

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 164
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hell summon
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    A new evil (Lex's intro)  Empty A new evil (Lex's intro)

    Post by Griffon Knighthunter 2nd November 2014, 3:27 pm

    Lex walked through the spooky forest with a bit of a smug smirk on his face. He looked at the gloomy atmosphere and smiled to himself "Looks like I am heading in the right direction." He didn't know where exactly he was heading but it felt like something was calling him to this area. He pushed passed some trees and smirked as he saw a building on top of a hill. He raised an eyebrow and walked into the building.

    The interior of the building was nice and quiet, multiple columns and it was very dark. He leaned on one of the columns and closed his eyes "Finally somewhere quiet..." he muttered to himself as he sat down and leaned his head on the column, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

    Lex was new to the world after just being reborn and didn't realize that there were such things as quiet places such as this. He had always lived in a hell like environment and his castle was always loud from the beasts and the people trying to talk to him. Being a king had its ups and downs. Nosy Castle was a down.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil's Chimera
    Position : None
    Posts : 359
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1118.75

    A new evil (Lex's intro)  Empty Re: A new evil (Lex's intro)

    Post by Nakiya 2nd November 2014, 10:44 pm

    While Lex made his way through the spooky forest, Kuro silently followed him. Kuro was a small black demonic cat with two tails behind him and two yellow horns on his head. Normally he was quite small, which made stealth easy for him. He didn't move against the mage as he made his way into the guild hall, instead, he leaped inside after him, running passed him and towards one of the tables closest to the bar.

    There sat a red headed woman with a mug of ale and an open book in front of her. She also had a scowl on her face as she looked at the book as if it had done something to her. She finally looked up when Kuro jumped onto the table, reaching over to let the demon climb up onto her shoulders before standing up, picking up her book and walking towards the new comer, having been warned about him thanks to Kuro's telepathy.

    "You seemed to have an easy time getting through the forest. Who the hell are you?"
    She demanded bluntly, not ready to attack the man... yet, but she would if he turned out to be some Rune Knight or Legal mage in disguise.


    A new evil (Lex's intro)  5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5214

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    A new evil (Lex's intro)  Empty Re: A new evil (Lex's intro)

    Post by Rekka Hecate 3rd November 2014, 5:23 am

    Rekka walked out of her room yawning as she did it was simply another boring day however she could hear ruckus in the hall as she made her way toward the entrance she smiled seeing a mans face she knew. She moved behind Nakiya placing her hand on her shoulder shaking her head no, he was someone they could trust he was certainly dark and evil.

    "I know this man trust me he isn't a threat... well he isn't a legal mage his name is Lex and I sort of brought him out of a deep slumber a whole back. I see you finally broke free of that sissy Lance I am glad you are finally free Lex. I invited him to join us when I set him free per say... anyways do not worry he is one of us for sure and a good friend of mine."

    Rekka had not bothered to really place clothing on as she still had on her black lace nightgown that left little to the imagination but she did not care if others saw her body. She was not the least bit innocent anymore and he had met her before in even crazier times.


    A new evil (Lex's intro)  Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm
    Griffon Knighthunter
    Griffon Knighthunter

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 164
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hell summon
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    A new evil (Lex's intro)  Empty Re: A new evil (Lex's intro)

    Post by Griffon Knighthunter 3rd November 2014, 8:34 pm

    Lex was having a pretty good dream when he heard a voice that woke him up. He stared at the red haired girl with one of his eyes opened tiredly. She seemed to think he was a thread as her question was asked. He stared at her with a smirk "I guess that I am just drawn to beauties like you..." he said as he licked his lips. He was having fun flirting with this girl playfully until he heard a familiar voice and it caused his eye to flicker over to the other girl.

    He licked his lips again at the sight of Rekka "This must be my lucky day to find beautiful ladies..." he said to both the girls with a soft chuckle "Nice outfit." he said simply and directly to Rekka as he stayed sitting on the ground with one eye open glancing at both the girls every now and again.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil's Chimera
    Position : None
    Posts : 359
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1118.75

    A new evil (Lex's intro)  Empty Re: A new evil (Lex's intro)

    Post by Nakiya 3rd November 2014, 8:43 pm

    Nakiya's eyes shifted over towards Rekka as she made an appearance, making note of her outfit but no making a comment on it. As far as she knew the woman was always enticing people back to her room. No doubt there was someone there now, though she couldn't speak for how... lively... they were if Rekka was done with them.

    "If you say so Rekka. If he's a good friend of yours then I'm sure he'll have no trouble fitting in."
    She stated and with Lex's next comment about beautiful ladies she smirked. Add another pervy guy to Savage Skull... she already had her hands full between Kyle and Leo.

    "I wouldn't count it lucky Lex, the prettier the rose, the sharper the thorns. Welcome to Savage Skull."
    She stated simply, however, a second voice could suddenly be heard between the three present, although no one seemed to be speaking them.

    "Don't mind her, she's been in a sour mood lately. You must have worked hard getting here. You should have a seat, drink and rest while you can, this place get's crazy really fast."
    Kuro, the small feline on Nakiya's shoulders was staring directly at Lex, the small yellow horns on his head glowing slightly as his words were spoken.


    A new evil (Lex's intro)  5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88
    Griffon Knighthunter
    Griffon Knighthunter

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 164
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hell summon
    Second Skill:
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    A new evil (Lex's intro)  Empty Re: A new evil (Lex's intro)

    Post by Griffon Knighthunter 9th November 2014, 3:14 pm

    He smiled when the lady welcomed him to savage skull "The sharper the thorn eh?" he chuckled as he shook his head and dismissed the subject. He was about to close his eyes again when another voice was heard. He opened his one eye again and saw the small feline on the girls shoulder. It told him that the place got crazy really fast and Lance chuckled "It wasnt all that hard to get here to be honest... I am drawn to these sort of places it seems..." he muttered as he shook his head "Being a king, both my palace and kingdom are corrupt at all times... Its pretty crazy there.." he said with a small smirk as he stood up and stretched "I see I wont be getting any sleep here." he said with a laugh as he leaned against the pillar and looked at the woman "You never told me your name." he said in the most mocking voice he could.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil's Chimera
    Position : None
    Posts : 359
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1118.75

    A new evil (Lex's intro)  Empty Re: A new evil (Lex's intro)

    Post by Nakiya 9th November 2014, 6:39 pm

    "I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt... naps are very important."
    Kuro stated but then leaped off of Nakiya's shoulders and into her arms as Lex stood up and stretched his arms, adressing the red head once more. With an annoyed sigh, the Celestial Wizard turned back to face Lex, his little description of how 'crazy' things were in a palace quickly irritating her.

    "Just because you were a king where ever you came form, doesn't mean you are going to get treated like one here. As for my name..."
    She paused, wondering if she should just freely give it to the man, or demand his first.

    "Don't you know it's only polite to introduce yourself first before asking for someone elses name?"


    A new evil (Lex's intro)  5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

    Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2612.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Breaker Ex-Quip
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    A new evil (Lex's intro)  Empty Re: A new evil (Lex's intro)

    Post by Za'cha 10th November 2014, 2:59 am

    "The seductress already said his name was Lex Princess. Assuming he had told her the truth of that to begin with." called out Za'cha from where he'd been standing, watching this little meet and greet. He stepped out towards this man, positioning himself in such a way that he was between him and Nakiya, but also allowing the red-head a clear line of sight of this Lex person should she need it. "The real question is, why here? And don't try that "I was drawn here" clichéd bull-shit with me." said the Ex-Quip mage as he looked the man over, Pride remaining silent as he observed the proceedings.


    A new evil (Lex's intro)  Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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