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    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Experience : 37.5

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Kusanagi 27th October 2014, 10:05 pm

    Ean wandered around the streets of Hargeon. It was a little later in the morning and it was always busy so he was never able to sleep in later than this. By this time, all the fisherman who lived in the port neighborhood were all moving around and busy by this time of day in order to get a good catch. It was their lively hood and even with the guild support the port harbor still got a huge amount of revenue from its fisherman and hard working non-mage folk. It always made Ean feel a little confident when people who weren’t mages were smiling and working hard. He wasn’t the strongest guy in the world, he was weak physically and really struggling to learn magic but this city always found a way to keep him going, even if it was slowly.

    Ean figured it would be best to go get breakfast, well lunch at this point, it seemed to be brunch time, so Ean decided to go to his favorite restaurant in town and get his favorite milkshake and some grilled catfish filet as his stomach let out a growl. It just seemed to feel good. Ean felt Sola, his young pet pipe fox, pop out of his pocket and slither up his arm to wrap itself nicely around Ean’s neck, giving his master a kiss on the cheek as a show of affection. Ean gave his friend a gentle smile and stratched underneath his chin with his index finger. Don’t worry we’ll get you something to,” Ean told her as he felt himself bump into somebody.

    Ean started paying attention to what was going on in front of him immediately. Even though he was a very unnoticeable person, he was still at fault for not paying attention to where he was going. It was a young girl whom he had knocked over, much smaller than Ean to his slight surprise. Most people Ean met were at least the same size as Ean or bigger. Ean extended a hand out the girl. “I’m sorry about that. Here, let me help you up.” Ean told her with a kind, quiet voice.

    word count: 361

    Last edited by Ean Vanguard on 4th November 2014, 6:57 pm; edited 1 time in total


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 70
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Layhava 27th October 2014, 10:22 pm

    The girl took Ean's hand and frowned. "Owie! That hurt." She said, rubbing herself off. "Oh. Excuse me for not introducing myself. I'm Layhava Akagi. It's nice to meet you sir."Layhava curtsied. Her lavish purple Victorian dress with many bows and layers fanned out as if bowing to a knight. The light of mid-day reflected on her pink and red textured hair that were in waves like the sea. To everyone else, she looked like the small girl didn't belong.

    "So where are you going in such a rush sir?" She asked rather politely. "I assume by this time of day, most fisherman would be catching things for Hargeon folk to eat. Am I correct?" Layhava smiled to Ean as her stomach growled suddenly. She held it and blushed.


    Fun and games will never be until i am totally me! :D
    Layhava li Cantarella. The girl of flame and song

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} SLFQTtF

    Layhava's singing

    Layhava in battle

    Layhava's lullaby

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 256
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    Experience : 37.5

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Kusanagi 27th October 2014, 10:46 pm

    “hm?” Ean looked down at the young, Victorian dressed girl as her stomach let out a growl. We were just about to go get the same thing you seem to be seeking,” Ean replied with a little humor over the girl’s stomach. “If you’d like, you’re happy to join us, Miss Akagi,” Ean offered. The whole time he kept the same straight face of emotion. He was always an ordinary person and his ordinariness seemed to make him difficult to read since his facial expressions never changed a whole lot at once, especially in his eyes which always had the same gentleness to them.

    She seemed to know about Hargeon a little. Well, knowing it was a port city some of it was self explanatory but she did know what she was talking about.

    Sola stretched forward, loosening its coil around Ean’s neck to put its nose up close to Layhava’s. After sniffing a few times, Sola jumped forward and slithered its way into the young ladies dress and started playfully running about her small body, inside her shirt, the small furs tickling her skin. Sola always got like this whenever they met somebody new, especially if she liked that person or if they smelled nice. Sola wasn’t trying to do anything wrong, she was just playfully greeting somebody. “Hey now sola, come on now don’t be rude,” Ean said as he reached his hand out and the small pipe fox came back around and coiled itself around its masters wrist. “I’m sorry about that, she must like you. I’ll pay for your food as an apology if your still willing to join us,” Ean told her as moved his hand gently toward his neck to let Sola recoil itself around him. “So shall we get going,” Ean said as he pointed towards the direction he was going. It was nice to know Sola liked her, it meant she was a good person. Sola had good instincts despite being so young for her species so if she liked her than Ean trusted her.

    Word count: 343


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 70
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Layhava 28th October 2014, 9:55 am

    Layhava was still a little embarassed that a pipe fox would play around inside her dress. She sighed and straightened herself and gave a smile as if it didn't happen. "Sure. I'll join you. But I don't know your name sir." She asked, running to match his pace.

    Layhava walked next to Ean as he led her to an unknown restaurant. So she asked "Where are we going?" as she eyed the small pipe fox and gave it a stare then smiled, skipping ahead a little. Her purple ballet shoes grazing the ground as if walking on water. Her hair flowing in the wind.

    The small Layhava stopped and sat on a bench, waiting for the gentleman to catch up. She crossed her legs and hummed a song as she waited.


    Fun and games will never be until i am totally me! :D
    Layhava li Cantarella. The girl of flame and song

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} SLFQTtF

    Layhava's singing

    Layhava in battle

    Layhava's lullaby

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 256
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 37.5

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Kusanagi 28th October 2014, 12:26 pm

    “Its Ean,” the ordinary boy replied. Ean Vanguard.” Layhava seemed to be nervous around Sola. It was understandable considering what just happened, even if Sola’s intentions were good. Ean figured it was best to just ignore it. They’d get along better eventually if it mattered any. Or she’d forget him like mostly everyone else does and that would be the extent of any relationship these two would have.

    “We’re going to my favorite restaurant in town. Well, aside from what’s in Lamia scales guild hall at least,” Ean replied, giving away his affiliation with the guild, although he wasn’t really hiding anything. He was just avoiding the guild right now because Zuo was there at the moment and their master was a little, eccentric, when it came to training and he seemed fixated on training Ean.

    She skipped ahead pretty quickly. Ean didn’t worry too much about keeping up if she was in sight. Ean just hoped Layhava didn’t lose sight of the invisible man. She eventually sat on a bench to wait for him. Fortunately for him, just across from the place they were going to. She did get a little too far and Ean almost lost her. “We’re here,” Ean said, appearing behind the bench out of nowhere, pointing directly across the street to the restaurant named seagull’s tavern. “There a few drunken sailors here but the foods good,” Ean told her as he walked into the tavern, assuming Layhava was following.

    Ean went straight to the bar. “Excuse me, Mr. Anders,” Ean said to the barkeeper there who immediately jumped with a surprise, before letting out a sigh of relief it was only Ean. “Dang it Ean, you got to stop doing that whole disappearing act,” he said. “The usual?”

    “I just walked up to the bar,” Ean said. It’s exactly what he did. Nothing special it’s just nobody noticed him come up. “And whatever the young miss will have as well,” Ean told the barkeeper as he gave a thump point over his shoulder to the girl.

    “Huh?” Mr. Anders looked over to Layhava and let out a chuckle. “Oh so you finally got a girl to pay attention to you eh, Vanguard?” Mr. Anders joked as he let out a laugh.

    “It’s not like that. I just bumped her and knocked her over so I’m offering her lunch,” Ean explained himself to his old friend, with a straight face and much calmer than a normal person would have explained it. Although she was also violated by Sola, Ean thought, deciding to leave that part out.  If it wasn’t for his job and how frequently Ean was here, Mr. Anders would probably forget Ean to.

    “Haha! So she’s just like the rest of us, looked right through you!” Mr. Anders laughed another joke. “Hey miss,” Mr. Anders turned his attention to miss Akagi, “Did you know, there’s a rumor that if you try and touch him your hand will go right through him.” Mr. Anders joked with a point towards Ean.

    word count: 505


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 70
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Layhava 28th October 2014, 12:46 pm

    Layhava seemed saw that the tavern was a little...odd compared to what she was used to. She took a deep breath and made her way to the bar and sat next to Ean. "Sir can i just get a light fruit wine please?" Layhava asked, a little nervous. She was a overdressed for an occasion such as this.

    She heard him say he was in Lamia Scale earlier and was hesitant but asked "You said you were in Lamia scale, am correct? I...I'm looking for that guild. I was asked by the master to join. I got it in a letter not too long ago. " Layhava replied to Ean.

    She frowned then saw her drink and smiled a little. "Thank you sir. I apprecate your kindness. Its...peaceful here. I like sitting by the river. In fact I live close to Hargeon." She smiled but was a embarrassed to say were. Afraid Ean might ask, she took another sip and laughed.


    Fun and games will never be until i am totally me! :D
    Layhava li Cantarella. The girl of flame and song

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} SLFQTtF

    Layhava's singing

    Layhava in battle

    Layhava's lullaby

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 256
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 37.5

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Kusanagi 29th October 2014, 5:15 pm

    Mr. Anders came back with Ean’s favorite catfish fillet and vanilla milkshake. It might seem a little childish but it’s what Ean liked and Mr. Anders had it. “Hahaha! Just look up. The guild is that gigantic towering building in the middle of town,” Mr. Anders explained. Ean just continued to eat as he gave a small bite to the furry friend on his shoulder.

    “I can take you there,” Ean offered as he continued to eat peacefully. He was going to finish his catfish as he pulled out some jewel and paid Mr. Anders for the meal like he always does. It didn’t take long for the two of them to finish the catfish as he got up to leave. “Well then let’s be off,” Ean said as he walked towards the exit.

    “Come again you two! And don’t get stuck in one of Zuo’s training regimens Ean,” Mr. Anders called out to them making Ean cringe a little at the thought that he may have to face Zuo Cii, the guildmaster of Lamia scale and quite possibly his worst nightmare due to his eccentric personally and excessively over the top training of weaker mages such as himself. He had made a promise to take her there though so he had to see it through to the end, which meant taking her to see Zuo.

    word count: 226


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 70
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Layhava 29th October 2014, 5:41 pm

    Layhava thanked Mr. Anderson for the meal and ran after Ean, who was already out the door. "Hey...wait up!..." She cried, huffing breath as she ran after him. "You look a little depressed. Why is it that you are?" She asked Ean as the walked towards Lamia Scale's guild hall.

    She walked with him for not long until she found herself a castle. It looked like the mansion she lives in now but...somehow bigger. Layhava couldn't believe that this was Lamia Scale's guild. Where she will live her life as a wizard.


    Fun and games will never be until i am totally me! :D
    Layhava li Cantarella. The girl of flame and song

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} SLFQTtF

    Layhava's singing

    Layhava in battle

    Layhava's lullaby

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 256
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    Experience : 37.5

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Kusanagi 4th November 2014, 3:35 pm

    “It’s nothing,” Ean said, still with his unchanging face as he took a sip of his vanilla shake he took with him to go.

    As they reached the guild he noticed Layhava looking up at it. “It really is impressive huh? Our guild master built it himself,” Ean said as he walked up to the door and opened it for the young lady. Once they were inside Ean went directly to one of the tables to sit down quietly. “Master Zuo will be here shortly,” Ean said as he took another sip of his shake. It wasn’t that early now and everyone was either gone on a mission or hanging out here. Zuo Cii was almost always able to be found here at some point in the day. He was a very hands on master he wouldn’t just sit back and wait for people to come to him with issues he was always there waiting for your issues.

    Word count: 158

    notice: other lamia scale members can now join if Layhava says okay.


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts

    High Voltage

    High Voltage

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ---
    Second Skill: Lightning Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Linxwire 4th November 2014, 8:06 pm

    At the opposite end of the table, a kid with a spiky head of hair worked furiously, with an old wooden staff and several books open, one of which was titled the "Practical and Theoretical Applications of Magic [insert boring subtitle here]. Stacked carefully aside him were plenty of other books, as he discarded each passing one that lacked in relevance. In front of him he had plenty of papers gathered, were he was cross-referencing information and sketching lots of information. This wasn't as easy as he would have previously thought, and now he had a headache. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he pushed his reading glasses back up so they wouldn't fall, and decided now was as good a time as any to take a brake, and he put everything aside neatly.

    Finally coming back to reality, he looked up to see Ean, his nonchalant acquaintance in the guild with a teen-aged girl at his heels. Her hair bounced, her eyes seemed to sparkle. She spoke with her friend with such concern and care, that his heart ached with jealousy. She was beautiful, and like most other girls she was out of his league. He blushed a crimson red across his cheeks and was instantly infatuated. The least he could do was introduce himself. Approaching quietly, he tried his best to pronounce an introduction.

    "Hello Miss." He maintained his manners well. "My name is Xavier, but most people just call me X. May I know your name?" He just now noticed as he stood in front of her he was actually shorter than her by a few inches, and he felt somewhat embarrassed, blushing more now.


    Past Siggies:

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} 83699210



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
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    Posts : 70
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Layhava 4th November 2014, 8:42 pm

    Layhava sat at next to Ean as she admired the building. "So big...." She smiled and then heard another voice. She looked to see a blond boy with square glasses and stood up then fell down. "I gotta stop meeting boys like this...." She murmered then looked up again.

    Layhava took his hand and stood up. "I...I'm Layhava. It's nice to meet you Xavier." She eyed the books and papers on the other end and smiled. "What are you reading?" Layhava asked, walking over to the mess 'o papers and books.


    Fun and games will never be until i am totally me! :D
    Layhava li Cantarella. The girl of flame and song

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} SLFQTtF

    Layhava's singing

    Layhava in battle

    Layhava's lullaby

    High Voltage

    High Voltage

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ---
    Second Skill: Lightning Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Linxwire 4th November 2014, 9:13 pm

    Xavier found himself helping the poor girl up within a few moments of meeting her and was somewhat surprised to see just how aloof she was. He folded his glasses and put them away so he could see without his vision obscured. "Layhava, what a unique name..." He noticed he was speaking to himself as she found more interest in his books than in speaking to him. He ran up to the books and put himself between her and them, not wanting to bore her with nonsense. "Y-You don't wanna read those! They're dull, and tiring." He waved his arms trying to keep her attention.


    Past Siggies:

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} 83699210


    Zuo Cii
    Zuo Cii

    Ye Olt Coot

    Ye Olt Coot

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 309
    Guild : Lamia Scale Guildmaster
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Feng Hang
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Of the Earth
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Zuo Cii 8th November 2014, 12:03 am

    "Idiot child!" On the farm end of the room there was loud explosion of sound as a blur of grey came smashing through the wall leaving a gaping hole. The grey landed and came to a halt as an undignified heap of person. For that was what it was, now that the blur was no longer in person the people in the Lamia Scale guild hall could see a man dressed in grey sweat pants and a grey hoodie sprawled on the floor. Zuo came walking out of the hole in the wall popping his knuckles a gesture that looked rather strange on a man as old as dirt. They grey clad man sprang up onto his bare feet and took a curious fighting stance "Damn it Zuo! You can't just punch me through a wall whenever you want! I could get injured or something." Zuo laughed and kept walking towards the man "You say that as if you are seriously worried about a man as old as me hurting you. Besides I've punched you harder and you've walked away fine. Besides my house my rules." There was a strange glint in Zuo's eyes, today was not a day when he cared too much for reason and logic he just wanted to have some fun.

    Said glint was noticed by the grey clad man "Oh hell no. I'm not going to get caught in one of these things again." Then just like that he vanished into the wind. Zuo let out a disappointed sigh "Why is he always like that? He never wants to play with me anymore." Clearly too caught up in his own whimsical desires to take note of the new comer into the guild Zuo announced to the entire guild "Ladies and gentleman. Thanks to captain buzzkill who just left we are going to have a surprise flip drill. Brace yourselves!" With that Zuo raised his hands above his head and seemingly grabbed the air. He pulled down on what seemed like nothing but as he made the motion the guild hall began to shake and the ground felt like like it was suddenly being slanted downwards towards Zuo. Which it was, Zuo was using his magic to flip the solid marble guild hall upside down. Why? For fun. Of course it would take several minutes for him to do this and already guild veterans were grabbing onto pillars and slipping into shelves. It wasn't until the building had already been rotated 90 degrees leaving the guild standing on it's side that he noticed the new comer. He smiled and commented "Oh! Hello there! Welcome to Lamia Scale! You're in for a real treat!" with that Zuo(who was sticking to the floor with his magic) made one more swift pulling motion and the hall fell over to land topsy turvy. Just another day in the guild.

    Fortunately for all the unprepared there was in fact an almost invisibly yet oddly comfortable net of string suspended above the roof-now-floor would catch anyone unable to secure their own safety. But there would still be the embarrassment of failing the drill.


    Lamia Scale Theme:

    Zuo Cii Main Theme:

    Zuo Cii Battle Theme:

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 70
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Layhava 8th November 2014, 12:34 am

    Layhava was shook up by the sudden smash of the wall and watched as the man up and vanished. She then heard a weird drill name and felt the place shake. Layhava cowered in fear. She grabbed onto Xavier and held him tight.

    "Wha-what's going on!! The whole place is going down!" She yelled as of corse having no clue on what is going on. She felt herself suddenly slip and take Xavier with her. Layhava screamed as she fell but was caught by something unexpected.


    Fun and games will never be until i am totally me! :D
    Layhava li Cantarella. The girl of flame and song

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} SLFQTtF

    Layhava's singing

    Layhava in battle

    Layhava's lullaby

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 256
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 37.5

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Kusanagi 8th November 2014, 12:50 am

    The moment he heard ‘flip drill’, Ean hid under the table he was sitting at as the building began to flip over. This was something fairly common in the guild so in order to avoid cleaning everything once every week or two, they decided to bolt all the furniture down to avoid cleaning everything. There was still always a cleanup, but at least it wasn’t something as bad as it used to be.

    Ean immediately saw Layhava enter a panic about what was going on and didn’t brave herself in time as Zuo Flipped his house over. Unfortunately she had drifted a little too far and Ean wasn’t able to grab her or Xavier’s hand as the building flipped over. They would have to fend for themselves. This guild has always been like this, promoting strength and wisdom in unorthodox ways. Ean decided it would be best not to confront his fear of the guild master this time around and stayed quiet on the tables underside, taking light sips of his vanilla shake from time to time, fortunate that he had at least gotten used to this much of the guilds’ excitement. If Zuo got more personal with Ean though, he wouldn’t survive. He never did when he tried.

    word count: 209


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts

    High Voltage

    High Voltage

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ---
    Second Skill: Lightning Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Linxwire 8th November 2014, 9:17 am

    As the wall seemingly exploded and a projectile man tumbled through the wreckage only to be followed by Zuo, their guild master of whom he hasn't really been acquainted with as of yet. He couldn't really hear what was being said, until the man vanished into thin air, and Zuo called out something, a "Flip drill"? The ground shook like crazy as the entire guild hall began to rotate, and Layhava clung to him tightly. He reached for the table behind him where all his work was, because it didn't seem to move, but his studious behavior early today began to backfire. The neat stack of books rebelled against their reader, crushing Xavier in the face with the force of several bricks. He lost his grip on the table, and while dazed from he hugged Layhava as they spiraled through the air falling to the ceiling. Xavier took the brunt of the landing, and the rope net stung like fire, but he just grit his teeth and bore it. "Are you okay, Lay...?" he hardly managed to say her full name.


    Past Siggies:

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} 83699210



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 70
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} Empty Re: Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members}

    Post by Layhava 8th November 2014, 1:50 pm

    Layhava was spawled out on top of Xavier and heard him ask if she was alright. She nodded slowly but she knew she was alright. Just a little motion sick and shook up. Layhava looked at her hand. It was still shaking and her nails were turning dark pink, almost purple.

    "I feel cold..." She managed to say to Xavier before she passed out. What a way to start in her guild...
    She was getting paler and her fingers were more purple by the second.


    Fun and games will never be until i am totally me! :D
    Layhava li Cantarella. The girl of flame and song

    Hello there. {Layhava/Ean} {open to lamia scale members} SLFQTtF

    Layhava's singing

    Layhava in battle

    Layhava's lullaby

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:54 pm