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    Conflict resolution


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Terra, Mattias, Kiara
    Experience : 75

    Conflict resolution Empty Conflict resolution

    Post by Ban 28th September 2014, 12:38 pm

    Kaido sighed deeply as he marched through the streets of Clover town towards todays disturbance. Seemed one of the towns local fish merchants, and a neighboring butcher, had been in a steadily escalating feud for the past few weeks. Recently it had come to blows however, and much as Kaido disliked it, he had been asked to put an end to it. Plain political nonsense he knew. The fight had caused a foul taste in the mouth of some visiting merchants, and they had taken their business elsewhere, meaning the merchant lords, who everyone knew really ran this town, had lost a few extra jewels. Buisness usually far below Kaido's usual priorities. But still, it helped to have friends in political positions. Especially when they could pay, or ignore, his damages.



    Do you hear the Whisper Men? The Whisper Men are near.
    If you hear the Whisper Men, then turn away your ear.
    Do not hear the Whisper men, whatever else you do.
    For once you’ve heard the Whisper Men, they’ll stop and look at you.

    A hero is not the one that never falls. A hero is the one that gets up, again and again, and never gives up on his dream.

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Terra, Mattias, Kiara
    Experience : 75

    Conflict resolution Empty Re: Conflict resolution

    Post by Ban 28th September 2014, 12:51 pm

    Kaido slowly, and gently, for him anyway, pushed his way through the crowd, towards what appeared to be another scuffle already in progress. Once most people saw him coming, they quickly parted ways for him. But a few were locked in on the fight, cheering it on or placing bets. Kaido shoved them out of the way, and glared them down when they turned to protest. At his size, very few people would ever dare to argue or complain, for fear of what he might do. But honestly, Kaido couldn't care less about them. He wanted to get the job done as fast as he could, and get back to his real issues. Hunting down dark wizard guilds.



    Do you hear the Whisper Men? The Whisper Men are near.
    If you hear the Whisper Men, then turn away your ear.
    Do not hear the Whisper men, whatever else you do.
    For once you’ve heard the Whisper Men, they’ll stop and look at you.

    A hero is not the one that never falls. A hero is the one that gets up, again and again, and never gives up on his dream.

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Terra, Mattias, Kiara
    Experience : 75

    Conflict resolution Empty Re: Conflict resolution

    Post by Ban 17th October 2014, 5:44 pm

    Kaido dropped gutcrusher as he neared the squabbling men, reaching out to grab each of them by the back of their necks, yanking them apart, and then slamming them back together, before dropping them to the dirt. He then turned and bellowed at the crowd. "DISPERSE! THIS FIGHT IS OVER, AND ANYONE STILL HERE WHEN I TURN BACK AROUND WILL BE ARESSTED FOR INCITING PUBLIC VIOLENCE!" he bellowed before turning back to the two men on the ground, rubbing their heads. Kaido stepped over them, his shadow eclipsing the two men as they stared up at him in awe, and fear, of the behemoth of a man over them. "Now then. The lords of the town have said its about time this feud ended. And I am here to enforce the laws."



    Do you hear the Whisper Men? The Whisper Men are near.
    If you hear the Whisper Men, then turn away your ear.
    Do not hear the Whisper men, whatever else you do.
    For once you’ve heard the Whisper Men, they’ll stop and look at you.

    A hero is not the one that never falls. A hero is the one that gets up, again and again, and never gives up on his dream.

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Terra, Mattias, Kiara
    Experience : 75

    Conflict resolution Empty Re: Conflict resolution

    Post by Ban 10th November 2014, 2:19 pm

    The two men continued to stare at Kaido for a moment, as if his words hadn't quite hit home. He gave them a moment to get over their initial shock, tapping his foot at them and crossing his arms before prompting them to speak. "Well? What is the issue? Both of you have been going at it for quite some time apparently. Why?"

    The fish monger spoke first, shaking his head as if to clear it before hopping to his feat and pointing at the butcher. "I make a living off of selling fish, nice and fresh, and have done so for quite some time. Until this heathen over here started selling fish himself and undercutting my prices! His fish is mediocre, and everyone knows it, yet he thinks to try putting me out of business!"



    Do you hear the Whisper Men? The Whisper Men are near.
    If you hear the Whisper Men, then turn away your ear.
    Do not hear the Whisper men, whatever else you do.
    For once you’ve heard the Whisper Men, they’ll stop and look at you.

    A hero is not the one that never falls. A hero is the one that gets up, again and again, and never gives up on his dream.

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Terra, Mattias, Kiara
    Experience : 75

    Conflict resolution Empty Re: Conflict resolution

    Post by Ban 13th November 2014, 8:40 pm

    "Nonsense!" screamed the butcher, hopping up to his feet, an impressive feat for a man of his.....girth. As the butcher moved in on kaido, the mountain of a man put out one, massive hand, and pushed him back. "Scream from there."

    The butcher took a few steps back, mostly involuntarily as Kaido's sheer strength nearly toppled him, and took a deep breath, eyeing the fish monger, who was also helping himself up to his feet. "I have every right to sell fish at my stall. Its something the people want and need! The only reason my pa, and his pa before him, didn't sell fish was because of the fish suddenly disappearing on my grand pa way back when! He couldn't sell fish cause he had none! Well then a fish monger moved to town, fish started flowin again, and my great pa decided it was best to let the fish monger alone. My own pa never thought to start selling fish again because he was to damn dumb to even think about it! Well I am smart enough. There is good money in fish, especially with everyone diving at these damn health fads, and I fully intend to get in my pockets share! And no one has any right to stop me!" the butcher snarled out, stamping his foot like a child and turning a rather amusing shade of red as he ranted on.

    Money. It always boiled down to money. The fish monger was losing money, the butcher wanted money, the lords of the city were afraid of losing money. Money. No wonder so many religions condemned it as the root of all evils. The very thought that one man would treat another this way, for no other reason than a few extra coins made Kaido's blood absolutely boil in his skin, and he stared at these two men with something of a mix between utter contempt and disgust.

    Kaido took a moment to consider just what the right approach to this situation was before a wicked grin spread across his face. "Tell me something. You both are business men, looking to make as much money as you can, each with his own stall. The problem is now one of you wants to sell the same thing as the other guy, meaning business infringement, right?" he said, waiting for them to nod, the butcher a bit reluctantly.

    Kaido nodded again, doing his best to look pensive, rather than wicked or amused, before he would suddenly rush forward, shoving both of them out of his way and striding right to their stalls, which happened to be across the street from one another. In one, swift, shocking, and brutal motion, Gutcrusher came down off of his shoulder, and down through the fish mongers stall, cutting it clean in half and producing a scream from the fish monger, and a cheer from the butcher.

    That is, until Kaido suddenly spun about and used Gutcrusher on the butchers stall next. At this point both of the business owners, and several passerby, were staring in utter shock. And confusion, as Kaido then dropped Gutcrusher, grabbed a hold of one half of the fish mongers stall, carrier it across the street, kicked away half of the butchers stand, and slammed the fish mongers half down next to it, before grabbing gutcrusher again, spinning about, and glaring at the two men like the devil.

    "Both of you wanna make money, and yet both of you are losing money with this damn fight, driving customers away! Now, you are one business, selling the same stuff, and splitting the profits fifty fifty. The upside of this is that now you wont be driving customers away anymore, you are friends again, and you only have to pay taxes on one stall, not two. Now then, I am leaveing it at this." he said before suddenly leaning in very close to both of them, looking downright terrifying as he did. "Do not make me come back out here." he growled before turning on his heel and striding away, trying his best not to laugh in amusement.



    Do you hear the Whisper Men? The Whisper Men are near.
    If you hear the Whisper Men, then turn away your ear.
    Do not hear the Whisper men, whatever else you do.
    For once you’ve heard the Whisper Men, they’ll stop and look at you.

    A hero is not the one that never falls. A hero is the one that gets up, again and again, and never gives up on his dream.

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