Fairy Tail RP

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    Tea, Time and Granny (Solo, Job)


    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Tea, Time and Granny (Solo, Job) Empty Tea, Time and Granny (Solo, Job)

    Post by Cirven 1st August 2014, 4:34 pm


    Cirven found himself on his way to another job but this one was different. He could probably learn a few things this time as he spent time with his guildmaster's grandmother. The odds of her being able to tell him of some sort of strong spell or something similar was high. He figured whatever she told him he could use somehow to get stronger which excited him.

    This job had him in Magnolia town. A town that was known to be a lively one, especially with the Fairy Tail wizard's guild being in it. He half hoped to see a wizard from Fairy Tail but thought that might not be the best idea for him to want. Fairy Tail wizard were known for their craziness or that is just what he had heard.

    He found himself standing in front of a house that was slightly different than the rest. It was bathed in a golden yellow color and seemed to be taken care of more than the other houses around. He thought this was all done by his guildmaster as a way of taking care of his grandmother while knowing exactly where her house was without even trying to look because no one was going to be able to miss this golden house. He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell and waited for a response. Unlike his last job he was not going to just walk in. He had learned his lesson from the bottom of a frying pan and felt that this woman deserved more respect than that.

    The door opened just before he was going to hit the bell again so he gave off a smile and a impromptu wave from the hand that almost hit the button. She seemed to be in good shape for her age and wore a blue dress.

    "Hello, ma'am. I am Cirven Mizune from Sabertooth. I accepted the job to come spend time with you for Master Zenshin." He was being more polite than usual. "Oh, this will be so much fun. We can play some games as we drink some tea or I could tell you some stories of mine if you want." He returned the smile she gave with his own. "I'm OK with either of those really." She moved backwards inside the home to let him come in. "That sounds just wonderful then. Come in."

    He walked inside of the home and looked around to see pictures of his guildmaster when he was younger and his family. It looked like she was really happy with him because she practically had a picture of him around every corner. He followed her to a table in the living room and took a seat. A game of chess was set up on the table and was ready to be played.

    "So you want to start with a game, Cirven? Be warned I was a Chess champion in my day." He laughed. "I can take it. Its not like my life is on the line or anything."

    The two started playing against each other but from the beginning it seemed like she was predicting all of his moves before he did them. After a short time the game was over and he had lost miserably to her.

    "Only fifteen minutes for a game? You don't seem to be pretty good at this at all, huh?" He held in his anger for losing and instead laughed at the situation. "I'm better with magic than stuff like this." This was his silent attempt to get her to talk about her magic to him. "Oh? What type of magic do you use?" He was happy that she was interested and figured that maybe she had a similar magic she liked to use. ""I use Transference Magic. It lets me transfer magical power between items like the sword I have at my side. Basically my spells empower me with different things and allow me to use them for a limited time. It can get kind of hard to control at times and uses my head a lot but it is worth it." He tried explaining it the best he could without going into too much detail. He thought about showing her how it looked in person but with being in her home he decided against it. "That sounds interesting."

    The sound of a pot whistling echoed towards them and she stood up quickly."Almost forgot about the tea on a tea date. I'll be right back with some." She walked away towards the noise to leave him alone.

    After waiting for a short time she returned with cups of tea for them both and sat back down. "What to do next..?" She looked around the room until her eyes caught the nearby TV. "Hey Cirven, do you like video games? Virtual Mage Fighter specifically." He almost choked on his tea. "You play Virtual Mage Fighter?! Where?!" He remembered the game from a few years ago when he was still with his foster parents. They had bought the game for him and he would play it for days on end.

    She rose up and walked over to the TV and turned it on to show that the game's title screen was already on and ready to go. She opened a cabinet below the TV that had the console, games and controllers in it. She picked both up and held one out to Cirven, who had jumped up at the sight of the TV turning on to the title screen. He quickly took the controller, sat on the couch in front of the TV and started to play.

    He quickly found out that she was good at this game too and lost five games in a row to her. It was like she knew what button he was going to hit before he even did it and she had a counter move ready for him. Even with his best characters he lost. She laughed after beating him. "That was pretty fun. You are better in this than in chess but still not better than me." Inside he was fuming but still managed to put on a smile to mask it. "How about a card game? Mage Rummy?"

    He nodded and she got the cards from near by and set up the table for them to play. He wasn't bad at card games but he wasn't great either. As they played he found out that her luck was just crazy because she seemed to get everything she needed way before he did. This didn't stop him from trying though and he managed to catch up to her and somehow beat her.

    She sniffled at her lost. "That was a good game..." She sniffled again and started to cry. "I never lose in anything.." He stood up from his chair and tried to help her calm down. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Don't cry! We can play Virtual Mage Fighter again so you can beat me if you want?" He grabbed the controller for her but she didn't get up to join him closer to the TV. She shook her head.

    "No you won fair a square." She wiped away her tears. "Its time for you to go anyways, Cirven. It was nice having you here." She stood up and showed him to the door. "Are you sure?" She nodded. "Yes. Its OK. I will be fine."

    He stopped before going out of the door. "Oh yeah, I wanted to ask if you used any magic? I was curious about the skills of Master Zenshin family." He had almost forgot to ask. "Me and magic?" She laughed. "Unless you count my luck and skill in games as magic then I don't have any or ever really used any for that matter." He was surprised by this. "Thats crazy. You have really been missing out. Maybe next time I can show you some of my own magic?" She smiled. "I think I would like that."

    She opened the door for him to walk through and he walked out of it politely as they exchanged goodbyes. She closed the door behind him with a sigh. "That kid was no challenge at all. Hope the one next time is better. Its sad to see that the skill is games is so bad now. Maybe my dear little Zenny will come himself next time to lose to me."

    Cirven walked away from the home still surprised about her never using magic and on top of that his pride as any sort of gamer had been damaged badly. When he went to console her he saw that she had all the cards to win but just never played them herself. "She threw that game just so I could win. Even went as far as faking tears just to try and throw me off from her letting me win." He shook his head and made a silent vow to beat her at any game she chose next time.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:36 pm