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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Vivian Carmello
    Vivian Carmello

    Lineage : Eagle Vision
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    Posts : 120
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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Vivian Carmello 7th July 2014, 5:39 am

    "W-why did you set us up for t-this, Vi?" Vivian said meekly as she stood on the footsteps of the Nox Animus Guildhall. "It's a d-dark guild! W-what if they try to k-kill us?"
    "Oh, shut up," Vi said irritably. "You were the one who said you wanted to meet new people, right? So I signed us up for something." If the darker personality had control, she would have grinned; this 'prank' was turning out to be even better than she had imagined. "So what are you waiting for? Get in there, already!"
    Vivian whimpered slightly, obviously terrified of the idea of going in. "d-Damn you, Vi. W-why'd you have to do this?"
    "Because it's fun," Vi said off-handedly, enjoying the show.
    "I r-really hate you," Vivian said, beginning to slowly ascend the steps to the guildhall.
    "Tell me again," Vi said capriciously, "I don't think I heard you say that the first hundred or so times." The two continued to bicker, with Vivian speaking out loud, as they reached and knocked on the entrance to the guildhall.
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 8th July 2014, 2:12 pm

    Kiba had been sitting on the Steps of the guild hall reading and had not really noticed the woman talking to herself until she got close enough"d-Damn you, Vi. W-why'd you have to do this?"the woman was close enough to hear it this time. Kiba looks up from his book a gauges the woman. "I r-really hate you," the woman says as she walk past him. he stares at her as she passes.

    "uhh Ma'am are you ok." Kiba asks as he stands up tucking his book away. he frowns to himself for a second, that had been rude. "erm are you hear to join Nox Animus? or here to conduct business. one way or another Talk with Alexander."


    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] QGrxNTU
    Vivian Carmello
    Vivian Carmello

    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 125

    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Vivian Carmello 8th July 2014, 4:45 pm

    "EEEEK!" Vivian jumped a full foot back when a strange man addressed her, nearly falling all the way down the steps before righting herself. She felt herself blush as she looked up at the man, realizing both how insane she must have looked arguing with Vi and how foolish she had been to think that this would have worked well. "What's up with this guy? He looks like a girl," Vi mused, completely ignoring Vivian's discomfort. Shut up shut up shut up Vivian thought in response, prompting a laugh from Vi. "H-hello," Vivian stammered, blushing even more when she realized how much she was stuttering and how awkward she was being. "i-I'm here to j-join Nox. Is t-that okay?"
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 42
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    Character Sheet
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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 8th July 2014, 4:59 pm

    Kiba is a bit taken aback as the woman talks to herself again, he cocks his head to the right. "Yeah we take people who willing to help each other." he offers his hand "Kiba  Yukiko. if your joining Nox that would make you a guildmate." he smiles gently. "may i ask why your talking with yourself... i know thats a mildly rude question but i figured better to have it out of the way." Trying to be as friendly as he can be.


    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] QGrxNTU
    Vivian Carmello
    Vivian Carmello

    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 125

    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Vivian Carmello 8th July 2014, 5:06 pm

    For a moment, Vivian was relieved; this man was a member of Nox Animus, and he didn't seem too bad. She extends her hand as well, shaking it and muttering, "I'm v-Vivian Carmello. Nice to m-meet you, k-Kiba." When Kiba asked her why she was talking about, she blushed again, becoming as red as a tomato. "i-i-I'd rather not t-talk about it," she mumbled, stammering even more than usual. "W-would you be m-mad at me if I t-told you you'd f-find out soon?" She was starting to become a bit anxious; if she wasn't careful, Vi could slip out at any time, and she certainly didn't want that. Vi, meanwhile, was silent, trying to take in everything she could about Kiba's appearance, looks, and personality to file away in their shared knowledge pool.
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 42
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Dragon Slayer
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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 8th July 2014, 5:15 pm

    A slight hum is kiba only response it clear he is returning the Favor. After a second he pulls out a notebook and a pen. after jotting a few things down. "is this going to be a jarring surprise?" he say as he tucks the notebook and pen away again. "anyways I'm hungry wanna get something to eat?" he motions in the direction of a small cafe. "I'll buy a welcome gift well call it." he smiles gently.


    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] QGrxNTU
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Guild : Suripingu Mori
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Daemon Spade 8th July 2014, 5:19 pm

    "What' with all the noise ..." A voice called out from a nearby roof  just next to the staircase. Daemon was sleeping after a night on patrolling the ship and had just finished sleeping for the past seven hours and had just now woken up. Demon was dressed in his regular street clothes made up of a V-neck t-shirt with black cargo jeans and black  sandles.

    With a slight yawn Daemon stood up and cracked his neck and spine trying his best to get the blood flowing as he looked up and noticed Kiba talking to a woman he had never seen before. with a blank sheepish stare he turned his head to his partner in intelligence and covert affairs. Hey Kiba you got any coffee on hand ? He asked through a yawn as he jumped up and landed gracefully onto the metal railing with a stoic face as he reached into his side pocket and pulled out a small bag of pocky .


    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg
    Vivian Carmello
    Vivian Carmello

    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 125

    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Vivian Carmello 8th July 2014, 5:28 pm

    Vivian jumped back another foot at the sudden appearance of another man. This one was far taller than even Kiba, and exuded an intimidating aura that made her want to run. He addressed Kiba as an equal, however; that meant he was probably a member of Nox. In that case, she should try to make friends with him...no matter how terrifying he might seem. "H-hello," she mumbled, bowing. "I'm v-Vivian. May I ask your name?"
    "Hey, this one's kind of cute," Vi said, interrupting Vivian's already scattered thoughts. "He's just my type." Vivian just sighed, ignoring her alternate personality's outburst and trying to stay calm in front of her new guildmates.
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 8th July 2014, 5:32 pm

    "not yet but i was gonna head over to the cafe you can join me if you want Deamon." as kiba speak he turn towards the cafe. "hell ill even pay for you as well i guess." he begins walking to the cafe stopping for a sec. "well are you two coming or what?"


    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] QGrxNTU
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Daemon Spade 8th July 2014, 5:41 pm

    Daemon nodded and jumped off the railing and landed on the street a few blocks away from the café without making a noise as he turned to face the woman now known and Vivian. My name is Daemon spade it's nice to meet you as well." He bowed and turned on the ball of his foot and headed towards the café. A Daemon entered his sense of smell was over taken with the gentle smell of roasted coffee beans and fresh bakery sweets. "Hey kai-chan the usual please." Daemon asked as he walked to the counter and placed a few jewels onto the counter with a slight smile.


    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg
    Vivian Carmello
    Vivian Carmello

    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 125

    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Vivian Carmello 8th July 2014, 6:20 pm

    Vivian followed the pair of Nox members to the cafe, staying a short distance behind. She was doing her best to ignore Vi's ramblings in her head about how cute Daemon was and how androgynous Kiba was. Walking into the cafe, she took a deep sniff of the aroma and sighed happily. The smell of coffee was always a wonderful thing, even if she didn't quite enjoy the taste. Walking up to the bartender, she tried to speak as calmly as she could. "May I have a pastry, please? Something sweet, if you don't mind."
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
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    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 42
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    Character Sheet
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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 8th July 2014, 6:25 pm

    "course not. get what you want." Kiba pulls a few jewels out and offers them to Vivian. "here, anyways what made you want to join Nox?" kiba turns to the Waitress. "Orange-cherry Tea Please." after a few words with the waitress he turns back. "and this surprise of yours have anything with the fact you talk to yourself?" at this he Eyes Deamon and taps his hand on the table.


    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] QGrxNTU
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Guild : Suripingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar
    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Daemon Spade 8th July 2014, 7:39 pm

    Daemon nodded and sat down at the table as the waitress brought his coffee and Vivian's pastry as well as Kiba's Orange and cherry tea. From a single glance and the obvious stuttering the young maiden had something to hide. Daemon was however too tired to deal with the issue at the moment and calmly took a sip of his coffee. How about you tell us what goes on in that cute little head of yours ." He said with a slight smile as he handed the pastry to her while thanking Kai-chan for the excellent coffee and sadly yet again earning a swooning fest from Kai-chan. Daemon sighed and wrapped his arm around the girls waist and pulled her close whispering a death threat into her ear. I thought we discussed what would happen if Sara saw you on top of me again didn't she say something about making sure you never would be able to conceive children. " With a gentle smirk Daemon let go of Kai who quickly began to sweat and ran off to the back of the counter.


    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg
    Vivian Carmello
    Vivian Carmello

    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 125

    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Vivian Carmello 9th July 2014, 9:04 am

    Vivian watched nervously as she saw Daemon not only pull a girl aside, but whisper something in her ear. She didn't start to panic, however, until the girl skittered away, seemingly terrified. What had he told her? What would have made her swoon one moment and terrified her the next? Had he threatened to kill her? He must have; that was the only thing that could have terrified the girl so much. She knew going along with Vi had been a bad idea! Dark Guilds were bad news; what was to say they wouldn't kill her next? She had to get out of here. She had to-

    Vivian suddenly fell limp, her eyes becoming unfocused as both they and her hair turned a shade of red. "My turn," Vi muttered, giggling a bit as she took control of the body. "What?" Vivian said, panicking even more. "H-how could I have been so c-careless? N-n-no!" "Sorry," Vi said, obviously not meaning it, "But you blew your chance to get to know these two."Her eyes refocusing, Vi stood up straight and stared at her two new guildmates. "Yo," She said aloud, smiling.
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
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    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 42
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    Character Sheet
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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 9th July 2014, 1:33 pm

    Kiba watched Spade do his thing, watching with clear disapproval. as the girl scampered off he noticed Vivian go limp. "Vivian? Are you ok." he lifted the cup of tea to his lips and sipped it, enjoying the flavors. "this must be the surprise she was talking about." he says this as her hair changes color. he sets the cup down and watches as she stands up. "Yo."

    Raising a eyebrow "Vivian?" after a second he shrugs a picks up his cup of tea again, taking another sip. "care to Explain?"


    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] QGrxNTU
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Guild : Suripingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar
    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
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    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Daemon Spade 9th July 2014, 2:53 pm

    Being raised as both a knight and a thief Daemon learned very quickly that surviving in this world meant that there were certain times were you had to intimidate people. Daemon smiled at his partner with a look stating You know as well as I do sleeping with an informant would end horribly for both of parities involved s he calmly drank his coffee. After seeing Vivian's eyes and hair shift from her normal tone to a deep red and noting the slight change in her voice.. You wouldn't happen to suffer from multiple personalities would Miss Vivian? " Daemon golden eyes stared at the young maiden with a soul piercing glare.


    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg
    Vivian Carmello
    Vivian Carmello

    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 125

    A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social] Empty Re: A Cruel Prank (Vivian Carmello's Intro Thread)[Open, Social]

    Post by Vivian Carmello 9th July 2014, 5:31 pm

    Vi looked at both of her guildmates closely, confirming what she had seen when Vivian was in control. "Vivian's only got one other personality," she said calmly, "And that's me. The name's Vi; a pleasure to meet you both." She looked down at the pastry and pushed it away, making a face. "Eurgh, I can't understand how Vivian can eat that stuff. It just rots my mouth." She looked back up at her two companions, grinning. "Anyway, I'm Vi. I'm a side effect of Vivian's magic, and we're pretty much complete opposites." She twirled a lock of her hair idly. "I'm also the one who signed us up to join Nox."

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm