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    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)


    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Me, Myself and I and the Mother♥♪!?ers that I came with!
    Experience : 6250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Fool's Arcana
    Second Skill:
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    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by Geno 12th June 2014, 1:23 am


    "OK We're here, remember since we ditched "Light Guy" we'll have to handle this ourselves till he get's here. LET'S TRY AND KILL THEM ALL BEFORE HE SHOWS UP SO WE GET ALL THE GLORY!" Said the loudmouth voice in Geno's mindbrain.

    "Of course that's what we're going to do. That was obviously the plan that's why I also put a limiter on myself so that way I can show that I could do this job with my hands tied behind my back."

    Before Geno could continue with his monologue of how he was gonna increase his fame and renown his inner babytown frolics had a lame question. "But if we're limited we can't use our pure arcane magic. We'll have to stick with the Arcana since it would take at least a B-Rank, which we usually are, to use our spells we carried from our days as a wisp and with the limiter on us we're basically a C-rank."

    "Well thanks for all that exposition loser, I bet it's so useful if anyone was listening in on me talking to myself and could also somehow hear or see what you're saying as some way of determining how much of this experience helps me on my journey to power."

    "How could someone see what I'm saying?"

    "For the love of fuck! Shut up! I DON'T KNOW GUY! MAYBE THEY EAT ALOT OF CARROTS!!!" Geno's loser voice began to cry to himself in the corner. "I was only trying to help. You got that... right narrator?" Yes, I know you were just trying to help other guy voice. We can't help our places in life.

    Geno jumped off the roof he was crouched along the edges of and landed in front of a flower stand being watched by a pretty young woman. "oOo ay baybee you got a kid? Cause you look like oOO MA MA!"


    Theme Music:

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Aa9HcbG

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by Guest 15th June 2014, 2:26 am

    Jay had been standing in front of the job board browsing for work at length that day. He wanted something that would test his limits and make a difference that was not to far above him. He knew his limits well and wasn't about to go off dying like a fool. But everything that seemed within his ability seemed trivial. And as much as he enjoyed helping others in any way, he was in the mood for real combat. It was then Jay noticed an urgently marked job in Oak Town. He wouldn't be able to do it alone but if he could find someone to go with him it was within his range. Jay reached for the piece of paper with the job details when seemingly out of nowhere a a blur of wood swooped by and swiped it from the board. "Yoink!" said Geno and took off running.

    With a low growl Jay immediately took after Geno. "Hey!" Jay said shouting after the mad puppet, "Hey you! That was mine! I was about to claim that! Geno responded with what could only be described as laughter even though it sounded like series of chirps then anything else. But when Geno say Jay was serious and not letting up his pursuit he replied, "Why no no no my dear boy. It's mine because I feel like it." Enraged, Jay shouted back, "You didn't even look at it! You have no idea what you getting into or whats at stake! this isn't a solo job! you need someone to go with you!" To this Geno came to a dead stop and faced Jay. It was his turn to be angry. "Oh yeah!? JUST WATCH MEH! And to proove just how much of a badass I am, I'll even limit myself and still get it done! At that Geno took of again even faster.

    A half a day of sprinting later Jay arrived at Oak Town. He had stayed close on the heels of Geno most of the way there but at one point he had lost sight of him briefly and made sure it stayed that way. Jay frowned and marched though the towns market hoping to find his guild mate. Sour and salty Jay muttered to himself, "Blasted gnome... hope he gets termites..." He started  to ask some of the stales if they had seen Geno but they only shook there heads. Frustrated Jay took a deep breath to calm himself. I'll try this stall next I suppose... he thought to himself not knowing what else to do. It was a small stand with a cute girl selling flowers. He crossed the market and ten feet from the stale Geno came crashing down to hit on the unsuspecting lass. "oOo ay baybee you got a kid? Cause you look like oOO MA MA!" The girl let out a small shriek as Jay walked up behind Geno and gave him a small tap on the shoulder. "Listen, I'm going to be helping you on this job whether you like it or not. So get used to it." Jay said authoritatively while crossing his arms waiting for it's response.

    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Me, Myself and I and the Mother♥♪!?ers that I came with!
    Experience : 6250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Fool's Arcana
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by Geno 17th June 2014, 3:20 am

    "Uh huh, uh huh. Gimme a sec here Johnny." Geno placed a hand on the flower stand to support his way as he hopped over the counter to the side the young woman was on. "Now look here baby I know that it's dangerous... BUT I GOTTA GO! TO PROTECT THIS TOWN! TO PROTECT OUR BOY!" He said as he pointed to a random child playing a few buildings over. "TO PROTECT... you sweetheart." He said as he rubbed a finger across the woman's lower right eyelid. "Now now, don't you cry. Me and my buddy Johnny here are on the case." Geno grabbed the woman tight spun her around and kissed her in a dip before returning to normal. "I'm off, I'll be back before supper." The puppet made his way around the corner before running back.

    "Oh yeah, where's the crazy guy that's been terrorizing your town? Me and this guy here are going to be taking care of him. I think he was a fire mage named 'Lord Farquaad' and he leads cult which I believed are called the 'Tunnel Snakes'." The woman blinked a few times, maybe to see if this was really happening or she was maybe just having a heat stroke. "Yes... They come here almost everyday, If you just wait around they'll probably show up soon... but be careful... word has it... they rule." Geno walked away but not before grabbing a rose. "I'll be taking this to remember you by." The girl promptly ran after Geno. "Please don't go, we can just run away together." Geno crumpled the rose up in his hand like a piece of paper. "Now babe-" He said as he threw the crumpled paper/rose over his shoulder. "That's just not how Geno rolls." The puppet uttered as it pulled glasses from it's cape and continued to walk across the street to the taco stand. The flower stand exploding behind him as he walked away, not even looking back. The young woman collapsed on the ground and began to weep. "I'll never meet another man as good as him!" And she didn't, she still goes out to the Oak Town widow's walk everyday... waiting for her puppet to return to her.


    Theme Music:

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Aa9HcbG

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by Guest 19th June 2014, 11:52 pm

    Jay stood there quietly as Geno answered Jay and then returned his attention back to the flower girl. He gave a dramatic parting speech to the woman at the stand full of cliches that seemed to make her very uncomfortable. She struggled to get out of his grasp and even slapped him but the puppet didn't seem to notice. Geno then walked away, finished with his theatrics, only to immediately turn back around having apparently realizing he forgot something. "Oh yeah, where's the crazy guy that's been terrorizing your town? Me and this guy here are going to be taking care of him. I think he was a fire mage named 'Lord Farquaad' and he leads cult which I believed are called the 'Tunnel Snakes'." he asked. The woman blinked a few times, maybe to see if this was really happening or she was maybe just having a heat stroke. What are you even... I don't... just get away from me you psychotic little devil. Just leave me alone!" she screamed at him. Geno then took a rose from her stand and walked away. Enraged, the woman chased after him and again screamed at him, Hey! You have to pay for that! Geno crumpled the rose up in his hand like a piece of paper. "Now babe-" He said as he threw the crumpled rose over his shoulder. "That's just not how Geno rolls." Geno then pulled sun glasses from it's cape and continued to walk across the street. And as he did Jay thought he heard the puppet make an explosion sound effect with his mouth. Clearly that crazy thing is in a world of his own... he thought to himself.

    Jay was about to turn and follow Geno so that they could get to work but before he could the woman working at the flower stand approached him visibly upset. She just stood there glaring and tapping her foot on the ground with her hand out waiting. Jay stared back blankly before understanding what she wanted. He silently pulled a few bills of currency from a pocket and handed them to her. She grabbed the money the money from Jay's hand and stormed off without even counting it and sticking her nose up into the air with a "hmph". Jay followed after her and stopped her quickly, "Wait! Listen, I'm sorry about..." he began while gesturing towards Geno, ...that thing but we still need your help.  We are on a job to stop a group that has been harassing your town. Any information you can give would be helpful. The woman took a deep breath and let out a sigh to let out her built up frustration before speaking. She said, "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I have had no trouble with any group or heard about any one who... actually, I have heard some rumors. I recently was talking with a friend and she said some thuggish types was burning down a part of town near her. If you need more information you could ask her. She works at a bakery on the other side of town. The woman then gave Jay directions. He gave his thanks and then returned to Geno.

    Jay found Geno stuffing his face with tacos. "I have a lead. Stop making a mess and lets go... and don't forget to pay for your food." Jay said as he leaned against a nearby wall waiting for Geno.

    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Me, Myself and I and the Mother♥♪!?ers that I came with!
    Experience : 6250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Fool's Arcana
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by Geno 20th June 2014, 3:05 am

    "Oh Geno here doesn't have to pay, he's platinum member of the guild... 'The Guild of Calamitously Spicy Intent'" Said the 'Taco Guy' The Guild of Calamitously Spicy Intent was a secret underground shadow group secretly running all of earthland... you think the Illuminati is bad? "You have a lead? Well by all means show us the way detective dude... OH WAIT! I ALREADY GOT THE INTEL FROM MY TACO GUY!"

    Geno pulled out a dossier on the cultists and the fire mage running the show. "Read it and weep! And while you're weeping I'll be throwing you in the direction of the correct area so we do it faster." Geno ran up and bear hugged Johnny with the power of a 'Chariot' before jumping into the air and launching Johnny and himself off toward the destroyed part of town. "Tallyho!"


    As they flew through the air Geno let go of Johnny to take in the sights. "AH! Just breath in that fresh air Johnny it'll do ya good." In the background Geno could hear Johnny screaming at him. "Wait a minute this is gorgeous." Something about dying? "What? Oh yeah, you'll die on impact. HA what a story that would've been eh Johnny?!" Just as Johnny accepted his fate and was meters away from the sweet relief from this crazed puppet he felt the warm motherly warmth of his warm mother. 'THE EMPRESS (pat. pending)'. JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME! Johnny had landed right in the middle of the head crazy guy — Fart and some of his wacky Wednesday cronies. Geno had landed nearby and had a clear shot. "TAKE THA SHOT! SHOOT THA SHOT! GENO! GENO! TAKE THA SHOT!" Geno raised his hand to the group surrounding Johnny. "GENO WHIRL!" Nothing happened. "GENO WHIRL! — GENO WHIRL! GENOWHIRL! GNOWRL! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Then he realized it... he had put a limiter on himself. "Well crap... What can we do then..." The puppet was stumped. "Yeah I don't remember what other spells we got. We usually just Geno Whirl and call it a day..." Geno walked off and took a seat to contemplate what to do next. "Handle that for a second Johnny I need to think about how I can help, I forget."

    Last edited by Geno on 23rd June 2014, 8:02 am; edited 6 times in total


    Theme Music:

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Aa9HcbG

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by NPC 20th June 2014, 3:05 am

    The member 'Geno' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) NormalMonster Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) StrongMonster

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by Guest 20th June 2014, 4:06 am

    The man at the taco stand shrugged at Jay's question and said, "It's more trouble then it's worth to force him to pay. Me and all other taco stands through out Fiore keep a tab your guild master is responsible for." Jay frowned very upset that Geno's rampant behavior was being enabled by the guild master. Jay made a mental note to have a talk with Zeno after this job was finished... if he lived that long. Having finished stuffing his face and hearing he didn't have to pay, Geno turned in his seat to face Jay and addressed him with his usual bravado. "You have a lead? Well by all means show us the way detective dude... OH WAIT! I ALREADY GOT THE INTEL FROM MY TACO GUY!" Geno then stuffed a scribble filled napkin into Jay's face. Jay looked over at the taco man who had as a confused look as himself. Jay sighed to himself as Geno continued. "Read it and weep! And while you're weeping I'll be throwing you in the direction of the correct area so we do it faster." Geno ran up and bear hugged Jay with arcane power before jumping into the air and launching both of them off into the sky. "Tallyho!"

    Jay was unable to react to what was happening before he found himself in the air. As Geno let go and and assumed a lounging position and started talking casually, something in Jay snapped. "You MORON! First you claim a job I was about to take and then ditch me! Then you get here and start flirting and damaging the guild's image. Then you claim to have knowledge about our objective in the form of a NAPKIN! And now, I'm sailing through the air against my will hundreds of feet above the ground! I'M NOT SOME MAGICAL ENTITY LIKE YOU! THIS IS GOING TO KILL ME YOU ABSOLUTELY INSANE MOTHER F-" Before he could finish his statement Jay was enveloped in another of Geno's spells. And then he hit the ground, but instead of being turned into jelly remained intact. This however didn't stop him from bouncing and skidding across the ground. Jay crashed into some debris and rested their winded from his experience.

    From what Jay could tell they were in a damaged part of town, most of the buildings were charred or burnt down. Smashed belongings littered the ground. A few panicked people were attempting to flee the area. And in the middle of the street stood Geno and a small group of mages. Jay was still dazed and half buried behind the group. From what he could tell it seemed Geno was just standing their contemplating something. Seeing an easy opportunity both mage's continued with what they were doing. The rather elaborate red robed mage with blue hair and a wild toothy grin let out a giant fireball towards the crowd of people while the rather plain three let loose a steady fire stream directly at Geno.

    Last edited by Yawning King on 29th June 2014, 5:47 am; edited 4 times in total

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by Guest 29th June 2014, 5:16 am

    (Rolling to see if The Insane Fire-Make Wizard harms / kills one civilian or a nearby building / establishment.)

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by NPC 29th June 2014, 5:16 am

    The member 'Yawning King' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Attack

    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Me, Myself and I and the Mother♥♪!?ers that I came with!
    Experience : 6250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Fool's Arcana
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by Geno 29th June 2014, 6:00 am

    "Oh yeah, I can use the Magician!" Geno exclaimed as he remembered a combative spell he knew that didn't involve just straight up blasting an enemy with his energy. "We can also just shoot them, I mean we can't use our special abilities but we can still rain down hot arcane fury upon their bitch asses." This was true. "This is true." As the puppet continued to talk to himself his Geno Senses began to tingle. "Wow, sucker punch huh?" A stream of fire was heading toward the puppet, but his awesomeness protected him from harm as he leaped out of the way. Over the stream and toward it's source. "Wow, some bitchley crony?" Geno was angry from being interrupted "WHAT?! DID YOU WIN A BROWNIE PATCH FOR MOST BITCHLEY? I BET YOU DID A GOOD JOB AT THOSE CLASSES... ASSES!" Coming up on the peak of his leap he was able to see the head honcho wizard and his bitchley cronies were near enough to each other to injure four birds with one spell. "I'VE GOT ROOM TO SHOOT!" Geno's body was surrounded by the aura of the Magician before shooting an arcane bolt of energy toward his bitchley opponents. The wizard couldn't even see it coming as he was instantly decimated with a blast radiating from his point of origin damaging him as well as all his fellow bitchleys. "HEIL TO THE MILKMAN!" Geno was able to stick the landing, with the surrounding scarred civilians raising up to give him 10s. Looks like Geno is taking the gold once again this year.


    • Bitchley 1 - 2/4
    • Bitchley 2 - 3/4
    • Bitchley 3 - 3/4
    • Mid-Boss The Fire Wizard - 14/15

    Last edited by Geno on 6th July 2014, 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total


    Theme Music:

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Aa9HcbG

    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Me, Myself and I and the Mother♥♪!?ers that I came with!
    Experience : 6250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Fool's Arcana
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by Geno 29th June 2014, 6:10 am

    The crazy fire wizard reduced one of Geno's judges to ash, leaving a pile of dust with a lonely piece of paper lying on top of it. "10"

    Last edited by Geno on 29th June 2014, 6:12 am; edited 2 times in total


    Theme Music:

    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Aa9HcbG

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King)

    Post by NPC 29th June 2014, 6:10 am

    The member 'Geno' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout (Geno & Yawning King) Attack

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:29 am