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    Cathrine Joy's story


    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 37.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Trick Shot Gun Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Cathrine Joy's story Empty Cathrine Joy's story

    Post by Cathrine 1st June 2014, 8:44 pm

    History: There was once a young, gun magic using Rune Knight. He was well respected and had even managed to reach the rank of lieutenant. The man used special guns that his grandfather had commissioned in Ca-Elum many years ago. One day the man had been sent to take care of some dark mages that were causing trouble in a village. The man went to take care of them, however they were stronger then he had been expecting. After a fierce battle, the Rune Knight managed to win, but at the expense of his right arm. The man decided to retire after that, even with an artificial arm he would never be as strong as he once was and he felt that he would simply become a burden for the other Rune Knights. The man decided to explore the other countries of Earthland, to take in the different cultures and and their people. He traveled to for several years, he went through Seven, Iceberg, Bellum and Desierto until one day he came to Joya.

    In Joya, the man was treated very well by the half cats that lived there. One day, the former Rune Knight met a blond half cat hunter. She used Solid Script magic, and was even more friendly to him then the other half cats. The two fell in love and made a home in her tribes village. The two soon had a daughter who had cat ears and a tail. The couple decided  named her Cathrine after her mothers grandmother.

    When Cathrine was old enough to start learning magic, both her father and mother tried to teach the young half cat their forms of magic. After a few months, it became very clear that Cathrine was skilled in her fathers gun magic, not solid script like her mother. Cathrine's father started to train her, like his father did, in Trick Shot gun magic. She was a quick learner, and soon got the basics. She really enjoyed their training, and felt like it made the two of them closer.

    Wile Cathrine was growing up, she was made fun of by the other half cat children because of her father and his magic. They said that gun magic was only for the weak people who can not fight for themselves, and that was why her father had lost his arm. Cathrine would yell at the other children, saying that it was not true, but they would just laugh at her. Cathrine started to train even harder to show the others that her father's magic was strong. She planed to one day become a great hunter like her mother, and prove that her father's magic was strong.

    One day, Cathrine's father left their tribe's village to get some supplies from another. It was a short trip that he had made many times before. However, after a few days he had not returned, and Cahtrine's mother went in search of her lover. The next day she returned, saying there was nothing left of the young girl's father. She said that he had been eaten by one of the deadly beasts of the forest. Both Cathrine and her mother were heart broken. Her mother became a recluse, barely seeing anyone other then her daughter, and Cathrine started to train even harder because it reminded her of her father.

    When Cathrine turned 14, she decided that she would travel to Fiora, her father's homeland, and become a Rune Knight like he once was. Her mother said that she should not go, the trip was to dangerous for a girl her age. However, in the middle of the night, Cathrine snuck out of the house with a week worth of food and started to make her way to Fiora.

    When the half cat had just left the mountains around Joya, she was jumped by a group of dark mages. She tried to fend them off, but they easily overpowered her, and stole most of what she had, including three of her father's guns, which he had entrusted her with her the day he had left. After the attack, Cathrine had spent about an hour crying. She had lost her father's guns, the last thing she had from him. When she had finished crying, Cathrine got up and made a vow that she would find the rest of her father's guns, no matter how long it took.

    It took Cathrine about a year to reach Fiora, and once she arrived she headed straight for the Rune Knight HQ so that she could attempt to enter their ranks.

    RP Sample: Cathrine smiled to herself as she rode the train to Fiore, barely able to contain her excitement. Finely, she thought to herself, I am going to be in father's homeland. She had been traveling for almost a full year, trying to reach this place, and now after so long she was almost here. Cathrine subconsciously placed a hand on the chain that she kept her miniature guns on. The cool metal on her hands always felt reassuring to her and reminded her of training with her fahter.

    After about hour, the train finely came to a stop. Over the laud speaker, a shrill voice said, "Last stop, everyone off the train, I say again, Last stop, everyone off the train." Cathrine flinched a little at the sound of the voice. Her ears were sharper then most other humans and the shrill she had found the shrill voice irritating.

    Cathrine got up and grabbed her small suit case that contained the few thing that she possessed. "Well," she said to herself "time to start my next adventure."

    Face Claim: I am not sure if it is from somthing, but I found the picture here(I am not allowed to post outside links for the first 7 days, so i can not give you the link now but i will fix this as soon as posible)



    Chapter One:


    Cathrine Joy's story KPN6oQD

    Emotional Song:

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:27 am